Determination of Intergeneration Differences of Nurses and Student Nurses About Lifelong Learning in The Changing World: Eastern Black Sea Sample
Year 2020,
, 28 - 36, 30.04.2020
Ayten Yılmaz Yavuz
Objective: Advances in medicine and technology have caused professional knowledge to develop and change. The aim of the present study is to find out the intergeneration differences of nurses and student nurses about lifelong learning in the changing world.
Methods: This descriptive study was conducted on 532 student nurses and nurses in a city of Eastern Black Sea region. The data were collected through a questionnaire form prepared to find out the views of nurses about lifelong learning. Descriptive statistics and Chi-square test were used in the assessment of data.
Results: One third of the participants who were student nurses were in their third of study and nurses were found to be working in the profession with a mean of five years. It was found that the participants thought it should be obligatory for nurses to participate in continuing education activities so that they can work in health institutions. It was found that 68.5% of the nurses preferred applicability feature and 82.6% preferred visual and audio educational materials in lifelong learning programs. It was found that nurses participated in educational programs more and 84.4% of the nurses were found to have received basic electrocardiography education and 60.8% of the nurses stated that they would like to receive education on nutrition nursing. It was found that nurses wanted to participate in education programs for professional development, while student nurses wanted to participate for career development.
Conclusions: It can be seen that nurses working participated in education programs more and wanted to participate in educational activities if they were given the opportunity. The awareness for lifelong learning and reaching related programs should be raised starting from years at the university and these studies should be included in the curriculum so that nurses can hear about professional development and changes.
The authors are thankful to Nurse Burak Budak, Nurse Gülsüm Yıldız and hospital workers who helped in the collection of data.
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