Research Article
BibTex RIS Cite
Year 2020, , 227 - 239, 31.08.2020



  • Alpar R. Applied statistics and validity and reliability with examples from sports, health and education sciences. Ankara: Detay Publishing; 2010.
  • Alpar R. Applied multivariate statistical methods. Ankara: Detay Publishing; 2013.
  • Attali D. shinyjs: easily improve the user experience of your shiny apps in seconds; 2016. R package version 0.8
  • Baumer B, Cetinkaya-Rundel M, Bray A, Loi L, Horton N. J. R Markdown: Integrating a reproducible analysis tool into introductory statistics. arXiv preprint arXiv:1402.1894, 2014.
  • Ripley B, Venables B, Bates D M, Hornik K, Gebhardt A, Firth D, Ripley M B. MASS: support functions and datasets for Venables and Ripley’s MASS. R package version, 2011, 7: 3-29.
  • Chang W, Ribeiro B B. shinydashboard: create dashboards with ‘Shiny’; 2017. R package version 0.6.1
  • Chang W, Cheng J, Allaire J, Xie Y, McPherson J. Shiny: web application framework for R; 2016. R Package version 0.14.2.
  • IBM C. R. IBM SPSS Statistics for Windows, Version Q3 25.0. Armonk, NY: IBM Corporation, 2017.
  • Caparlar C. Ö, Dönmez A. What is Scientific Research and How Is It Done? Turk J Anaesthesiol Reanim, 2016 44: 212-8.
  • Granjon D. shinydashboardPlus: Add More ‘AdminLTE2’ Components to ‘shinydashboard’; 2019. R Package Version 0.7.0.
  • DUMAS J. shinyLP: Bootstrap Landing Home Pages for Shiny Applications; 2019. R package version.
  • Groemping U, Matthias L. Package ‘relaimpo’; (2018). R package
  • Wickham H, Chang W. devtools: tools to make developing R packages easier; 2018. R package version 1.13. 4.
  • Hebbali A. olsrr: Tools for building OLS Regression Models; 2018. R version 0.5. 1.
  • Hendrickx J, Hendrickx M J. Package ‘perturb’; 2019. .
  • Imdadullah M, Aslam M, Imdadullah M. M, LazyData T. R. U. E. Package ‘mctest’; 2016. .
  • Owen J. rhandsontable: Interface to the ‘Handsontable. js’ library; 2018. R package version 0.3, 7.
  • Kohl M, Kohl M. M. Package ‘MKmisc’; 2019. R package version 0.3.
  • Kuhn M. The caret package; 2012. R Foundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna, Austria.
  • Lesnoff M, Lancelot R, Lancelot M R, Suggests M. Package ‘aod’; 2010. R package version 1.3.1.
  • Minitab, I (2000) MINITAB statistical software. Minitab Release, 13.
  • Orhunbilge N, Applied regression and correlation analysis. Ankara: NOBEL Academic Publishing; 2017.
  • Ozdamar, K. 2013. Biostatistics with SPSS. Eskişehir: Nisan Bookstore Publications; 2013.
  • Perrier V, shinyWidgets: Custom Inputs Widgets for Shiny; 2019. R package version, 0.4.8.
  • Pituch K A, Stevens J P. Applied multivariate statistics for the social sciences: Analyses with SAS and IBM’s SPSS. Routledge: NewYork; 2016.
  • MedCalc Statistical Software. Version, bvba, Ostend, Belgium.
  • Sievert C, Parmer C, Hocking T, Chamberlain S, Ram K, Corvellec M, Despouy P. plotly: Create Interactive Web Graphics via’plotly. js’; 2016. R package version 3.6. 0. ed.
  • StatSoft I, (2001) STATISTICA (data analysis software system), version 6. Tulsa, USA, 150, 91-94.
  • Tang Y. shinyjqui: 'jQuery UI' Interactions and Effects for Shiny; 2018.
  • Team R C, Bivand R, Carey V J, DebRoy S, Eglen S, Guha R, Herbrandt S, et al. Package ‘foreign’; 2019.
  • Wickham, H. Stringr: modern, consistent string processing. The R Journal 2010; 2(2), 38-40.
  • Wickham H. ggplot2. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Computational Statistics 2011; 3(2), 180-185.
  • Wickham H, Francois R. dplyr: A Grammar of Data Manipulation; 2015.. R package version 0.4. 3.
  • Wickham H, Bryan J. readxl: Read Excel Files; 2017. R package version 1.0. 0. URL https://CRAN. R-project. org/package= readxl.
  • Wickham H, Wickham M. H. Package ‘plyr’; 2016. Obtenido de.
  • Wickham H, Wickham M H, Rcpp L. Package ‘reshape’; 2018. R package version 0.8.8.
  • Xie Y, Cheng J, Allaire J, Reavis B, Gersen L, Szopka B. DT: a wrapper of the JavaScript library ‘DataTables; 2015. R package version 0.1.
  • Yazici, B & Yolacan, S (2007) A comparison of various tests of normality. J Stat Comput Simul., 77, 175-183.
  • XIE Y. tinytex: Helper Functions to Install and Maintain TeX Live, and Compile LaTeX Documents; 2018. R package version 5.8.

A Developed Interactive Web Application for Statistical Analysis: Statistical Analysis Software

Year 2020, , 227 - 239, 31.08.2020


Objective: Hypothesis testing, correlation, and regression analysis are statistical methods developed to be used in the statistical inference process which is the main purpose of all scientific studies. The purpose of this study is to develop a web-based application using the Shiny package in R software, which allows the evaluation of the results of scientific research to be made in a simpler, easier and understandable way. Methods: In this study, the tests and techniques developed in the software were applied to the data derived from the simulation. This web tool will be updated upon the updated R software packages, including ggplot2, shiny, reshape, plotly, shinydashboard, dplyr, plyr, tinytex, DT, rhandsontable, shinyjs, tools, readxl, foreign, shinyWidgets, shinyLP, shinyjqui, stringr, olsrr, perturb, mctest, relaimpo, MASS, MKmisc, aod, caret, shinydashboardPlus, rmarkdown. Scripts were written for calculations that could not be done by these packages.
Results: In the web-based software developed to perform statistical analyses, the results and outputs of the derived dataset were interpreted.
Conclusion: The developed interactive user-friendly web application is freely accessible through In future studies, it is aimed to strengthen the software by adding modules that perform different multivariate statistical analyzes.


  • Alpar R. Applied statistics and validity and reliability with examples from sports, health and education sciences. Ankara: Detay Publishing; 2010.
  • Alpar R. Applied multivariate statistical methods. Ankara: Detay Publishing; 2013.
  • Attali D. shinyjs: easily improve the user experience of your shiny apps in seconds; 2016. R package version 0.8
  • Baumer B, Cetinkaya-Rundel M, Bray A, Loi L, Horton N. J. R Markdown: Integrating a reproducible analysis tool into introductory statistics. arXiv preprint arXiv:1402.1894, 2014.
  • Ripley B, Venables B, Bates D M, Hornik K, Gebhardt A, Firth D, Ripley M B. MASS: support functions and datasets for Venables and Ripley’s MASS. R package version, 2011, 7: 3-29.
  • Chang W, Ribeiro B B. shinydashboard: create dashboards with ‘Shiny’; 2017. R package version 0.6.1
  • Chang W, Cheng J, Allaire J, Xie Y, McPherson J. Shiny: web application framework for R; 2016. R Package version 0.14.2.
  • IBM C. R. IBM SPSS Statistics for Windows, Version Q3 25.0. Armonk, NY: IBM Corporation, 2017.
  • Caparlar C. Ö, Dönmez A. What is Scientific Research and How Is It Done? Turk J Anaesthesiol Reanim, 2016 44: 212-8.
  • Granjon D. shinydashboardPlus: Add More ‘AdminLTE2’ Components to ‘shinydashboard’; 2019. R Package Version 0.7.0.
  • DUMAS J. shinyLP: Bootstrap Landing Home Pages for Shiny Applications; 2019. R package version.
  • Groemping U, Matthias L. Package ‘relaimpo’; (2018). R package
  • Wickham H, Chang W. devtools: tools to make developing R packages easier; 2018. R package version 1.13. 4.
  • Hebbali A. olsrr: Tools for building OLS Regression Models; 2018. R version 0.5. 1.
  • Hendrickx J, Hendrickx M J. Package ‘perturb’; 2019. .
  • Imdadullah M, Aslam M, Imdadullah M. M, LazyData T. R. U. E. Package ‘mctest’; 2016. .
  • Owen J. rhandsontable: Interface to the ‘Handsontable. js’ library; 2018. R package version 0.3, 7.
  • Kohl M, Kohl M. M. Package ‘MKmisc’; 2019. R package version 0.3.
  • Kuhn M. The caret package; 2012. R Foundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna, Austria.
  • Lesnoff M, Lancelot R, Lancelot M R, Suggests M. Package ‘aod’; 2010. R package version 1.3.1.
  • Minitab, I (2000) MINITAB statistical software. Minitab Release, 13.
  • Orhunbilge N, Applied regression and correlation analysis. Ankara: NOBEL Academic Publishing; 2017.
  • Ozdamar, K. 2013. Biostatistics with SPSS. Eskişehir: Nisan Bookstore Publications; 2013.
  • Perrier V, shinyWidgets: Custom Inputs Widgets for Shiny; 2019. R package version, 0.4.8.
  • Pituch K A, Stevens J P. Applied multivariate statistics for the social sciences: Analyses with SAS and IBM’s SPSS. Routledge: NewYork; 2016.
  • MedCalc Statistical Software. Version, bvba, Ostend, Belgium.
  • Sievert C, Parmer C, Hocking T, Chamberlain S, Ram K, Corvellec M, Despouy P. plotly: Create Interactive Web Graphics via’plotly. js’; 2016. R package version 3.6. 0. ed.
  • StatSoft I, (2001) STATISTICA (data analysis software system), version 6. Tulsa, USA, 150, 91-94.
  • Tang Y. shinyjqui: 'jQuery UI' Interactions and Effects for Shiny; 2018.
  • Team R C, Bivand R, Carey V J, DebRoy S, Eglen S, Guha R, Herbrandt S, et al. Package ‘foreign’; 2019.
  • Wickham, H. Stringr: modern, consistent string processing. The R Journal 2010; 2(2), 38-40.
  • Wickham H. ggplot2. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Computational Statistics 2011; 3(2), 180-185.
  • Wickham H, Francois R. dplyr: A Grammar of Data Manipulation; 2015.. R package version 0.4. 3.
  • Wickham H, Bryan J. readxl: Read Excel Files; 2017. R package version 1.0. 0. URL https://CRAN. R-project. org/package= readxl.
  • Wickham H, Wickham M. H. Package ‘plyr’; 2016. Obtenido de.
  • Wickham H, Wickham M H, Rcpp L. Package ‘reshape’; 2018. R package version 0.8.8.
  • Xie Y, Cheng J, Allaire J, Reavis B, Gersen L, Szopka B. DT: a wrapper of the JavaScript library ‘DataTables; 2015. R package version 0.1.
  • Yazici, B & Yolacan, S (2007) A comparison of various tests of normality. J Stat Comput Simul., 77, 175-183.
  • XIE Y. tinytex: Helper Functions to Install and Maintain TeX Live, and Compile LaTeX Documents; 2018. R package version 5.8.
There are 39 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Health Care Administration
Journal Section Case reports

Şeyma Yaşar 0000-0003-1300-3393

Ahmet Arslan 0000-0001-8626-9542

Cemil Çolak 0000-0001-5406-098X

Saim Yoloğlu This is me 0000-0002-9619-3462

Publication Date August 31, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020


Vancouver Yaşar Ş, Arslan A, Çolak C, Yoloğlu S. A Developed Interactive Web Application for Statistical Analysis: Statistical Analysis Software. Mid Blac Sea J Health Sci. 2020;6(2):227-39.

Cited By

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