Research Article
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Impact Of The Covid-19 Pandemic On Anxiety And Depression Levels Of The Dialysis Center Employees

Year 2020, , 240 - 248, 31.08.2020


Objective: Coronavirus (COVID-19), an acute respiratory tract disease caused by a new coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2, formerly known as 2019-nCoV), first emerged in China and then drew attention spreading worldwide. In our study we aimed to determine the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the dialysis center employees.
Methods: The healthcare professionals to take part in the study were limited to the dialysis center employees. The study used a questionnaire comprising the participants’ socio-demographic characteristics, Beck Anxiety Inventory and Beck Depression Inventory, asdata collection tool. The participants completed the questionnaire on voluntary basis in their own environment. As the Beck Anxiety Inventory and Beck Depression Inventory are grading inventories, their validity was confirmed via factor analyses. In addition their reliability analyses were conducted. In order to test the purposes of the study, the SPSS statistics software was used. The analyses were carried out at 95% (p=0.05) confidence interval. The study used descriptive statistical methods, t and ANOVA tests and correlation analysis.
Results: Among the participants;54.4% are female and 79.4% are aged 26 to 49 years. 51% of the participants have encountered patients with covid, 41.2% have served patients with covid, 22.1% had covid test and tested negative. 55.9% of the participants have developed no anxiety symptoms, while 24% havedeveloped mild symptoms, 11.8% moderate symptoms and 8.3% severe symptoms. 59.3% of the participants have developed no depression symptoms, while 27.5% have developed mild symptoms, 11.3% moderate symptoms and 2% severe symptoms. It was determined that the participants’ gender, occupation (title), type of their hospital, state of encountering patients with covid and serving these patients, affected their anxiety and depression levels.
Conclusion: A significant rate of anxiety and depression was determined in the healthcare professionals providing service in hemodialysis units during the Covid-19 pandemic. In all pandemics, it is necessary to carefully evaluate not only patients, but also healthcare professionals providing service to chronic patients and to take measures. Otherwise healthcare professionals who do not feel well, will not be able to provide effective service.


  • Anxiety Disorders. National Institute of Mental Health. Available at: http://www. nimh. nih. Gov / health / topics / anxiety-disorders / index .shtml.
  • Ansseau M, Dierick M, Buntinkx F, Cnockaert P, Smedt JD, Van Den Haute M, et. al. High Prevalence of Mental Disorders in Primary Care. J Affect Disord. 2004 Jan;78 (1): 49-55.
  • Arechabala MC, Catoni MI, Palma E, Barrios S. Depression and Self-Perceived Burden of Care by Hemodialysis Patients and Their Caregivers. Rev Panam Salud Publica. 2011 Jul;30(1):74-9.
  • Arbabzadeh-Bouchez S, Tylee A, Lepine JP. A European Perspective on Depression in the Community: The DEPRES Study. CNS Spectrums. 2002 Vol 7, No 2;120-126.
  • Bebbington PE, Dunn G, Jenkins R, Lewis G, Brugha T, Farrell M, et al. The İnfluence of Age and Sex on the Prevalence of Depressive Conditions: Report From the National Survey of Psychiatric Morbidity. Psychological Medicine. 1998;28 (1):9–19.
  • Beck AT. An Inventory formeasuringdepression. Arch Gen Psychiatry 1961;4:561–71.
  • Beck AT, Epstein N, Brown G, Steer RA. An inventoryformeasuringclinicalanxiety: Psychometricproperties. J Consult Clin Psychol 1988;56:893–7.
  • Brown TA, Campbell LA, Lehman CL, Grisham, JR, Mancill RB. Current and Lifetime Comorbidity of the DSM-IV Anxiety and Mood Disorders in a Large Clinical Sample. J. Abnorm. Psychol. 2001 Nov;110 (4):585-599.
  • Chong MY, Wang WC, Hsieh WC, Lee CY, Chiu NM, Yeh WC, et. al. Psychological impact of severe acute respiratory syndrome on health workers in a tertiary hospital. Br J Psychiatry. 2004;185:127–133.
  • Coskun R, Altunısık R, Yıldırım E. (2017). Research methods in social sciences (SPSS Applied). Adapazarı: Sakarya Bookstore.
  • Ferrari AJ, Somerville AJ, Baxter AJ, Norman R, Patten SB, Vos T et. al. Global variation in the prevalence and incidence of major depressive disorder: a systematic review of the epidemiological literature. Psychological Medicine. 2013;43(3):471–481.
  • Gerogianni G, Polikandrioti M, Babatsikou F, Zyga S, Alikari V, Vasilopoulos G, et al. Anxiety–Depression of Dialysis Patients and Their Caregivers, Medicina (Kauras) 2019 May; 55(5):168.1-9.
  • Goulia P, Mantas C, Dimitroula D, Mantis D, Hyphantis T. General hospital staff worries, perceived sufficiency of information and associated psychological distress during the A/H1N1 influenza pandemic. BMC Infect Dis. 2010;10(322).
  • Hall LH, Johnson J, Watt I, Tsipa A, O'Connor DB. Healthcare Staff Wellbeing, Burnout, and Patient Safety: A Systematic Review. PLoSOne. 2016; 11(7): e0159015.
  • Huppert JD. Anxiety Disorders and Depression Comorbidity. Oxford handbook of anxiety and related disorders. Oxford University Press, New York 2008. pp. 576-586.
  • Hussin A. Rothana, Siddappa N. Byrareddy, The Epidemiology and Pathogenesis of Coronavirüs Disease (COVID-19) Outbreak, J Autoimmun. 2020 May; 109: 102433.
  • Karagoz, Y. SPSS and AMOS Applied Scientific Research Methods and Publication Ethics. Ankara: Nobel Publishing. 2007.
  • Karatas A, Canakci E, Turkmen E. Comparison of Sleep Quality of Life İndexes with Sociodemographic Characteristics in Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease. Niger J Clin Pract 2018;21:1461-1467.
  • Kusek JW, Greene P, Wang SR, Beck G, West D, Jamerson K, et. al. Cross-sectional Study of Health Related Quality of Life in African Americans with Chronic Renal İnsufficiency: the African American Study of Kidney Disease and Hypertension.Trial. Am J Kidney Dis 2002 Mar; 39(3): 513–524.
  • Kessler RC, Ormel J, Petukhova M, McLaughlin KA, Green JG, Russo LJ, et al. Development of Lifetime Comorbidity in the World Health Organization World Mental Health Surveys. Arch Gen Psychiatry. 2011 Jan; 68 (1): 90-100.
  • Lwia SJ, Ford BQ, Casey JJ,Miller BL, Levenson RW. Poor Caregiver Mental Health Predicts Mortality of Patients with Neurodegenerative Disease. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2017 Jul 11;114 (28): 7319-7324.
  • Mahoney R, Regan C, Katona C, Livingston G. Anxiety and Depression in Family Caregivers of People with Alzheimer Disease: the LASER-AD Study. Am J Geriatr Psychiatry. 2005 Sep;13(9): 795-801.
  • Mitchell AJ, Vaze A, Rao S. Clinical Diagnosis of Depression in Primary Care: A Meta-Analysis. Lancet. 2009 Aug 22;374 (9690): 609-19.
  • Mitchell AJ, Rao S, Vaze A. International Comparison of Clinicians’ ability to identify depression in primary care: meta-analysis and meta-regression of predictors. Br J Gen Pract. 2011 Feb 1; 61(583): e72–e80.
  • Naicker S, Yang CW, Hwang SJ, Liu BC, Chen JH, Jha V, The Novel Coronavirus 2019 Epidemic and Kidneys, Kidney International (2020), doi: j.kint.2020.03.001.
  • Pereira BDS, Fernandes NDS, Melo NPD, Abrita R, Grincenkov FRDS, Fernandes NMDS. Beyond Quality of Life:A Cross Sectional Study on the Mental Health of Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease Under Going Dialysis and Their Caregivers. Health Qual Life Outcomes 2017 Apr 17;15(1):74.
  • Perlman RL, Finkelstein FO, Liu L, Roys E, Kiser M, Eisele G, et al. Quality of Life in Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD): a Cross-Sectional Analysis in the Renal Research Institute-CKD Study. Am J Kidney Dis 2005; 45: 658–666.
  • Sajadi, S. Ebadi, A, Moradian, S. Quality of Life among Family Caregivers of Patients on Hemodialysis and its Relevant Factors. A Systematic Review. IJCBNM 2017, 5, 206–218.
  • Seale H, Leask J, Po K, MacIntyre CR: “Will they just pack up and leave?” attitudes and intended behaviour of hospital health care workers during an influenza pandemic. BMC Health Services Research 2009, 9:30.
  • Vasilopoulou C, Bourtsi E, Giaple S, Koutelekos I, Theofilou P, Polikandrioti M. The Impact of Anxiety and Depression on the Quality of Life of Hemodialysis Patients. Glob. J.Health Sci. 2016 Jan;8(1):45-55.
  • Wang LJ, Chen CK. The Psychological Impact of Hemodialysis on Patients with Chronic Renal Failure, Renal Failure Diagnosis and Treatment - The Facts, Dr. Momir Polenakovic (Ed.) (2012), 217-36. ISBN: 978-953-51-0630-2.
  • Wang Y, PingWang. Perceived Stres and Psychological Distress Among Chinese Physicians The Mediating Role of Coping Style. Medicine 2019 Jun; 98(23):e15950.
  • Wittchen HU, Zhao S, Kessler RC, EatonWW. DSM-III-R Generalized Anxiety Disorder in the National Comorbidity Survey. Arch Gen Psychiatry. 1994;51 (5): 355-64.
  • World Health Organization (WHO): New Understanding, New Hope: Burden of Mental and Behavioural Disorders. In: The World Health Report-MentalHealth, Geneva, WHO Press, 2010, pp 1–65.
  • World Health Organization Corona virüs disease (COVID-2019) situation reports. 2020. https:// / emergencies / diseases / novel-coronavirus-2019/ situation reports. Accessed 5 Mar 2020.
  • Zhu N, Zhang D, Wang W, Li X, Yang B, Song J, et al. A Novel Coronavirüs From Patients with Pneumonia in China, 2019. N Engl J Med. 2020;382 (8): 727–33.
Year 2020, , 240 - 248, 31.08.2020



  • Anxiety Disorders. National Institute of Mental Health. Available at: http://www. nimh. nih. Gov / health / topics / anxiety-disorders / index .shtml.
  • Ansseau M, Dierick M, Buntinkx F, Cnockaert P, Smedt JD, Van Den Haute M, et. al. High Prevalence of Mental Disorders in Primary Care. J Affect Disord. 2004 Jan;78 (1): 49-55.
  • Arechabala MC, Catoni MI, Palma E, Barrios S. Depression and Self-Perceived Burden of Care by Hemodialysis Patients and Their Caregivers. Rev Panam Salud Publica. 2011 Jul;30(1):74-9.
  • Arbabzadeh-Bouchez S, Tylee A, Lepine JP. A European Perspective on Depression in the Community: The DEPRES Study. CNS Spectrums. 2002 Vol 7, No 2;120-126.
  • Bebbington PE, Dunn G, Jenkins R, Lewis G, Brugha T, Farrell M, et al. The İnfluence of Age and Sex on the Prevalence of Depressive Conditions: Report From the National Survey of Psychiatric Morbidity. Psychological Medicine. 1998;28 (1):9–19.
  • Beck AT. An Inventory formeasuringdepression. Arch Gen Psychiatry 1961;4:561–71.
  • Beck AT, Epstein N, Brown G, Steer RA. An inventoryformeasuringclinicalanxiety: Psychometricproperties. J Consult Clin Psychol 1988;56:893–7.
  • Brown TA, Campbell LA, Lehman CL, Grisham, JR, Mancill RB. Current and Lifetime Comorbidity of the DSM-IV Anxiety and Mood Disorders in a Large Clinical Sample. J. Abnorm. Psychol. 2001 Nov;110 (4):585-599.
  • Chong MY, Wang WC, Hsieh WC, Lee CY, Chiu NM, Yeh WC, et. al. Psychological impact of severe acute respiratory syndrome on health workers in a tertiary hospital. Br J Psychiatry. 2004;185:127–133.
  • Coskun R, Altunısık R, Yıldırım E. (2017). Research methods in social sciences (SPSS Applied). Adapazarı: Sakarya Bookstore.
  • Ferrari AJ, Somerville AJ, Baxter AJ, Norman R, Patten SB, Vos T et. al. Global variation in the prevalence and incidence of major depressive disorder: a systematic review of the epidemiological literature. Psychological Medicine. 2013;43(3):471–481.
  • Gerogianni G, Polikandrioti M, Babatsikou F, Zyga S, Alikari V, Vasilopoulos G, et al. Anxiety–Depression of Dialysis Patients and Their Caregivers, Medicina (Kauras) 2019 May; 55(5):168.1-9.
  • Goulia P, Mantas C, Dimitroula D, Mantis D, Hyphantis T. General hospital staff worries, perceived sufficiency of information and associated psychological distress during the A/H1N1 influenza pandemic. BMC Infect Dis. 2010;10(322).
  • Hall LH, Johnson J, Watt I, Tsipa A, O'Connor DB. Healthcare Staff Wellbeing, Burnout, and Patient Safety: A Systematic Review. PLoSOne. 2016; 11(7): e0159015.
  • Huppert JD. Anxiety Disorders and Depression Comorbidity. Oxford handbook of anxiety and related disorders. Oxford University Press, New York 2008. pp. 576-586.
  • Hussin A. Rothana, Siddappa N. Byrareddy, The Epidemiology and Pathogenesis of Coronavirüs Disease (COVID-19) Outbreak, J Autoimmun. 2020 May; 109: 102433.
  • Karagoz, Y. SPSS and AMOS Applied Scientific Research Methods and Publication Ethics. Ankara: Nobel Publishing. 2007.
  • Karatas A, Canakci E, Turkmen E. Comparison of Sleep Quality of Life İndexes with Sociodemographic Characteristics in Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease. Niger J Clin Pract 2018;21:1461-1467.
  • Kusek JW, Greene P, Wang SR, Beck G, West D, Jamerson K, et. al. Cross-sectional Study of Health Related Quality of Life in African Americans with Chronic Renal İnsufficiency: the African American Study of Kidney Disease and Hypertension.Trial. Am J Kidney Dis 2002 Mar; 39(3): 513–524.
  • Kessler RC, Ormel J, Petukhova M, McLaughlin KA, Green JG, Russo LJ, et al. Development of Lifetime Comorbidity in the World Health Organization World Mental Health Surveys. Arch Gen Psychiatry. 2011 Jan; 68 (1): 90-100.
  • Lwia SJ, Ford BQ, Casey JJ,Miller BL, Levenson RW. Poor Caregiver Mental Health Predicts Mortality of Patients with Neurodegenerative Disease. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2017 Jul 11;114 (28): 7319-7324.
  • Mahoney R, Regan C, Katona C, Livingston G. Anxiety and Depression in Family Caregivers of People with Alzheimer Disease: the LASER-AD Study. Am J Geriatr Psychiatry. 2005 Sep;13(9): 795-801.
  • Mitchell AJ, Vaze A, Rao S. Clinical Diagnosis of Depression in Primary Care: A Meta-Analysis. Lancet. 2009 Aug 22;374 (9690): 609-19.
  • Mitchell AJ, Rao S, Vaze A. International Comparison of Clinicians’ ability to identify depression in primary care: meta-analysis and meta-regression of predictors. Br J Gen Pract. 2011 Feb 1; 61(583): e72–e80.
  • Naicker S, Yang CW, Hwang SJ, Liu BC, Chen JH, Jha V, The Novel Coronavirus 2019 Epidemic and Kidneys, Kidney International (2020), doi: j.kint.2020.03.001.
  • Pereira BDS, Fernandes NDS, Melo NPD, Abrita R, Grincenkov FRDS, Fernandes NMDS. Beyond Quality of Life:A Cross Sectional Study on the Mental Health of Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease Under Going Dialysis and Their Caregivers. Health Qual Life Outcomes 2017 Apr 17;15(1):74.
  • Perlman RL, Finkelstein FO, Liu L, Roys E, Kiser M, Eisele G, et al. Quality of Life in Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD): a Cross-Sectional Analysis in the Renal Research Institute-CKD Study. Am J Kidney Dis 2005; 45: 658–666.
  • Sajadi, S. Ebadi, A, Moradian, S. Quality of Life among Family Caregivers of Patients on Hemodialysis and its Relevant Factors. A Systematic Review. IJCBNM 2017, 5, 206–218.
  • Seale H, Leask J, Po K, MacIntyre CR: “Will they just pack up and leave?” attitudes and intended behaviour of hospital health care workers during an influenza pandemic. BMC Health Services Research 2009, 9:30.
  • Vasilopoulou C, Bourtsi E, Giaple S, Koutelekos I, Theofilou P, Polikandrioti M. The Impact of Anxiety and Depression on the Quality of Life of Hemodialysis Patients. Glob. J.Health Sci. 2016 Jan;8(1):45-55.
  • Wang LJ, Chen CK. The Psychological Impact of Hemodialysis on Patients with Chronic Renal Failure, Renal Failure Diagnosis and Treatment - The Facts, Dr. Momir Polenakovic (Ed.) (2012), 217-36. ISBN: 978-953-51-0630-2.
  • Wang Y, PingWang. Perceived Stres and Psychological Distress Among Chinese Physicians The Mediating Role of Coping Style. Medicine 2019 Jun; 98(23):e15950.
  • Wittchen HU, Zhao S, Kessler RC, EatonWW. DSM-III-R Generalized Anxiety Disorder in the National Comorbidity Survey. Arch Gen Psychiatry. 1994;51 (5): 355-64.
  • World Health Organization (WHO): New Understanding, New Hope: Burden of Mental and Behavioural Disorders. In: The World Health Report-MentalHealth, Geneva, WHO Press, 2010, pp 1–65.
  • World Health Organization Corona virüs disease (COVID-2019) situation reports. 2020. https:// / emergencies / diseases / novel-coronavirus-2019/ situation reports. Accessed 5 Mar 2020.
  • Zhu N, Zhang D, Wang W, Li X, Yang B, Song J, et al. A Novel Coronavirüs From Patients with Pneumonia in China, 2019. N Engl J Med. 2020;382 (8): 727–33.
There are 36 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Health Care Administration
Journal Section Case reports

Ahmet Karataş 0000-0001-9095-6054

Ebru Canakci 0000-0003-2093-9229

Yasemin Kaya 0000-0001-7360-8090

Sedat Bostan 0000-0002-9439-8448

Aykut Özturan 0000-0002-4645-5225

Aysegul Ongun This is me 0000-0002-3567-9629

Yasin Eryılmaz This is me 0000-0001-8692-9205

Deniz Deniz Özturan 0000-0003-3889-3652

Ceren Varer Akpınar 0000-0001-8168-6435

Publication Date August 31, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020


Vancouver Karataş A, Canakci E, Kaya Y, Bostan S, Özturan A, Ongun A, Eryılmaz Y, Deniz Özturan D, Varer Akpınar C. Impact Of The Covid-19 Pandemic On Anxiety And Depression Levels Of The Dialysis Center Employees. Mid Blac Sea J Health Sci. 2020;6(2):240-8.

2310022108  22107  22106  22105  22103  22109 22137 22102  22110    e-ISSN 2149-7796