Research Article
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Religious Communication in Digital Culture: A Study on Islamic Memes on Reddit

Year 2024, Issue: Special Issue 1, 53 - 68, 28.11.2024


Internet memes, a form of expression that has come along with digital culture, define content that is usually spread through social media platforms and often contains humour. Memes, which online communities use to express their opinions, thoughts, positive or negative approaches, are a unique communication method of internet culture. Memes, especially those containing humor, spread to large masses in a short time and can explain complex issues with a single image. Internet memes offer religious communities a new tool to express their personal and social views on social media. This study analyses memes on religious channels on the Reddit platform. The study examines 166 memes shared in selected communities between 1 January and 15 April 2024 through content analysis and discusses how memes are designed in relation to which topics and how they shape their discourse and religious communication. The findings of the study show that religious memes on social media focus on perspectives, politics, cultural differences, and the transmission of religious knowledge. The study also discusses how memes contribute to the formation of online religious communities. According to this, people’s similar religious experiences are effective in creating a bond between them that transcends distances. The fact that the language of religion has started to include more humor is also among the findings of the study.


  • Aguilar, G. K., Campbell, H. A., Stanley, M., & Taylor, E. (2017). Communicating mixed messages about religion through internet memes. Information, Communication & Society, 20(10), 1498–1520.
  • bhattfaizaan. (2024, March 17). Reddit.
  • blitzkreiging. (2024, February 4). Isis actually released a statement condemning H. Reddit.
  • Burroughs, B., & Feller, G. (2015). Religious memetics: Institutional authority in digital/lived religion. Journal of Communication Inquiry, 39(4), 357–377.
  • Campbell, H. A., & Sheldon, Z. (2021). Religious responses to social distancing revealed through memes during the covid-19 pandemic. Religions.
  • Davison, P. (2020). The language of internet memes. In M. Mandiberg (Ed.), The Social Media Reader (pp. 120–134). New York University Press.
  • Dawkins, R. (1976). The selfish gene. Oxford University Press.
  • Eskicioğlu, Y. C. (2022). İslamofobik nefret söylemi araci olarak ‘mem’ler. TRT Akademi, 7(15), 702–731.
  • Jenkins, H. (2006). Convergence culture: Where old and new media collide. New York University Press.
  • Kırık, A. M., & Saltık, R. (2017). Sosyal medyanin dijital mizahı: İnternet meme/caps. Atatürk İletişim Dergisi, 12, 99–118.
  • LocalSpawn. (2024, February 19). Who even says this? Reddit.
  • Many_Rip6642. (2024, March 15). They are like that though. Reddit.
  • mhabarneh. (2024, February 6). Stars were made, and Imams were made angry. Reddit.
  • milkywomen. (2024, March 7). Lol. Reddit.
  • Miltner, K. M. (2018). Internet memes. In The SAGE Handbook of Social Media (pp. 412–428). SAGE Publications.
  • mukulaal. (2024, April 9). Eid mubarak! Reddit.
  • Nevevî. (2014). Riyâzü’s Sâlihîn (M. Y. Kandemir, İ. L. Çakan, & R. Küçük, Trans.; Vol. 5). Erkam Yayınları.
  • Nurdin, N., & Godal, M. (2023). The use of religious memes on the internet in Islamic preaching by millennial da’i in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia. International Journal of International Relations, Media and Mass Communication Studies, 9(3), 1–15.
  • Rozi, F., Kholil, S., & Sazali, H. (2021). Hijrah and look for millenial Muslim identity in Medan. Dialogia, 19(2), 381–401.
  • Rustandi, R. (2022). The tabligh language of the millenial generation in social media: Analysis of popular Islamic account framing. Jurnal Ilmu Dakwah.
  • sameer2285. (2024, March 27). What is my name. Reddit.
  • Shifman, L. (2014). Memes in digital culture. The MIT Press.
  • Smith, A. O., Hemsley, J., & Tacheva, Z. Y. (2024). Reinforming memes: A literature review of the status of memetic information. Journal of Documentation, 80(4), 1003–1021.

Dijital Kültürde Dini İletişim: Reddit’teki İslami Memler Üzerine Bir Araştırma

Year 2024, Issue: Special Issue 1, 53 - 68, 28.11.2024


Dijital kültürle birlikte gelen bir ifade biçimi olan internet memleri, genellikle sosyal medya platformları aracılığıyla yayılan ve çoğu zaman mizah içeren içerikleri tanımlamaktadır. Çevrimiçi toplulukların görüşlerini, düşüncelerini, olumlu ya da olumsuz yaklaşımlarını ifade etmek için kullandıkları memler, internet kültürünün kendine özgü bir iletişim yöntemidir. Özellikle mizah unsuru içeren memler kısa zamanda geniş kitlelere yayılmakta ve karmaşık konuları tek görsel ile açıklayabilmektedir. İnternet memleri sosyal medyada dini topluluklara da kişisel ve toplumsal görüşlerini ifade edebilmek için yeni bir araç sunmaktadır. Bu çalışma, Reddit platformundaki dini kanallarda yer alan memleri analiz etmektedir. Çalışma, 1 Ocak - 15 Nisan 2024 tarihleri arasında seçilmiş topluluklarda paylaşılan 166 memi içerik analizi yoluyla incelemekte ve memlerin hangi konularla ilişkili olarak nasıl tasarlandığını, söylemlerini ve dini iletişimi nasıl şekillendirdiğini tartışmaktadır. Çalışmada ulaşılan bulgular, sosyal medyadaki dini memlerin bakış açılarına, politikaya, kültürel farklılıklara ve dini bilginin aktarımına odaklandığını göstermektedir. Çalışmada ayrıca memlerin çevrimiçi dini toplulukların oluşumuna nasıl katkıda bulunduğu da tartışılmaktadır. Buna göre, insanların benzer din deneyimleri, aralarında mesafeleri aşan bir bağ kurulmasında etkili olmaktadır. Din dilinin daha fazla mizah içermeye başlaması da çalışmanın bulguları arasında yer almaktadır.


  • Aguilar, G. K., Campbell, H. A., Stanley, M., & Taylor, E. (2017). Communicating mixed messages about religion through internet memes. Information, Communication & Society, 20(10), 1498–1520.
  • bhattfaizaan. (2024, March 17). Reddit.
  • blitzkreiging. (2024, February 4). Isis actually released a statement condemning H. Reddit.
  • Burroughs, B., & Feller, G. (2015). Religious memetics: Institutional authority in digital/lived religion. Journal of Communication Inquiry, 39(4), 357–377.
  • Campbell, H. A., & Sheldon, Z. (2021). Religious responses to social distancing revealed through memes during the covid-19 pandemic. Religions.
  • Davison, P. (2020). The language of internet memes. In M. Mandiberg (Ed.), The Social Media Reader (pp. 120–134). New York University Press.
  • Dawkins, R. (1976). The selfish gene. Oxford University Press.
  • Eskicioğlu, Y. C. (2022). İslamofobik nefret söylemi araci olarak ‘mem’ler. TRT Akademi, 7(15), 702–731.
  • Jenkins, H. (2006). Convergence culture: Where old and new media collide. New York University Press.
  • Kırık, A. M., & Saltık, R. (2017). Sosyal medyanin dijital mizahı: İnternet meme/caps. Atatürk İletişim Dergisi, 12, 99–118.
  • LocalSpawn. (2024, February 19). Who even says this? Reddit.
  • Many_Rip6642. (2024, March 15). They are like that though. Reddit.
  • mhabarneh. (2024, February 6). Stars were made, and Imams were made angry. Reddit.
  • milkywomen. (2024, March 7). Lol. Reddit.
  • Miltner, K. M. (2018). Internet memes. In The SAGE Handbook of Social Media (pp. 412–428). SAGE Publications.
  • mukulaal. (2024, April 9). Eid mubarak! Reddit.
  • Nevevî. (2014). Riyâzü’s Sâlihîn (M. Y. Kandemir, İ. L. Çakan, & R. Küçük, Trans.; Vol. 5). Erkam Yayınları.
  • Nurdin, N., & Godal, M. (2023). The use of religious memes on the internet in Islamic preaching by millennial da’i in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia. International Journal of International Relations, Media and Mass Communication Studies, 9(3), 1–15.
  • Rozi, F., Kholil, S., & Sazali, H. (2021). Hijrah and look for millenial Muslim identity in Medan. Dialogia, 19(2), 381–401.
  • Rustandi, R. (2022). The tabligh language of the millenial generation in social media: Analysis of popular Islamic account framing. Jurnal Ilmu Dakwah.
  • sameer2285. (2024, March 27). What is my name. Reddit.
  • Shifman, L. (2014). Memes in digital culture. The MIT Press.
  • Smith, A. O., Hemsley, J., & Tacheva, Z. Y. (2024). Reinforming memes: A literature review of the status of memetic information. Journal of Documentation, 80(4), 1003–1021.
There are 23 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Communication Studies
Journal Section Research Articles

İsmail Kaplan 0000-0002-2286-5190

Publication Date November 28, 2024
Submission Date July 31, 2024
Acceptance Date October 1, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Issue: Special Issue 1


APA Kaplan, İ. (2024). Religious Communication in Digital Culture: A Study on Islamic Memes on Reddit. Journal of Media and Religion Studies(Special Issue 1), 53-68.


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