Research Article
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An alternative new casing material in the production of Agaricus bisporus

Year 2021, Volume: 34 Issue: 3, 261 - 266, 01.12.2021


The study was carried out to investigate the effects of using perlite together with vermicompost on yield and quality of white button mushroom. The research was conducted in the climate-controlled mushroom growing room, located in the faculty of agriculture of Akdeniz University. Peat (Control-1) and perlite (Control-2) used as casing soil, liquid vermicompost 1 (L1) (7.6 ml m-2), liquid vermicompost 2 (L2) (15.2 ml m-2), liquid vermicompost 3 (L3) (22.8 ml m-2), solid vermicompost 1 (S1) (366 g m-2), solid vermicompost 2 (S2) (732 g m-2), solid vermicompost 3 (S3) (1098 g m-2), liquid+solid vermicompost 1 (LS1) (3.8 ml m-2 + 183 g m-2), liquid+solid vermicompost 2 (LS2) (7.6 ml m-2 + 366 g m-2), and liquid+solid vermicompost 3 (LS3) (11.4 ml m-2 + 549 g m-2) were applied into perlite as casing material. Parameters such as total mushroom yield, marketable mushroom yield, first two flushes of total yield of mushroom: 1st flush mushroom yield, 2nd flush mushroom yield, 3rd flush mushroom yield, earliness, average fruit weight, dry matter content, L, a* and b* color value were examined. As a result of the research, the highest total yield was obtained from S2 application with a value of 34.85 kg 100 kg-1 compost compared to Control-1. It was determined that liquid, solid and liquid+solid forms of applications mixed with perlite have the most positive effects on mushroom yield, yield was increased and approved an alternative potential to traditional casing soil. Due to the positive results obtained from the research, the results of the research were recorded in a register book on 26/06/2019 and 2019/09514, through an application made to the Turkish Patent Institute.


  • Atkins FC (1961) Mushroom Growing Today. Faber and Faber Limited; London, U.K.
  • Aydoğdu M, Kurbetli İ, Kitapçı A and Sülü G (2020) Aggressiveness of green mould on cultivated mushroom (Agaricus bisporus) in Turkey. Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection 127: 695-708.
  • Baysal E (1999) Utilization possibilities of waste tea leaves in the cultivation of Agaricus bisporus (Lange) Sing. Ph.D. Thesis, Karadeniz Technical University.
  • Boztok K (1984) Kültür mantarı (Agaricus bisporus L. Sing) yetiştiriciliğinde farklı kapaklık materyalin ürüne etkileri üzerinde araştırmalar. Ege Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 21: 133-137.
  • Çetin M, Eren E (2017) The effect of different volimetric rates of the peat and pumice mixtures on yield and quality of mushroom (Agaricus bisporus (L.) Sing). Ege Üniersitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 54(2): 207-213.
  • Çolak M (2004) Temperature profiles of Agaricus bisporus in composting stages and effects of different composts formulas and casing materials on yield. African Journal of Biotechnology 3(9): 456-462.
  • Demirer T, Özer İ (2000) Perlit, pomza, torf ve talaş karışımlarından oluşan örtü toprağının yemeklik mantar (Agaricus bisporus)’da verim ve kaliteye etkisi. Türkiye VI. Yemeklik Mantar Kongresi 2000, Bergama, İzmir, s. 265-269.
  • Dominguez J, Edwards CA Subler S (1997) A comparison of vermicomposting and composting. Biocycle 38(4): 57-59.
  • Eren E (2008) Agaricus bisporus üretiminde farklı örtü materyallerinin kullanılabilme olanakları. Ph.D Thesis, Department of Horticulture, Ege University.
  • Eren E, Boztok K (2013) Possibility of using different wastes as casing material in Agaricus bisporus mushroom cultivation. Iğdır University, Journal of The Institute of Science and Technology 3(1): 9-16.
  • Erkel İ (1992) Mantar yetiştiriciliğinde değişik örtü materyali karışımlarının kullanılma olanakları. Türkiye II. Tarımda Perlit Sempozyumu, İzmir, s. 134-139.
  • Erler F, Ersin Polat, Halil Demir, Huseyin Cetin and Tugba Erdemir (2009) Control of the mushroom phorid fly, Megaselia halterata (Wood), with plant extracts. Pest Management Science 65: 144-149.
  • FAO (2019) Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Agriculture Statistics. Accessed May 29, 2020.
  • Fidan O, Bora T, Özaktan H, Gümüş M (1998) Kültür mantarı üretim merkezlerinde virus ve ıslak kabarcık hastaklıkları üzerinde araştırmalar. Proceedings of the 8th Turkish Phytopathology Congress, Ankara, Turkey, pp. l31-138.
  • Fletcher JT, White PT, Gaz RH (1989) Mushrooms: Pest and Disease Control, 2nd edn. Intercept; Andover, U.K.
  • Gea FJ, Pardo A, Navano MJ, Pardo J (1995) Fungal disease of mushroom culture from Castilla-La Mancha (Spain). Incidence of Verticillium fungicola. in Science and Cultivation of Edible Fungi (G. Elliott, ed.), CRC; Rotterdam, The Netherlands, pp. 643-651.
  • Gülser C, Pekşen A (2003) Using tea waste as a new casing material in mushroom (Agaricus bisporus (L.) Sing.) cultivation. Bioresource Technology 88: 153-156.
  • Ilhan K, Tezcan H (2000) Agaricus bisporus kültür mantarındaki örümcek ağı ve ıslak kabarcık hastalıklarına karşı bazı fungisitlerin etkileti. Proceedings of the 5th Mushroom Congress, Ege University, Bergama School, Bergama, pp. 217-224.
  • Jess S, Murchie AK and Bingham JFW (2007) Potential sources of sciarid and phorid infestations and implications for centralised phases I and II mushroom compost production. Crop Protection 26: 455-464.
  • Karabulut OA, Arslan U, Kuruoglu G, Ilhan K (2007) The effect of sodium bicarbonate alone or in combination with reduced dose of prochloraz manganese on the control of wet bubble of Agaricus bisporus. Biological Agriculture and Horticulture 25: 55-65.
  • Kerketta A, Shuka CS, Singh HK (2019) Evaluation of different casing materials for growth and yield of button Mushroom (Agaricus bisporus (L.) Sing.). Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry 8(4): 207-209.
  • Kim YG, Lee BJ, Lee SG, Lee BE, 2018. Study on new casing materials of Agaricus bisporus. Journal of Mushrooms 16(3): 147-154.
  • MAPEG (2021) Maden ve Petrol İşleri Genel Müdürlüğü. Accessed May 09, 2020.
  • Nair NG (1997) Use of spent compost as a casing material. Mushroom News 25(9): 12-22.
  • Noble R, Dobrov-Pennigton A, Evered CE, Mead A (1999) Properties of peat-based casing soils and their influence on the water relation and growth of the mushroom (Agaricus bisporus). Plant and Soil 207: 1-13.
  • Noble R, Fermor TR, Lincoln S, Dobrovin-Pennington A, Evered C, Mead A, Li R (2003) Primordia initiation of mushroom (Agaricus bisporus) strains on axenic casing materials. Mycologia 95(4): 620-629.
  • Pardo A, de Juan JA, Pardo JE (2003) Characterization of different substrates for possible use as casing in mushroom cultivation. The Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment 1(1): 107-114.
  • Price S (1991) The peat alternatives manual, a guide for the professional horticulturist and landscaper, friends of the earth. London, U.K., pp. 40-51.
  • Shandiya TR (1989) Mushroom compost and casing research in India. Mushroom Science 12(1): 743-752.
  • Sharma HSS, McCall D, Lyons G (1996) Chemical changes in peat as a result of neutralising with lime during the preparation of mushroom casing. Mushroom biology and mushroom products: proceedings of the 2nd International Conference, University Park, Pennsylvania.
  • Sharma HSS, Furlan A, Lyons G (1999) Comparative assessment of chelated spent mushroom substrates as casing material for the production of Agaricus bisporus. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 366-367.
  • TUIK (2019) Turkish Statistical Institute. Accessed May 29, 2020.
  • Visscher HR (1988) Casing soil. In: Van Griensven LJLD (E.d.), The cultivation of mushrooms. Darlington Mushroom Laboratories Ltd., Rustington, Sussex, UK, pp. 73-88.
  • White PF (1981) Spread of the mushroom disease Verticillium fungicola by Megaselia halterata. Protection Ecology 3: 17-24.

An alternative new casing material in the production of Agaricus bisporus

Year 2021, Volume: 34 Issue: 3, 261 - 266, 01.12.2021


The study was carried out to investigate the effects of using perlite together with vermicompost on yield and quality of white button mushroom. The research was conducted in the climate-controlled mushroom growing room, located in the faculty of agriculture of Akdeniz University. Peat (Control-1) and perlite (Control-2) used as casing soil, liquid vermicompost 1 (L1) (7.6 ml m-2), liquid vermicompost 2 (L2) (15.2 ml m-2), liquid vermicompost 3 (L3) (22.8 ml m-2), solid vermicompost 1 (S1) (366 g m-2), solid vermicompost 2 (S2) (732 g m-2), solid vermicompost 3 (S3) (1098 g m-2), liquid+solid vermicompost 1 (LS1) (3.8 ml m-2 + 183 g m-2), liquid+solid vermicompost 2 (LS2) (7.6 ml m-2 + 366 g m-2), and liquid+solid vermicompost 3 (LS3) (11.4 ml m-2 + 549 g m-2) were applied into perlite as casing material. Parameters such as total mushroom yield, marketable mushroom yield, first two flushes of total yield of mushroom: 1st flush mushroom yield, 2nd flush mushroom yield, 3rd flush mushroom yield, earliness, average fruit weight, dry matter content, L, a* and b* color value were examined. As a result of the research, the highest total yield was obtained from S2 application with a value of 34.85 kg 100 kg-1 compost compared to Control-1. It was determined that liquid, solid and liquid+solid forms of applications mixed with perlite have the most positive effects on mushroom yield, yield was increased and approved an alternative potential to traditional casing soil. Due to the positive results obtained from the research, the results of the research were recorded in a register book on 26/06/2019 and 2019/09514, through an application made to the Turkish Patent Institute.


  • Atkins FC (1961) Mushroom Growing Today. Faber and Faber Limited; London, U.K.
  • Aydoğdu M, Kurbetli İ, Kitapçı A and Sülü G (2020) Aggressiveness of green mould on cultivated mushroom (Agaricus bisporus) in Turkey. Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection 127: 695-708.
  • Baysal E (1999) Utilization possibilities of waste tea leaves in the cultivation of Agaricus bisporus (Lange) Sing. Ph.D. Thesis, Karadeniz Technical University.
  • Boztok K (1984) Kültür mantarı (Agaricus bisporus L. Sing) yetiştiriciliğinde farklı kapaklık materyalin ürüne etkileri üzerinde araştırmalar. Ege Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 21: 133-137.
  • Çetin M, Eren E (2017) The effect of different volimetric rates of the peat and pumice mixtures on yield and quality of mushroom (Agaricus bisporus (L.) Sing). Ege Üniersitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 54(2): 207-213.
  • Çolak M (2004) Temperature profiles of Agaricus bisporus in composting stages and effects of different composts formulas and casing materials on yield. African Journal of Biotechnology 3(9): 456-462.
  • Demirer T, Özer İ (2000) Perlit, pomza, torf ve talaş karışımlarından oluşan örtü toprağının yemeklik mantar (Agaricus bisporus)’da verim ve kaliteye etkisi. Türkiye VI. Yemeklik Mantar Kongresi 2000, Bergama, İzmir, s. 265-269.
  • Dominguez J, Edwards CA Subler S (1997) A comparison of vermicomposting and composting. Biocycle 38(4): 57-59.
  • Eren E (2008) Agaricus bisporus üretiminde farklı örtü materyallerinin kullanılabilme olanakları. Ph.D Thesis, Department of Horticulture, Ege University.
  • Eren E, Boztok K (2013) Possibility of using different wastes as casing material in Agaricus bisporus mushroom cultivation. Iğdır University, Journal of The Institute of Science and Technology 3(1): 9-16.
  • Erkel İ (1992) Mantar yetiştiriciliğinde değişik örtü materyali karışımlarının kullanılma olanakları. Türkiye II. Tarımda Perlit Sempozyumu, İzmir, s. 134-139.
  • Erler F, Ersin Polat, Halil Demir, Huseyin Cetin and Tugba Erdemir (2009) Control of the mushroom phorid fly, Megaselia halterata (Wood), with plant extracts. Pest Management Science 65: 144-149.
  • FAO (2019) Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Agriculture Statistics. Accessed May 29, 2020.
  • Fidan O, Bora T, Özaktan H, Gümüş M (1998) Kültür mantarı üretim merkezlerinde virus ve ıslak kabarcık hastaklıkları üzerinde araştırmalar. Proceedings of the 8th Turkish Phytopathology Congress, Ankara, Turkey, pp. l31-138.
  • Fletcher JT, White PT, Gaz RH (1989) Mushrooms: Pest and Disease Control, 2nd edn. Intercept; Andover, U.K.
  • Gea FJ, Pardo A, Navano MJ, Pardo J (1995) Fungal disease of mushroom culture from Castilla-La Mancha (Spain). Incidence of Verticillium fungicola. in Science and Cultivation of Edible Fungi (G. Elliott, ed.), CRC; Rotterdam, The Netherlands, pp. 643-651.
  • Gülser C, Pekşen A (2003) Using tea waste as a new casing material in mushroom (Agaricus bisporus (L.) Sing.) cultivation. Bioresource Technology 88: 153-156.
  • Ilhan K, Tezcan H (2000) Agaricus bisporus kültür mantarındaki örümcek ağı ve ıslak kabarcık hastalıklarına karşı bazı fungisitlerin etkileti. Proceedings of the 5th Mushroom Congress, Ege University, Bergama School, Bergama, pp. 217-224.
  • Jess S, Murchie AK and Bingham JFW (2007) Potential sources of sciarid and phorid infestations and implications for centralised phases I and II mushroom compost production. Crop Protection 26: 455-464.
  • Karabulut OA, Arslan U, Kuruoglu G, Ilhan K (2007) The effect of sodium bicarbonate alone or in combination with reduced dose of prochloraz manganese on the control of wet bubble of Agaricus bisporus. Biological Agriculture and Horticulture 25: 55-65.
  • Kerketta A, Shuka CS, Singh HK (2019) Evaluation of different casing materials for growth and yield of button Mushroom (Agaricus bisporus (L.) Sing.). Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry 8(4): 207-209.
  • Kim YG, Lee BJ, Lee SG, Lee BE, 2018. Study on new casing materials of Agaricus bisporus. Journal of Mushrooms 16(3): 147-154.
  • MAPEG (2021) Maden ve Petrol İşleri Genel Müdürlüğü. Accessed May 09, 2020.
  • Nair NG (1997) Use of spent compost as a casing material. Mushroom News 25(9): 12-22.
  • Noble R, Dobrov-Pennigton A, Evered CE, Mead A (1999) Properties of peat-based casing soils and their influence on the water relation and growth of the mushroom (Agaricus bisporus). Plant and Soil 207: 1-13.
  • Noble R, Fermor TR, Lincoln S, Dobrovin-Pennington A, Evered C, Mead A, Li R (2003) Primordia initiation of mushroom (Agaricus bisporus) strains on axenic casing materials. Mycologia 95(4): 620-629.
  • Pardo A, de Juan JA, Pardo JE (2003) Characterization of different substrates for possible use as casing in mushroom cultivation. The Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment 1(1): 107-114.
  • Price S (1991) The peat alternatives manual, a guide for the professional horticulturist and landscaper, friends of the earth. London, U.K., pp. 40-51.
  • Shandiya TR (1989) Mushroom compost and casing research in India. Mushroom Science 12(1): 743-752.
  • Sharma HSS, McCall D, Lyons G (1996) Chemical changes in peat as a result of neutralising with lime during the preparation of mushroom casing. Mushroom biology and mushroom products: proceedings of the 2nd International Conference, University Park, Pennsylvania.
  • Sharma HSS, Furlan A, Lyons G (1999) Comparative assessment of chelated spent mushroom substrates as casing material for the production of Agaricus bisporus. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 366-367.
  • TUIK (2019) Turkish Statistical Institute. Accessed May 29, 2020.
  • Visscher HR (1988) Casing soil. In: Van Griensven LJLD (E.d.), The cultivation of mushrooms. Darlington Mushroom Laboratories Ltd., Rustington, Sussex, UK, pp. 73-88.
  • White PF (1981) Spread of the mushroom disease Verticillium fungicola by Megaselia halterata. Protection Ecology 3: 17-24.
There are 34 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Agricultural Engineering
Journal Section Makaleler

Ersin Polat 0000-0003-2414-5071

Ömer Önel 0000-0002-1333-8751

Publication Date December 1, 2021
Submission Date July 16, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021 Volume: 34 Issue: 3


APA Polat, E., & Önel, Ö. (2021). An alternative new casing material in the production of Agaricus bisporus. Mediterranean Agricultural Sciences, 34(3), 261-266.
AMA Polat E, Önel Ö. An alternative new casing material in the production of Agaricus bisporus. Mediterranean Agricultural Sciences. December 2021;34(3):261-266. doi:10.29136/mediterranean.971682
Chicago Polat, Ersin, and Ömer Önel. “An Alternative New Casing Material in the Production of Agaricus Bisporus”. Mediterranean Agricultural Sciences 34, no. 3 (December 2021): 261-66.
EndNote Polat E, Önel Ö (December 1, 2021) An alternative new casing material in the production of Agaricus bisporus. Mediterranean Agricultural Sciences 34 3 261–266.
IEEE E. Polat and Ö. Önel, “An alternative new casing material in the production of Agaricus bisporus”, Mediterranean Agricultural Sciences, vol. 34, no. 3, pp. 261–266, 2021, doi: 10.29136/mediterranean.971682.
ISNAD Polat, Ersin - Önel, Ömer. “An Alternative New Casing Material in the Production of Agaricus Bisporus”. Mediterranean Agricultural Sciences 34/3 (December 2021), 261-266.
JAMA Polat E, Önel Ö. An alternative new casing material in the production of Agaricus bisporus. Mediterranean Agricultural Sciences. 2021;34:261–266.
MLA Polat, Ersin and Ömer Önel. “An Alternative New Casing Material in the Production of Agaricus Bisporus”. Mediterranean Agricultural Sciences, vol. 34, no. 3, 2021, pp. 261-6, doi:10.29136/mediterranean.971682.
Vancouver Polat E, Önel Ö. An alternative new casing material in the production of Agaricus bisporus. Mediterranean Agricultural Sciences. 2021;34(3):261-6.

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