Research Article
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Determination of Antioxidant and Anticancer Activities of C. Sativa Leaf Extracts on MCF7 Human Breast Cancer Cell Line

Year 2023, Volume: 5 Issue: 3, 472 - 7, 18.09.2023


Aim: In this study, it was aimed to determine the total phenolic content, flavonoid content, and antioxidant activity of Castanea sativa Mill. (chestnut) leaf extract and their anti-proliferative effect on MCF 7 cell line.
Materials and Methods: It determined antioxidant capacities by using DPPH assay, total phenolic content by using Folin-Ciocaltaeu method and Total flavonoid content by aluminum chloride colorimetric method in the ethanolic extracts of Chesnut leaf. In addition, the anti-proliferative effect of chestnut leaf extract was determined by XTT method in MCF7 breast cell line. The leaf extract used was applied at different concentrations for 24 hours, 48 hours and 72 hours and the results were evaluated with the Graphpad Prism software program.
Results: In this study, it was revealed that the total phenolic contents of ethanolic extracts of chestnut leaf 58,22 mg GAE/g. Total flavonoid content was 64,62 mg QE/g. The DPPH activity of the leaf extract of chestnut was 80.06%. Moreover, findings showed that Chestnut leaf extract had cytotoxic effect against breast cancer cells depends on concentration and time. The 24h, 48h and 72h most effective IC50 dose were 100.1 μL ,193 μL 15.23 μL, respectively.
Conclusion: Chestnut has potential antiproliferative and antioxidant activities in conjunction with its high phenolic and flavonoid content on the MCF-7 cell line. However, more studies are needed.


  • 1. World Health Organization. WHO report on cancer: setting priorities, investing wisely and providing care for all. 2020, p. 149.
  • 2. Fitzmaurice C, Abate D, Abbasi N, et al. Global, regional, and national cancer ıncidence, mortality, years of life lost, years lived with disability, and disability-adjusted life-years for 29 cancer groups, 1990 to 2017: A systematic analysis for the global burden of disease study. JAMA Oncol. 2019;5:1749-68.
  • 3. Steichen, SD, Caldorera-Moore M, Peppas NA. A review of current nanoparticle and targeting moieties for the delivery of cancer therapeutics. Eur. J. Pharm. Sci. 2013;48:416–27.
  • 4. Britt KL, Cuzick J, Phillips KA. Key steps for effective breast cancer prevention. Nat Rev Cancer. 2020;20:417-36.
  • 5. Liu YP, Zheng CC, Huang YN, et al. Molecular mechanisms of chemo-and radiotherapy resistance and the potential implications for cancer treatment. MedComm. 2021; 2:315-40.
  • 6. Kayedi MH, Haghdoost AA, Salehnia A, et al. Evaluation of repellency effect of essential oils of Satureja khuzestanica (Carvacrol), Myrtus communis (Myrtle), Lavendula officinalis and Salvia sclarea using Standard WHO Repellency Tests. J. Arthropod Borne Dis. 2014;8:60-8.
  • 7. Hamburger M, Hostettmann K. 7. Bioactivity in plants: the link between phytochemistry and medicine. Phytochem. 1991;30:3864-74.
  • 8. Dar RA, Shahnawaz M, Qazi PH. General overview of medicinal plants: A review. J Phytopharmacol. 2017;6:349-51.
  • 9. Ginwala R, Bhavsar R, Chigbu DI, et al. Potential role of flavonoids in treating chronic inflammatory diseases with a special focus on the anti-inflammatory activity of apigenin. Antioxidants (Basel., 2019;8:35.
  • 10. Hajhashemi V, Vaseghi G, Pourfarzam M, Abdollahi A. Are antioxidants helpful for disease prevention?. Res Pharm Sci. 2010;5:1-8.
  • 11. Vella FM, Laratta B, La Cara, F, Morana A. Recovery of bioactive molecules from chestnut (Castanea sativa Mill.) by-products through extraction by different solvents. Nat Prod Res. 2018;32:1022-32.
  • 12. De Vasconcelos MC, Bennett RN, Rosa EA, Ferreira-Cardoso JV. Composition of European chestnut (Castanea sativa Mill.) and association with health effects: fresh and processed products. J Sci Food Agr. 2010;90:1578-89.
  • 13. Borges O, Gonçalves B, Soeiro J, et al. Nutritional quality of chestnut (Castanea sativa Mill.) cultivars from Portugal. Food Chem. 2008;106:976-84.
  • 14. Cacciola NA, Squillaci G, D’Apolito M, et al. Castanea sativa Mill. shells aqueous extract exhibits anticancer properties inducing cytotoxic and pro-apoptotic effects. Molecules, 2019,24,3401.
  • 15. Carocho M, Barros L, Bento A, et al. Castanea sativa Mill. Flowers amongst the most powerful antioxidant matrices: a phytochemical approach in decoctions and infusions. BioMed Res Int. 2014;232956.
  • 16. Squillaci G, Apone F, Sena LM, et al. Chestnut (Castanea sativa Mill.) industrial wastes as a valued bioresource for the production of active ingredients. Process Biochem. 2018;64:228–36.
  • 17. Yang F, Liu Q, Pan S, et al. Chemical composition and quality traits of Chinese chestnuts (Castanea mollissima) produced in different ecological regions. Food Biosci. 2015;11:33-42.
  • 18. Arora I, Sharma M, Tollefsbol TO. Combinatorial epigenetics impact of polyphenols and phytochemicals in cancer prevention and therapy. Int J Mol Sci. 2019;20:4567.
  • 19. Raffa D, Maggio B, Raimondi MV, et al. Recent discoveries of anticancer flavonoids. Eur J Med Chem. 2017;142:213-28.
  • 20. Ogut E, Armagan K, Gül Z. The role of syringic acid as a neuroprotective agent for neurodegenerative disorders and future expectations. Metab Brain Dis. 2022;37:859-80.
  • 21. Bagdas D, Gul Z, Meade JA, et al. Pharmacologic overview of chlorogenic acid and its metabolites in chronic pain and inflammation. Curr Neuropharmacol. 2020;18:216-28.
  • 22. Martínez S, Fuentes C, Carballo J. Antioxidant Activity, total phenolic content and total flavonoid content in sweet chestnut (Castanea sativa Mill.) cultivars grown in northwest spain under different environmental conditions. Foods. 2022;11:3519.
  • 23. Pérez AJ, Pecio Ł, Kowalczyk M, et al. Cytotoxic triterpenoids isolated from sweet chestnut heartwood (Castanea sativa) and their health benefits implication. Food Chem Toxicol. 2017;109:863-70.
  • 24. Genovese C, Addamo A, Malfa GA, et al. Antioxidant, antimicrobial and anticancer activities of Castanea sativa (Fagaceae) extract: new therapeutic perspectives. Plant Biosystems. 2020;155:1032-40.
  • 25. Brizi C, Santulli C, Micucci M, et al. Neuroprotective effects of Castanea sativa Mill. Bark extract in human neuroblastoma cells subjected to oxidative stress. J Cell Biochem. 2016;117:510–20.
  • 26. Diaz Reinoso B, Couto D, Mourea A, Fermandes E. Optimization of antioxidants–extraction from Castanea sativa leaves. Chem Eng J. 2012;203:101–9.
  • 27. Downey MO, Mazza M, Krstic MP. Development of a stable extract for anthocyanins and flavonols from grape skin. Am J Enol Vitic. 2007;58:358-64.
  • 28. Slinkard K, Singleton VL. Total phenol analysis: automation and comparison with manual methods. Am J Enol Vitic. 1977;28:49-55.
  • 29. Chandra S, Khan S, Avula B, et al. Assessment of total phenolic and flavonoid content, antioxidant properties, and yield of aeroponically and conventionally grown leafy vegetables and fruit crops: A comparative study. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2014;2014:253875.
  • 30. Cheng Z, Moore J, Yu L. High-throughput relative DPPH radical scavenging capacity assay, J Agric Food Chem. 2006;54:7429-36.
  • 31. Beaver CC; Magnan MA. Managing chemotherapy side effects: Achieving reliable and equitable outcomes. Clin J Oncol Nurs. 2016;20:589–91.
  • 32. Liu, Q., Lawrence, A.J., Liang, J.H. Traditional Chinese medicine for treatment of alcoholism: From ancient to modern. Am J Chin Med. 2011;39:1-13.
  • 33. Nardini M, Foddai MS. Phenolics profile and antioxidant activity of special beers. Molecules. 2020;25:2466. 34. Bacon K, Boyer R, Denbow C, et al. Evaluation of different solvents to extract antibacterial compounds from jalapeño peppers. Food Sci Nutr. 2016;5:497-503.
  • 35. Koffi E, Sea T, Dodehe Y, et al. Effect of solvent type on extraction of polyphenols from twenty-three ivorian plants. J Anim Plant Sci. 2010;5:550-8.
  • 36. Vázquez G, Fernández-Agulló A, Gómez-Castro C, et al. Response surface optimization of antioxidants extraction from chestnut (Castanea sativa) bur. Industrial Crops and Products. 2012;35:126-34.
  • 37. Torres MD, Arufe S, Chenlo F, Moreira R. Coeliacs cannot live by gluten-free bread alone-Every once in a while they need antioxidants. Int J Food Sci Technol. 2017;52:81-90.
  • 38. Zhou Y, Zheng J, Li Y, et al. Natural polyphenols for prevention and treatment of cancer. Nutrients. 2016;8:515.
  • 39. Brus M, Gradišnik L, Trapečar M, et al. Beneficial effects of water-soluble chestnut (Castanea sativa Mill.) tannin extract on chicken small intestinal epithelial cell culture. Poult Sci. 2018;97:1271-82.
  • 40. Lenzi M, Malaguti M, Cocchi V, et al. Castanea sativa Mill. bark extract exhibits chemopreventive properties triggering extrinsic apoptotic pathway in Jurkat cells. BMC Complement Altern Med. 2017;17:1-11.
Year 2023, Volume: 5 Issue: 3, 472 - 7, 18.09.2023



  • 1. World Health Organization. WHO report on cancer: setting priorities, investing wisely and providing care for all. 2020, p. 149.
  • 2. Fitzmaurice C, Abate D, Abbasi N, et al. Global, regional, and national cancer ıncidence, mortality, years of life lost, years lived with disability, and disability-adjusted life-years for 29 cancer groups, 1990 to 2017: A systematic analysis for the global burden of disease study. JAMA Oncol. 2019;5:1749-68.
  • 3. Steichen, SD, Caldorera-Moore M, Peppas NA. A review of current nanoparticle and targeting moieties for the delivery of cancer therapeutics. Eur. J. Pharm. Sci. 2013;48:416–27.
  • 4. Britt KL, Cuzick J, Phillips KA. Key steps for effective breast cancer prevention. Nat Rev Cancer. 2020;20:417-36.
  • 5. Liu YP, Zheng CC, Huang YN, et al. Molecular mechanisms of chemo-and radiotherapy resistance and the potential implications for cancer treatment. MedComm. 2021; 2:315-40.
  • 6. Kayedi MH, Haghdoost AA, Salehnia A, et al. Evaluation of repellency effect of essential oils of Satureja khuzestanica (Carvacrol), Myrtus communis (Myrtle), Lavendula officinalis and Salvia sclarea using Standard WHO Repellency Tests. J. Arthropod Borne Dis. 2014;8:60-8.
  • 7. Hamburger M, Hostettmann K. 7. Bioactivity in plants: the link between phytochemistry and medicine. Phytochem. 1991;30:3864-74.
  • 8. Dar RA, Shahnawaz M, Qazi PH. General overview of medicinal plants: A review. J Phytopharmacol. 2017;6:349-51.
  • 9. Ginwala R, Bhavsar R, Chigbu DI, et al. Potential role of flavonoids in treating chronic inflammatory diseases with a special focus on the anti-inflammatory activity of apigenin. Antioxidants (Basel., 2019;8:35.
  • 10. Hajhashemi V, Vaseghi G, Pourfarzam M, Abdollahi A. Are antioxidants helpful for disease prevention?. Res Pharm Sci. 2010;5:1-8.
  • 11. Vella FM, Laratta B, La Cara, F, Morana A. Recovery of bioactive molecules from chestnut (Castanea sativa Mill.) by-products through extraction by different solvents. Nat Prod Res. 2018;32:1022-32.
  • 12. De Vasconcelos MC, Bennett RN, Rosa EA, Ferreira-Cardoso JV. Composition of European chestnut (Castanea sativa Mill.) and association with health effects: fresh and processed products. J Sci Food Agr. 2010;90:1578-89.
  • 13. Borges O, Gonçalves B, Soeiro J, et al. Nutritional quality of chestnut (Castanea sativa Mill.) cultivars from Portugal. Food Chem. 2008;106:976-84.
  • 14. Cacciola NA, Squillaci G, D’Apolito M, et al. Castanea sativa Mill. shells aqueous extract exhibits anticancer properties inducing cytotoxic and pro-apoptotic effects. Molecules, 2019,24,3401.
  • 15. Carocho M, Barros L, Bento A, et al. Castanea sativa Mill. Flowers amongst the most powerful antioxidant matrices: a phytochemical approach in decoctions and infusions. BioMed Res Int. 2014;232956.
  • 16. Squillaci G, Apone F, Sena LM, et al. Chestnut (Castanea sativa Mill.) industrial wastes as a valued bioresource for the production of active ingredients. Process Biochem. 2018;64:228–36.
  • 17. Yang F, Liu Q, Pan S, et al. Chemical composition and quality traits of Chinese chestnuts (Castanea mollissima) produced in different ecological regions. Food Biosci. 2015;11:33-42.
  • 18. Arora I, Sharma M, Tollefsbol TO. Combinatorial epigenetics impact of polyphenols and phytochemicals in cancer prevention and therapy. Int J Mol Sci. 2019;20:4567.
  • 19. Raffa D, Maggio B, Raimondi MV, et al. Recent discoveries of anticancer flavonoids. Eur J Med Chem. 2017;142:213-28.
  • 20. Ogut E, Armagan K, Gül Z. The role of syringic acid as a neuroprotective agent for neurodegenerative disorders and future expectations. Metab Brain Dis. 2022;37:859-80.
  • 21. Bagdas D, Gul Z, Meade JA, et al. Pharmacologic overview of chlorogenic acid and its metabolites in chronic pain and inflammation. Curr Neuropharmacol. 2020;18:216-28.
  • 22. Martínez S, Fuentes C, Carballo J. Antioxidant Activity, total phenolic content and total flavonoid content in sweet chestnut (Castanea sativa Mill.) cultivars grown in northwest spain under different environmental conditions. Foods. 2022;11:3519.
  • 23. Pérez AJ, Pecio Ł, Kowalczyk M, et al. Cytotoxic triterpenoids isolated from sweet chestnut heartwood (Castanea sativa) and their health benefits implication. Food Chem Toxicol. 2017;109:863-70.
  • 24. Genovese C, Addamo A, Malfa GA, et al. Antioxidant, antimicrobial and anticancer activities of Castanea sativa (Fagaceae) extract: new therapeutic perspectives. Plant Biosystems. 2020;155:1032-40.
  • 25. Brizi C, Santulli C, Micucci M, et al. Neuroprotective effects of Castanea sativa Mill. Bark extract in human neuroblastoma cells subjected to oxidative stress. J Cell Biochem. 2016;117:510–20.
  • 26. Diaz Reinoso B, Couto D, Mourea A, Fermandes E. Optimization of antioxidants–extraction from Castanea sativa leaves. Chem Eng J. 2012;203:101–9.
  • 27. Downey MO, Mazza M, Krstic MP. Development of a stable extract for anthocyanins and flavonols from grape skin. Am J Enol Vitic. 2007;58:358-64.
  • 28. Slinkard K, Singleton VL. Total phenol analysis: automation and comparison with manual methods. Am J Enol Vitic. 1977;28:49-55.
  • 29. Chandra S, Khan S, Avula B, et al. Assessment of total phenolic and flavonoid content, antioxidant properties, and yield of aeroponically and conventionally grown leafy vegetables and fruit crops: A comparative study. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2014;2014:253875.
  • 30. Cheng Z, Moore J, Yu L. High-throughput relative DPPH radical scavenging capacity assay, J Agric Food Chem. 2006;54:7429-36.
  • 31. Beaver CC; Magnan MA. Managing chemotherapy side effects: Achieving reliable and equitable outcomes. Clin J Oncol Nurs. 2016;20:589–91.
  • 32. Liu, Q., Lawrence, A.J., Liang, J.H. Traditional Chinese medicine for treatment of alcoholism: From ancient to modern. Am J Chin Med. 2011;39:1-13.
  • 33. Nardini M, Foddai MS. Phenolics profile and antioxidant activity of special beers. Molecules. 2020;25:2466. 34. Bacon K, Boyer R, Denbow C, et al. Evaluation of different solvents to extract antibacterial compounds from jalapeño peppers. Food Sci Nutr. 2016;5:497-503.
  • 35. Koffi E, Sea T, Dodehe Y, et al. Effect of solvent type on extraction of polyphenols from twenty-three ivorian plants. J Anim Plant Sci. 2010;5:550-8.
  • 36. Vázquez G, Fernández-Agulló A, Gómez-Castro C, et al. Response surface optimization of antioxidants extraction from chestnut (Castanea sativa) bur. Industrial Crops and Products. 2012;35:126-34.
  • 37. Torres MD, Arufe S, Chenlo F, Moreira R. Coeliacs cannot live by gluten-free bread alone-Every once in a while they need antioxidants. Int J Food Sci Technol. 2017;52:81-90.
  • 38. Zhou Y, Zheng J, Li Y, et al. Natural polyphenols for prevention and treatment of cancer. Nutrients. 2016;8:515.
  • 39. Brus M, Gradišnik L, Trapečar M, et al. Beneficial effects of water-soluble chestnut (Castanea sativa Mill.) tannin extract on chicken small intestinal epithelial cell culture. Poult Sci. 2018;97:1271-82.
  • 40. Lenzi M, Malaguti M, Cocchi V, et al. Castanea sativa Mill. bark extract exhibits chemopreventive properties triggering extrinsic apoptotic pathway in Jurkat cells. BMC Complement Altern Med. 2017;17:1-11.
There are 39 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Clinical Sciences
Journal Section Original Articles

Fadime Beyazyüz 0000-0003-3629-0559

Elif Gülbahçe Mutlu 0000-0003-2391-2152

Serife Alpa 0000-0001-8665-3632

Fatma Zehra Erbayram 0000-0002-9305-4782

Fatma Nur Türkoğlu 0000-0002-4529-5813

Şemsettin Kulaç 0000-0002-8398-3246

Early Pub Date July 12, 2023
Publication Date September 18, 2023
Acceptance Date May 29, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023 Volume: 5 Issue: 3


AMA Beyazyüz F, Gülbahçe Mutlu E, Alpa S, Erbayram FZ, Türkoğlu FN, Kulaç Ş. Determination of Antioxidant and Anticancer Activities of C. Sativa Leaf Extracts on MCF7 Human Breast Cancer Cell Line. Med Records. September 2023;5(3):472-7. doi:10.37990/medr.1276955


Chief Editors

Assoc. Prof. Zülal Öner
İzmir Bakırçay University, Department of Anatomy, İzmir, Türkiye

Assoc. Prof. Deniz Şenol
Düzce University, Department of Anatomy, Düzce, Türkiye

Assoc. Prof. Serkan Öner
İzmir Bakırçay University, Department of Radiology, İzmir, Türkiye

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