Year 2024,
, 126 - 143, 30.12.2024
Ahmet Kiliç
Ersin Uysal
Project Number
This study was supported by Dicle University (DÜBAP-14-FF-73 and DÜBAP FEN.17.029).
- Böhm, C., Bowden, C.G.R., Seddon, P.J., Hatipoğlu, T., Oubrou, W., El Bekkay, M., Quevedo, M.A., Fritz, J., Yeniyurt, C., Lopez, J.M., Orueta, J.F., Frigerio, D. and Unsöld, M., “The northern bald ibis Geronticus eremita: History, current status and future perspectives”, Oryx, 55(6), 934-946, 2021.
- Böhm, C.,“Der Waldrapp -eine (un)endliche Geschichte?- Aktueller Status im Freiland und in Zoos, Schutzprojekte – eine Übersicht”. Zeitschrift des Kölner Zoos 62(2):107-123, 2019.
- Schenker, A. and Serra, G. “ Review of historical breeding sites of the Northern Bald Ibis Geronticus eremita in Syria and south-eastern Turkey”. Bird Conserv. Interna. 32, 137-146, 2022.
- Hirsch, U., “Studies of West Palearctic birds. 183 Bald Ibis”. Brit, Birds 72: 313-325, 1979.
- Şahin, R., “Kelaynak Kuşlarının (Geronticus eremita) Davranış ve Biyolojileri” Habilitation. Dicle University, Diyarbakır, Türkiye 1980.
- Pegoraro, K., “Der Waldrapp: vom Ibis, den man für einen Raben hielt”. AULA. Wiesbaden, Germany, 1996.
- Parmaksız, A., Yığın, A., & Bozkaya, F. Determination of genetic structure of Bald ibis population living in Birecik (Türkiye) using mtDNA COI sequences. Biological Diversity and Conservation, 16(1), 31-37, 2023.
- Akçakaya, H.R., “Bald Ibis Geronticus eremita population in Turkey: An evaluation of the captive breeding Project for reintroduction”. Biol. Conserv. 51:225-237,1990.
- Akçakaya, H.R., Akçakaya, R., Barış, Y.S.,“Birecik’teki Kelaynak (Geronticus eremita) populasyonunun yok olma nedenleri ve koruma çalışmalarının değerlendirilmesi”. Doğa-Turkish Journal of Zoology, 16, 1–12,1992.
- Hatipoğlu,T., “Northern BaldIbis Project at Birecik Breeding Centre: yesterday, today and tomorrow”. (in: Boehm C. & Bowden, C. G. R.-eds. Northern Bald Ibis Conservation and Reintroduction workshop.) Proceedings of 3rd Meeting of International Advisory Group for Northern Bald Ibis (IAGNBI), Palmyra, Syria. November 2009 pp.91, 2010.
- Serra, G., Lindsell, J. A., Peske, L., Fritz, J., Bowden, C. G. R., Bruschini, C. & Wondafrash, M., “Accounting for the low survival of the Critically Endangered northern bald ibis Geronticus eremita on a major migratory flyway”. Oryx, 49(2), 312–320, 2015.
- Schenker, A., Cahenzli, F., Gutbrod, K.G., Thevenot, M. and Erhardt, A., “The Northern Bald Ibis Geronticus eremita in Morocco since 1900: Analysis of ecological requirements”. Bird Cons. Intn. 1-22, 2019.
- Serra, G., Abdallah, M., Assaed, A., Abdallah, A., Al Qaim, G., Fayad, T. and Williamson, D. “Discovery of a relict breeding colony of northern bald ibis Geronticus eremita in Syria. Oryx, 38 (1), 1–7, 2004.
- Serra, G., Peske, L., Abdallah, M.S., al Qaim, G. and Kanani, A., “Breeding ecology and Behaviour of the last wild oriental Northern Bald Ibises (Geronticus eremita) in Syria”. J.Ornithology 150: 769-782, 2009.
- Schenker, A., Cahenzli, F., Gutbrod, K.G., Thevenot, M. and Erhardt, A., “The Northern Bald Ibis Geronticus eremita in Morocco since 1900: Analysis of ecological requirements”. Bird Cons. Intn. 1-22, 2019.
- Bowden, C.G.R., Orueta, J.F., Vazquez, J.M.L., Onrubia, A., Quevedo, M.A.,“Sightings of reintroduced northern bald ibis Geronticus eremita crossing between Spain and Morocco are probably hand-reared rather than wild-born”. Oryx, 52(3), 411–412, 2018
- Fritz, J., “Life Northern Bald Ibis Wiederansiedlung des Waldrapp in Europa Jahresbericht 2017. Reintroduction of the Northern Bald Ibis”. LIFE+12-BIO_AT_000143, LIFE Northern Bald Ibis | Waldrappteam, 2018.
- Bird Life, “Red List update for birds: iconic species saved from extinction by conservation action. Conservation successes. Northern Bald Ibis population has reached a modern record and expanded to new breeding sites (Morocco)”. Internatıonal Press Release. Embargoed until 00:01 AM GMT on 22 November 2018.
- IUCN, “Northern Bald Ibis Geronticus eremita”. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2018: Downloaded on 18 March 2021.
- Touti, J.,Oumellouk, F., Bowden, C.G.R., Kirkwood, J.K. and Smith, K.W., “Mortality incident in northern bald ibis Geronticus eremita in Morocco in May 1996”. Oryx, 33(2) 160-167, 1999.
- Quevedo Muñoz, M. A., López Vazques, J. M., Aguilera Prieto, E., “Update of Proyecto eremita”.(Edit: Böhm, C., Bowden, C.G.R., Jordan, M.J.R. and King, C.), Northern Bald Ibis Conservation and Reintroduction workshop. 2 nd IAGNBI Meeting, September, Vejer, Spain. 2006.
- Quevedo, M. A., “Update report of Proyecto Eremita, March 2010”. (in: Boehm, C. & Bowden, C. G. R. (eds). Northern Bald Ibis Conservation and Reintroduction workshop.) Proceedings of 3rd Meeting of International Advisory Group for Northern Bald Ibis (IAGNBI) (ISBN 978-1-905601-27-1), Palmyra, Syria. November, pp.91, 2009.
- Kılıç, A., “Reproduction Success of Northern Bald Ibises (Geronticus eremita) -2016”. XIII.Cogress of Ecology and Environment with İnternational Participation. Oral Presentation. 12-15 September Edirne Trakya University, 2016.
- Arihan, O., “Recent Information on the occurrence of the Northern Bald Ibis Geronticus eremita inTurkey”. Turna 1:10-15, 1998.
- Özbağdatlı, N., Hatipoğlu, T., Kurt, B., Arıhan, O., Tavares, J. and Bowden, C., “Outline of a proposed collaborative Project to monitor and develop the Bireçik semi-wild Northern Bald Ibis population”. (in edit C.Bowden, An update on current projects involving wild and captive Northern Bald Ibis Geronticus eremita) I.A.G.N.B.I. Newsletter 1. September 2001.
- Özbağdatlı, N., “Northern Bald Ibis Project at the Birecik Breeding Centre”. (Edit: Böhm, C., Bowden, C.G.R., Jordan, M.J.R. and King, C., Northern Bald Ibis Conservation and Reintroduction workshop. 2 nd IAGNBI Meeting, September, Vejer-Spain, 2007.
- Bowden, C., Böhm, C., Lopez, J.M., Hatipoglu, T., “Draft update to Release guidelines and methodology for Northern Bald Ibis Geronticus eremita”. (in eds. Böhm, C. & Bowden, C.G.R. Northern Bald Ibis Conservation and Translocation Workshop), 2016.
- Kılıç, A., “Numerical Changes in Northern Bald Ibis (Geronticus eremita)”. 24th National Biology Congress. Proceedings Book, (ISBN 978-975-8628-71-1)10-14 September, Manisa- Türkiye, 2018.
- Kılıç, A., "Near-Extinct Northern Bald Ibis (Geronticus eremita)". Agriculture and Bird Diversity Workshop in Diyarbakır. Oral Presentation. Proceedings Book. 10 October, Dicle Univ. Diyarbakır, 2019.
- Kılıç, A., “Losses and Deaths in the Northern Bald Ibıs Population (2012-2020)”. International Engineering and Natural Sciences Conference (IENSC 2020) (ISBN 978-605-81971-9-0). Oral Presentation. Proceedings Book 5-6 November , Dicle University, Diyarbakır, Türkiye, 2020.
- Kılıç, A., “Challenges Facing Northern Bald Ibis (Geronticus eremita)-2021”. 4th National Applied Biological Sciences Congress. Oral Presentation. Online. Proceedings Book, S 33 (E-ISBN: 978-605-71081-3-5). 06-07 December, 2021.
- Kılıç, A.,“2018-2022 Losses of Northern Bald Ibis Population”. 5th National Zoology Congress, Oral Presentation. Online, Proceedings Book (E-ISBN:978-605-72835-4-2) 2-3 December, 2022.
- Safriel, U.N., “Notes on the Extinct Population of the Bald Ibis Gerontıcus eremita in the Syrian Desert”. Ibis 122: 82-88, 1980.
- Yeniyurt, C., Oppel, S., İsfendiyaroğlu, S., Özkınacı, G., Erkol, I.L., & Bowden, C.G.R., “Influence of feed ingecology on breeding success of a semi-wildpopulation of the critically endangered Northern Bald Ibis Geronticus eremita in southern Turkey”. Bird Conservation International, 27: 537–549, 2017.
- Serra, G. & Peske, L., “Northern Bald Ibis conservations efforts in Syria 2002-2006: results and lessons learned”. (Edit: Böhm, C.,Bowden, C.G.R., Jordan, M.J.R. and King, C., Northern Bald Ibis Conservation and Reintroduction workshop. 2 nd IAGNBI Meeting September, Vejer, Spain, 2007.
- El Bekkay, M.,Oubrou,W., Smith, K.W., Bowden, C.G.R. and Armesto, M.J.J., “Northern Bald Ibis conservation Project In Souss Massa region” (in Edits Böhm, C., Bowden, C.G.R., and Jordan, M., Northern Bald Ibis Conservation and Reintroduction Workshop.) Proceeding of the IAGNBI Meeting Innsbruck-Tirol. July., pp.25-30, 2003.
- Bowden, C.G.R., Agnaj, A., Smith, K.W. and Ribi, M., “The status and recent breeding performance of the critically endangered Northern Bald Ibis Geronticus eremita population on the Atlantic coast of Morocco”. Ibis 145: 419-431, 2003.
- El Bekkay, M., Oubrou,W., Ribi, M., Smith, K., and Bowden, C.G.R., “Un programme de conservation pour l’ibis chauve (Geronticus eremita) au Maroc”. Ostrich, 78(2): 155–157, 2007.
- Bowden C.G.R., Smith K.W., El Bekkay. M, Oubrou, W., Aghnaj, A. and Jimenez-Armesto, M., “Contribution of research to conservation action for the Northern Bald Ibis Geronticus eremita in Morocco”. Bird Conservation International, 18: 74–90, 2008.
- Oubrou, W. & El Bekkay, M., “Rapport sur la reproduction de l’Ibis Chauve Geronticus eremita dans la région de Souss-Massa Saison 2017”. 2017.
- Aourir, M., Bousadik, H., El Bekkay, M., Oubrou, W., Znari, M. & Qninba, A., “New Breeding sites of the critically endangered northern bald ibis Geronticus eremita on the moroccan atlantic coast”. Int J Avian & Wildlife Biol. 2(3):77‒80, 2017.
- Smith, K.N., Aghnaj, A., El Bekkay, M., Oubrou, W., Ribi, M., Armesto, M.J. & Bowden, C.G.R., “The provision of supplementary fresh water improves the breeding success of the globally threatened Northern Bald Ibis Geronticus eremita”. Ibis 150 (4), 728–734, 2008.
- Fritz, J., Kramer, R., Hoffmann, W., Trobe, D. & Unsöld, M., “Back into the wild: establishing a migratory Northern bald ibis Geronticus eremita population in Europe”. Int. Zoo Yb.51: 107–123, 2017.
- Murray, N.J. & Shaw, P.P., “Breeding Biology of the Australian White Ibıs Threskiornis molucca at an Urban Breeding Colony south-east Queensland”. Corella, 30(2): 41-45, 2006.
- Wirtz, S., Böhm. C.,Fritz, J.,Kotrschal, K., Veith M., Hochkirc, A., “Optimizing the genetic management of reintroduction projects: genetic population structure of the captive Northern Bald Ibis population”. Conservation Genetics 19(4) 853-864, 2018.
- Serra G.,“The Last Flight of the Ancient Guide of Hajj”. Self published. Apia, Samoa.74 pp., 2017.
- Serra, G. & Wondafrash, M., “Eco-ethologıcal and Conservatıon Survey of N. Bald Ibıses Wintering in the Northern Shawa (Ethiopia) During 2008-09”. Fınal Report IUCN West Asia / DGCS Trust Fund Pilot Project. Ethiopian Wildlife and Natural History Society / IUCN. April, 22pp, 2009.
- Böhm, C., “Problems and demands of the selection of release sites for the Northern Bald Ibis”. (in eds. Böhm, C. & Bowden, C.G.R. Northern Bald Ibis Conservation and Translocation Workshop), 2016.
- Erdoğan, İ., ““ , 2017.
- Çiçek, A., ““ , 2023.
- Yeniyurt, C., “Trevor Poyser Species Conservation Fund supports Northern Bald Ibis conservation in Türkiye”. OSME, NEWS 13/06/ 2023.
Year 2024,
, 126 - 143, 30.12.2024
Ahmet Kiliç
Ersin Uysal
Abstract This research was carried out to determine the reproduction, death and loss numbers of northern bald ibises living in Birecik (Şanlıurfa). The research was continued for 11 years. Northern bald ibises are an endangered species. Northern bald ibises breed freely in nature in Birecik. They are placed in cages at the end of June. They live in a cage for eight months. The reproductive ability of the population is high (2012-2022: 782 offspring). But the total number of the population is increasing very slowly. The number of offspring deaths is high (2012-2022: 267 dead offsprings). Mortality occurs in the first two weeks of the offsprings. Adult deaths and losses occur for different reasons (2012-2022: 246 adult individuals). Measures to be taken can prevent offspring deaths. There is a need for regulation in feeding and cage conditions. A second northern bald ibis breeding station should be established. In order to keep the population alive, it should be aimed to increase the number of northern bald ibises. Allowing northern bald ibises to migrate causes individuals to perish. Scientific methods need to be applied to accustom people to migration. Expert personnel (biologist or veterinarian) should be assigned to the station throughout the year.
Supporting Institution
This study was supported by Dicle University (DÜBAP-14-FF-73 and DÜBAP FEN.17.029).
Project Number
This study was supported by Dicle University (DÜBAP-14-FF-73 and DÜBAP FEN.17.029).
We thank our instructor, M. Sadullah ÖZTÜRK, the pioneer of the Northern Bald Ibis rescue project, a true nature lover who helped us greatly. Thanks to the Northern Bald Ibises Brooding station workers and volunteers (General Directorate of Nature Conservation National Parks, Turkey).
- Böhm, C., Bowden, C.G.R., Seddon, P.J., Hatipoğlu, T., Oubrou, W., El Bekkay, M., Quevedo, M.A., Fritz, J., Yeniyurt, C., Lopez, J.M., Orueta, J.F., Frigerio, D. and Unsöld, M., “The northern bald ibis Geronticus eremita: History, current status and future perspectives”, Oryx, 55(6), 934-946, 2021.
- Böhm, C.,“Der Waldrapp -eine (un)endliche Geschichte?- Aktueller Status im Freiland und in Zoos, Schutzprojekte – eine Übersicht”. Zeitschrift des Kölner Zoos 62(2):107-123, 2019.
- Schenker, A. and Serra, G. “ Review of historical breeding sites of the Northern Bald Ibis Geronticus eremita in Syria and south-eastern Turkey”. Bird Conserv. Interna. 32, 137-146, 2022.
- Hirsch, U., “Studies of West Palearctic birds. 183 Bald Ibis”. Brit, Birds 72: 313-325, 1979.
- Şahin, R., “Kelaynak Kuşlarının (Geronticus eremita) Davranış ve Biyolojileri” Habilitation. Dicle University, Diyarbakır, Türkiye 1980.
- Pegoraro, K., “Der Waldrapp: vom Ibis, den man für einen Raben hielt”. AULA. Wiesbaden, Germany, 1996.
- Parmaksız, A., Yığın, A., & Bozkaya, F. Determination of genetic structure of Bald ibis population living in Birecik (Türkiye) using mtDNA COI sequences. Biological Diversity and Conservation, 16(1), 31-37, 2023.
- Akçakaya, H.R., “Bald Ibis Geronticus eremita population in Turkey: An evaluation of the captive breeding Project for reintroduction”. Biol. Conserv. 51:225-237,1990.
- Akçakaya, H.R., Akçakaya, R., Barış, Y.S.,“Birecik’teki Kelaynak (Geronticus eremita) populasyonunun yok olma nedenleri ve koruma çalışmalarının değerlendirilmesi”. Doğa-Turkish Journal of Zoology, 16, 1–12,1992.
- Hatipoğlu,T., “Northern BaldIbis Project at Birecik Breeding Centre: yesterday, today and tomorrow”. (in: Boehm C. & Bowden, C. G. R.-eds. Northern Bald Ibis Conservation and Reintroduction workshop.) Proceedings of 3rd Meeting of International Advisory Group for Northern Bald Ibis (IAGNBI), Palmyra, Syria. November 2009 pp.91, 2010.
- Serra, G., Lindsell, J. A., Peske, L., Fritz, J., Bowden, C. G. R., Bruschini, C. & Wondafrash, M., “Accounting for the low survival of the Critically Endangered northern bald ibis Geronticus eremita on a major migratory flyway”. Oryx, 49(2), 312–320, 2015.
- Schenker, A., Cahenzli, F., Gutbrod, K.G., Thevenot, M. and Erhardt, A., “The Northern Bald Ibis Geronticus eremita in Morocco since 1900: Analysis of ecological requirements”. Bird Cons. Intn. 1-22, 2019.
- Serra, G., Abdallah, M., Assaed, A., Abdallah, A., Al Qaim, G., Fayad, T. and Williamson, D. “Discovery of a relict breeding colony of northern bald ibis Geronticus eremita in Syria. Oryx, 38 (1), 1–7, 2004.
- Serra, G., Peske, L., Abdallah, M.S., al Qaim, G. and Kanani, A., “Breeding ecology and Behaviour of the last wild oriental Northern Bald Ibises (Geronticus eremita) in Syria”. J.Ornithology 150: 769-782, 2009.
- Schenker, A., Cahenzli, F., Gutbrod, K.G., Thevenot, M. and Erhardt, A., “The Northern Bald Ibis Geronticus eremita in Morocco since 1900: Analysis of ecological requirements”. Bird Cons. Intn. 1-22, 2019.
- Bowden, C.G.R., Orueta, J.F., Vazquez, J.M.L., Onrubia, A., Quevedo, M.A.,“Sightings of reintroduced northern bald ibis Geronticus eremita crossing between Spain and Morocco are probably hand-reared rather than wild-born”. Oryx, 52(3), 411–412, 2018
- Fritz, J., “Life Northern Bald Ibis Wiederansiedlung des Waldrapp in Europa Jahresbericht 2017. Reintroduction of the Northern Bald Ibis”. LIFE+12-BIO_AT_000143, LIFE Northern Bald Ibis | Waldrappteam, 2018.
- Bird Life, “Red List update for birds: iconic species saved from extinction by conservation action. Conservation successes. Northern Bald Ibis population has reached a modern record and expanded to new breeding sites (Morocco)”. Internatıonal Press Release. Embargoed until 00:01 AM GMT on 22 November 2018.
- IUCN, “Northern Bald Ibis Geronticus eremita”. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2018: Downloaded on 18 March 2021.
- Touti, J.,Oumellouk, F., Bowden, C.G.R., Kirkwood, J.K. and Smith, K.W., “Mortality incident in northern bald ibis Geronticus eremita in Morocco in May 1996”. Oryx, 33(2) 160-167, 1999.
- Quevedo Muñoz, M. A., López Vazques, J. M., Aguilera Prieto, E., “Update of Proyecto eremita”.(Edit: Böhm, C., Bowden, C.G.R., Jordan, M.J.R. and King, C.), Northern Bald Ibis Conservation and Reintroduction workshop. 2 nd IAGNBI Meeting, September, Vejer, Spain. 2006.
- Quevedo, M. A., “Update report of Proyecto Eremita, March 2010”. (in: Boehm, C. & Bowden, C. G. R. (eds). Northern Bald Ibis Conservation and Reintroduction workshop.) Proceedings of 3rd Meeting of International Advisory Group for Northern Bald Ibis (IAGNBI) (ISBN 978-1-905601-27-1), Palmyra, Syria. November, pp.91, 2009.
- Kılıç, A., “Reproduction Success of Northern Bald Ibises (Geronticus eremita) -2016”. XIII.Cogress of Ecology and Environment with İnternational Participation. Oral Presentation. 12-15 September Edirne Trakya University, 2016.
- Arihan, O., “Recent Information on the occurrence of the Northern Bald Ibis Geronticus eremita inTurkey”. Turna 1:10-15, 1998.
- Özbağdatlı, N., Hatipoğlu, T., Kurt, B., Arıhan, O., Tavares, J. and Bowden, C., “Outline of a proposed collaborative Project to monitor and develop the Bireçik semi-wild Northern Bald Ibis population”. (in edit C.Bowden, An update on current projects involving wild and captive Northern Bald Ibis Geronticus eremita) I.A.G.N.B.I. Newsletter 1. September 2001.
- Özbağdatlı, N., “Northern Bald Ibis Project at the Birecik Breeding Centre”. (Edit: Böhm, C., Bowden, C.G.R., Jordan, M.J.R. and King, C., Northern Bald Ibis Conservation and Reintroduction workshop. 2 nd IAGNBI Meeting, September, Vejer-Spain, 2007.
- Bowden, C., Böhm, C., Lopez, J.M., Hatipoglu, T., “Draft update to Release guidelines and methodology for Northern Bald Ibis Geronticus eremita”. (in eds. Böhm, C. & Bowden, C.G.R. Northern Bald Ibis Conservation and Translocation Workshop), 2016.
- Kılıç, A., “Numerical Changes in Northern Bald Ibis (Geronticus eremita)”. 24th National Biology Congress. Proceedings Book, (ISBN 978-975-8628-71-1)10-14 September, Manisa- Türkiye, 2018.
- Kılıç, A., "Near-Extinct Northern Bald Ibis (Geronticus eremita)". Agriculture and Bird Diversity Workshop in Diyarbakır. Oral Presentation. Proceedings Book. 10 October, Dicle Univ. Diyarbakır, 2019.
- Kılıç, A., “Losses and Deaths in the Northern Bald Ibıs Population (2012-2020)”. International Engineering and Natural Sciences Conference (IENSC 2020) (ISBN 978-605-81971-9-0). Oral Presentation. Proceedings Book 5-6 November , Dicle University, Diyarbakır, Türkiye, 2020.
- Kılıç, A., “Challenges Facing Northern Bald Ibis (Geronticus eremita)-2021”. 4th National Applied Biological Sciences Congress. Oral Presentation. Online. Proceedings Book, S 33 (E-ISBN: 978-605-71081-3-5). 06-07 December, 2021.
- Kılıç, A.,“2018-2022 Losses of Northern Bald Ibis Population”. 5th National Zoology Congress, Oral Presentation. Online, Proceedings Book (E-ISBN:978-605-72835-4-2) 2-3 December, 2022.
- Safriel, U.N., “Notes on the Extinct Population of the Bald Ibis Gerontıcus eremita in the Syrian Desert”. Ibis 122: 82-88, 1980.
- Yeniyurt, C., Oppel, S., İsfendiyaroğlu, S., Özkınacı, G., Erkol, I.L., & Bowden, C.G.R., “Influence of feed ingecology on breeding success of a semi-wildpopulation of the critically endangered Northern Bald Ibis Geronticus eremita in southern Turkey”. Bird Conservation International, 27: 537–549, 2017.
- Serra, G. & Peske, L., “Northern Bald Ibis conservations efforts in Syria 2002-2006: results and lessons learned”. (Edit: Böhm, C.,Bowden, C.G.R., Jordan, M.J.R. and King, C., Northern Bald Ibis Conservation and Reintroduction workshop. 2 nd IAGNBI Meeting September, Vejer, Spain, 2007.
- El Bekkay, M.,Oubrou,W., Smith, K.W., Bowden, C.G.R. and Armesto, M.J.J., “Northern Bald Ibis conservation Project In Souss Massa region” (in Edits Böhm, C., Bowden, C.G.R., and Jordan, M., Northern Bald Ibis Conservation and Reintroduction Workshop.) Proceeding of the IAGNBI Meeting Innsbruck-Tirol. July., pp.25-30, 2003.
- Bowden, C.G.R., Agnaj, A., Smith, K.W. and Ribi, M., “The status and recent breeding performance of the critically endangered Northern Bald Ibis Geronticus eremita population on the Atlantic coast of Morocco”. Ibis 145: 419-431, 2003.
- El Bekkay, M., Oubrou,W., Ribi, M., Smith, K., and Bowden, C.G.R., “Un programme de conservation pour l’ibis chauve (Geronticus eremita) au Maroc”. Ostrich, 78(2): 155–157, 2007.
- Bowden C.G.R., Smith K.W., El Bekkay. M, Oubrou, W., Aghnaj, A. and Jimenez-Armesto, M., “Contribution of research to conservation action for the Northern Bald Ibis Geronticus eremita in Morocco”. Bird Conservation International, 18: 74–90, 2008.
- Oubrou, W. & El Bekkay, M., “Rapport sur la reproduction de l’Ibis Chauve Geronticus eremita dans la région de Souss-Massa Saison 2017”. 2017.
- Aourir, M., Bousadik, H., El Bekkay, M., Oubrou, W., Znari, M. & Qninba, A., “New Breeding sites of the critically endangered northern bald ibis Geronticus eremita on the moroccan atlantic coast”. Int J Avian & Wildlife Biol. 2(3):77‒80, 2017.
- Smith, K.N., Aghnaj, A., El Bekkay, M., Oubrou, W., Ribi, M., Armesto, M.J. & Bowden, C.G.R., “The provision of supplementary fresh water improves the breeding success of the globally threatened Northern Bald Ibis Geronticus eremita”. Ibis 150 (4), 728–734, 2008.
- Fritz, J., Kramer, R., Hoffmann, W., Trobe, D. & Unsöld, M., “Back into the wild: establishing a migratory Northern bald ibis Geronticus eremita population in Europe”. Int. Zoo Yb.51: 107–123, 2017.
- Murray, N.J. & Shaw, P.P., “Breeding Biology of the Australian White Ibıs Threskiornis molucca at an Urban Breeding Colony south-east Queensland”. Corella, 30(2): 41-45, 2006.
- Wirtz, S., Böhm. C.,Fritz, J.,Kotrschal, K., Veith M., Hochkirc, A., “Optimizing the genetic management of reintroduction projects: genetic population structure of the captive Northern Bald Ibis population”. Conservation Genetics 19(4) 853-864, 2018.
- Serra G.,“The Last Flight of the Ancient Guide of Hajj”. Self published. Apia, Samoa.74 pp., 2017.
- Serra, G. & Wondafrash, M., “Eco-ethologıcal and Conservatıon Survey of N. Bald Ibıses Wintering in the Northern Shawa (Ethiopia) During 2008-09”. Fınal Report IUCN West Asia / DGCS Trust Fund Pilot Project. Ethiopian Wildlife and Natural History Society / IUCN. April, 22pp, 2009.
- Böhm, C., “Problems and demands of the selection of release sites for the Northern Bald Ibis”. (in eds. Böhm, C. & Bowden, C.G.R. Northern Bald Ibis Conservation and Translocation Workshop), 2016.
- Erdoğan, İ., ““ , 2017.
- Çiçek, A., ““ , 2023.
- Yeniyurt, C., “Trevor Poyser Species Conservation Fund supports Northern Bald Ibis conservation in Türkiye”. OSME, NEWS 13/06/ 2023.