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Kılıç balıklarının (Xiphias gladius) ilginç davranışları

Year 2021, Volume: 7 Issue: 2, 96 - 104, 29.12.2021


Kılıç balığı, üst çenesindeki kılıca benzer keskin ve çok uzun uzantıdan dolayı adını rostrumundan (gaga) almıştır. Görünüşü ile son derece tehlikeli ve yırtıcı bir özellik gösterir. Tehlike anında kullandığı tek silah kılıcıdır. Bu kılıçla 30 cm kalınlığındaki ahşabı delebilen kılıç balığı, teknelere bile rahatlıkla saldırabilir. Kılıç balığı üzerine yapılan birçok araştırmanın derlenmesinden oluşturulan bu çalışma, kılıç balıklarının bazı ilginç davranışlarını sunmaktadır. Bunlar arasında, yatay-dikey hareketleri, beslenme, saldırı, güneşlenme ve kur yapma davranışları üzerinde durulmuştur.


  • Abascal, F. J., Mejuto, J., Quintans, M., & Ramos-Cartelle, A. (2010). Horizontal and vertical movements of swordfish in the Southeast Pacific. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 67(3), 466-474.
  • Akyol, O. (2018). Kültürümüzde Kılıç Balıkları-Kılıçlar Gözleriyle Ölür. Ege Üniversitesi Yayınları, No. 84, 147 s
  • Alev, L. (1966). Amatör Balıkçılık. Inkilap ve Aka Kitabevleri Kol. Şti., İstanbul,158 s.
  • Beckett, J. S. (1971). Canadian swordfish longline fishery. Working paper (SCRS/71/36) submitted to the Standing Committee on Research and Statistics, November 1971. mt. Comm. Conserv. Ail. Tunas, General Mola 17, Madrid I, Spain.
  • Brewster-Geisz, K., Crory, D.M., & Folsom, W.B. (1997). World swordfish fisheries: an analysis of swordfish fisheries, market trends, and trade patterns, past – present – future. Volume V. NOAA Tech. Memo. NMFS-F ⁄ SPO-28, 136 pp.
  • Burton, M., & Burton, R. (1979). Balıklar. In: Bateş Hayvanlar Ansiklopedisi. 1. Baskısı B.P.C. Publishing Ltd./Phoebus Publishing Co. 1969, BATEŞ A.Ş., İstanbul, pp.127/220-221.
  • Carey, F.G., & Robinson, B.H. (1981). Daily patterns in the activities of swordfish, Xiphias gladius, observed by acoustic telemetry. Fishery Bulletin, 79: 277–292.
  • Carey, F. G. (1982). A brain heater in swordfish. Science, 216:1327–1329.
  • Carey, F.G. (1990). Further acoustic telemetry observations of swordfish. In: Planning the Future of Billfishes, Research and Management in the 90s and Beyond. R.H. Stroud (ed.) Savannah, GA: National Coalition for Marine Conservation, Inc, pp. 103–122.
  • Coan, A.L., Vojkovich, M., & Prescott, D. (1998). The California harpoon fishery for swordfish, Xiphias gladius. NOAA Tech. Rep. 142: 37–49.
  • De Martini, E.E., & Boggs, C.H. (1999). Biological Research in Support of Swordfish Stock Assessment. Second Interim Scientific Committee Meeting Working Document.
  • Dewar, H., Prince, E. D., Musyl, M. K., Brill, R. W., Sepulveda, C., Luo, J., Foley, D., Orbesen, E. S., Domeier, M. L., Nasby-Lucas, R., Hoolihan, J. P., Block, B.A., & McNaughton, L. M. (2011). Movements and behaviors of swordfish in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans examined using pop‐up satellite archival tags. Fisheries Oceanography, 20(3), 219-241.
  • Draganik, B., & Cholyst, J. (1988). Temperature and moonlight as stimulators for feeding activity by swordfish. Col. Vol. Sci. Pap., ICCAT, 27: 305–314.
  • Ellis, R. (2013). Armed and Dangerous. In Swordfish: A biography of the ocean gladiator. University of Chicago Press, pp. 61-90.
  • Georgiadou, D., Zografos, G. N., Vaidakis, D., Avlonitis, S., Katopodi, A., Tzirakis, E. N., Sioutos, P., Drossos, C., Lampropoulou, P., & Papastratis, G. (2010). Swordfish bill injury involving abdomen and vertebral column: case report and review. BMC Surgery, 10(1):30.
  • Goode, G.B. (1882). Materials for a history of the swordfish. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society, 11(1): 84-150.
  • Gooi, B.H., Khamizar, W., & Suhami, M.N. (2006). Swordfish attack - Death by penetrating head injury: Case report. Asian Journal of Surgery, 30 (2): 158-159.
  • Gudger, E.W. (1938). Tales of attacks by the ocean gladiator-How the swordfish, Xiphias gladius, wreaks occasional vengeance by spearing the dories of the fishermen who persecute him. Natural History, 41:128-137.
  • Gudger, E.W. (1940). The alleged pugnacity of the swordfish and the spearfishes as shown by their attacks on vessels:(A study of their behavior and the structures which make possible these attacks). Royal Asiatic Society of Bengal, 12(2):315.
  • Habegger, M. L., Dean, M. N., Dunlop, J. W., Mullins, G., Stokes, M., Huber, D. R., Winters, D., & Motta. P. J. (2015). Feeding in billfishes: inferring the role of the rostrum from a biomechanical standpoint. J. Exp. Biol., 218(6): 824-836.
  • Harbison, G. R. (1987). Encounters with a swordfish (Xiphias gladius) and sharptail mola (Masturus lanceolatus) at depths greater than 600 meters. Copeia (2), 511–13.
  • Hardy, A. (1959). Fish and fisheries. In: J. Fisher, J. Gilmour, J. Huxley, D. Stamp (eds.), The Open Sea: Its natural history. Part II, Collins, St. James’s Place, London, pp. 82-83.
  • Holts, D. B., Bartoo, N.W., & Bedford, D.W. (1994). Swordfish tracking in the Southern California Bight. NOAA Administrative Report, LJ 94-15: 1-9.
  • Kailola, P. J., Williams, M. J., Stewart, P. C., Reicheit, R. E., McNee, A.,& Grieve, C. (1993). Australian fisheries resources. Bureau of Resource Sciences, Canberra. ISBN: 0-642-18876-9, 424 p.
  • La Domenica Del Corriere, (1957). Supplemento illustrato del nuovo corriere della sera, 27 October 1957. Anno 59, n. 43. Magnusson J.J., & Prescott J.H. (1966). Courtship, locomotion, feeding and miscellaneous behaviour of Pacific bonito (Sarda chilensis). Animal Behaviour 14: 54–67.
  • Musyl, M. K., Brill, R. W., Boggs, C. H., Curran, D. S., Kazama, T. K., & Seki, M. P. (2003). Vertical movements of bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus) associated with islands, buoys, and seamounts near the main Hawaiian Islands from archival tagging data. Fisheries Oceanography, 12: 152 –169.
  • Nakamura, I. (1985). FAO species catalogue. Billfish of the world. An annotated and illustrated catalogue of marlins, sailfishes, spearfishes, and swordfishes known to date. FAO Fish Synop., 125(5): 65 p.
  • Nakamura, I., (1986). Xiphidae. pp.1006-1007. In: Whitehead, P. J. P., Bauchot, M.-L., Hureau, J.-C., Nielsen, J., Tortonese, E. (Eds.). Fishes of the North-eastern Atlantic and the Mediterranean. Vol. II. UNESCO, Paris.
  • Neilson, J. D., Smith, S., Royer, F., Paul, S. D., Porter, J. M., & Lutcavage, M. (2009). Investigations of horizontal movements of Atlantic swordfish using pop-up satellite archival tags. pp. 145–159. In: Nielsen, J.L., Arrizabalaga, H., Fragoso, N., Hobday, A., Lutcavage, M., Sibert, J. (Eds). Tagging and Tracking of Marine Animals with Electronic Devices, Reviews: Methods and Technologies in Fish Biology and Fisheries, Vol. 9. New York: Springer,
  • Palko, B. J., Beardsley, G. L., & Richards, W. J. (1981). Synopsis of the biology of the swordfish, Xiphias gladius Linnaeus. NOAA Technical Report NMFS Circular 441. FAO Fisheries Synopsis No. 127. Pp.21.
  • Poisson, F., Gaertner, J.-C., Taquet, M., Durbec, J.-P., & Bigelow, K. (2010). Effects of lunar cycle and fishing operations on longline-caught pelagic fish: Fishing performance, capture time, and survival of fish. Fisheries Bulletin, 108:268-281.
  • Romeo, T., Battaglia, P., Raicevich, S., Perzia, P., & Andaloro, F. (2015). Swordfish harpoon fishery in the Mediterranean Sea: Recent data to implement the marine strategy framework directive and the EcAp (Ecosystem Approach) process. Fisheries Research, 161:191–199.
  • Romeo, T., Ammendolia, G., Canese, S., Andaloro, F., & Battaglia, P. (2017). Recent records of swordfish attacks on harpoon vessels in the Sicilian waters (Mediterranean Sea). Acta Adriatica, 58(1):147-156.
  • Romeo, T., Consoli, P., Castriota, L., & Andaloro, F. (2009a). An evaluation of resource partitioning between two billfish, Tetrapturus belone and Xiphias gladius, in the central Mediterranean Sea. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the U.K., 89 (4): 849–857.
  • Romeo, T., Consoli, P., Greco, S., Canese, S., Andaloro, F. (2009b). Swordfish (Xiphias gladius, Teleostei: Xiphiidae) surface behaviour during reproductive period in the central Mediterranean Sea (Southern Tyrrhenian Sea). Marine Biodiversity Record, 2 (e45):1-7.
  • Sakagawa, G.T. (1989). Trends in fisheries for swordfish in the Pacific Ocean. In: Planning the future of billfishes: Research and management in the 90s and beyond. R.H. Stroud (ed.) Proceedings of the Second International Billfish Symposium, Kailua-Kona, Hawaii, 1–5 August 1988, Part 1: Fishery and Stock Synopses, Data Needs and Management. Savannah, GA: National Coalition for Marine Conservation, pp. 61–79.
  • Schaefer, K. M., & Fuller, D. W. (2002). Movements, behavior, and habitat selection of bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus) in the eastern equatorial Pacific, ascertained through archival tags. Fishery Bulletin, 100: 765–788.
  • Schaefer, K. M., Fuller, D. W., & Block, B. A. (2007). Movements, behavior, and habitat utilization of yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) in the northeastern Pacific Ocean, ascertained through archival tag data. Marine Biology, 152: 503–525.
  • Scott, W. B., & Tibbo, S. N. 1968. Food and feeding habits of swordfish, Xiphias gladius, in the Western North Atlantic. Journal of Fisheries Board of Canada, 25(5): 903–919.
  • Sepulveda, C., Knight, A., Nasby-Lucas, N., & Domeier, M. L. (2010). Fine-scale movements of the swordfish Xiphias gladius in the Southern California Bight. Fisheries Oceanography, 19:279– 289.
  • Sisci, R. (2005). La caccia al pescespada nello Stretto di Messina. Messina, Sfameni. pp. 223
  • Stillwell, C. E., & Kohler, N. E. (1985). Food and feeding ecology of the swordfish (Xiphias gladius) in the western North Atlantic Ocean with estimates of daily ration. Marine Ecology Progres Series, 22:239-247.
  • Takahashi, M., Okamura, H., Yokawa, K., & Okazaki, M. (2003). Swimming behaviour and migration of a swordfish recorded by an archival tag. Marine and Freshwater Research, 54(4), 527-534.
  • Teo, S. L. H., Boustany, A., Dewar, H., Stokesbury, M. J. W., Weng, K. C., Beemer, S., Seitz, A.C., Farwell, C. J., Prince, E. D. & Block, B. A. (2007). Annual migrations, diving behavior, and thermal biology of Atlantic bluefin tuna, Thunnus thynnus, on their Gulf of Mexico breeding grounds. Marine Biology, 151: 1–18.
  • Tullis, A., & Block, B.A. (1996). Expression of sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca (2+)-ATP ase isoforms in marlin and swordfish muscle and heater cells. American Journal of Physiology 271 (1 pt 2) 262-275.
  • Üner, S. (1968). Balık Avcılığı ve Yemekleri. 7. Baskı Mayıs 1984, Say Kitap Pazarlama, İstanbul, 143 s.
  • Zarudski, E. F. K., & Haedrich, R. L. (1974). Swordfish (Xiphias gladius) attacks submarine (Alvin). Oceanology, 3: 111-116.

Interesting Behaviours of Swordfish (Xiphias gladius)

Year 2021, Volume: 7 Issue: 2, 96 - 104, 29.12.2021



  • Abascal, F. J., Mejuto, J., Quintans, M., & Ramos-Cartelle, A. (2010). Horizontal and vertical movements of swordfish in the Southeast Pacific. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 67(3), 466-474.
  • Akyol, O. (2018). Kültürümüzde Kılıç Balıkları-Kılıçlar Gözleriyle Ölür. Ege Üniversitesi Yayınları, No. 84, 147 s
  • Alev, L. (1966). Amatör Balıkçılık. Inkilap ve Aka Kitabevleri Kol. Şti., İstanbul,158 s.
  • Beckett, J. S. (1971). Canadian swordfish longline fishery. Working paper (SCRS/71/36) submitted to the Standing Committee on Research and Statistics, November 1971. mt. Comm. Conserv. Ail. Tunas, General Mola 17, Madrid I, Spain.
  • Brewster-Geisz, K., Crory, D.M., & Folsom, W.B. (1997). World swordfish fisheries: an analysis of swordfish fisheries, market trends, and trade patterns, past – present – future. Volume V. NOAA Tech. Memo. NMFS-F ⁄ SPO-28, 136 pp.
  • Burton, M., & Burton, R. (1979). Balıklar. In: Bateş Hayvanlar Ansiklopedisi. 1. Baskısı B.P.C. Publishing Ltd./Phoebus Publishing Co. 1969, BATEŞ A.Ş., İstanbul, pp.127/220-221.
  • Carey, F.G., & Robinson, B.H. (1981). Daily patterns in the activities of swordfish, Xiphias gladius, observed by acoustic telemetry. Fishery Bulletin, 79: 277–292.
  • Carey, F. G. (1982). A brain heater in swordfish. Science, 216:1327–1329.
  • Carey, F.G. (1990). Further acoustic telemetry observations of swordfish. In: Planning the Future of Billfishes, Research and Management in the 90s and Beyond. R.H. Stroud (ed.) Savannah, GA: National Coalition for Marine Conservation, Inc, pp. 103–122.
  • Coan, A.L., Vojkovich, M., & Prescott, D. (1998). The California harpoon fishery for swordfish, Xiphias gladius. NOAA Tech. Rep. 142: 37–49.
  • De Martini, E.E., & Boggs, C.H. (1999). Biological Research in Support of Swordfish Stock Assessment. Second Interim Scientific Committee Meeting Working Document.
  • Dewar, H., Prince, E. D., Musyl, M. K., Brill, R. W., Sepulveda, C., Luo, J., Foley, D., Orbesen, E. S., Domeier, M. L., Nasby-Lucas, R., Hoolihan, J. P., Block, B.A., & McNaughton, L. M. (2011). Movements and behaviors of swordfish in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans examined using pop‐up satellite archival tags. Fisheries Oceanography, 20(3), 219-241.
  • Draganik, B., & Cholyst, J. (1988). Temperature and moonlight as stimulators for feeding activity by swordfish. Col. Vol. Sci. Pap., ICCAT, 27: 305–314.
  • Ellis, R. (2013). Armed and Dangerous. In Swordfish: A biography of the ocean gladiator. University of Chicago Press, pp. 61-90.
  • Georgiadou, D., Zografos, G. N., Vaidakis, D., Avlonitis, S., Katopodi, A., Tzirakis, E. N., Sioutos, P., Drossos, C., Lampropoulou, P., & Papastratis, G. (2010). Swordfish bill injury involving abdomen and vertebral column: case report and review. BMC Surgery, 10(1):30.
  • Goode, G.B. (1882). Materials for a history of the swordfish. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society, 11(1): 84-150.
  • Gooi, B.H., Khamizar, W., & Suhami, M.N. (2006). Swordfish attack - Death by penetrating head injury: Case report. Asian Journal of Surgery, 30 (2): 158-159.
  • Gudger, E.W. (1938). Tales of attacks by the ocean gladiator-How the swordfish, Xiphias gladius, wreaks occasional vengeance by spearing the dories of the fishermen who persecute him. Natural History, 41:128-137.
  • Gudger, E.W. (1940). The alleged pugnacity of the swordfish and the spearfishes as shown by their attacks on vessels:(A study of their behavior and the structures which make possible these attacks). Royal Asiatic Society of Bengal, 12(2):315.
  • Habegger, M. L., Dean, M. N., Dunlop, J. W., Mullins, G., Stokes, M., Huber, D. R., Winters, D., & Motta. P. J. (2015). Feeding in billfishes: inferring the role of the rostrum from a biomechanical standpoint. J. Exp. Biol., 218(6): 824-836.
  • Harbison, G. R. (1987). Encounters with a swordfish (Xiphias gladius) and sharptail mola (Masturus lanceolatus) at depths greater than 600 meters. Copeia (2), 511–13.
  • Hardy, A. (1959). Fish and fisheries. In: J. Fisher, J. Gilmour, J. Huxley, D. Stamp (eds.), The Open Sea: Its natural history. Part II, Collins, St. James’s Place, London, pp. 82-83.
  • Holts, D. B., Bartoo, N.W., & Bedford, D.W. (1994). Swordfish tracking in the Southern California Bight. NOAA Administrative Report, LJ 94-15: 1-9.
  • Kailola, P. J., Williams, M. J., Stewart, P. C., Reicheit, R. E., McNee, A.,& Grieve, C. (1993). Australian fisheries resources. Bureau of Resource Sciences, Canberra. ISBN: 0-642-18876-9, 424 p.
  • La Domenica Del Corriere, (1957). Supplemento illustrato del nuovo corriere della sera, 27 October 1957. Anno 59, n. 43. Magnusson J.J., & Prescott J.H. (1966). Courtship, locomotion, feeding and miscellaneous behaviour of Pacific bonito (Sarda chilensis). Animal Behaviour 14: 54–67.
  • Musyl, M. K., Brill, R. W., Boggs, C. H., Curran, D. S., Kazama, T. K., & Seki, M. P. (2003). Vertical movements of bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus) associated with islands, buoys, and seamounts near the main Hawaiian Islands from archival tagging data. Fisheries Oceanography, 12: 152 –169.
  • Nakamura, I. (1985). FAO species catalogue. Billfish of the world. An annotated and illustrated catalogue of marlins, sailfishes, spearfishes, and swordfishes known to date. FAO Fish Synop., 125(5): 65 p.
  • Nakamura, I., (1986). Xiphidae. pp.1006-1007. In: Whitehead, P. J. P., Bauchot, M.-L., Hureau, J.-C., Nielsen, J., Tortonese, E. (Eds.). Fishes of the North-eastern Atlantic and the Mediterranean. Vol. II. UNESCO, Paris.
  • Neilson, J. D., Smith, S., Royer, F., Paul, S. D., Porter, J. M., & Lutcavage, M. (2009). Investigations of horizontal movements of Atlantic swordfish using pop-up satellite archival tags. pp. 145–159. In: Nielsen, J.L., Arrizabalaga, H., Fragoso, N., Hobday, A., Lutcavage, M., Sibert, J. (Eds). Tagging and Tracking of Marine Animals with Electronic Devices, Reviews: Methods and Technologies in Fish Biology and Fisheries, Vol. 9. New York: Springer,
  • Palko, B. J., Beardsley, G. L., & Richards, W. J. (1981). Synopsis of the biology of the swordfish, Xiphias gladius Linnaeus. NOAA Technical Report NMFS Circular 441. FAO Fisheries Synopsis No. 127. Pp.21.
  • Poisson, F., Gaertner, J.-C., Taquet, M., Durbec, J.-P., & Bigelow, K. (2010). Effects of lunar cycle and fishing operations on longline-caught pelagic fish: Fishing performance, capture time, and survival of fish. Fisheries Bulletin, 108:268-281.
  • Romeo, T., Battaglia, P., Raicevich, S., Perzia, P., & Andaloro, F. (2015). Swordfish harpoon fishery in the Mediterranean Sea: Recent data to implement the marine strategy framework directive and the EcAp (Ecosystem Approach) process. Fisheries Research, 161:191–199.
  • Romeo, T., Ammendolia, G., Canese, S., Andaloro, F., & Battaglia, P. (2017). Recent records of swordfish attacks on harpoon vessels in the Sicilian waters (Mediterranean Sea). Acta Adriatica, 58(1):147-156.
  • Romeo, T., Consoli, P., Castriota, L., & Andaloro, F. (2009a). An evaluation of resource partitioning between two billfish, Tetrapturus belone and Xiphias gladius, in the central Mediterranean Sea. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the U.K., 89 (4): 849–857.
  • Romeo, T., Consoli, P., Greco, S., Canese, S., Andaloro, F. (2009b). Swordfish (Xiphias gladius, Teleostei: Xiphiidae) surface behaviour during reproductive period in the central Mediterranean Sea (Southern Tyrrhenian Sea). Marine Biodiversity Record, 2 (e45):1-7.
  • Sakagawa, G.T. (1989). Trends in fisheries for swordfish in the Pacific Ocean. In: Planning the future of billfishes: Research and management in the 90s and beyond. R.H. Stroud (ed.) Proceedings of the Second International Billfish Symposium, Kailua-Kona, Hawaii, 1–5 August 1988, Part 1: Fishery and Stock Synopses, Data Needs and Management. Savannah, GA: National Coalition for Marine Conservation, pp. 61–79.
  • Schaefer, K. M., & Fuller, D. W. (2002). Movements, behavior, and habitat selection of bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus) in the eastern equatorial Pacific, ascertained through archival tags. Fishery Bulletin, 100: 765–788.
  • Schaefer, K. M., Fuller, D. W., & Block, B. A. (2007). Movements, behavior, and habitat utilization of yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) in the northeastern Pacific Ocean, ascertained through archival tag data. Marine Biology, 152: 503–525.
  • Scott, W. B., & Tibbo, S. N. 1968. Food and feeding habits of swordfish, Xiphias gladius, in the Western North Atlantic. Journal of Fisheries Board of Canada, 25(5): 903–919.
  • Sepulveda, C., Knight, A., Nasby-Lucas, N., & Domeier, M. L. (2010). Fine-scale movements of the swordfish Xiphias gladius in the Southern California Bight. Fisheries Oceanography, 19:279– 289.
  • Sisci, R. (2005). La caccia al pescespada nello Stretto di Messina. Messina, Sfameni. pp. 223
  • Stillwell, C. E., & Kohler, N. E. (1985). Food and feeding ecology of the swordfish (Xiphias gladius) in the western North Atlantic Ocean with estimates of daily ration. Marine Ecology Progres Series, 22:239-247.
  • Takahashi, M., Okamura, H., Yokawa, K., & Okazaki, M. (2003). Swimming behaviour and migration of a swordfish recorded by an archival tag. Marine and Freshwater Research, 54(4), 527-534.
  • Teo, S. L. H., Boustany, A., Dewar, H., Stokesbury, M. J. W., Weng, K. C., Beemer, S., Seitz, A.C., Farwell, C. J., Prince, E. D. & Block, B. A. (2007). Annual migrations, diving behavior, and thermal biology of Atlantic bluefin tuna, Thunnus thynnus, on their Gulf of Mexico breeding grounds. Marine Biology, 151: 1–18.
  • Tullis, A., & Block, B.A. (1996). Expression of sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca (2+)-ATP ase isoforms in marlin and swordfish muscle and heater cells. American Journal of Physiology 271 (1 pt 2) 262-275.
  • Üner, S. (1968). Balık Avcılığı ve Yemekleri. 7. Baskı Mayıs 1984, Say Kitap Pazarlama, İstanbul, 143 s.
  • Zarudski, E. F. K., & Haedrich, R. L. (1974). Swordfish (Xiphias gladius) attacks submarine (Alvin). Oceanology, 3: 111-116.
There are 47 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Hydrobiology
Journal Section Derleme

Simge Koca 0000-0001-6090-9986

Okan Akyol 0000-0001-7738-2156

Publication Date December 29, 2021
Acceptance Date December 28, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021 Volume: 7 Issue: 2


APA Koca, S., & Akyol, O. (2021). Kılıç balıklarının (Xiphias gladius) ilginç davranışları. Memba Kastamonu Üniversitesi Su Ürünleri Fakültesi Dergisi, 7(2), 96-104.
AMA Koca S, Akyol O. Kılıç balıklarının (Xiphias gladius) ilginç davranışları. Memba Kastamonu Üniversitesi Su Ürünleri Fakültesi Dergisi. December 2021;7(2):96-104.
Chicago Koca, Simge, and Okan Akyol. “Kılıç balıklarının (Xiphias Gladius) Ilginç davranışları”. Memba Kastamonu Üniversitesi Su Ürünleri Fakültesi Dergisi 7, no. 2 (December 2021): 96-104.
EndNote Koca S, Akyol O (December 1, 2021) Kılıç balıklarının (Xiphias gladius) ilginç davranışları. Memba Kastamonu Üniversitesi Su Ürünleri Fakültesi Dergisi 7 2 96–104.
IEEE S. Koca and O. Akyol, “Kılıç balıklarının (Xiphias gladius) ilginç davranışları”, Memba Kastamonu Üniversitesi Su Ürünleri Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 96–104, 2021.
ISNAD Koca, Simge - Akyol, Okan. “Kılıç balıklarının (Xiphias Gladius) Ilginç davranışları”. Memba Kastamonu Üniversitesi Su Ürünleri Fakültesi Dergisi 7/2 (December 2021), 96-104.
JAMA Koca S, Akyol O. Kılıç balıklarının (Xiphias gladius) ilginç davranışları. Memba Kastamonu Üniversitesi Su Ürünleri Fakültesi Dergisi. 2021;7:96–104.
MLA Koca, Simge and Okan Akyol. “Kılıç balıklarının (Xiphias Gladius) Ilginç davranışları”. Memba Kastamonu Üniversitesi Su Ürünleri Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 7, no. 2, 2021, pp. 96-104.
Vancouver Koca S, Akyol O. Kılıç balıklarının (Xiphias gladius) ilginç davranışları. Memba Kastamonu Üniversitesi Su Ürünleri Fakültesi Dergisi. 2021;7(2):96-104.

Menba Kastamonu Üniversitesi Su Ürünleri Fakültesi Dergisi olarak 2013'te kurulan dergimiz,
Memba Su Bilimleri Dergisi olarak yayın hayatına devam etmektedir.
Su bilimleri alanında biyoloji, ekoloji, içsular, balık besleme, balık avcılığı, balıkçılık teknolojisi, balıkçılık ekonomisi ve yönetimi, su ürünleri işleme teknolojileri, su kimyası, mikrobiyoloji, alg biyoteknolojisi, denizel organizmaların korunması, acısu ve tatlı su habitatları ve kirlilik, ekotoksikoloji, tarımsal ve çevresel sürdürülebilirlik, iklim ve bitki büyüme modelleri, iklim değişikliği, doğal afetler, hidrometeorolojik afetler, uzaktan algılama, coğrafi bilgi teknolojileri, kıyısal alanlar, kurak ve yarıkurak topografyalar, mekansal analiz ve modelleme, biyocoğrafya, fiziki coğrafya, beşeri ve ekonomik coğrafya, jeomorfoloji, çevresel sorunlar, hayvansal ve bitkisel biyoteknoloji, hayvansal ve bitkisel üretim alanlarında İngilizce ve Türkçe orjinal makaleler, kısa notlar, teknik notlar, raporlar ve derlemeleri yılda dört sayı (Mart, Haziran, Eylül, Aralık) olarak yayınlanan online, açık erişimli, uluslararası hakemli dergidir.

Memba Su Bilimleri Dergisi
TRDizin, SOBIAD, ASCI, CAB Direct, Google Scholar, Paperity, Asosindex, Academic Journal Index, CNKI Scholar
dizinlerinde taranmaktadır.
Dergimize makale yükleme sırasında intihal benzerlik raporu yüklemek zorunlu ve bu raporun intihal benzerlik oranının % 30'un altında olması gerekmektedir. Bu raporu yazarlar makale yükleme sırasında göndermelidir.
Dergimize yüklenen Türkçe ve İngilizce makalelerde Türkçe ve İngilizce özetlerin bulunması zorunludur.