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The Samaritans: The Problem of the Origin and Its Reflections in State of Israel Today

Year 2016, , 101 - 128, 28.12.2016


The main subject of our work is the Samaritans. Firstly, it will provide

a general information about the principles of faith of this religious community

that has been living in the territory of the Palestine for centuries. The

major sticking point between the Orthodox Jews and the Samaritans is the

debate about the origins of the Samaritans. Their approach of that debate,

in terms of their history and resources, will be discussed. Today, the Samaritans

live in Luza village (Kiryat Luza) near Nablus, Palestine and in Holon

near Tel Aviv, Israel. In the next chapter, their life in Holon will be

focused on. The relations with the State of Israel and the Jews, the issue of

how the problem of origin effects these relations will be discussed with

examples from the today’s world.


  • Aaron, Jacob Son of, The History and Religion of the Samaritans, Translated From the Arabic by Abdullah ben Kori, Edited with an Introduction by William Eleazar Barton, Illinois: The Puritan Press (1906)
  • Adam, Baki, Yahudi Kaynaklarına Göre Tevrat, İstanbul: Pınar Yayınları (2002)
  • Amit, Yairah, “The Samaritans-Biblical Positions in the Service of Modern Politics”, Samaritans Past and Present Current Studies, Ed. Menachem Mor & Friedrich V. Reiterer, Göttingen: De Gruyter (2010)
  • Arslantaş, Nuh, İslâm Dünyasında Sâmirîler, İstanbul: İz Yayıncılık (2008)
  • Banat, Bassam Yousef Ibrahim, “Samaritans Caste: A History of Thousands of Years”, International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, April 2014, Vol. 4, No. 6 (1), ss. 175-180.
  • Barton, William E., The Samaritan Pentateuch: The Story of A Survival Among the Sects, Ohio: The Bibliotheca Sacra Company (1903)
  • Besalel, Yusuf, Yahudi Tarihi, İstanbul: Üniversal Yayıncılık (2000) Cowley, A., “The Samaritan Doctrine of the Messiah”, The Expositor, 1895,Fifth Series Volume 1.3, ss. 161-174.
  • Crown, Alan D., “Redating the Schism between the Judaeans and the Samaritans”, The Jewish Quarterly Review, New Series, Jul. - Oct., 1991, Vol. LXXXII, No. 1/2, ss. 17-50.
  • Gaster, T.H., “Samaritans”, Interpreter's Dictionary of the Bible (IDB), Ed. George Arthur Buttrick, Abingdon Press, Nashville 1962, Volume IV, ss. 190-197.
  • Güç, Ahmet, Dinlerde Mabed ve İbadet, İstanbul: Ensar Neşriyat (2005) Harman, Ömer Faruk, “Kudüs”, DİA, Diyanet Yayınları, Ankara 2002, c. XXVI, ss. 323-327.
  • Kaçan, Lütfi, Kitab-ı Mukaddes ve İslâm Geleneğinde Ahid Sandığı, İstanbul: Ataç Yayınları (2004)
  • Kartveit, Magnar, The Origin of the Samaritans, Leiden: Brill (2009)
  • Kaufman, Stephen, Samaritan Political Identity, M.A. Thesis, Tel Aviv University, Advisor: Dr. Meir Litvak, Tel Aviv (1998) (, 02.12.2016)
  • Kurt, Ali Osman, Erken Dönem Yahudi Tarihi: Yahudiliğin Mimarı Ezra, İstanbul: IQ Kültür Sanat Yayıncılık (2007)
  • Kutluay, Yaşar, İslâm ve Yahudi Mezhepleri, İstanbul: Anka Yayınları (2001)
  • Mills, John, Three Months’ Residence at Nablus and an Account of The Modern Samaritans, London: John Murray (1864)
  • Montgomery, James Alan, The Samaritans: The Earliest Jewish Sect, Philadelphia: The John C. Winston Co. (1907)
  • Özmen, Süleyman, İsrail ve Etnik Dini Çatışmalar, İstanbul: IQ Kültür Sanat Yayıncılık (2006)
  • Pummer, Reinhard, The Samaritans: A Profile, Michigan/Cambridge: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company (2016)
  • Roshwald, Mordecai, “Marginal Jewish Sects in Israel (II)”, International Journal of Middle East Studies, Cambridge University Press, Jul., 1973, Vol. IV, No. 3, ss. 328-354.
  • Salihoğlu, Mahmut, “Sâmirîler”, Diyanet Vakfı İslâm Ansiklopedisi (DİA), Ankara 2009, c. XXXVI, ss. 79-81.
  • Schreiber, Monika, The Comfort of Kin : Samaritan Community, Kinship, and Marriage, Leiden: Brill (2014)
  • Sedaka, Israel, “Izhak Ben Zvi, David Ben-Gurion and the Samaritans”, Samaritans Past and Present Current Studies, Ed. Menachem Mor & Friedrich V. Reiterer, Göttingen: De Gruyter (2010)
  • The Babylonian Talmud, Ed. Rabbi Isidore Epstein, London: The Soncino Press (1978), Kiddushin 75b
  • The Israelite Samaritan Version of the Torah, First English Translation Compared with the Masoretic Version, Edited and translated by Benyamim Tsedaka, Michigan/Cambridge: William B. Eerdmans
  • Publishing Company (2013)
  • Tsedaka, Benyamim, “Samaritans, Religion and Customs”, Encyclopaedia Judaica (EJ), Second Edition, Macmillan Reference, Detroit 2007, Volume XVII, ss. 727- 732.
  • Ulutaş, Ufuk & Bölme, Selin M. ve diğerleri, İsrail Siyasetini Anlama Kılavuzu, Ankara: SETA Yayınları (2012)
  • Willis, Aaron P., “Shas-The Sephardic Torah Guardians: Religious “Movement” and Political Power”, The Elections in Israil 1992, Ed. Asher

Sâmiriler: Köken Sorunu ve Günümüz İsrail Devletinde’ki Yansımaları

Year 2016, , 101 - 128, 28.12.2016


Çalışmamızın asıl konusu Sâmirîlerdir. İlk olarak, asırlardır Filistin’in

Sâmirîye bölgesinde yaşayan bu dinî topluluğun inanç esasları hakkında

genel olarak bilgi verilecektir. Sâmirîler ile Ortodoks Yahudiler arasındaki

en büyük anlaşmazlık noktası olan Sâmirîlerin kökeni hakkındaki tartışmaya

tarafların yaklaşımı, kendi tarih ve kaynakları açısından, ele alınacaktır.

Sonraki bölümde, günümüzde Filistin’in Nablus şehri

yakınlarındaki Luza köyünde (Kiryat Luza) ve İsrail’in Tel Aviv şehri yakınlarındaki

Holon’da yaşamlarını sürdüren Sâmirîlerin Holon’daki yaşamları

üzerinde durulacaktır. İsrail devletinin kurulduğu 1948’den

günümüze, İsrail devleti ve Yahudilerle olan ilişkiler, bu ilişkilere köken

sorununun nasıl etkide bulunduğu, günümüz dünyasından çeşitli örneklerle



  • Aaron, Jacob Son of, The History and Religion of the Samaritans, Translated From the Arabic by Abdullah ben Kori, Edited with an Introduction by William Eleazar Barton, Illinois: The Puritan Press (1906)
  • Adam, Baki, Yahudi Kaynaklarına Göre Tevrat, İstanbul: Pınar Yayınları (2002)
  • Amit, Yairah, “The Samaritans-Biblical Positions in the Service of Modern Politics”, Samaritans Past and Present Current Studies, Ed. Menachem Mor & Friedrich V. Reiterer, Göttingen: De Gruyter (2010)
  • Arslantaş, Nuh, İslâm Dünyasında Sâmirîler, İstanbul: İz Yayıncılık (2008)
  • Banat, Bassam Yousef Ibrahim, “Samaritans Caste: A History of Thousands of Years”, International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, April 2014, Vol. 4, No. 6 (1), ss. 175-180.
  • Barton, William E., The Samaritan Pentateuch: The Story of A Survival Among the Sects, Ohio: The Bibliotheca Sacra Company (1903)
  • Besalel, Yusuf, Yahudi Tarihi, İstanbul: Üniversal Yayıncılık (2000) Cowley, A., “The Samaritan Doctrine of the Messiah”, The Expositor, 1895,Fifth Series Volume 1.3, ss. 161-174.
  • Crown, Alan D., “Redating the Schism between the Judaeans and the Samaritans”, The Jewish Quarterly Review, New Series, Jul. - Oct., 1991, Vol. LXXXII, No. 1/2, ss. 17-50.
  • Gaster, T.H., “Samaritans”, Interpreter's Dictionary of the Bible (IDB), Ed. George Arthur Buttrick, Abingdon Press, Nashville 1962, Volume IV, ss. 190-197.
  • Güç, Ahmet, Dinlerde Mabed ve İbadet, İstanbul: Ensar Neşriyat (2005) Harman, Ömer Faruk, “Kudüs”, DİA, Diyanet Yayınları, Ankara 2002, c. XXVI, ss. 323-327.
  • Kaçan, Lütfi, Kitab-ı Mukaddes ve İslâm Geleneğinde Ahid Sandığı, İstanbul: Ataç Yayınları (2004)
  • Kartveit, Magnar, The Origin of the Samaritans, Leiden: Brill (2009)
  • Kaufman, Stephen, Samaritan Political Identity, M.A. Thesis, Tel Aviv University, Advisor: Dr. Meir Litvak, Tel Aviv (1998) (, 02.12.2016)
  • Kurt, Ali Osman, Erken Dönem Yahudi Tarihi: Yahudiliğin Mimarı Ezra, İstanbul: IQ Kültür Sanat Yayıncılık (2007)
  • Kutluay, Yaşar, İslâm ve Yahudi Mezhepleri, İstanbul: Anka Yayınları (2001)
  • Mills, John, Three Months’ Residence at Nablus and an Account of The Modern Samaritans, London: John Murray (1864)
  • Montgomery, James Alan, The Samaritans: The Earliest Jewish Sect, Philadelphia: The John C. Winston Co. (1907)
  • Özmen, Süleyman, İsrail ve Etnik Dini Çatışmalar, İstanbul: IQ Kültür Sanat Yayıncılık (2006)
  • Pummer, Reinhard, The Samaritans: A Profile, Michigan/Cambridge: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company (2016)
  • Roshwald, Mordecai, “Marginal Jewish Sects in Israel (II)”, International Journal of Middle East Studies, Cambridge University Press, Jul., 1973, Vol. IV, No. 3, ss. 328-354.
  • Salihoğlu, Mahmut, “Sâmirîler”, Diyanet Vakfı İslâm Ansiklopedisi (DİA), Ankara 2009, c. XXXVI, ss. 79-81.
  • Schreiber, Monika, The Comfort of Kin : Samaritan Community, Kinship, and Marriage, Leiden: Brill (2014)
  • Sedaka, Israel, “Izhak Ben Zvi, David Ben-Gurion and the Samaritans”, Samaritans Past and Present Current Studies, Ed. Menachem Mor & Friedrich V. Reiterer, Göttingen: De Gruyter (2010)
  • The Babylonian Talmud, Ed. Rabbi Isidore Epstein, London: The Soncino Press (1978), Kiddushin 75b
  • The Israelite Samaritan Version of the Torah, First English Translation Compared with the Masoretic Version, Edited and translated by Benyamim Tsedaka, Michigan/Cambridge: William B. Eerdmans
  • Publishing Company (2013)
  • Tsedaka, Benyamim, “Samaritans, Religion and Customs”, Encyclopaedia Judaica (EJ), Second Edition, Macmillan Reference, Detroit 2007, Volume XVII, ss. 727- 732.
  • Ulutaş, Ufuk & Bölme, Selin M. ve diğerleri, İsrail Siyasetini Anlama Kılavuzu, Ankara: SETA Yayınları (2012)
  • Willis, Aaron P., “Shas-The Sephardic Torah Guardians: Religious “Movement” and Political Power”, The Elections in Israil 1992, Ed. Asher
There are 29 citations in total.


Journal Section Articles

Muhammed Ali Bağır

Publication Date December 28, 2016
Submission Date October 1, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2016


ISNAD Bağır, Muhammed Ali. “Sâmiriler: Köken Sorunu Ve Günümüz İsrail Devletinde’ki Yansımaları”. Milel ve Nihal 13/2 (December 2016), 101-128.