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Perceptions of Revelation in Christian Thought

Year 2011, Volume: 8 Issue: 1, 167 - 199, 01.03.2011


As it is well known, God has made contact with humankind by speaking with them or appearing to them in some world religions. This sort of relationship is expressed as revelation. In this article, we tried to analyze perception of revelation in Christian thought and how this perception has been explained in the history of Christianity. In this essay, descriptive method is used, since it aims to inform the Turkish reader about the concept of revelation and its perceptions in Christianity. However while we are doing this, we also have done some analysis about how the revelation has been perceived in Christian thought. Within this context, at the very beginning, the general Christian perception of revelation in the light of Christian’s sacred scripture is dealt with. Secondly, it is studied the perceptions of Christian theologians about revelation from the earlier times to the modern times. Thirdly, it is focused on the discussions about one of the main problems of Christian perception of revelation namely general and special revelation. Lastly, it is explained the incident of God’s incarnation in Jesus-Christ as the climax of special revelation


  • Abraham, William J., The Cambrdige Dictionary of Christian Theology, ed., Ian A. McFarland, Cambrdige University Press, New York, 2011
  • Barth, Karl, Church Dogmatics, T&T Clark, New York, 2004,cilt. 1
  • Batuk, Cengiz, Mitoloji ve Tarihsellik, İz, İstanbul, 2006
  • Berkhof, Louis, Systematic Theology, Dallas Seminary Press, Dallas, 1976
  • Berkouwer, G.C., General Revelation, Eerdmans Pub.,Michigan, 1983
  • Bloesch, Donald G., Holy Scripture: Revelation, Inspiration and Interpretation, InterVarsity Press, Nothingham, 1994
  • Bockmuehl, Markus N.A., Revelation and Mystery in Ancient Judaism and Pauline Christianity, Mohr, Tübingen, 1990
  • Bultmann, Rudolf, Existence and Faith, Collins, Glasgow, 1973 , Theology of the New Testament, vol.2,SCM Press, London, 1955
  • Cameron, Euan, ‚The Counter-Reformation‛, The Blackwell Companion to the Bible and Culture, ed., John F.A. Sawyer, Blackwell Pub., Malden, 2006
  • Chesterton, G.K., Thomas Aquinas, Echo Library, 2007
  • Clooney, Francis, X.Hindu God, Christian God, Oxford University Press, New York, 2001
  • Davis, Thomas J. Davis, John Calvin, Chelsea House Publishers, Philadelp- hia, 2005
  • Deninger, Johannes, ‚Revelation‛, Encyclopedia of Religion, ed. Lindsay Jones, Thomson-Gale, New York, cilt: 11
  • Ebeling, Gerhard, ‚New Hermeneutics and Early Luther‛, Theology Today, April 1964, Vol: 21, No:1
  • Ericson, Millard J., Christian Theology, Baker Books, 2007
  • Farrelly, M. John, Faith in God Through Jesus Christ, The Liturgical Press, Collegeville, 1997
  • Gunton, Colin E., A Brief Theology of Revelation, T&T Clark, New York, 2005.
  • Gündüz, Şinasi, Hıristiyanlık, İsam, İstanbul, 2006
  • Hafemann, S.F., ‚F.C. Baur‛, Historical Handbook of Major Biblical Interpre- ters, ed., Donald K. McKim, InterVarsity Press, Nothingham, 1998
  • Harman, Ömer Faruk, ‚Yahudilik’te Peygamberlik ve Peygamberler‛, İslam Tetkikleri Dergisi, 1995, cilt:9
  • Glen E. Harris, Revelation in Christian Theology, churcman/documents/Cman120_1_Harris.pdf, (11-12-2011)
  • Hart, Trevor, ‚Revelation‛, The Cambrdige Companion to Karl Barth, ed., John Webster, Cambridge University Press, New York, 2000
  • Hebblethwaite, B.L., The Problems of Theology, Cambridge University Press, New York, 1980
  • Inbody, Tyron, The Faith of Christian Church, William Eerdmans Pub., Mic- higan, 2005
  • Jeanrond, Werner, Teolojik Hermenötik, çev. Emir Kuşcu, İz, İstanbul, 2007
  • Lacoste, Jean Yves, ‚Revelation‛, Encyclopedia of Christian Theology, ed., Jean Yves Lacoste, Routledge, London, 2005
  • Ladd, George Eldon , A Theology of the New Testament, William B. Eerdmans, Michigan, 1993
  • Lessing, Gothold, Lessing’s Theological Writings, Stanford University Press, California, 1957
  • Levison, J. ve P. Pope Levison, ‚Christology‛, Global Dictionary of Theology, ed., William A. Dyrness, Inter Varsity Press, Nothingham, 2008
  • Marbaiang, Domenic, Theology of Revelation, eb- ook/theology-of-revelation/18719737, (13-12-2012).
  • Martinson, Steven D., ‚Herder’s Life and Works‛, A Companion to the Works Johan G. Herder, ed., Hans Adler, Camden House, Rochester, 2009
  • McCool, Gerald A., Nineteenth Century Scholasticism, Fordham University Press, 1999
  • McGrath, Alister, Christian Theology Reader, Blackwell Pub., Malden, 2006
  • Migliore, Daniel, L., Faith Seeking Understanding: An Introduction to Christian Theology, Eerdmans Pub., Michigan, 2004.
  • Molnar, Paul. D., Incarnation & Resurrection, Eerdmans Pub., Michigan, 2007
  • Moon, Beverly, The Role of Revelation in The World Religions, McFarland Com. Pub., London, 2010
  • Ochagavia, Juan, Visible Patris Filius: A Study of Irenaeus’ Teaching on Revela- tion and Tradition, Roma, 1964
  • Osborn, Eric, Clement of Alexandria, Cambrdige University Press, New York, 2008
  • Pailin, David A., The Anthropological Character of Theology, Cambrdige University Press, New York, 2008
  • Rodrigues, Hillary ve John S. Harding, Introduction to the Study of Religion, Routledge, New York, 2009
  • Scrutton, Anastasia, ‚The Truth will Set You Free‛, ed., Richard Bauck- ham, The Gospel of John and Christian Theology, Eerdmans Pub., Michigan, 2008
  • Tarakçı, Muhammet, ‚Hıristiyanlıkta Vahiy Anlayışı‛, Uludağ Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi, 2003, Cilt: 12, Sayı: 2
  • Ward, Keith, Religion and Revelation, Oxford University Press, 1994
  • Widdicombe, Peter, ‚Justin Martyr, Allegorical Interpretations and The Greek Myths‛, Studia Patristica, ed. Elizabeth Livingston, Peeters Publishers, Louvain, Tarihsiz, cilt: XXXI

Hıristiyanlıkta Vahiy Algısı Perceptions of Revelation in Christian Thought

Year 2011, Volume: 8 Issue: 1, 167 - 199, 01.03.2011


Bilindiği üzere bazı dünya dinlerinde Tanrı, konuşmak ve tezahür etmek suretiyle insanlıkla iletişim kurmaktadır. Bu tarz ilişki türü “vahiy” olarak ifade edilmektedir. Bu yazıda Hıristiyan düşüncesinde vahiy algısı ve tarihsel algının nasıl algılandığı analiz edilmeye çalışılacaktır. Bu çalışma Hıristiyanlıkta vahiy algısını ana hatlarıyla ortaya koyarak Türk okuyucusu bu konuda bilgilendirmeyi hedef edindiğinden çalışmada daha çok tasvir yöntemi kullanılacaktır. Ancak bu yapılırken zaman zamanda Hıristiyan düşüncesinde vahyin tarihsel süreçte nasıl algılandığıyla ilgili çözümlemeler de yapılacaktır. Bu bağlamda çalışmada ilk olarak Hıristiyanlıkta genel vahiy algısı ele alınarak Hıristiyan kutsal metinlerinde vahyin nasıl yer aldığı konusu tahlil edilecektir. İkinci olarak ilk dönemden günümüze Hıristiyan teologlarının vahiy algıları bir bütünlük içinde inceleme konusu yapılacaktır. Daha sonra ise vahiy kavramıyla ilgili temel problemlerden biri olan “genel vahiy-özel vahiy” tartışmasına odaklanılacaktır. Son olarak ise Tanrı’nın özel vahyinin doruk noktadaki tezahürü olan Tanrı’nın İsa-Mesih’te inkarnasyonu hadisesine değinilecektir.


  • Abraham, William J., The Cambrdige Dictionary of Christian Theology, ed., Ian A. McFarland, Cambrdige University Press, New York, 2011
  • Barth, Karl, Church Dogmatics, T&T Clark, New York, 2004,cilt. 1
  • Batuk, Cengiz, Mitoloji ve Tarihsellik, İz, İstanbul, 2006
  • Berkhof, Louis, Systematic Theology, Dallas Seminary Press, Dallas, 1976
  • Berkouwer, G.C., General Revelation, Eerdmans Pub.,Michigan, 1983
  • Bloesch, Donald G., Holy Scripture: Revelation, Inspiration and Interpretation, InterVarsity Press, Nothingham, 1994
  • Bockmuehl, Markus N.A., Revelation and Mystery in Ancient Judaism and Pauline Christianity, Mohr, Tübingen, 1990
  • Bultmann, Rudolf, Existence and Faith, Collins, Glasgow, 1973 , Theology of the New Testament, vol.2,SCM Press, London, 1955
  • Cameron, Euan, ‚The Counter-Reformation‛, The Blackwell Companion to the Bible and Culture, ed., John F.A. Sawyer, Blackwell Pub., Malden, 2006
  • Chesterton, G.K., Thomas Aquinas, Echo Library, 2007
  • Clooney, Francis, X.Hindu God, Christian God, Oxford University Press, New York, 2001
  • Davis, Thomas J. Davis, John Calvin, Chelsea House Publishers, Philadelp- hia, 2005
  • Deninger, Johannes, ‚Revelation‛, Encyclopedia of Religion, ed. Lindsay Jones, Thomson-Gale, New York, cilt: 11
  • Ebeling, Gerhard, ‚New Hermeneutics and Early Luther‛, Theology Today, April 1964, Vol: 21, No:1
  • Ericson, Millard J., Christian Theology, Baker Books, 2007
  • Farrelly, M. John, Faith in God Through Jesus Christ, The Liturgical Press, Collegeville, 1997
  • Gunton, Colin E., A Brief Theology of Revelation, T&T Clark, New York, 2005.
  • Gündüz, Şinasi, Hıristiyanlık, İsam, İstanbul, 2006
  • Hafemann, S.F., ‚F.C. Baur‛, Historical Handbook of Major Biblical Interpre- ters, ed., Donald K. McKim, InterVarsity Press, Nothingham, 1998
  • Harman, Ömer Faruk, ‚Yahudilik’te Peygamberlik ve Peygamberler‛, İslam Tetkikleri Dergisi, 1995, cilt:9
  • Glen E. Harris, Revelation in Christian Theology, churcman/documents/Cman120_1_Harris.pdf, (11-12-2011)
  • Hart, Trevor, ‚Revelation‛, The Cambrdige Companion to Karl Barth, ed., John Webster, Cambridge University Press, New York, 2000
  • Hebblethwaite, B.L., The Problems of Theology, Cambridge University Press, New York, 1980
  • Inbody, Tyron, The Faith of Christian Church, William Eerdmans Pub., Mic- higan, 2005
  • Jeanrond, Werner, Teolojik Hermenötik, çev. Emir Kuşcu, İz, İstanbul, 2007
  • Lacoste, Jean Yves, ‚Revelation‛, Encyclopedia of Christian Theology, ed., Jean Yves Lacoste, Routledge, London, 2005
  • Ladd, George Eldon , A Theology of the New Testament, William B. Eerdmans, Michigan, 1993
  • Lessing, Gothold, Lessing’s Theological Writings, Stanford University Press, California, 1957
  • Levison, J. ve P. Pope Levison, ‚Christology‛, Global Dictionary of Theology, ed., William A. Dyrness, Inter Varsity Press, Nothingham, 2008
  • Marbaiang, Domenic, Theology of Revelation, eb- ook/theology-of-revelation/18719737, (13-12-2012).
  • Martinson, Steven D., ‚Herder’s Life and Works‛, A Companion to the Works Johan G. Herder, ed., Hans Adler, Camden House, Rochester, 2009
  • McCool, Gerald A., Nineteenth Century Scholasticism, Fordham University Press, 1999
  • McGrath, Alister, Christian Theology Reader, Blackwell Pub., Malden, 2006
  • Migliore, Daniel, L., Faith Seeking Understanding: An Introduction to Christian Theology, Eerdmans Pub., Michigan, 2004.
  • Molnar, Paul. D., Incarnation & Resurrection, Eerdmans Pub., Michigan, 2007
  • Moon, Beverly, The Role of Revelation in The World Religions, McFarland Com. Pub., London, 2010
  • Ochagavia, Juan, Visible Patris Filius: A Study of Irenaeus’ Teaching on Revela- tion and Tradition, Roma, 1964
  • Osborn, Eric, Clement of Alexandria, Cambrdige University Press, New York, 2008
  • Pailin, David A., The Anthropological Character of Theology, Cambrdige University Press, New York, 2008
  • Rodrigues, Hillary ve John S. Harding, Introduction to the Study of Religion, Routledge, New York, 2009
  • Scrutton, Anastasia, ‚The Truth will Set You Free‛, ed., Richard Bauck- ham, The Gospel of John and Christian Theology, Eerdmans Pub., Michigan, 2008
  • Tarakçı, Muhammet, ‚Hıristiyanlıkta Vahiy Anlayışı‛, Uludağ Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi, 2003, Cilt: 12, Sayı: 2
  • Ward, Keith, Religion and Revelation, Oxford University Press, 1994
  • Widdicombe, Peter, ‚Justin Martyr, Allegorical Interpretations and The Greek Myths‛, Studia Patristica, ed. Elizabeth Livingston, Peeters Publishers, Louvain, Tarihsiz, cilt: XXXI
There are 44 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Emir Kuşcu

Mahmut Aydın

Publication Date March 1, 2011
Submission Date November 5, 2014
Published in Issue Year 2011 Volume: 8 Issue: 1


ISNAD Kuşcu, Emir - Aydın, Mahmut. “Hıristiyanlıkta Vahiy Algısı Perceptions of Revelation in Christian Thought”. Milel ve Nihal 8/1 (March 2011), 167-199.