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Тооктун жөжөлөрүнүн дене салмагына, канынын гематологиялык жана биохимиялык көрсөткүчтөрүнө пияздын (Allium cepa L.), сарымсактын (Allium sativum L.) жана кызыл калемпирдин (Capsicum annuum L.) таасири

Year 2024, , 210 - 218, 25.12.2024


Тооктун жөжөлөрүнүн дене салмагына, гематологиялык жана биохимиялык көрсөткүчтөрүнө Allium cepa L., Allium sativum L. жана Capsicum annuum L. тийгизген таасирин илимий негиздөө. Тажрыйбалык иштер үчүн бир айлык 48 баш тоок жөжөлөрү алынып, 12 баштан төрт топко бөлүндү. Биринчиси контролдук, экинчиси – сарымсак, үчүнчүсү – пияз жана төртүнчүсүнө ачуу кызыл калемпир берилүүчү топтор уюшулду. Үй куштарын кармоо, тоюттандыруу кабыл алынган эрежелерге шайкеш аткарылды. Ар бир жуманын аягында жөжөлөрдүн тирүүлөй салмактары алынып турду. Тажрыйбалык иш 42 күнгө созулду. Гематологиялык жана биохимиялык изилдөөлөр үчүн 43-күнү бардыгынан, эрежелерди сактоо менен, кан алынды. Сандык маалыматтар SPSS (23.0) программасы аркылуу статистикалык талданды. Изилдөөлөр тоок жөжөлөрүнүн салмактык өсүп-өнүгүүсүнө – пияздын, сарымсактын жана ачуу кызыл калемпирдин таасири бар экенин далилдеп, алар статистикалык маанилүү экендиги көрсөттү. Гематологиялык көрсөткүчтөрү манилүү өзгөрүүлөргө дуушар болгон жок. Бирок, АЛТ, АСТ, жалпы биллирубин жана жалпы белок сыяктуу кан сары суусунун биохимиялык көрсөткүчтөрү контролдук жана бардык тажрыйбалык топтордогу куштар арасында кескин айырмаланаары ачыкталды жана анын себептери белгиленди.

Ethical Statement

Тажрыйбалык изилдөө ишинин протоколун Кыргыз-Түрк «Манас» университетинин жаныбарларга тажрыйба жүргүзүү боюнча этикалык комитети жактырган (№2023/03, 28.03.2023).

Supporting Institution

Кыргыз-Түрк “Манас” университети

Project Number

Изилдөөлөр Кыргыз-Түрк “Манас” университети тарабынан каржыланган “Органикалык үй чарбачылыгындагы канаттууларга колдонулуучу этноветеринардык ыкмаларды изилдөө жана илимий негиздөө” (KTMU-BAP-2023.FB.03) илимий долбоорунун алкагында аткарылган.


Көрсөткөн көмөгү үчүн КТМУнун Долбоорлорду кординациялоор башкармалыгына, университеттин жетекчилигине жана изилдөөлөрдү ишке ашырууда ар тараптуу жардам көрсөткөн инсандарга терең ыраазычылык билдиребиз.


  • Adebiyi, F.G., Ologhobo, A.D. & Adejumo, I.O. (2017). Efficacy of Allium sativum as Growth Promoter, Immune Booster and Cholesterol-lowering Agent on Broiler Chickens. Asian J Animal Sciences, 11(5): 202-213.
  • Aderemi, F., Alabi, O. & Ayoola, O. (2013). Evaluating Pepper (Capsicum annuum) and Garlic (Allium sativum) on Performance Egg Trait and Serum Parameters of Old Layers. Journal of Biology, Agriculture and Healthcare. 3(7): 90-96.
  • Aldayarov, N., Tulobaev, A., Salykov, R., Jumabekova, J., Kydyralieva, B., Omurzakova, N., Kurmanbekova, G., Imanberdieva, N., Usubaliev, B., Borkoev, B., Salieva, K., Salieva, Z., Omurzakov, T. & Chekirov, K. (2022). An ethnoveterinary study of wild medicinal plants used by the Kyrgyz farmers. Journal of Ethnopharmacology. 114842. 1-15.
  • Antonio, R., Souza, R., Furlan, M., Pedro, C., Cassas, F., Honda, S. & Rodrigues, E. (2015). Investigation of urban ethnoveterinary in three veterinary clinics at east zone of São Paulo city, Brazil. J. Ethnopharmacol. 173: 183– 190.
  • Aziz, MA, Khan, AH, Adnan, M. & Ullah, H. (2018). Traditional uses of medicinal plants used by Indigenous communities for veterinary practices at Bajaur Agency, Pakistan. J Ethnobiol Ethnomed. 14:11.
  • Benítez, G., González-Tejero, M.R. & Molero-Mesa, J. (2012). Knowledge of ethnoveterinary medicine in the Province of Granada, Andalusia, Spain. J. Ethnopharmacol. 139(2): 429–439.
  • Bischoff, T., Vogl, C.R., Ivemeyer, S., Klarer, F., Meier, B., Hamburger, M. & Walkenhorst, M. (2016). Plant and natural product based homemade remedies manufactured and used by farmers of six central Swiss cantons to treat livestock. Livestock Science. 189: 110–125.
  • Boronbaeva, M. (2018). Kyrgyzstan obespechivaet sebya myasom pticy vsego na 5%, otrasl na grani polnogo kraha – associaciya pticevodov. Kirg TAG. sebya-myasom-ptitsy-vsego-na-5-otrasl-na-grani-polnogo-krakha-assotsiatsiya.
  • Caudell, M.A., Quinlan, M.B., Quinlan, R.J. & Call, D.R. (2017). Medical pluralism and livestock health: ethnomedical and biomedical veterinary knowledge among East African agropastoralists. Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine. 13(7): 1-11.
  • Duskaev, G.K. & Klimova, T.A. (2022). Fitohimicheskie veshestva v kormlenii selskohozyajstvennoj pticy: perspektivy ispolzovaniya. Zhivotnovodstvo i kormoproizvodstvo, 10(3): 137-152. Eda. Ostryj perec.
  • Goodarzi, M., Landy, N. & Nanekarani, S. (2013). Effect of onion (Allium cepa L.) as an antibiotic growth promoter substitution on performance, immune responses and serum biochemical parameters in broiler chicks. Health, 5(8):1210-1215.
  • Hanif, S.M., Meher, M.M., Biswas, G.C. & Anower, A.K.M. (2016). Field study on efficacy of red pepper (Capsicum annum) along with antibiotics against newcastle disease in broiler at Narail Sadar Upazilla, Bangladesh. Wayamba Journal of Animal Science. ISSN: 2012-578X. 1460-1466.
  • Kelly, L.M., Rlat, B.S. & Alworth, L.C. (2013). Techniques for collecting blood from the domestic chicken. AB ANIMAL. 42(10):359-361.
  • Kurochka Ryaba (2019). Chesnok kuram nesushkam, cyplyatam i brojleram: kak davat. https://pro-
  • Malematja, E., Manyelo, T.G., Ng’ambi, J. W., Nemauluma, M.F.D. & Kolobe, S.D. (2023). Effects of onion extracts (Allium cepa) inclusion in diets on growth performance, carcass characteristics, and bone morphometric of broiler chickens. Anim Biosci, 36(7): 1075-1082.
  • Mayera, M., Vogl, C.R., Amorena, M., Hamburger, M. & Walkenhorstd, M. (2014). Treatment of Organic Livestock with Medicinal Plants: A Systematic Review of European Ethnoveterinary Research. Forsch Komplementmed. 21: 375–386.
  • Mertenat, D., Cerob, M.D., Voglc, C.R., Ivemeyerd, S., Meiere, B., Maeschlif, A., Hamburgera, M. & Walkenhorstf, M. (2020). Ethnoveterinary knowledge of farmers in bilingual regions of Switzerland – is there potential to extend veterinary options to reduce antimicrobial use? Journal of Ethnopharmacology. 246 (112184): 1-15.
  • Miara, M.D., Bendifc, H., Ouabeda, A., Rebbasc, K., Hammoua, M.A., Amiratd, M., Greenee, A. & Teixidor-Toneuf, I. (2019). Ethnoveterinary remedies used in the Algerian steppe: Exploring the relationship with traditional human herbal medicine. Journal of Ethnopharmacology. 244. 112164.
  • NAVS (2015). Ethno-veterinary Medicine: A Concept for Sustainable Livestock Production. Policy Paper No. 3. National Academy of Veterinary Sciences (India), New Delhi.
  • Omer, H.A.A., Ahmed, S.M., Abdel-Magid, S.S., El-Mallah, G.M.H., Bakr, A.A. & Fattah, M.M.A. (2019). Nutritional impact of inclusion of garlic (Allium sativum) and/or onion (Allium cepa L.) powder in laying hens’ diets on their performance, egg quality, and some blood constituents. Bulletin of the National Research Centre. 43(23):1-9.
  • RS (rukovostvo po soderzhaniyu) (2012). H&M International. Am Zeedajh. Kukshafen, Germaniya. 27472
  • Shams-ul-Hayat, Riaz Ali, Azmat Hayat Khan, Insan-ud-Din, Sajid Khan, Fahad Ullah, Wilayat Hussain, Faiza Shahzadi & Riaz Ahmad Khan (2022). Effect of Garlic (Allium Sativum) Supplementation on Growth Performance and Serum Biochemistry of Broiler Chicks. American Academic Scientific Research Journal for Engineering, Technology, and Sciences, 85(1):287-300.
  • Shang, X., Tao, C., Miao, X., Wang, D., Tangmuke, Dawa, Wang, Y., Yang, Y. & Pan, H. (2012). Ethno-veterinary survey of medicinal plants in Ruoergai region, Sichuan province, China. J. Ethnopharmacol. 142(2): 390– 400.
  • Shen, S., Qian, J. & Ren, J. (2010). Ethnoveterinary plant remedies used by Nu people in NW Yunnan of China. J. Ethnobiol. Ethnomed. 6(24): 1–10.
  • Singh, V.K. & Singh, D.K. (2008). Pharmacological Effects of Garlic (Allium sativum L.). ARBS Annual Review of Biomedical Sciences,10:6-26.
  • Tashla, T., Puvača, N., Nikolova, N., Čabarkapa, I., Popović, S., Prodanović, R. & Lević, J. (2019). Effects of garlıc, ramson and onıon (Allıum satıvum, Allıum ursınum, Allıum cepa) on performance and gut bacterıa populatıon ın broıler chıckens. Macedonian Journal of Animal Science, 9(1):5–9.
  • Tazabek, 2021. Spisok krupnyh pticefabrik i pticepererabatyvayushih kompanij Kyrgyzstana (vladelcy, adresa) Selskoe hozyajstvo. Analiticheskij-informacionnyj portal. f=cp.
  • Tekle, Y. (2015). Study on ethno veterinary practices in Amaro special district southern Ethiopia. Medicinal and Aromatic Plants. 4: 186.
  • UlStatKom (2022). Kyrgyz Respublikasynyn malga zhana үj kanattuularyna sanak zhүrgүzүүnүn zhyjyntyktary. (2021-zhyldyn ayagyna karata abaly boyuncha). Bishkek, 61 bet.
  • Upadhyay, B., Singh, K.P. & Kumar, A. (2011). Ethno-veterinary uses and informants consensus factor of medicinal plants of Sariska region, Rajasthan, India. J. Ethnopharmacol. 133(1): 14–25.
  • Viegi, L., Pieroni, A., Guarrera, P.M. & Vangelisti, R. (2003). A review of plants used in folk veterinary medicine in Italy as basis for a databank. J. Ethnopharmacol. 89(2-3): 221–244.
  • Xiong, Y. & Long, C. (2020). An ethnoveterinary study on medicinal plants used by the Buyi people in Southwest Guizhou, China. J. Ethnobiol. Ethnomed. 16(46): 1–20.
  • Yadav, R., Kumar, P., Jhambh, R. & Sangwan A. (2021). Role of Ethno-Medicine in Veterinary Practice. Just Agriculture. Multidisciplinary e-Newsletter. 1(11):1-6.

The Effect of Onion (Allium cepa L.), Garlic (Allium sativum L.) and Red Pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) on Body Weight, Haematological and Biochemical Blood Parameters in Chicken Chicks

Year 2024, , 210 - 218, 25.12.2024


To scientifically assess the influence of Allium cepa L., Allium sativum L., and Capsicum annuum L. on the weight, hematological, and biochemical parameters of chicken chicks' blood. Forty-eight one-month-old chickens were used for the experimental work and were divided into four groups: the first control group, the second group receiving garlic, the third group receiving onions, and the fourth group receiving hot red pepper. Keeping and feeding of poultry were carried out according to accepted rules. Weights were recorded at the end of each week. The experimental period lasted 42 days, and blood samples were collected on the 43rd day for hematological and biochemical analyses. Quantitative data were analyzed using SPSS software (version 23.0). The effects of onion, garlic, and hot red pepper on the weight growth and development of chicken chicks were proven, and they were statistically significant.Hematological indicators did not show any significant changes. However, some serum biochemical parameters, such as ALT, AST, total bilirubin, and total protein, were found to differ significantly between the control group and all experimental groups of birds. The reasons for these differences were noted.

Ethical Statement

Тажрыйбалык изилдөө ишинин протоколун Кыргыз-Түрк «Манас» университетинин жаныбарларга тажрыйба жүргүзүү боюнча этикалык комитети жактырган (№2023/03, 28.03.2023).

Supporting Institution

Кыргыз-Түрк “Манас” университети

Project Number

Изилдөөлөр Кыргыз-Түрк “Манас” университети тарабынан каржыланган “Органикалык үй чарбачылыгындагы канаттууларга колдонулуучу этноветеринардык ыкмаларды изилдөө жана илимий негиздөө” (KTMU-BAP-2023.FB.03) илимий долбоорунун алкагында аткарылган.


Көрсөткөн көмөгү үчүн КТМУнун Долбоорлорду кординациялоор башкармалыгына, университеттин жетекчилигине жана изилдөөлөрдү ишке ашырууда ар тараптуу жардам көрсөткөн инсандарга терең ыраазычылык билдиребиз.


  • Adebiyi, F.G., Ologhobo, A.D. & Adejumo, I.O. (2017). Efficacy of Allium sativum as Growth Promoter, Immune Booster and Cholesterol-lowering Agent on Broiler Chickens. Asian J Animal Sciences, 11(5): 202-213.
  • Aderemi, F., Alabi, O. & Ayoola, O. (2013). Evaluating Pepper (Capsicum annuum) and Garlic (Allium sativum) on Performance Egg Trait and Serum Parameters of Old Layers. Journal of Biology, Agriculture and Healthcare. 3(7): 90-96.
  • Aldayarov, N., Tulobaev, A., Salykov, R., Jumabekova, J., Kydyralieva, B., Omurzakova, N., Kurmanbekova, G., Imanberdieva, N., Usubaliev, B., Borkoev, B., Salieva, K., Salieva, Z., Omurzakov, T. & Chekirov, K. (2022). An ethnoveterinary study of wild medicinal plants used by the Kyrgyz farmers. Journal of Ethnopharmacology. 114842. 1-15.
  • Antonio, R., Souza, R., Furlan, M., Pedro, C., Cassas, F., Honda, S. & Rodrigues, E. (2015). Investigation of urban ethnoveterinary in three veterinary clinics at east zone of São Paulo city, Brazil. J. Ethnopharmacol. 173: 183– 190.
  • Aziz, MA, Khan, AH, Adnan, M. & Ullah, H. (2018). Traditional uses of medicinal plants used by Indigenous communities for veterinary practices at Bajaur Agency, Pakistan. J Ethnobiol Ethnomed. 14:11.
  • Benítez, G., González-Tejero, M.R. & Molero-Mesa, J. (2012). Knowledge of ethnoveterinary medicine in the Province of Granada, Andalusia, Spain. J. Ethnopharmacol. 139(2): 429–439.
  • Bischoff, T., Vogl, C.R., Ivemeyer, S., Klarer, F., Meier, B., Hamburger, M. & Walkenhorst, M. (2016). Plant and natural product based homemade remedies manufactured and used by farmers of six central Swiss cantons to treat livestock. Livestock Science. 189: 110–125.
  • Boronbaeva, M. (2018). Kyrgyzstan obespechivaet sebya myasom pticy vsego na 5%, otrasl na grani polnogo kraha – associaciya pticevodov. Kirg TAG. sebya-myasom-ptitsy-vsego-na-5-otrasl-na-grani-polnogo-krakha-assotsiatsiya.
  • Caudell, M.A., Quinlan, M.B., Quinlan, R.J. & Call, D.R. (2017). Medical pluralism and livestock health: ethnomedical and biomedical veterinary knowledge among East African agropastoralists. Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine. 13(7): 1-11.
  • Duskaev, G.K. & Klimova, T.A. (2022). Fitohimicheskie veshestva v kormlenii selskohozyajstvennoj pticy: perspektivy ispolzovaniya. Zhivotnovodstvo i kormoproizvodstvo, 10(3): 137-152. Eda. Ostryj perec.
  • Goodarzi, M., Landy, N. & Nanekarani, S. (2013). Effect of onion (Allium cepa L.) as an antibiotic growth promoter substitution on performance, immune responses and serum biochemical parameters in broiler chicks. Health, 5(8):1210-1215.
  • Hanif, S.M., Meher, M.M., Biswas, G.C. & Anower, A.K.M. (2016). Field study on efficacy of red pepper (Capsicum annum) along with antibiotics against newcastle disease in broiler at Narail Sadar Upazilla, Bangladesh. Wayamba Journal of Animal Science. ISSN: 2012-578X. 1460-1466.
  • Kelly, L.M., Rlat, B.S. & Alworth, L.C. (2013). Techniques for collecting blood from the domestic chicken. AB ANIMAL. 42(10):359-361.
  • Kurochka Ryaba (2019). Chesnok kuram nesushkam, cyplyatam i brojleram: kak davat. https://pro-
  • Malematja, E., Manyelo, T.G., Ng’ambi, J. W., Nemauluma, M.F.D. & Kolobe, S.D. (2023). Effects of onion extracts (Allium cepa) inclusion in diets on growth performance, carcass characteristics, and bone morphometric of broiler chickens. Anim Biosci, 36(7): 1075-1082.
  • Mayera, M., Vogl, C.R., Amorena, M., Hamburger, M. & Walkenhorstd, M. (2014). Treatment of Organic Livestock with Medicinal Plants: A Systematic Review of European Ethnoveterinary Research. Forsch Komplementmed. 21: 375–386.
  • Mertenat, D., Cerob, M.D., Voglc, C.R., Ivemeyerd, S., Meiere, B., Maeschlif, A., Hamburgera, M. & Walkenhorstf, M. (2020). Ethnoveterinary knowledge of farmers in bilingual regions of Switzerland – is there potential to extend veterinary options to reduce antimicrobial use? Journal of Ethnopharmacology. 246 (112184): 1-15.
  • Miara, M.D., Bendifc, H., Ouabeda, A., Rebbasc, K., Hammoua, M.A., Amiratd, M., Greenee, A. & Teixidor-Toneuf, I. (2019). Ethnoveterinary remedies used in the Algerian steppe: Exploring the relationship with traditional human herbal medicine. Journal of Ethnopharmacology. 244. 112164.
  • NAVS (2015). Ethno-veterinary Medicine: A Concept for Sustainable Livestock Production. Policy Paper No. 3. National Academy of Veterinary Sciences (India), New Delhi.
  • Omer, H.A.A., Ahmed, S.M., Abdel-Magid, S.S., El-Mallah, G.M.H., Bakr, A.A. & Fattah, M.M.A. (2019). Nutritional impact of inclusion of garlic (Allium sativum) and/or onion (Allium cepa L.) powder in laying hens’ diets on their performance, egg quality, and some blood constituents. Bulletin of the National Research Centre. 43(23):1-9.
  • RS (rukovostvo po soderzhaniyu) (2012). H&M International. Am Zeedajh. Kukshafen, Germaniya. 27472
  • Shams-ul-Hayat, Riaz Ali, Azmat Hayat Khan, Insan-ud-Din, Sajid Khan, Fahad Ullah, Wilayat Hussain, Faiza Shahzadi & Riaz Ahmad Khan (2022). Effect of Garlic (Allium Sativum) Supplementation on Growth Performance and Serum Biochemistry of Broiler Chicks. American Academic Scientific Research Journal for Engineering, Technology, and Sciences, 85(1):287-300.
  • Shang, X., Tao, C., Miao, X., Wang, D., Tangmuke, Dawa, Wang, Y., Yang, Y. & Pan, H. (2012). Ethno-veterinary survey of medicinal plants in Ruoergai region, Sichuan province, China. J. Ethnopharmacol. 142(2): 390– 400.
  • Shen, S., Qian, J. & Ren, J. (2010). Ethnoveterinary plant remedies used by Nu people in NW Yunnan of China. J. Ethnobiol. Ethnomed. 6(24): 1–10.
  • Singh, V.K. & Singh, D.K. (2008). Pharmacological Effects of Garlic (Allium sativum L.). ARBS Annual Review of Biomedical Sciences,10:6-26.
  • Tashla, T., Puvača, N., Nikolova, N., Čabarkapa, I., Popović, S., Prodanović, R. & Lević, J. (2019). Effects of garlıc, ramson and onıon (Allıum satıvum, Allıum ursınum, Allıum cepa) on performance and gut bacterıa populatıon ın broıler chıckens. Macedonian Journal of Animal Science, 9(1):5–9.
  • Tazabek, 2021. Spisok krupnyh pticefabrik i pticepererabatyvayushih kompanij Kyrgyzstana (vladelcy, adresa) Selskoe hozyajstvo. Analiticheskij-informacionnyj portal. f=cp.
  • Tekle, Y. (2015). Study on ethno veterinary practices in Amaro special district southern Ethiopia. Medicinal and Aromatic Plants. 4: 186.
  • UlStatKom (2022). Kyrgyz Respublikasynyn malga zhana үj kanattuularyna sanak zhүrgүzүүnүn zhyjyntyktary. (2021-zhyldyn ayagyna karata abaly boyuncha). Bishkek, 61 bet.
  • Upadhyay, B., Singh, K.P. & Kumar, A. (2011). Ethno-veterinary uses and informants consensus factor of medicinal plants of Sariska region, Rajasthan, India. J. Ethnopharmacol. 133(1): 14–25.
  • Viegi, L., Pieroni, A., Guarrera, P.M. & Vangelisti, R. (2003). A review of plants used in folk veterinary medicine in Italy as basis for a databank. J. Ethnopharmacol. 89(2-3): 221–244.
  • Xiong, Y. & Long, C. (2020). An ethnoveterinary study on medicinal plants used by the Buyi people in Southwest Guizhou, China. J. Ethnobiol. Ethnomed. 16(46): 1–20.
  • Yadav, R., Kumar, P., Jhambh, R. & Sangwan A. (2021). Role of Ethno-Medicine in Veterinary Practice. Just Agriculture. Multidisciplinary e-Newsletter. 1(11):1-6.
Year 2024, , 210 - 218, 25.12.2024


Project Number

Изилдөөлөр Кыргыз-Түрк “Манас” университети тарабынан каржыланган “Органикалык үй чарбачылыгындагы канаттууларга колдонулуучу этноветеринардык ыкмаларды изилдөө жана илимий негиздөө” (KTMU-BAP-2023.FB.03) илимий долбоорунун алкагында аткарылган.


  • Adebiyi, F.G., Ologhobo, A.D. & Adejumo, I.O. (2017). Efficacy of Allium sativum as Growth Promoter, Immune Booster and Cholesterol-lowering Agent on Broiler Chickens. Asian J Animal Sciences, 11(5): 202-213.
  • Aderemi, F., Alabi, O. & Ayoola, O. (2013). Evaluating Pepper (Capsicum annuum) and Garlic (Allium sativum) on Performance Egg Trait and Serum Parameters of Old Layers. Journal of Biology, Agriculture and Healthcare. 3(7): 90-96.
  • Aldayarov, N., Tulobaev, A., Salykov, R., Jumabekova, J., Kydyralieva, B., Omurzakova, N., Kurmanbekova, G., Imanberdieva, N., Usubaliev, B., Borkoev, B., Salieva, K., Salieva, Z., Omurzakov, T. & Chekirov, K. (2022). An ethnoveterinary study of wild medicinal plants used by the Kyrgyz farmers. Journal of Ethnopharmacology. 114842. 1-15.
  • Antonio, R., Souza, R., Furlan, M., Pedro, C., Cassas, F., Honda, S. & Rodrigues, E. (2015). Investigation of urban ethnoveterinary in three veterinary clinics at east zone of São Paulo city, Brazil. J. Ethnopharmacol. 173: 183– 190.
  • Aziz, MA, Khan, AH, Adnan, M. & Ullah, H. (2018). Traditional uses of medicinal plants used by Indigenous communities for veterinary practices at Bajaur Agency, Pakistan. J Ethnobiol Ethnomed. 14:11.
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There are 33 citations in total.


Primary Language Russian
Subjects Veterinary Anatomy and Physiology
Journal Section Research Article

Nurbek Aldayarov 0000-0001-8693-5904

Askarbek Tulobaev 0000-0003-1349-6511

Project Number Изилдөөлөр Кыргыз-Түрк “Манас” университети тарабынан каржыланган “Органикалык үй чарбачылыгындагы канаттууларга колдонулуучу этноветеринардык ыкмаларды изилдөө жана илимий негиздөө” (KTMU-BAP-2023.FB.03) илимий долбоорунун алкагында аткарылган.
Publication Date December 25, 2024
Submission Date June 10, 2024
Acceptance Date October 4, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024


APA Aldayarov, N., & Tulobaev, A. (2024). Тооктун жөжөлөрүнүн дене салмагына, канынын гематологиялык жана биохимиялык көрсөткүчтөрүнө пияздын (Allium cepa L.), сарымсактын (Allium sativum L.) жана кызыл калемпирдин (Capsicum annuum L.) таасири. Manas Journal of Agriculture Veterinary and Life Sciences, 14(2), 210-218.