Case Report
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Çölyak Arter Stent Oklüzyonunun Cerrahi Tedavisi; Nadir Bir Olgu Sunumu ‘Aorto-Hepatik Baypas’

Year 2023, Volume: 7 Issue: 2, 262 - 265, 31.08.2023


Amaç: Kronik mezenter iskemi; iştahsızlık, kilo kaybı, yemeklerden sonra meydana gelen karın ağrısı
ile seyreden, nadir bir klinik durumdur. İleri yaş ve ateroskleroz en önemli iki risk faktörü olmakla birlikte
multi-sistemik durumlara da eşlik edebilir.Mezenter iskemiye neden olan çölyak, superior ve inferior
mezenter arter stenozunun tedavisinde çeşitli yöntemler mevcuttur. Bu yöntemler; geleneksel cerrahi,
endovasküler yaklaşım ve endarterektomi olarak sayılabilir. Bu çalışmada çölyak arterindeki stenti
tıkanan ve sonrasında aorto-hepatik baypas yapılan hastanın sunulması planlandı.
Olgu: Malign mide tümörü nedeni ile 15 yıl önce opere edilen ve 2 yıl önce de çölyak arter stenozu
tespit edilip stent yerleştirilen 62 yaşındaki erkek hastada karın ağrısı şikayetlerinin tekrarlaması üzerine
yapılan CT anjiografide çölyak arterdeki stentte tıkanıklık tespit edildi.ikinci kez batın açılarak infrarenal
aorta ile hepatik arter arasına safen ven ile baypas operasyonu yapıldı.
Sonuç: Kronik mezenter iskemi, karın ağrısı etiyolojisinde düşünülmesi gereken bir patoloji olup söz
konusu hastalığa neden olabilecek arteriyel tıkanıklıkların tedavisinde endovasküler yönteme uygun
olmayan veya öncesinde endovasküler işlem yapılıp ikincil bir girişim gereken durumlarda açık cerrahi
yöntem uygulanabilir bir metoddur


  • 1. Scali ST, Ayo D, Giles KA, Gray S, Kubilis P, , Back M, Fatima J, Arnaoutakis D, Berceli SA, Beck AW, Upchurch GJ, Feezor RJ, Huber TS. Outcomes of antegrade and retrograde open mesenteric bypass for acute mesenteric ischemia. J Vasc Surg 2019;69(1):129-140.
  • 2. Park CM, Chung JW, Kim HB, Shin SJ, Park JH. Celiac axis stenosis: Incidence and etiologies in asymptomatic individuals. Korean J Radiol 2001;2(1):8-13.
  • 3. Pietura R, Szymanska A, El Furah M, Zbroja AD, Trojanowska MS. Chronic mesenteric ischemia: Diagnosis and treatment with balloon angioplasty and stenting. Med Sci Monit 2002;8(1):8- 12.
  • 4. Kopaei MR, Setorki M, Doudi M, Baradaran A, Nasri H. Atherosclerosis: Process, indicators, risk factors and new hopes. Int J Prev Med 2014;5(8):927-946.
  • 5. Dias NV, Acosta S, Resch T, Sonesson B, Alhadad A, Malina M, Ivancev K. Mid-term outcome of endovascular revascularization for chronic mesenteric ischemia. Br J Surg 2010;97(2):195-201.
  • 6. Biebl M, Oldenburg WA, Paz-Fumagilli R, McKinney JM, Hakaim AG. Surgical and interventional visceral revascularization forthe treatment of chronic mesenter ischemia- when to prefer which? World J Surg 2007;31(3):562-568.
  • 7. Landis MS, Rajan DK, Simons ME, Hayeems EB, Kachura JR, Sniderman KW. Percutaneous management of chronic mesenter ischemia: outcomes after intervention. J Vasc Interv Radiol 2005;16(10):1319-1325.
  • 8. Isik M, Sarigul A. Surgical treatment in a patient with celiac artery stenosis: Aorta-hepatic bypass. Selcuk Med J 2020;36(2):147- 150.
  • 9. Moawad J, McKinsey JF, Wyble CW, Bassiouny HS, Schwartz LB, Gewertz BL. Current results of surgical therapy for chronic mesenter ischemia. Arch Surg 1997;132(6):613-618.
  • 10. Lau H, Chew DK, Whitemore AD, Belkin M, Conte MS, Donaldson MC. Trans-aortic endarterectomy for primary mesenteric revascularization. Vasc Endovasc Surg 2002;36(5):335-341.
  • 11. Saito H, Sawada K, Ogawa J, Hashimoto M, Oshima M, Hada M, Kato Y, Oyaman K, Kotako M, Hara T. Laparoscopic treatment for celiac artery stenosis caused by median arcuate ligament compression with adachi V type vascular anomay: A case report. Surg Case Rep 2021;7:1-4.
  • 12. Thomas JH, Blake K, Pierce GE, Hermreck AS, Seigel E. The clinical course of asymptomatic mesenteric arterial stenosis. J Vasc Surg 1998;27(5):840-844.
  • 13. Fakeeh MM, Moshref LH. Successful clinical management of mesenteric ischemia caused by superior mesenteric artery obstruction and celiac artery stenosis: A case report. PAMJ 2023;44(18):1-8.

Surgical Treatment of Stent Occlusion in Celiac Artery; A Rare Case Report ‘Aorto-Hepatic Bypass’

Year 2023, Volume: 7 Issue: 2, 262 - 265, 31.08.2023


Objective: Chronic mesenteric ischemia is a rare clinical condition characterized by loss of appetite,
weight loss, and abdominal pain after meals. Although advanced age and atherosclerosis are the two
most important risk factors, they can also accompany multi-systemic conditions. Various methods are
available for the treatment of celiac, superior and inferior mesenteric artery stenosis causing mesenteric
ischemia. These methods are; traditional surgery, endovascular approach and endarterectomy. In this
study, it was planned to present a patient whose stent was occluded in the celiac artery and who
subsequently underwent aorto-hepatic bypass.
Case: A 62 year old male patient who was operated for a malignant gastric tumor 15 years ago and
to whom stent was replaced to the celiac artery due to stenosis 2 years ago, admitted to the clinic for
recurrency of abdominal pain. CT angiography was performed and stent obstruction was detected in
the celiac artery. The abdomen was opened for the second time and a bypass operation was performed
with the saphenous vein between the infrarenal aorta and the hepatic artery.
Conclusion: Chronic mesenteric ischemia is a pathology that should be considered in the etiology of
abdominal pain, and open surgery is a viable method in the treatment of arterial occlusions that may
cause the disease in question, in cases where endovascular method is not suitable or a secondary
intervention is required after endovascular procedure is performed beforehand


  • 1. Scali ST, Ayo D, Giles KA, Gray S, Kubilis P, , Back M, Fatima J, Arnaoutakis D, Berceli SA, Beck AW, Upchurch GJ, Feezor RJ, Huber TS. Outcomes of antegrade and retrograde open mesenteric bypass for acute mesenteric ischemia. J Vasc Surg 2019;69(1):129-140.
  • 2. Park CM, Chung JW, Kim HB, Shin SJ, Park JH. Celiac axis stenosis: Incidence and etiologies in asymptomatic individuals. Korean J Radiol 2001;2(1):8-13.
  • 3. Pietura R, Szymanska A, El Furah M, Zbroja AD, Trojanowska MS. Chronic mesenteric ischemia: Diagnosis and treatment with balloon angioplasty and stenting. Med Sci Monit 2002;8(1):8- 12.
  • 4. Kopaei MR, Setorki M, Doudi M, Baradaran A, Nasri H. Atherosclerosis: Process, indicators, risk factors and new hopes. Int J Prev Med 2014;5(8):927-946.
  • 5. Dias NV, Acosta S, Resch T, Sonesson B, Alhadad A, Malina M, Ivancev K. Mid-term outcome of endovascular revascularization for chronic mesenteric ischemia. Br J Surg 2010;97(2):195-201.
  • 6. Biebl M, Oldenburg WA, Paz-Fumagilli R, McKinney JM, Hakaim AG. Surgical and interventional visceral revascularization forthe treatment of chronic mesenter ischemia- when to prefer which? World J Surg 2007;31(3):562-568.
  • 7. Landis MS, Rajan DK, Simons ME, Hayeems EB, Kachura JR, Sniderman KW. Percutaneous management of chronic mesenter ischemia: outcomes after intervention. J Vasc Interv Radiol 2005;16(10):1319-1325.
  • 8. Isik M, Sarigul A. Surgical treatment in a patient with celiac artery stenosis: Aorta-hepatic bypass. Selcuk Med J 2020;36(2):147- 150.
  • 9. Moawad J, McKinsey JF, Wyble CW, Bassiouny HS, Schwartz LB, Gewertz BL. Current results of surgical therapy for chronic mesenter ischemia. Arch Surg 1997;132(6):613-618.
  • 10. Lau H, Chew DK, Whitemore AD, Belkin M, Conte MS, Donaldson MC. Trans-aortic endarterectomy for primary mesenteric revascularization. Vasc Endovasc Surg 2002;36(5):335-341.
  • 11. Saito H, Sawada K, Ogawa J, Hashimoto M, Oshima M, Hada M, Kato Y, Oyaman K, Kotako M, Hara T. Laparoscopic treatment for celiac artery stenosis caused by median arcuate ligament compression with adachi V type vascular anomay: A case report. Surg Case Rep 2021;7:1-4.
  • 12. Thomas JH, Blake K, Pierce GE, Hermreck AS, Seigel E. The clinical course of asymptomatic mesenteric arterial stenosis. J Vasc Surg 1998;27(5):840-844.
  • 13. Fakeeh MM, Moshref LH. Successful clinical management of mesenteric ischemia caused by superior mesenteric artery obstruction and celiac artery stenosis: A case report. PAMJ 2023;44(18):1-8.
There are 13 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Health Care Administration
Journal Section Case Report

Yüksel Dereli 0000-0002-3794-1045

Mehmet Işık 0000-0002-2154-7473

Ömer Tanyeli 0000-0001-6275-7744

Özgür Altınbaş 0000-0002-6819-2454

Publication Date August 31, 2023
Acceptance Date December 13, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2023 Volume: 7 Issue: 2


Vancouver Dereli Y, Işık M, Tanyeli Ö, Altınbaş Ö. Çölyak Arter Stent Oklüzyonunun Cerrahi Tedavisi; Nadir Bir Olgu Sunumu ‘Aorto-Hepatik Baypas’. Med J West Black Sea. 2023;7(2):262-5.

Medical Journal of Western Black Sea is a scientific publication of Zonguldak Bulent Ecevit University Faculty of Medicine.

This is a refereed journal, which aims at achieving free knowledge to the national and international organizations and individuals related to medical sciences in publishedand electronic forms.

This journal is published three annually in April, August and December.
The publication language of the journal is Turkish and English.