Book Review
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Investigations of "Oyunun Ontolojisi"

Year 2024, Volume: 11 Issue: 2, 447 - 456, 08.01.2025


This review is on Prof. Yücel Dursun's book Oyunun Ontolojisi, published by Doğu Batı in 2014 as part of the philosophy series and published in its second edition in 2019. The book examines the concept of play from an ontological perspective in a broad philosophical perspective and seeks answers to questions that focus on its existence. The review also discusses and appreciates recent attempts to extend the study of the ontology of play to video game ontologies.


  • Aarseth, E. (2023). Ontology. In M. J. P. Wolf & B. Perron (Eds.), The Routledge companion to video game studies (2nd ed., pp. 597-606). New York, NY: Routledge.
  • Belyaev, D. & Belyaeva, U. (2019). Discourses and semantic tropes of the philosophical explication of video games. Problemos, 96, 172-183.
  • Bogost, I. (2006). Unit operations: An approach to videogame criticism. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
  • De Martino, S., Asmundo, M. N., Rizzo, S. A., & Santamaria, D. F. (2023). Modeling the video game environment: the VideOWL Ontology. In WOA (pp. 191-205). Retrieved from
  • Derrida, J. (2020). Yazı ve fark (P. Burcu Yalım, çev.). İstanbul: Metis Yayınları.
  • Dursun, Y. (2014). Oyunun ontolojisi. Ankara: Doğu Batı Yayınları.
  • Grix, J. (2002). Introducing students to the generic terminology of social research. Politics, 22(3), 175-186.
  • Hall, P. (2003). Aligning ontology and methodology in comparative research. In J. Mahoney & D. Rueschemeyer (Eds.), Comparative historical analysis in the social sciences (pp. 373-404). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Heidegger, M. (2011). Varlık ve zaman (Kaan H. Ökten, çev.). İstanbul: Agora Kitaplığı.
  • Huizinga, J. (2023). Homo ludens: Kültürün oyun unsuru üzerine bir inceleme (A. Önal, çev.). İstanbul: Ayrıntı Yayınları.
  • Juel Larsen, L., & Kampmann Walther, B. (2020). The ontology of gameplay: Toward a new theory. Games and Culture, 15(6), 609-631.
  • Juul, J. (2005). Half-real: Video games between real rules and fictional worlds. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
  • Lazzarato, M. (2006). The art of the possible: FromuUtopia to the post-fordist era. Los Angeles, CA: Semiotext(e).
  • Leibovitz, L. (2007). Thinking inside the box: Towards an ontology of video games. Columbia University.
  • Mosca, I. (2014). Social ontology of digital games. In Handbook of Digital Games, Marios C. Angelides, Harry Agius (Eds.), (pp. 607-644). ABD: Wiley-IEEE Press.
  • Smith, B. (2003). Ontology. In L. Floridi (Ed.), Blackwell guide to the philosophy of computing and information (pp. 155-166). Oxford: Blackwell.
  • Sta, H. B., Saïd, L. B., Ghédira, K., Bigand, M., & Bourey, J. P. (2005). Cartographies of ontology concepts. Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems.
  • Suits, B. (1978). The Grasshopper: Games, life and utopia. Canada: Broadview Press.
  • von Neumann, J., & Morgenstern, O. (1944). Theory of games and economic behavior. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
  • Ziegfeld, R. (1989). Interactive fiction: A new literary genre? New Literary History, 20(2), 341–372.

“Oyunun Ontolojisi” Üzerine Soruşturmalar

Year 2024, Volume: 11 Issue: 2, 447 - 456, 08.01.2025


Bu yazıda Prof. Dr. Yücel Dursun'un Doğu Batı Yayınları tarafından felsefe dizisi kapsamında 2014 yılında yayımlanan ve 2019 yılında ikinci baskısı yapılan Oyunun Ontolojisi kitabı incelenmiştir. Kitapta oyun kavramı geniş bir felsefi izlekte ontolojik bakımdan ele alınmış ve oyunun varoluşu üzerine yoğunlaşan sorulara yanıt aranmıştır. Bununla birlikte bu inceleme yazısında oyun ontolojisi üzerine yapılan güncel çalışmaların video oyunlarına doğru genişletilmesine yönelik çabalar üzerine de bir değerlendirme yapılmıştır.


  • Aarseth, E. (2023). Ontology. In M. J. P. Wolf & B. Perron (Eds.), The Routledge companion to video game studies (2nd ed., pp. 597-606). New York, NY: Routledge.
  • Belyaev, D. & Belyaeva, U. (2019). Discourses and semantic tropes of the philosophical explication of video games. Problemos, 96, 172-183.
  • Bogost, I. (2006). Unit operations: An approach to videogame criticism. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
  • De Martino, S., Asmundo, M. N., Rizzo, S. A., & Santamaria, D. F. (2023). Modeling the video game environment: the VideOWL Ontology. In WOA (pp. 191-205). Retrieved from
  • Derrida, J. (2020). Yazı ve fark (P. Burcu Yalım, çev.). İstanbul: Metis Yayınları.
  • Dursun, Y. (2014). Oyunun ontolojisi. Ankara: Doğu Batı Yayınları.
  • Grix, J. (2002). Introducing students to the generic terminology of social research. Politics, 22(3), 175-186.
  • Hall, P. (2003). Aligning ontology and methodology in comparative research. In J. Mahoney & D. Rueschemeyer (Eds.), Comparative historical analysis in the social sciences (pp. 373-404). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Heidegger, M. (2011). Varlık ve zaman (Kaan H. Ökten, çev.). İstanbul: Agora Kitaplığı.
  • Huizinga, J. (2023). Homo ludens: Kültürün oyun unsuru üzerine bir inceleme (A. Önal, çev.). İstanbul: Ayrıntı Yayınları.
  • Juel Larsen, L., & Kampmann Walther, B. (2020). The ontology of gameplay: Toward a new theory. Games and Culture, 15(6), 609-631.
  • Juul, J. (2005). Half-real: Video games between real rules and fictional worlds. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
  • Lazzarato, M. (2006). The art of the possible: FromuUtopia to the post-fordist era. Los Angeles, CA: Semiotext(e).
  • Leibovitz, L. (2007). Thinking inside the box: Towards an ontology of video games. Columbia University.
  • Mosca, I. (2014). Social ontology of digital games. In Handbook of Digital Games, Marios C. Angelides, Harry Agius (Eds.), (pp. 607-644). ABD: Wiley-IEEE Press.
  • Smith, B. (2003). Ontology. In L. Floridi (Ed.), Blackwell guide to the philosophy of computing and information (pp. 155-166). Oxford: Blackwell.
  • Sta, H. B., Saïd, L. B., Ghédira, K., Bigand, M., & Bourey, J. P. (2005). Cartographies of ontology concepts. Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems.
  • Suits, B. (1978). The Grasshopper: Games, life and utopia. Canada: Broadview Press.
  • von Neumann, J., & Morgenstern, O. (1944). Theory of games and economic behavior. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
  • Ziegfeld, R. (1989). Interactive fiction: A new literary genre? New Literary History, 20(2), 341–372.
There are 20 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Communication Studies, New Media, Screen and Media Culture, Cultural Theory, Cultural Studies (Other)
Journal Section Book Reviews

Erdinç Kaygusuz 0000-0002-9581-4458

Publication Date January 8, 2025
Submission Date August 14, 2024
Acceptance Date November 11, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 11 Issue: 2


APA Kaygusuz, E. (2025). “Oyunun Ontolojisi” Üzerine Soruşturmalar. Moment Dergi, 11(2), 447-456.