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Yaratıcılık ve Yapay Zekâ: Çok Düzeyli Bir Bakış Açısı

Year 2024, Volume: 15 Issue: 2, 274 - 307, 31.12.2024


Yapay zekânın örgütsel yaratıcılığın birçok alanında devrim yaratması muhtemeldir. Bu makale; çok düzeyli bir teorik mercek aracılığıyla, birey, grup ve örgüt düzeylerinde yaratıcılık üzerine mevcut bilgi birikimini gözden geçirmekte ve yapay zekânın uygulanmasının her bir düzeyi nasıl etkileyebileceğine dair bir dizi önermede bulunmaktadır. Bilişsel, davranışsal ve psikolojik alanları kapsayan önermelerimiz, yapay zekâdan etkilenmesi muhtemel yaratıcılıkla ilgili önemli alanlarda gelecekteki araştırmaları yönlendirmeyi amaçlamaktadır; bunlar arasında yakınsak ve ıraksak düşünme arasındaki denge, becerilerin gruplar içindeki dağılımı ve örgütlerin özümseme kapasitesi yer almaktadır.


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Creativity and Artificial Intelligence: A Multilevel Perspective

Year 2024, Volume: 15 Issue: 2, 274 - 307, 31.12.2024


Artificial intelligence is likely to revolutionize multiple aspects of organizational creativity. Through a multilevel theoretical lens, the present paper reviews the extant body of knowledge on creativity at individual, team and organizational levels, and draws a series of propositions on how the implementation of artificial intelligence may affect each level. Spanning cognitive, behavioural and psychological domains, our propositions aim at directing future research efforts on important creativity-related areas likely to be affected by artificial intelligence, including the trade-off between convergent and divergent thinking, the distribution of skills within groups, and the absorptive capacity of organizations.


  • Abonamah, A. A., Tariq, M. U. ve Shilbayeh, S. (2021). On the commoditization of artificial intelligence. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 696346.
  • Acemoglu, D. ve Restrepo, P. (2019). Automation and new tasks: How technology displaces and reinstates labor. Journal of Economic Perspectives, 33(2), 3–30.
  • Aghion, P., Jones, B. F. ve Jones, C. I. (2018). Artificial intelligence and economic growth. The economics of artificial intelligence: An agenda (s. 237–282) içinde. University of Chicago Press.
  • Alekseeva, L., Azar, J., Gine, M., Samila, S. ve Taska, B. (2021). The demand for AI skills in the labor market. Labour Economics, 71(8), 102002.
  • Amabile, T. M. (1983). The social psychology of creativity: A componential conceptualization. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 45(2), 357–376.
  • Amabile, T. M. (1988). A model of creativity and innovation in organizations. Research in Organizational Behavior, 10(1), 123–167.
  • Amabile, T. M. (1993). Motivational synergy: Toward new conceptualizations of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation in the workplace. Human Resource Management Review, 3(3), 185–201.
  • Amabile, T. M. (2020). Creativity, artificial intelligence, and a world of surprises. Academy of Management Discoveries, 6(3), 351–354.
  • Amabile, T. M., Barsade, S. G., Mueller, J. S. ve Staw, B. M. (2005). Affect and creativity at work. Administrative Science Quarterly, 50(3), 367–403.
  • Amabile, T. M. ve Pratt, M. G. (2016). The dynamic componential model of creativity and innovation in organizations: Making progress, making meaning. Research in Organizational Behavior, 36, 157–183.
  • Amabile, T. M., Schatzel, E. A., Moneta, G. B. ve Kramer, S. J. (2004). Leader behaviors and the work environment for creativity: Perceived leader support. The Leadership Quarterly, 15(1), 5–32.
  • Anantrasirichai, N. ve Bull, D. (2021). Artificial intelligence in the creative industries: A review. Artificial Intelligence Review, 55, 589–656.
  • Anderson, N., Potocnik, K. ve Zhou, J. (2014). Innovation and creativity in organizations: A state-of-the-science review, prospective commentary, and guiding framework. Journal of Management, 40(5), 1297–1333.
  • Angle, H. L. (1989). Psychology and organizational innovation. A. H. Van de Ven, H. L. Angle ve M. S. Poole (Ed.), Research on the Management of Innovation: The Minnesota studies (s. 135–170) içinde. Harper ve Row.
  • Bandura, A. (1997). Self-efficacy: The exercise of control. Freeman Lawrence.
  • Barron, F. ve Harrington, D. M. (1981). Creativity, intelligence, and personality. Annual Review of Psychology, 32(1), 439–476.
  • Becker, G. S. ve Murphy, K. M. (1992). The division of labor, coordination costs, and knowledge. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 107(4), 1137–1160.
  • Binnewies, C. ve Wörnlein, S. C. (2011). What makes a creative day? A diary study on the interplay between affect, job stressors, and job control. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 32(4), 589–607.
  • Bonnardel, N. ve Marmèche, E. (2004). Evocation processes by novice and expert designers: Towards stimulating analogical thinking. Creativity and Innovation Management, 13(3), 176–186.
  • Botega, L. F. D. C. ve da Silva, J. C. (2020). An artificial intelligence approach to support knowledge management on the selection of creativity and innovation techniques. Journal of Knowledge Management, 24(5), 1107–1130.
  • Bouschery, S. G., Blazevic, V. ve Piller, F. T. (2023). Augmenting human innovation teams with artificial intelligence: Exploring transformer-based language models. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 40(2), 139–153.
  • Brennan, A. ve Dooley, L. (2005). Networked creativity: A structured management framework for stimulating innovation. Technovation, 25(12), 1388–1399.
  • Bronkhorst, J., Schaveling, J. ve Janssen, M. (2019). Commoditization and IT product innovation strategies from an IT firm perspective. Information Systems Management, 36(2), 126–140.
  • Campos, J. ve Figueiredo, A. D. D. (2002). Programming for serendipity. Chance discovery-the discovery and management of chance events: Papers from the 2002 AAAI Fall Symposium Technical Report FS-02-01 (s. 48-60) içinde. AAAI Press.
  • Carmeli, A., Dutton, J. E. ve Hardin, A. E. (2015). Respect as an engine for new ideas: Linking respectful engagement, relational information processing and creativity among employees and teams. Human Relations, 68(6), 1021–1047.
  • Carr, N. G. (2003). IT doesn't matter. Harvard Business Review, 81(5), 41–49.
  • Carr, N. G. (2004). Does IT matter? Harvard Business School Publishing.
  • Chamakiotis, P., Dekoninck, E. A. ve Panteli, N. (2013). Factors influencing creativity in virtual design teams: An interplay between technology, teams and individuals. Creativity and Innovation Management, 22(3), 265–279.
  • Chambers, J. A. (1964). Relating personality and biographical factors to scientific creativity. Psychological Monographs: General and Applied, 78(7), 1–20.
  • Cohen, W. M. ve Levinthal, D. A. (1990). Absorptive capacity: A new perspective on learning and innovation. Administrative Science Quarterly, 35(1), 128–152.
  • Collins, C., Dennehy, D., Conboy, K. ve Mikalef, P. (2021). Artificial intelligence in information systems research: A systematic literature review and research agenda. International Journal of Information Management, 60, 102383.
  • Corrado, G. (2015). Computer, respond to this email. Google AI Blog. 3/11/2015
  • Cropley, A. (2006). In praise of convergent thinking. Creativity Research Journal, 18(3), 391–404.
  • Dahl, D. W. ve Moreau, P. (2002). The influence and value of analogical thinking during new product ideation. Journal of Marketing Research, 39(1), 47–60.
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There are 119 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Visual Arts (Other)
Journal Section Translated Articles

Luca Grilli This is me

Mattia Pedota This is me


Seden Odabaşıoğlu 0000-0003-2794-803X

Early Pub Date December 31, 2024
Publication Date December 31, 2024
Submission Date December 17, 2024
Acceptance Date December 24, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 15 Issue: 2


APA Grilli, L., & Pedota, M. (2024). Yaratıcılık ve Yapay Zekâ: Çok Düzeyli Bir Bakış Açısı (S. Odabaşıoğlu, Trans.). Marmara Üniversitesi Sanat Ve Tasarım Dergisi, 15(2), 274-307.