From Intonation Adjustments to Synchronization of Heart Rate Variability: Singer Interaction in Traditional Georgian Vocal Music
Year 2023,
, 155 - 177, 31.12.2023
Frank Scherbaum
Meinard Mueller
This paper is concerned with how singers of Georgian traditional vocal music interact when singing together. Applying a variety of computational methods from audio signal processing and music information retrieval (MIR), we examine three existing corpora of (field) recordings for manifestations of a high degree of mutual coordination of the singers’ voices. We find numerous examples of harmonically controlled mutual intonation adjustments on both short and long time scales. Furthermore, we believe that the observed differences in melodic and harmonic scales can also be interpreted as (side) effects of the singers’ interaction with the possible goal of achieving harmonic togetherness (or consonance) on the time scale of individual (important) notes. In addition, together with the ensemble Khelkhvavi from Ozurgeti, we conducted an experiment demonstrating the synchronization of singers’ heartbeat rates during the performance of the Gurian song Chven Mshvidoba. The results of our analysis show that a variety of measurable signs of interaction between singers can be observed and documented in existing corpora of Georgian traditional vocal music. Our experience also shows that relevant information about the synchronization of the bodily functions of singers during performances can nowadays be obtained with reasonable technical and logistical effort even in a ‘real world’ framework, thereby allowing us to address questions related to the ‘ecological validity’ of this kind of measurement.
Supporting Institution
German Research Foundation
Project Number
DFG MU 2686/13-1, SCHE 280/20-1
The contribution of Nana Mzhavanadze in conducting the three field expeditions (2015, 2016, and 2019) and the generation of the corresponding datasets is greatly appreciated. We are also indebted to Lasha Chkhart’ishvili , Guram Guntadze, and Mamuka Siradze for taking part in the heart beat synchronisation experiment in Ozurgeti in 2019.
- Cazden, Norman. (1962). “Sensory Theories of Musical Consonance”. The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism. 20(3): 301-319.
- Cervellin, Gianfranco; Lippi, Giuseppe. (2011). “From Music-beat to Heart-beat: A Journey in the Complex Interactions Between Music, Brain and Heart”. European Journal of Internal Medicine. 22(4): 371-374. Retrieved from
- Chew, Elaine. (2020). Every Heart Dances to a Different Tune. ScienceDaily.
- Clayton, Martin. (2012). “What is Entrainment? Definition and Applications in Musical Research”. Empirical Musicology Review. 7(1-2): 49-56.
Grosche, Peter; Müller, Meinard. (2011). “Extracting Predominant Local Pulse Information from Music Recordings”. IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing. 19(6): 1688-1701.
- Holleman, Gijs A.; Hooge, Ignace T.C.; Kemner, Chantal and Hessels, Roy S. (2020). The ‘Real-World Approach’ and Its Problems: A Critique of the Term Ecological Validity. Frontiers in Psychology. 11. Retrieved from
- Ludwig, Carl. (1847). “Beiträge zur Kenntnis des Einflusses der Respirationsbewegungen auf den Blutumlauf im Aortensystem” (Contributions to the Knowledge of the Influence of Respiratory Movements on Blood Circulation in the Aortic System). Arch. Anat. Physiol., 13: 242–302.
- Mauch, Matthias; Cannam, Chris; Bittner, Rachel; Fazekas, George; Salamon, Justin; Dai, Jiajie; Bello, Juan and Dixon, Simon. (2015). “Computer-aided Melody Note Transcription Using the Tony Software: Accuracy and Efficiency”. [Paper presented at the First International Conference on Technologies for Music Notation and Representation] Battier, Marc; Bresson, Jean; Couprie, Pierre; Davy-Rigaux, Cécile; Fober, Dominique and Geslin, Yann; Genevois Hugues; Picard, François and Tacaille, Alice (Eds.), (pp. 23-30). Retrieved from
- Müller, Meinard. (2015). Fundamentals of Music Processing: Audio, Analysis, Algorithms, Applications. London: Springer.
- Müller, Meinard. (2021). “An Educational Guide Through the FMP Notebooks for Teaching and Learning Fundamentals of Music Processing”. Signals. 2(2): 245-285. Retrieved from
- Müller, Meinard; Rosenzweig, Sebastian; Driedger, Jonathan and Scherbaum, Frank. (2017). “Interactive Fundamental Frequency Estimation with Applications to Ethnomusicological Research” [Paper presented at Conference on Semantic Audio, June 22-24, 2017, Erlangen, Germany]. Dittmar, Christian Abeßer, Jakob and Müller, Meinard (Eds.), (pp: 2-7). Retrieved from
- Müller, Viktor and Lindenberger, Ulman. (2011). “Cardiac and Respiratory Patterns Synchronize Between Persons during Choir Singing”. PloS One, 6(9): e24893. Retrieved from
- Nadel, Siegfrid F. (1933). “Georgische Gesänge” (Georgian Songs). Lautabt.. Leipzig: Harrassowitz in Komm.
- Parncutt, Richard. (1989). Harmony: A psychoacoustical approach. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York.
- Rosenzweig, Sebastian; Scherbaum, Frank and Müller, Meinard. (2022). “Computer-Assisted Analysis of Field Recordings: A Case Study of Georgian Funeral Songs”. ACM Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage, in press, 16.
- Rosenzweig, Sebastian; Scherbaum, Frank and Müller, Meinard (2019). “Detecting Stable Regions in Frequency Trajectories for Tonal Analysis of Traditional Georgian Vocal Music” [Paper presented at 20th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference, November, 4-8, 2019, Delft, The Netherlands]. Flexer, Arthur; Peeters, Geoffroy; Urbano, Julián and Volk, Anja (Eds.), (pp: 352-359]. Retrieved from
- Rosenzweig, Sebastian; Scherbaum, Frank; Shugliashvili, David; Arifi-Müller, Vlora and Müller, Meinard. (2020). “Erkomaishvili Dataset: A Curated Corpus of Traditional Georgian Vocal Music for Computational Musicology”. Transactions of the International Society for Music Information Retrieval, 3(1): 31-41. Retrieved from
- Scherbaum, Frank; Loos, Wolfgang; Kane, Frank and Vollmer, Daniel (2015). “Body Vibrations as Source of Information for the Analysis of Polyphonic Vocal Music” [Paper presented at the 5th International Workshop on Folk Music Analysis on June 10-12, 2015, Paris, France]. Adam, Olivier (Ed.), (pp. 89-93). Retrieved from
- Scherbaum, Frank (2016). “On the Benefit of Larynx-microphone Field Recordings for the Documentation and Analysis of Polyphonic Vocal Music” [Paper presented at the 6th International Workshop Folk Music Analysis on June 15-17 2015 Dublin, Ireland]. Beaugitte, Pierre; Duggan, Bryan; Kelleher, John D. (Eds.), (pp. 80-87). Retrieved from
- Scherbaum, Frank; Müller, Meinard and Rosenzweig, Sebastian (2017). “Analysis of the Tbilisi State Conservatory Recordings of Artem Erkomaishvili in 1966” [Paper presented at the 7th International Workshop on Folk Music Analysis, June 14-16, 2017, Malaga, Spain]. Barbancho, Isabel (Eds.), (pp. 29-36). Retrieved from
- Scherbaum, Frank; Mzhavanadze, Nana (2018a). A New Archive of Multichannel-Multimedia Field Recordings of Traditional Georgian Singing, Praying, and Lamenting with Special Emphasis on Svaneti. LaZAR-Database. Retrieved from https://Lazardb.Gbv.De/.
- Scherbaum, Frank; Mzhavanadze, Nana and Dadunashvili, Elguja. (2018b). “A Web-Based, Long-Term Archive of Audio, Video, and Larynx-Microphone Field Recordings of Traditional Georgian Singing, Praying and Lamenting with Special Emphasis on Svaneti” [Paper presented at The 9th International Symposium on Traditional Polyphony, 30 October-3 November, 2018]. Tsurtsumia, Rusudan (Ed.), (pp. 174-180). Retrieved from
- Scherbaum, Frank; Rosenzweig, Sebastian and Müller, Meinard; Vollmer, Daniel and Mzhavanadze, Nana. (2018). “Throat Microphones for Vocal Music Analysis” [Presented in Demos and Late Breaking News at the 19th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference, 23-27 September 2018, Paris, France]. Gómez,Emilia; Hu, Xiao; Humphrey, Eric; Benetos, Emmanouil (Eds.). Retrieved from
- Scherbaum, Frank; Mzhavanadze, Nana; Rosenzweig, Sebastian and Müller, Meinard. (2019). “Multi-media Recordings of Traditional Georgian Vocal Music for Computational Analysis [Paper presented at the 9th International Workshop on Folk Music Analysis, July 2-4, 2019, Birmingham, Great Britain]. MacLachlan, Islah (Ed.), (pp. 6). Retrieved from
- Scherbaum, Frank; Mzhavanadze, Nana. (2020). “Svan Funeral Dirges (Zär): Musical Acoustical Analysis of a New Collection of Field Recordings”. Musicologist, 4(2): 138-167. Retrieved from
- Scherbaum, Frank; Mzhavanadze; Nana, Arom; Simha; Rosenzweig, Sebastian and Müller, Meinard. (2020). “Tonal Organization of the Erkomaishvili Dataset: Pitches, Scales, Melodies and Harmonies”. Scherbaum, Frank (Ed.), Computational Analysis of Traditional Georgian Vocal Music. (Issue 1). Potsdam: Universitätsverlag Potsdam.
- Scherbaum, Frank; Mzhavanadze, Nana. (2021). “Svan Funeral Dirges (Zär): Language-Music Relation and Phonetic Properties”. Musicologist. 5(1): 66-82. Retrieved from
- Scherbaum, Frank; Mzhavanadze, Nana; Rosenzweig, Sebastian and Müller, Meinard. (2022). “Tuning Systems of Traditional Georgian Singing Determined from a New Corpus of Field Recordings”. Musicologist. 6(2): 142-168. Retrieved from
- Sethares, William A. (2004). Tuning, Timbre, Spectrum, Scale (2nd ed.). London: Springer.
- Shepherd, John T. (1985). “The Heart as Sensory Organ”. J. Am. Coll. Cardiol., 6(1): 83B-87B.
- Stirzaker, David. (1999). Probability and Random Variables, a Beginners Guide. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Vickhoff, Björn; Malmgren, Helge; Aström, Rickard; Nyberg, Gunnar; Ekström, Seth-Reino; Engwall, Mathias; Snygg, Johan; Nilsson, Michael and Jörnsten, Rebecka. (2013). “Music Structure Determines Heart Rate Variability of Singers”. Frontiers in Psychology, 4, 334. Retrieved from
- Wang, Hui-Min and Huang, Sheng-Chieh. (2012). “SDNN/RMSSD as a Surrogate for LF/HF: A Revised Investigation”. Modelling and Simulation in Engineering. Retrieved from
Year 2023,
, 155 - 177, 31.12.2023
Frank Scherbaum
Meinard Mueller
Project Number
DFG MU 2686/13-1, SCHE 280/20-1
- Cazden, Norman. (1962). “Sensory Theories of Musical Consonance”. The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism. 20(3): 301-319.
- Cervellin, Gianfranco; Lippi, Giuseppe. (2011). “From Music-beat to Heart-beat: A Journey in the Complex Interactions Between Music, Brain and Heart”. European Journal of Internal Medicine. 22(4): 371-374. Retrieved from
- Chew, Elaine. (2020). Every Heart Dances to a Different Tune. ScienceDaily.
- Clayton, Martin. (2012). “What is Entrainment? Definition and Applications in Musical Research”. Empirical Musicology Review. 7(1-2): 49-56.
Grosche, Peter; Müller, Meinard. (2011). “Extracting Predominant Local Pulse Information from Music Recordings”. IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing. 19(6): 1688-1701.
- Holleman, Gijs A.; Hooge, Ignace T.C.; Kemner, Chantal and Hessels, Roy S. (2020). The ‘Real-World Approach’ and Its Problems: A Critique of the Term Ecological Validity. Frontiers in Psychology. 11. Retrieved from
- Ludwig, Carl. (1847). “Beiträge zur Kenntnis des Einflusses der Respirationsbewegungen auf den Blutumlauf im Aortensystem” (Contributions to the Knowledge of the Influence of Respiratory Movements on Blood Circulation in the Aortic System). Arch. Anat. Physiol., 13: 242–302.
- Mauch, Matthias; Cannam, Chris; Bittner, Rachel; Fazekas, George; Salamon, Justin; Dai, Jiajie; Bello, Juan and Dixon, Simon. (2015). “Computer-aided Melody Note Transcription Using the Tony Software: Accuracy and Efficiency”. [Paper presented at the First International Conference on Technologies for Music Notation and Representation] Battier, Marc; Bresson, Jean; Couprie, Pierre; Davy-Rigaux, Cécile; Fober, Dominique and Geslin, Yann; Genevois Hugues; Picard, François and Tacaille, Alice (Eds.), (pp. 23-30). Retrieved from
- Müller, Meinard. (2015). Fundamentals of Music Processing: Audio, Analysis, Algorithms, Applications. London: Springer.
- Müller, Meinard. (2021). “An Educational Guide Through the FMP Notebooks for Teaching and Learning Fundamentals of Music Processing”. Signals. 2(2): 245-285. Retrieved from
- Müller, Meinard; Rosenzweig, Sebastian; Driedger, Jonathan and Scherbaum, Frank. (2017). “Interactive Fundamental Frequency Estimation with Applications to Ethnomusicological Research” [Paper presented at Conference on Semantic Audio, June 22-24, 2017, Erlangen, Germany]. Dittmar, Christian Abeßer, Jakob and Müller, Meinard (Eds.), (pp: 2-7). Retrieved from
- Müller, Viktor and Lindenberger, Ulman. (2011). “Cardiac and Respiratory Patterns Synchronize Between Persons during Choir Singing”. PloS One, 6(9): e24893. Retrieved from
- Nadel, Siegfrid F. (1933). “Georgische Gesänge” (Georgian Songs). Lautabt.. Leipzig: Harrassowitz in Komm.
- Parncutt, Richard. (1989). Harmony: A psychoacoustical approach. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York.
- Rosenzweig, Sebastian; Scherbaum, Frank and Müller, Meinard. (2022). “Computer-Assisted Analysis of Field Recordings: A Case Study of Georgian Funeral Songs”. ACM Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage, in press, 16.
- Rosenzweig, Sebastian; Scherbaum, Frank and Müller, Meinard (2019). “Detecting Stable Regions in Frequency Trajectories for Tonal Analysis of Traditional Georgian Vocal Music” [Paper presented at 20th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference, November, 4-8, 2019, Delft, The Netherlands]. Flexer, Arthur; Peeters, Geoffroy; Urbano, Julián and Volk, Anja (Eds.), (pp: 352-359]. Retrieved from
- Rosenzweig, Sebastian; Scherbaum, Frank; Shugliashvili, David; Arifi-Müller, Vlora and Müller, Meinard. (2020). “Erkomaishvili Dataset: A Curated Corpus of Traditional Georgian Vocal Music for Computational Musicology”. Transactions of the International Society for Music Information Retrieval, 3(1): 31-41. Retrieved from
- Scherbaum, Frank; Loos, Wolfgang; Kane, Frank and Vollmer, Daniel (2015). “Body Vibrations as Source of Information for the Analysis of Polyphonic Vocal Music” [Paper presented at the 5th International Workshop on Folk Music Analysis on June 10-12, 2015, Paris, France]. Adam, Olivier (Ed.), (pp. 89-93). Retrieved from
- Scherbaum, Frank (2016). “On the Benefit of Larynx-microphone Field Recordings for the Documentation and Analysis of Polyphonic Vocal Music” [Paper presented at the 6th International Workshop Folk Music Analysis on June 15-17 2015 Dublin, Ireland]. Beaugitte, Pierre; Duggan, Bryan; Kelleher, John D. (Eds.), (pp. 80-87). Retrieved from
- Scherbaum, Frank; Müller, Meinard and Rosenzweig, Sebastian (2017). “Analysis of the Tbilisi State Conservatory Recordings of Artem Erkomaishvili in 1966” [Paper presented at the 7th International Workshop on Folk Music Analysis, June 14-16, 2017, Malaga, Spain]. Barbancho, Isabel (Eds.), (pp. 29-36). Retrieved from
- Scherbaum, Frank; Mzhavanadze, Nana (2018a). A New Archive of Multichannel-Multimedia Field Recordings of Traditional Georgian Singing, Praying, and Lamenting with Special Emphasis on Svaneti. LaZAR-Database. Retrieved from https://Lazardb.Gbv.De/.
- Scherbaum, Frank; Mzhavanadze, Nana and Dadunashvili, Elguja. (2018b). “A Web-Based, Long-Term Archive of Audio, Video, and Larynx-Microphone Field Recordings of Traditional Georgian Singing, Praying and Lamenting with Special Emphasis on Svaneti” [Paper presented at The 9th International Symposium on Traditional Polyphony, 30 October-3 November, 2018]. Tsurtsumia, Rusudan (Ed.), (pp. 174-180). Retrieved from
- Scherbaum, Frank; Rosenzweig, Sebastian and Müller, Meinard; Vollmer, Daniel and Mzhavanadze, Nana. (2018). “Throat Microphones for Vocal Music Analysis” [Presented in Demos and Late Breaking News at the 19th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference, 23-27 September 2018, Paris, France]. Gómez,Emilia; Hu, Xiao; Humphrey, Eric; Benetos, Emmanouil (Eds.). Retrieved from
- Scherbaum, Frank; Mzhavanadze, Nana; Rosenzweig, Sebastian and Müller, Meinard. (2019). “Multi-media Recordings of Traditional Georgian Vocal Music for Computational Analysis [Paper presented at the 9th International Workshop on Folk Music Analysis, July 2-4, 2019, Birmingham, Great Britain]. MacLachlan, Islah (Ed.), (pp. 6). Retrieved from
- Scherbaum, Frank; Mzhavanadze, Nana. (2020). “Svan Funeral Dirges (Zär): Musical Acoustical Analysis of a New Collection of Field Recordings”. Musicologist, 4(2): 138-167. Retrieved from
- Scherbaum, Frank; Mzhavanadze; Nana, Arom; Simha; Rosenzweig, Sebastian and Müller, Meinard. (2020). “Tonal Organization of the Erkomaishvili Dataset: Pitches, Scales, Melodies and Harmonies”. Scherbaum, Frank (Ed.), Computational Analysis of Traditional Georgian Vocal Music. (Issue 1). Potsdam: Universitätsverlag Potsdam.
- Scherbaum, Frank; Mzhavanadze, Nana. (2021). “Svan Funeral Dirges (Zär): Language-Music Relation and Phonetic Properties”. Musicologist. 5(1): 66-82. Retrieved from
- Scherbaum, Frank; Mzhavanadze, Nana; Rosenzweig, Sebastian and Müller, Meinard. (2022). “Tuning Systems of Traditional Georgian Singing Determined from a New Corpus of Field Recordings”. Musicologist. 6(2): 142-168. Retrieved from
- Sethares, William A. (2004). Tuning, Timbre, Spectrum, Scale (2nd ed.). London: Springer.
- Shepherd, John T. (1985). “The Heart as Sensory Organ”. J. Am. Coll. Cardiol., 6(1): 83B-87B.
- Stirzaker, David. (1999). Probability and Random Variables, a Beginners Guide. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Vickhoff, Björn; Malmgren, Helge; Aström, Rickard; Nyberg, Gunnar; Ekström, Seth-Reino; Engwall, Mathias; Snygg, Johan; Nilsson, Michael and Jörnsten, Rebecka. (2013). “Music Structure Determines Heart Rate Variability of Singers”. Frontiers in Psychology, 4, 334. Retrieved from
- Wang, Hui-Min and Huang, Sheng-Chieh. (2012). “SDNN/RMSSD as a Surrogate for LF/HF: A Revised Investigation”. Modelling and Simulation in Engineering. Retrieved from