Research Article
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Music, Protest and Social Inclusivity: The Case of Ahmet Kaya as a Deviant Example of Protest Music in Turkey

Year 2024, , 233 - 267, 31.12.2024


This study examines Ahmet Kaya's significance as a protest singer-songwriter in Turkey, focusing on his unique position within the protest music scene of Turkey. Despite facing challenges and criticisms, Kaya used his music to voice the struggles of the oppressed, creating enduring documents of social strife. The research argues that Kaya's music exhibits a higher degree of social inclusivity compared to traditional Turkish protest music, attributed to his diverse musical-cultural background, relatable lyrical themes, emotional connection with audiences, and the socio-cultural transformation in Turkey during the 1980s and 1990s.
The study employs Homi Bhabha's concept of 'cultural hybridity' as a theoretical framework. Central to this analysis is the application of Bhabha's 'third space' concept, which illuminates how Kaya's music creates a unique cultural intersection where diverse musical traditions and social experiences coexist and interact. The study also introduces the concept of 'musical mixture' to describe Kaya's innovative fusion of various musical elements, which contributes significantly to the social inclusivity of his work.
The multifaceted methodology for this study combines historical analysis, biographical research, musical analysis, and sociopolitical contextualization, introducing 'musical accumulation' as an approach to analyzing Kaya's style. The research involves review of historical sources, audiovisual archives, and interviews, analyzing Kaya's musical elements, lyrical themes, and collaborations.
The study highlights the relationship between music, protest and society, illustrating music's role in protest, identification, and inclusivity. 'Social inclusivity' emerges as a key parameter in understanding Kaya's broad appeal, suggesting new avenues for protest music studies. This research contributes to understanding how hybrid cultural forms shape political discourse and social identity in late 20th century Turkey.

Supporting Institution

İTÜ BAP Birimi (Scientific Research Projects Unit of Istanbul Technical University)

Project Number



As a subchapter of my doctoral thesis, this study has emerged, and I would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to the following individuals who have contributed significantly to its completion: My thesis advisor, Prof. Dr. Belma Oğul, for her invaluable guidance, expert advice, and unwavering support throughout the research process. My thesis committee members, whose feedback and suggestions have greatly enriched the quality of this study. My friends and esteemed colleagues from the field, whose insights and discussions have played a vital role in shaping the socio-political, theoretical, and analytical framework of this research. Gülten Kaya, for her unwavering moral support and engaging conversations that have inspired and motivated me during the course of this study. I am deeply grateful to all of you for your contributions. Thank you.


  • Akkaya, Ayhan; Çelik, Fehmiye. (2006). “Aranjmandan Anadolu Popa Türkiye’de ‘60’lı ve ‘70’li Yıllar.” (From arrangement to Anatolian Pop: Turkey in the ‘60s and ‘70s). 60’lardan 70’lere 45’lik Şarkılar (45 rpm songs from the ‘60s to the ‘70s), Eds. Ayhan Akkaya and Fehmiye Çelik: pp. 7-25. İstanbul: Bgst Yayınları.
  • Akkaya, Ayhan et al. (eds). (2008). Kardeş Türküler: 15 Yılın Öyküsü (Kardeş Türküler: The story of 15 years). İstanbul: Bgst Yayınları.
  • Aköz, Emre. (n.d.). “Özgün Müziği Özgün Yapan Ne?” (What makes özgün müzik unique?). Tempo. Gam Müzik archive: İstanbul.
  • “Arabesk mi protest mi?” (Arabesk or protest?) (1987, February 8th). Nokta. Gam Müzik archive: İstanbul.
  • Aral, Fikret. et al. (eds). (2008). Sosyalizm ve Toplumsal Mücadeleler Ansiklopedisi (Encyclopedia of socialism and social struggles). İstanbul: İletişim.
  • Aydın, Suavi; Taşçı., Yüksel (2017). 1960'tan Günümüze Türkiye Tarihi (History of Turkey from 1960 to the present). (5th ed.). İstanbul: İletişim.
  • Bhabha, Homi K. (1994). The Location of Culture. London and New York: Routledge.
  • Born, Georgina & Hesmondhalgh, David. (eds.). (2000). Western Music and Its Others: Difference, Representation, and Appropriation in Music. University of California Press.
  • Buğdaycı, Alp. (1987, August 29). Ahmet Kaya ile röportaj (Interview with Ahmet Kaya). Gölge Adam. p. ?. Gam Müzik archive: İstanbul.
  • Değirmenci, Koray. (2006). “On the Pursuit of a Nation: The Construction of Folk and Folk Music in the Founding Decades of the Turkish Republic.” International Review of the Aesthetics and Sociology of Music, 37(1): 47-65.
  • Dündar, Can. (1997, January 14). Aynalar: Ahmet Kaya (Mirrors: Ahmet Kaya). [Documentary film].
  • Eğribel, Ertan. (1984). Niçin Arabesk Değil? (Why not arabesk? A. Altındal (Ed.), Niçin Değil Series (Why not? series), book number: 7, series no:13. İstanbul: Süreç Yayıncılık.
  • Ergönültaş, Ergin. (1980, October 1). “Arabesk Olayı” (Arabesk debate). Milliyet Sanat, 9(1): 18-22.
  • Eyerman, Ron; Jamison, Andrew. (1998). Music and Social Movements: Mobilizing Traditions in the Twentieth Century. Cambridge University Press.
  • Fernandes, Sujatha. (2011). Close to the Edge: In Search of the Global Hip Hop Generation. London: Verso.
  • Güngör, Nazife. (1990). Arabesk - Sosyokültürel Açıdan Arabesk Müzik (Arabesk – Arabesk music from a sociocultural perspective). Ankara: Bilgi Yayınları.
  • Gürpınar, Doğan. (2012). “The Trajectory of Left-liberalism in Turkey and Its Nemesis: The Great Rupture in the Turkish Left.” Insight Turkey, 14(1): 147-168.
  • Hesmondhalgh, David. (2013). Why Music Matters. UK: Wiley-Blackwell.
  • Hobsbawm, Eric. (2012). “Introduction: Inventing Tradition.” The Invention of Tradition. Eds. Eric Hobsbawm & Terence Ranger: pp.1-14. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Kahyaoğlu, Orhan. (2003). And Dağları'ndan Anadolu'ya 'Devrimci Müzik' Geleneği ve 'Sıyrılıp Gelen' Grup Yorum (Revolutionary music tradition from And Mountains to Anatolia and ‘Sıyrılıp Gelen’ [the emerging] Grup Yorum). İstanbul: neKitaplar.
  • Kara, İlkay. (2019). Bir Politik Anlatı Olarak Ahmet Kaya Şarkıları/Açık Yaranın Sesi (Ahmet Kaya’s songs as a political narrative/The voice of open wound). İstanbul: İletişim.
  • Kaya, Ferzende. (2005). Başım Belada (I’m in trouble). İstanbul: Gam Yayınları.
  • Kozanoğlu, Can. (1990, July). “Mahallede Devrim Var” (There is a revolution in the neighborhood). Nokta, 28.
  • Küçük, Murat. (2007). “Türkiye'de Sol Düşünce ve Aleviler.” (Leftist thought and Alevis in Turkey) Modern Türkiye'de Siyasi Düşünce: Sol (Political thought in Modern Turkey). Eds. Tanıl Bora & Murat Gültekingil: pp. 896-934. İstanbul: İletişim.
  • McDonald, David A. (2013). My Voice Is My Weapon: Music, Nationalism, and the Poetics of Palestinian Resistance. Durham NC (North Carolina): Duke University Press.
  • Özbek, Meral. (1991). Popüler Kültür ve Orhan Gencebay Arabeski (Popular culture and Orhan Gencebay’s arabesk). İstanbul: İletişim.
  • Özgün Müzik Dosyası (Özgün müzik dossier). (1991, December). Evrensel Kültür, 1: 17-33.
  • Özer, Diler. (2022). “Left-leaning Protest Music Tradition in Turkey (1960s-1990s) and the Case of Ahmet Kaya” Dissertation, İstanbul Technical University, İstanbul: Turkey
  • Roy, William. G.; Dowd, Timothy J. (2010). “What is sociological about music?” Annual Review of Sociology, 36: 183-203.
  • Salâh, Mehmet. (1984). “The Turkish working class and socialist movement in perspective.” Khamsin. pp. 86 – 116. Retrieved from
  • Stokes, Martin. (1998). Türkiye'de Arabesk Olayı (Arabesk Debate: Music and Musicians in Turkey). (Hale Eryılmaz, Trans.). İstanbul: İletişim. [Original work published in 1992]
  • Su, Ruhi. (2010). Ezgili Yürek: Şiirler-Yazılar-Konuşmalar (8th ed.) (Musical heart: Poems-writings-conversations). İstanbul: Everest Yayınları. [Original work published 1985]
  • Süreya, Cemal. (1989, January 15). Ben Buyum İşte! Interview with Ahmet Kaya (This is who I am!). İkibin'e Doğru, 3(3): 8-17.
  • Şenliler, Derya. (2016). “The Cultural History of Turkey: How Did We Get There?” Rooster GNN, 29 January 2016,
  • Tekin, Onur. (2012) “Factories of Memory: Remembering the 12 September Military Coup In Beynelmilel and Bu Son Olsun.” Submitted in Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of MA. Lunds University,
  • Veal, Michael E. (2000). “Fela: The Life and Times of an African Musical Icon.” Philedelphia: Temple University Press. What is Social Inclusion. (2024, March 13). In Infoscipedia. Retrieved from
  • Yaman, Serkan. (2013). “1980’li Yıllarda Demokrat Arkadaş Hareketi.” (The Democratic Friend Movement in the 1980s) Ana Fikir. Retrieved from
  • Kaya, Ahmet. (1985/2007). Ağlama Bebeğim (Don’t cry my baby). [Album]. İstanbul: Taç Plak. Re-released by Gam Müzik.
  • Kaya, Ahmet. (1985/2007). Acılara Tutunmak (Holding onto pains). [Album]. İstanbul: Taç Plak. Re-released by Gam Müzik.
  • Kaya, Ahmet. (1986/2007). Şafak Türküsü (The ballad of dawn). [Album]. İstanbul: Taç Plak. Re-released by Gam Müzik.
  • Kaya, Ahmet. (1986/2007). An Gelir (The moment comes). [Album]. İstanbul: Taç Plak. Re-released by Gam Müzik.
  • Kaya, Ahmet. (1987/2007). Yorgun Demokrat (Tired democrat). [Album]. İstanbul: Taç Plak. Re-released by Gam Müzik.
  • Kaya, Ahmet (1988/2013). Başkaldırıyorum (I’m rising up). [Album]. İstanbul: Barış Müzik. Re-released by Gam Müzik.
  • Kaya, Ahmet. (1991). Başım Belada (I’m in trouble). [Album]. İstanbul: Barış Müzik.
  • Kaya, Ahmet. (1993/2009). Tedirgin (Restless). [Album]. İstanbul: Raks Müzik. Re-released by Gam Müzik.
  • Kaya, Ahmet. (1994/2009). Şarkılarım Dağlara (My songs are to the mountains). [Album]. İstanbul: Raks Müzik. Re-released by Gam Müzik.
  • Kaya, Ahmet. (1995/2009). Beni Bul (Find me). [Album]. İstanbul: Raks Müzik. Re-released by Gam Müzik.
  • Kaya, Ahmet. (1998/2009). Dosta Düşmana Karşı (Against friends and foe). [Album]. İstanbul: Raks Müzik. Re-released by Gam Müzik.
  • Kaya, Ahmet. (2001). Hoşçakalın Gözüm (Farewell, my dear). [Album]. İstanbul: Gam Müzik.
  • Kaya, Ahmet. (1985/2007). Ağlama Bebeğim. On Ağlama Bebeğim. İstanbul: Taç Plak. Re-released by Gam Müzik.
  • Kaya, Ahmet. (1985/2007). Acılara Tutunmak. On Acılara Tutunmak. İstanbul: Taç Plak. Re-released by Gam Müzik.
  • Kaya, Ahmet. (1985/2007). Öyle Bir Yerdeyim ki. On Acılara Tutunmak. İstanbul: Taç Plak. Re-released by Gam Müzik.
  • Kaya, Ahmet. (1985/2007). Kadınlar. On Acılara Tutunmak. İstanbul: Taç Plak. Re-released by Gam Müzik.
  • Kaya, Ahmet. (1986/2007). Büyüdün Bebeğim. On An Gelir. İstanbul: Taç Plak. Re-released by Gam Müzik.
  • Kaya, Ahmet. (1986/2007). Şafak Türküsü. On Şafak Türküsü. İstanbul: Taç Plak. Re-released by Gam Müzik.
  • Kaya, Ahmet. (1987/2007). Yorgun Demokrat. On Yorgun Demokrat. İstanbul: Taç Plak. Re-released by Gam Müzik.
  • Kaya, Ahmet. (1987/2007). Katlime Ferman. On Yorgun Demokrat. İstanbul: Taç Plak. Re-released by Gam Müzik.
  • Kaya, Ahmet. (1988/2013). Sorgucular. On Başkaldırıyorum. İstanbul: Barış Müzik. Re-released by Gam Müzik.
  • Kaya, Ahmet. (1991). Başım Belada. On Başım Belada. İstanbul: Barış Müzik.
  • Kaya, Ahmet. 1993/2009). Munzurlu. On Tedirgin. İstanbul: Raks Müzik. Re-released by Gam Müzik.
  • Kaya, Ahmet. (1994/2009). Kum Gibi. On Şarkılarım Dağlara. İstanbul: Raks Müzik. Re-released by Gam Müzik.
  • Kaya, Ahmet. (1994/2009). Cinayet Saati. On Şarkılarım Dağlara. İstanbul: Raks Müzik. Re-released by Gam Müzik.
  • Kaya, Ahmet. (1995/2009). Arka Mahalle. On Beni Bul. İstanbul: Raks Müzik. Re-released by Gam Müzik.
  • Kaya, Ahmet. (1995/2009). Telgrafçı Akif. On Beni Bul. İstanbul: Raks Müzik. Re-released by Gam Müzik.
  • Kaya, Ahmet. (1998/2009). Giderim. On Dosta Düşmana Karşı. İstanbul: Raks Müzik. Re-released by Gam Müzik.
  • Kaya, Ahmet. (1998/2009). Korkarım. On Dosta Düşmana Karşı. İstanbul: Raks Müzik. Re-released by Gam Müzik.
Year 2024, , 233 - 267, 31.12.2024


Project Number



  • Akkaya, Ayhan; Çelik, Fehmiye. (2006). “Aranjmandan Anadolu Popa Türkiye’de ‘60’lı ve ‘70’li Yıllar.” (From arrangement to Anatolian Pop: Turkey in the ‘60s and ‘70s). 60’lardan 70’lere 45’lik Şarkılar (45 rpm songs from the ‘60s to the ‘70s), Eds. Ayhan Akkaya and Fehmiye Çelik: pp. 7-25. İstanbul: Bgst Yayınları.
  • Akkaya, Ayhan et al. (eds). (2008). Kardeş Türküler: 15 Yılın Öyküsü (Kardeş Türküler: The story of 15 years). İstanbul: Bgst Yayınları.
  • Aköz, Emre. (n.d.). “Özgün Müziği Özgün Yapan Ne?” (What makes özgün müzik unique?). Tempo. Gam Müzik archive: İstanbul.
  • “Arabesk mi protest mi?” (Arabesk or protest?) (1987, February 8th). Nokta. Gam Müzik archive: İstanbul.
  • Aral, Fikret. et al. (eds). (2008). Sosyalizm ve Toplumsal Mücadeleler Ansiklopedisi (Encyclopedia of socialism and social struggles). İstanbul: İletişim.
  • Aydın, Suavi; Taşçı., Yüksel (2017). 1960'tan Günümüze Türkiye Tarihi (History of Turkey from 1960 to the present). (5th ed.). İstanbul: İletişim.
  • Bhabha, Homi K. (1994). The Location of Culture. London and New York: Routledge.
  • Born, Georgina & Hesmondhalgh, David. (eds.). (2000). Western Music and Its Others: Difference, Representation, and Appropriation in Music. University of California Press.
  • Buğdaycı, Alp. (1987, August 29). Ahmet Kaya ile röportaj (Interview with Ahmet Kaya). Gölge Adam. p. ?. Gam Müzik archive: İstanbul.
  • Değirmenci, Koray. (2006). “On the Pursuit of a Nation: The Construction of Folk and Folk Music in the Founding Decades of the Turkish Republic.” International Review of the Aesthetics and Sociology of Music, 37(1): 47-65.
  • Dündar, Can. (1997, January 14). Aynalar: Ahmet Kaya (Mirrors: Ahmet Kaya). [Documentary film].
  • Eğribel, Ertan. (1984). Niçin Arabesk Değil? (Why not arabesk? A. Altındal (Ed.), Niçin Değil Series (Why not? series), book number: 7, series no:13. İstanbul: Süreç Yayıncılık.
  • Ergönültaş, Ergin. (1980, October 1). “Arabesk Olayı” (Arabesk debate). Milliyet Sanat, 9(1): 18-22.
  • Eyerman, Ron; Jamison, Andrew. (1998). Music and Social Movements: Mobilizing Traditions in the Twentieth Century. Cambridge University Press.
  • Fernandes, Sujatha. (2011). Close to the Edge: In Search of the Global Hip Hop Generation. London: Verso.
  • Güngör, Nazife. (1990). Arabesk - Sosyokültürel Açıdan Arabesk Müzik (Arabesk – Arabesk music from a sociocultural perspective). Ankara: Bilgi Yayınları.
  • Gürpınar, Doğan. (2012). “The Trajectory of Left-liberalism in Turkey and Its Nemesis: The Great Rupture in the Turkish Left.” Insight Turkey, 14(1): 147-168.
  • Hesmondhalgh, David. (2013). Why Music Matters. UK: Wiley-Blackwell.
  • Hobsbawm, Eric. (2012). “Introduction: Inventing Tradition.” The Invention of Tradition. Eds. Eric Hobsbawm & Terence Ranger: pp.1-14. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Kahyaoğlu, Orhan. (2003). And Dağları'ndan Anadolu'ya 'Devrimci Müzik' Geleneği ve 'Sıyrılıp Gelen' Grup Yorum (Revolutionary music tradition from And Mountains to Anatolia and ‘Sıyrılıp Gelen’ [the emerging] Grup Yorum). İstanbul: neKitaplar.
  • Kara, İlkay. (2019). Bir Politik Anlatı Olarak Ahmet Kaya Şarkıları/Açık Yaranın Sesi (Ahmet Kaya’s songs as a political narrative/The voice of open wound). İstanbul: İletişim.
  • Kaya, Ferzende. (2005). Başım Belada (I’m in trouble). İstanbul: Gam Yayınları.
  • Kozanoğlu, Can. (1990, July). “Mahallede Devrim Var” (There is a revolution in the neighborhood). Nokta, 28.
  • Küçük, Murat. (2007). “Türkiye'de Sol Düşünce ve Aleviler.” (Leftist thought and Alevis in Turkey) Modern Türkiye'de Siyasi Düşünce: Sol (Political thought in Modern Turkey). Eds. Tanıl Bora & Murat Gültekingil: pp. 896-934. İstanbul: İletişim.
  • McDonald, David A. (2013). My Voice Is My Weapon: Music, Nationalism, and the Poetics of Palestinian Resistance. Durham NC (North Carolina): Duke University Press.
  • Özbek, Meral. (1991). Popüler Kültür ve Orhan Gencebay Arabeski (Popular culture and Orhan Gencebay’s arabesk). İstanbul: İletişim.
  • Özgün Müzik Dosyası (Özgün müzik dossier). (1991, December). Evrensel Kültür, 1: 17-33.
  • Özer, Diler. (2022). “Left-leaning Protest Music Tradition in Turkey (1960s-1990s) and the Case of Ahmet Kaya” Dissertation, İstanbul Technical University, İstanbul: Turkey
  • Roy, William. G.; Dowd, Timothy J. (2010). “What is sociological about music?” Annual Review of Sociology, 36: 183-203.
  • Salâh, Mehmet. (1984). “The Turkish working class and socialist movement in perspective.” Khamsin. pp. 86 – 116. Retrieved from
  • Stokes, Martin. (1998). Türkiye'de Arabesk Olayı (Arabesk Debate: Music and Musicians in Turkey). (Hale Eryılmaz, Trans.). İstanbul: İletişim. [Original work published in 1992]
  • Su, Ruhi. (2010). Ezgili Yürek: Şiirler-Yazılar-Konuşmalar (8th ed.) (Musical heart: Poems-writings-conversations). İstanbul: Everest Yayınları. [Original work published 1985]
  • Süreya, Cemal. (1989, January 15). Ben Buyum İşte! Interview with Ahmet Kaya (This is who I am!). İkibin'e Doğru, 3(3): 8-17.
  • Şenliler, Derya. (2016). “The Cultural History of Turkey: How Did We Get There?” Rooster GNN, 29 January 2016,
  • Tekin, Onur. (2012) “Factories of Memory: Remembering the 12 September Military Coup In Beynelmilel and Bu Son Olsun.” Submitted in Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of MA. Lunds University,
  • Veal, Michael E. (2000). “Fela: The Life and Times of an African Musical Icon.” Philedelphia: Temple University Press. What is Social Inclusion. (2024, March 13). In Infoscipedia. Retrieved from
  • Yaman, Serkan. (2013). “1980’li Yıllarda Demokrat Arkadaş Hareketi.” (The Democratic Friend Movement in the 1980s) Ana Fikir. Retrieved from
  • Kaya, Ahmet. (1985/2007). Ağlama Bebeğim (Don’t cry my baby). [Album]. İstanbul: Taç Plak. Re-released by Gam Müzik.
  • Kaya, Ahmet. (1985/2007). Acılara Tutunmak (Holding onto pains). [Album]. İstanbul: Taç Plak. Re-released by Gam Müzik.
  • Kaya, Ahmet. (1986/2007). Şafak Türküsü (The ballad of dawn). [Album]. İstanbul: Taç Plak. Re-released by Gam Müzik.
  • Kaya, Ahmet. (1986/2007). An Gelir (The moment comes). [Album]. İstanbul: Taç Plak. Re-released by Gam Müzik.
  • Kaya, Ahmet. (1987/2007). Yorgun Demokrat (Tired democrat). [Album]. İstanbul: Taç Plak. Re-released by Gam Müzik.
  • Kaya, Ahmet (1988/2013). Başkaldırıyorum (I’m rising up). [Album]. İstanbul: Barış Müzik. Re-released by Gam Müzik.
  • Kaya, Ahmet. (1991). Başım Belada (I’m in trouble). [Album]. İstanbul: Barış Müzik.
  • Kaya, Ahmet. (1993/2009). Tedirgin (Restless). [Album]. İstanbul: Raks Müzik. Re-released by Gam Müzik.
  • Kaya, Ahmet. (1994/2009). Şarkılarım Dağlara (My songs are to the mountains). [Album]. İstanbul: Raks Müzik. Re-released by Gam Müzik.
  • Kaya, Ahmet. (1995/2009). Beni Bul (Find me). [Album]. İstanbul: Raks Müzik. Re-released by Gam Müzik.
  • Kaya, Ahmet. (1998/2009). Dosta Düşmana Karşı (Against friends and foe). [Album]. İstanbul: Raks Müzik. Re-released by Gam Müzik.
  • Kaya, Ahmet. (2001). Hoşçakalın Gözüm (Farewell, my dear). [Album]. İstanbul: Gam Müzik.
  • Kaya, Ahmet. (1985/2007). Ağlama Bebeğim. On Ağlama Bebeğim. İstanbul: Taç Plak. Re-released by Gam Müzik.
  • Kaya, Ahmet. (1985/2007). Acılara Tutunmak. On Acılara Tutunmak. İstanbul: Taç Plak. Re-released by Gam Müzik.
  • Kaya, Ahmet. (1985/2007). Öyle Bir Yerdeyim ki. On Acılara Tutunmak. İstanbul: Taç Plak. Re-released by Gam Müzik.
  • Kaya, Ahmet. (1985/2007). Kadınlar. On Acılara Tutunmak. İstanbul: Taç Plak. Re-released by Gam Müzik.
  • Kaya, Ahmet. (1986/2007). Büyüdün Bebeğim. On An Gelir. İstanbul: Taç Plak. Re-released by Gam Müzik.
  • Kaya, Ahmet. (1986/2007). Şafak Türküsü. On Şafak Türküsü. İstanbul: Taç Plak. Re-released by Gam Müzik.
  • Kaya, Ahmet. (1987/2007). Yorgun Demokrat. On Yorgun Demokrat. İstanbul: Taç Plak. Re-released by Gam Müzik.
  • Kaya, Ahmet. (1987/2007). Katlime Ferman. On Yorgun Demokrat. İstanbul: Taç Plak. Re-released by Gam Müzik.
  • Kaya, Ahmet. (1988/2013). Sorgucular. On Başkaldırıyorum. İstanbul: Barış Müzik. Re-released by Gam Müzik.
  • Kaya, Ahmet. (1991). Başım Belada. On Başım Belada. İstanbul: Barış Müzik.
  • Kaya, Ahmet. 1993/2009). Munzurlu. On Tedirgin. İstanbul: Raks Müzik. Re-released by Gam Müzik.
  • Kaya, Ahmet. (1994/2009). Kum Gibi. On Şarkılarım Dağlara. İstanbul: Raks Müzik. Re-released by Gam Müzik.
  • Kaya, Ahmet. (1994/2009). Cinayet Saati. On Şarkılarım Dağlara. İstanbul: Raks Müzik. Re-released by Gam Müzik.
  • Kaya, Ahmet. (1995/2009). Arka Mahalle. On Beni Bul. İstanbul: Raks Müzik. Re-released by Gam Müzik.
  • Kaya, Ahmet. (1995/2009). Telgrafçı Akif. On Beni Bul. İstanbul: Raks Müzik. Re-released by Gam Müzik.
  • Kaya, Ahmet. (1998/2009). Giderim. On Dosta Düşmana Karşı. İstanbul: Raks Müzik. Re-released by Gam Müzik.
  • Kaya, Ahmet. (1998/2009). Korkarım. On Dosta Düşmana Karşı. İstanbul: Raks Müzik. Re-released by Gam Müzik.
There are 66 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Music
Journal Section Articles

Diler Özer 0000-0002-4471-3112

Project Number 37250
Publication Date December 31, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024


APA Özer, D. (2024). Music, Protest and Social Inclusivity: The Case of Ahmet Kaya as a Deviant Example of Protest Music in Turkey. Musicologist, 8(2), 233-267.