Research Article
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Composition and Stylistic Features of Bagatelles for Piano Op. 1-5 by Valentyn Silvestrov

Year 2024, , 158 - 182, 31.12.2024


During the last decades, V. Silvestrov’s creative interests have mostly focused on the creation of bagatelle. The artist turned to this genre in the early 2000s, shortly after publishing the collection-cycle Bagatelles for piano op. 1-5, which has not yet been fully explored from a musicological point of view. We reveal certain features of the compositional construction of the Bagatelle cycle: the unification of all the pieces from the microcycles into a single whole with the help of the note attacca, the predominant use of strophic forms based on the development of one musical image. Certain stylistic constants of Bagatelles include the quasi-improvisational presentation of musical material, the predominant use of timbral expressiveness of the piano’s upper register and quiet dynamic nuances, which collectively help to embody the fragile, lyrical and contemplative images of the pieces. The given characteristics make it possible to attribute the bagatelles to the lounge style. It was observed that bagatelles in V. Silvestrov’s creativity can be considered as a stylistic metagenre, which implies the belonging of bagatelle (as a metagenre) to the composer’s style.


  • Gillies, Richard Louis. (2023). “Valentin Silvestrov and Putin's war in Ukraine” Tempo. 77(304): 7-20.
  • Nenić, Iva (2006). “World Music: From Tradition to Invention”. New Sound. International journal of music. 27(-): -. Retrieved from
  • Rink, John. (Ed.) (2018). Chopin. (1st Edition) London: Routledge.
  • Schmetz, Peter. (2014). “Valentin Silvestrov and the Echoes of Music History” Journal of Musicology. 31(2): 231–271. Retrieved from JSTOR.
  • Schmetz, Peter. (2021). Sonic Overload: Alfred Schnittke, Valentin Silvestrov, and Polystylism in the Late USSR. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Silvestrov, Valentin (2017). Valentin Silvestrov. New bagatelles. Three discs set of musical works performed by the composer. [Liner notes]. In Valentin Silvestrov. New bagatelles. Three discs set of musical works performed by the composer, [CD]. Kyiv: Duch I Litera.
  • Silvestrov, Valentin. (2009). Bagatelles for Piano opus 1-5 (2005-2006). [Musical score] Mainz: MP Bellaieff. Retrieved from
  • Silvestrov, Valentin. (2015). Valentin Silvestrov. Bagatelels. Performed by the author. [Recorded by Valentin Silvestrov]. In Valentin Silvestrov. Bagatelels. Performed by the author, [CD]. Kyiv: Duch i Litera.
  • Silvestrov, Valentin. (2022). Bagatelles XXIII (2014) [Recorded by Valentin Silvestrov]. [Digital album]. Retrieved from
  • Venli, Khe. (2018). “Stylove myslennia F. Shopena yak predmet muzykoznavchoho ta vykonavskoho vyvchennia” (F. Chopin’s style thinking as a subject to music science and performance study). Muzychne mystetstvo i kultura. Naukovyi visnyk Odeskoi natsionalnoi muzychnoi akademii im. A.V. Nezhdanovoi. 27(2): 75–84.
  • Lei, Khuan (2021). “Pastoral ta pryntsypy yii stylizatsii (na materiali vokalnoi muzyky)” (Pastoral and the principles of its stylization (based on the material of vocal music)). Kultura Ukrainy. 73(-): 104-112. Retrieved from
  • Melnychenko, Iryna. (2017). “Spetsyfika estetyky postmodernizmu v konteksti fenomenu tvorchosti Valentyna Silvestrova” (Specifics of the aesthetics of postmodernism In the contexts of the creativity of Valentyne Silvestrov). Molodyi vchenyi. 10 (50): 297-300 Retrieved from
  • Motsarenko, Kateryna. (2019). “Mova metafor yak element zhanrovoi idei bahateli u muzychnomu universumi V. Silvestrova” (Language of Metaphors as an Element of the Genre Idea of Bagatelles in the Musical Universe of V. Silvestrov). Problemy vzaiemodii mystetstva, pedahohiky ta teorii i praktyky osvity. 55(55): 136-154. Retrieved from
  • Motsarenko, Kateryna. (2021). “Zhanr fortepiannoi bahateli v suchasnii ukrainskii kompozytorskii tvorchosti: indyvidualno-stylovyi aspekt” (Рiano bagatelle genre in contemporary Ukrainian composer’s art: individual and stylistic aspect). PhD Dissertation, Odesa National Music Academy, Odesa: Ukraina. Retrieved from.
  • Popov, Yurii; Yarko, Mariia and Karalius, Mariia. (2022). “Fenomen metazhanrovoi formy u muzychnii tvorchosti doby modernizmu ta postmodernu” (The phenomenon of meta-genre form in musical pieces of the modernist and postmodern age) Fine Art and Culture Studies. (4):107–114. Retrieved from
  • Riabukha, Nataliia. (2012). “Zvukoobraz fortepiano u kamerno-instrumentalnii tvorchosti V. Silvestrova” (Sound-image of piano in the chamber-instrumental works of V. Silvestrov). Visnyk KhDADM. (3):129-133. Retrieved from
  • Silvestrov, Valentyn. (2010). Dozhdatsia muzyki. Lektsyy-besedy. Po materyalam vstrech, orhanyzovannykh S. Pyliutykovym (Wait for music. Lectures-conversations. Based on the materials of the meetings organized by S. Pilyutikov) Kyiv: Dukh i Litera
  • Silvestrov, Valentyn. (2013). Symposion (ΣΥΜΠΟΣΙΟΝ). Zustrichi z Valentynom Silvestrovym (Symposion (ΣΥΜΠΟΣΙΟΝ). Meetings with Valentyn Silvestrov). Kyiv: Dukh i Litera.
Year 2024, , 158 - 182, 31.12.2024



  • Gillies, Richard Louis. (2023). “Valentin Silvestrov and Putin's war in Ukraine” Tempo. 77(304): 7-20.
  • Nenić, Iva (2006). “World Music: From Tradition to Invention”. New Sound. International journal of music. 27(-): -. Retrieved from
  • Rink, John. (Ed.) (2018). Chopin. (1st Edition) London: Routledge.
  • Schmetz, Peter. (2014). “Valentin Silvestrov and the Echoes of Music History” Journal of Musicology. 31(2): 231–271. Retrieved from JSTOR.
  • Schmetz, Peter. (2021). Sonic Overload: Alfred Schnittke, Valentin Silvestrov, and Polystylism in the Late USSR. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Silvestrov, Valentin (2017). Valentin Silvestrov. New bagatelles. Three discs set of musical works performed by the composer. [Liner notes]. In Valentin Silvestrov. New bagatelles. Three discs set of musical works performed by the composer, [CD]. Kyiv: Duch I Litera.
  • Silvestrov, Valentin. (2009). Bagatelles for Piano opus 1-5 (2005-2006). [Musical score] Mainz: MP Bellaieff. Retrieved from
  • Silvestrov, Valentin. (2015). Valentin Silvestrov. Bagatelels. Performed by the author. [Recorded by Valentin Silvestrov]. In Valentin Silvestrov. Bagatelels. Performed by the author, [CD]. Kyiv: Duch i Litera.
  • Silvestrov, Valentin. (2022). Bagatelles XXIII (2014) [Recorded by Valentin Silvestrov]. [Digital album]. Retrieved from
  • Venli, Khe. (2018). “Stylove myslennia F. Shopena yak predmet muzykoznavchoho ta vykonavskoho vyvchennia” (F. Chopin’s style thinking as a subject to music science and performance study). Muzychne mystetstvo i kultura. Naukovyi visnyk Odeskoi natsionalnoi muzychnoi akademii im. A.V. Nezhdanovoi. 27(2): 75–84.
  • Lei, Khuan (2021). “Pastoral ta pryntsypy yii stylizatsii (na materiali vokalnoi muzyky)” (Pastoral and the principles of its stylization (based on the material of vocal music)). Kultura Ukrainy. 73(-): 104-112. Retrieved from
  • Melnychenko, Iryna. (2017). “Spetsyfika estetyky postmodernizmu v konteksti fenomenu tvorchosti Valentyna Silvestrova” (Specifics of the aesthetics of postmodernism In the contexts of the creativity of Valentyne Silvestrov). Molodyi vchenyi. 10 (50): 297-300 Retrieved from
  • Motsarenko, Kateryna. (2019). “Mova metafor yak element zhanrovoi idei bahateli u muzychnomu universumi V. Silvestrova” (Language of Metaphors as an Element of the Genre Idea of Bagatelles in the Musical Universe of V. Silvestrov). Problemy vzaiemodii mystetstva, pedahohiky ta teorii i praktyky osvity. 55(55): 136-154. Retrieved from
  • Motsarenko, Kateryna. (2021). “Zhanr fortepiannoi bahateli v suchasnii ukrainskii kompozytorskii tvorchosti: indyvidualno-stylovyi aspekt” (Рiano bagatelle genre in contemporary Ukrainian composer’s art: individual and stylistic aspect). PhD Dissertation, Odesa National Music Academy, Odesa: Ukraina. Retrieved from.
  • Popov, Yurii; Yarko, Mariia and Karalius, Mariia. (2022). “Fenomen metazhanrovoi formy u muzychnii tvorchosti doby modernizmu ta postmodernu” (The phenomenon of meta-genre form in musical pieces of the modernist and postmodern age) Fine Art and Culture Studies. (4):107–114. Retrieved from
  • Riabukha, Nataliia. (2012). “Zvukoobraz fortepiano u kamerno-instrumentalnii tvorchosti V. Silvestrova” (Sound-image of piano in the chamber-instrumental works of V. Silvestrov). Visnyk KhDADM. (3):129-133. Retrieved from
  • Silvestrov, Valentyn. (2010). Dozhdatsia muzyki. Lektsyy-besedy. Po materyalam vstrech, orhanyzovannykh S. Pyliutykovym (Wait for music. Lectures-conversations. Based on the materials of the meetings organized by S. Pilyutikov) Kyiv: Dukh i Litera
  • Silvestrov, Valentyn. (2013). Symposion (ΣΥΜΠΟΣΙΟΝ). Zustrichi z Valentynom Silvestrovym (Symposion (ΣΥΜΠΟΣΙΟΝ). Meetings with Valentyn Silvestrov). Kyiv: Dukh i Litera.
There are 18 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Music
Journal Section Articles

Roksana Nikolenko 0000-0002-4538-2095

Publication Date December 31, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024


APA Nikolenko, R. (2024). Composition and Stylistic Features of Bagatelles for Piano Op. 1-5 by Valentyn Silvestrov. Musicologist, 8(2), 158-182.