Year 2024,
, 210 - 232, 31.12.2024
Balzhan Junussova
Saule Utegalieva
Dinara Bulatova
- Amanov, Bagdaulet; Mukhambetova, Asiya. (2002). Kazahskaya tradicionnaya muzyka i 20 vek (Kazakh traditional music and the 20th century). Almaty: Daik-Press.
- Balgayeva, Fatima. (1970). Programma po klassu kobyz-prima (Prima-kobyz class program). (manuscript), Almaty.
- Belyaev, Victor. (1962). Essays on the history of music of the peoples of the USSR. Musical culture of Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. Moscow: State Music Publishing House
- Bulatova, Dinara. (2017). “Smychkovyi instrumentarij tyurkskih narodov: k voprosu o terminologii” (Bowed instruments of the Turkic peoples: on the issue of terminology). Bulletin of Culture and Arts. 4(52): 152-158.
- Dernova, Varvara, Zhubanov, Akhmet, et al. (Ed.) (1962). Ocherki po istorii kazahskoj sovetskoj muzyki (Essays on the history of Kazakh Soviet music). Alma-Ata: Kazakhskoye Gosudarstvennoye izdatelstvo khudozhestvennoy literatury Almaty.
- Dyushaliyev, Kamshybek; Luzanova, Ekaterina. (1999). Kyrgyzskoe narodnoe muzykalnoe tvorchestvo (Kyrgyz folk music). Bishkek: Soros Kyrgyzstan Foundation.
- Gazaryan, Spartak. (1989). V mire muzykalnyh instrumentov, 2-e izdanie (The world of musical instruments, 2nd edition). Moscow: Prosveshchenie.
- Gizatov, Bisengali. (1994). Kazahskij orkestr imeni Kurmangazy (Kazakh orchestra after Kurmangazy). Almaty: Gylym.
- Hornbostel, Erich. M. von; Sachs, Kurt. (1987). “Sistematika muzykalnyh instrumentov” (Systematics of musical instruments). Folk musical instruments and instrumental music (Articles and materials in 2 parts. Part 1). Ed. Eugene Gippius: pp. 229-261. Moscow: Soviet Union composer.
- Ibraimova, Sairan; Bekmoldinov, Nartay and Kurmanbayeva, Alma. (2018). “Kylkobyz aspabynyn tarihy zhane kurylymdyk erekshelikteri” (The history of the instrument, the Kyl-kobyz and design features). Herald of journalism. 4(50): 134-141.
- Kalenbaeva, Meruert. (2003). Kobyzga arnalgan kujler (Kuys for kobyz). Almaty: Almaty
- Kasey, Muratbek. (2017). Aspap taanu. Okuu kitebi (Instrumentation. Study guide). Bishkek: Polygraphbumsources.
- Kuznetsov, Andrey. (2015). Iz istorii Kyrgyzskoj muzyki (From history of Kyrgyz music). Collection of articles (1973-2014). Editor-in-Chief Luzanova, Ekaterina. Bishkek: KRSU.
- Kuznecova, Galina; Sadykov, Faruh. (1990). Gosudarstvennyj orkestr narodnyh instrumentov Uzbekistana imeni Tuhtasina Dzhalilova (State Orchestra of Folk Instruments of Uzbekistan after Tukhtasin Jalilov). Tashkent: UzSSR.
- Mahmud, al-Kashgari. (2005). Divan Lugat at-Turk. (Diwan Lugat at-Turk) (Translation, preface and comments by Z.-A. M. Auezova. The indices were compiled by R. Ermers). Almaty: Dyke-Press. [original work published XI century].
- Matsievsky, Igor. (2007). Folk instrumental music as a cultural phenomenon. Almaty: Dyke-Press
- Medeubek, Maksat. (2021). “Kazak kylkobyzy zhane Ortalyқ Aziya turki halyktarynyn muzyka madenietindegi tipologiyalyk tuystas aspaptar” (Kazakh kylkobyz and typologically related instruments in the music culture of the Turkic peoples of Central Asia). PhD. Dissertation, Kurmangazy Kazakh National Conservatory, Almaty: Kazakhstan.
- Moldakarimova, Galiya. (2015). Igraet Galiya Moldakarimova (Galiya Moldakarimova plays). Almaty: Dyke-Press
- Rauandina, Sholpan (2001). F. Balgayeva narodnaya artistka Respubliki Kazakhstan, professor (F. Balgayeva People's Artist of the Republic of Kazakhstan, professor) Almaty: Kenzhe-Press.
- Sarybayev, Bolat. (1967). “Iz stranic proshlogo (novye materialy o kobyze)” (From the pages of the past (new materials about kobyz)). Muzykoznanie (Musicology). Collection of articles by postgraduate students and applicants. Issue 3. Alma-Ata.
- Sarybayev, Bolat. (1978). Kazahskie muzykalnye instrumenty. (Kazakh folk instruments) Almaty: Zhalyn.
- Subanaliyev, Sagynaly. (1989). “Genezis termina “kyyak” (K probleme kompleksnogo izucheniya kirgizskogo instrumentalnogo folklora)” (Genesis of the term "kyyak" (To the problem of a comprehensive study of Kyrgyz instrumental folklore)). Narodnaya muzyka: istoriya i tipologiya: pamyati professora E. V. Gippiusa (1903–1985) (Folk music: history and typology: in memory of Professor E.V. Gippius (1903-1985)). Leningrad: Leningrad
- Subanaliyev, Sagynaly. (1986). Kirgizskie muzykalnye instrumenty. Idiofony, membranofony, aerofony. (Kyrgyz musical instruments. Idiophones, membranophones, aerophones). Frunze: Kyrgyzstan.
- Subanaliyev, Sagynaly. (2003). Tradicionnaya instrumentalnaya muzyka i instrumentarij kyrgyzov (Traditional instrumental music and instruments of the Kyrgyz people). Bishkek: Uchkun.
- Tashmatova, Azatgul. (2022). ”Sozdanie modificirovannyh uzbekskih narodnyh muzykalnyh instrumentov”. (Creation of modified Uzbek folk musical instruments). (Presentation for obtaining a Doctor of Art History (DSc) without defending a dissertation based on patents for inventions). The State Conservatory of Uzbekistan, Tashkent: Uzbekistan.
- Tattibaikyzy, Aknar. (2022). ”Kazahskij kobyz v ego stanovlenii i evolyucii v processe razvitiya nacionalnoj muzykalnoj kultury” (Kazakh kobyz in its formation and evolution in the process of development of national musical culture). PhD Dissertation, Russian Institute of Art History, St. Petersburg, Russia.
- Tezekbayev, Dosymzhan. (1980). Shkola obucheniya na kobyze (The school of kobyz playing)). Almaty: Iskusstvo.
- Urazalieva, Kaliya (2013). Performing art of the Kobyz tradition: art history. candidate of arts ... dissertation. –
- Utegalieva, Saule. (2013). Zvukovoj mir muzyki tyurkskih narodov: teoriya, istoriya, praktika (na materiale instrumentalnyh tradicij Centralnoj Azii). (Sound world of music of the Turkic peoples: theory, history, practice (on the material of the Central Asian instrumental traditions)). Moscow: Kompozitor.
- Utegalieva, Saule. (2006). Hordofony Centralnoj Azii. (Chordophones of Central Asia) Almaty: Kazakparat
- Vakhromeev, Varfolomey. (1959). Elementarnaya teoriya muzyki (Elementary music theory). Moscow: MUZGIZ.
- Vertkov, Konstantin; Blagovatov, Georgi and Yazovitskaya Elza. (1963) Atlas muzykalnyh instrumentov narodov SSSR (Atlas of musical instruments of USSR ethnic groups). Moscow: Music.
- Vinogradov, Victor. (1958). Kyrgyz folk music. Frunze: Kirghiz State Publishing House
- Vinogradov, Viktor. (1968). Muzyka sovetskogo vostoka: ot unisona k polifonii (Music of the Soviet East: from unison to polyphony). Essays. Moscow: Soviet Composer.
- Vyzgo, Tamara. (1980). Muzykalnye instrumenty Srednej Azii. Istoricheskie ocherki. (Musical instruments of Central Asia. Historical essays). Moscow: Music.
- Vyzgo, Tamara; Petrosyants, Ashot. (1962). Uzbekskij orkestr narodnyh instrumentov (Uzbek orchestra of folk instruments). Tashkent: State Publishing House of Fiction of the Uzbek SSR.
- Yankovsky, Vladimir. (1982). Muzykalnaya kultura sovetskoj Kirgizii (1917-1967 gg.). (Musical culture of Soviet Kyrgyzstan (1917-1967)). Frunze: Ilim.
- Zhubanov, Hudaibergen. (1966). Issledovaniya po kazahskomu yazyku (Research on the Kazakh language). The Academy of Science of KazSSR. Almaty: Nauka.
- Zhubanov, Akhmet. (1976). An-kui sapary. (Song-kui trip). Almaty: Gylym
Kazakh prima-kobyz and Kyrgyz prima-kiyak: the experience of the comparative study
Year 2024,
, 210 - 232, 31.12.2024
Balzhan Junussova
Saule Utegalieva
Dinara Bulatova
This work is devoted to the improved string-bow chordophones - Kazakh prima-kobyz and Kyrgyz prima-kiyak. They possess a nearly 90-year history and have been studied little to date. The both instruments are considered for the first time in a comparative plan. The similar instruments of the same type were widely used in many Turkic republics of Central Asia in connection with organizing orchestras of folk instruments. They became actively used in ensemble and solo music practice later. Popularity and the existing repertoire allow to pay closer attention to them.
- Amanov, Bagdaulet; Mukhambetova, Asiya. (2002). Kazahskaya tradicionnaya muzyka i 20 vek (Kazakh traditional music and the 20th century). Almaty: Daik-Press.
- Balgayeva, Fatima. (1970). Programma po klassu kobyz-prima (Prima-kobyz class program). (manuscript), Almaty.
- Belyaev, Victor. (1962). Essays on the history of music of the peoples of the USSR. Musical culture of Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. Moscow: State Music Publishing House
- Bulatova, Dinara. (2017). “Smychkovyi instrumentarij tyurkskih narodov: k voprosu o terminologii” (Bowed instruments of the Turkic peoples: on the issue of terminology). Bulletin of Culture and Arts. 4(52): 152-158.
- Dernova, Varvara, Zhubanov, Akhmet, et al. (Ed.) (1962). Ocherki po istorii kazahskoj sovetskoj muzyki (Essays on the history of Kazakh Soviet music). Alma-Ata: Kazakhskoye Gosudarstvennoye izdatelstvo khudozhestvennoy literatury Almaty.
- Dyushaliyev, Kamshybek; Luzanova, Ekaterina. (1999). Kyrgyzskoe narodnoe muzykalnoe tvorchestvo (Kyrgyz folk music). Bishkek: Soros Kyrgyzstan Foundation.
- Gazaryan, Spartak. (1989). V mire muzykalnyh instrumentov, 2-e izdanie (The world of musical instruments, 2nd edition). Moscow: Prosveshchenie.
- Gizatov, Bisengali. (1994). Kazahskij orkestr imeni Kurmangazy (Kazakh orchestra after Kurmangazy). Almaty: Gylym.
- Hornbostel, Erich. M. von; Sachs, Kurt. (1987). “Sistematika muzykalnyh instrumentov” (Systematics of musical instruments). Folk musical instruments and instrumental music (Articles and materials in 2 parts. Part 1). Ed. Eugene Gippius: pp. 229-261. Moscow: Soviet Union composer.
- Ibraimova, Sairan; Bekmoldinov, Nartay and Kurmanbayeva, Alma. (2018). “Kylkobyz aspabynyn tarihy zhane kurylymdyk erekshelikteri” (The history of the instrument, the Kyl-kobyz and design features). Herald of journalism. 4(50): 134-141.
- Kalenbaeva, Meruert. (2003). Kobyzga arnalgan kujler (Kuys for kobyz). Almaty: Almaty
- Kasey, Muratbek. (2017). Aspap taanu. Okuu kitebi (Instrumentation. Study guide). Bishkek: Polygraphbumsources.
- Kuznetsov, Andrey. (2015). Iz istorii Kyrgyzskoj muzyki (From history of Kyrgyz music). Collection of articles (1973-2014). Editor-in-Chief Luzanova, Ekaterina. Bishkek: KRSU.
- Kuznecova, Galina; Sadykov, Faruh. (1990). Gosudarstvennyj orkestr narodnyh instrumentov Uzbekistana imeni Tuhtasina Dzhalilova (State Orchestra of Folk Instruments of Uzbekistan after Tukhtasin Jalilov). Tashkent: UzSSR.
- Mahmud, al-Kashgari. (2005). Divan Lugat at-Turk. (Diwan Lugat at-Turk) (Translation, preface and comments by Z.-A. M. Auezova. The indices were compiled by R. Ermers). Almaty: Dyke-Press. [original work published XI century].
- Matsievsky, Igor. (2007). Folk instrumental music as a cultural phenomenon. Almaty: Dyke-Press
- Medeubek, Maksat. (2021). “Kazak kylkobyzy zhane Ortalyқ Aziya turki halyktarynyn muzyka madenietindegi tipologiyalyk tuystas aspaptar” (Kazakh kylkobyz and typologically related instruments in the music culture of the Turkic peoples of Central Asia). PhD. Dissertation, Kurmangazy Kazakh National Conservatory, Almaty: Kazakhstan.
- Moldakarimova, Galiya. (2015). Igraet Galiya Moldakarimova (Galiya Moldakarimova plays). Almaty: Dyke-Press
- Rauandina, Sholpan (2001). F. Balgayeva narodnaya artistka Respubliki Kazakhstan, professor (F. Balgayeva People's Artist of the Republic of Kazakhstan, professor) Almaty: Kenzhe-Press.
- Sarybayev, Bolat. (1967). “Iz stranic proshlogo (novye materialy o kobyze)” (From the pages of the past (new materials about kobyz)). Muzykoznanie (Musicology). Collection of articles by postgraduate students and applicants. Issue 3. Alma-Ata.
- Sarybayev, Bolat. (1978). Kazahskie muzykalnye instrumenty. (Kazakh folk instruments) Almaty: Zhalyn.
- Subanaliyev, Sagynaly. (1989). “Genezis termina “kyyak” (K probleme kompleksnogo izucheniya kirgizskogo instrumentalnogo folklora)” (Genesis of the term "kyyak" (To the problem of a comprehensive study of Kyrgyz instrumental folklore)). Narodnaya muzyka: istoriya i tipologiya: pamyati professora E. V. Gippiusa (1903–1985) (Folk music: history and typology: in memory of Professor E.V. Gippius (1903-1985)). Leningrad: Leningrad
- Subanaliyev, Sagynaly. (1986). Kirgizskie muzykalnye instrumenty. Idiofony, membranofony, aerofony. (Kyrgyz musical instruments. Idiophones, membranophones, aerophones). Frunze: Kyrgyzstan.
- Subanaliyev, Sagynaly. (2003). Tradicionnaya instrumentalnaya muzyka i instrumentarij kyrgyzov (Traditional instrumental music and instruments of the Kyrgyz people). Bishkek: Uchkun.
- Tashmatova, Azatgul. (2022). ”Sozdanie modificirovannyh uzbekskih narodnyh muzykalnyh instrumentov”. (Creation of modified Uzbek folk musical instruments). (Presentation for obtaining a Doctor of Art History (DSc) without defending a dissertation based on patents for inventions). The State Conservatory of Uzbekistan, Tashkent: Uzbekistan.
- Tattibaikyzy, Aknar. (2022). ”Kazahskij kobyz v ego stanovlenii i evolyucii v processe razvitiya nacionalnoj muzykalnoj kultury” (Kazakh kobyz in its formation and evolution in the process of development of national musical culture). PhD Dissertation, Russian Institute of Art History, St. Petersburg, Russia.
- Tezekbayev, Dosymzhan. (1980). Shkola obucheniya na kobyze (The school of kobyz playing)). Almaty: Iskusstvo.
- Urazalieva, Kaliya (2013). Performing art of the Kobyz tradition: art history. candidate of arts ... dissertation. –
- Utegalieva, Saule. (2013). Zvukovoj mir muzyki tyurkskih narodov: teoriya, istoriya, praktika (na materiale instrumentalnyh tradicij Centralnoj Azii). (Sound world of music of the Turkic peoples: theory, history, practice (on the material of the Central Asian instrumental traditions)). Moscow: Kompozitor.
- Utegalieva, Saule. (2006). Hordofony Centralnoj Azii. (Chordophones of Central Asia) Almaty: Kazakparat
- Vakhromeev, Varfolomey. (1959). Elementarnaya teoriya muzyki (Elementary music theory). Moscow: MUZGIZ.
- Vertkov, Konstantin; Blagovatov, Georgi and Yazovitskaya Elza. (1963) Atlas muzykalnyh instrumentov narodov SSSR (Atlas of musical instruments of USSR ethnic groups). Moscow: Music.
- Vinogradov, Victor. (1958). Kyrgyz folk music. Frunze: Kirghiz State Publishing House
- Vinogradov, Viktor. (1968). Muzyka sovetskogo vostoka: ot unisona k polifonii (Music of the Soviet East: from unison to polyphony). Essays. Moscow: Soviet Composer.
- Vyzgo, Tamara. (1980). Muzykalnye instrumenty Srednej Azii. Istoricheskie ocherki. (Musical instruments of Central Asia. Historical essays). Moscow: Music.
- Vyzgo, Tamara; Petrosyants, Ashot. (1962). Uzbekskij orkestr narodnyh instrumentov (Uzbek orchestra of folk instruments). Tashkent: State Publishing House of Fiction of the Uzbek SSR.
- Yankovsky, Vladimir. (1982). Muzykalnaya kultura sovetskoj Kirgizii (1917-1967 gg.). (Musical culture of Soviet Kyrgyzstan (1917-1967)). Frunze: Ilim.
- Zhubanov, Hudaibergen. (1966). Issledovaniya po kazahskomu yazyku (Research on the Kazakh language). The Academy of Science of KazSSR. Almaty: Nauka.
- Zhubanov, Akhmet. (1976). An-kui sapary. (Song-kui trip). Almaty: Gylym