Research Article
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Year 2024, , 28 - 36, 30.12.2024



  • Safori, A. O. (2018). Social Media's Impact on a Journalist's role. Journal of science education, 19(1), 148-62.
  • Flintham, M., Karner, C., Bachour, K., Creswick, H., Gupta, N., and Moran, S. (2018). Falling for fake news: investigating the consumption of news via social media. In Proceedings of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 1-10.
  • Dutceac Segesten, A., Bossetta, M., Holmberg, N., and Niehorster, D. (2022). The cueing power of comments on social media: how disagreement in Facebook comments affects user engagement with news. Information, Communication & Society, 25(8), 1115-1134.
  • van Erkel, P. F., and Van Aelst, P. (2021). Why don’t we learn from social media? Studying effects of and mechanisms behind social media news use on general surveillance political knowledge. Political Communication, 38(4), 407-425.
  • Mallik, A., and Kumar, S. (2024). Word2Vec and LSTM based deep learning technique for context-free fake news detection. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 83(1), 919-940.
  • Colliander, J. (2019). This is fake news: Investigating the role of conformity to other users’ views when commenting on and spreading disinformation in social media. Computers in Human Behavior, 97, 202-215.
  • Mutsvairo, B., and Bebawi, S. (2019). Journalism educators, regulatory realities, and pedagogical predicaments of the “fake news” era: A comparative perspective on the Middle East and Africa. Journalism & Mass Communication Educator, 74(2), 143-157.
  • Ozbay, F. A., and Alatas, B. (2019). A novel approach for detection of fake news on social media using metaheuristic optimization algorithms. Elektronika ir Elektrotechnika, 25(4), 62-67.
  • Jiang, T. A. O., Li, J. P., Haq, A. U., Saboor, A., and Ali, A. (2021). A novel stacking approach for accurate detection of fake news. IEEE Access, 9, 22626-22639.
  • Nasir, J. A., Khan, O. S., and Varlamis, I. (2021). Fake news detection: A hybrid CNN-RNN based deep learning approach. International Journal of Information Management Data Insights, 1(1), 100007.
  • Goldani, M. H., Safabakhsh, R., and Momtazi, S. (2021). Convolutional neural network with margin loss for fake news detection. Information Processing & Management, 58(1), 102418.
  • Goldani, M. H., Momtazi, S., and Safabakhsh, R. (2021). Detecting fake news with capsule neural networks. Applied Soft Computing, 101, 106991.
  • Alameri, S. A., and Mohd, M. (2021, January). Comparison of fake news detection using machine learning and deep learning techniques. In 2021 3rd International Cyber Resilience Conference (CRC), 1-6.
  • Ozbay, F. A., and Alatas, B. (2021). Adaptive salp swarm optimization algorithms with inertia weights for novel fake news detection model in online social media. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 80(26), 34333-34357.
  • Rajalaxmi, R. R., Narasimha Prasad, L. V., Janakiramaiah, B., Pavankumar, C. S., Neelima, N., and Sathishkumar, V. E. (2022). Optimizing Hyperparameters and Performance Analysis of LSTM Model in Detecting Fake News on Social media. Transactions on Asian and Low-Resource Language Information Processing.
  • Yildirim, M. (2022). Detection of COVID-19 Fake News in Online Social Networks with the Developed CNN-LSTM Based Hybrid Model. Review of Computer Engineering Studies, 9(2).
  • Yildiz, E. N., Cengil, E., Yildirim, M., and Bingol, H. (2023). Diagnosis of chronic kidney disease based on CNN and LSTM. Acadlore transactions on ai and machine learning, 2(2), 66-74.
  • Liang, D., Tsai, C. F., and Wu, H. T. (2015). The effect of feature selection on financial distress prediction. Knowledge-Based Systems, 73, 289-297.
  • Farid, H., Izadi, Z., Ismail, I. A., and Alipour, F. (2015). Relationship between quality of work life and organizational commitment among lecturers in a Malaysian public research university. The Social Science Journal, 52(1), 54-61.
  • Utku, A. (2024). Hindistan'daki Turistik Şehirlerin İklim Değişkenlerinin Tahminine Yönelik Hibrit ConvGRU Modeli. Mühendislik Bilimleri ve Araştırmaları Dergisi, 6(2), 165-176.
  • Yang, Y., and Chen, W. (2016). Taiga: performance optimization of the C4. 5 decision tree construction algorithm. Tsinghua Science and Technology, 21(4), 415-425.
  • Wang, H., and Shao, Y. (2024). Fast generalized ramp loss support vector machine for pattern classification. Pattern Recognition, 146, 109987.
  • Fu, S., and Avdelidis, N. P. (2024). Novel Prognostic Methodology of Bootstrap Forest and Hyperbolic Tangent Boosted Neural Network for Aircraft System. Applied Sciences, 14(12), 5057.
  • Muhammad Ehsan, R., Simon, S. P., and Venkateswaran, P. R. (2017). Day-ahead forecasting of solar photovoltaic output power using multilayer perceptron. Neural Computing and Applications, 28(12), 3981-3992.
  • Utku, A. (2023). Deep learning based hybrid prediction model for predicting the spread of COVID-19 in the world's most populous countries. Expert Systems with Applications, 231, 120769.
  • Mirzaei, S., Kang, J. L., and Chu, K. Y. (2022). A comparative study on long short-term memory and gated recurrent unit neural networks in fault diagnosis for chemical processes using visualization. Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, 130, 104028.
  • Al-Selwi, S. M., Hassan, M. F., Abdulkadir, S. J., Muneer, A., Sumiea, E. H., Alqushaibi, A., and Ragab, M. G. (2024). RNN-LSTM: From applications to modeling techniques and beyond—Systematic review. Journal of King Saud University-Computer and Information Sciences, 102068.
  • Kaya, Y., Yiner, Z., Kaya, M., and Kuncan, F. (2022). A new approach to COVID-19 detection from X-ray images using angle transformation with GoogleNet and LSTM. Measurement Science and Technology, 33(12), 124011.
  • Traore I., Woungang I., Awad A. (eds) Intelligent, Secure, and Dependable Systems in Distributed and Cloud Environments. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 10618. Springer, 127- 138.

Hybrid CNN-LSTM Model for Fake News Detection

Year 2024, , 28 - 36, 30.12.2024


In recent years, the way people access information has changed because of the increasingly digital world. Social media has begun to replace traditional news sources such as television and newspapers. Most people reach news about social, economic, and political developments worldwide through social media. Its fast, easy access and cost advantage have made social media widely used among users. In addition to these advantages, social media has become a suitable platform for disseminating fake news. Fake news can have hazardous consequences for individuals, societies, and governments. Therefore, detecting fake news on social media must be necessary. This research created a hybrid CNN-LSTM model for detecting fake news. The CNN component is responsible for analyzing subsequences, which serve as inputs to the LSTM, and extracting relevant features. While the CNN captures critical features from the input data, the LSTM is employed for the classification. The created model was tested with LR, RF, SVM, MLP, and LSTM. The experiments showed that the created model is more successful than the others, with 99.91% accuracy, 99.93% precision, and 99.89% recall. In addition, according to our research, more successful results were obtained in this study than in all studies in the literature using the ISOT dataset.


  • Safori, A. O. (2018). Social Media's Impact on a Journalist's role. Journal of science education, 19(1), 148-62.
  • Flintham, M., Karner, C., Bachour, K., Creswick, H., Gupta, N., and Moran, S. (2018). Falling for fake news: investigating the consumption of news via social media. In Proceedings of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 1-10.
  • Dutceac Segesten, A., Bossetta, M., Holmberg, N., and Niehorster, D. (2022). The cueing power of comments on social media: how disagreement in Facebook comments affects user engagement with news. Information, Communication & Society, 25(8), 1115-1134.
  • van Erkel, P. F., and Van Aelst, P. (2021). Why don’t we learn from social media? Studying effects of and mechanisms behind social media news use on general surveillance political knowledge. Political Communication, 38(4), 407-425.
  • Mallik, A., and Kumar, S. (2024). Word2Vec and LSTM based deep learning technique for context-free fake news detection. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 83(1), 919-940.
  • Colliander, J. (2019). This is fake news: Investigating the role of conformity to other users’ views when commenting on and spreading disinformation in social media. Computers in Human Behavior, 97, 202-215.
  • Mutsvairo, B., and Bebawi, S. (2019). Journalism educators, regulatory realities, and pedagogical predicaments of the “fake news” era: A comparative perspective on the Middle East and Africa. Journalism & Mass Communication Educator, 74(2), 143-157.
  • Ozbay, F. A., and Alatas, B. (2019). A novel approach for detection of fake news on social media using metaheuristic optimization algorithms. Elektronika ir Elektrotechnika, 25(4), 62-67.
  • Jiang, T. A. O., Li, J. P., Haq, A. U., Saboor, A., and Ali, A. (2021). A novel stacking approach for accurate detection of fake news. IEEE Access, 9, 22626-22639.
  • Nasir, J. A., Khan, O. S., and Varlamis, I. (2021). Fake news detection: A hybrid CNN-RNN based deep learning approach. International Journal of Information Management Data Insights, 1(1), 100007.
  • Goldani, M. H., Safabakhsh, R., and Momtazi, S. (2021). Convolutional neural network with margin loss for fake news detection. Information Processing & Management, 58(1), 102418.
  • Goldani, M. H., Momtazi, S., and Safabakhsh, R. (2021). Detecting fake news with capsule neural networks. Applied Soft Computing, 101, 106991.
  • Alameri, S. A., and Mohd, M. (2021, January). Comparison of fake news detection using machine learning and deep learning techniques. In 2021 3rd International Cyber Resilience Conference (CRC), 1-6.
  • Ozbay, F. A., and Alatas, B. (2021). Adaptive salp swarm optimization algorithms with inertia weights for novel fake news detection model in online social media. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 80(26), 34333-34357.
  • Rajalaxmi, R. R., Narasimha Prasad, L. V., Janakiramaiah, B., Pavankumar, C. S., Neelima, N., and Sathishkumar, V. E. (2022). Optimizing Hyperparameters and Performance Analysis of LSTM Model in Detecting Fake News on Social media. Transactions on Asian and Low-Resource Language Information Processing.
  • Yildirim, M. (2022). Detection of COVID-19 Fake News in Online Social Networks with the Developed CNN-LSTM Based Hybrid Model. Review of Computer Engineering Studies, 9(2).
  • Yildiz, E. N., Cengil, E., Yildirim, M., and Bingol, H. (2023). Diagnosis of chronic kidney disease based on CNN and LSTM. Acadlore transactions on ai and machine learning, 2(2), 66-74.
  • Liang, D., Tsai, C. F., and Wu, H. T. (2015). The effect of feature selection on financial distress prediction. Knowledge-Based Systems, 73, 289-297.
  • Farid, H., Izadi, Z., Ismail, I. A., and Alipour, F. (2015). Relationship between quality of work life and organizational commitment among lecturers in a Malaysian public research university. The Social Science Journal, 52(1), 54-61.
  • Utku, A. (2024). Hindistan'daki Turistik Şehirlerin İklim Değişkenlerinin Tahminine Yönelik Hibrit ConvGRU Modeli. Mühendislik Bilimleri ve Araştırmaları Dergisi, 6(2), 165-176.
  • Yang, Y., and Chen, W. (2016). Taiga: performance optimization of the C4. 5 decision tree construction algorithm. Tsinghua Science and Technology, 21(4), 415-425.
  • Wang, H., and Shao, Y. (2024). Fast generalized ramp loss support vector machine for pattern classification. Pattern Recognition, 146, 109987.
  • Fu, S., and Avdelidis, N. P. (2024). Novel Prognostic Methodology of Bootstrap Forest and Hyperbolic Tangent Boosted Neural Network for Aircraft System. Applied Sciences, 14(12), 5057.
  • Muhammad Ehsan, R., Simon, S. P., and Venkateswaran, P. R. (2017). Day-ahead forecasting of solar photovoltaic output power using multilayer perceptron. Neural Computing and Applications, 28(12), 3981-3992.
  • Utku, A. (2023). Deep learning based hybrid prediction model for predicting the spread of COVID-19 in the world's most populous countries. Expert Systems with Applications, 231, 120769.
  • Mirzaei, S., Kang, J. L., and Chu, K. Y. (2022). A comparative study on long short-term memory and gated recurrent unit neural networks in fault diagnosis for chemical processes using visualization. Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, 130, 104028.
  • Al-Selwi, S. M., Hassan, M. F., Abdulkadir, S. J., Muneer, A., Sumiea, E. H., Alqushaibi, A., and Ragab, M. G. (2024). RNN-LSTM: From applications to modeling techniques and beyond—Systematic review. Journal of King Saud University-Computer and Information Sciences, 102068.
  • Kaya, Y., Yiner, Z., Kaya, M., and Kuncan, F. (2022). A new approach to COVID-19 detection from X-ray images using angle transformation with GoogleNet and LSTM. Measurement Science and Technology, 33(12), 124011.
  • Traore I., Woungang I., Awad A. (eds) Intelligent, Secure, and Dependable Systems in Distributed and Cloud Environments. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 10618. Springer, 127- 138.
There are 29 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Empirical Software Engineering
Journal Section Research Articles

Anıl Utku 0000-0002-7240-8713

Publication Date December 30, 2024
Submission Date October 22, 2024
Acceptance Date November 27, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024


APA Utku, A. (2024). Hybrid CNN-LSTM Model for Fake News Detection. NATURENGS, 5(2), 28-36.