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Bextiyar Ali Romanlarında Travmayı İyileştirme Yolları

Year 2024, , 103 - 126, 31.12.2024


Piştî gelek trajedîyên ku di sedsala nozdehan da pêk hatin, têgeha "trawma"yê ji maneya ‘birîna laşî’ maneyeke firehtir û di heman demê da pîvaneke navdîsîplînî jî bi dest xist. Nîqaşên li ser têgeha trawmayê her ku çû berfirehtir bûn. Ji bo danasîna şert û mercên psîkolojîk hat bikaranîn ku berê nehatibûn teşxîskirin. Qazîyên ku ji Şerê Cîhanî yê Yekem û yên ku ji Vîetnamê vegerîyabûn; şahid û mexdûrên Holokoustê, kolonîzekirina Afrîkayê û postkolonyalîzm, gelek şerên berdewam, statuya gelên bindest, şexs û kolektîfên xwedî dezawantaj, guhertinên avûhewayê, femînîzm û gelek meseleyên civakî yên din bûn fokûsa xebatên trawmayê. Lêkolîner û rexnegiran, ji xeynî psîkolojî û psîkanalîzê di gelek warên din da jî gelek mesele di çarçoveya trawmayê da hilsengandin. Yek ji wan qadan jî edebîyat bû. Bi taybetî li gorî lêkoler û rexnegirên edebîyatê, hêza edebîyatê hebû ku bûyerên trawmatîk û bandorên wan ji konteksta wê ya rasteqîn derxe û di nav fîksîyonê da temsîl bike; aqlêselîm û empatîyê saz bike; bandora pakkirinê ya vegêranê bi kar bîne, nivîsê û xwendinê wekî alaveke şîfayê bi kar bîne. Mafê axivtinê bide êndin. Di vê xebatê da hat armanckirin ku di çarçoveya lêkolînên trawmayê da pênc romanên Bextiyar Elî yên bi navê Hinara Dawî ya Dinyayê, Qesra Balîndeyên Xemgîn, Êvara Perwaneyê, Bajarê Mosîqarên Spî û Apê Min Cemşîdxan Ku Hertim Bê Li Ber Xwe Dibir di konteksta rêyên pakkirina trawmayan da bên hilsengandin. Ev xebat di her pênc romanan da rêyên pakkirina trawmayan çi ne, wan rêyan vedikole û pê ra jî trawmaya van romanan vedikole bê ka ji bo pakkirina trawmaya gelekî çi erkê didin ser pişta xwe. Di encamê da eşkere bû ku karakterên Elî tu caran derfetên therapeutic (terapotik) û psîkyatrîk ên pakbûnê bi dest naxin û bi rêya: rêwîtî, hogirtî, şîngirêdan û nivîsîne pak dibin


  • Abdullah, Abu S. (2020). Traumatic Experience and Repressed Memory in Magical Realist Novels: Speaking The Unspeakable. Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
  • Arva, Eugene L. (2011). The Traumatic İmagination Histories of Violence in Magical Realist Fiction. Amherst, New York: Cambria Press.
  • Bentley, N. (2017). Narratives of Trauma and Loss in Caryl Phillips’s Crossing the River and a Distant Shore. URL: DOI: 10.4000/ces.4448. ISSN: 2534-6695 r:29
  • Bowlby, J. (1980). Loss, Sadness and Depression. Attachmentand Loss III. London: Hogarth Press.
  • Caruth, C. (1996). Unclaimed Experience: Trauma, Narrative And History. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP.
  • Clewell, T. (2009). Mourning, Modernism, Postmodernism. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Connerton, P. (2011). The Spirit of Mourning: History, Memory and the Body. Cambridge University Press.
  • Craps, S. (2013). Postcolonial Witnessing: Trauma Out Of Bounds. New York: Palgrave Macmillan
  • Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders -DSM IV-TR. (2002). Fourth edition, Text Revision. Washington. DC: Published by the American Psychiatric Association.
  • Elî. B. (2012). Apê Min Cemşîd Xan Ku Hertim Bê Li Ber Xwe Dibir. (Wer: Besam Mistefa). İstanbul: Avesta.
  • Elî, B. (2014). Qesra Balîndeyên Xemgîn. (Wer: Besam Mistefa). İstanbul: Avesta.
  • Elî, B. (2015). Êvara Perwaneyê. (Wer: Besam Mistefa). İstanbul: Avesta.
  • Elî, B. (2017). Hinara Dawî ya Dinyayê. (Wer: Besam Mistefa). İstanbul: Avesta.
  • Elî, B. (2021). Bajarê Mosîqarên Spî. (Wer: Şehap Xalidî). İstanbul: Avesta.
  • Felman, S. û D. Laub. (Edt.) 1992). Testimony. Crises Of Witnessing İn Literature. Psychoanalysis And History. New York. NY and London: Routledge.
  • Herman, J. (2015). Trauma and Recovery: The Aftermath of Violence From Domestic Abuse To Political Terror. New York, NY: Basic Books.
  • Hunt, Nigel C. (2010). Memory, War and Trauma. Cambridge University Press.
  • Keown, M. (2007). Pacific İslands Writing: The Postcolonial Literatures of Aotearoa/ New Zealand and Oceania. Oxford, UK and New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
  • Kirmayer, Laurence J. & Valaskakis, Gail G. (2009). Healing Traditions the Mental Health of Aboriginal Peoples in Canada. Vancouver Toronto: UBC Press.
  • Knudsen, E. R. (2004). The Circle & The Spiral: A Study of Australian Aboriginaland New Zealand Maori Literature. Amsterdam: Rodopi.
  • Kurtz, J. R. (2018). Trauma and Literature. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Kübler‐Ross, E. (2008). On Death and Dying What the Dying Have to Teach Doctors, Nurses, Clergy and Their Own Families. London and New York: Routledge Taylor & Francis Group.
  • LaCapra, D. (2001). Writing History. Writing Trauma. Baltimore. MA and London: Johns Hopkins University Press.
  • Madsen, Deborah L. (2008). On Subjectivity and Survivance Rereading Trauma Through the Hei Ofcolumbus and the Crown Ofcolumbus, Vizenor, G. (Ed.). Survivance: Narratives of Native Presence. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press.
  • Mbembe, A. (2001). On The Postcolony. Berkeley. Los Angeles, London: Unıversity Of California Press.
  • Mengel, E. Borzaga & M. Orantes, K. (2010). Trauma, Memory, and Narrative in South Africa. Matatu Journal for African Culture and Society. Number 38. Amsterdam- New York: Rodopi.
  • Mlodoch, K. (2014). The Limits of Trauma Discourse Women Anfal Survivors in Kurdistan-Iraq Studien 34, Berlin: Klaus Schwarz Verlag.
  • Najita, S. Y. (2006). Decolonizing Cultures in the Pacific: Reading History and Trauma in Contemporary Fiction. New York, NY: Routledge.
  • Novak, A. (2008). Who Speaks? Who Listens? The Problem of Address in Two Nigerian, Trauma Novels Studies in the Novel, Volume 40, Numbers 1 & 2, Spring & Summer 2008.
  • O’Connor, E. (2003). Preface For A Post-Postcolonial Criticism. Victorian Studies. 45: 217–46.
  • Peeren, E, & Blanco María del P. (2013) (Ed.) Introduction: Conceptualizing Spectralities. The Spectralities Reader: Ghosts and Haunting in Contemporary Cultural Theory. New York: Bloomsbury.
  • Peeren, E. (2014). The Spectral Metaphor: Living Ghosts and the Agency of Invisibility. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Sun, H. (2014). Kürt Romanında Travma ve Psiko-Politik Çevrelenmişlik: 2000’den Sonra Yazılan Kürt Romanı. (Teza çapnebûyî). İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Sosyal bilimler Enstitüsü Karşılaştırmalı Edebiyat Yükseklisans Programı. İstanbul.
  • Visser, I. (2012). The Trauma of Goodness in Patricia Grace’s Fiction. The Contemporary Pacific. 24 (2), 297–321.
  • Visser, I. (2015). Trauma Theory and Postcolonial Literary Studies. Humanities. 4. 250–265; doi:10.3390/h4020250.
  • Visser, I. (2018). Trauma in Non-Western Contexts. Trauma and Literature. J. Roger Kurtz (Ed.). Philadelphia: Drexel University.
  • Vizenor, G. (2008). Survivance: Narratives of Native Presence. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press.

Rêyên Pakkirina Trawmayê Di Romanên Bextiyar Elî Da

Year 2024, , 103 - 126, 31.12.2024


Piştî gelek trajedîyên ku di sedsala nozdehan da pêk hatin, têgeha "trawma"yê ji maneya ‘birîna laşî’ maneyeke firehtir û di heman demê da pîvaneke navdîsîplînî jî bi dest xist. Nîqaşên li ser têgeha trawmayê her ku çû berfirehtir bûn. Ji bo danasîna şert û mercên psîkolojîk hat bikaranîn ku berê nehatibûn teşxîskirin. Qazîyên ku ji Şerê Cîhanî yê Yekem û yên ku ji Vîetnamê vegerîyabûn; şahid û mexdûrên Holokoustê, kolonîzekirina Afrîkayê û postkolonyalîzm, gelek şerên berdewam, statuya gelên bindest, şexs û kolektîfên xwedî dezawantaj, guhertinên avûhewayê, femînîzm û gelek meseleyên civakî yên din bûn fokûsa xebatên trawmayê. Lêkolîner û rexnegiran, ji xeynî psîkolojî û psîkanalîzê di gelek warên din da jî gelek mesele di çarçoveya trawmayê da hilsengandin. Yek ji wan qadan jî edebîyat bû. Bi taybetî li gorî lêkoler û rexnegirên edebîyatê, hêza edebîyatê hebû ku bûyerên trawmatîk û bandorên wan ji konteksta wê ya rasteqîn derxe û di nav fîksîyonê da temsîl bike; aqlêselîm û empatîyê saz bike; bandora pakkirinê ya vegêranê bi kar bîne, nivîsê û xwendinê wekî alaveke şîfayê bi kar bîne. Mafê axivtinê bide êndin. Di vê xebatê da hat armanckirin ku di çarçoveya lêkolînên trawmayê da pênc romanên Bextiyar Elî yên bi navê Hinara Dawî ya Dinyayê, Qesra Balîndeyên Xemgîn, Êvara Perwaneyê, Bajarê Mosîqarên Spî û Apê Min Cemşîdxan Ku Hertim Bê Li Ber Xwe Dibir di konteksta rêyên pakkirina trawmayan da bên hilsengandin. Ev xebat di her pênc romanan da rêyên pakkirina trawmayan çi ne, wan rêyan vedikole û pê ra jî trawmaya van romanan vedikole bê ka ji bo pakkirina trawmaya gelekî çi erkê didin ser pişta xwe. Di encamê da eşkere bû ku karakterên Elî tu caran derfetên therapeutic (terapotik) û psîkyatrîk ên pakbûnê bi dest naxin û bi rêya: rêwîtî, hogirtî, şîngirêdan û nivîsîne pak dibin.


  • Abdullah, Abu S. (2020). Traumatic Experience and Repressed Memory in Magical Realist Novels: Speaking The Unspeakable. Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
  • Arva, Eugene L. (2011). The Traumatic İmagination Histories of Violence in Magical Realist Fiction. Amherst, New York: Cambria Press.
  • Bentley, N. (2017). Narratives of Trauma and Loss in Caryl Phillips’s Crossing the River and a Distant Shore. URL: DOI: 10.4000/ces.4448. ISSN: 2534-6695 r:29
  • Bowlby, J. (1980). Loss, Sadness and Depression. Attachmentand Loss III. London: Hogarth Press.
  • Caruth, C. (1996). Unclaimed Experience: Trauma, Narrative And History. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP.
  • Clewell, T. (2009). Mourning, Modernism, Postmodernism. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Connerton, P. (2011). The Spirit of Mourning: History, Memory and the Body. Cambridge University Press.
  • Craps, S. (2013). Postcolonial Witnessing: Trauma Out Of Bounds. New York: Palgrave Macmillan
  • Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders -DSM IV-TR. (2002). Fourth edition, Text Revision. Washington. DC: Published by the American Psychiatric Association.
  • Elî. B. (2012). Apê Min Cemşîd Xan Ku Hertim Bê Li Ber Xwe Dibir. (Wer: Besam Mistefa). İstanbul: Avesta.
  • Elî, B. (2014). Qesra Balîndeyên Xemgîn. (Wer: Besam Mistefa). İstanbul: Avesta.
  • Elî, B. (2015). Êvara Perwaneyê. (Wer: Besam Mistefa). İstanbul: Avesta.
  • Elî, B. (2017). Hinara Dawî ya Dinyayê. (Wer: Besam Mistefa). İstanbul: Avesta.
  • Elî, B. (2021). Bajarê Mosîqarên Spî. (Wer: Şehap Xalidî). İstanbul: Avesta.
  • Felman, S. û D. Laub. (Edt.) 1992). Testimony. Crises Of Witnessing İn Literature. Psychoanalysis And History. New York. NY and London: Routledge.
  • Herman, J. (2015). Trauma and Recovery: The Aftermath of Violence From Domestic Abuse To Political Terror. New York, NY: Basic Books.
  • Hunt, Nigel C. (2010). Memory, War and Trauma. Cambridge University Press.
  • Keown, M. (2007). Pacific İslands Writing: The Postcolonial Literatures of Aotearoa/ New Zealand and Oceania. Oxford, UK and New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
  • Kirmayer, Laurence J. & Valaskakis, Gail G. (2009). Healing Traditions the Mental Health of Aboriginal Peoples in Canada. Vancouver Toronto: UBC Press.
  • Knudsen, E. R. (2004). The Circle & The Spiral: A Study of Australian Aboriginaland New Zealand Maori Literature. Amsterdam: Rodopi.
  • Kurtz, J. R. (2018). Trauma and Literature. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Kübler‐Ross, E. (2008). On Death and Dying What the Dying Have to Teach Doctors, Nurses, Clergy and Their Own Families. London and New York: Routledge Taylor & Francis Group.
  • LaCapra, D. (2001). Writing History. Writing Trauma. Baltimore. MA and London: Johns Hopkins University Press.
  • Madsen, Deborah L. (2008). On Subjectivity and Survivance Rereading Trauma Through the Hei Ofcolumbus and the Crown Ofcolumbus, Vizenor, G. (Ed.). Survivance: Narratives of Native Presence. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press.
  • Mbembe, A. (2001). On The Postcolony. Berkeley. Los Angeles, London: Unıversity Of California Press.
  • Mengel, E. Borzaga & M. Orantes, K. (2010). Trauma, Memory, and Narrative in South Africa. Matatu Journal for African Culture and Society. Number 38. Amsterdam- New York: Rodopi.
  • Mlodoch, K. (2014). The Limits of Trauma Discourse Women Anfal Survivors in Kurdistan-Iraq Studien 34, Berlin: Klaus Schwarz Verlag.
  • Najita, S. Y. (2006). Decolonizing Cultures in the Pacific: Reading History and Trauma in Contemporary Fiction. New York, NY: Routledge.
  • Novak, A. (2008). Who Speaks? Who Listens? The Problem of Address in Two Nigerian, Trauma Novels Studies in the Novel, Volume 40, Numbers 1 & 2, Spring & Summer 2008.
  • O’Connor, E. (2003). Preface For A Post-Postcolonial Criticism. Victorian Studies. 45: 217–46.
  • Peeren, E, & Blanco María del P. (2013) (Ed.) Introduction: Conceptualizing Spectralities. The Spectralities Reader: Ghosts and Haunting in Contemporary Cultural Theory. New York: Bloomsbury.
  • Peeren, E. (2014). The Spectral Metaphor: Living Ghosts and the Agency of Invisibility. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Sun, H. (2014). Kürt Romanında Travma ve Psiko-Politik Çevrelenmişlik: 2000’den Sonra Yazılan Kürt Romanı. (Teza çapnebûyî). İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Sosyal bilimler Enstitüsü Karşılaştırmalı Edebiyat Yükseklisans Programı. İstanbul.
  • Visser, I. (2012). The Trauma of Goodness in Patricia Grace’s Fiction. The Contemporary Pacific. 24 (2), 297–321.
  • Visser, I. (2015). Trauma Theory and Postcolonial Literary Studies. Humanities. 4. 250–265; doi:10.3390/h4020250.
  • Visser, I. (2018). Trauma in Non-Western Contexts. Trauma and Literature. J. Roger Kurtz (Ed.). Philadelphia: Drexel University.
  • Vizenor, G. (2008). Survivance: Narratives of Native Presence. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press.

Methods of Healing Trauma in Bextiyar Eli's Novels

Year 2024, , 103 - 126, 31.12.2024


After many tragedies in the nineteenth century, the concept of “trauma” gained a more comprehensive and interdisciplinary meaning than “physical injury”. Discussions on the concept have increasingly gained a broader dimension. It has been used to indicate some previously undiagnosed psychological conditions and circumstances. Veterans returning from World War I and Vietnam, witnesses and survivors of the Holocaust, the colonization of Africa and postcolonialism, many ongoing wars, the status of colonized peoples, disadvantaged individuals and collectives, climate change, feminism and many social issues have become the focus of trauma studies. Researchers and critics have addressed many issues outside the boundaries of psychology and psychoanalysis within the framework of trauma. Literature was one of these areas. According to literary critics and researchers in particular, literature had the ability to remove traumatic events from their real context and represent them in fiction; it could create tolerance and empathy, use the healing power of narrative, and transform writing and reading into a healing tool. It could grant the right to speak to people who were marginalized and whose voices were silenced. This study aims to examine the healing of trauma in Bextiyar Eli’s novels Hinara Dawî ya Dinyayê, Qesra Balîndeyên Xemgîn, Êvara Perwaneyê, Bajarê Mosîqarên Spî û Apê Min Cemşîdxan Ku Hertim Bê Li Ber Xwe Dibir within the framework of trauma studies. This study examines the ways of healing trauma in these novels, and also questions what kind of a mission the novels undertake in terms of healing a people’s traumas. We concluded that Eli’s characters never have the opportunity to heal through therapeutic or psychiatric treatment methods; they can heal through travel, friendship, mourning and writing


  • Abdullah, Abu S. (2020). Traumatic Experience and Repressed Memory in Magical Realist Novels: Speaking The Unspeakable. Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
  • Arva, Eugene L. (2011). The Traumatic İmagination Histories of Violence in Magical Realist Fiction. Amherst, New York: Cambria Press.
  • Bentley, N. (2017). Narratives of Trauma and Loss in Caryl Phillips’s Crossing the River and a Distant Shore. URL: DOI: 10.4000/ces.4448. ISSN: 2534-6695 r:29
  • Bowlby, J. (1980). Loss, Sadness and Depression. Attachmentand Loss III. London: Hogarth Press.
  • Caruth, C. (1996). Unclaimed Experience: Trauma, Narrative And History. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP.
  • Clewell, T. (2009). Mourning, Modernism, Postmodernism. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Connerton, P. (2011). The Spirit of Mourning: History, Memory and the Body. Cambridge University Press.
  • Craps, S. (2013). Postcolonial Witnessing: Trauma Out Of Bounds. New York: Palgrave Macmillan
  • Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders -DSM IV-TR. (2002). Fourth edition, Text Revision. Washington. DC: Published by the American Psychiatric Association.
  • Elî. B. (2012). Apê Min Cemşîd Xan Ku Hertim Bê Li Ber Xwe Dibir. (Wer: Besam Mistefa). İstanbul: Avesta.
  • Elî, B. (2014). Qesra Balîndeyên Xemgîn. (Wer: Besam Mistefa). İstanbul: Avesta.
  • Elî, B. (2015). Êvara Perwaneyê. (Wer: Besam Mistefa). İstanbul: Avesta.
  • Elî, B. (2017). Hinara Dawî ya Dinyayê. (Wer: Besam Mistefa). İstanbul: Avesta.
  • Elî, B. (2021). Bajarê Mosîqarên Spî. (Wer: Şehap Xalidî). İstanbul: Avesta.
  • Felman, S. û D. Laub. (Edt.) 1992). Testimony. Crises Of Witnessing İn Literature. Psychoanalysis And History. New York. NY and London: Routledge.
  • Herman, J. (2015). Trauma and Recovery: The Aftermath of Violence From Domestic Abuse To Political Terror. New York, NY: Basic Books.
  • Hunt, Nigel C. (2010). Memory, War and Trauma. Cambridge University Press.
  • Keown, M. (2007). Pacific İslands Writing: The Postcolonial Literatures of Aotearoa/ New Zealand and Oceania. Oxford, UK and New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
  • Kirmayer, Laurence J. & Valaskakis, Gail G. (2009). Healing Traditions the Mental Health of Aboriginal Peoples in Canada. Vancouver Toronto: UBC Press.
  • Knudsen, E. R. (2004). The Circle & The Spiral: A Study of Australian Aboriginaland New Zealand Maori Literature. Amsterdam: Rodopi.
  • Kurtz, J. R. (2018). Trauma and Literature. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Kübler‐Ross, E. (2008). On Death and Dying What the Dying Have to Teach Doctors, Nurses, Clergy and Their Own Families. London and New York: Routledge Taylor & Francis Group.
  • LaCapra, D. (2001). Writing History. Writing Trauma. Baltimore. MA and London: Johns Hopkins University Press.
  • Madsen, Deborah L. (2008). On Subjectivity and Survivance Rereading Trauma Through the Hei Ofcolumbus and the Crown Ofcolumbus, Vizenor, G. (Ed.). Survivance: Narratives of Native Presence. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press.
  • Mbembe, A. (2001). On The Postcolony. Berkeley. Los Angeles, London: Unıversity Of California Press.
  • Mengel, E. Borzaga & M. Orantes, K. (2010). Trauma, Memory, and Narrative in South Africa. Matatu Journal for African Culture and Society. Number 38. Amsterdam- New York: Rodopi.
  • Mlodoch, K. (2014). The Limits of Trauma Discourse Women Anfal Survivors in Kurdistan-Iraq Studien 34, Berlin: Klaus Schwarz Verlag.
  • Najita, S. Y. (2006). Decolonizing Cultures in the Pacific: Reading History and Trauma in Contemporary Fiction. New York, NY: Routledge.
  • Novak, A. (2008). Who Speaks? Who Listens? The Problem of Address in Two Nigerian, Trauma Novels Studies in the Novel, Volume 40, Numbers 1 & 2, Spring & Summer 2008.
  • O’Connor, E. (2003). Preface For A Post-Postcolonial Criticism. Victorian Studies. 45: 217–46.
  • Peeren, E, & Blanco María del P. (2013) (Ed.) Introduction: Conceptualizing Spectralities. The Spectralities Reader: Ghosts and Haunting in Contemporary Cultural Theory. New York: Bloomsbury.
  • Peeren, E. (2014). The Spectral Metaphor: Living Ghosts and the Agency of Invisibility. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Sun, H. (2014). Kürt Romanında Travma ve Psiko-Politik Çevrelenmişlik: 2000’den Sonra Yazılan Kürt Romanı. (Teza çapnebûyî). İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Sosyal bilimler Enstitüsü Karşılaştırmalı Edebiyat Yükseklisans Programı. İstanbul.
  • Visser, I. (2012). The Trauma of Goodness in Patricia Grace’s Fiction. The Contemporary Pacific. 24 (2), 297–321.
  • Visser, I. (2015). Trauma Theory and Postcolonial Literary Studies. Humanities. 4. 250–265; doi:10.3390/h4020250.
  • Visser, I. (2018). Trauma in Non-Western Contexts. Trauma and Literature. J. Roger Kurtz (Ed.). Philadelphia: Drexel University.
  • Vizenor, G. (2008). Survivance: Narratives of Native Presence. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press.
There are 37 citations in total.


Primary Language Kurdi
Subjects Kurdish Language, Literature and Culture
Journal Section Research Article

Leyla Polat 0009-0005-5201-6463

Publication Date December 31, 2024
Submission Date November 4, 2024
Acceptance Date November 28, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024


APA Polat, L. (2024). Rêyên Pakkirina Trawmayê Di Romanên Bextiyar Elî Da. Nubihar Akademi(22), 103-126.

Nûbihar Akademî Dergisi Creative Commons Atıf-GayriTicari 4.0 Uluslararası Lisansı (CC BY NC) ile lisanslanmıştır.