Research Article
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Methods in Biographic Works Written in Andalusia in the 10th and 12th Centuries

Year 2019, , 61 - 80, 29.06.2019



Biographical works began to be written in
Andalusia in the 10th century, and this genre has attracted the
attention of Andalusian scholars. Ibn al-Faradî's work called Târîḫuʿulemâ`i′l-Endelus
has emerged as a result of this interest and is a book written in the field of
biography, which exemplifies many of the successive methods in the direction of
their method and is the source of their works. These copyrighted works, which
Ibn al-Faradî laid the foundations in Andalusia, were written in connection
with each other in terms of content and method, such as the rings of a chain.

In this study, biographies written in
Andalusia in the 10th and 12th centuries are examined in
terms of methodology and the interaction of biographers with each other, which
layers of society they include in their works, what information they have dealt
with in their biographies, and which methods of biographical works written
before them, In their own works, what kind of methods they use, how they affect
the next authors are discussed.

In addition, in our review, brief information
about the purpose of copyright writers, sources and authors are given. In this
study, in addition to İbn al-Faradî's work, the annexes of this work and the
work of al-Humeydî’s (death. 1095) called as Cezvetu′l-Muktebis, the work
of  İbn Beşkuvâl’s (death. 1183) called
as eṣ-Ṣıla and the work of  ed-Dabbî’s
(death. 1203) called as Buğyetu′l-Multemis were examined. In addition, the work
of İbn Bessâm eş-Şenterînî’s (death. 1147) as called ez-Zaḫîre fî Meḥâsini
Ehli′l-Cezîre,  and the work of  Feth b. Ḫâḳân el-Ḳaysî’s (death.1135) as
called Maṭmaḥu′l-Enfus the works with high literary values are mentioned.

Structured Abstract

Biographical works began to be written in Andalusia in the 10th
century. Among the earliest works written in this copyright type is Ibn
al-Faradî's work called Târîḫuʿulemâ`i′l-Endelus and this work has affected
many works written after him in Andalusia in terms of both content and method.
In fact, some of the biographers who came later, had their works written by
considering this work. In this study, in addition to İbn al-Faradî's work, the
annexes of this work and the work of al-Humeydî’s (death. 1095) called as
Cezvetu′l-Muktebis, the work of  İbn
Beşkuvâl’s (death. 1183) called as Eṣ-Ṣıla and the work of  ed-Dabbî’s (death. 1203) called as
Buğyetu′l-Multemis were examined.

 The earliest biographers in
Andalusia have often dealt with the lives of religious functionary who have
become more famous in their works as they educate themselves in the disciplines
of fiqh, hadith and      science of
For example, İbnu′l-Faraḍî, mentioned in his work, only the famous
religious scholars. However, later writers have made their works more
comprehensive by adding poets and scholars who are famous in the society as
well as religious scholars. Even biographers such as Feth b. Ḫâḳân el-Ḳaysî
(death.1135)  have included the literary
products of poets and scholars rather than biographies. The authors of the
Andalusian biography did not go exactly like each other. They developed new
methods in their work and did not follow some of the methods used by previous
authors. For example, İbn Beşkuvâl began directly with the biographies of the
people, and did not enter into the history of Andalusia as the biographers of
the history of Andalusia. al-Ḥumeydî, in contrast to the former biographer
İbnu′l-Faraḍî, also included biographies of women under the title of
Bâbu′n-Nisâ’ and his  method is used by
many authors who are next to him.
In general,
biographers have arranged their works in alphabetical order, while others have
not edited their works in any order, while others have developed new methods. While
İbn Bessâm eş-Şenterînî (death.1147) 
did not present the biographies of the individuals to the reader in his
work named ez-Zaḫîre fî Meḥâsini Ehli′l-Cezîre, Feth b. Ḫâḳân el-Ḳaysî
arranged the biographies of the individuals according to their status in the
society and gave priority to the ones with high status and some biographers
because of his respect for the Prophet           Muhammad
began with his biographies that began with his name, followed in alphabetical
order in later biographies.

Biography writers have given information about, persons in their
works; names, identities, descendants, narratives and travels to the East, the
famous people they meet, the teachers they take lessons, the cities they
learned science, their important performances, the duties they undertake, their
competences on religious issues, the dates of birth and death, etc. Biographers
often provide this information about people, while some authors have different
information in their works. Ibn Bessâm has included the verse and prose poems
of people together with different historical events. Hakan has included the
poems of the people with the theme of wine, friendship and friendship. While
some keep the biographies long but  Feth
b. Ḫâḳân el-Ḳaysî has included the poems of the people with the theme of
wine, friendship and fellowship while some keep the biographies long. eḍ-Ḍabbî
(death.1203) kept some biographies in his Buğyetu′l-Multemis very superficial.
He just mentioned his names and where they came from.

Although some biographers of Andalusia have cultivated themselves
in the eastern centers of study, or some of them have written their works on
the demand of the Easterners, they have mentioned about the biographies of the
people who grew up in the lands of Andalusia.
Therefore, the
biographical works in Andalusia are in the category of biographical works that
have been copyrighted by region. However, some writers have opened separate
titles to people from different countries and gave information about when they
came to Andalusia, what they brought in the name of science.
the same way, the sources used in the works of the authors are the works of
Andalusian origin. Only a few of the biographical works of the eastern section
were affected, there was no impact on the content.
writers such as Feth b. Ḫâḳân el-Ḳaysî and İbn Bessâm have published their
works to carry the literary richness of Andalusia to the next century. These
works have historical value as well as literary value.

Biographical works are not just about the lives of those who became
famous. In these works; Information about the political history of the
Andalusian Umayyad State, interesting historical events taking place in
society, information about the social and cultural life of the society, literature,
history, language, tafsir, fiqh, hadith, and the Arabic-Islamic thought
In the same way, these works help us to learn about the position of
Andalusian literature in comparison to the eastern regions of Damascus, Iraq
and Baghdad, and also the cultural levels of the Andalusian scholars. In short,
these works have both historical and literary value.


  • Kaynakça
  • Doğan, M, (1990) Büyük Türkçe Sözlük, Ankara: Rehber Yayınları.
  • İbn Manzûr, Cemâleddîn, Lisânu′l-ʿArab, (2010) Beyrut: Dâru Ṣâdir.
  • Gıllıot, C. ( 2000), The Encyclopedia of Islam, New Edition, Leıden.
  • Rosenthal, F. (1952), A History of Muslım Historiography, Leıden.
  • Heffining, W. (1938) The Encyclopedia of Islam: Supplement ( A Dictionary of The Geography Ethnography and Biography of The Muhammadan Peoples), Leıden.
  • Makdısı, G.(1993)Tabaqat- Biography: Law and Orthodoxy in Classical Islam, “Islamic Studies”, Islamic Research Institute, İslamabad(Pakistan).
  • Avcı, C. (2010), “Tabakât ( İslam Tarihi)” Türkiye Diyanet Vakfı İslam Ansiklopedisi, (XXXIX, 297-298). İstanbul: Türkiye Diyanet Vakfı Yayınları.
  • İbn Beşkuvâl, Ḫalef b. Abdulmelik b. Mes‘ûd, (2010), es-Sıla, Thk. Beşşâr ʿAvvâd Maʿrûf, Tunus: Dâru′l-Ğarbi′l-İslamî.
  • Ballantyne, I. T. (2010), “İbnu′l-Faraḍî” Türkiye Diyanet Vakfı İslam Ansiklopedisi, (XXI, 39), İstanbul: Türkiye Diyanet Vakfı Yayınları.
  • İbnu′l-Faraḍî, (2008), Târîḫuʿulemâ`i′l-Endelus, Thk. Beşşâr ʿAvvâd Maʿrûf, Tunus: Dâru′l-Ğarbi′l-İslamî.
  • Eḍ-Ḍabbî, (1989), Buğyetu′l-Multemis, Thk.İbrahim el-Ebyârî, Kahire:Dâru′l-Kuttabi′l-Mıṣr.
  • El-Ḥumeydî, (2008), Cezvetu'l- muḳtebes fî Târîḫ ʿUlemâ’i′l-Endelus, Thk. Beşşâr ʿAvvâd Maʿrûf, Muhammed Beşşâr ʿAvvâd, Tunus: Dâru′l-Ğarbi′l-İslâmî.
  • Mekkî, T. A. (1999), Dirâse fî Meṣâdiri′l-Edeb, Kahire: Dâru′l-Fikri′l-ʿArabî.
  • İbn Bessâm, Ebû′l-Hasan Alî, (1975), Ez-Zeḫîra fî Meḥâsin ehli′l-Cezîra, Thk. İhsan Abbas, Beyrut: Dâru′l-Saḳâfe.
  • Ez-Zehebî, Muhammed b. Ahmed, (1958), Tezkiretu′l-Ḥuffâẓ, Thk. Abdurrahman b. Yahya el-Muʿallimî, Haydarabad-Hindistan: Dâ’iretu′l-Meʿârifi′l-ʿUsmâniyye.
  • İbn Ḫallikân, Ebü'l-Abbas Şemseddin Ahmed b. Muhammed,(1970), Vefeyâtü'l-a‘yan ve enbâu ebnâi’z-zamân, Thk. İhsan Abbas, Beyrut: Dâru sâdır.
  • El-Ḳaysî, Feth b. Ḫâḳân, (1983), Maṭmaḥu′l-Enfus ve mesraḥu't-te'ennus fî 'muleḥi ehli'l-Endelus Thk. Muhammed Alî Şevâbike, Beyrut:Dâru ʿAmmâr.
  • İbnu′l-Ebbâr, Ebû Abdillah Muhammed, (1995), Et-Tekmile li-Kitâbi'ṣ-Ṣıla, Thk. Abdusselam el-Harâs, Beyrut: Dâru′l-Fikr.
  • Aykaç, M. (1993) “Ahmed b. Yahya Eḍ-Ḍabbî” Türkiye Diyanet Vakfı İslam Ansiklopedisi,(VIII, 395-396), İstanbul: Türkiye Diyanet Vakfı Yayınları.


Year 2019, , 61 - 80, 29.06.2019



Biyografik eserler Endülüs’te 10. yüzyılda
yazılmaya başlamış ve bu tür, Endülüslü âlimlerin ilgisini oldukça
cezbetmiştir. İbnu′l-Faradî′nin Târîḫuʿulemâ`i′l-Endelus adlı eseri
de bu ilginin sonucunda ortaya çıkmış ve biyografi alanında yazılan, kendinden
sonra gelen birçok âlime yöntem bakımından örnek oluşturan, onların eserlerine
kaynaklık eden kitaptır. İbnu′l-Faradî′nin Endülüs’te temellerini attığı bu
telif türündeki eserler hem içerik hem yöntem bakımından birbirleriyle bir
zincirin halkaları gibi bağlantılı şekilde yazılmıştır.

Bu çalışmamızda Endülüs’te 10. ve 12.
yüzyıllarda yazılmış biyografi eserleri, yöntem bakımından incelenmiş ve
biyografi yazarlarının birbirleriyle etkileşimi, eserlerinde toplumun hangi
katmanlarına yer verdikleri, kişilerin biyografilerinde onlar hakkında hangi
bilgileri ele aldıkları, kendinden önce yazılmış biyografik eserlerin hangi
yöntemlerine tabi oldukları, kendi eserlerinde farklı olarak ne tür yöntemler
kullandıkları, kendinden sonraki yazarları nasıl etkiledikleri vb. açılardan
ele alınmıştır.

Ayrıca incelememizde biyografi yazarlarının
eserlerini telif etmelerindeki amaç, kullandıkları kaynaklar ve yazarlar
hakkında kısa bilgiler verilmiştir. Çalışmamızda İbnu′l-Faradî′nin
zikrettiğimiz eserinin yanı sıra bu eserin zeyilleri olan El-Ḥumeydî′nin
(ö.1095) Cezvetu’l-Muḳtebis′i, İbn Beşkuvâl′ın (ö.1183)
, Eḍ-Ḍabbî′nin (ö.1203) Buğyetu′l-Multemis′i
incelenmiş, ayrıca edebi değerleri yüksek olan İbn Bessâm eş-Şenterînî′nin
(ö.1147) Ez-Zaḫîre fî Meḥâsini Ehli′l-Cezîre′siyle Feth b. Ḫâḳân
el-Ḳaysî′nin (ö.1135) Maṭmaḥu′l-Enfus adlı eserlerine de yer


Biographical works
began to be written in Andalusia in the 10th century, and this genre
has attracted the attention of Andalusian scholars. Ibn al-Faradî's work called
Târîḫuʿulemâ`i′l-Endelus has emerged as a result of this interest and
is a book written in the field of biography, which exemplifies many of the
successive methods in the direction of their method and is the source of their
works. These copyrighted works, which Ibn al-Faradî laid the foundations in
Andalusia, were written in connection with each other in terms of content and
method, such as the rings of a chain.

In this study,
biographies written in Andalusia in the 10th and 12th
centuries are examined in terms of methodology and the interaction of
biographers with each other, which layers of society they include in their
works, what information they have dealt with in their biographies, and which
methods of biographical works written before them, In their own works, what
kind of methods they use, how they affect the next authors are discussed.

In addition, in our
review, brief information about the purpose of copyright writers, sources and
authors are given. In this study, in addition to İbn al-Faradî's work, the
annexes of this work and the work of al-Humeydî’s (death. 1095) called as
Cezvetu′l-Muktebis, the work of  İbn
Beşkuvâl’s (death. 1183) called as Eṣ-Ṣıla and the work of  Ed-Dabbî’s (death. 1203) called as
Buğyetu′l-Multemis were examined. In addition, the work of İbn Bessâm
eş-Şenterînî’s (death. 1147) as called Ez-Zaḫîre fî Meḥâsini
Ehli′l-Cezîre,  and the work of  Feth b. Ḫâḳân el-Ḳaysî’s (death.1135) as
called Maṭmaḥu′l-Enfus the works with high literary values are mentioned.


  • Kaynakça
  • Doğan, M, (1990) Büyük Türkçe Sözlük, Ankara: Rehber Yayınları.
  • İbn Manzûr, Cemâleddîn, Lisânu′l-ʿArab, (2010) Beyrut: Dâru Ṣâdir.
  • Gıllıot, C. ( 2000), The Encyclopedia of Islam, New Edition, Leıden.
  • Rosenthal, F. (1952), A History of Muslım Historiography, Leıden.
  • Heffining, W. (1938) The Encyclopedia of Islam: Supplement ( A Dictionary of The Geography Ethnography and Biography of The Muhammadan Peoples), Leıden.
  • Makdısı, G.(1993)Tabaqat- Biography: Law and Orthodoxy in Classical Islam, “Islamic Studies”, Islamic Research Institute, İslamabad(Pakistan).
  • Avcı, C. (2010), “Tabakât ( İslam Tarihi)” Türkiye Diyanet Vakfı İslam Ansiklopedisi, (XXXIX, 297-298). İstanbul: Türkiye Diyanet Vakfı Yayınları.
  • İbn Beşkuvâl, Ḫalef b. Abdulmelik b. Mes‘ûd, (2010), es-Sıla, Thk. Beşşâr ʿAvvâd Maʿrûf, Tunus: Dâru′l-Ğarbi′l-İslamî.
  • Ballantyne, I. T. (2010), “İbnu′l-Faraḍî” Türkiye Diyanet Vakfı İslam Ansiklopedisi, (XXI, 39), İstanbul: Türkiye Diyanet Vakfı Yayınları.
  • İbnu′l-Faraḍî, (2008), Târîḫuʿulemâ`i′l-Endelus, Thk. Beşşâr ʿAvvâd Maʿrûf, Tunus: Dâru′l-Ğarbi′l-İslamî.
  • Eḍ-Ḍabbî, (1989), Buğyetu′l-Multemis, Thk.İbrahim el-Ebyârî, Kahire:Dâru′l-Kuttabi′l-Mıṣr.
  • El-Ḥumeydî, (2008), Cezvetu'l- muḳtebes fî Târîḫ ʿUlemâ’i′l-Endelus, Thk. Beşşâr ʿAvvâd Maʿrûf, Muhammed Beşşâr ʿAvvâd, Tunus: Dâru′l-Ğarbi′l-İslâmî.
  • Mekkî, T. A. (1999), Dirâse fî Meṣâdiri′l-Edeb, Kahire: Dâru′l-Fikri′l-ʿArabî.
  • İbn Bessâm, Ebû′l-Hasan Alî, (1975), Ez-Zeḫîra fî Meḥâsin ehli′l-Cezîra, Thk. İhsan Abbas, Beyrut: Dâru′l-Saḳâfe.
  • Ez-Zehebî, Muhammed b. Ahmed, (1958), Tezkiretu′l-Ḥuffâẓ, Thk. Abdurrahman b. Yahya el-Muʿallimî, Haydarabad-Hindistan: Dâ’iretu′l-Meʿârifi′l-ʿUsmâniyye.
  • İbn Ḫallikân, Ebü'l-Abbas Şemseddin Ahmed b. Muhammed,(1970), Vefeyâtü'l-a‘yan ve enbâu ebnâi’z-zamân, Thk. İhsan Abbas, Beyrut: Dâru sâdır.
  • El-Ḳaysî, Feth b. Ḫâḳân, (1983), Maṭmaḥu′l-Enfus ve mesraḥu't-te'ennus fî 'muleḥi ehli'l-Endelus Thk. Muhammed Alî Şevâbike, Beyrut:Dâru ʿAmmâr.
  • İbnu′l-Ebbâr, Ebû Abdillah Muhammed, (1995), Et-Tekmile li-Kitâbi'ṣ-Ṣıla, Thk. Abdusselam el-Harâs, Beyrut: Dâru′l-Fikr.
  • Aykaç, M. (1993) “Ahmed b. Yahya Eḍ-Ḍabbî” Türkiye Diyanet Vakfı İslam Ansiklopedisi,(VIII, 395-396), İstanbul: Türkiye Diyanet Vakfı Yayınları.
There are 20 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Fuat Daş

Publication Date June 29, 2019
Submission Date January 2, 2019
Acceptance Date March 25, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019
