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Benzer Sorunlar, Benzer Çözümler İtalyan Şehir Cumhuriyetleri ile İlgili Yasal Konularda Bizans Chrysobulları ve Haçlı Sözleşmeleri

Year 2022, Volume: 5 Issue: 1, 208 - 216, 26.06.2022


Venedik Cumhuriyeti özellikle 11. yüzyıl itibariyle Akdeniz dünyasındaki ticari potansiyelini yükseltmiş ve Haçlı seferleri döneminde bu durum doruk noktasına ulaşmıştır. Gerek Balkan gerekse Anadolu topraklarında giderek daha fazla düşmanla baş etmeye çalışan Bizans denizlerdeki eksikliklerini Venedik ve diğer İtalyan deniz cumhuriyetleri üzerinden kapatmaya çalışmıştır. Aynı durum anavatanlarından fazlasıyla uzak bir coğrafyada yurt edinmeye çalışan Haçlılar için de söz konusudur. Hatta Haçlılar, daha ilk seferden itibaren İtalyanlara mecbur kalmıştır. İşte bu ahvalde Venedik zaman içerisinde bahse konu iki özneden çeşitli imtiyazlar almış ve bu imtiyazlar giderek genişlemiştir. Bu makalede Venedik'in Bizans ve Haçlı devletlerinden aldıkları chrysobullar karşılaştırmalı olarak incelenmiştir. Venedik'in elde ettiği gemi enkazı, miras hakkı, yargılama sistemi gibi pek çok hukuksal prosedürün Haçlı devletleri ve Bizans yasalarında nasıl tezahür ettiği, benzerlikleri ve farklılıkları bu makalenin öncelikli hedefidir.


Makalesini çevirmeme izin verdiği için Dr. Penna'ya ve yayınevi haklarında istisna yaparak benden ücret talep etmeyen yöneticilere teşekkürlerimi dipnotta sundum. Bilhassa yayınevi bu hususa dikkat etmemi söylediği için metin içine eklediğimi belirtmek isterim.


  • Acta et Diplomata Graeca Medii Aevi, ed. Franz Miklosich ve Joseph Müller, 3 vol (Vienna, 1865, yeni baskı Aalen, 1968).
  • Actes de Lavra, I, Des origines à 1204, ed. Paul Lemerle ve diğerleri (Paris, 1970).
  • Berggötz, Oliver, Der Bericht des Marsilio Zorzi. Codex Querini-Stampalia IV3 (1064), Kieler Werkstücke, Reihe C: Beiträge zur europäischen Geschichte des frühen und hohen Mittelalters 2 (Frankfurt a/M, 1990).
  • Bertolotto, Gerolamo ve Angelo Sanguinetti, Nuova Seria di documenti sulle relationi di Genova coll’ impero bizantino, Atti della Società di Ligure di storia patria 28 (Genoa, 1898).
  • Borsari, S., “Il crisobullo di Alessio I per Venezia,” içinde Annali dell’Istituto Italiano per gli Studi Storici 2 (1969/70), 111–31.
  • Brown, Horatio F., “The Venetians and the Venetian Quarter in Constantinople to the close of the twelfth century,” Journal of Hellenic Studies XL (1920), 68–88.
  • Cameron, Averil, The Byzantines (Oxford, 2006).
  • Cameron, Averil, Byzantine Matters (Princeton, NJ, 2014).
  • Codice Diplomatico della Repubblica di Genova, C. Imperiale di Sant’ Angelo, ed., Fonti per la storia d’ Italia, 3 vol (Rome, 1936–42).
  • Documenti sulle relationi delle città Toscane coll’ Oriente Christiano e coi Turchi fino all’anno 1531, ed. Giuseppe Müller, (Florence, 1879, yeni baskı 1966).
  • Dölger, Franz and Johannes Karayannopoulos, Byzantinische Urkundenlehre. Erster Abschnitt: Die Kaiserurkunden (Munich, 1968).
  • Favreau-Lilie, Marie-Luise, Die Italiener im heiligen Land vom ersten Kreuzzug bis zum Tode Heinrichs von Champagne, 1098–1197 (Amsterdam, 1989).
  • Gastgeber, Christian, “Die Lateinische ‘Übersetzungsabteilung’ der Byzantinischen Kaiserkanzlei unter den Komnenen und Angeloi.” 3 vol, Doktora tezi (Vienna, 2001)
  • Gastgeber, Christian, “Die Lateinische ‘Übersetzungsabteilung’ der byzantinischen Kaiserkanzlei unter den Komnenen und Angeloi, Neue Ergebnisse zur Arbeit in der byzantinischen Kaiserkanzlei” içinde Byzance et le monde extérieur, Contacts, relations, échanges, ed. Michel Balard ve diğerleri (Sorbonne, 2005), ss. 105–22.
  • Heinemeyer, Walter, “Die Verträge zwischen dem Oströmischen Reiche und den italienischen Städten Genua, Pisa und Venedig,” Archiv für Diplomatik, Schriftgeschichte Siegel- und Wappenkunde 3 (1957), 79–161.
  • Herrin, Judith, Byzantium. The Surprising Life of a Medieval Empire (London, 2007).
  • Herrin, Judith, Unrivalled Influence: Women and Empire in Byzantium (Princeton, NJ, 2013).
  • I trattati con Bisanzio 992–1198, ed. Marco Pozza ve Giorgio Ravegnani, (Venice 1993).
  • Jacoby, David, “Conrad Marquis of Montferrat, and the Kingdom of Jerusalem (1187–1192),” içinde Atti del Congresso Internazionale ‘Dai feudi monferrini e dal Piemonte ai nuovi mondi oltre gli Oceani’, ed. Laura Balletto, (Alessandria 1993, yeni baskı içinde David Jacoby, Trade, Commodities and Shipping in the Medieval Mediterranean, Aldershot 1997, IV), ss. 187–225.
  • Jacoby, David, “The Venetian privileges in the Kingdom of Jerusalem,” içinde Montjoie, Studies in Crusade History in Honour of Hans Eberhard Mayer, ed. Benjamin Z. Kedar, Jonathan Riley-Smith and Rudolf Hiestand, (Aldershot, 1997), ss. 155–75.
  • La Monte, J.L., Feudal Monarchy in the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem, 1100 to 1291 (Cambridge, MA, 1932, Reprint New York, 1970).
  • Laiou, Angeliki E., “Byzantine trade,” in The Crusades from the perspective of Byzantium and the Muslim world, ed. Angeliki E. Laiou ve Roy Parviz Mottahedeh, (Washington, D.C., 2001), ss. 157–96.
  • Lilie, Ralph-Johannes, Handel und Politik zwischen dem byzantinischen Reich und den italienischen Kommunen Venedig, Pisa und Genua in der Epoche der Komnenen und der Angeloi 1081–1204 (Amsterdam, 1984)
  • Magdalino, Paul, “The Maritime Neigborhoods of Constantinople: Commercial and Residential Functions, Sixth to Twelfth Centuries,” Dumbarton Oaks Papers 54 (2000), 209–26.
  • Maltezou, Chrysa, “Ὁ θεσμὸς τοῦ ἐν Κωνσταντινουπόλει Βενετοῦ βαΐλου.” Doktora tezi, (Athens, 1970).
  • Maltezou, Chrysa, “Il Quartiere Veneziano di Constantinopoli,” Thesaurismata 15 (1978), 30–61. Miklosich, Franz and Joseph Müller, Acta et Diplomata Graeca Medii Aevi, 3 vol (Vienna, 1865, reprinted Aalen, 1968).
  • Mousourakis, George, Roman Law and the Origins of the Civil Law Tradition (Cham, 2015).
  • Nicholas, Barry, An Introduction to Roman Law (Oxford 1975).
  • Nystazopoulou-Pelekidou, Μaria, Documents of Patmos (Yunanca: Ἐγγραφα Πάτμου, 2. Δημοσίων Λειτουργῶν) (Athens, 1980).
  • Olivia Remie Constable, Housing the Stranger in the Mediterranean World (Cambridge, 2003).
  • Penna, Dafni, “The Byzantine Imperial Acts to Venice, Pisa and Genoa, 10th–12th Centuries. A comparative legal study.” Doktora tezi (University of Groningen, 2012a).
  • Penna, Daphne, “From ‘douloi’ to demanding negotiators: the case of the Venetians in 12th century Byzantium. An example on succession law from the chrysobull of Alexios III Angelos to Venice in 1198,” içinde the Yearbook-Epeteris of the Research Centre for the History of Greek Law of the Academy of Athens 44 (2012b–13), 209–25.
  • Penna, Daphne, “Odd Topics, Old Methods and the Cradle of the ius commune. Byzantine law and the Italian city-states,” Utrecht Law Review 13 (3) (2017a), 49–55, DOI:
  • Penna, Daphne, “Piracy and reprisal in Byzantine waters: resolving a maritime conflict between Byzantines and Genoese at the end of the twelfth century,” Comparative Legal History 5 (2017b), issue 1: Maritime Conflict Management, Diplomacy and International Law, 1100–1800, 36–52, DOI:
  • Prawer, Joshua, Crusader Institutions (Oxford, 1980). Regesten der Kaiserurkunden des oströmischen Reiches von 565–1453. 2. Teil, Regesten von 1025–1204, ed. Franz Dölger and Peter Wirth, (Munich, 1995).
  • Remie Constable, Olivia, “Funduq, Fondaco, and Khān in the Wake of Christian Commerce and Crusade,” içinde The Crusades from the Perspective of Byzantium and the Muslim World, Angeliki E. Laiou and Roy Parviz Mottahedeh, eds. (Washington, D.C., 2001), ss. 145–56.
  • Smyrlis, K., “Private property and state finances. The emperor’s right to donate his subjects’ land in the Comnenian period,” Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies, vol. 33, no. 2 (2009), 115–32.
  • Stein, Peter, Roman Law in European History (Cambridge, 2002).
  • Tantalos, Marios, “Η νομή και η προστασία της από το ύστερο ρωμαϊκό στο βυζαντινό δίκαιο.” [Possessio and its protection from late Roman to Byzantine law] Doktora tezi (Athens, 2016).
  • Urkunden zur Älteren Handels- und Staatsgeschichte der Republik Venedig, ed. Gottlieb L.Fr. Tafel and Georg M. Thomas, 2 vol (Amsterdam, 1964).

Similar Problems, Similar Solutions? Byzantine Chrysobulls and Crusader Charters on Legal Issues Regarding the Italian Maritime Republics

Year 2022, Volume: 5 Issue: 1, 208 - 216, 26.06.2022



  • Acta et Diplomata Graeca Medii Aevi, ed. Franz Miklosich ve Joseph Müller, 3 vol (Vienna, 1865, yeni baskı Aalen, 1968).
  • Actes de Lavra, I, Des origines à 1204, ed. Paul Lemerle ve diğerleri (Paris, 1970).
  • Berggötz, Oliver, Der Bericht des Marsilio Zorzi. Codex Querini-Stampalia IV3 (1064), Kieler Werkstücke, Reihe C: Beiträge zur europäischen Geschichte des frühen und hohen Mittelalters 2 (Frankfurt a/M, 1990).
  • Bertolotto, Gerolamo ve Angelo Sanguinetti, Nuova Seria di documenti sulle relationi di Genova coll’ impero bizantino, Atti della Società di Ligure di storia patria 28 (Genoa, 1898).
  • Borsari, S., “Il crisobullo di Alessio I per Venezia,” içinde Annali dell’Istituto Italiano per gli Studi Storici 2 (1969/70), 111–31.
  • Brown, Horatio F., “The Venetians and the Venetian Quarter in Constantinople to the close of the twelfth century,” Journal of Hellenic Studies XL (1920), 68–88.
  • Cameron, Averil, The Byzantines (Oxford, 2006).
  • Cameron, Averil, Byzantine Matters (Princeton, NJ, 2014).
  • Codice Diplomatico della Repubblica di Genova, C. Imperiale di Sant’ Angelo, ed., Fonti per la storia d’ Italia, 3 vol (Rome, 1936–42).
  • Documenti sulle relationi delle città Toscane coll’ Oriente Christiano e coi Turchi fino all’anno 1531, ed. Giuseppe Müller, (Florence, 1879, yeni baskı 1966).
  • Dölger, Franz and Johannes Karayannopoulos, Byzantinische Urkundenlehre. Erster Abschnitt: Die Kaiserurkunden (Munich, 1968).
  • Favreau-Lilie, Marie-Luise, Die Italiener im heiligen Land vom ersten Kreuzzug bis zum Tode Heinrichs von Champagne, 1098–1197 (Amsterdam, 1989).
  • Gastgeber, Christian, “Die Lateinische ‘Übersetzungsabteilung’ der Byzantinischen Kaiserkanzlei unter den Komnenen und Angeloi.” 3 vol, Doktora tezi (Vienna, 2001)
  • Gastgeber, Christian, “Die Lateinische ‘Übersetzungsabteilung’ der byzantinischen Kaiserkanzlei unter den Komnenen und Angeloi, Neue Ergebnisse zur Arbeit in der byzantinischen Kaiserkanzlei” içinde Byzance et le monde extérieur, Contacts, relations, échanges, ed. Michel Balard ve diğerleri (Sorbonne, 2005), ss. 105–22.
  • Heinemeyer, Walter, “Die Verträge zwischen dem Oströmischen Reiche und den italienischen Städten Genua, Pisa und Venedig,” Archiv für Diplomatik, Schriftgeschichte Siegel- und Wappenkunde 3 (1957), 79–161.
  • Herrin, Judith, Byzantium. The Surprising Life of a Medieval Empire (London, 2007).
  • Herrin, Judith, Unrivalled Influence: Women and Empire in Byzantium (Princeton, NJ, 2013).
  • I trattati con Bisanzio 992–1198, ed. Marco Pozza ve Giorgio Ravegnani, (Venice 1993).
  • Jacoby, David, “Conrad Marquis of Montferrat, and the Kingdom of Jerusalem (1187–1192),” içinde Atti del Congresso Internazionale ‘Dai feudi monferrini e dal Piemonte ai nuovi mondi oltre gli Oceani’, ed. Laura Balletto, (Alessandria 1993, yeni baskı içinde David Jacoby, Trade, Commodities and Shipping in the Medieval Mediterranean, Aldershot 1997, IV), ss. 187–225.
  • Jacoby, David, “The Venetian privileges in the Kingdom of Jerusalem,” içinde Montjoie, Studies in Crusade History in Honour of Hans Eberhard Mayer, ed. Benjamin Z. Kedar, Jonathan Riley-Smith and Rudolf Hiestand, (Aldershot, 1997), ss. 155–75.
  • La Monte, J.L., Feudal Monarchy in the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem, 1100 to 1291 (Cambridge, MA, 1932, Reprint New York, 1970).
  • Laiou, Angeliki E., “Byzantine trade,” in The Crusades from the perspective of Byzantium and the Muslim world, ed. Angeliki E. Laiou ve Roy Parviz Mottahedeh, (Washington, D.C., 2001), ss. 157–96.
  • Lilie, Ralph-Johannes, Handel und Politik zwischen dem byzantinischen Reich und den italienischen Kommunen Venedig, Pisa und Genua in der Epoche der Komnenen und der Angeloi 1081–1204 (Amsterdam, 1984)
  • Magdalino, Paul, “The Maritime Neigborhoods of Constantinople: Commercial and Residential Functions, Sixth to Twelfth Centuries,” Dumbarton Oaks Papers 54 (2000), 209–26.
  • Maltezou, Chrysa, “Ὁ θεσμὸς τοῦ ἐν Κωνσταντινουπόλει Βενετοῦ βαΐλου.” Doktora tezi, (Athens, 1970).
  • Maltezou, Chrysa, “Il Quartiere Veneziano di Constantinopoli,” Thesaurismata 15 (1978), 30–61. Miklosich, Franz and Joseph Müller, Acta et Diplomata Graeca Medii Aevi, 3 vol (Vienna, 1865, reprinted Aalen, 1968).
  • Mousourakis, George, Roman Law and the Origins of the Civil Law Tradition (Cham, 2015).
  • Nicholas, Barry, An Introduction to Roman Law (Oxford 1975).
  • Nystazopoulou-Pelekidou, Μaria, Documents of Patmos (Yunanca: Ἐγγραφα Πάτμου, 2. Δημοσίων Λειτουργῶν) (Athens, 1980).
  • Olivia Remie Constable, Housing the Stranger in the Mediterranean World (Cambridge, 2003).
  • Penna, Dafni, “The Byzantine Imperial Acts to Venice, Pisa and Genoa, 10th–12th Centuries. A comparative legal study.” Doktora tezi (University of Groningen, 2012a).
  • Penna, Daphne, “From ‘douloi’ to demanding negotiators: the case of the Venetians in 12th century Byzantium. An example on succession law from the chrysobull of Alexios III Angelos to Venice in 1198,” içinde the Yearbook-Epeteris of the Research Centre for the History of Greek Law of the Academy of Athens 44 (2012b–13), 209–25.
  • Penna, Daphne, “Odd Topics, Old Methods and the Cradle of the ius commune. Byzantine law and the Italian city-states,” Utrecht Law Review 13 (3) (2017a), 49–55, DOI:
  • Penna, Daphne, “Piracy and reprisal in Byzantine waters: resolving a maritime conflict between Byzantines and Genoese at the end of the twelfth century,” Comparative Legal History 5 (2017b), issue 1: Maritime Conflict Management, Diplomacy and International Law, 1100–1800, 36–52, DOI:
  • Prawer, Joshua, Crusader Institutions (Oxford, 1980). Regesten der Kaiserurkunden des oströmischen Reiches von 565–1453. 2. Teil, Regesten von 1025–1204, ed. Franz Dölger and Peter Wirth, (Munich, 1995).
  • Remie Constable, Olivia, “Funduq, Fondaco, and Khān in the Wake of Christian Commerce and Crusade,” içinde The Crusades from the Perspective of Byzantium and the Muslim World, Angeliki E. Laiou and Roy Parviz Mottahedeh, eds. (Washington, D.C., 2001), ss. 145–56.
  • Smyrlis, K., “Private property and state finances. The emperor’s right to donate his subjects’ land in the Comnenian period,” Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies, vol. 33, no. 2 (2009), 115–32.
  • Stein, Peter, Roman Law in European History (Cambridge, 2002).
  • Tantalos, Marios, “Η νομή και η προστασία της από το ύστερο ρωμαϊκό στο βυζαντινό δίκαιο.” [Possessio and its protection from late Roman to Byzantine law] Doktora tezi (Athens, 2016).
  • Urkunden zur Älteren Handels- und Staatsgeschichte der Republik Venedig, ed. Gottlieb L.Fr. Tafel and Georg M. Thomas, 2 vol (Amsterdam, 1964).
There are 40 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
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Ömer Özdemir

Publication Date June 26, 2022
Submission Date August 19, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2022 Volume: 5 Issue: 1


APA Benzer Sorunlar, Benzer Çözümler İtalyan Şehir Cumhuriyetleri ile İlgili Yasal Konularda Bizans Chrysobulları ve Haçlı Sözleşmeleri (Ö. Özdemir, Trans.). (2022). Ortaçağ Araştırmaları Dergisi, 5(1), 208-216.
AMA Benzer Sorunlar, Benzer Çözümler İtalyan Şehir Cumhuriyetleri ile İlgili Yasal Konularda Bizans Chrysobulları ve Haçlı Sözleşmeleri. OAD. June 2022;5(1):208-216.
Chicago Özdemir, Ömer, trans. “Benzer Sorunlar, Benzer Çözümler İtalyan Şehir Cumhuriyetleri Ile İlgili Yasal Konularda Bizans Chrysobulları Ve Haçlı Sözleşmeleri”. Ortaçağ Araştırmaları Dergisi 5, no. 1 (June 2022): 208-16.
EndNote (June 1, 2022) Benzer Sorunlar, Benzer Çözümler İtalyan Şehir Cumhuriyetleri ile İlgili Yasal Konularda Bizans Chrysobulları ve Haçlı Sözleşmeleri. Ortaçağ Araştırmaları Dergisi 5 1 208–216.
IEEE Ö. Özdemir, Tran., “Benzer Sorunlar, Benzer Çözümler İtalyan Şehir Cumhuriyetleri ile İlgili Yasal Konularda Bizans Chrysobulları ve Haçlı Sözleşmeleri”, OAD, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 208–216, 2022.
ISNAD , trans.Özdemir, Ömer. “Benzer Sorunlar, Benzer Çözümler İtalyan Şehir Cumhuriyetleri Ile İlgili Yasal Konularda Bizans Chrysobulları Ve Haçlı Sözleşmeleri”. Ortaçağ Araştırmaları Dergisi 5/1 (June 2022), 208-216.
JAMA Benzer Sorunlar, Benzer Çözümler İtalyan Şehir Cumhuriyetleri ile İlgili Yasal Konularda Bizans Chrysobulları ve Haçlı Sözleşmeleri. OAD. 2022;5:208–216.
MLA Özdemir, Ömer, translator. “Benzer Sorunlar, Benzer Çözümler İtalyan Şehir Cumhuriyetleri Ile İlgili Yasal Konularda Bizans Chrysobulları Ve Haçlı Sözleşmeleri”. Ortaçağ Araştırmaları Dergisi, vol. 5, no. 1, 2022, pp. 208-16.
Vancouver Benzer Sorunlar, Benzer Çözümler İtalyan Şehir Cumhuriyetleri ile İlgili Yasal Konularda Bizans Chrysobulları ve Haçlı Sözleşmeleri. OAD. 2022;5(1):208-16.

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