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Aksum Krallığı’nın Ortaya Çıkış, Yükseliş ve Yıkılışının Temel Dinamikleri

Year 2020, Volume: 2 Issue: 1, 25 - 39, 26.03.2020


Aksum Krallığı, Habeşistan ya da Etiyopya olarak bilinen coğrafyada MÖ 1000 ila MS 900’lü yıllarda hüküm sürmüş bir devlettir. Bu çalışmada krallığın doğuş, yükseliş ve çözülme evrelerini şekillendiren temel unsurlar ele alınmıştır. Bu bağlamda, Kuzeybatı Afrika Boynuzu bölgesinde oluşan tarımsal geçim rejimi ve ona bağlı olarak gelişen kentliliğin tarihsel bir miras olarak Aksum kenti ve krallığına devredilmesinin üzerinde durulmuştur. Buna ek olarak Aksum’un deniz aşırı ticarete bölgesel partner olarak eklemlenmesinin devletin zenginleşmesi üzerindeki etkisine değinilmiştir. Son olarak tarım ve ticaret odaklı güçlenme yaşayan krallığın, bu iki unsurun istikrarını sağlamak adına din, vergi ve fetih araçlarını kullandığı öne sürülmüştür.


  • AUBERT, J. J., 2011. “Trajan’s Canal: River Navigation from the Nile to the Red Sea?,” Across the Ocean: Nine Essays on Indo-Mediterrenean Trade, Ed: F. Romanis – M. Maiuro, Danvers, Brill, ss. 33 – 42.
  • BAKER, A. R. H., 2003. Geography and History: Bridging the Divide, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
  • BARD, K. A., vd., 2000. "The Environmental History of Tigray (Northern Ethiopia) in the Middle and Late Holocene: A Preliminary Outline," African Archeological Review, 17 / 2, ss. 65 - 86.
  • BEAUJARD, P., ve Fee, S., 2005. “The Indian Ocean in Eurasian and African World-Systems before the Sixteenth Century,” Journal of World History, 16 / 4, ss. 411 - 465.
  • BRAUDEL, F., 2009. History and the Social Sciences: the Longue Duree," Review (Fernand Braudel Center), 32 / 2, ss. 171 – 203.
  • BUTZER, K. W., 1981. “Rise and Fall of Axum, Ethiopia: A Geo-Archeological Interpretation,” American Antiquity, 46 / 3, ss. 471 – 495.
  • CASSON, L., 1989. Periplus Maris Erythraei, Princeton University Press, Princeton.
  • CHARLESWORTH, M. P., 1928. “Some Notes on Periplus Maris Erythraei,” The Classical Quarterly, 22 / 2, ss. 92 – 100.
  • ÇAĞATAY, N., 1957. İslamdan Önce Arap Tarihi ve Cahiliye Çağı, Ankara Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Yayınları, Ankara.
  • DIAMOND, J., 2010. Tüfek, Mikrop ve Çelik, TÜBİTAK, Ankara.
  • DURANT, W., 1950. The Age of Faith The Story of Civilization vol. 4, Simon and Schuster, New York.
  • D’ANDREA, A. C., 2008. “T'ef (Eragrostis tef) in Ancient Agricultural Systems of Highland Ethiopia,” Economic Botany, 62 / 4 (2008), ss. 547 – 566.
  • FATTOVICH, R., 2012. “The Northern Horn of Africa in the First Millenium BCE: Local Traditions and External Connections,” Rassegna di Studi Etiopici, 4, ss. 1 - 60.
  • FATTOVICH, R., 2019. “From Community to State: The Development of the Aksumite Polity (Northern Ethiopia and Eritrea) c. 400 BC – AD 800,” Journal of Archeological Research, 27 / 2, ss. 249 – 285.
  • FITZPATRICK, M. P., 2011. “Provincializing Rome: The Indian Ocean Trade Network and Roman Imperialism,” Journal of World History, 22 / 1, ss. 27 – 54.
  • HALDUN, İ., 2013. Mukaddime Cilt 1, der. Süleyman Uludağ, Dergah, İstanbul.
  • HARROWER, M. J., ve D’Andrea, A. C., 2014. “Landscapes of State Formation: Geospatial Analysis of Aksumite Settlement Patterns (Ethiopia),” The African Archeological Review, 31 / 3, ss. 513 – 541.
  • HENZE, P. B., 2000. Layers of Time: A History of Ethiopia, Palgrave Macmillan, New York.
  • INDICOPLEUSTES, C., 2010. The Christian Topography of Cosmas, An Egyptian Monk, Ed: J. W. McCrindle, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
  • KAPLAN, S., 1982. “Ezana’s Conversion Reconsidered,” Journal of Religion in Africa, 13 / 2, ss. 101 – 109.
  • KIRWAN, L. P., 1972. “An Ethiopian – Sudanese Frontier Zone in Ancient History,” The Geographical Journal, 138 / 4, ss. 457 – 465.
  • KOBISHCHANOV, I. M., 1978. “Axum”, Early State, Ed: H. J. M. Claessen – P. Skalnik, Mouton, The Hague, ss. 151 – 167.
  • KOBISHCHANOV Y., 1979. Axum, Pennsylvania State University Press, Pennsylvania.
  • LEVINE, D. N., 2000. Greater Ethiopia: The Evolution of a Multiethnic Society, University of Chicago Press, Chicago.
  • MCLAUGHLIN, R., 2010. Rome and the Distant East: Trade Routes to the Ancient Lands of Arabia, India and China, Continuum, Londra & New York.
  • MICHELS, J. W., 2017. Aksum: A Regional Perspective, iUniverse, Bloomington.
  • MUNRO-HAY, S., 1981 - 1982. “A Tyranny of Sources: The History of Aksum in its Coinage,” Northeast African Studies, 3 / 3, ss. 1 – 16.
  • MUNRO-HAY, S., 1982. “The Foreign Trade of the Aksumite Port of Adulis,” Azania: Archeological Research in Africa, 17 / 1, ss. 107 – 125.
  • MUNRO-HAY, S., 1991. “Aksumite Overseas Interests,” Northeast African Studies, 13 / 2-3, ss. 127 – 140.
  • MURPHY, D. J., 2007. People, Plants, and Genes, Oxford University Press, Oxford.
  • PHILIPS, J., 1997. “Punt and Aksum: Egypt and the Horn of Africa,” The Journal of African History, 38 / 2, s. 423 - 457.
  • PHILIPSON, D. W., 2001. “Aksum: An African Civilization in its World Contexts,” Proceedings of the British Academy, 111, ss. 23 - 59.
  • PHILIPSON, D. W., 2012. Foundations of an African Civilisation Aksum & the Northern Horn 1000 BC – AD 1300, James Currey, New York.
  • PLINY, 1961. Natural History Volume II Books III-VII, Harvard University Press, Cambridge & Massachussetts.
  • ROSEN, W., 2007. Justian’s Flea Plague, Empire and the Birth of Europe, Viking Penguin, Londra.
  • ROSTOVTZEFF, M., 1998. The Social and Economic History of the Roman Empire Volume I, Oxford University Press, Oxford.
  • RUFFINI, G., 1998. “Ethiopia and Rome: The Birth of Byzantine Religious Diplomacy,” Ex Post Facto, 7, ss. 65 – 75.
  • SELAND, E. H., 2014. “Early Christianity in East Africa and Red Sea/Indian Ocean Commerce,” The African Archeological Review, 31 / 4, ss. 637 – 647.
  • STRABO, 1930. The Geography of Strabo VII, Ed: T. E. Page, vd., William Heinemann Ltd., Londra.
  • SULAS, F., 2014. “Aksum: Water and Urbanization in Northern Ethiopia”, A History of Water Series 3 Vol 1 From Jericho to Cities in the Seas: A History of Urbanization and Water Systems, Ed: T. Tvedt - T. Ostigard, I. B. Tauris, Londra, ss. 175 – 197.
  • TABERÎ, 1991. Milletler ve Hükümdarlar Tarihi III, Millî Eğitim Bakanlığı Yayınları, İstanbul.
  • TAMRAT, T., 1968. Church and State in Ethiopia 1270-1527, Londra, University of London, Doktora Tezi, Londra.
  • WARMINGTON, E. H., 1928. The Commerce Between the Roman Empire and India, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
  • WINK, A., 2002. “From the Mediterrenean to the Indian Ocean: Medieval History in Geographic Perspective,” Comparative Studies in Society and History, 44 / 3, ss. 416 – 445.
  • YOUNG, G. K., 2001. Rome’s Eastern Trade International Commerce and Imperial Policy 31 BC – AD 305, Routledge, Londra & New York.
  • ZABCI, F., 2015. “Montesquieu: Yasaların Ruhu ve Siyasal Özgürlük,” Sokrates’ten Jakobenlere Batı’da Siyasal Düşünceler, Ed: Mehmet Ali Ağaoğulları, İletişim, İstanbul, ss. 541 – 567.

Main Dynamics of the Emergence, Rise and Collapse of Aksum Kingdom

Year 2020, Volume: 2 Issue: 1, 25 - 39, 26.03.2020


The Kingdom of Aksum is a state that ruled in the geography known as Abyssinia or Ethiopia between 1000 BC to 900 AD. In this study, the basic elements that shape the emergence, rising and collapsing phases of the kingdom are addressed. In this context, the agricultural subsistence regime in the Horn of the Northwest Africa region and the transfer of the developing urbanism as a historical heritage to the city and kingdom of Aksum is emphasized. Also, the effect of the inclusion of Aksum to the overseas trade as a regional partner on the enrichment of the state is mentioned. Finally, it is asserted that the kingdom that was strengthened by agricultural and commercial activities used the instruments of religion, taxation and invasion to stabilise those two aspects.


  • AUBERT, J. J., 2011. “Trajan’s Canal: River Navigation from the Nile to the Red Sea?,” Across the Ocean: Nine Essays on Indo-Mediterrenean Trade, Ed: F. Romanis – M. Maiuro, Danvers, Brill, ss. 33 – 42.
  • BAKER, A. R. H., 2003. Geography and History: Bridging the Divide, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
  • BARD, K. A., vd., 2000. "The Environmental History of Tigray (Northern Ethiopia) in the Middle and Late Holocene: A Preliminary Outline," African Archeological Review, 17 / 2, ss. 65 - 86.
  • BEAUJARD, P., ve Fee, S., 2005. “The Indian Ocean in Eurasian and African World-Systems before the Sixteenth Century,” Journal of World History, 16 / 4, ss. 411 - 465.
  • BRAUDEL, F., 2009. History and the Social Sciences: the Longue Duree," Review (Fernand Braudel Center), 32 / 2, ss. 171 – 203.
  • BUTZER, K. W., 1981. “Rise and Fall of Axum, Ethiopia: A Geo-Archeological Interpretation,” American Antiquity, 46 / 3, ss. 471 – 495.
  • CASSON, L., 1989. Periplus Maris Erythraei, Princeton University Press, Princeton.
  • CHARLESWORTH, M. P., 1928. “Some Notes on Periplus Maris Erythraei,” The Classical Quarterly, 22 / 2, ss. 92 – 100.
  • ÇAĞATAY, N., 1957. İslamdan Önce Arap Tarihi ve Cahiliye Çağı, Ankara Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Yayınları, Ankara.
  • DIAMOND, J., 2010. Tüfek, Mikrop ve Çelik, TÜBİTAK, Ankara.
  • DURANT, W., 1950. The Age of Faith The Story of Civilization vol. 4, Simon and Schuster, New York.
  • D’ANDREA, A. C., 2008. “T'ef (Eragrostis tef) in Ancient Agricultural Systems of Highland Ethiopia,” Economic Botany, 62 / 4 (2008), ss. 547 – 566.
  • FATTOVICH, R., 2012. “The Northern Horn of Africa in the First Millenium BCE: Local Traditions and External Connections,” Rassegna di Studi Etiopici, 4, ss. 1 - 60.
  • FATTOVICH, R., 2019. “From Community to State: The Development of the Aksumite Polity (Northern Ethiopia and Eritrea) c. 400 BC – AD 800,” Journal of Archeological Research, 27 / 2, ss. 249 – 285.
  • FITZPATRICK, M. P., 2011. “Provincializing Rome: The Indian Ocean Trade Network and Roman Imperialism,” Journal of World History, 22 / 1, ss. 27 – 54.
  • HALDUN, İ., 2013. Mukaddime Cilt 1, der. Süleyman Uludağ, Dergah, İstanbul.
  • HARROWER, M. J., ve D’Andrea, A. C., 2014. “Landscapes of State Formation: Geospatial Analysis of Aksumite Settlement Patterns (Ethiopia),” The African Archeological Review, 31 / 3, ss. 513 – 541.
  • HENZE, P. B., 2000. Layers of Time: A History of Ethiopia, Palgrave Macmillan, New York.
  • INDICOPLEUSTES, C., 2010. The Christian Topography of Cosmas, An Egyptian Monk, Ed: J. W. McCrindle, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
  • KAPLAN, S., 1982. “Ezana’s Conversion Reconsidered,” Journal of Religion in Africa, 13 / 2, ss. 101 – 109.
  • KIRWAN, L. P., 1972. “An Ethiopian – Sudanese Frontier Zone in Ancient History,” The Geographical Journal, 138 / 4, ss. 457 – 465.
  • KOBISHCHANOV, I. M., 1978. “Axum”, Early State, Ed: H. J. M. Claessen – P. Skalnik, Mouton, The Hague, ss. 151 – 167.
  • KOBISHCHANOV Y., 1979. Axum, Pennsylvania State University Press, Pennsylvania.
  • LEVINE, D. N., 2000. Greater Ethiopia: The Evolution of a Multiethnic Society, University of Chicago Press, Chicago.
  • MCLAUGHLIN, R., 2010. Rome and the Distant East: Trade Routes to the Ancient Lands of Arabia, India and China, Continuum, Londra & New York.
  • MICHELS, J. W., 2017. Aksum: A Regional Perspective, iUniverse, Bloomington.
  • MUNRO-HAY, S., 1981 - 1982. “A Tyranny of Sources: The History of Aksum in its Coinage,” Northeast African Studies, 3 / 3, ss. 1 – 16.
  • MUNRO-HAY, S., 1982. “The Foreign Trade of the Aksumite Port of Adulis,” Azania: Archeological Research in Africa, 17 / 1, ss. 107 – 125.
  • MUNRO-HAY, S., 1991. “Aksumite Overseas Interests,” Northeast African Studies, 13 / 2-3, ss. 127 – 140.
  • MURPHY, D. J., 2007. People, Plants, and Genes, Oxford University Press, Oxford.
  • PHILIPS, J., 1997. “Punt and Aksum: Egypt and the Horn of Africa,” The Journal of African History, 38 / 2, s. 423 - 457.
  • PHILIPSON, D. W., 2001. “Aksum: An African Civilization in its World Contexts,” Proceedings of the British Academy, 111, ss. 23 - 59.
  • PHILIPSON, D. W., 2012. Foundations of an African Civilisation Aksum & the Northern Horn 1000 BC – AD 1300, James Currey, New York.
  • PLINY, 1961. Natural History Volume II Books III-VII, Harvard University Press, Cambridge & Massachussetts.
  • ROSEN, W., 2007. Justian’s Flea Plague, Empire and the Birth of Europe, Viking Penguin, Londra.
  • ROSTOVTZEFF, M., 1998. The Social and Economic History of the Roman Empire Volume I, Oxford University Press, Oxford.
  • RUFFINI, G., 1998. “Ethiopia and Rome: The Birth of Byzantine Religious Diplomacy,” Ex Post Facto, 7, ss. 65 – 75.
  • SELAND, E. H., 2014. “Early Christianity in East Africa and Red Sea/Indian Ocean Commerce,” The African Archeological Review, 31 / 4, ss. 637 – 647.
  • STRABO, 1930. The Geography of Strabo VII, Ed: T. E. Page, vd., William Heinemann Ltd., Londra.
  • SULAS, F., 2014. “Aksum: Water and Urbanization in Northern Ethiopia”, A History of Water Series 3 Vol 1 From Jericho to Cities in the Seas: A History of Urbanization and Water Systems, Ed: T. Tvedt - T. Ostigard, I. B. Tauris, Londra, ss. 175 – 197.
  • TABERÎ, 1991. Milletler ve Hükümdarlar Tarihi III, Millî Eğitim Bakanlığı Yayınları, İstanbul.
  • TAMRAT, T., 1968. Church and State in Ethiopia 1270-1527, Londra, University of London, Doktora Tezi, Londra.
  • WARMINGTON, E. H., 1928. The Commerce Between the Roman Empire and India, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
  • WINK, A., 2002. “From the Mediterrenean to the Indian Ocean: Medieval History in Geographic Perspective,” Comparative Studies in Society and History, 44 / 3, ss. 416 – 445.
  • YOUNG, G. K., 2001. Rome’s Eastern Trade International Commerce and Imperial Policy 31 BC – AD 305, Routledge, Londra & New York.
  • ZABCI, F., 2015. “Montesquieu: Yasaların Ruhu ve Siyasal Özgürlük,” Sokrates’ten Jakobenlere Batı’da Siyasal Düşünceler, Ed: Mehmet Ali Ağaoğulları, İletişim, İstanbul, ss. 541 – 567.
There are 46 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Articles

Ahmet Göksel Uluer 0000-0003-2528-2780

Publication Date March 26, 2020
Submission Date January 9, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020 Volume: 2 Issue: 1


APA Uluer, A. G. (2020). Aksum Krallığı’nın Ortaya Çıkış, Yükseliş ve Yıkılışının Temel Dinamikleri. OANNES - International Journal of Ancient History, 2(1), 25-39.
AMA Uluer AG. Aksum Krallığı’nın Ortaya Çıkış, Yükseliş ve Yıkılışının Temel Dinamikleri. OANNES. March 2020;2(1):25-39.
Chicago Uluer, Ahmet Göksel. “Aksum Krallığı’nın Ortaya Çıkış, Yükseliş Ve Yıkılışının Temel Dinamikleri”. OANNES - International Journal of Ancient History 2, no. 1 (March 2020): 25-39.
EndNote Uluer AG (March 1, 2020) Aksum Krallığı’nın Ortaya Çıkış, Yükseliş ve Yıkılışının Temel Dinamikleri. OANNES - International Journal of Ancient History 2 1 25–39.
IEEE A. G. Uluer, “Aksum Krallığı’nın Ortaya Çıkış, Yükseliş ve Yıkılışının Temel Dinamikleri”, OANNES, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 25–39, 2020.
ISNAD Uluer, Ahmet Göksel. “Aksum Krallığı’nın Ortaya Çıkış, Yükseliş Ve Yıkılışının Temel Dinamikleri”. OANNES - International Journal of Ancient History 2/1 (March 2020), 25-39.
JAMA Uluer AG. Aksum Krallığı’nın Ortaya Çıkış, Yükseliş ve Yıkılışının Temel Dinamikleri. OANNES. 2020;2:25–39.
MLA Uluer, Ahmet Göksel. “Aksum Krallığı’nın Ortaya Çıkış, Yükseliş Ve Yıkılışının Temel Dinamikleri”. OANNES - International Journal of Ancient History, vol. 2, no. 1, 2020, pp. 25-39.
Vancouver Uluer AG. Aksum Krallığı’nın Ortaya Çıkış, Yükseliş ve Yıkılışının Temel Dinamikleri. OANNES. 2020;2(1):25-39.

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