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Kitleleri ve Şahısları Yönlendirmenin Hukuk Dışı Pratik Bir Aygıtı Olarak "Linç Kültürü": Antik Roma (Cumhuriyet Dönemi) Örneği

Year 2022, Volume: 4 Issue: 2, 467 - 486, 20.09.2022


Modern toplumlarda örneklerine sıkça şahit olduğumuz, kişisel ya da politik nedenlerle, fiziksel ve sözlü bir surette hedefteki şahıs ve gruplara yönelmiş olan linç hareketleri, tarih boyunca birçok farklı toplum ve kültürlerde de sıkça uygulanagelen yöntemler olmuştur. Bu tarz uygulamalar ile hedefteki kişi ve grupları yok etmek veya sosyal yönden sindirmek amacı güdülmüş, halkın, siyasi grupların ve hatta devletle ilişkili kişi ve kurumların, belirlenmiş olan kanun sınırlarının dışına taşarak, kendi adaletlerini uygulamalarının ya da siyasi amaçlarını sağlamalarının kestirme bir yolu olarak ortaya çıkmıştır. Toplumun koymuş olduğu normlara uymayan kişileri veya politik rakipleri linç etmek ve gözdağı vermek, Cumhuriyet Dönemi Roma’sı (Res Publica) için de özellikle devlet destekli politik şiddetin kökeninde yatan önemli bir etmen olmuştur. Günümüz bakış açısı ile ilkel ve zalimce uygulamalar olarak addedebileceğimiz bu yöntemler, antik Roma’da birçok hallerde yasal kanallara yönlendirilmiş veya atalardan kalan adetler (mos maiorum) gereği çoğu hallerde toplum katmanlarınca ve hatta resmi kurumlarca dahi kabul görmüştür.


  • APPIANOS, 1964. Historia Romana (Appian’s Roman History-Civil Wars). (Translated by H. White). London.
  • ASCONIUS, 1990. Commentaries on Five Speeches of Cicero. (General Ed. J. H. Betts And Bolchazy). (Translated by S. Squires). U.K: Bristol Classical Press - U.S.A: Carducci Publishers.
  • CATULLUS, 1921. Poems of Gaius Valerius Catullus. (Translated by F.W. Cornish). William Heinemann Ltd.- New York: G.P. Putnam’s Sons. London: Loeb Classical Library.
  • CICERO, 1891. De Domo Sua (On His House), The Orations of Marcus Tullius Cicero. (Translated by C. D. Yonge). London: George Bell & Sons, York Street, Covent Garden.
  • CICERO, 1931 In L. Calpurnium Pisonem Oratio (The Speech Against Lucius Calpurnius Piso). (Translated by N.H. Watts). London-Newyork: Loeb Classical Library.
  • CICERO, 1952. Epistulae ad Familiares (Letters to His Friends). (Translated by W. G. Williams). In Three Volumes, Vol I. London – Massachusets: William Heinemann Ltd., Harvard University Press, Loeb Classical Library.
  • CICERO, 1958. Epistulae ad Familiares (Letters to His Friends). (Translated by W. G. Williams) In Three Volumes, Vol. II. London – Massachusets: William Heinemann Ltd., Harvard University Press, Loeb Classical Library.
  • CICERO, 1960. In Verrem, The Verrine Orations, (Translated by L. H. G Greenwood). London: Loeb Classical Library.
  • CICERO, 1960. Oratio Pro Sestio, The Speeches pro Sestio and in Vatinium, (Translated by R. Gardner). London: Loeb Classical Library.
  • CICERO, 1977. De Re Publica (On the Republic), (Translated by C. W. Keyes). London – Massachusets: William Heinemann Ltd. - Harvard University Press.
  • DIO CASSIUS, 1970. Rhomaika (Dio’s Roman History). (Translation by E. Cary). London: Loeb Classical Library.
  • FLORUS L. A., 1947. Epitome of Roman History, (Translated by. E. S. Forster). London – Massachusets: William Heinemann Ltd., Harvard University Press, Loeb Classical Library.
  • GELLIUS, A., 1927. Noctes Atticae (The Attic Nights). (Translated by J. C. Rolfe) Cambridge- Massachusetts: Harvard University Press.
  • HERODOTOS, 2006. Historiai (Herodotos Tarihi). (Çev. M. Ökmen). İstanbul: Türkiye İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları.
  • LIVIUS, T., Ab Urbe Condita. Vol. I-XIII (Translated by E. T. Sage). LOEB.
  • LIVIUS, T., Ab Urbe Condita, Vol. I-XIV (Translated by B.O. Foster). LOEB.
  • LIVIUS, T., 1999. Roma Tarihi (Ab Urbe Condita). (Çev. S. Şenbark). İstanbul: Arkeoloji ve Sanat Yayınları.
  • MACROBIUS, 2011. Saturnalia, Volume I, Books I-II. (Ed. and Translated by R. A. Kaster)., Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press - Loeb Classical Library.
  • OVIDIUS, 1989. Fasti. In Six Volumes. (Translated by J. G. Frazer). London: William Heinemann Ltd.
  • PATERCULUS, V. 1961. Historiae Romanae (Compendium Of Roman History). (Translated by F. W. Shipley). Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press. London: William Heinemann Ltd.
  • PHILO, 1985. Flaccus (In Flaccum). In Ten Vol. IX-X. (Translated by. F.H. Colson). Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press. London: William Heinemann Ltd.
  • PLAUTUS, 1924. Mostellaria or Haunted House, Vol. 3-5. (Translated by P. Nixon). London: William Heinemann, Ltd.
  • PLAUTUS, 1980. Pseudolus or The Cheat, Vol. 4-5. (Translated by P. Nixon). London: William Heinemann, Ltd.
  • PLUTARKHOS, Plutarch’s Lives. (Translated by B. Perrin). In X Vol. LOEB.
  • PLUTARKHOS, 2001. Gracchus Kardeşler, (Çev. Sema SANDALCI), İstanbul: Belge Yayınları.
  • POLYBIUS, 1922. Histories. (Translated by W.R. Paton). In Six Vol. London: William Heinemann Ltd.
  • SENECA (Minor), 1928. De Clementia, (Ed. by. T.E. Page). (Translated by. J V. Basore). Vol. I-3. London: William Heinemann, Ltd. Loeb Classical Library.
  • SUETONIUS, 1914. De Vita Caesarum (Lives of the Caesars). (Translated by J. C. Rolfe). Two Vol. London: William Heinemann Ltd.
  • XENOPHON, 1980. Anabasis. (Translated by C. L. Brownson) Massachusetts: Harward University Press. Loeb Classical Library.
  • AYDOĞDU, M., 2016. "Roma Hukukunda Toprak Sistemi ve Tarım Reformu Girişimleri", Prof. Dr. Cevdet Yavuz'a Armağan, Cilt I, Marmara Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Hukuk Araştırmaları Dergisi,: 3 (22), 375-379.
  • AYİTER, K., 1958 “Roma Ceza Hukukunda Quaestìones Perpetuae ve Cognitio Extra Ordinem”, Ahmet Esat Arsebük’e Armağan, Ankara Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Yayınları: 124. Ankara: Güzel İstanbul Matbaası, 339-368.
  • BAUMAN, R A., 2003. Human Rights in Ancient Rome. London: Routledge.
  • BERGER, A., 1953. Encyclopedic Dictionary of Roman Law. Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society.
  • BOREN, H. C., 1961. "Tiberius Gracchus: The Opposition View". The American Journal of Philology, 82(4), 358-369.
  • CORBEILL, A., 2015. Controlling Laughter: Political Humor in the Late Roman Republic. New Jersey: Princeton University Press.
  • CHRISSANTHOS, S.G., 1999. Mutiny In The Roman Army, Doktora Tezi. University of South California.
  • CRAWFORD, M.H., 1985. Coinage And Money Under The Roman Republic. University of California Press.
  • DINTER, M. T. - GUÉRIN, C. - MARTINHO, M., (Eds) 2016. Reading Roman Declamation, The Declamations Ascribed To Quintilian. Göttingen: De Gruyter.
  • FRIER, B. W. - MCGINN, T.A.J. 2004. A Casebook on Roman Family Law. New York: American Philological Association, Oxford University Press.
  • GRAF, F., 2005. “Satire in a Ritual Context”. (Ed. Kirk Freudenburg). The Cambridge Companion to Roman Satire. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 192-206.
  • HARRIS, W. V., 1986. “The Roman Father’s Power of Life and Death”, Studies in Roman Law: In Memory of A.Arthur Schiller. (Ed. R. S. Bagnall- W. V. Harris). Leiden: E.J.Brill, 81-95.
  • HAYNE, L., 1981. "The Condemnation of Sp. Postumius Albinus", Acta Classica. 24.
  • LAES, C., 2018. Disabilities and the Disabled in the Roman World; A Social and Cultural History, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • LEMPRIERE, J., (1822). A Classiacal Dictionary. Third American Edition. Philadelphia: James Crissy.
  • LEWIS, C. T. - SHORT, C., 1891. A New Latin Dictionary. (Ed. E.A. Andrews, Revised, Enlarged and in Great Part Rewritten by Charlton T.Lewis and Charles Short). New York: Harper and Brothers- Oxford: Clarendon Press.
  • LINTOTT, A. W., 1968. Violence in Republican Rome. Great Britain: Oxford University Press.
  • MACKENZIE, T., 1870. Studies in Roman Law with Comparative Views of the Laws of France, England and Scotland. Edinburgh and London.
  • MOMMSEN, T., 1899. Römisches Strafrech. Leipzig: Verlag von Duncer und Humblot.
  • PEASE, A. S., 1907. "Stoning among the Greeks and Romans", Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. The Johns Hopkins University Press, 38, 5-18.
  • PLESCIA, J., 2001. “Judicial Accountability and Immunity in Roman Law,”. The American Journal of Legal History, 45(1), 51-70.
  • ROBERT, T - BROUGHTON, S., 1951. The Magistrates Of The Roman Republic. New York: The American Philological Association.
  • SANTANGELO, F., 2007. Sulla, the Elites and the Empire; A Study of Roman Policies in Italy and the Greek East. Leiden-Boston: Brill.
  • SCULLARD, H. H., 2010. From The Gracchi To Nero. London and New York: Routledge.
  • SMITH, W. (Ed.) 1870. A Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology. In Three Volumes. Boston: Little Brown and Company.
  • STEEL, C., 2013. The End of the Roman Republic, 146 to 44 BC, Conquest and Crisis. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
  • TARWACKA, A., 2013. “Cascellius and the Aedilician Edict on Throwing Fruit into the Arena”. Rivista Internazionale di Scienze Giuridiche e Tradizione Romana, 12(11), 5-14.
  • TÜRKOĞLU, H. G., 2011. “Roma Hukukunda Humanitas ile Maiestas Populi Romani Arasındaki. Bağlantı”, Türkiye Barolar Birliği Dergisi, 24(96).
  • TÜRKOĞLU, H.G., 2017. Roma Hukuku’nda Suç ve Ceza. Ankara: Seçkin Yayınları.
  • WILSON, A. - BOWMAN, A. K., 2018. Trade, Commerce And The State In The Roman World, Oxford University Press.

“Lynch Culture” as an Unlawful Practical Tool of Directing Masses and Individuals: Ancient Rome (Republican Period) Example

Year 2022, Volume: 4 Issue: 2, 467 - 486, 20.09.2022


The lynching movements, which are often seen in modern societies, for personal and political reasons, oriented towards individuals and groups physically or verbally, have been known in various societies and cultures throughout history. These kinds of practices, aimed at destroying or socially intimidating people and groups in the target, have emerged as a different but effective way for people and political groups to go beyond the boundaries of the defined law to provide their justice or political goals. Looting and intimidation of people or political rivals who do not comply with the norms set by society has been an essential factor in the Roman Empire of the Republican Period. It can be seen that these methods, which can be considered as primitive and cruel practices with a contemporary perspective, were referred to legal channels in ancient Rome in many cases or were accepted by the community layers and even by official institutions due to established practices (mos maiorum).


  • APPIANOS, 1964. Historia Romana (Appian’s Roman History-Civil Wars). (Translated by H. White). London.
  • ASCONIUS, 1990. Commentaries on Five Speeches of Cicero. (General Ed. J. H. Betts And Bolchazy). (Translated by S. Squires). U.K: Bristol Classical Press - U.S.A: Carducci Publishers.
  • CATULLUS, 1921. Poems of Gaius Valerius Catullus. (Translated by F.W. Cornish). William Heinemann Ltd.- New York: G.P. Putnam’s Sons. London: Loeb Classical Library.
  • CICERO, 1891. De Domo Sua (On His House), The Orations of Marcus Tullius Cicero. (Translated by C. D. Yonge). London: George Bell & Sons, York Street, Covent Garden.
  • CICERO, 1931 In L. Calpurnium Pisonem Oratio (The Speech Against Lucius Calpurnius Piso). (Translated by N.H. Watts). London-Newyork: Loeb Classical Library.
  • CICERO, 1952. Epistulae ad Familiares (Letters to His Friends). (Translated by W. G. Williams). In Three Volumes, Vol I. London – Massachusets: William Heinemann Ltd., Harvard University Press, Loeb Classical Library.
  • CICERO, 1958. Epistulae ad Familiares (Letters to His Friends). (Translated by W. G. Williams) In Three Volumes, Vol. II. London – Massachusets: William Heinemann Ltd., Harvard University Press, Loeb Classical Library.
  • CICERO, 1960. In Verrem, The Verrine Orations, (Translated by L. H. G Greenwood). London: Loeb Classical Library.
  • CICERO, 1960. Oratio Pro Sestio, The Speeches pro Sestio and in Vatinium, (Translated by R. Gardner). London: Loeb Classical Library.
  • CICERO, 1977. De Re Publica (On the Republic), (Translated by C. W. Keyes). London – Massachusets: William Heinemann Ltd. - Harvard University Press.
  • DIO CASSIUS, 1970. Rhomaika (Dio’s Roman History). (Translation by E. Cary). London: Loeb Classical Library.
  • FLORUS L. A., 1947. Epitome of Roman History, (Translated by. E. S. Forster). London – Massachusets: William Heinemann Ltd., Harvard University Press, Loeb Classical Library.
  • GELLIUS, A., 1927. Noctes Atticae (The Attic Nights). (Translated by J. C. Rolfe) Cambridge- Massachusetts: Harvard University Press.
  • HERODOTOS, 2006. Historiai (Herodotos Tarihi). (Çev. M. Ökmen). İstanbul: Türkiye İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları.
  • LIVIUS, T., Ab Urbe Condita. Vol. I-XIII (Translated by E. T. Sage). LOEB.
  • LIVIUS, T., Ab Urbe Condita, Vol. I-XIV (Translated by B.O. Foster). LOEB.
  • LIVIUS, T., 1999. Roma Tarihi (Ab Urbe Condita). (Çev. S. Şenbark). İstanbul: Arkeoloji ve Sanat Yayınları.
  • MACROBIUS, 2011. Saturnalia, Volume I, Books I-II. (Ed. and Translated by R. A. Kaster)., Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press - Loeb Classical Library.
  • OVIDIUS, 1989. Fasti. In Six Volumes. (Translated by J. G. Frazer). London: William Heinemann Ltd.
  • PATERCULUS, V. 1961. Historiae Romanae (Compendium Of Roman History). (Translated by F. W. Shipley). Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press. London: William Heinemann Ltd.
  • PHILO, 1985. Flaccus (In Flaccum). In Ten Vol. IX-X. (Translated by. F.H. Colson). Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press. London: William Heinemann Ltd.
  • PLAUTUS, 1924. Mostellaria or Haunted House, Vol. 3-5. (Translated by P. Nixon). London: William Heinemann, Ltd.
  • PLAUTUS, 1980. Pseudolus or The Cheat, Vol. 4-5. (Translated by P. Nixon). London: William Heinemann, Ltd.
  • PLUTARKHOS, Plutarch’s Lives. (Translated by B. Perrin). In X Vol. LOEB.
  • PLUTARKHOS, 2001. Gracchus Kardeşler, (Çev. Sema SANDALCI), İstanbul: Belge Yayınları.
  • POLYBIUS, 1922. Histories. (Translated by W.R. Paton). In Six Vol. London: William Heinemann Ltd.
  • SENECA (Minor), 1928. De Clementia, (Ed. by. T.E. Page). (Translated by. J V. Basore). Vol. I-3. London: William Heinemann, Ltd. Loeb Classical Library.
  • SUETONIUS, 1914. De Vita Caesarum (Lives of the Caesars). (Translated by J. C. Rolfe). Two Vol. London: William Heinemann Ltd.
  • XENOPHON, 1980. Anabasis. (Translated by C. L. Brownson) Massachusetts: Harward University Press. Loeb Classical Library.
  • AYDOĞDU, M., 2016. "Roma Hukukunda Toprak Sistemi ve Tarım Reformu Girişimleri", Prof. Dr. Cevdet Yavuz'a Armağan, Cilt I, Marmara Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Hukuk Araştırmaları Dergisi,: 3 (22), 375-379.
  • AYİTER, K., 1958 “Roma Ceza Hukukunda Quaestìones Perpetuae ve Cognitio Extra Ordinem”, Ahmet Esat Arsebük’e Armağan, Ankara Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Yayınları: 124. Ankara: Güzel İstanbul Matbaası, 339-368.
  • BAUMAN, R A., 2003. Human Rights in Ancient Rome. London: Routledge.
  • BERGER, A., 1953. Encyclopedic Dictionary of Roman Law. Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society.
  • BOREN, H. C., 1961. "Tiberius Gracchus: The Opposition View". The American Journal of Philology, 82(4), 358-369.
  • CORBEILL, A., 2015. Controlling Laughter: Political Humor in the Late Roman Republic. New Jersey: Princeton University Press.
  • CHRISSANTHOS, S.G., 1999. Mutiny In The Roman Army, Doktora Tezi. University of South California.
  • CRAWFORD, M.H., 1985. Coinage And Money Under The Roman Republic. University of California Press.
  • DINTER, M. T. - GUÉRIN, C. - MARTINHO, M., (Eds) 2016. Reading Roman Declamation, The Declamations Ascribed To Quintilian. Göttingen: De Gruyter.
  • FRIER, B. W. - MCGINN, T.A.J. 2004. A Casebook on Roman Family Law. New York: American Philological Association, Oxford University Press.
  • GRAF, F., 2005. “Satire in a Ritual Context”. (Ed. Kirk Freudenburg). The Cambridge Companion to Roman Satire. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 192-206.
  • HARRIS, W. V., 1986. “The Roman Father’s Power of Life and Death”, Studies in Roman Law: In Memory of A.Arthur Schiller. (Ed. R. S. Bagnall- W. V. Harris). Leiden: E.J.Brill, 81-95.
  • HAYNE, L., 1981. "The Condemnation of Sp. Postumius Albinus", Acta Classica. 24.
  • LAES, C., 2018. Disabilities and the Disabled in the Roman World; A Social and Cultural History, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • LEMPRIERE, J., (1822). A Classiacal Dictionary. Third American Edition. Philadelphia: James Crissy.
  • LEWIS, C. T. - SHORT, C., 1891. A New Latin Dictionary. (Ed. E.A. Andrews, Revised, Enlarged and in Great Part Rewritten by Charlton T.Lewis and Charles Short). New York: Harper and Brothers- Oxford: Clarendon Press.
  • LINTOTT, A. W., 1968. Violence in Republican Rome. Great Britain: Oxford University Press.
  • MACKENZIE, T., 1870. Studies in Roman Law with Comparative Views of the Laws of France, England and Scotland. Edinburgh and London.
  • MOMMSEN, T., 1899. Römisches Strafrech. Leipzig: Verlag von Duncer und Humblot.
  • PEASE, A. S., 1907. "Stoning among the Greeks and Romans", Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. The Johns Hopkins University Press, 38, 5-18.
  • PLESCIA, J., 2001. “Judicial Accountability and Immunity in Roman Law,”. The American Journal of Legal History, 45(1), 51-70.
  • ROBERT, T - BROUGHTON, S., 1951. The Magistrates Of The Roman Republic. New York: The American Philological Association.
  • SANTANGELO, F., 2007. Sulla, the Elites and the Empire; A Study of Roman Policies in Italy and the Greek East. Leiden-Boston: Brill.
  • SCULLARD, H. H., 2010. From The Gracchi To Nero. London and New York: Routledge.
  • SMITH, W. (Ed.) 1870. A Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology. In Three Volumes. Boston: Little Brown and Company.
  • STEEL, C., 2013. The End of the Roman Republic, 146 to 44 BC, Conquest and Crisis. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
  • TARWACKA, A., 2013. “Cascellius and the Aedilician Edict on Throwing Fruit into the Arena”. Rivista Internazionale di Scienze Giuridiche e Tradizione Romana, 12(11), 5-14.
  • TÜRKOĞLU, H. G., 2011. “Roma Hukukunda Humanitas ile Maiestas Populi Romani Arasındaki. Bağlantı”, Türkiye Barolar Birliği Dergisi, 24(96).
  • TÜRKOĞLU, H.G., 2017. Roma Hukuku’nda Suç ve Ceza. Ankara: Seçkin Yayınları.
  • WILSON, A. - BOWMAN, A. K., 2018. Trade, Commerce And The State In The Roman World, Oxford University Press.
There are 59 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Articles

Onur Günday 0000-0003-0298-6187

Early Pub Date September 17, 2022
Publication Date September 20, 2022
Submission Date April 22, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022 Volume: 4 Issue: 2


APA Günday, O. (2022). Kitleleri ve Şahısları Yönlendirmenin Hukuk Dışı Pratik Bir Aygıtı Olarak "Linç Kültürü": Antik Roma (Cumhuriyet Dönemi) Örneği. OANNES - International Journal of Ancient History, 4(2), 467-486.
AMA Günday O. Kitleleri ve Şahısları Yönlendirmenin Hukuk Dışı Pratik Bir Aygıtı Olarak "Linç Kültürü": Antik Roma (Cumhuriyet Dönemi) Örneği. OANNES. September 2022;4(2):467-486. doi:10.33469/oannes.1107702
Chicago Günday, Onur. “Kitleleri Ve Şahısları Yönlendirmenin Hukuk Dışı Pratik Bir Aygıtı Olarak ‘Linç Kültürü’: Antik Roma (Cumhuriyet Dönemi) Örneği”. OANNES - International Journal of Ancient History 4, no. 2 (September 2022): 467-86.
EndNote Günday O (September 1, 2022) Kitleleri ve Şahısları Yönlendirmenin Hukuk Dışı Pratik Bir Aygıtı Olarak "Linç Kültürü": Antik Roma (Cumhuriyet Dönemi) Örneği. OANNES - International Journal of Ancient History 4 2 467–486.
IEEE O. Günday, “Kitleleri ve Şahısları Yönlendirmenin Hukuk Dışı Pratik Bir Aygıtı Olarak ‘Linç Kültürü’: Antik Roma (Cumhuriyet Dönemi) Örneği”, OANNES, vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 467–486, 2022, doi: 10.33469/oannes.1107702.
ISNAD Günday, Onur. “Kitleleri Ve Şahısları Yönlendirmenin Hukuk Dışı Pratik Bir Aygıtı Olarak ‘Linç Kültürü’: Antik Roma (Cumhuriyet Dönemi) Örneği”. OANNES - International Journal of Ancient History 4/2 (September 2022), 467-486.
JAMA Günday O. Kitleleri ve Şahısları Yönlendirmenin Hukuk Dışı Pratik Bir Aygıtı Olarak "Linç Kültürü": Antik Roma (Cumhuriyet Dönemi) Örneği. OANNES. 2022;4:467–486.
MLA Günday, Onur. “Kitleleri Ve Şahısları Yönlendirmenin Hukuk Dışı Pratik Bir Aygıtı Olarak ‘Linç Kültürü’: Antik Roma (Cumhuriyet Dönemi) Örneği”. OANNES - International Journal of Ancient History, vol. 4, no. 2, 2022, pp. 467-86, doi:10.33469/oannes.1107702.
Vancouver Günday O. Kitleleri ve Şahısları Yönlendirmenin Hukuk Dışı Pratik Bir Aygıtı Olarak "Linç Kültürü": Antik Roma (Cumhuriyet Dönemi) Örneği. OANNES. 2022;4(2):467-86.

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