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Tornalamada Ortogonal Kesme İçin Tırlama Titreşimi Ve Kararlılığın Lineer Analizi

Year 2006, Volume: 19 Issue: 2, 89 - 108, 31.12.2006


 Takım tezgahlarında maksimum talaş kaldırma hızının artırılması, yüksek talaş genişliği ve işleme hızları gerektirmektedir. Bu gereksinimlerin aşırı zorlanması ise, kesme hızının değişimine neden olarak titreşim meydana getirir. Bu durum ise düşük parça işleme hassasiyeti, yüksek işleme kuvvetleri ve aşınma gibi bir çok problemlere sebep olmaktadır. Kesici takım ve iş parçası arasındaki dinamik etkileşimden dolayı kendi kendini besleyen tırlama titreşimi meydana gelmektedir. Bu çalışmada, tornalamada ortogonal kesme için tırlama tahmini yapılmıştır. Bir serbestlik dereceli kesme modelinin lineer analizi yapılarak kararlılığı analitik olarak incelenmiştir. Sistemin lineer analizi, yönlendirilmiş transfer fonksiyonu (OTF) ve τ dekompozisyon formlarının Nyquist kriterine uygulanmasıyla yapılmıştır. Her iki yaklaşımdan elde edilen tırlama frekansı tahminleri, modal analizle elde edilen sonuçlarla ve kesme testleriyle karşılaştırılmıştır. Her iki f


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  • [8] Landers, R.G., Ulsoy, A.G., “Chatter Analysis of Machining Systems with Nonlinear Force Processes”, ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, 17-22 November 1996, Atlanta, Georgia, DSC Vol. 58, pp.183-190.
  • [9] Nosyreva, E.P., Molinari, A., “Nonlinear Analysis of Chatter in Orthogonal Cutting”, Dynamics of rigid or flexible systems, C.R. Acad. Sci.t. 325, Serie II b, pp. 435-442, Paris, 1997.
  • [10] Landers, R.G., Lu, Y–W., “Stability Analysis of Nonlinear Machining Force Controllers”, American Control Conference, 2-4 June 1999, San Diego, California, pp.678–683.
  • [11] Xiao, M., Karube, S., at all, “Analysis of Chatter Suppression in Vibration Cutting”, International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture, Vol. 42, pp.1677–1685, 2002.
  • [12] O’Reilly, T., “The Effect of Variable Delay Length on Stability in Ortogonal Cutting”, Machine Dynamics Research Lab.,Master of Science, The Pennsylvania State University, Mechanical Engineering, May 1998.
  • 13] Lagö, T.L., Sven Olsson, S., at all., “Performance of A Chatter Control System for Turning and Boring Applications”, 4 th GRACM Congress on Computational Mechanics, 27-29 June 2002, Patras.
  • [14] Altintas, Y. and Budak, E., “Analytical Prediction of Stability Lobes in Milling”, Annals of the CIRP, Vol. 44/1, pp.357- 362, 1995.
  • [15] Olgac, N., Hosek, M., “A New Perspective and Analysis for Regenerative Machine Tool Chatter”, International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture, Vol. 38, pp.783–798, 1998.
  • [16] Budak, E., “An Analytical Design Method for Milling Cutters with Nonconstant Pitch to Increase Stability, Part I: Theory”, Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Transactions of the ASME, Vol. 125, pp.29-34, 2003.
  • [17] Budak, E., “An Analytical Design Method for Milling Cutters with Nonconstant Pitch to Increase Stability, Part II: Application”, Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Transactions of the ASME , Vol. 125, pp.35-38, 2003.
  • [18] Pan, J., Su, C-Y., “Chatter Suppression with Adaptive Control in Turning Metal Via Application of Piezoactuator”, Proceedings of The 40th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, December 2001, Orlando, Florida USA.
  • [19] Dohner, J.L., Lauffer, J.P., at all., “Mitigation of Chatter Instabilities in Milling by Active Structural Control”, Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol. 269, pp.197-211, 2003.

Lınear Analysıs Of Chatter Vıbratıon And Stabılıty For Orthogonal Cuttıng In Turnın

Year 2006, Volume: 19 Issue: 2, 89 - 108, 31.12.2006


Increasing of the Maximum Metal Removal Rate (MMRR) in machine tools requires high metal removing widths  and machining speeds. Rigorous forcing of these two conditions cause changes in the cutting speed which result in cutting tool vibrations. This phenomenon leads to such problems as detrimental effects on the machined surface finish, decreasing of the machining efficiency, adverse effects on the work surface finish, high machining forces, tool wear and, shortening of the tool life. Due to dynamic interactions between cutting tool and workpiece, self-excited chatter vibration occurs. In the current study, chatter prediction was made for orthogonal cutting in turning operations. A linear analysis of the Single Degree of Freedom (SDOF) model was performed by applying Oriented Transfer Function (OTF) and τ decomposition forms to Nyquist criteria. Chatter frequency predictions obtained from both approaches were compared to the results obtained from modal analysis and cutting tests. The required computer programs  were written by using MATLAB


  • [1] Altıntaş, Y., Manufacturing Automation; Metal Cutting Mechanics, Machine Tool Vibrations and CNC Design”, Cambridge Üniversity Press, 2000.
  • [2] Tlusty, G., “Manufacturing Processes and Equipment”, Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 2000.
  • [3] Leigh, E., Tlusty, J., Schueller, J., “Applying High-Speed Machining Techniques on Rotor Grip Configurations, American Helicopter Society 55th Annual Forum”, 25-27 May 1999, Canada.
  • [4] Badrawy, S., “Cutting Dynamics of High Speed Machining”, Wolf Tracks, Vol. 8, Issue 1, 2001.
  • [5] Davies, M.A., Burns, T.J., Schmitz, T.L., “High-Speed Machining Processes: Dynamics on Multiple Scales”.Dynamics and Control of Mechanical Processing Proceedings of the Workshop Organized by Working Group 2 "Nonlinear Dynamics and Control" in COST Action P4, Budapest, 1999, Technical University of Budapest, pp. 7-19.
  • [6] Koelsch, J.,R., “High-Speed Machining: A Strategic Weapon”, Machine Shop Guide Web Archive, November 2001. [7] Taşkesen, A., Ercan, Y., “Dik Kesme İşlemi sırasında Takım Tezgahı Titreşimlerinin ve Kararlılığının Bir Serbestlik Dereceli Kesme Modeli ile Nonlineer Analizi ve Tırlamanın Tahmini”, 11. Ulusal Makina Teorisi Sempozyumu, 4-6 Eylül 2003.
  • [8] Landers, R.G., Ulsoy, A.G., “Chatter Analysis of Machining Systems with Nonlinear Force Processes”, ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, 17-22 November 1996, Atlanta, Georgia, DSC Vol. 58, pp.183-190.
  • [9] Nosyreva, E.P., Molinari, A., “Nonlinear Analysis of Chatter in Orthogonal Cutting”, Dynamics of rigid or flexible systems, C.R. Acad. Sci.t. 325, Serie II b, pp. 435-442, Paris, 1997.
  • [10] Landers, R.G., Lu, Y–W., “Stability Analysis of Nonlinear Machining Force Controllers”, American Control Conference, 2-4 June 1999, San Diego, California, pp.678–683.
  • [11] Xiao, M., Karube, S., at all, “Analysis of Chatter Suppression in Vibration Cutting”, International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture, Vol. 42, pp.1677–1685, 2002.
  • [12] O’Reilly, T., “The Effect of Variable Delay Length on Stability in Ortogonal Cutting”, Machine Dynamics Research Lab.,Master of Science, The Pennsylvania State University, Mechanical Engineering, May 1998.
  • 13] Lagö, T.L., Sven Olsson, S., at all., “Performance of A Chatter Control System for Turning and Boring Applications”, 4 th GRACM Congress on Computational Mechanics, 27-29 June 2002, Patras.
  • [14] Altintas, Y. and Budak, E., “Analytical Prediction of Stability Lobes in Milling”, Annals of the CIRP, Vol. 44/1, pp.357- 362, 1995.
  • [15] Olgac, N., Hosek, M., “A New Perspective and Analysis for Regenerative Machine Tool Chatter”, International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture, Vol. 38, pp.783–798, 1998.
  • [16] Budak, E., “An Analytical Design Method for Milling Cutters with Nonconstant Pitch to Increase Stability, Part I: Theory”, Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Transactions of the ASME, Vol. 125, pp.29-34, 2003.
  • [17] Budak, E., “An Analytical Design Method for Milling Cutters with Nonconstant Pitch to Increase Stability, Part II: Application”, Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Transactions of the ASME , Vol. 125, pp.35-38, 2003.
  • [18] Pan, J., Su, C-Y., “Chatter Suppression with Adaptive Control in Turning Metal Via Application of Piezoactuator”, Proceedings of The 40th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, December 2001, Orlando, Florida USA.
  • [19] Dohner, J.L., Lauffer, J.P., at all., “Mitigation of Chatter Instabilities in Milling by Active Structural Control”, Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol. 269, pp.197-211, 2003.
There are 18 citations in total.


Subjects Mechanical Engineering
Journal Section Research Articles

Sezan Orak

Erol Türkeş

Publication Date December 31, 2006
Acceptance Date June 22, 2006
Published in Issue Year 2006 Volume: 19 Issue: 2


APA Orak, S., & Türkeş, E. (2006). Tornalamada Ortogonal Kesme İçin Tırlama Titreşimi Ve Kararlılığın Lineer Analizi. Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi Mühendislik Ve Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi, 19(2), 89-108.
AMA Orak S, Türkeş E. Tornalamada Ortogonal Kesme İçin Tırlama Titreşimi Ve Kararlılığın Lineer Analizi. ESOGÜ Müh Mim Fak Derg. December 2006;19(2):89-108.
Chicago Orak, Sezan, and Erol Türkeş. “Tornalamada Ortogonal Kesme İçin Tırlama Titreşimi Ve Kararlılığın Lineer Analizi”. Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi Mühendislik Ve Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi 19, no. 2 (December 2006): 89-108.
EndNote Orak S, Türkeş E (December 1, 2006) Tornalamada Ortogonal Kesme İçin Tırlama Titreşimi Ve Kararlılığın Lineer Analizi. Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi Mühendislik ve Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi 19 2 89–108.
IEEE S. Orak and E. Türkeş, “Tornalamada Ortogonal Kesme İçin Tırlama Titreşimi Ve Kararlılığın Lineer Analizi”, ESOGÜ Müh Mim Fak Derg, vol. 19, no. 2, pp. 89–108, 2006.
ISNAD Orak, Sezan - Türkeş, Erol. “Tornalamada Ortogonal Kesme İçin Tırlama Titreşimi Ve Kararlılığın Lineer Analizi”. Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi Mühendislik ve Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi 19/2 (December 2006), 89-108.
JAMA Orak S, Türkeş E. Tornalamada Ortogonal Kesme İçin Tırlama Titreşimi Ve Kararlılığın Lineer Analizi. ESOGÜ Müh Mim Fak Derg. 2006;19:89–108.
MLA Orak, Sezan and Erol Türkeş. “Tornalamada Ortogonal Kesme İçin Tırlama Titreşimi Ve Kararlılığın Lineer Analizi”. Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi Mühendislik Ve Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 19, no. 2, 2006, pp. 89-108.
Vancouver Orak S, Türkeş E. Tornalamada Ortogonal Kesme İçin Tırlama Titreşimi Ve Kararlılığın Lineer Analizi. ESOGÜ Müh Mim Fak Derg. 2006;19(2):89-108.

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