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Year 2020, Volume: 5 Issue: 1, 1 - 16, 31.12.2020



  • Vishwakarma V., Samal S.S., Manoharan N., (2010), Safety and Risk Associated with Nanoparticles - A Review. J. Minerals & Materials Characterization & Engineering. 9: 455-459.
  • European Commission, (2011), REACH implementation Project substance identification of nanomaterials (RIP-oN 1). Advisory Report.
  • Vedam H., (2011), NanoSafety Policy Overview.
  • Lux Research, (2004), The Nanotech Report 2004. New York: Lux Research
  • Chattopadhyay GP., (2018), Technologies in the era of singularity. Notion Press, Chennai, India,.206.
  • Colvin VL, (2003), The potential environmental impact of engineered nanomaterials. Nat. Biotechnol. 21:1166–1170.
  • Skjolding L.M., Sørensen S.N., Hartmann N.B., Hjorth R., Hansen S.F., Baun A., (2016), Aquatic ecotoxicity testing of nanoparticles—The quest to disclose nanoparticle effects. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 55:15224–15239.
  • Boyes W.K., Thornton B.L.M., Al-Abed S.R., Andersen C.P., Bouchard D.C., Burgess R.M., Hubal E.A.C., Ho K.T., Hughes M.F., Kitchin K., Reichman J.R., Rogers K.R., Ross J.A., Rygiewicz P.T., Scheckel K.G., Thai S.F., Zepp R.G., Zucker R.M., (2017), A comprehensive framework for evaluating the environmental health and safety implications of engineered nanomaterials. Crit. Rev. Toxicol. 47:767–810.
  • Rai M., Biswas J.K., (2018), Nanomaterials: Ecotoxicity, Safety, and Public Perception,Chapter1, p3, Springer,
  • Oberdörster G., Sharp Z., Atudorei V., Elder A., Gelein R., Kreyling W,. Cox C., (2004), Translocation of inhaled ultrafine particles to the brain. Inhal. Toxicol. 16:437–445.
  • Sarin H., Kanevsky A.S.,Wu H., Brimacombe K.R., Fung S.H., Sousa A.A., Auh S., Wilson C.M., Sharma K., Aronova M.A., Leapman R.D., Griffiths G.L., Hall M.D., (2008), Effective transvascular delivery of nanoparticles across the blood-brain tumor barrier into malignant glioma cells. J. Transl. Med. 6:80.
  • Sonavane G., Tomoda K., Makino K., (2008), Biodistribution of colloidal gold nanoparticles after intravenous administration: effect of particle size. Colloids. Surf. B. 66:274–280.
  • Conner S.D., Schmid S.L., (2003), Regulated portals of entry into the cell. Nature. 422:37–44.
  • Donaldson K., Stone V., (2003), Current hypotheses on the mechanism of toxicity of ultrafine particles. Ann Ist Super Sanità. 39:405–410.
  • Rana S., Kalaichelvan P.T., (2013), Ecotoxicity of nanoparticles. ISRN Toxicol. Article ID 574648, 2013:11.
  • Kim S., Choi J.E., Choi J., Chung K.H., Park K., Yi J., Ryu D.Y., (2009), Oxidative stress-dependent toxicity of silver nanoparticles in human hepatoma cells. Toxicol. In Vitro. 23:1076–1084.
  • Li M., Zhu L., Lin D., (2011), Toxicity of ZnO nanoparticles to Escherichia coli: mechanism and the influence of medium components. Environ. Sci. Technol. 45(5):1977–1983.
  • Kittler S., Greulich C., Diendorf J., Köller M., Epple M., (2010), Toxicity of silver nanoparticles increases during storage because of slow dissolution under release of silver ions. Chem. Mater. 22:4548–4554.
  • Yuan J.S., Galbraith D.W., Dai S.Y., Griffin P., Stewart C.N. Jr., (2008), Plant systems biology comes of age. Trends. Plant. Sci. 13:165–171.
  • OECD, (2012). Six years of OECD work on the safety of manufactured nanomaterials: Achievements and future opportunities.
  • Park H.G., Yeo M.K., (2016), Nanomaterial regulatory policy for human health and environment. Mol. Cell Toxicol. 12:223-236.
  • OECD, (2010), List of manufactured nanomaterials and list of endpoints for phase one of the sponsorship programme for the testing of manufactured nanomaterials: Revision, ENV/JM/MONO(2010), 46.
  • Fadeel B., Pietroiusti A., Shvedova A.A., (2012), Adverse Effects of Engineered Nanomaterials: Exposure, Toxicology, and Impact on Human Health. West Virginia, USA, 98.
  • ISO/TC 229 Nanotechnologies, Available online at tee?commid=381983.
  • Murashov V., Howard J., (2011), Nanotechnology standards. New York: Nanostructure Science and Technology.
  • Murashov V., Howard J., (2009), International standards for risk management in nanotechnology. Nat. Nanotechnol. 4:205-206.
  • Oh K.H., Lee H.S., (2009), Standardization trends and Technologies for carbon nanotubes. Korean Ind. Chem. News 12:20-25.
  • Nano ontarioi, (2015), Nanotechnologies Standards Development List.
  • Nanowerk, (2011), BASF Dialogueforum Nano - Information and Transparency Along the Product Life Cycle of Nanomaterials Final Report. Avaiable at
  • TinyTechIP, (2011), US Patent 7890357 - Determining nanomaterial related risk. Avaiable at
  • Nanowerk, (2010), Nanotechnology safety remains a concern says Llody's. Avaiable at
  • Nanowerk, (2011), Insurance and risk management industry briefing on nanotechnology. Avaiable at
  • Suh J.D., (2014), Study of the Introduction of a nanomaterials regulatory policy for product safety. J. Korea Acad. IndustrCoop. Soc. 15:4987-4998.
  • US EPA, (2011), EPA needs to manage nanomaterial risks more effectively. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, EPA report 12-P-0162, 1-23
  • Nanotech. Available online at
  • NNI CPSC. Available online at
  • The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), (2019), Nanotechnology. Available at
  • Aza Nano, (2010), NIH Awards $9.4 Million to Support Research Projects in Regulatory Science. Available at
  • ASTM E2535, (2018), Standard Guide for Handling Unbound Engineered Nanoscale Particles in Occupational Settings.
  • Nanowerk, (2010), Canadian legislator proposes to include nanotechnology in the Canadian Environmental Protection Act. Available at
  • Frogheart, (2010), Canada’s Bill C-494, Nanotechnology Safety in Canada: an update. Avaiable at
  • European Commission.(2012). Communication from the commission to the European parliament, the council and the European economic and social committee, second regulatory review on nanomaterials. COMM 572.
  • European Commission (Nanomaterials). Available at
  • European Commission (REACH). Available online at
  • Hankin, S. M. et al., (2011), Specific advice on fulfilling information requirements for nanomaterials under REACH (RIP-oN 2) - Final Project Report.
  • Aitken, R.A. et al., (2011), Specific advice on exposure assessment and hazard/risk characterisation for nanomaterials under REACH (RIP-oN 3) - Final Project Report.
  • European Commission (RoHS Directive). Available online at
  • Kim S.A., Kim H.J., Hong, Y.S., (2013), Safety management system on nanomaterials with regulatory scheme. J. Environ. Pol. Plan. 12:49-71.
  • Raj S., Jose S., Sumod U. S., Sabitha M., Nanotechnology in cosmetics: Opportunities and challenges. J. Pharm. Bioallied Sci. 4:186-193.
  • Henkler F. et al., (2012), Risk assessment of nanomaterials in cosmetics: A European union perspective. Arch. Toxicol. 86:1641-1646.
  • Regulation (EC) No 1223/2009 of the European parliament and of the council. Available online at
  • Nanowerk, (2010), European Parliament votes to regulate food nanotechnology. Avaiable at
  • Nanowerk, (2011), European Food Safety Authority launches public consultation on risk assessment of nanomaterials in food and feed. Avaiable at
  • MEXT, (2011), The 4th Science and Technology Basic Plan (FY2011-FY2015), Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan, 1-3.
  • CIRS, KOREA REACH. Available online at
  • Karim M.D., Munir A.B., (2014), Nanotechnology in Asia: A preliminary assessment of the existing legal framework. KLRI Journal of Law and Legislation. 4:75-131.
  • Milanović V., Bučalina A., (2013), Position of the countries in nanotechnology and global competitiveness. JSTP. 68:69-79.
  • Ministry of Environment, (2015), A comprehensive plan study of nano-safety management by the 2nd governmental departments (’17-’21). Ministry of Environment of Republic of Korea, Chemical Safety Division, ME report, 1-10.
  • Kim, S.A., Kim, H.J., Hong, Y.S., (2013), Safety management system on nanomaterials with regulatory scheme.J. Environ. Pol. Plan 12:49-71.

Regulatory Policies For Safety Of Nanomaterials

Year 2020, Volume: 5 Issue: 1, 1 - 16, 31.12.2020


Nanoparticles can cross cell boundaries or move from the lungs directly to the bloodstream and ultimately reach all organs in the body due to their unique features including small size, shape, high surface area, chemical characteristics, solubility and degree of agglomeration. Nanoparticles entering the body through the skin, air or different ways have shown toxic properties and harming human health. In areas such as cosmetics, textiles and food, nanostructured materials may be used under specific standards, as nanostructured materials may have toxic properties. Because of the risks posed by nanomaterials, important rules and the methods have been established for the use and storage of these materials. Developed countries have established and become members of international organizations for the safe use of nanomaterials. These organizations have established regulatory policies and standards for using of nanomaterials in the different fields. The countries comply with the standards established by these organizations and implement policies for the use of nanomaterials in this direction. It is crucial to use nanomaterials according to these regulatory policies for the environment and human health. This paper discusses the regulatory policies established and used for nanomaterials in various countries of the world and the organizations that make up these regulations. It is mentioned that these regulations and policies should be taken into consideration for the use of nanomaterials and that these rules should be followed.


  • Vishwakarma V., Samal S.S., Manoharan N., (2010), Safety and Risk Associated with Nanoparticles - A Review. J. Minerals & Materials Characterization & Engineering. 9: 455-459.
  • European Commission, (2011), REACH implementation Project substance identification of nanomaterials (RIP-oN 1). Advisory Report.
  • Vedam H., (2011), NanoSafety Policy Overview.
  • Lux Research, (2004), The Nanotech Report 2004. New York: Lux Research
  • Chattopadhyay GP., (2018), Technologies in the era of singularity. Notion Press, Chennai, India,.206.
  • Colvin VL, (2003), The potential environmental impact of engineered nanomaterials. Nat. Biotechnol. 21:1166–1170.
  • Skjolding L.M., Sørensen S.N., Hartmann N.B., Hjorth R., Hansen S.F., Baun A., (2016), Aquatic ecotoxicity testing of nanoparticles—The quest to disclose nanoparticle effects. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 55:15224–15239.
  • Boyes W.K., Thornton B.L.M., Al-Abed S.R., Andersen C.P., Bouchard D.C., Burgess R.M., Hubal E.A.C., Ho K.T., Hughes M.F., Kitchin K., Reichman J.R., Rogers K.R., Ross J.A., Rygiewicz P.T., Scheckel K.G., Thai S.F., Zepp R.G., Zucker R.M., (2017), A comprehensive framework for evaluating the environmental health and safety implications of engineered nanomaterials. Crit. Rev. Toxicol. 47:767–810.
  • Rai M., Biswas J.K., (2018), Nanomaterials: Ecotoxicity, Safety, and Public Perception,Chapter1, p3, Springer,
  • Oberdörster G., Sharp Z., Atudorei V., Elder A., Gelein R., Kreyling W,. Cox C., (2004), Translocation of inhaled ultrafine particles to the brain. Inhal. Toxicol. 16:437–445.
  • Sarin H., Kanevsky A.S.,Wu H., Brimacombe K.R., Fung S.H., Sousa A.A., Auh S., Wilson C.M., Sharma K., Aronova M.A., Leapman R.D., Griffiths G.L., Hall M.D., (2008), Effective transvascular delivery of nanoparticles across the blood-brain tumor barrier into malignant glioma cells. J. Transl. Med. 6:80.
  • Sonavane G., Tomoda K., Makino K., (2008), Biodistribution of colloidal gold nanoparticles after intravenous administration: effect of particle size. Colloids. Surf. B. 66:274–280.
  • Conner S.D., Schmid S.L., (2003), Regulated portals of entry into the cell. Nature. 422:37–44.
  • Donaldson K., Stone V., (2003), Current hypotheses on the mechanism of toxicity of ultrafine particles. Ann Ist Super Sanità. 39:405–410.
  • Rana S., Kalaichelvan P.T., (2013), Ecotoxicity of nanoparticles. ISRN Toxicol. Article ID 574648, 2013:11.
  • Kim S., Choi J.E., Choi J., Chung K.H., Park K., Yi J., Ryu D.Y., (2009), Oxidative stress-dependent toxicity of silver nanoparticles in human hepatoma cells. Toxicol. In Vitro. 23:1076–1084.
  • Li M., Zhu L., Lin D., (2011), Toxicity of ZnO nanoparticles to Escherichia coli: mechanism and the influence of medium components. Environ. Sci. Technol. 45(5):1977–1983.
  • Kittler S., Greulich C., Diendorf J., Köller M., Epple M., (2010), Toxicity of silver nanoparticles increases during storage because of slow dissolution under release of silver ions. Chem. Mater. 22:4548–4554.
  • Yuan J.S., Galbraith D.W., Dai S.Y., Griffin P., Stewart C.N. Jr., (2008), Plant systems biology comes of age. Trends. Plant. Sci. 13:165–171.
  • OECD, (2012). Six years of OECD work on the safety of manufactured nanomaterials: Achievements and future opportunities.
  • Park H.G., Yeo M.K., (2016), Nanomaterial regulatory policy for human health and environment. Mol. Cell Toxicol. 12:223-236.
  • OECD, (2010), List of manufactured nanomaterials and list of endpoints for phase one of the sponsorship programme for the testing of manufactured nanomaterials: Revision, ENV/JM/MONO(2010), 46.
  • Fadeel B., Pietroiusti A., Shvedova A.A., (2012), Adverse Effects of Engineered Nanomaterials: Exposure, Toxicology, and Impact on Human Health. West Virginia, USA, 98.
  • ISO/TC 229 Nanotechnologies, Available online at tee?commid=381983.
  • Murashov V., Howard J., (2011), Nanotechnology standards. New York: Nanostructure Science and Technology.
  • Murashov V., Howard J., (2009), International standards for risk management in nanotechnology. Nat. Nanotechnol. 4:205-206.
  • Oh K.H., Lee H.S., (2009), Standardization trends and Technologies for carbon nanotubes. Korean Ind. Chem. News 12:20-25.
  • Nano ontarioi, (2015), Nanotechnologies Standards Development List.
  • Nanowerk, (2011), BASF Dialogueforum Nano - Information and Transparency Along the Product Life Cycle of Nanomaterials Final Report. Avaiable at
  • TinyTechIP, (2011), US Patent 7890357 - Determining nanomaterial related risk. Avaiable at
  • Nanowerk, (2010), Nanotechnology safety remains a concern says Llody's. Avaiable at
  • Nanowerk, (2011), Insurance and risk management industry briefing on nanotechnology. Avaiable at
  • Suh J.D., (2014), Study of the Introduction of a nanomaterials regulatory policy for product safety. J. Korea Acad. IndustrCoop. Soc. 15:4987-4998.
  • US EPA, (2011), EPA needs to manage nanomaterial risks more effectively. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, EPA report 12-P-0162, 1-23
  • Nanotech. Available online at
  • NNI CPSC. Available online at
  • The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), (2019), Nanotechnology. Available at
  • Aza Nano, (2010), NIH Awards $9.4 Million to Support Research Projects in Regulatory Science. Available at
  • ASTM E2535, (2018), Standard Guide for Handling Unbound Engineered Nanoscale Particles in Occupational Settings.
  • Nanowerk, (2010), Canadian legislator proposes to include nanotechnology in the Canadian Environmental Protection Act. Available at
  • Frogheart, (2010), Canada’s Bill C-494, Nanotechnology Safety in Canada: an update. Avaiable at
  • European Commission.(2012). Communication from the commission to the European parliament, the council and the European economic and social committee, second regulatory review on nanomaterials. COMM 572.
  • European Commission (Nanomaterials). Available at
  • European Commission (REACH). Available online at
  • Hankin, S. M. et al., (2011), Specific advice on fulfilling information requirements for nanomaterials under REACH (RIP-oN 2) - Final Project Report.
  • Aitken, R.A. et al., (2011), Specific advice on exposure assessment and hazard/risk characterisation for nanomaterials under REACH (RIP-oN 3) - Final Project Report.
  • European Commission (RoHS Directive). Available online at
  • Kim S.A., Kim H.J., Hong, Y.S., (2013), Safety management system on nanomaterials with regulatory scheme. J. Environ. Pol. Plan. 12:49-71.
  • Raj S., Jose S., Sumod U. S., Sabitha M., Nanotechnology in cosmetics: Opportunities and challenges. J. Pharm. Bioallied Sci. 4:186-193.
  • Henkler F. et al., (2012), Risk assessment of nanomaterials in cosmetics: A European union perspective. Arch. Toxicol. 86:1641-1646.
  • Regulation (EC) No 1223/2009 of the European parliament and of the council. Available online at
  • Nanowerk, (2010), European Parliament votes to regulate food nanotechnology. Avaiable at
  • Nanowerk, (2011), European Food Safety Authority launches public consultation on risk assessment of nanomaterials in food and feed. Avaiable at
  • MEXT, (2011), The 4th Science and Technology Basic Plan (FY2011-FY2015), Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan, 1-3.
  • CIRS, KOREA REACH. Available online at
  • Karim M.D., Munir A.B., (2014), Nanotechnology in Asia: A preliminary assessment of the existing legal framework. KLRI Journal of Law and Legislation. 4:75-131.
  • Milanović V., Bučalina A., (2013), Position of the countries in nanotechnology and global competitiveness. JSTP. 68:69-79.
  • Ministry of Environment, (2015), A comprehensive plan study of nano-safety management by the 2nd governmental departments (’17-’21). Ministry of Environment of Republic of Korea, Chemical Safety Division, ME report, 1-10.
  • Kim, S.A., Kim, H.J., Hong, Y.S., (2013), Safety management system on nanomaterials with regulatory scheme.J. Environ. Pol. Plan 12:49-71.
There are 59 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Material Production Technologies
Journal Section Reviews

Kübra Demirbaş 0000-0003-1486-9332

Sinem Çevik 0000-0002-3506-7892

Publication Date December 31, 2020
Submission Date November 15, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2020 Volume: 5 Issue: 1


APA Demirbaş, K., & Çevik, S. (2020). Regulatory Policies For Safety Of Nanomaterials. Open Journal of Nano, 5(1), 1-16.
AMA Demirbaş K, Çevik S. Regulatory Policies For Safety Of Nanomaterials. Open J. Nano. December 2020;5(1):1-16.
Chicago Demirbaş, Kübra, and Sinem Çevik. “Regulatory Policies For Safety Of Nanomaterials”. Open Journal of Nano 5, no. 1 (December 2020): 1-16.
EndNote Demirbaş K, Çevik S (December 1, 2020) Regulatory Policies For Safety Of Nanomaterials. Open Journal of Nano 5 1 1–16.
IEEE K. Demirbaş and S. Çevik, “Regulatory Policies For Safety Of Nanomaterials”, Open J. Nano, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 1–16, 2020.
ISNAD Demirbaş, Kübra - Çevik, Sinem. “Regulatory Policies For Safety Of Nanomaterials”. Open Journal of Nano 5/1 (December 2020), 1-16.
JAMA Demirbaş K, Çevik S. Regulatory Policies For Safety Of Nanomaterials. Open J. Nano. 2020;5:1–16.
MLA Demirbaş, Kübra and Sinem Çevik. “Regulatory Policies For Safety Of Nanomaterials”. Open Journal of Nano, vol. 5, no. 1, 2020, pp. 1-16.
Vancouver Demirbaş K, Çevik S. Regulatory Policies For Safety Of Nanomaterials. Open J. Nano. 2020;5(1):1-16.


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