Research Article
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The application of quantum computing in music composition

Year 2024, , 415 - 429, 31.12.2024


Quantum computing and artificial intelligence, two prominent topics in science and technology, are rapidly advancing and extending their influence into numerous fields, including music. Quantum computer music, which merges the strengths of quantum computing and deep learning, heralds a new era in the integration of music creation with cutting-edge technology. The interactive quantum music composition “Spinnings—Q1 Synth Trio”, created by Brazilian composer Miranda during the QuTune project at the Interdisciplinary Centre for Computer Music Research (ICCMR), in collaboration with the University of Oxford, stands as a notable example of quantum computer music. This study adopts a case study approach to thoroughly investigate the technical creative process behind this work, covering elements such as quantum computing, quantum properties, qubits, quantum gates, and quantum circuits, gradually unveiling the mathematical logic behind quantum algorithmic composition. The results of this study indicate that quantum algorithmic composition, as an emerging approach to music creation, not only generates unique music through the characteristics of quantum computing but also offers new possibilities for the integration of music, art, and technology. By applying quantum bits, quantum gates, and quantum circuits, this research demonstrates how quantum computing can provide new theoretical foundations and practical methods for music composition. Furthermore, the study discusses how to optimize the interactive creative experience in quantum music works and how to enhance the understanding and appreciation of quantum music among a broader audience of musicians and listeners. With the continuous advancement of quantum computing technology, quantum music is poised to contribute a distinctive dimension to the global flourishing of musical culture. This research offers fresh perspectives and ideas for the development of this field.


  • Amoroso, R. L. (2017). Introduction to Conscious-Quantum Computer Musicology: New Genres, Technology and Ontology of Experience. In Unified Field Mechanics II: Formulations and Empirical Tests (pp. 575-583). World Scientific.
  • Childs, A. M., Gosset, D., & Webb, Z. (2013). Universal computation by multiparticle quantum walk. Science, 339(6121), 791-794.
  • Dalla Chiara, M. L., Giuntini, R., Leporini, R., Negri, E., & Sergioli, G. (2015). Quantum information, cognition, and music. Frontiers in Psychology, 6.
  • Duarte, A. E. L. (2020). Algorithmic interactive music generation in videogames: A modular design for adaptive automatic music scoring. SoundEffects-An Interdisciplinary Journal of Sound and Sound Experience, 9(1), 38-59.
  • Dunjko, V., & Briegel, H. J. (2018). Machine learning & artificial intelligence in the quantum domain: A review of recent progress. Reports on Progress in Physics, 81(7), 074001.
  • Elgendy, R., Younes, A., Abu-Donia, H. M., & Farouk, R. M. (2024). Efficient quantum algorithms for set operations. Scientific Reports, 14(1), 1-24.
  • Hamido, O. C. (2022). QAC: Quantum-Computing Aided Composition. In E. R. Miranda (Ed.), Quantum Computer Music: Foundations, Methods and Advanced Concepts (pp. 159-195). Springer International Publishing.
  • Hrmo, P., Wilhelm, B., Gerster, L., van Mourik, M. W., Huber, M., Blatt, R., Schindler, P., Monz, T., & Ringbauer, M. (2023). Native qudit entanglement in a trapped ion quantum processor. Nature Communications, 14(1), 1-6.
  • Kounalakis, M., Blanter, Y. M., & Steele, G. A. (2019). Synthesizing multi-phonon quantum superposition states using flux-mediated three-body interactions with superconducting qubits. Npj Quantum Information, 5(1), 1-7.
  • Miranda, E. R. (Ed.). (2022). Quantum computer music: Foundations, methods and advanced concepts. Springer International Publishing.
  • Miranda, E. R. (2024). The advent of quantum computer music: Mapping the field. Reports on Progress in Physics, 87(8), 086001.
  • Miranda, E. R., & Miller-Bakewell, H. (2022). Cellular automata music composition: From classical to quantum. In Quantum computer music (pp. 105-130). Springer.
  • Miranda, E. R., Thomas, P., & Itaboraí, P. V. (2023). Q1Synth: A quantum computer musical instrument. Applied Sciences, 13(4), 2386.
  • Nimbe, P., Weyori, B. A., & Adekoya, A. F. (2021). Models in quantum computing: A systematic review. Quantum Information Processing, 20(2), 80.
  • Polychronakos, A. P. (2024). Quantum mechanical rules for observed observers and the consistency of quantum theory. Nature Communications, 15(1), 1-7.
  • Sofer, D. (2020). Categorising electronic music. Contemporary Music Review, 39(2), 231-251.
  • Wang, Z., Bao, Z., Wu, Y., Li, Y., Cai, W., Wang, W., Ma, Y., Cai, T., Han, X., Wang, J., Song, Y., Sun, L., Zhang, H., & Duan, L. (2022). A flying Schrödinger’s cat in multipartite entangled states. Science Advances, 8(10), eabn1778.
  • Yang, W., & Lee, I. (2024). Research on the construction of AI composition system based on HMM. Yegah Musicology Journal, 7(3), 216-240.
  • Yang, W., Huang, C.-F., Huang, H.-Y., Zhang, Z., Li, W., & Wang, C. (2024). Research on the improvement of children’s attention through binaural beats music therapy in the context of ai music generation. In X. Li, X. Guan, Y. Tie, X. Zhang, & Q. Zhou (Eds.), Music Intelligence (pp. 19-31). Springer Nature.
  • Yang, W., Shen, L., Huang, C.-F., Lee, J., & Zhao, X. (2024). Development status, frontier hotspots, and technical evaluations in the field of ai music composition since the 21st century: A systematic review. IEEE Access, 12, 89452–89466.
  • Yoon, T. H., & Cho, M. (2021). Quantitative complementarity of wave-particle duality. Science Advances, 7(34), eabi9268.

Kuantum hesaplamanın müzik kompozisyonunda uygulaması

Year 2024, , 415 - 429, 31.12.2024


Kuantum hesaplama ve yapay zeka, bilim ve teknoloji alanındaki öne çıkan iki konu olarak hızla gelişmekte ve müzik dahil birçok alanda etki alanlarını genişletmektedir. Kuantum bilgisayar müziği, kuantum hesaplama ile derin öğrenmenin avantajlarını birleştirerek, müzik yaratımında keskin teknoloji ile entegrasyonun yeni bir dönemini müjdelemektedir. Brezilyalı besteci Miranda tarafından, Oxford Üniversitesi ile işbirliği içinde Disiplinlerarası Bilgisayar Müzik Araştırmaları Merkezi’nde (ICCMR) yürütülen QuTune projesi kapsamında yaratılan etkileşimli kuantum müzik eseri “Spinnings—Q1 Synth Trio”, kuantum bilgisayar müziğinin dikkat çekici bir örneğini sunmaktadır. Bu çalışma, eserin arkasındaki teknik yaratım sürecini kapsamlı bir şekilde incelemek amacıyla vaka çalışması yaklaşımını benimsemekte; kuantum hesaplama, kuantum özellikleri, kuantum bitleri, kuantum kapıları ve kuantum devreleri gibi unsurları ele alarak kuantum algoritmasıyla bestelemenin matematiksel mantığını adım adım ortaya koymaktadır. Bu çalışmanın sonuçları, kuantum algoritmik kompozisyonunun, müzik yaratımında yükselen bir yaklaşım olarak, sadece kuantum bilgisayarlarının özellikleriyle benzersiz müzikler üretmekle kalmayıp, aynı zamanda müzik, sanat ve teknolojinin birleşimi için yeni olasılıklar sunduğunu göstermektedir. Kuantum bitleri, kuantum kapıları ve kuantum devrelerinin uygulanmasıyla, bu araştırma, kuantum hesaplamanın müzik kompozisyonu için nasıl yeni teorik temeller ve pratik yöntemler sunduğunu ortaya koymaktadır. Ayrıca, çalışma, kuantum müzik eserlerinin etkileşimli yaratıcı deneyimini nasıl optimize edebileceğimizi ve daha geniş bir müzisyen ve dinleyici kitlesinin kuantum müziğini nasıl anlayıp takdir edebileceğini tartışmaktadır. Kuantum hesaplama teknolojisinin sürekli ilerlemesiyle birlikte, kuantum müziği, küresel müzik kültürünün zenginleşmesine özgün bir boyut katmaya adaydır. Bu araştırma, bu alanın gelişimi için yeni perspektifler ve fikirler sunmaktadır.


  • Amoroso, R. L. (2017). Introduction to Conscious-Quantum Computer Musicology: New Genres, Technology and Ontology of Experience. In Unified Field Mechanics II: Formulations and Empirical Tests (pp. 575-583). World Scientific.
  • Childs, A. M., Gosset, D., & Webb, Z. (2013). Universal computation by multiparticle quantum walk. Science, 339(6121), 791-794.
  • Dalla Chiara, M. L., Giuntini, R., Leporini, R., Negri, E., & Sergioli, G. (2015). Quantum information, cognition, and music. Frontiers in Psychology, 6.
  • Duarte, A. E. L. (2020). Algorithmic interactive music generation in videogames: A modular design for adaptive automatic music scoring. SoundEffects-An Interdisciplinary Journal of Sound and Sound Experience, 9(1), 38-59.
  • Dunjko, V., & Briegel, H. J. (2018). Machine learning & artificial intelligence in the quantum domain: A review of recent progress. Reports on Progress in Physics, 81(7), 074001.
  • Elgendy, R., Younes, A., Abu-Donia, H. M., & Farouk, R. M. (2024). Efficient quantum algorithms for set operations. Scientific Reports, 14(1), 1-24.
  • Hamido, O. C. (2022). QAC: Quantum-Computing Aided Composition. In E. R. Miranda (Ed.), Quantum Computer Music: Foundations, Methods and Advanced Concepts (pp. 159-195). Springer International Publishing.
  • Hrmo, P., Wilhelm, B., Gerster, L., van Mourik, M. W., Huber, M., Blatt, R., Schindler, P., Monz, T., & Ringbauer, M. (2023). Native qudit entanglement in a trapped ion quantum processor. Nature Communications, 14(1), 1-6.
  • Kounalakis, M., Blanter, Y. M., & Steele, G. A. (2019). Synthesizing multi-phonon quantum superposition states using flux-mediated three-body interactions with superconducting qubits. Npj Quantum Information, 5(1), 1-7.
  • Miranda, E. R. (Ed.). (2022). Quantum computer music: Foundations, methods and advanced concepts. Springer International Publishing.
  • Miranda, E. R. (2024). The advent of quantum computer music: Mapping the field. Reports on Progress in Physics, 87(8), 086001.
  • Miranda, E. R., & Miller-Bakewell, H. (2022). Cellular automata music composition: From classical to quantum. In Quantum computer music (pp. 105-130). Springer.
  • Miranda, E. R., Thomas, P., & Itaboraí, P. V. (2023). Q1Synth: A quantum computer musical instrument. Applied Sciences, 13(4), 2386.
  • Nimbe, P., Weyori, B. A., & Adekoya, A. F. (2021). Models in quantum computing: A systematic review. Quantum Information Processing, 20(2), 80.
  • Polychronakos, A. P. (2024). Quantum mechanical rules for observed observers and the consistency of quantum theory. Nature Communications, 15(1), 1-7.
  • Sofer, D. (2020). Categorising electronic music. Contemporary Music Review, 39(2), 231-251.
  • Wang, Z., Bao, Z., Wu, Y., Li, Y., Cai, W., Wang, W., Ma, Y., Cai, T., Han, X., Wang, J., Song, Y., Sun, L., Zhang, H., & Duan, L. (2022). A flying Schrödinger’s cat in multipartite entangled states. Science Advances, 8(10), eabn1778.
  • Yang, W., & Lee, I. (2024). Research on the construction of AI composition system based on HMM. Yegah Musicology Journal, 7(3), 216-240.
  • Yang, W., Huang, C.-F., Huang, H.-Y., Zhang, Z., Li, W., & Wang, C. (2024). Research on the improvement of children’s attention through binaural beats music therapy in the context of ai music generation. In X. Li, X. Guan, Y. Tie, X. Zhang, & Q. Zhou (Eds.), Music Intelligence (pp. 19-31). Springer Nature.
  • Yang, W., Shen, L., Huang, C.-F., Lee, J., & Zhao, X. (2024). Development status, frontier hotspots, and technical evaluations in the field of ai music composition since the 21st century: A systematic review. IEEE Access, 12, 89452–89466.
  • Yoon, T. H., & Cho, M. (2021). Quantitative complementarity of wave-particle duality. Science Advances, 7(34), eabi9268.
There are 21 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Music Technology and Recording
Journal Section Research article

Johee Lee 0000-0001-5652-8355

Weijia Yang 0009-0007-8400-9449

Publication Date December 31, 2024
Submission Date November 3, 2024
Acceptance Date December 19, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024


APA Lee, J., & Yang, W. (2024). The application of quantum computing in music composition. Online Journal of Music Sciences, 9(2), 415-429.