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Hendra Virus Infections in Horses

Year 2025, , 463 - 471, 17.01.2025


Hendra virus (HeV) is a zoonotic paramyxovirus that originated in suburban Brisbane, Queensland, Australia in 1994. HeV was first identified in Australia after a fatal respiratory illness occurred in horses and humans. Fruit bats (Pteropus spp.) is a natural reservoir. HeV, categorized as biological safety level-4 (BSL-4) pathogens, causes a severe, often fatal, febrile illness associated with respiratory and neurological symptoms in horses, while it is known to cause respiratory and neurological infections in humans. This article is intended to provide information about Hendra virus in horses.


  • Bishop KA., Stantchev TS., Hickey AC., Khetawats D., Bossart KN., Krasnoperov V., Gill P., Feng YR., Bonaparte MI., Dimitrov AS., Bossart KN., Crameri G., Mungall BA., Bishop KA., Choudhry V., Dimitrov DS., Wang LF., Eaton BT., Broder CC. Ephrin-B2 ligand is a functional receptor for Hendra virus and Nipah virus. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 2005; 102(30): 10652-7.
  • Bossart KN., Broder CC. Paramyxovirus entry. In. S. Pöhlmann and G. Simmons (ed), Viral entry host cells in press. Landes Bioscience, 2007.
  • Bossart K., Crameri G., Dimitrov A., Mungall BA., Feng Y. Patch Jr. Receptor binding pf Hendra virus by a souble G glycoprotein, fusion inhibition and induction of cross-reactive neutralizing antibodies J. Virol. 2005; 79(11): 6690-6702.
  • Broder CC. Henipavirus outbreaks to antivirals: the current status of potential therapeutics. Curr Opin Virol. 2012; 2(2): 176-87.
  • Bonoparte MI., Dımıtrov AS., Bossart KN., Crameri G., Mungall BA., Bishop KA., Choudhry V., Dimitrov DS., Wang LF., EAton BT., Broder CC. Ephrin-B2 ligand is a functionel receptor for Hendra Virus and Nipah Virus. Proc Natl Acad Sci 2005; 102(30): 10652-7.
  • Calain P., Roux L. The rule of six a basic feature for efficient replication of Sendia virus defectiveinterfering RNA. J. Virol. 1993; 67: 4822-4830.
  • Chua KB., Bellini WJ., Rota PA., Harcourt BH., Tamin A., Lam SK., Ksiazek TG., Rollin PE., Zaki SR., Shieh WJ., Goldsmith CS., Gubler DJ., Roehrig JT., Eaton B., Gould AR., Olson J., Field HE., Daniels P., Ling AE., Peters CJ., Anderson LJ., Mahy BWJ. Nipah virus: a recently emergent deadly paramyxovirus. Science. 2000; 288: 1432–1435.
  • Drescher U. Eph. Family function from an evolutionary perspective. Curr. Opin. Genet. Dev. 2002; 12: 397-402.1.
  • Edwards, S.J. Rowe, B., Reid T., Tachedjian M., Caruso. S., Blasdell. K., Watanabe, S., Bergfeld, J.,Marh GA. Henipavirus-induced neuropatoghenesis in mice. Virology. 2023; 587.109856.
  • Eoton BT., Broder CC., Wang LF. Hendra and Nipah viruses: pothogenesis and therapeutics. Curr. Medd. 2005; 5: 805-816.
  • Feldman KS., Foord A., Heine HG., Smith IL., Boyd V., Marsh GA. Design and evaluation of consensus PCR assays for henipa viruses. J. Virol. Methods. 2009; 161: 52-57.
  • Heroult M., Schaffner F., Augustin HG. Eph receptor and ephrin ligand-mediated interactions duruing angiogenesis and tumor progression. Exp. Cell Res. 2006; 312: 642-650.
  • Hooper PT., Gould AR., Russel GM., Kattenbelt JA., Mitchell G. The retrospective diagnosis of a second outbreak of equine morbillivirus infections. Aust. Vet. J. 1996; 74(3): 244-245.
  • Kirkland PD., Gabor M., Poe I., Neale K., Chaffey K., Finlaison DS, et al. Hendra Virus Infection in Dog, Australia, 2013. Emerg Infect Dis. 2015;21(12):2182-2185.
  • Khusro A., Aarti C., Pliego AB., Cipriano-Salazar M. Hendra Virus Infection in Horses: A Review on Emerging Mystery Paramyxovirus. J Equine Vet Sci. 2020;.91:103149.
  • Mahalingham S., Herero LJ., Playford EG., Spann K., Herring B., Rolph MS., Middleton D., Mc. Call B., Field H., Wang LF. Hendra virus: an emerging paramyxovirus in Australia. Lancet İnfect. Dis. 2012; 12(10): 799-807.
  • Marsh GA., Haining J., Hancock TJ., Robinson R., Foord AJ., Barr JA. Experimental infection of horse with Hendra virus. Australia, Horse, 2008, Redlands. Emerg. Infect. Dis. 2011; 17: 2232-2238.
  • Middleton D. Hendra virus. Vet. Clin. North am Equine Pract. 2014; 30(3): 579-589.
  • Middleton D., Pallister J., Klein R., Feng YR., Haining J., Arkinstall R., Frazer L., Huang JA., Edwards N., Wareing M., Elhay M., Hashmi Z., Bingham J., Yamada M., Johnson D., White J, Foord A., Heine HG., Marsh GA., Broder CC., Wang LF. Hendra virus vaccine, a one health approach to protecting horse, human, and environmental health. Emerg Infect Dis. 2014.
  • Murray K., Selleck P., Hooper P. Et. Al. A morbillivirus that caused fatal disease in horse and humans. Science. 1995; 268: 94-97.
  • Negrete OA., Levroney EL., Aguilar HC., Bertolotti-Ciarlet A., Nazarian R., Tajyar S., Lee B. Ephrin B2 is the entry receptor for Nipah virus, an emergent deadly paramyxovirus. Nature, 2005; 436: 401-405.
  • Rogers RJ., Douglas IC., Baldock FC., Glaville RJ., Seppanen KT., Gleeson LJ. Investigation of a second focus ef equine morbillivirus infection in coastal Queensland. Aust. J. 1996; 74(3): 243-244.
  • Smith IL., Halpin K., Warrilow D., Smith GA. Development of a fluorogenic RT-PCR assay (Taqman) for the detection of Hendra virus. J. Virol Methods. 2001; 98(1): 33-40.
  • St Georgiev V. Paramyxoviridae: Nipah virus and Hendra virus. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, NIH, Vol. 2: Impact on Global Healthed. St Georgiev V.Totowa, NJ: Humana; 2009; 143–150.
  • Wang LF., Yu M., Hansson E., Pritchard LI., Shiell B., Michalski WP., Eaton BT. The exceptionally large genome of Hendra virus: support for creation of a new genus within the family Paramyxoviridae. J. Virol. 2000; 74(21): 9972-9979.
  • Williamson MM., Hooper PT., Selleck PW., Gleeson LJ., Daniels PW., Westbury HA., Murray PK. Transmission studies of Hendra virus in fruit bats, horses and cats. Aust. Vet. J. 1998; 76: 813- 818.
  • Williamson, KM., Wheeler, S., Kerr, J., Bennett, J., Freeman, P., Kohlhagen, J., Peel, AJ., Eby, P., Merritt, T., Housen, T., Dalton, C., Durrheim, DN., & BatOneHealth field team. Hendra in the Hunter Valley. One health (Amsterdam, Netherlands). 2020; 10: 100162.
  • World Organisation for Animal Healty (OIE). Nipah and Hendra virus disease. Manuel of Diagnostic Test and Vaccines for Terrestrial Animals. 2018; 526-543.
  • Viralzone. 2024; Erişim Tarihi: 09.07.2024.
  • Yuen KY., Fraser NS., Henning J. Et. Al. Hendra virus: Epidemiology dynamics in relation to climate change, diagnostic test and control measures. One Health. 2021; 12: 100207.
  • Xueli Wang., Jessica C., Wise., Allison J., Stewart. Hendra Virus: An Update on Diagnosis, Vaccination, and Biosecurity Protocols for Horses, Veterinary Clinics of North America: Equine Practice, 2023; 39(1).

Atlarda Hendra Virus Enfeksiyonları

Year 2025, , 463 - 471, 17.01.2025


Hendra virüsü (HeV), 1994 yılında Avustralya'nın Queensland eyaletindeki Brisbane banliyösünde ortaya çıkan zoonotik paramyxovirüstür. HeV ilk olarak Avustralya'da atlarda ve insanlarda ölümcül bir solunum yolu hastalığı meydana geldikten sonra tanımlanmıştır. Meyve yarasaları (Pteropus spp.) doğal rezervuardır. Biyolojik güvenlik seviyesi-4 (BSL-4) patojenleri olarak kategorize edilen HeV atlarda, solunum ve nörolojik belirtilerle ilişkili şiddetli, genellikle ölümcül, ateşli bir hastalığa neden olur; insanlarda ise solunum ve nörolojik enfeksiyonlara neden olduğu bilinmektedir. Bu makalede atlarda Hendra virüsü hakkında bilgi verilmesi amaçlanmıştır.


  • Bishop KA., Stantchev TS., Hickey AC., Khetawats D., Bossart KN., Krasnoperov V., Gill P., Feng YR., Bonaparte MI., Dimitrov AS., Bossart KN., Crameri G., Mungall BA., Bishop KA., Choudhry V., Dimitrov DS., Wang LF., Eaton BT., Broder CC. Ephrin-B2 ligand is a functional receptor for Hendra virus and Nipah virus. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 2005; 102(30): 10652-7.
  • Bossart KN., Broder CC. Paramyxovirus entry. In. S. Pöhlmann and G. Simmons (ed), Viral entry host cells in press. Landes Bioscience, 2007.
  • Bossart K., Crameri G., Dimitrov A., Mungall BA., Feng Y. Patch Jr. Receptor binding pf Hendra virus by a souble G glycoprotein, fusion inhibition and induction of cross-reactive neutralizing antibodies J. Virol. 2005; 79(11): 6690-6702.
  • Broder CC. Henipavirus outbreaks to antivirals: the current status of potential therapeutics. Curr Opin Virol. 2012; 2(2): 176-87.
  • Bonoparte MI., Dımıtrov AS., Bossart KN., Crameri G., Mungall BA., Bishop KA., Choudhry V., Dimitrov DS., Wang LF., EAton BT., Broder CC. Ephrin-B2 ligand is a functionel receptor for Hendra Virus and Nipah Virus. Proc Natl Acad Sci 2005; 102(30): 10652-7.
  • Calain P., Roux L. The rule of six a basic feature for efficient replication of Sendia virus defectiveinterfering RNA. J. Virol. 1993; 67: 4822-4830.
  • Chua KB., Bellini WJ., Rota PA., Harcourt BH., Tamin A., Lam SK., Ksiazek TG., Rollin PE., Zaki SR., Shieh WJ., Goldsmith CS., Gubler DJ., Roehrig JT., Eaton B., Gould AR., Olson J., Field HE., Daniels P., Ling AE., Peters CJ., Anderson LJ., Mahy BWJ. Nipah virus: a recently emergent deadly paramyxovirus. Science. 2000; 288: 1432–1435.
  • Drescher U. Eph. Family function from an evolutionary perspective. Curr. Opin. Genet. Dev. 2002; 12: 397-402.1.
  • Edwards, S.J. Rowe, B., Reid T., Tachedjian M., Caruso. S., Blasdell. K., Watanabe, S., Bergfeld, J.,Marh GA. Henipavirus-induced neuropatoghenesis in mice. Virology. 2023; 587.109856.
  • Eoton BT., Broder CC., Wang LF. Hendra and Nipah viruses: pothogenesis and therapeutics. Curr. Medd. 2005; 5: 805-816.
  • Feldman KS., Foord A., Heine HG., Smith IL., Boyd V., Marsh GA. Design and evaluation of consensus PCR assays for henipa viruses. J. Virol. Methods. 2009; 161: 52-57.
  • Heroult M., Schaffner F., Augustin HG. Eph receptor and ephrin ligand-mediated interactions duruing angiogenesis and tumor progression. Exp. Cell Res. 2006; 312: 642-650.
  • Hooper PT., Gould AR., Russel GM., Kattenbelt JA., Mitchell G. The retrospective diagnosis of a second outbreak of equine morbillivirus infections. Aust. Vet. J. 1996; 74(3): 244-245.
  • Kirkland PD., Gabor M., Poe I., Neale K., Chaffey K., Finlaison DS, et al. Hendra Virus Infection in Dog, Australia, 2013. Emerg Infect Dis. 2015;21(12):2182-2185.
  • Khusro A., Aarti C., Pliego AB., Cipriano-Salazar M. Hendra Virus Infection in Horses: A Review on Emerging Mystery Paramyxovirus. J Equine Vet Sci. 2020;.91:103149.
  • Mahalingham S., Herero LJ., Playford EG., Spann K., Herring B., Rolph MS., Middleton D., Mc. Call B., Field H., Wang LF. Hendra virus: an emerging paramyxovirus in Australia. Lancet İnfect. Dis. 2012; 12(10): 799-807.
  • Marsh GA., Haining J., Hancock TJ., Robinson R., Foord AJ., Barr JA. Experimental infection of horse with Hendra virus. Australia, Horse, 2008, Redlands. Emerg. Infect. Dis. 2011; 17: 2232-2238.
  • Middleton D. Hendra virus. Vet. Clin. North am Equine Pract. 2014; 30(3): 579-589.
  • Middleton D., Pallister J., Klein R., Feng YR., Haining J., Arkinstall R., Frazer L., Huang JA., Edwards N., Wareing M., Elhay M., Hashmi Z., Bingham J., Yamada M., Johnson D., White J, Foord A., Heine HG., Marsh GA., Broder CC., Wang LF. Hendra virus vaccine, a one health approach to protecting horse, human, and environmental health. Emerg Infect Dis. 2014.
  • Murray K., Selleck P., Hooper P. Et. Al. A morbillivirus that caused fatal disease in horse and humans. Science. 1995; 268: 94-97.
  • Negrete OA., Levroney EL., Aguilar HC., Bertolotti-Ciarlet A., Nazarian R., Tajyar S., Lee B. Ephrin B2 is the entry receptor for Nipah virus, an emergent deadly paramyxovirus. Nature, 2005; 436: 401-405.
  • Rogers RJ., Douglas IC., Baldock FC., Glaville RJ., Seppanen KT., Gleeson LJ. Investigation of a second focus ef equine morbillivirus infection in coastal Queensland. Aust. J. 1996; 74(3): 243-244.
  • Smith IL., Halpin K., Warrilow D., Smith GA. Development of a fluorogenic RT-PCR assay (Taqman) for the detection of Hendra virus. J. Virol Methods. 2001; 98(1): 33-40.
  • St Georgiev V. Paramyxoviridae: Nipah virus and Hendra virus. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, NIH, Vol. 2: Impact on Global Healthed. St Georgiev V.Totowa, NJ: Humana; 2009; 143–150.
  • Wang LF., Yu M., Hansson E., Pritchard LI., Shiell B., Michalski WP., Eaton BT. The exceptionally large genome of Hendra virus: support for creation of a new genus within the family Paramyxoviridae. J. Virol. 2000; 74(21): 9972-9979.
  • Williamson MM., Hooper PT., Selleck PW., Gleeson LJ., Daniels PW., Westbury HA., Murray PK. Transmission studies of Hendra virus in fruit bats, horses and cats. Aust. Vet. J. 1998; 76: 813- 818.
  • Williamson, KM., Wheeler, S., Kerr, J., Bennett, J., Freeman, P., Kohlhagen, J., Peel, AJ., Eby, P., Merritt, T., Housen, T., Dalton, C., Durrheim, DN., & BatOneHealth field team. Hendra in the Hunter Valley. One health (Amsterdam, Netherlands). 2020; 10: 100162.
  • World Organisation for Animal Healty (OIE). Nipah and Hendra virus disease. Manuel of Diagnostic Test and Vaccines for Terrestrial Animals. 2018; 526-543.
  • Viralzone. 2024; Erişim Tarihi: 09.07.2024.
  • Yuen KY., Fraser NS., Henning J. Et. Al. Hendra virus: Epidemiology dynamics in relation to climate change, diagnostic test and control measures. One Health. 2021; 12: 100207.
  • Xueli Wang., Jessica C., Wise., Allison J., Stewart. Hendra Virus: An Update on Diagnosis, Vaccination, and Biosecurity Protocols for Horses, Veterinary Clinics of North America: Equine Practice, 2023; 39(1).
There are 31 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Animal Protection
Journal Section REVIEWS

Ali Güngör 0009-0008-7985-0986

Ayhan Atasever

Early Pub Date January 15, 2025
Publication Date January 17, 2025
Submission Date February 16, 2024
Acceptance Date August 26, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2025


APA Güngör, A., & Atasever, A. (2025). Atlarda Hendra Virus Enfeksiyonları. Osmaniye Korkut Ata Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 8(1), 463-471.
AMA Güngör A, Atasever A. Atlarda Hendra Virus Enfeksiyonları. Osmaniye Korkut Ata University Journal of The Institute of Science and Techno. January 2025;8(1):463-471. doi:10.47495/okufbed.1438155
Chicago Güngör, Ali, and Ayhan Atasever. “Atlarda Hendra Virus Enfeksiyonları”. Osmaniye Korkut Ata Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 8, no. 1 (January 2025): 463-71.
EndNote Güngör A, Atasever A (January 1, 2025) Atlarda Hendra Virus Enfeksiyonları. Osmaniye Korkut Ata Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 8 1 463–471.
IEEE A. Güngör and A. Atasever, “Atlarda Hendra Virus Enfeksiyonları”, Osmaniye Korkut Ata University Journal of The Institute of Science and Techno, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 463–471, 2025, doi: 10.47495/okufbed.1438155.
ISNAD Güngör, Ali - Atasever, Ayhan. “Atlarda Hendra Virus Enfeksiyonları”. Osmaniye Korkut Ata Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 8/1 (January 2025), 463-471.
JAMA Güngör A, Atasever A. Atlarda Hendra Virus Enfeksiyonları. Osmaniye Korkut Ata University Journal of The Institute of Science and Techno. 2025;8:463–471.
MLA Güngör, Ali and Ayhan Atasever. “Atlarda Hendra Virus Enfeksiyonları”. Osmaniye Korkut Ata Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, vol. 8, no. 1, 2025, pp. 463-71, doi:10.47495/okufbed.1438155.
Vancouver Güngör A, Atasever A. Atlarda Hendra Virus Enfeksiyonları. Osmaniye Korkut Ata University Journal of The Institute of Science and Techno. 2025;8(1):463-71.



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