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Stres, Hayvan Sağlığı, Ürün Kalitesi ve Helal Gıda Üretim Süreci Arasındaki İlişkiler

Year 2022, Volume: 5 Issue: 2, 1069 - 1081, 18.07.2022


Günümüzde modern üretim sürecinde evcilleştirilen, ıslah edilerek sürekli verimleri artırılan çiftlik hayvanları değişen çevre koşullarına ve hastalıklara karşı hassas hale gelmişlerdir. Hayvanlardan beklenen yüksek verimin alınabilmesi için ihtiyaç duydukları besin maddelerini uygun miktar ve oranlarda alabilmeleri, barınak koşullarının iyileştirilerek üzerlerindeki stres yükünün azaltılması gerekir. Stres, canlıların yeryüzünde karşılaştıkları çeşitli sorunlarla baş edebilmesi için gösterdikleri tepkidir. Hayvanlar doğada ve çiftlik koşullarında her türlü değişikliklere uyum sağlama yeteneğine sahiptirler. Hayvanların alışkanlıkları dışındaki her değişiklik üzerlerinde stres oluşturur. Yem değişiklikleri, içinde bulundukları fizyolojik durum (gebelik, laktasyon), bakım idaredeki farklılıklar, aşı uygulamaları hatta bakıcının elbise rengi vb. önemli stres kaynaklarıdır. Hayvanları stressiz bir ortamda yetiştirmek neredeyse olanaksızken, stres faktörlerinin zamana yayılmasıyla kayıplar azaltılabilir. Stres halinde vücut salgılarının (enzimler, hormonlar vb.) miktarları değişmektedir. Uzun süren stres faktörleri hayvanın verimi ve sağlığı üzerine doğrudan etki ederken, diğer yandan ürün kalitesini de olumsuz etkilemektedir.


  • Anonymous,2020. -health-and-productivity/#.XmXiUKgzaUk (Erişim Tarihi: 16.08.2021).
  • Alnmier M., De Rosa G., Grasso F., Napolitana F., Bordi A. Effect of Climate on the Response of Three Oestrus Synchronisation Techniques in Lactating Dairy Cows. Anim Reproduction Science 2002; 71: 157 - 168.
  • Bach A., Valls N., Solans A., Torrent T. Associations Between Nondietary Factors and Dairy Herd Performance. Journal of Dairy Science 2008; 91: 3259 - 3267.
  • Bagnicka E., Winnicka A., Jozvik A., Rzewuska M., Strzalkowska N., Kosciuczuk E., Prusak B., Kaba J., Horbanczuk J., Krzyzewski J. Relationship Between Somatic Cell Count and Bacterial Pathogens in Goat Milk. Small Ruminant Research 2011; 100 (1): 72 - 77.
  • Blas J. Stress in Birds, in: SCANES, C.G. (Eds) Sturkie's Avian Physiology, Academic Press, 2015; 6th, pp. 769 - 810 London, UK. Bülbül B., Ataman MB. The Effect of Some Seasonal Conditions on Oestrus Occurrence in Cows. Archiv Fur Tierzucht 2009; 52 (5): 459 - 465.
  • Çobanbaşı Y., Teke B. Kasaplık Sığırlarda Bazı Kesim Öncesi Stress Faktörlerinin Et Kalite Özelliklerine Etkileri.Erciyes Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 2019;16 (2): 147 - 153.
  • Das R., Sailo L., Verma N., Bharti P., Saikia J., Imtiwati., Kumar R. Impact of Heat Stress on Health and Performance of Dairy Animals: A review. Veterinary World 2016; 9: 260 - 268.
  • Demirel R., Tepe İ. Günümüzde Helal Gıda Kavramı ve Zootekni Açısından Önemi. 9. Ulusal Zootekni Bilim Kongresi, 3 - 5 Eylül 2015, Konya.
  • de Passillé AMB,, Rushen J. Are You a Source of Stress or Comfort for Your Cows? in Advances in Dairy Technology. Vol. 11. Proceedings of Western Canada Dairy Seminar 1999; P: 347-360, Edmonton, Canada.
  • Di Trana A., Celi P., Claps S., Fedele V., Rubino R. The Effect of Hot Season and Nutrition on the Oxidative Status and Metabolic Profile in Dairy Goats During Mid Lactation. Animal Science 2006; 82: 717 - 722.
  • Dokmanovic M., Baltic MZ., Duric J., Ivanovic J., Popovic L., Todorovic M., Markovic R., Pantic S. Correlation Among Stress Parameters, Meat and Carcass Quality Parameters in Pigs. Asian Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences 2015; 28: 435 - 441.
  • Edwards LN., Engle TE., Correa JA., Paradis MA., Grandin T. Anderson DB. The Relationship Between Exsanguination Blood Lactate Concentration and Carcass Quality in Slaughter Pigs. Meat Science 2010; 85: 435 - 440.
  • Estevez M. Oxidative Damage to Poultry: From Farm to Fork. Poultry Science 2015; 94: 1368 - 1378.
  • Gebregeziabhear E., Ameha N. The Effect of Stress on Productivity of Animals: A Review.Journal of Biology, Agriculture and Healthcare 2015; 5(3): 165 - 172.
  • Girma F., Gebremariam B. Review on Effect of Stress on Production and Reproduction of Dairy Cattle. Journal of Scientific and Innovative Research 2019; 8(1): 29 - 32.
  • Hansen PJ., Soto PD., Natzke RP. Mastitis and Fertility in Cattle - Possible Involvement of Inflammation or Immune Activation in Embryonic Mortality. American Journal of Reproductive Immunology 2004; 51: 294 - 304.
  • Hill CT., Krawczel PD., Dann HM., Ballard CS., Hovey RC., Grant RJ. Effect of Stocking Density on the Short-term Behavior of Dairy Cows. Journal of Dairy Science 2007; 90 (Suppl. 1): 244.
  • Jozwik A., Śliwa-Jozwik A., Strzalkowska N., Krzyzewski J., Kolataj A. Relationship Between Somatic Cell Count, Level of GSH, Milk Yield and Its Chemical Composition. Medycyna Weterynaryjna 2004; 60(11):1215 - 1217.
  • Krawczel PD., Mooney CS., Dann HM., Carter MP., Butzler RE., Ballard CS., Grant RJ. Effect of Alternative Models for Increasing Stocking Density on the Lying Behavior, Hygiene, and Short-term Productivity of Lactating Holstein Dairy Cattle. Journal of Dairy Science 2008; 91 (Supp. l): 401.
  • Kurutaş EB. The Importance of Antioxidants Which Play the Role in Cellular Response Against Oxidative /Nitrosative Stress: Current State. Nutrition Journal 2016; 15: 1 - 22.
  • Liu L., Song ZG., Jiao HC., Lin H. Glucocorticoids Increase NPY Gene Expression via Hypothalamic AMPK Signaling in Broiler Chicks. Endocrinology 2014; 155: 2190 - 2198.
  • Mishra B., Jha R. Oxidative Stress in the Poultry Gut: Potential Challenges and Interventions. Frontiers in Veterinary Sciences 2019;6: 1 - 5.
  • Prathap Pragna PR., Archana Joy A., Veerasamy S., Govindan K., Madiajagan B., Manimaran A., Beena V., Kurien EK., Girish V., Raghavendra B. Heat Stress and Dairy Cow: Impact on Both Milk Yield and Composition. International Journal of Dairy Science 2017; 12: 1 - 11.
  • Pohle K., Cheng HW. Comparative Effects of Furnished and Battery Cages on Egg Production and Physiological Parameters in White Leghorn Hens. Poultry Science 2009; 88: 2042 - 2051.
  • Sakatami M., Yamanaka K., Kobayashi S., Takahasmi M. Heat Shock-derived Reactive Oxygen Species Induce Embryonic Mortality in in Vitro Early Stage Bovine Embryos. Journal of Reproduction and Development 2008; 54: 496 - 501.
  • Schneider JE. Energy Balance and Reproduction. Physiology and Behavior 2004; 81: 289 - 317.
  • Seabrook MF. Psychological Interaction Between the Milker and the Dairy Cow. in Proceedings of American Society of Agricultural Engineers 3rd International Dairy Housing Conference on Dairy Systems for the 21st Century. 1994; P: 49-58, Orlando, US.
  • Singh M., Chaudhari BK., Singh JK., Singh AK., Maurya PK. Effects of Thermal Load on Buffalo Reproductive Performance During Summer Season. Journal of Biological Science 2013; 1(1):1 - 8.
  • Škrlep M., Prevolnik M., Šegula B., Čandek-Potoka M. Association of Plasma Stress Markers at Slaughter With Carcass or Meat Quality in Pigs. Slovenian Veterinary Research 2009; 46 (4): 133 - 142.
  • Soydan E. Düşük ve Yüksek Süt Verimli Jersey Sığırlarında Süt ve Bazı Döl Verim Özelliklerinin Mevsimsel Değişimi. Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, 2002. (Basılmış).
  • Strzalkowska N., Jozwik A., Bagnicka E., Krzyzewski J., Horbanczuk K., Pyzel B., Sloniewska D., Horbanczuk JO. The Concentration of Free Fatty Acids in Goat Milk as Related to the Stage of Lactation, Age and Somatic Cell Count. Animal Science Papers and Reports 2010; 28 (4): 389 - 395.
  • Tölü C. 2018. Kanatlılar Neden Strese Girer? (Erişim Tarihi: 20.09.2021).
  • Valko M., Leibfritz D., Moncol J., Cronin MTD., Mazur M., Telser J. Free Radicals and Antioxidants in Normal Physiological Functions and Human Disease. The International Journal of Biochemistry and Cell Biology 2007; 39: 44 - 84.
  • Wang XJ., Lin H., Song ZG., Jiao HC. Dexamethasone Facilitates Lipid Accumulation and Mild Feed Restriction Improves Fatty Acids Oxidation in Skeletal Muscle of Broiler Chicks (Gallus gallus domesticus). Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C, Toxicology and Pharmacology 2010; 151: 447 - 454.
  • Wang XJ., Liu L., Zhao JP., Jiao HC., Lin H. Stress Impairs the Reproduction of Laying Hens: An Involvement of Energy Shandong. World's Poultry Science Journal 2017; 73: 845 - 855.
  • Willard S., Gandy S., Bowers S., Graves K., Elias A., Whisnant C. The Effects of GnRH Administration Postinsemination on Serum Concentrations of Progesterone and Pregnancy Rates in Dairy Cattle Exposed to Mild Summer Heat Stres. Theriogenology 2003; 59: 1799 - 1810.
  • Wolfenson D., Roth Z., Meidan R. Impaired Reproduction in Heat Stressed Cattle: Basic and Applied Aspects. Journal of Animal Reproductive Science 2000; 60-61: 535 - 547.

Relationships Between Stress, Animal Health, Product Quality and Halal Food Production

Year 2022, Volume: 5 Issue: 2, 1069 - 1081, 18.07.2022


After domestication of livestock animals, their production performances were constantly increased by breeding. However, this situation may lead animals to become more susceptible to changing environmental conditions and diseases. In order to get higher production level, good quality feeds should be supplied to meet nutritional requirements of animals. In addition, housing conditions need to be improved and stress conditions should be decreased. Stress is a kind of reaction of animals to cope with the various problems they face to in the World. Animals have the ability to adapt to any changes in nature or farm conditions. Each changes can be a potantial stress factor for animals rather than their routines. Health and productivity levels of animals should be; changes in feed, physiological condition (preganacy, lactation etc.), management, vaccination, even colour of the caregiver’s clothes, etc. are major sources of stress. While it is almost impossible to keep livestock animals in a stress-free environment, the effects of stress can be reduced by spreading stress factors over times. The amount of body secretions of animals like enzymes and hormones changes in the case of stress. In long-term stress conditions, animal health and productivity can be affected negatively, likewise food product quality. Since halal food production aims to produce the most suitable food for human health, raising farm animals by protecting them from various stress factors will also provide a competitive advantage in the international market today.


  • Anonymous,2020. -health-and-productivity/#.XmXiUKgzaUk (Erişim Tarihi: 16.08.2021).
  • Alnmier M., De Rosa G., Grasso F., Napolitana F., Bordi A. Effect of Climate on the Response of Three Oestrus Synchronisation Techniques in Lactating Dairy Cows. Anim Reproduction Science 2002; 71: 157 - 168.
  • Bach A., Valls N., Solans A., Torrent T. Associations Between Nondietary Factors and Dairy Herd Performance. Journal of Dairy Science 2008; 91: 3259 - 3267.
  • Bagnicka E., Winnicka A., Jozvik A., Rzewuska M., Strzalkowska N., Kosciuczuk E., Prusak B., Kaba J., Horbanczuk J., Krzyzewski J. Relationship Between Somatic Cell Count and Bacterial Pathogens in Goat Milk. Small Ruminant Research 2011; 100 (1): 72 - 77.
  • Blas J. Stress in Birds, in: SCANES, C.G. (Eds) Sturkie's Avian Physiology, Academic Press, 2015; 6th, pp. 769 - 810 London, UK. Bülbül B., Ataman MB. The Effect of Some Seasonal Conditions on Oestrus Occurrence in Cows. Archiv Fur Tierzucht 2009; 52 (5): 459 - 465.
  • Çobanbaşı Y., Teke B. Kasaplık Sığırlarda Bazı Kesim Öncesi Stress Faktörlerinin Et Kalite Özelliklerine Etkileri.Erciyes Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 2019;16 (2): 147 - 153.
  • Das R., Sailo L., Verma N., Bharti P., Saikia J., Imtiwati., Kumar R. Impact of Heat Stress on Health and Performance of Dairy Animals: A review. Veterinary World 2016; 9: 260 - 268.
  • Demirel R., Tepe İ. Günümüzde Helal Gıda Kavramı ve Zootekni Açısından Önemi. 9. Ulusal Zootekni Bilim Kongresi, 3 - 5 Eylül 2015, Konya.
  • de Passillé AMB,, Rushen J. Are You a Source of Stress or Comfort for Your Cows? in Advances in Dairy Technology. Vol. 11. Proceedings of Western Canada Dairy Seminar 1999; P: 347-360, Edmonton, Canada.
  • Di Trana A., Celi P., Claps S., Fedele V., Rubino R. The Effect of Hot Season and Nutrition on the Oxidative Status and Metabolic Profile in Dairy Goats During Mid Lactation. Animal Science 2006; 82: 717 - 722.
  • Dokmanovic M., Baltic MZ., Duric J., Ivanovic J., Popovic L., Todorovic M., Markovic R., Pantic S. Correlation Among Stress Parameters, Meat and Carcass Quality Parameters in Pigs. Asian Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences 2015; 28: 435 - 441.
  • Edwards LN., Engle TE., Correa JA., Paradis MA., Grandin T. Anderson DB. The Relationship Between Exsanguination Blood Lactate Concentration and Carcass Quality in Slaughter Pigs. Meat Science 2010; 85: 435 - 440.
  • Estevez M. Oxidative Damage to Poultry: From Farm to Fork. Poultry Science 2015; 94: 1368 - 1378.
  • Gebregeziabhear E., Ameha N. The Effect of Stress on Productivity of Animals: A Review.Journal of Biology, Agriculture and Healthcare 2015; 5(3): 165 - 172.
  • Girma F., Gebremariam B. Review on Effect of Stress on Production and Reproduction of Dairy Cattle. Journal of Scientific and Innovative Research 2019; 8(1): 29 - 32.
  • Hansen PJ., Soto PD., Natzke RP. Mastitis and Fertility in Cattle - Possible Involvement of Inflammation or Immune Activation in Embryonic Mortality. American Journal of Reproductive Immunology 2004; 51: 294 - 304.
  • Hill CT., Krawczel PD., Dann HM., Ballard CS., Hovey RC., Grant RJ. Effect of Stocking Density on the Short-term Behavior of Dairy Cows. Journal of Dairy Science 2007; 90 (Suppl. 1): 244.
  • Jozwik A., Śliwa-Jozwik A., Strzalkowska N., Krzyzewski J., Kolataj A. Relationship Between Somatic Cell Count, Level of GSH, Milk Yield and Its Chemical Composition. Medycyna Weterynaryjna 2004; 60(11):1215 - 1217.
  • Krawczel PD., Mooney CS., Dann HM., Carter MP., Butzler RE., Ballard CS., Grant RJ. Effect of Alternative Models for Increasing Stocking Density on the Lying Behavior, Hygiene, and Short-term Productivity of Lactating Holstein Dairy Cattle. Journal of Dairy Science 2008; 91 (Supp. l): 401.
  • Kurutaş EB. The Importance of Antioxidants Which Play the Role in Cellular Response Against Oxidative /Nitrosative Stress: Current State. Nutrition Journal 2016; 15: 1 - 22.
  • Liu L., Song ZG., Jiao HC., Lin H. Glucocorticoids Increase NPY Gene Expression via Hypothalamic AMPK Signaling in Broiler Chicks. Endocrinology 2014; 155: 2190 - 2198.
  • Mishra B., Jha R. Oxidative Stress in the Poultry Gut: Potential Challenges and Interventions. Frontiers in Veterinary Sciences 2019;6: 1 - 5.
  • Prathap Pragna PR., Archana Joy A., Veerasamy S., Govindan K., Madiajagan B., Manimaran A., Beena V., Kurien EK., Girish V., Raghavendra B. Heat Stress and Dairy Cow: Impact on Both Milk Yield and Composition. International Journal of Dairy Science 2017; 12: 1 - 11.
  • Pohle K., Cheng HW. Comparative Effects of Furnished and Battery Cages on Egg Production and Physiological Parameters in White Leghorn Hens. Poultry Science 2009; 88: 2042 - 2051.
  • Sakatami M., Yamanaka K., Kobayashi S., Takahasmi M. Heat Shock-derived Reactive Oxygen Species Induce Embryonic Mortality in in Vitro Early Stage Bovine Embryos. Journal of Reproduction and Development 2008; 54: 496 - 501.
  • Schneider JE. Energy Balance and Reproduction. Physiology and Behavior 2004; 81: 289 - 317.
  • Seabrook MF. Psychological Interaction Between the Milker and the Dairy Cow. in Proceedings of American Society of Agricultural Engineers 3rd International Dairy Housing Conference on Dairy Systems for the 21st Century. 1994; P: 49-58, Orlando, US.
  • Singh M., Chaudhari BK., Singh JK., Singh AK., Maurya PK. Effects of Thermal Load on Buffalo Reproductive Performance During Summer Season. Journal of Biological Science 2013; 1(1):1 - 8.
  • Škrlep M., Prevolnik M., Šegula B., Čandek-Potoka M. Association of Plasma Stress Markers at Slaughter With Carcass or Meat Quality in Pigs. Slovenian Veterinary Research 2009; 46 (4): 133 - 142.
  • Soydan E. Düşük ve Yüksek Süt Verimli Jersey Sığırlarında Süt ve Bazı Döl Verim Özelliklerinin Mevsimsel Değişimi. Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, 2002. (Basılmış).
  • Strzalkowska N., Jozwik A., Bagnicka E., Krzyzewski J., Horbanczuk K., Pyzel B., Sloniewska D., Horbanczuk JO. The Concentration of Free Fatty Acids in Goat Milk as Related to the Stage of Lactation, Age and Somatic Cell Count. Animal Science Papers and Reports 2010; 28 (4): 389 - 395.
  • Tölü C. 2018. Kanatlılar Neden Strese Girer? (Erişim Tarihi: 20.09.2021).
  • Valko M., Leibfritz D., Moncol J., Cronin MTD., Mazur M., Telser J. Free Radicals and Antioxidants in Normal Physiological Functions and Human Disease. The International Journal of Biochemistry and Cell Biology 2007; 39: 44 - 84.
  • Wang XJ., Lin H., Song ZG., Jiao HC. Dexamethasone Facilitates Lipid Accumulation and Mild Feed Restriction Improves Fatty Acids Oxidation in Skeletal Muscle of Broiler Chicks (Gallus gallus domesticus). Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C, Toxicology and Pharmacology 2010; 151: 447 - 454.
  • Wang XJ., Liu L., Zhao JP., Jiao HC., Lin H. Stress Impairs the Reproduction of Laying Hens: An Involvement of Energy Shandong. World's Poultry Science Journal 2017; 73: 845 - 855.
  • Willard S., Gandy S., Bowers S., Graves K., Elias A., Whisnant C. The Effects of GnRH Administration Postinsemination on Serum Concentrations of Progesterone and Pregnancy Rates in Dairy Cattle Exposed to Mild Summer Heat Stres. Theriogenology 2003; 59: 1799 - 1810.
  • Wolfenson D., Roth Z., Meidan R. Impaired Reproduction in Heat Stressed Cattle: Basic and Applied Aspects. Journal of Animal Reproductive Science 2000; 60-61: 535 - 547.
There are 37 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Food Engineering
Journal Section REVIEWS

Ramazan Demirel

Dilek Şentürk Demirel

Publication Date July 18, 2022
Submission Date October 25, 2021
Acceptance Date February 10, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022 Volume: 5 Issue: 2


APA Demirel, R., & Şentürk Demirel, D. (2022). Stres, Hayvan Sağlığı, Ürün Kalitesi ve Helal Gıda Üretim Süreci Arasındaki İlişkiler. Osmaniye Korkut Ata Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 5(2), 1069-1081.
AMA Demirel R, Şentürk Demirel D. Stres, Hayvan Sağlığı, Ürün Kalitesi ve Helal Gıda Üretim Süreci Arasındaki İlişkiler. Osmaniye Korkut Ata University Journal of The Institute of Science and Techno. July 2022;5(2):1069-1081. doi:10.47495/okufbed.1014521
Chicago Demirel, Ramazan, and Dilek Şentürk Demirel. “Stres, Hayvan Sağlığı, Ürün Kalitesi Ve Helal Gıda Üretim Süreci Arasındaki İlişkiler”. Osmaniye Korkut Ata Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 5, no. 2 (July 2022): 1069-81.
EndNote Demirel R, Şentürk Demirel D (July 1, 2022) Stres, Hayvan Sağlığı, Ürün Kalitesi ve Helal Gıda Üretim Süreci Arasındaki İlişkiler. Osmaniye Korkut Ata Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 5 2 1069–1081.
IEEE R. Demirel and D. Şentürk Demirel, “Stres, Hayvan Sağlığı, Ürün Kalitesi ve Helal Gıda Üretim Süreci Arasındaki İlişkiler”, Osmaniye Korkut Ata University Journal of The Institute of Science and Techno, vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 1069–1081, 2022, doi: 10.47495/okufbed.1014521.
ISNAD Demirel, Ramazan - Şentürk Demirel, Dilek. “Stres, Hayvan Sağlığı, Ürün Kalitesi Ve Helal Gıda Üretim Süreci Arasındaki İlişkiler”. Osmaniye Korkut Ata Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 5/2 (July 2022), 1069-1081.
JAMA Demirel R, Şentürk Demirel D. Stres, Hayvan Sağlığı, Ürün Kalitesi ve Helal Gıda Üretim Süreci Arasındaki İlişkiler. Osmaniye Korkut Ata University Journal of The Institute of Science and Techno. 2022;5:1069–1081.
MLA Demirel, Ramazan and Dilek Şentürk Demirel. “Stres, Hayvan Sağlığı, Ürün Kalitesi Ve Helal Gıda Üretim Süreci Arasındaki İlişkiler”. Osmaniye Korkut Ata Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, vol. 5, no. 2, 2022, pp. 1069-81, doi:10.47495/okufbed.1014521.
Vancouver Demirel R, Şentürk Demirel D. Stres, Hayvan Sağlığı, Ürün Kalitesi ve Helal Gıda Üretim Süreci Arasındaki İlişkiler. Osmaniye Korkut Ata University Journal of The Institute of Science and Techno. 2022;5(2):1069-81.



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