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İşyeri Mutluluğu: Bir Kavram İncelemesi

Year 2021, Volume: 17 Issue: 38, 5686 - 5712, 15.06.2021


Çalışan bireyler hayatlarının büyük bir çoğunluğunu işyerinde geçirmektedir. Dolayısıyla işyerinde yaşadıkları olaylar bireylerin işyeri dışındaki yaşamlarını da doğrudan etkileyebilmektedir. Bireyler çalıştıkları işyerlerinde mutlu hissettikleri zaman bu durum çalışanların örgüt için verimliliklerini arttıracak ayrıca işyeri dışında geçirdikleri zamanlarında da iyi oluş ve yaşam tatmini düzeylerini de geliştirebilecektir. Günümüz örgütlerinin çoğu işyeri mutluluğu yüksek çalışanları sayesinde daha sürdürülebilir bir üretkenliğe sahip olabileceklerinin farkındadır. Ancak bu farkındalığın işyerindeki bireylerin mutluluklarını nasıl arttırabileceği konusundaki faktörlerin yalnızca incelenmesi değil aynı zamanda düzenli bir şekilde uygulanması da önemlidir. İşyeri mutluluğu kavramı pozitif psikoloji disiplininin uğraş alanında sıkla incelenmekte iken aynı zamanda yönetim ve örgütsel davranış alanında da araştırılmaya devam etmektedir. Çıkış noktası temel mutluluk olan işyeri mutluluğu kavramı teorik olarak pozitif psikolojinin öncüsü Martin Seligman’ın mutluluğun esaslarını ortaya koyduğu çalışmalarıyla da güçlenmiştir. Bireylerin genel mutluluk düzeyi iş yaşamlarına da yansımaktadır. Dolayısıyla birey iş ve yaşam arasındaki dengeyi sahip olduğu olumlu duygular ile daha kolay sağlayabilecektir. Bu sebeple, örgütler de işyerinde geçirdikleri zamanın fazlalığını göz önünde bulundurarak motivasyonu yüksek çalışanlara sahip olmak için işyeri mutluluğunun nasıl arttırılabileceği konusunda çaba göstermektedir. Bu çabanın sonucu olarak hem bireysel hem örgütsel olumlu iş çıktıları elde etmek mümkündür. Bu çalışma ile işyeri mutluluğun hem örgüt çalışanları hem de örgütler açısından önemini kavramsal bir şekilde öncül ve ardıl faktörler ile ortaya koymak amaçlanmaktadır.


  • Abraham, S. (2015). Factors influencing workplace happiness among employees in software companies in Bangalore. International Journal of Research in Applied Management Science and Technology, II (I).
  • Adams VH, Snyder CR, Rand KL, King EA, Sigman DR, Pulvers KM. (2002). Hope in the workplace içinde Giacolone R, Jurkiewicz C. (Eds.), Workplace spirituality and organization performance. New York: Sharpe.
  • Adnan Bataineh, K. (2019). Impact of work-life balance, happiness at work, on employee performance. International Business Research, 12(2), 99-112.
  • Ali, M., Ghani, M. U., and Raza, B. (2019). Linking human resource practice with work happiness through employee resilience: Evidence from Pakistan. Global Regional Review, 4(3), 82-91.
  • Alparslan, A. M. (2016). Emek işçilerinde fazladan rol davranışının öncülü: iş tatmini mi işyerinde mutluluk mu?. Atatürk Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi, 30(1), 203-215.
  • Bani-Melhem, S., Zeffane, R. ve Albaity, M. (2018). Determinants of employees’ innovative behavior. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 30 (3), 1601- 1620.
  • Boehm, J. K. ve Lyubomirsky, S. (2008). Does happiness promote career success? Journal of Career Assessment, 16(1), 101-116.
  • Bok, D. (2010). The politics of happiness: What government can learn from the new research on well-being. Princeton University Press.
  • Bunderson, J. S. ve Thompson, J. A. (2009). The call of the wild: Zookeepers, callings, and the double-edged sword of deeply meaningful work. Administrative science quarterly, 54(1), 32-57.
  • Butt, R. S., Altaf, S., Chohan, I. M. ve Ashraf, S. F. (2019). Analyzing the role of quality of work life and happiness at work on employees’ job satisfaction with the moderation of job stress, empirical research of Jiangsu University. International Journal of Scientific and Technology Research, 8(10), 1905-1915.
  • Butt, R. S., Wen, X. ve Hussain, R. Y. (2020). Mediated effect of employee job satisfaction on employees’ happiness at work and analysis of motivational factors: evidence from telecommunication sector. Asian Business Research Journal, 5, 19-27.
  • Chin, T. (2015). Harmony and organizational citizenship behavior in Chinese organizations. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 26(8), 1110-1129.
  • Chiumento, S. (2007). Happiness at work index: Research report 2007. London: Chiumento
  • Cropanzano, R. ve Wright, T. A. (2001). When a" happy" worker is really a" productive" worker: A review and further refinement of the happy-productive worker thesis. Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research, 53(3), 182.
  • De Neve, J. E. ve Ward, G. (2017). Happiness at work. Saïd Business School WP, 7, 1-78.
  • de Waal, A. (2018). Increasing organisational attractiveness: the role of the HPO and happiness at work frameworks. Journal of Organizational Effectiveness: People and Performance, 5(2), 124- 141.
  • Demir, R. ve Türk, F. (2020). Pozitif psikoloji: Tarihçe, temel kavramlar, terapötik süreç, eleştiriler ve katkılar. Humanistic Perspective, 2(2), 108-125.
  • Diener, E. (2000). Subjective well-being: The science of happiness and a proposal for a national index. American psychologist, 55(1), 34- 43.
  • Dik, B. J., Steger, M. F., ve Autin, K. L. (2020). Emerging Perspectives: Calling, Meaning, and Volition içinde Brown S.D., Lent R. W. (Eds.), Career Development and Counseling: Putting Theory and Research to Work, 237-270.
  • Duffy, R. D., Dik, B. J., Douglass, R. P., England, J. W., ve Velez, B. L. (2018). Work as a calling: A theoretical model. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 65(4), 423- 439.
  • Edmunds, L. D. ve Pryce-Jones, J. (2008). Relationships between happiness, overtime, sick leave and intention to stay or leave. Selection and Development Review, 24(1), 812.
  • Erdogan, B., Bauer, T. N., Truxillo, D. M., ve Mansfield, L. R. (2012). Whistle while you work: A review of the life satisfaction literature. Journal of Management, 38(4), 1038-1083.
  • Fatima, A., Imran, R. ve Noreen, U. Antecedents and outcomes of employee wellbeing: A path model approach, Journal of Innovative Research in Education and Management, 1(1), 40-50.
  • Fischer, E. F. (2014). The good life: Aspiration, dignity, and the anthropology of wellbeing. Stanford University Press.
  • Fredrickson, B. L. (1998). What good are positive emotions? Review of General Psychology, 2(3), 300-319.
  • Fredrickson, B. L. (2001). The role of positive emotions in positive psychology: The broaden-and-build theory of positive emotions. American Psychologist, 56(3), 218- 226.
  • Fredrickson, B. L. (2003). Positive emotions and upward spirals in organizational settings içinde K. S. Cameron, J. E. Dutton, R. E. Quinn, (Eds.) Positive organizational scholarship: Foundations of a new discipline. San Francisco: Berrett Koehler. 163–175.
  • Gavin, J. H., ve Mason, R. O. (2004). The Virtuous Organization: The value of happiness in the workplace. Organizational Dynamics, 33(4), 379-392.
  • Golden, L., Henly, J. ve Lambert, S. (2013). Work schedule flexibility: a contributor to employee happiness? Journal of Social Research and Policy, 4 (2), 107-135.
  • Golparvar, M., and Abedini, H. (2014). The relationship between spirituality and meaning at work and the job happiness and psychological well-being: A spiritual-affective approach to the psychological well-being. International Journal of Management and Sustainability, 3(3), 160-175.
  • Gregory, K. (2011). The importance of employee satisfaction. The Journal of the Division of Business and Information Management, 5, 29-37.
  • Haller, M. ve Hadler, M. (2006). How social relations and structures can produce happiness and unhappiness: An international comparative analysis. Social Indicators Research, 75(2), 169-216.
  • Haybron, D. M. (2013). The nature and significance of happiness. The Oxford Handbook of Happiness, 303-314.
  • Joo, B. K. ve Lee, I. (2017). Workplace happiness: Work engagement, career satisfaction, and subjective well-being içinde Evidence-based HRM: A Global Forum for Empirical Scholarship. Emerald Publishing Limited. 5(2), 206- 221.
  • Judge, T. A., Bono, J. E., Thoresen, C. J. ve Patton, G. K. (2001). The job satisfaction-job performance relationship: A qualitative and quantitative review. Psychological Bulletin, 127, 376–407.
  • Karayaman, S. (2020). Yönetimde Duygusal Zekâ ve İşyeri Mutluluğu İlişkisi: Okul Yöneticileri Örneği. İstanbul Gelişim Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 8(1), 51-66.
  • Kim, K. S. (2019). The influence of hotels high commitment hrm on job engagement of employees: Mediating effects of workplace happiness and mental health. Applied Research in Quality of Life, 14(2), 507-525.
  • Kır, A., Kösem, Ü., Akçakanat, T., ve Uzunbacak, H. H. (2020). Öğretmenlerde şükrün işyeri mutluluğuna etkisinde cinsiyetin düzenleyici rolü. Uluslararası İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi, 6(2), 5-18.
  • Köroğlu, S. A. (2015). Literatür taramasi üzerine notlar ve bir tarama tekniği. GiDB Dergi, (01), 61-69.
  • Kun, A. ve Gadanecz, P. (2019). Workplace happiness, well-being and their relationship with psychological capital: A study of Hungarian Teachers. Current Psychology, 1-15.
  • Locke, E. A. ve Latham, G. P. (1990). A theory of goal setting and task performance. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall
  • Luthans, F. (2002). Positive organizational behavior: Developing and managing psychological strengths. Academy of Management Perspectives, 16(1), 57-72.
  • Luthans, F. (2002). The need for and meaning of positive organizational behavior. Journal of Organizational Behaviour, 23, 695–706.
  • Lyubomirsky, S., ve Layous, K. (2013). How do simple positive activities increase well-being?. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 22(1), 57-62.
  • Maham, R., Bhatti, O. K., ve Öztürk, A. O. (2020). Impact of Islamic spirituality and Islamic social responsibility on employee happiness with perceived organizational justice as a mediator. Cogent Business an Management, 7(1), 1- 20.
  • Maslow, A. H. (1943). A theory of human motivation. Psychological Review, 50(4), 370-396.
  • Mousa, M., Massoud, H. K. ve Ayoubi, R. M. (2020). Gender, diversity management perceptions, workplace happiness and organisational citizenship behaviour. Employee Relations: The International Journal, 42(6), 1246- 1269.
  • Myers, D. G. ve Diener, E. (1995). Who is happy?. Psychological Science, 6(1), 10-19.
  • Oliveira, A. F., Gomide Júnior, S. ve Poli, B. V. S. (2020). Antecedents of well-being at work: trust and people management policies. RAM. Revista de Administração Mackenzie, 21(1), 1- 26.
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Workplace Happiness: A Concept Analysis

Year 2021, Volume: 17 Issue: 38, 5686 - 5712, 15.06.2021


Working individuals spend most of their lives at work. Thus, events experienced in the workplace can directly influence the individuals’ lives outside the workplace. When individuals feel happy in the workplace, this will increase the productivity of the employees for the organization and also improve their well-being and life satisfaction levels during the times spent outside the workplace. Most of today’s organizations are aware of having employees with high workplace happiness will have more sustainable productivity. However, it is important not only to examine the factors on how to increase the workplace happiness of the individuals but also to apply them on a regular basis. While the concept of workplace happiness is frequently examined in the field of positive psychology discipline, it also continues to be investigated in the field of management and organizational behavior. Based on general happiness, the term “workplace happiness” has been strengthened theoretically with the studies of the pioneer of positive psychology Martin Seligman who put forward the principles of happiness. The general happiness level of individuals has reflections on their work life. Therefore, the individual will be able to achieve the balance between work and life more easily with his/her positive emotions. For this reason, organizations strive on how to increase workplace happiness in order to have highly motivated employees, taking into account the amount of time they spend in the workplace. As a result of this effort, it is possible to obtain positive work outcomes both for individual and organizational level. In this study, it is aimed to reveal the importance of the term workplace happiness for both the employees and organizations by reviewing the term with its antecedents and consequences factors.


  • Abraham, S. (2015). Factors influencing workplace happiness among employees in software companies in Bangalore. International Journal of Research in Applied Management Science and Technology, II (I).
  • Adams VH, Snyder CR, Rand KL, King EA, Sigman DR, Pulvers KM. (2002). Hope in the workplace içinde Giacolone R, Jurkiewicz C. (Eds.), Workplace spirituality and organization performance. New York: Sharpe.
  • Adnan Bataineh, K. (2019). Impact of work-life balance, happiness at work, on employee performance. International Business Research, 12(2), 99-112.
  • Ali, M., Ghani, M. U., and Raza, B. (2019). Linking human resource practice with work happiness through employee resilience: Evidence from Pakistan. Global Regional Review, 4(3), 82-91.
  • Alparslan, A. M. (2016). Emek işçilerinde fazladan rol davranışının öncülü: iş tatmini mi işyerinde mutluluk mu?. Atatürk Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi, 30(1), 203-215.
  • Bani-Melhem, S., Zeffane, R. ve Albaity, M. (2018). Determinants of employees’ innovative behavior. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 30 (3), 1601- 1620.
  • Boehm, J. K. ve Lyubomirsky, S. (2008). Does happiness promote career success? Journal of Career Assessment, 16(1), 101-116.
  • Bok, D. (2010). The politics of happiness: What government can learn from the new research on well-being. Princeton University Press.
  • Bunderson, J. S. ve Thompson, J. A. (2009). The call of the wild: Zookeepers, callings, and the double-edged sword of deeply meaningful work. Administrative science quarterly, 54(1), 32-57.
  • Butt, R. S., Altaf, S., Chohan, I. M. ve Ashraf, S. F. (2019). Analyzing the role of quality of work life and happiness at work on employees’ job satisfaction with the moderation of job stress, empirical research of Jiangsu University. International Journal of Scientific and Technology Research, 8(10), 1905-1915.
  • Butt, R. S., Wen, X. ve Hussain, R. Y. (2020). Mediated effect of employee job satisfaction on employees’ happiness at work and analysis of motivational factors: evidence from telecommunication sector. Asian Business Research Journal, 5, 19-27.
  • Chin, T. (2015). Harmony and organizational citizenship behavior in Chinese organizations. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 26(8), 1110-1129.
  • Chiumento, S. (2007). Happiness at work index: Research report 2007. London: Chiumento
  • Cropanzano, R. ve Wright, T. A. (2001). When a" happy" worker is really a" productive" worker: A review and further refinement of the happy-productive worker thesis. Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research, 53(3), 182.
  • De Neve, J. E. ve Ward, G. (2017). Happiness at work. Saïd Business School WP, 7, 1-78.
  • de Waal, A. (2018). Increasing organisational attractiveness: the role of the HPO and happiness at work frameworks. Journal of Organizational Effectiveness: People and Performance, 5(2), 124- 141.
  • Demir, R. ve Türk, F. (2020). Pozitif psikoloji: Tarihçe, temel kavramlar, terapötik süreç, eleştiriler ve katkılar. Humanistic Perspective, 2(2), 108-125.
  • Diener, E. (2000). Subjective well-being: The science of happiness and a proposal for a national index. American psychologist, 55(1), 34- 43.
  • Dik, B. J., Steger, M. F., ve Autin, K. L. (2020). Emerging Perspectives: Calling, Meaning, and Volition içinde Brown S.D., Lent R. W. (Eds.), Career Development and Counseling: Putting Theory and Research to Work, 237-270.
  • Duffy, R. D., Dik, B. J., Douglass, R. P., England, J. W., ve Velez, B. L. (2018). Work as a calling: A theoretical model. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 65(4), 423- 439.
  • Edmunds, L. D. ve Pryce-Jones, J. (2008). Relationships between happiness, overtime, sick leave and intention to stay or leave. Selection and Development Review, 24(1), 812.
  • Erdogan, B., Bauer, T. N., Truxillo, D. M., ve Mansfield, L. R. (2012). Whistle while you work: A review of the life satisfaction literature. Journal of Management, 38(4), 1038-1083.
  • Fatima, A., Imran, R. ve Noreen, U. Antecedents and outcomes of employee wellbeing: A path model approach, Journal of Innovative Research in Education and Management, 1(1), 40-50.
  • Fischer, E. F. (2014). The good life: Aspiration, dignity, and the anthropology of wellbeing. Stanford University Press.
  • Fredrickson, B. L. (1998). What good are positive emotions? Review of General Psychology, 2(3), 300-319.
  • Fredrickson, B. L. (2001). The role of positive emotions in positive psychology: The broaden-and-build theory of positive emotions. American Psychologist, 56(3), 218- 226.
  • Fredrickson, B. L. (2003). Positive emotions and upward spirals in organizational settings içinde K. S. Cameron, J. E. Dutton, R. E. Quinn, (Eds.) Positive organizational scholarship: Foundations of a new discipline. San Francisco: Berrett Koehler. 163–175.
  • Gavin, J. H., ve Mason, R. O. (2004). The Virtuous Organization: The value of happiness in the workplace. Organizational Dynamics, 33(4), 379-392.
  • Golden, L., Henly, J. ve Lambert, S. (2013). Work schedule flexibility: a contributor to employee happiness? Journal of Social Research and Policy, 4 (2), 107-135.
  • Golparvar, M., and Abedini, H. (2014). The relationship between spirituality and meaning at work and the job happiness and psychological well-being: A spiritual-affective approach to the psychological well-being. International Journal of Management and Sustainability, 3(3), 160-175.
  • Gregory, K. (2011). The importance of employee satisfaction. The Journal of the Division of Business and Information Management, 5, 29-37.
  • Haller, M. ve Hadler, M. (2006). How social relations and structures can produce happiness and unhappiness: An international comparative analysis. Social Indicators Research, 75(2), 169-216.
  • Haybron, D. M. (2013). The nature and significance of happiness. The Oxford Handbook of Happiness, 303-314.
  • Joo, B. K. ve Lee, I. (2017). Workplace happiness: Work engagement, career satisfaction, and subjective well-being içinde Evidence-based HRM: A Global Forum for Empirical Scholarship. Emerald Publishing Limited. 5(2), 206- 221.
  • Judge, T. A., Bono, J. E., Thoresen, C. J. ve Patton, G. K. (2001). The job satisfaction-job performance relationship: A qualitative and quantitative review. Psychological Bulletin, 127, 376–407.
  • Karayaman, S. (2020). Yönetimde Duygusal Zekâ ve İşyeri Mutluluğu İlişkisi: Okul Yöneticileri Örneği. İstanbul Gelişim Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 8(1), 51-66.
  • Kim, K. S. (2019). The influence of hotels high commitment hrm on job engagement of employees: Mediating effects of workplace happiness and mental health. Applied Research in Quality of Life, 14(2), 507-525.
  • Kır, A., Kösem, Ü., Akçakanat, T., ve Uzunbacak, H. H. (2020). Öğretmenlerde şükrün işyeri mutluluğuna etkisinde cinsiyetin düzenleyici rolü. Uluslararası İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi, 6(2), 5-18.
  • Köroğlu, S. A. (2015). Literatür taramasi üzerine notlar ve bir tarama tekniği. GiDB Dergi, (01), 61-69.
  • Kun, A. ve Gadanecz, P. (2019). Workplace happiness, well-being and their relationship with psychological capital: A study of Hungarian Teachers. Current Psychology, 1-15.
  • Locke, E. A. ve Latham, G. P. (1990). A theory of goal setting and task performance. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall
  • Luthans, F. (2002). Positive organizational behavior: Developing and managing psychological strengths. Academy of Management Perspectives, 16(1), 57-72.
  • Luthans, F. (2002). The need for and meaning of positive organizational behavior. Journal of Organizational Behaviour, 23, 695–706.
  • Lyubomirsky, S., ve Layous, K. (2013). How do simple positive activities increase well-being?. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 22(1), 57-62.
  • Maham, R., Bhatti, O. K., ve Öztürk, A. O. (2020). Impact of Islamic spirituality and Islamic social responsibility on employee happiness with perceived organizational justice as a mediator. Cogent Business an Management, 7(1), 1- 20.
  • Maslow, A. H. (1943). A theory of human motivation. Psychological Review, 50(4), 370-396.
  • Mousa, M., Massoud, H. K. ve Ayoubi, R. M. (2020). Gender, diversity management perceptions, workplace happiness and organisational citizenship behaviour. Employee Relations: The International Journal, 42(6), 1246- 1269.
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There are 78 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Sociology (Other)
Journal Section Articles

Tuğba Erhan 0000-0002-5697-490X

Publication Date June 15, 2021
Acceptance Date March 31, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021 Volume: 17 Issue: 38


APA Erhan, T. (2021). İşyeri Mutluluğu: Bir Kavram İncelemesi. OPUS International Journal of Society Researches, 17(38), 5686-5712.

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