Research Article
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Year 2023, Volume: 20 Issue: 51, 162 - 173, 31.01.2023



  • Ada, N. (2021). Örgütsel iletişim. Gazi Kitabevi, p.46.
  • Albo, M. J., & Friedman, B. D. (2011). Political socialization and the communications. Media Basics, p.48.
  • Alwin, D. F., & McCammon, R. J. (2003). Generations, cohorts, and social change. In Handbook of the life course. Springer, p.23-49.
  • Aziz, A. (2007). Siyasal iletişim. Nobel Yayınevi.
  • Aziz, A. (2016). İletişime giriş. Hiperlink Yayınları. (5. Basım), p.157.
  • Başal, B. (2018). Yeni medya planlama ve tüketici davranışları. Çantay Yayınları, p.66.
  • Bayramoğlu, G. (2018). Comparison of leadership behaviour gen xers. Ege Academic Review, 18(1), 15-30. Boydstun, A. E. (2013). Making the news: Politics, the media, and agenda setting. University of Chicago Press. Cambridge online dictionary, Retrieved April, 7, 2022, from
  • Chandrappa, K. (2014). The Influence of the Media in Politics-Campaigns and Elections. International journal of science and research, 3(12), 2310-2312.
  • Cohen, B. C. (2015). Press and foreign policy (Vol. 2321). Princeton university press.
  • Comte, A. (1974). The positive philosophy. Ed., Abraham S. Blumberg. AMS Press.
  • Corsten M. (1999). The Time of Generations, Time & Society. 1999;8(2-3):249-272.
  • Critical, V. (2016). The everything guide to Generation Z. Retrieved December, 18, 2020, from
  • Çelik, S. & Gürcüoğlu A. E. (2016). Generations and their relations in social processes. Security Strategy and Political Studies, 1(1), 117-127.
  • Çetin, C & Karalar, S. (2016). X, Y ve Z Kuşağı öğrencilerin çok yönlü ve sınırsız kariyer algıları üzerine bir araştırma. Yönetim Bilimleri Dergisi, / Journal of Administrative Sciences, 14(28), 157-197.
  • Dolot, A. (2018). The characteristics of Generation Z. E-mentor, 74(2), 44-50.
  • Fields, B. (2006). School discipline coverage in Australian newspapers: Impact on public perceptions, educational decisions and policy. In Proceedings of the International Conference of the Australian.
  • Association for Research in Education 2005 (AARE 2005). Retrieved December, 10, 2022 from
  • Gaidhani, S., Arora, L. & Sharma, B. K. (2019). Understanding the attitude of generation Z towards workplace. International Journal of Management, Technology, And Engineering, 9(1), 2804-2812.
  • Goessling, M. (2017). Attraction and retention of generations X, Y, and Z in the workplace. Integrated Studies. 66. Retrieved April, 3, 2022, from
  • Göker, G. & Doğan, A. (2011). 2010 Referandumunda Türk basınının siyasal gündemi: Hürriyet, Haber Türk, Zaman ve Yeni Şafak Örneğiyle. Gümüşhane Üniversitesi İletişim Fakültesi Elektronik Dergisi (e-GİFDER), 2, 45-69.
  • Grishin, S. (2015). Political communication, Saratov Slovo Publishing House.
  • Güngör, N (2018). İletişime giriş. Siyasal Kitabevi, 5. Basım, p.212-215.
  • Hall S (1991) Encoding/decoding. In: Hall S, Hobson D, Lowe A, et al. (eds) Culture, Media, Language: Working Papers in Cultural Studies, 1972–79. London, UK: Routledge, 128–138.
  • Hernandez-de-Menendez, M., Escobar Díaz, C. A., & Morales-Menendez, R. (2020). Educational experiences with Generation Z. International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing (IJIDeM), 14(3), 847-859.
  • Islam, M. A., Cheong, T. W., Yusuf, D. H. M., & Desa, H. (2011). A study on 'Generation Y' behaviors at workplace in Penang. Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 5(11), 1802-1812.
  • Kaplan, A. M., & Haenlein, M. (2010). Users of the world, unite! The challenges and opportunities of Social Media. Business horizons, 53(1), 59-68.
  • Katz, S. (2017). Generation X: A critical sociological perspective. Generations, American Society on Aging, 41(3), 12-19.
  • Kılıçaslan, E. Ç. (2008). Siyasal iletişim, ideoloji ve medya ilişkisi, Kriter Yayınevi.
  • Levickaite, R. (2010). Generations X, Y, Z: How social networks form the concept of the World without borders (the case of Lithuania). LIMES: Cultural Regionalistics, 3(2), 170-183,
  • Maigret E. (2014) Medya ve iletişim sosyolojisi. İletişim Yayınevi.
  • Mainnheim, K. (1952). Problem of generations. Essays on the sociology. Routledge.
  • McCrindle, M., & Wolfinger, E. (2009). The ABC of XYZ: Understanding the global generations. The ABC of XYZ, UNSW Press.
  • Milotay, Nora. (2020) Next generation or lost generation? Retrieved , March, 21, 2022 from
  • Nicholas, Arlene J. (2019). Preferred learning methods of Generation Z. Retrieved April 2022, from
  • Norris, R. & Merloe, P. (2002). Media Monitoring to Promote Democratic elections: an NDI handbook for citizen organizations. National Democratic Institute for International Affairs.
  • Orun, B. (2020). Z kuşağını anlama kılavuzu! Kimdir ve ne istiyorlar? Habertürk Gazetesi. Retreived December, 12, 2020, from kimdir-z-kusagi-hangi-yillari-kapsiyor-zkusaginin-nufusu-z-kusaginin-ozellikleri-2731205. Owen, D. (2008). Political socialization in the twenty-first century: Recommendations for researchers. In Conference The Future of Civic Education in the 21st Century (Center for Civic Education and Bundeszentrale fur Politische Bildung). San Diego.
  • Özdemir, Ö. (2020). Z kuşağı: Türkiye'de Z Kuşağı kimlerden oluşuyor, yaşadıkları sorunlar ne? Retreived December 12, 2020, from Papaoikonomou, A. (2017). The impact of political socialization on students’ behavior: Empirical research in schools of Central Macedonia in Greece. International Journal of sEducational Research Review, 2(2), 1-10.
  • Patel, A. (2018). Generation Z: Make room for Canada's connected, open and optimistic generation. Global News. Retrieved April 2022 from
  • Pitt-Catsouphes, M., Matz-Costa, C., & Besen, E. (2009). Age & Generations: Understanding experiences at the workplace. Research Highlight, 6(March), 1-43.
  • Possamai, A. (2016). Sociology of religion for generations X and Y. Routledge.
  • Prawitasari, G. (2018). The influence of generations on career choice (Social Cognitive Career Theory). Konselor, 7(1), 15-20. https://
  • Sandeen, C. (2008). Boomers, xers, and millennials: Who are they and what do they really want from continuing higher education? Continuing Higher Education Review, 72,11-31.
  • Seemiller C. & Grace, M. (2016). Generation Z goes to college. Jossey Bass.
  • Seymen, A. F. (2017). Y ve Z kuşak insanı özelliklerinin Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı 2014-2019 stratejik programı ve TÜBİTAK vizyon 2023 öngörüleri ile ilişkilendirilmesi. Kent Akademisi, 10(32), 467-489.
  • Shragay, D. & Tziner, A. (2011). The generational effect on the relationship between job involvement, work satisfaction, and organizational citizenship behavior. Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 27(2), 143-157,
  • Simonson, H. (2021). How social media is influencing Gen Z’s political views, Retrieved May, 2022 from, mediais-influencing-gen-zs-political-views/.
  • Sladek, B. S., & Grabinger, A. (2016). The first generation of the 21st Century has arrived!, Retreived, April 2022 from
  • Solijonov, A. (2016). Voter turnout trends around the world. IDEA, International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance, Retrieved November, 20, 2020, from Spitznagel, E. (2020). Generation Z is bigger than millennials, and they’re out to change the World. Retreived December, 10, 2020, from
  • Sprague, C. (2008). The Silent Generation meets Generation Y: How to manage a four generation workforce with panache. Talent Strategy, Human Capital Institute White Paper.
  • Supreme Election Council, Web Portal (2022) Retreived April, 21, 2022 from m
  • Susanti, N., & Albab, C. U. (2020). Towards the Generation Z Newspaper. Retreived December, 4, 2020, from,
  • Şi̇mşek, S. (2013). Medya-siyaset- iktidar üçgeninde medya gerçeği. Selçuk İletişim, 6(1) ,124-143.
  • Thach, L. MW. (2019). Gen Z wine consumers: What do they want from the wine industry? Retrieved July,15, 2020, from Weston, M. J. (2006). Integrating generational perspectives in nursing. OJIN: The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, 11(2), 1-9.
  • Pulse, Y. (2020). Gen Z & Millennials have very different news sources. Retrieved January,5, 2021 from
  • YÖK., (2022) Official website of the Council of Higher Education. Retreived November, 3, 2022, from
  • Zelan, Z. (2014). Dijital Dünya, Sosyal Medya ve Fikri Haklar. XIX. Türkiye'de İnternet Konferansı Bildirileri, İzmir, Yaşar Üniversitesi, p.91-97.
  • Zemke, R., Raines, C., & Filipczak, B. (2013). Generations at work: Managing the clash of Boomers, Gen Xers, and Gen Yers in the workplace, Amacom.
  • Zeyrek, H. (2020), Gezici Araştırma Merkezi Başkanı Murat Gezici SÖZCÜ’ye açıkladı: Türkiye’nin kaderi Z kuşağının elinde, Sözcü Gazetesi, Retreived November, 3, 2020 from

The Use of Media by Turkey’s Generation Z as a Source for Political Information

Year 2023, Volume: 20 Issue: 51, 162 - 173, 31.01.2023


In the historical process, each generation has interpreted and organized the social life and the values of the society according to their own philosophy and style of life. Therefore, the influence of the Z generation, which constitutes the most crowded age group of the world population, has become more evident in politics as in every field. It has become more difficult to influence and direct the Z generation voters, who use technology much better than previous generations. One of the most important roles of the media in political communication is to inform the public about political issues and events. The public reaches the information they need to make informed political decisions through mass media. The findings of the research, which is the subject of this study, revealed how and to what extent the Z generation is affected by the media in the process of obtaining information on political issues in Turkey, and thus how the political parties will reach the Z generation through the media. In light of the research findings, it has also been revealed how political communication should evolve to reach the Z generation voters, which will have a decisive effect on the election results in the 21st century.


  • Ada, N. (2021). Örgütsel iletişim. Gazi Kitabevi, p.46.
  • Albo, M. J., & Friedman, B. D. (2011). Political socialization and the communications. Media Basics, p.48.
  • Alwin, D. F., & McCammon, R. J. (2003). Generations, cohorts, and social change. In Handbook of the life course. Springer, p.23-49.
  • Aziz, A. (2007). Siyasal iletişim. Nobel Yayınevi.
  • Aziz, A. (2016). İletişime giriş. Hiperlink Yayınları. (5. Basım), p.157.
  • Başal, B. (2018). Yeni medya planlama ve tüketici davranışları. Çantay Yayınları, p.66.
  • Bayramoğlu, G. (2018). Comparison of leadership behaviour gen xers. Ege Academic Review, 18(1), 15-30. Boydstun, A. E. (2013). Making the news: Politics, the media, and agenda setting. University of Chicago Press. Cambridge online dictionary, Retrieved April, 7, 2022, from
  • Chandrappa, K. (2014). The Influence of the Media in Politics-Campaigns and Elections. International journal of science and research, 3(12), 2310-2312.
  • Cohen, B. C. (2015). Press and foreign policy (Vol. 2321). Princeton university press.
  • Comte, A. (1974). The positive philosophy. Ed., Abraham S. Blumberg. AMS Press.
  • Corsten M. (1999). The Time of Generations, Time & Society. 1999;8(2-3):249-272.
  • Critical, V. (2016). The everything guide to Generation Z. Retrieved December, 18, 2020, from
  • Çelik, S. & Gürcüoğlu A. E. (2016). Generations and their relations in social processes. Security Strategy and Political Studies, 1(1), 117-127.
  • Çetin, C & Karalar, S. (2016). X, Y ve Z Kuşağı öğrencilerin çok yönlü ve sınırsız kariyer algıları üzerine bir araştırma. Yönetim Bilimleri Dergisi, / Journal of Administrative Sciences, 14(28), 157-197.
  • Dolot, A. (2018). The characteristics of Generation Z. E-mentor, 74(2), 44-50.
  • Fields, B. (2006). School discipline coverage in Australian newspapers: Impact on public perceptions, educational decisions and policy. In Proceedings of the International Conference of the Australian.
  • Association for Research in Education 2005 (AARE 2005). Retrieved December, 10, 2022 from
  • Gaidhani, S., Arora, L. & Sharma, B. K. (2019). Understanding the attitude of generation Z towards workplace. International Journal of Management, Technology, And Engineering, 9(1), 2804-2812.
  • Goessling, M. (2017). Attraction and retention of generations X, Y, and Z in the workplace. Integrated Studies. 66. Retrieved April, 3, 2022, from
  • Göker, G. & Doğan, A. (2011). 2010 Referandumunda Türk basınının siyasal gündemi: Hürriyet, Haber Türk, Zaman ve Yeni Şafak Örneğiyle. Gümüşhane Üniversitesi İletişim Fakültesi Elektronik Dergisi (e-GİFDER), 2, 45-69.
  • Grishin, S. (2015). Political communication, Saratov Slovo Publishing House.
  • Güngör, N (2018). İletişime giriş. Siyasal Kitabevi, 5. Basım, p.212-215.
  • Hall S (1991) Encoding/decoding. In: Hall S, Hobson D, Lowe A, et al. (eds) Culture, Media, Language: Working Papers in Cultural Studies, 1972–79. London, UK: Routledge, 128–138.
  • Hernandez-de-Menendez, M., Escobar Díaz, C. A., & Morales-Menendez, R. (2020). Educational experiences with Generation Z. International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing (IJIDeM), 14(3), 847-859.
  • Islam, M. A., Cheong, T. W., Yusuf, D. H. M., & Desa, H. (2011). A study on 'Generation Y' behaviors at workplace in Penang. Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 5(11), 1802-1812.
  • Kaplan, A. M., & Haenlein, M. (2010). Users of the world, unite! The challenges and opportunities of Social Media. Business horizons, 53(1), 59-68.
  • Katz, S. (2017). Generation X: A critical sociological perspective. Generations, American Society on Aging, 41(3), 12-19.
  • Kılıçaslan, E. Ç. (2008). Siyasal iletişim, ideoloji ve medya ilişkisi, Kriter Yayınevi.
  • Levickaite, R. (2010). Generations X, Y, Z: How social networks form the concept of the World without borders (the case of Lithuania). LIMES: Cultural Regionalistics, 3(2), 170-183,
  • Maigret E. (2014) Medya ve iletişim sosyolojisi. İletişim Yayınevi.
  • Mainnheim, K. (1952). Problem of generations. Essays on the sociology. Routledge.
  • McCrindle, M., & Wolfinger, E. (2009). The ABC of XYZ: Understanding the global generations. The ABC of XYZ, UNSW Press.
  • Milotay, Nora. (2020) Next generation or lost generation? Retrieved , March, 21, 2022 from
  • Nicholas, Arlene J. (2019). Preferred learning methods of Generation Z. Retrieved April 2022, from
  • Norris, R. & Merloe, P. (2002). Media Monitoring to Promote Democratic elections: an NDI handbook for citizen organizations. National Democratic Institute for International Affairs.
  • Orun, B. (2020). Z kuşağını anlama kılavuzu! Kimdir ve ne istiyorlar? Habertürk Gazetesi. Retreived December, 12, 2020, from kimdir-z-kusagi-hangi-yillari-kapsiyor-zkusaginin-nufusu-z-kusaginin-ozellikleri-2731205. Owen, D. (2008). Political socialization in the twenty-first century: Recommendations for researchers. In Conference The Future of Civic Education in the 21st Century (Center for Civic Education and Bundeszentrale fur Politische Bildung). San Diego.
  • Özdemir, Ö. (2020). Z kuşağı: Türkiye'de Z Kuşağı kimlerden oluşuyor, yaşadıkları sorunlar ne? Retreived December 12, 2020, from Papaoikonomou, A. (2017). The impact of political socialization on students’ behavior: Empirical research in schools of Central Macedonia in Greece. International Journal of sEducational Research Review, 2(2), 1-10.
  • Patel, A. (2018). Generation Z: Make room for Canada's connected, open and optimistic generation. Global News. Retrieved April 2022 from
  • Pitt-Catsouphes, M., Matz-Costa, C., & Besen, E. (2009). Age & Generations: Understanding experiences at the workplace. Research Highlight, 6(March), 1-43.
  • Possamai, A. (2016). Sociology of religion for generations X and Y. Routledge.
  • Prawitasari, G. (2018). The influence of generations on career choice (Social Cognitive Career Theory). Konselor, 7(1), 15-20. https://
  • Sandeen, C. (2008). Boomers, xers, and millennials: Who are they and what do they really want from continuing higher education? Continuing Higher Education Review, 72,11-31.
  • Seemiller C. & Grace, M. (2016). Generation Z goes to college. Jossey Bass.
  • Seymen, A. F. (2017). Y ve Z kuşak insanı özelliklerinin Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı 2014-2019 stratejik programı ve TÜBİTAK vizyon 2023 öngörüleri ile ilişkilendirilmesi. Kent Akademisi, 10(32), 467-489.
  • Shragay, D. & Tziner, A. (2011). The generational effect on the relationship between job involvement, work satisfaction, and organizational citizenship behavior. Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 27(2), 143-157,
  • Simonson, H. (2021). How social media is influencing Gen Z’s political views, Retrieved May, 2022 from, mediais-influencing-gen-zs-political-views/.
  • Sladek, B. S., & Grabinger, A. (2016). The first generation of the 21st Century has arrived!, Retreived, April 2022 from
  • Solijonov, A. (2016). Voter turnout trends around the world. IDEA, International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance, Retrieved November, 20, 2020, from Spitznagel, E. (2020). Generation Z is bigger than millennials, and they’re out to change the World. Retreived December, 10, 2020, from
  • Sprague, C. (2008). The Silent Generation meets Generation Y: How to manage a four generation workforce with panache. Talent Strategy, Human Capital Institute White Paper.
  • Supreme Election Council, Web Portal (2022) Retreived April, 21, 2022 from m
  • Susanti, N., & Albab, C. U. (2020). Towards the Generation Z Newspaper. Retreived December, 4, 2020, from,
  • Şi̇mşek, S. (2013). Medya-siyaset- iktidar üçgeninde medya gerçeği. Selçuk İletişim, 6(1) ,124-143.
  • Thach, L. MW. (2019). Gen Z wine consumers: What do they want from the wine industry? Retrieved July,15, 2020, from Weston, M. J. (2006). Integrating generational perspectives in nursing. OJIN: The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, 11(2), 1-9.
  • Pulse, Y. (2020). Gen Z & Millennials have very different news sources. Retrieved January,5, 2021 from
  • YÖK., (2022) Official website of the Council of Higher Education. Retreived November, 3, 2022, from
  • Zelan, Z. (2014). Dijital Dünya, Sosyal Medya ve Fikri Haklar. XIX. Türkiye'de İnternet Konferansı Bildirileri, İzmir, Yaşar Üniversitesi, p.91-97.
  • Zemke, R., Raines, C., & Filipczak, B. (2013). Generations at work: Managing the clash of Boomers, Gen Xers, and Gen Yers in the workplace, Amacom.
  • Zeyrek, H. (2020), Gezici Araştırma Merkezi Başkanı Murat Gezici SÖZCÜ’ye açıkladı: Türkiye’nin kaderi Z kuşağının elinde, Sözcü Gazetesi, Retreived November, 3, 2020 from
There are 58 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Research Articles

Uğur Oral 0000-0001-7460-0381

Publication Date January 31, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023 Volume: 20 Issue: 51


APA Oral, U. (2023). The Use of Media by Turkey’s Generation Z as a Source for Political Information. OPUS Journal of Society Research, 20(51), 162-173.