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Diş hekimiğinde kullanılan büyütme sistemleri: derleme

Year 2018, Volume: 10 Issue: 3, 374 - 380, 30.09.2018



Magnifying systems in
dentistry, range from compound lopues to prism telescopic loupes and vast
variety of surgical microscopes. Compound loupes have an array of convergent
multiple lenses. Galilean loupes are lightweight, cheap and are simple to
operate while compared to other compound loupes. Their only disadvantages are
limited magnification and a blurry peripheral border of the visual field.

Prismatic loupes provide better
magnification, wider depths of field. This also ensures the users to have long
working distances and if compared with other loops they have larger fields of
view. The ranges of magnification of these loupes are around 1.5x to 6x. The
surgical microscopes provide much greater magnification, higher optical
performance when matched with normal dental loupes. The advantages of surgical
microscopes are that the focusing or the changes in magnification can be done
real time. Objective lens and illumination is in par with the viewer's line of
vision, consequently, the surgical spot will be lightened and the surgeon
avails a shadow-free clear vision. The powerful magnifications that are more
than 16x, in some instances as high as 32x or 40x, are commonly used for
diagnostic purposes. Intra-surgical examinations and some type of "difficult-to-detect"
findings are located using such microscopes.

Keywords: Magnification
Devices, Dental Microscope, Dental Loupes, Microsurgery, Prismatic Loupes


Diş hekimliğinde kullanılan büyütme sistemleri,
bileşik luplar, Galilean luplar, prizmatik luplar, ve cerrahi operasyon
mikroskoplarına varan çeşitlilikler göstermektedir. Bileşik luplarda konverjan
(yakınsak) mercekler belirli bir düzene göre yerleştirilir. Galilean tipi
luplar, bileşik luplara göre daha ucuz, kullanımı kolay ve hafiftir. Büyütme
oranın limitli olması ve görüş alanının periferal kısmının bulanık olması bu
lupların dezavantajıdır. Prizmatik luplarda ise büyütme oranı ve alan derinliği
artmıştır ve daha uzun çalışma mesafesi sağlayarak görüş alanını arttırmaktadır.
Büyütme aralığı x1.5 ile x6 arasında değişmektedir. Cerrahi mikroskoplar,
dental luplar ile karşılaştırıldığında daha üstün büyütme gücü ve optik
performans sunar. Cerrahi mikroskopların önemli avantajları ise odaklamanın
veya büyütmedeki değişikliklerin işlem sırasında yapılabiliyor olması, ışığın
verildiği ve görüntünün alındığı kaynak aynı olduğu için gölge oluşmamasıdır.
Daha net ve büyütülmüş bir görüntü, eksizyonel işlemlerde, sinir cerrahisinde,
yumuşak doku greftlemesi gibi işlemlerde fayda sağlamaktadır. x16’dan daha
büyük, x32 veya x40 büyütmeye sahip mikroskoplar genellikle tanı amacıyla
kullanılmaktadır. Cerrahi sırasındaki tespit edilmesi zor olan bulgular bu tip
mikroskoplar ile teşhis edilebilmektedir.

Anahtar Kelimler: Büyütme sistemleri, dental mikroskop,dental lup, mikrocerrahi, prizmatik luplar


  • 1- Mallikarjun, Savita Abdulpur, et al. "Magnification in dental practice: How useful is it?." Journal of Health Research and Reviews 2.2 (2015): 39.
  • 2- Hegde R, Vivek H. "Magnification-enhanced contemporary dentistry: Getting started." Journal of Interdisciplinary Dentistry 6.2 (2016): 91.
  • 3- Perrin P, et al. "Visual acuity and magnification devices in dentistry." Swiss Dent J 126 (2016): 222-35.
  • 4- Burkhardt R, Hürzeler MB. Utilization of the surgical microscope for advance plastic periodontal surgery. Pract Periodont Aesthet Dent 2000;12:171-180.
  • 5- Carl Zeiss. Innovations for health. Innovation 2003;13:4-9.
  • 6- Apothekar H, Jako GH. A microscope for use in dentistry. J Microsurg 1981;3:7-10.
  • 7- Burkhardt, Rino, and Niklaus P. Lang. "Periodontal plastic microsurgery." Clinical Periodontology and Implant Dentistry 5 (2008): 1029-44.
  • 8- Sudhakar, P., M. Satish, and Ramoji Rao. "Minimally Invasive Surgery-A Zenith Forte In Periodontal Therapy." Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research 3.4 (2017).
  • 9- Prabhati G. Periodontal microsurgery a review. J Dental and Medical Sciences 2014;13:12-17.
  • 10- Tibbetts, Leonard S., and Dennis Shanelec. "Principles and practice of periodontal microsurgery." Int J Microdent 1.1 (2009): 2-12.
  • 11- Ming FS, Yu-Chuan P. Introduction to Microsurgery and Training. In: Abd El Salam El Askary, eds. Practical periodontal plastic surgery. 1st ed. Iowa USA: Blackwell Munksgaard; 2006. p. 4-21
  • 12- Christensen GJ. Magnification in dentistry-Useful tool or another gimmick? JADA 2003;134:1647-50.
  • 13- James T, Alan SMG. "Magnifying loupes in modern dental practice: an update." Dental update 37.9 (2010): 633-636.)
  • 14- Carlos M. Microdentistry, concept, methods and clinical incorporation. Int J Microdent 2010;2:56-63.
  • 15- Eichenberger M, et al. "Visual acuity and experience with magnification devices in Swiss dental practices." Operative Dentistry 40.4 (2015): E142-E149.
  • 16- .Lang NP, Lindhe J. Periodontal plastic microsurgery. In: Clinical Periodontology and Implant Dentistry. 6th ed., Vol. 2. Oxford, UK: Wiley‐Blackwell; 2015. p. 1029‐44.
  • 17- Rino Burkhardt, Niklaus P. Lang. Periodontal plastic microsurgery. In: Jan Lindhe Niklaus P. Lang Thorkild Karring, eds. Periodontology and Implant Dentistry. 5th ed. Iowa USA: Blackwell Munksgaard; 2008. p. 1029-42.
  • 18- Pecora G, Andreana S. Use of dental operating microscope in endodontic surgery. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Patthol 1993;75:751-8.
  • 19- Mines P, Loushine RJ, West LA. Use of the microscope in endodontics. A report based on a questionnaire. J Endodon 1999;25:755-8.
  • 20- Kratchman SI. Endodontic Microsurgery. Compendium 2007;28(6): 324-331.
  • 21- Shanelec DA. Periodontal Microsurgery. J Esthet Restor Dent 2003;15:118-123.
  • 22- Andrade PF, Grisi MF, Marcaccini AM, et al. Comparison between micro- and macrosurgical techniques for the treatment of localized gingival recessions using coronally positioned flaps and enamel matrix derivative. J Periodontol 2010;81:1572-9.
  • 23- Shanelec DA, Leonard ST. A perspective on the future of periodontal microsurgery." Periodontology 2000 11.1 (1996): 58-64.
  • 24- Glenn A. The use of extreme magnification in fixed prosthodontics. Dent Today 2003;22:93-9.
  • 25- Leknius C, Geissberger M. The effect of magnification on the performance of fixed prosthodontic procedures. J Calif dent Assoc 1995;23:66-70.
  • 26- Labanc JP, Van Bowen RW. Surgical management of inferior alveolar nerve injuries. Oral Maxillofac Surg Clin North Am 1992;4:425-37
  • 27- Juggins KJ. Current Products and Practice The Bigger The Better: can magnification aid orthodontic clinical practice? Am J Orthod 2006;33:62-6.
  • 28- Bertossi D, Vercellotti T, Podesta A, Nocini PF. Orthodontic microsurgery for dental repositioning in dental malpositions. J oral maxillofac surg 2001;69:747-53.

Magnification devices in dentistry: a review

Year 2018, Volume: 10 Issue: 3, 374 - 380, 30.09.2018


Magnifying systems in dentistry,
range from compound loupes to prism telescopic loupes and vast variety of
surgical microscopes. Compound loupes have an array of convergent multiple
lenses. Galilean loupes are lightweight, cheap and are simple to operate while
compared to other compound loupes. Their only disadvantages are limited
magnification and a blurry peripheral border of the visual field. Prismatic
loupes provide better magnification, wider depths of field. This also ensures
the users to have long working distances and if compared with other loops they
have larger fields of view. The ranges of magnification of these loupes are
around 1.5x to 6x. The surgical microscopes provide much greater magnification,
higher optical performance when matched with normal dental loupes. The
advantages of surgical microscopes are that the focusing or the changes in
magnification can be done real time. Objective lens and illumination is in par
with the viewer's line of vision, consequently, the surgical spot will be
lightened and the surgeon avails a shadow-free clear vision. The powerful
magnifications that are more than 16x, in some instances as high as 32x or 40x,
are commonly used for diagnostic purposes. Intra-surgical examinations and some
type of "difficult-to-detect" findings are located using such


  • 1- Mallikarjun, Savita Abdulpur, et al. "Magnification in dental practice: How useful is it?." Journal of Health Research and Reviews 2.2 (2015): 39.
  • 2- Hegde R, Vivek H. "Magnification-enhanced contemporary dentistry: Getting started." Journal of Interdisciplinary Dentistry 6.2 (2016): 91.
  • 3- Perrin P, et al. "Visual acuity and magnification devices in dentistry." Swiss Dent J 126 (2016): 222-35.
  • 4- Burkhardt R, Hürzeler MB. Utilization of the surgical microscope for advance plastic periodontal surgery. Pract Periodont Aesthet Dent 2000;12:171-180.
  • 5- Carl Zeiss. Innovations for health. Innovation 2003;13:4-9.
  • 6- Apothekar H, Jako GH. A microscope for use in dentistry. J Microsurg 1981;3:7-10.
  • 7- Burkhardt, Rino, and Niklaus P. Lang. "Periodontal plastic microsurgery." Clinical Periodontology and Implant Dentistry 5 (2008): 1029-44.
  • 8- Sudhakar, P., M. Satish, and Ramoji Rao. "Minimally Invasive Surgery-A Zenith Forte In Periodontal Therapy." Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research 3.4 (2017).
  • 9- Prabhati G. Periodontal microsurgery a review. J Dental and Medical Sciences 2014;13:12-17.
  • 10- Tibbetts, Leonard S., and Dennis Shanelec. "Principles and practice of periodontal microsurgery." Int J Microdent 1.1 (2009): 2-12.
  • 11- Ming FS, Yu-Chuan P. Introduction to Microsurgery and Training. In: Abd El Salam El Askary, eds. Practical periodontal plastic surgery. 1st ed. Iowa USA: Blackwell Munksgaard; 2006. p. 4-21
  • 12- Christensen GJ. Magnification in dentistry-Useful tool or another gimmick? JADA 2003;134:1647-50.
  • 13- James T, Alan SMG. "Magnifying loupes in modern dental practice: an update." Dental update 37.9 (2010): 633-636.)
  • 14- Carlos M. Microdentistry, concept, methods and clinical incorporation. Int J Microdent 2010;2:56-63.
  • 15- Eichenberger M, et al. "Visual acuity and experience with magnification devices in Swiss dental practices." Operative Dentistry 40.4 (2015): E142-E149.
  • 16- .Lang NP, Lindhe J. Periodontal plastic microsurgery. In: Clinical Periodontology and Implant Dentistry. 6th ed., Vol. 2. Oxford, UK: Wiley‐Blackwell; 2015. p. 1029‐44.
  • 17- Rino Burkhardt, Niklaus P. Lang. Periodontal plastic microsurgery. In: Jan Lindhe Niklaus P. Lang Thorkild Karring, eds. Periodontology and Implant Dentistry. 5th ed. Iowa USA: Blackwell Munksgaard; 2008. p. 1029-42.
  • 18- Pecora G, Andreana S. Use of dental operating microscope in endodontic surgery. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Patthol 1993;75:751-8.
  • 19- Mines P, Loushine RJ, West LA. Use of the microscope in endodontics. A report based on a questionnaire. J Endodon 1999;25:755-8.
  • 20- Kratchman SI. Endodontic Microsurgery. Compendium 2007;28(6): 324-331.
  • 21- Shanelec DA. Periodontal Microsurgery. J Esthet Restor Dent 2003;15:118-123.
  • 22- Andrade PF, Grisi MF, Marcaccini AM, et al. Comparison between micro- and macrosurgical techniques for the treatment of localized gingival recessions using coronally positioned flaps and enamel matrix derivative. J Periodontol 2010;81:1572-9.
  • 23- Shanelec DA, Leonard ST. A perspective on the future of periodontal microsurgery." Periodontology 2000 11.1 (1996): 58-64.
  • 24- Glenn A. The use of extreme magnification in fixed prosthodontics. Dent Today 2003;22:93-9.
  • 25- Leknius C, Geissberger M. The effect of magnification on the performance of fixed prosthodontic procedures. J Calif dent Assoc 1995;23:66-70.
  • 26- Labanc JP, Van Bowen RW. Surgical management of inferior alveolar nerve injuries. Oral Maxillofac Surg Clin North Am 1992;4:425-37
  • 27- Juggins KJ. Current Products and Practice The Bigger The Better: can magnification aid orthodontic clinical practice? Am J Orthod 2006;33:62-6.
  • 28- Bertossi D, Vercellotti T, Podesta A, Nocini PF. Orthodontic microsurgery for dental repositioning in dental malpositions. J oral maxillofac surg 2001;69:747-53.
There are 28 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Health Care Administration
Journal Section Review

İnci Rana Karaca

Mert Gündoğdu

Publication Date September 30, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018 Volume: 10 Issue: 3


Vancouver Karaca İR, Gündoğdu M. Diş hekimiğinde kullanılan büyütme sistemleri: derleme. otd. 2018;10(3):374-80.

e-ISSN: 2548-0251

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