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Ortadoğu'da Oluşmakta Olan Demokrasiler Açısından Türk Modelinin Bir Kılavuz Olarak Değerlendirilmesi

Year 2012, Volume: 4 Issue: 1, 99 - 120, 15.07.2016


Türk Modeli, Arab Baharı'nın başlangıcından itibaren, Ortadoğu'da demokrasi üzerine yapılan akademik tartışmalar ve söylemlerin ayrılmaz bir parçası haline gelmiştir. Konuya yüksek bir ilgi olmasına rağmen, modelin öznel kullanımı ve yanlış yorumlanması büyük bir anlam karmaşası ve yanlış algılamalara yol açmıştır. Bu çalışma, Türk Modeli hakkındaki alışılagelmiş iki temel yaklaşımın zayıf yanlarını vurgulayacak ve konuya yeni bir bakış açısı önerecektir. Bu çalışma, Türkiye ve Ortadoğu toplumları arasındaki çeşitli sosyo-ekonomik, kültürel ve siyasi farkılıkları ve bu modelin tümüyle uygulanmasının mümkün olamayacağı gerçeğini göz önünde bulunduracaktır; fakat bütün bu farklılıklara rağmen, Türk modelinin din-devlet ilişkileri, ordunun rolü, ekonomik gelişme ve demokrasinin inşası konularında bu toplumlara kılavuzluk edebileceğini göstermektedir.


  • Akgün, Mensur, Sabiha Şenyucel Gündoğar, Gökçe Perçinoglu and Jonathan Levack ‘The Perception of Turkey in the Middle East 2010’, TESEV Foreign Policy Programme, TESEV Publications, 2011.
  • Aktaş, Murat, ‘Can Turkey be a Role Model for the Muslim Countries’, 2nd International Conference on Humanities, Historical and Social Sciences IPEDR Vol. 17, 2011.
  • Altunışık, Meliha Benli and Özlem Tür, Turkey: Challenges of Continuity and Change. (London: RoutledgeCurzon, 2005).
  • Altunışık, Meliha Benli, ‘The Possibilities and Limits of Turkey’s Soft Power in the Middle East’, Insight Turkey, Vol.10, No.2, 2008.
  • _________________, ‘What is missing in the “Turkish Model” debate?’, 23 June 2011, Hürriyet Daily News [Online]. Available at:
  • Atasoy, Seymen, ‘The Turkish Example: A Model for Change in the Middle East?’, Middle East Policy, Vol. XVIII, No.3, Fall 2011, p. 86-100.
  • Çavdar, Gamze, ‘Islamist “New Thinking” in Turkey: A Model for Political Learning?’, Political Science Quarterly, Vol.121, No.3, Fall 2006, p. 477-497.
  • Dede, Alper Y. ‘The Arab Uprisings: Debating the “Turkish Model” ,Insight Turkey, Vol.13, No.2, 2011.
  • Duran, Burhanettin and NuhYılmaz ‘Whose model? Which Turkey?’, February 8 2011, Foreign Policy [Online]. Available at:
  • Gürsel, Kadri, ‘Who Really Wants “Muslim Democracy”?’,Turkish Political Quarterly, Vol.10, No.1, Spring 2011. Haberturk ‘Araplar’ın Türkiye sevgisi nereden geliyor?’, 22 April 2012 [Online].
  • Available at: araplarin-turkiye-sevgisi-nereden-geliyor. Hürriyet Daily News, “Ennahda takes Turkey as model for democracy,” [Online] Available at: php?n=ennahda-takes-turkey-as-model-for-democracy-democracy-2011-10-27.
  • Jung, Dietrich, ““After the Spring”: Is Turkey a Model for Arab States?”, November 2011, Syddansk Universitet: Center for Mellemoststudier. Kaddorah, Emad Y., ‘The Turkish Model: Acceptability and Apprehension’ Insight Turkey, Vol.12, No.4, 2010.
  • Kayasibi, Saim and Mehmet Birekul ‘Turkish Democracy: A Model for the Arab World’, Journal of Islam in Asia, Special Issue, No.3, September 2011.
  • Kirişçi, Kemal ‘Turkey’s “Demonstrative Effect” and the Transformation of the Middle East’, Insight Turkey, Vol.13, No.2, 2011.
  • Koç, Sedef Arat, “Neo-Empire, Middle Power or Subcontractor for Imperialism? ‘Neo-Ottomanism’, Shifts in Geopolitics and Turkey’s Foreign Policy”, BRISMES Annual Conference 2012 - Revolution and Revolt: Understanding the forms and causes of change, 26-28 March 2012, London School of Economics and Political Science.
  • Metin, Celal Emperyalist Çağda Modernleşme; Türk Modernleşmesi ve İran (1800-1941) [Modernization in the Age of Imperialism; Turkish Modernization and Iran], Ankara: Phoenix Yayinevi, 2011.
  • Nafaa, Hasan, ‘The “Turkish Model” in the Mirror of the Arab Spring’, in Turkey and the Arab Spring: Implications for Turkish Foreign Policy From a Transatlantic Perspective, Mediteranean Paper Series, The German Marshall Fund of the United States (Translated from Arabic by GhadaDiab), 2011, p. 37-44.
  • NTV-MSNBC ‘Erdoğan: Mitinge katılanlar bindirilmiş kıta’, 17 April 2007, [Online]. Available at: Salem, Paul, ‘Turkey’s Image in the Arab World’, TESEV Foreign Policy Programme, 2011.
  • Stone, Norman ‘This Spring Won’t Breed Any More Turkeys’, 5 April 2011, The Times (UK) [Online]. Available at: opinion/columnists/article2972840.ece
  • Taşpınar, Ömer, ‘Turkey’s Middle East Policies: Between Neo-Ottomanism and Kemalism’, Carnegie Paper, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 2008.
  • ______________, ‘The Turkish Model and Its Applicability’, in Turkey and the Arab Spring: Implications for Turkish Foreign Policy From aTransatlantic Perspective, Mediteranean Paper Series, The German Marshall Fund of the United States, 2011.
  • Telhami, Shibley, ‘The 2011 Arab Public Opinion Poll’, Brookings Institute November 2011,[Online] Available at: The Economist ‘Light, dark and muddle’, 25 June 2011, p. 62-64.
  • Today’s Zaman, ‘I am not a neo-Ottoman, Davutoglu says’, 25 November 2009 [Online] Available at:
  • Tol, Gönül, ‘Turkey as an Alternative Democratization Model for the Middle East’, 13 February 2011, Today’sZaman[Online]. Available at: http://www.
  • Ülgen, Sinan, ‘From Inspiration to Aspiration: Turkey in the New Middle East’, December 2011, The Carnegie Papers, Carnegie Europe.
  • Yegin, Mehmet ‘Turkey as a “Companion” not a “Model” to the Middle East’, 28 February 2011, USAK Center For American Studies [Online]. Available at:

Assessing the Turkish Model as a Guide to the Emerging Democracies in the Middle East

Year 2012, Volume: 4 Issue: 1, 99 - 120, 15.07.2016


Since the beginning of the Arab Spring, the so-called ‘Turkish model’ has become a key ingredient of the discourse of democratization in the Middle East. Despite the widespread interest, however, there is a great sense of confusion caused by the subjective use and misinterpretation of the model. The study will point to the weaknesses of the two conventional understandings of the Turkish model and offer a new approach. The study will acknowledge various socio-economic, cultural and political differences between Turkey and Middle Eastern societies and the fact that the full application of the model may not be possible, however, the article will conclude that despite these differences, the Turkish model has a lot to offer in terms of guidance in areas such as the state-religion relations, the role of military, economic development and democracy building


  • Akgün, Mensur, Sabiha Şenyucel Gündoğar, Gökçe Perçinoglu and Jonathan Levack ‘The Perception of Turkey in the Middle East 2010’, TESEV Foreign Policy Programme, TESEV Publications, 2011.
  • Aktaş, Murat, ‘Can Turkey be a Role Model for the Muslim Countries’, 2nd International Conference on Humanities, Historical and Social Sciences IPEDR Vol. 17, 2011.
  • Altunışık, Meliha Benli and Özlem Tür, Turkey: Challenges of Continuity and Change. (London: RoutledgeCurzon, 2005).
  • Altunışık, Meliha Benli, ‘The Possibilities and Limits of Turkey’s Soft Power in the Middle East’, Insight Turkey, Vol.10, No.2, 2008.
  • _________________, ‘What is missing in the “Turkish Model” debate?’, 23 June 2011, Hürriyet Daily News [Online]. Available at:
  • Atasoy, Seymen, ‘The Turkish Example: A Model for Change in the Middle East?’, Middle East Policy, Vol. XVIII, No.3, Fall 2011, p. 86-100.
  • Çavdar, Gamze, ‘Islamist “New Thinking” in Turkey: A Model for Political Learning?’, Political Science Quarterly, Vol.121, No.3, Fall 2006, p. 477-497.
  • Dede, Alper Y. ‘The Arab Uprisings: Debating the “Turkish Model” ,Insight Turkey, Vol.13, No.2, 2011.
  • Duran, Burhanettin and NuhYılmaz ‘Whose model? Which Turkey?’, February 8 2011, Foreign Policy [Online]. Available at:
  • Gürsel, Kadri, ‘Who Really Wants “Muslim Democracy”?’,Turkish Political Quarterly, Vol.10, No.1, Spring 2011. Haberturk ‘Araplar’ın Türkiye sevgisi nereden geliyor?’, 22 April 2012 [Online].
  • Available at: araplarin-turkiye-sevgisi-nereden-geliyor. Hürriyet Daily News, “Ennahda takes Turkey as model for democracy,” [Online] Available at: php?n=ennahda-takes-turkey-as-model-for-democracy-democracy-2011-10-27.
  • Jung, Dietrich, ““After the Spring”: Is Turkey a Model for Arab States?”, November 2011, Syddansk Universitet: Center for Mellemoststudier. Kaddorah, Emad Y., ‘The Turkish Model: Acceptability and Apprehension’ Insight Turkey, Vol.12, No.4, 2010.
  • Kayasibi, Saim and Mehmet Birekul ‘Turkish Democracy: A Model for the Arab World’, Journal of Islam in Asia, Special Issue, No.3, September 2011.
  • Kirişçi, Kemal ‘Turkey’s “Demonstrative Effect” and the Transformation of the Middle East’, Insight Turkey, Vol.13, No.2, 2011.
  • Koç, Sedef Arat, “Neo-Empire, Middle Power or Subcontractor for Imperialism? ‘Neo-Ottomanism’, Shifts in Geopolitics and Turkey’s Foreign Policy”, BRISMES Annual Conference 2012 - Revolution and Revolt: Understanding the forms and causes of change, 26-28 March 2012, London School of Economics and Political Science.
  • Metin, Celal Emperyalist Çağda Modernleşme; Türk Modernleşmesi ve İran (1800-1941) [Modernization in the Age of Imperialism; Turkish Modernization and Iran], Ankara: Phoenix Yayinevi, 2011.
  • Nafaa, Hasan, ‘The “Turkish Model” in the Mirror of the Arab Spring’, in Turkey and the Arab Spring: Implications for Turkish Foreign Policy From a Transatlantic Perspective, Mediteranean Paper Series, The German Marshall Fund of the United States (Translated from Arabic by GhadaDiab), 2011, p. 37-44.
  • NTV-MSNBC ‘Erdoğan: Mitinge katılanlar bindirilmiş kıta’, 17 April 2007, [Online]. Available at: Salem, Paul, ‘Turkey’s Image in the Arab World’, TESEV Foreign Policy Programme, 2011.
  • Stone, Norman ‘This Spring Won’t Breed Any More Turkeys’, 5 April 2011, The Times (UK) [Online]. Available at: opinion/columnists/article2972840.ece
  • Taşpınar, Ömer, ‘Turkey’s Middle East Policies: Between Neo-Ottomanism and Kemalism’, Carnegie Paper, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 2008.
  • ______________, ‘The Turkish Model and Its Applicability’, in Turkey and the Arab Spring: Implications for Turkish Foreign Policy From aTransatlantic Perspective, Mediteranean Paper Series, The German Marshall Fund of the United States, 2011.
  • Telhami, Shibley, ‘The 2011 Arab Public Opinion Poll’, Brookings Institute November 2011,[Online] Available at: The Economist ‘Light, dark and muddle’, 25 June 2011, p. 62-64.
  • Today’s Zaman, ‘I am not a neo-Ottoman, Davutoglu says’, 25 November 2009 [Online] Available at:
  • Tol, Gönül, ‘Turkey as an Alternative Democratization Model for the Middle East’, 13 February 2011, Today’sZaman[Online]. Available at: http://www.
  • Ülgen, Sinan, ‘From Inspiration to Aspiration: Turkey in the New Middle East’, December 2011, The Carnegie Papers, Carnegie Europe.
  • Yegin, Mehmet ‘Turkey as a “Companion” not a “Model” to the Middle East’, 28 February 2011, USAK Center For American Studies [Online]. Available at:
There are 26 citations in total.


Other ID JA34PP58TG
Journal Section Articles

Oğuzhan Göksel

Publication Date July 15, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2012 Volume: 4 Issue: 1


Chicago Göksel, Oğuzhan. “Ortadoğu’da Oluşmakta Olan Demokrasiler Açısından Türk Modelinin Bir Kılavuz Olarak Değerlendirilmesi”. Ortadoğu Etütleri 4, no. 1 (July 2016): 99-120.

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