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State and Society in Jews: Social and Economic Basics

Year 2017, Volume: 9 Issue: 2, 24 - 43, 01.12.2017


The question of how societies have created the state is a long-term question sought by social scientists. The studies put forward to answer this question and also examine which societies was able to reach the state for what reasons and for what reasons the others was not. In this respect, the history of Jewish society brings new perspectives to the question of how the state was established and emerged. The history of Israeli society has brought with it a number of questions, such as how a society with which had a short period of state in time was able to continue to be stateless until 1948. In this respect, it should be clarified how the Jewish community, which has not lived under a state for a long time, has also transformed its society at the same time. This study is based on the fact that this dimension and is tried to make this a little clear. In the study, the social structures of the state-societies were compared with those of the Jewish community before and after the establishment of Israeli state. As a result, findings have been found that the long history of Jewish stateless-society, has restructured its society to cause it to completely change its social structure


  • Ataöv, Türkkaya (1970) Filistin Sorununun Ardındaki Gerçek: İsrail’in Kuruluşuna Kadar, Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi, Cilt 25 sayı 3, s. 29-66
  • Atmaca, Ayşe Ömür (2012) Roots of Labor Zionism: Israel as the New Land of Socialist Ideas?, Ortadoğu Etütleri, Volume 4, No 1, July, pp.165-191
  • Ben Gurion, David (1948) The Declaration of the Establishment of the State of Israel, Provisional Government of Israel, Official Gazette Number 1, Tel Aviv.
  • Ben Rafael, Elizer and Sharot, Stephen (1991) Ethnicity, Religion and Class in Israeli Society, Cambridge University Press.
  • Brass, Paul (1991) Ethnicity and Nationalism: Theory and Comparison, SAGE Publication, India.
  • Burke, (2013) The Language of Orders in Early Modern Europe, Studies in Social Stratification, in (ed.) M. L. Bush, Social Orders and Social Classes in Europe since 1500, Taylor and Francis Routledge Press, USA, pp. 1-12.
  • Canetti, Elias (2014) Kitle ve İktidar, (çeviri Gülşat Aygen) Ayrıntı Yayınları 6. Baskı, İstanbul.
  • Cesarani, David (1989) An Embattled Minority; The Jews in Britain during the First World War, Immigrants & Minorities, Routledge, 8:1-2, pp. 60-81
  • Davies, Philip R. (2006) The Origin of Biblical Israel, (ed. Yairah Amit, Ehud Ben Zvi, Israel Finkelstein, Oded Lipschits) in Essays on Ancient Israel in Its Near Eastern Context, Eisenbrauns, USA. p. 141-148.
  • Erdemir Hatice P. ve Halil Erdemir (2010) “Kudüs’te Yahudi İsyanı ve Yahudiler” International Journal of History Studies, Middle East Special Issue, p. 117-136
  • Gellner, Ernest (1992) Uluslar ve Ulusçuluk, İnsan Yayınları, İstanbul.
  • Fildiş, Ayşe Tekdal (2012) Birleşmiş Milletlerin Taksim Kararı ve İsrail Devletinin Yaratılışı, Trakya Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, Haziran, Cilt 12 Sayı 1, s. 337-348.
  • Freeze, Gregory L. (2013) Between Estate and Profession: The Clergy in Imperial Russia, Studies in Social Stratification, in (ed.) M. L. Bush, Social Orders and Social Classes in Europe since 1500, Taylor and Francis Routledge Press, USA, pp. 47-65.
  • Gottwald, Norman K. (1993) Social Class as an Analytic and Hermeneutical Category in Biblical Studies. Journal of Biblical Literature, Vol. 112, No. 1, pp. 3-22.
  • Gutmann, Emanuel. (1963) Israel, The Journal of Politics, Vol 25 No 4 November p. 703-717
  • Gül ve Yüksel (2016) İsrail’in Dış Politikasını Anlamak: Tevrat, On Emir Vadedilmiş Topraklar ve Üstünlük, Kırıkkale Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 6 (1), s. 335-352.
  • Gürsoy, Şahin ve İhsan Çapçıoğlu. (2009) “Din-Kimlik İlişkisi Üzerine” Toplum Bilimleri Dergisi, cilt 1, sayı 3, Ocak Haziran s. 115-220
  • Hadawi, Sami (1990) Bitter Harvest: Palestine 1914-1988, Olive Branch Press.
  • Horowitz, Dan and Lissak Moshe (1989) The State of Israeli at Forty, in (ed.) Peter Medding, Israel: State and Society 1948-1988. (Studies in Contemporary Jewry 5), New York and Oxford: Institute of Contemporary Jewry
  • Hroch, Miroslav (2011) Avrupa’da Milli Uyanış: Toplumsal Koşulların ve Toplulukların Karşılaştırmalı Analizi, çev. Ayşe Özdemir (Social Preconditions of National Revival in Europe: A Comparative Analysis of the Social Composition of Patriotic Groups Among the Smaller European Nations, 1985 Cambridge Press), İletişim Yayınları, İstanbul.
  • Hroch, Miroslav (2015) European Nations: Explaining Their Formation, (publis- hed first in 2005 as “Das Europa der Nationen”) Verso, London and NY.
  • Kızıloğlu, Sedat (2012) İsrail Devletinin Kuruluşuna Kadar Geçen Süreçte Yahudiler ve Siyonizmin Gelişimi, Kırkkale Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, cilt 2 sayı 1, s. 35-64.
  • Kimmerling, Baruch (1999) Religion, Nationalism and Democracy in Israel, Constellations, Blackwell Publishers, Volume 6, No 3, p. 339-363.
  • Lishak, Moshe (1989) Ben-Gurion and the Palmah: Two Points of View, in (ed.) Peter Y. Medding, Israel: State and Society, 1948-1988, Studies in Contemporary Jewry V, Oxford University Press, NY. pp. 315-321
  • Maps,, Access 02.02.2018.
  • Morag-Talmon, Pnina (1989) The Integration Processes of Eastern Jews in Israeli Society, 1948-1988, in (ed.) Peter Medding, Israel: State and Society 1948- 1988. (Studies in Contemporary Jewry 5), New York and Oxford: Institute of Contemporary Jewry, p. 25-38.
  • Neusner, Jacob “Israel: Judaism and Its Social Metaphors” Journal of the American Academy of Religion, Vol. 55 No. 2 Summer 1987 p. 331-361
  • Official Website for Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East (2004) Democraphics of Historic Palestine Prior to 1948, Factsheet Series No 7, htt- ps://
  • Official Website of Jewish National Fund, Our Vision, (Access 28.01.2019)
  • Parsons, Talcott (1940) An Analytical Approach to the Theory of Social Stratification, The American Journal of Sociology, Volume XLV Number 6, pp. 841-862.
  • Penslar, Derek J. (2013) Jews and The Military: A History, Princeton University Press.
  • Pikar, Ariel Dr. “Dindar Siyonist Hahamların Fetvalarında İsrail Devleti’ndeki Yahudi Olmayanların Statüsü” Sakarya Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, cilt XVII sayı 30, 2014/2
  • Seed, John (2013) From ‘Middling Sort’ to Middle Class in the Late Eighteenth- and Early Nineteeth-century England, Studies in Social Stratification, in (ed.) M. L. Bush, Social Orders and Social Classes in Europe since 1500, Taylor and Francis Routledge Press, USA, pp 114-135.
  • Sheffer, Gabriel. (2012) “Loyalty and Criticism in the Relations between World Jewry and Israel” Israel Studies, Vol. 17 No 2 Summer p. 77-85.
  • Timeline for the History of Judaism, timeline-for-the-history-of-judaism.

Yahudilerde Devlet ve Toplum: Sosyal ve Ekonomik Temelleri

Year 2017, Volume: 9 Issue: 2, 24 - 43, 01.12.2017


Toplumların devleti nasıl ortaya çıkardığı cevabı uzun dönemdir sosyal bilimciler tarafından aranan bir sorudur. Bu soruyu cevaplamak için ortaya konan çalışmalar hangi toplumların hangi sebeplerle devlete eriştiği kadar hangi toplumların ne gibi sebeplerle devlete ulaşamadıklarını da incelemektedir. Bu minvalde Yahudi toplumunun tarihi, devletin nasıl kurulduğu ve ortaya çıktığı sorusuna yeni bakış açıları getirmektedir. İsrail toplumunun tarihi, yalnızca kısa bir dönemde devlete sahip olmuş bir toplumun daha sonradan 1948’e kadar devletsiz olarak nasıl varlığını devam ettirebildiği gibi çeşitli soruları da beraberinde getirdi. Bu bakımdan, uzun bir dönem bir devlet çatısı altında yaşamayan Yahudi toplumunun devlet kurarken nasıl aynı zamanda toplumunu da dönüştürdüğü aydınlatılması gereken bir boyut kazanmıştır. Bu çalışma, bu boyutun bir miktar da olsa aydınlatılmasına imkân tanınması üzerine hazırlanmıştır. Çalışmada devletli toplumların sahip oldukları toplumsal yapılar ile Yahudi toplumunun devlet kurma aşamasından öncesi ve sonrası karşılaştırılmıştır. Sonuç olarak, Yahudi toplumunun devletsiz olarak var olduğu uzun geçmişinin toplumsal yapısını tamamıyla değiştirmesine neden olacak şekilde toplumunu yeniden yapılandırdığına dair bulgular elde edilmiştir


  • Ataöv, Türkkaya (1970) Filistin Sorununun Ardındaki Gerçek: İsrail’in Kuruluşuna Kadar, Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi, Cilt 25 sayı 3, s. 29-66
  • Atmaca, Ayşe Ömür (2012) Roots of Labor Zionism: Israel as the New Land of Socialist Ideas?, Ortadoğu Etütleri, Volume 4, No 1, July, pp.165-191
  • Ben Gurion, David (1948) The Declaration of the Establishment of the State of Israel, Provisional Government of Israel, Official Gazette Number 1, Tel Aviv.
  • Ben Rafael, Elizer and Sharot, Stephen (1991) Ethnicity, Religion and Class in Israeli Society, Cambridge University Press.
  • Brass, Paul (1991) Ethnicity and Nationalism: Theory and Comparison, SAGE Publication, India.
  • Burke, (2013) The Language of Orders in Early Modern Europe, Studies in Social Stratification, in (ed.) M. L. Bush, Social Orders and Social Classes in Europe since 1500, Taylor and Francis Routledge Press, USA, pp. 1-12.
  • Canetti, Elias (2014) Kitle ve İktidar, (çeviri Gülşat Aygen) Ayrıntı Yayınları 6. Baskı, İstanbul.
  • Cesarani, David (1989) An Embattled Minority; The Jews in Britain during the First World War, Immigrants & Minorities, Routledge, 8:1-2, pp. 60-81
  • Davies, Philip R. (2006) The Origin of Biblical Israel, (ed. Yairah Amit, Ehud Ben Zvi, Israel Finkelstein, Oded Lipschits) in Essays on Ancient Israel in Its Near Eastern Context, Eisenbrauns, USA. p. 141-148.
  • Erdemir Hatice P. ve Halil Erdemir (2010) “Kudüs’te Yahudi İsyanı ve Yahudiler” International Journal of History Studies, Middle East Special Issue, p. 117-136
  • Gellner, Ernest (1992) Uluslar ve Ulusçuluk, İnsan Yayınları, İstanbul.
  • Fildiş, Ayşe Tekdal (2012) Birleşmiş Milletlerin Taksim Kararı ve İsrail Devletinin Yaratılışı, Trakya Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, Haziran, Cilt 12 Sayı 1, s. 337-348.
  • Freeze, Gregory L. (2013) Between Estate and Profession: The Clergy in Imperial Russia, Studies in Social Stratification, in (ed.) M. L. Bush, Social Orders and Social Classes in Europe since 1500, Taylor and Francis Routledge Press, USA, pp. 47-65.
  • Gottwald, Norman K. (1993) Social Class as an Analytic and Hermeneutical Category in Biblical Studies. Journal of Biblical Literature, Vol. 112, No. 1, pp. 3-22.
  • Gutmann, Emanuel. (1963) Israel, The Journal of Politics, Vol 25 No 4 November p. 703-717
  • Gül ve Yüksel (2016) İsrail’in Dış Politikasını Anlamak: Tevrat, On Emir Vadedilmiş Topraklar ve Üstünlük, Kırıkkale Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 6 (1), s. 335-352.
  • Gürsoy, Şahin ve İhsan Çapçıoğlu. (2009) “Din-Kimlik İlişkisi Üzerine” Toplum Bilimleri Dergisi, cilt 1, sayı 3, Ocak Haziran s. 115-220
  • Hadawi, Sami (1990) Bitter Harvest: Palestine 1914-1988, Olive Branch Press.
  • Horowitz, Dan and Lissak Moshe (1989) The State of Israeli at Forty, in (ed.) Peter Medding, Israel: State and Society 1948-1988. (Studies in Contemporary Jewry 5), New York and Oxford: Institute of Contemporary Jewry
  • Hroch, Miroslav (2011) Avrupa’da Milli Uyanış: Toplumsal Koşulların ve Toplulukların Karşılaştırmalı Analizi, çev. Ayşe Özdemir (Social Preconditions of National Revival in Europe: A Comparative Analysis of the Social Composition of Patriotic Groups Among the Smaller European Nations, 1985 Cambridge Press), İletişim Yayınları, İstanbul.
  • Hroch, Miroslav (2015) European Nations: Explaining Their Formation, (publis- hed first in 2005 as “Das Europa der Nationen”) Verso, London and NY.
  • Kızıloğlu, Sedat (2012) İsrail Devletinin Kuruluşuna Kadar Geçen Süreçte Yahudiler ve Siyonizmin Gelişimi, Kırkkale Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, cilt 2 sayı 1, s. 35-64.
  • Kimmerling, Baruch (1999) Religion, Nationalism and Democracy in Israel, Constellations, Blackwell Publishers, Volume 6, No 3, p. 339-363.
  • Lishak, Moshe (1989) Ben-Gurion and the Palmah: Two Points of View, in (ed.) Peter Y. Medding, Israel: State and Society, 1948-1988, Studies in Contemporary Jewry V, Oxford University Press, NY. pp. 315-321
  • Maps,, Access 02.02.2018.
  • Morag-Talmon, Pnina (1989) The Integration Processes of Eastern Jews in Israeli Society, 1948-1988, in (ed.) Peter Medding, Israel: State and Society 1948- 1988. (Studies in Contemporary Jewry 5), New York and Oxford: Institute of Contemporary Jewry, p. 25-38.
  • Neusner, Jacob “Israel: Judaism and Its Social Metaphors” Journal of the American Academy of Religion, Vol. 55 No. 2 Summer 1987 p. 331-361
  • Official Website for Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East (2004) Democraphics of Historic Palestine Prior to 1948, Factsheet Series No 7, htt- ps://
  • Official Website of Jewish National Fund, Our Vision, (Access 28.01.2019)
  • Parsons, Talcott (1940) An Analytical Approach to the Theory of Social Stratification, The American Journal of Sociology, Volume XLV Number 6, pp. 841-862.
  • Penslar, Derek J. (2013) Jews and The Military: A History, Princeton University Press.
  • Pikar, Ariel Dr. “Dindar Siyonist Hahamların Fetvalarında İsrail Devleti’ndeki Yahudi Olmayanların Statüsü” Sakarya Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, cilt XVII sayı 30, 2014/2
  • Seed, John (2013) From ‘Middling Sort’ to Middle Class in the Late Eighteenth- and Early Nineteeth-century England, Studies in Social Stratification, in (ed.) M. L. Bush, Social Orders and Social Classes in Europe since 1500, Taylor and Francis Routledge Press, USA, pp 114-135.
  • Sheffer, Gabriel. (2012) “Loyalty and Criticism in the Relations between World Jewry and Israel” Israel Studies, Vol. 17 No 2 Summer p. 77-85.
  • Timeline for the History of Judaism, timeline-for-the-history-of-judaism.
There are 35 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Ömer Fuad Kahraman

Abdullah Aydın

Publication Date December 1, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017 Volume: 9 Issue: 2


Chicago Kahraman, Ömer Fuad, and Abdullah Aydın. “Yahudilerde Devlet Ve Toplum: Sosyal Ve Ekonomik Temelleri”. Ortadoğu Etütleri 9, no. 2 (December 2017): 24-43.

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