Today, although the development of science and technology in the treatment of cancer diseases, the treatment of cancer is still an important health problem. In addition to defects caused by cancerous structures, immunosuppressive and cytotoxic effects of drugs used cause damage to orofacial structures. Since oral mucous membranes are very sensitive to cancer treatments and children are in growth/development period, these are increases the effects of oncological treatments. Palliative treatment of symptoms is important.
Oral complications that develop during and after treatment cause serious problems such as pain, difficulty in swallowing and speaking, malnutrition, negatively affecting the patient's quality of life. Therefore, pedodontists play a big role for reducing the complications to oral and dental health due to cancer treatment and increasing the quality of life of the child.
The aim of this report was to provide comprehensive oral and dental care before, during and after cancer treatment, and up-to-date information on reducing and preventing oral complications.