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Lomber Disk Hernisi Ameliyatı Geçiren Hastaların Sağlık Okuryazarlık Düzeyinin Taburcu Olmaya Hazır Olma Durumuna Etkisi

Year 2023, Volume: 6 Issue: 1, 35 - 44, 17.04.2023


Amaç: Bu araştırma, lomber disk hernisi (LDH) ameliyatı geçiren hastaların sağlık okuryazarlık düzeyinin taburcu olmaya hazır olma durumuna etkisinin belirlenmesi amacıyla yapıldı.
Yöntem: Bu araştırma tanımlayıcı-ilişki arayıcı bir araştırmadır. Araştırma evrenini, bir üniversite hastanesinin beyin cerrahi servisinde planlı LDH ameliyatı yapılan hastalar oluşturdu. Örneklem büyüklüğünü 120 hasta oluşturdu. Veriler, tanıtıcı bilgi formu, Sağlık Okuryazarlığı Ölçeği ve Taburcu Olmaya Hazır Olma Ölçeği-Kısa Formu ile toplandı. Verilerin analizinde, sayı, yüzde dağılımı, Mann Whitney U testi, Kruskall Wallis testi ve Spearman korelasyon analizi kullanıldı.
Bulgular: Katılımcıların Sağlık Okuryazarlık Ölçeği toplam puanı 94.60±15.22 olup sağlık okuryazarlık düzeylerinin ortanın üstünde olduğu bulundu. Taburcu Olmaya Hazır Olma Ölçeği puanlarına göre katılımcıların, %57.5 (n=69)’inin taburculuğa hazır olmadıkları belirlendi. Hastaların tanıtıcı özelliklerinden sadece hastanede kalış süresine göre Taburcu Olmaya Hazır Olma Ölçeği puan ortalamalarının farklı olduğu belirlendi (p<0.05). Hastaların sağlık okuryazarlık düzeyine göre taburcu olmaya hazır olma durumu arasında pozitif yönde zayıf düzeyde bir korelasyon olduğu bulundu.
Sonuç: Araştırmadan elde edilen bulgular, hastanede kalış süresinin beş günden fazla olmasının ve sağlık okuryazarlık düzeyinin artmasının hastaların kendilerini taburcu olmaya daha hazır hissettiklerini göstermektedir. Lomber disk hernisi ameliyatı geçirmiş hastaların taburculuk planlanmasının yapılmasında sağlık okuryazarlık düzeyleri belirlenmeli ve bireye özgü planlama yapılmalıdır.

Supporting Institution


Project Number



  • Aras Z, Bayık Temel A. (2017). Sağlık okuryazarlığı ölçeği’ nin Türkçe formunun geçerlilik ve güvenilirliğinin değerlendirilmesi. Forence Nightingale Hemşirelik Dergisi, 25, 2, 85-94.
  • Aslan M. (2020). Yetişkin hastalar için taburculuğa hazır olma ölçeği - hemşire değerlendirme kısa formunun türkçe geçerlik ve güvenirliği. Sağlık ve Hemşirelik Yönetimi Dergisi, 2,7, 202-214.
  • Barrett SE, Puryear JS. (2006). Health literacy: improving quality of care in primary care settings. . Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved, 17, 4, 690-697.
  • Brent L, Coffey A. (2013). Patient’s perception of their readiness for discharge following hip fracture surgery. International Journal of Orthopaedic and Trauma Nursing, 17,4, 190-198. j.ijotn. 2013.01.001
  • Coffey A, McCarthy GM. (2013). Older people's perception of their readiness for discharge and postdischarge use of community support and services. Internatioanal Journal of Older People Nursing, 8,2, 104-115. 00316.x
  • Çimen Z, Bayık Temel A. (2017). Kronik Hastalığı olan yaşlı bireylerde sağlık okuryazarlığı ve sağlık algısı ilişkisi ve sağlık okuryazarlığını etkileyen faktörlerin incelenmesi. Ege Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Fakültesi Dergisi, 33,3, 105-125.
  • De Oliveira GS, Errea M, Bialek J, Kendall MC, McCarthy RJ. (2018). The impact of health literacy on shared decision making before elective surgery: a propensity matched case control analysis. BMC Health Serv Res, 18,1, 958. /s12913-018-3755-9
  • Hadden KB, Prince LY, Bushmiaer MK, Watson JC, Barnes CL. (2018). Health literacy and surgery expectations in total hip and knee arthroplasty patients. Patient Educ Couns, 101,10, 1823-1827.
  • Kaya S, Sahin Güven G, Teleş M, Aydan S, Korku C, Kar A. (2018a). Taburculuğa hazır olmanın boyutları: belirleyicileri, hasta sonuçları ve hastane harcamaları ile ilişkisi. Hacettepe Sağlık İdaresi Dergisi, 21,2, 305-334.
  • Kaya S, Sahin Guven G, Aydan S, Kar A, Teles M, Yildiz A, Koca GS, Kartal, N, Korku C, Urek, D. Demir IB, Toka O. (2018b). Patients' readiness for discharge: predictors and effects on unplanned readmissions, emergency department visits and death. Journal of Nursing Management, 26,6, 707-716. 10.1111/ jonm.12605
  • Kaya S, Sahin Guven G, Teles M, Korku C, Aydan S, Kar A, Kartal, N, Koca GS, Yildiz A. (2018c). Validity and reliability of the Turkish version of the readiness for hospital discharge scale/short form. Journal of Nursing Management, 26,3, 295-301. 10.1111/jonm.12547
  • Keim-Malpass J, Doede A, Camacho F, Kennedy C, Showalter SL. (2018). Impact of patient health literacy on surgical treatment of breast cancer. Breast Journal, 24,4, 633-636. tbj.13011
  • Kılıc N, Gokoen A, Gumus A. (2017). Effect of body mechanics brief education in the clinical setting on pain patients with lumbar disc hernia: A randomized controlled trial. International Journal of Caring Sciences, 10,3, 1498-1509.
  • Knier S, Stichler JF, Ferber L, Catterall K. (2015). Patients' perceptions of the quality of discharge teaching and readiness for discharge. Rehabilitation Nursing, 40, 1, 30-39.
  • McNaughton CD, Collins SP, Kripalani S, Rothman R, Self WH, Jenkins C, Miller K, Arbogast P, Naftilan A, Dittus RS, Storrow AB. (2013). Low numeracy is associated with increased odds of 30-day emergency department or hospital recidivism for patients with acute heart failure. Circulation: Heart Failure, 6,1, 40-46. 477
  • Menendez ME, van Hoorn BT, Mackert M, Donovan EE, Chen NC, Ring D. (2017). Patients with limited health literacy ask fewer questions during office visits with hand surgeons. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research, 475,5, 1291-1297. /s11999-016-5140-5
  • Mitchell SE, Sadikova E, Jack BW, Paasche-Orlow MK. (2012). Health literacy and 30-day postdischarge hospital utilization. Journal of Health Communication, 17,3, 325-338. 1080/10810730.2012.715233
  • Nurhayati N, Songwathana P, Vachprasit R. (2019). Surgical patients' experiences of readiness for hospital discharge and perceived quality of discharge teaching in acute care hospitals. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 28,9-10. 1728-1736. 64
  • Okyay P, Abacıgil F, Harlak H. (2016). Türkiye sağlık okuryazarlığı ölçekleri güvenilirlik ve geçerlilik çalışması. Okyay P, Abacıgil F. editors. 1.baskı, Ankara, Anıl Reklam Matbaa Ltd. Şti., p. 43-60.
  • Puolakka K, Ylinen J, Neva MH, Kautiainen H, Hakkinen A. (2008). Risk factors for back pain-related loss of working time after surgery for lumbar disc herniation: a 5-year follow-up study. European Spine Journal, 17,3, 386-392.
  • Qiu C, Feng X, Zeng J, Luo H, Lai Z. (2019). Discharge teaching, readiness for discharge, and post-discharge outcomes in cataract patients treated with day surgery: A cross-sectional study. Indian Journal of Ophthalmology, 67,5, 612-617.
  • Roy M, Corkum JP, Urbach DR, Novak CB, von Schroeder HP, McCabe SJ, Okrainec K. (2019). Health literacy among surgical patients: a systematic review and meta-analysis. World Journal of Surgery, 43, 1, 96-106. 54-z
  • Sequeira SS, Eggermont LH, Silliman RA, Bickmore TW, Henault LE, Winter MR, Nelson K, Paasche-Orlow MK. (2013). Limited health literacy and decline in executive function in older adults. Journal of Health Communication, 18, 1, 143-157. https:// 10810730.2013.825673
  • Sorensen K, Van den Broucke S, Fullam J, Doyle G, Pelikan J, Slonska Z, Brand H. Consortium Health Literacy Project, E. (2012). Health literacy and public health: a systematic review and integration of definitions and models. BMC Public Health, 12, 80-93.
  • Toçi E, Burazeri G, Sorensen K, Jerliu N, Ramadani N, Roshi E, Brand H. (2013). Health literacy and socioeconomic characteristics among older people in transitional Kosovo. British Journal of Medicine & Medical Research, 3(4), 1646-1658 10.9734/BJMMR/2013/3972
  • Virk SS, Diwan A, Phillips FM, Sandhu H, Khan SN. (2017). What is the rate of revision discectomies after primary discectomy on a National Scale? Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research, 475,11, 2752-2762. 10.1007/ s11999-017-5467-6
  • Wallace AS, Perkhounkova Y, Bohr NL, Chung SJ. (2016). Readiness for Hospital discharge, health literacy, and social living status. Clinical Nursing Research, 25,5, 494-511. 1054773815624380
  • Weiss ME, Costa LL, Yakusheva O, Bobay KL. (2014). Validation of patient and nurse short forms of the Readiness for Hospital Discharge Scale and their relationship to return to the hospital. Health Services Research, 49,1, 304-317. /1475-6773. 12092
  • Weiss ME, Piacentine LB, Lokken L, Ancona J, Archer J. (2007). Perceived Readiness for Hospital discharge in adult medical-surgical patients. Clinical Nurse Specialist, 21,1, 31-42
  • Wright JP, Edwards GC, Goggins K, Tiwari V, Maiga A, Moses K, Kripalani S, Idrees, K. (2018). Association of Health literacy with postoperative outcomes in patients undergoing major abdominal surgery. JAMA Surg, 153,2, 137-142. jamasurg.2017.3832
  • Yalçın S, Arpa Y, Cengiz A, Doğan S. (2016). Hemşirelerin hastaların taburculuk eğitim gereksinimlerine yönelik görüşleri ile hastaların eğitim gereksinimlerine yönelik görüşlerinin karşılaştırılması. Hemşirelikte Eğitim ve Araştırma Dergisi, 12,3, 204-209.
  • Yang J, He Y, Jiang L, Li K. (2020). Colorectal patients’ readiness for hospital discharge following management of enhanced recovery after surgery pathway. Medicine, 99, 8, 1-6. 10.1097/md.0000000000019219
  • Yılmaz E, Özkan S. (2015). Cerrahi hastaların öğrenim gereksinimleri. Anadolu Hemşirelik ve Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, 18,2, 107-115.
  • Zhao H, Feng X, Yu R, Gu D, Ji X. (2016). Validation of the Chinese version of the Readiness for Hospital Discharge Scale on patients who have undergone laryngectomy. Journal of Nursing Research, 24,4, 321-328. doi:10.1097/JNR.0000000000000126

The Effect of the Health Literacy Level of the Patients Underwent Lumbar Disc Herniation Surgery on the Readiness for Discharge

Year 2023, Volume: 6 Issue: 1, 35 - 44, 17.04.2023


Objective: The aim of this study was to determine the effect of health literacy level of patients who underwent lumbar disc herniation (LDH) surgery on patients' readiness for discharge.
Methods: The research was conducted in relational descriptive type. The study sample, consisted of 120 patients. The data were collected with an introductory information form, Health Literacy Scale, and Readiness for Hospital Discharge Scale/Short Form. In the analysis of the data, number percent distribution, Mann Whitney U test, Kruskall Wallis test and Spearman correlation analysis were used.
Results: The participants' Health Literacy Scale total score was 94.60±15.22, and their health literacy levels were found to be above the middle. According to the Readiness for Hospital Discharge Scale scores, 57.5% (n=69) of the participants were not ready for discharge. It was determined that the mean scores of the Readiness for Discharge Scale differed from the descriptive features of the patients only according to the length of hospital stay (p<0.05). It was found that there was a weak positive correlation between the patients' health literacy levels and their readiness to be discharged.
Conclusion: Findings show that patients with a hospital stay longer than five days are more ready to be discharged and they feel more ready to be discharged as their health literacy level increases. In planning the discharge of patients who have undergone lumbar disc herniation surgery, the health literacy status of the patients should be determined and individual planning should be made.

Project Number



  • Aras Z, Bayık Temel A. (2017). Sağlık okuryazarlığı ölçeği’ nin Türkçe formunun geçerlilik ve güvenilirliğinin değerlendirilmesi. Forence Nightingale Hemşirelik Dergisi, 25, 2, 85-94.
  • Aslan M. (2020). Yetişkin hastalar için taburculuğa hazır olma ölçeği - hemşire değerlendirme kısa formunun türkçe geçerlik ve güvenirliği. Sağlık ve Hemşirelik Yönetimi Dergisi, 2,7, 202-214.
  • Barrett SE, Puryear JS. (2006). Health literacy: improving quality of care in primary care settings. . Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved, 17, 4, 690-697.
  • Brent L, Coffey A. (2013). Patient’s perception of their readiness for discharge following hip fracture surgery. International Journal of Orthopaedic and Trauma Nursing, 17,4, 190-198. j.ijotn. 2013.01.001
  • Coffey A, McCarthy GM. (2013). Older people's perception of their readiness for discharge and postdischarge use of community support and services. Internatioanal Journal of Older People Nursing, 8,2, 104-115. 00316.x
  • Çimen Z, Bayık Temel A. (2017). Kronik Hastalığı olan yaşlı bireylerde sağlık okuryazarlığı ve sağlık algısı ilişkisi ve sağlık okuryazarlığını etkileyen faktörlerin incelenmesi. Ege Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Fakültesi Dergisi, 33,3, 105-125.
  • De Oliveira GS, Errea M, Bialek J, Kendall MC, McCarthy RJ. (2018). The impact of health literacy on shared decision making before elective surgery: a propensity matched case control analysis. BMC Health Serv Res, 18,1, 958. /s12913-018-3755-9
  • Hadden KB, Prince LY, Bushmiaer MK, Watson JC, Barnes CL. (2018). Health literacy and surgery expectations in total hip and knee arthroplasty patients. Patient Educ Couns, 101,10, 1823-1827.
  • Kaya S, Sahin Güven G, Teleş M, Aydan S, Korku C, Kar A. (2018a). Taburculuğa hazır olmanın boyutları: belirleyicileri, hasta sonuçları ve hastane harcamaları ile ilişkisi. Hacettepe Sağlık İdaresi Dergisi, 21,2, 305-334.
  • Kaya S, Sahin Guven G, Aydan S, Kar A, Teles M, Yildiz A, Koca GS, Kartal, N, Korku C, Urek, D. Demir IB, Toka O. (2018b). Patients' readiness for discharge: predictors and effects on unplanned readmissions, emergency department visits and death. Journal of Nursing Management, 26,6, 707-716. 10.1111/ jonm.12605
  • Kaya S, Sahin Guven G, Teles M, Korku C, Aydan S, Kar A, Kartal, N, Koca GS, Yildiz A. (2018c). Validity and reliability of the Turkish version of the readiness for hospital discharge scale/short form. Journal of Nursing Management, 26,3, 295-301. 10.1111/jonm.12547
  • Keim-Malpass J, Doede A, Camacho F, Kennedy C, Showalter SL. (2018). Impact of patient health literacy on surgical treatment of breast cancer. Breast Journal, 24,4, 633-636. tbj.13011
  • Kılıc N, Gokoen A, Gumus A. (2017). Effect of body mechanics brief education in the clinical setting on pain patients with lumbar disc hernia: A randomized controlled trial. International Journal of Caring Sciences, 10,3, 1498-1509.
  • Knier S, Stichler JF, Ferber L, Catterall K. (2015). Patients' perceptions of the quality of discharge teaching and readiness for discharge. Rehabilitation Nursing, 40, 1, 30-39.
  • McNaughton CD, Collins SP, Kripalani S, Rothman R, Self WH, Jenkins C, Miller K, Arbogast P, Naftilan A, Dittus RS, Storrow AB. (2013). Low numeracy is associated with increased odds of 30-day emergency department or hospital recidivism for patients with acute heart failure. Circulation: Heart Failure, 6,1, 40-46. 477
  • Menendez ME, van Hoorn BT, Mackert M, Donovan EE, Chen NC, Ring D. (2017). Patients with limited health literacy ask fewer questions during office visits with hand surgeons. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research, 475,5, 1291-1297. /s11999-016-5140-5
  • Mitchell SE, Sadikova E, Jack BW, Paasche-Orlow MK. (2012). Health literacy and 30-day postdischarge hospital utilization. Journal of Health Communication, 17,3, 325-338. 1080/10810730.2012.715233
  • Nurhayati N, Songwathana P, Vachprasit R. (2019). Surgical patients' experiences of readiness for hospital discharge and perceived quality of discharge teaching in acute care hospitals. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 28,9-10. 1728-1736. 64
  • Okyay P, Abacıgil F, Harlak H. (2016). Türkiye sağlık okuryazarlığı ölçekleri güvenilirlik ve geçerlilik çalışması. Okyay P, Abacıgil F. editors. 1.baskı, Ankara, Anıl Reklam Matbaa Ltd. Şti., p. 43-60.
  • Puolakka K, Ylinen J, Neva MH, Kautiainen H, Hakkinen A. (2008). Risk factors for back pain-related loss of working time after surgery for lumbar disc herniation: a 5-year follow-up study. European Spine Journal, 17,3, 386-392.
  • Qiu C, Feng X, Zeng J, Luo H, Lai Z. (2019). Discharge teaching, readiness for discharge, and post-discharge outcomes in cataract patients treated with day surgery: A cross-sectional study. Indian Journal of Ophthalmology, 67,5, 612-617.
  • Roy M, Corkum JP, Urbach DR, Novak CB, von Schroeder HP, McCabe SJ, Okrainec K. (2019). Health literacy among surgical patients: a systematic review and meta-analysis. World Journal of Surgery, 43, 1, 96-106. 54-z
  • Sequeira SS, Eggermont LH, Silliman RA, Bickmore TW, Henault LE, Winter MR, Nelson K, Paasche-Orlow MK. (2013). Limited health literacy and decline in executive function in older adults. Journal of Health Communication, 18, 1, 143-157. https:// 10810730.2013.825673
  • Sorensen K, Van den Broucke S, Fullam J, Doyle G, Pelikan J, Slonska Z, Brand H. Consortium Health Literacy Project, E. (2012). Health literacy and public health: a systematic review and integration of definitions and models. BMC Public Health, 12, 80-93.
  • Toçi E, Burazeri G, Sorensen K, Jerliu N, Ramadani N, Roshi E, Brand H. (2013). Health literacy and socioeconomic characteristics among older people in transitional Kosovo. British Journal of Medicine & Medical Research, 3(4), 1646-1658 10.9734/BJMMR/2013/3972
  • Virk SS, Diwan A, Phillips FM, Sandhu H, Khan SN. (2017). What is the rate of revision discectomies after primary discectomy on a National Scale? Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research, 475,11, 2752-2762. 10.1007/ s11999-017-5467-6
  • Wallace AS, Perkhounkova Y, Bohr NL, Chung SJ. (2016). Readiness for Hospital discharge, health literacy, and social living status. Clinical Nursing Research, 25,5, 494-511. 1054773815624380
  • Weiss ME, Costa LL, Yakusheva O, Bobay KL. (2014). Validation of patient and nurse short forms of the Readiness for Hospital Discharge Scale and their relationship to return to the hospital. Health Services Research, 49,1, 304-317. /1475-6773. 12092
  • Weiss ME, Piacentine LB, Lokken L, Ancona J, Archer J. (2007). Perceived Readiness for Hospital discharge in adult medical-surgical patients. Clinical Nurse Specialist, 21,1, 31-42
  • Wright JP, Edwards GC, Goggins K, Tiwari V, Maiga A, Moses K, Kripalani S, Idrees, K. (2018). Association of Health literacy with postoperative outcomes in patients undergoing major abdominal surgery. JAMA Surg, 153,2, 137-142. jamasurg.2017.3832
  • Yalçın S, Arpa Y, Cengiz A, Doğan S. (2016). Hemşirelerin hastaların taburculuk eğitim gereksinimlerine yönelik görüşleri ile hastaların eğitim gereksinimlerine yönelik görüşlerinin karşılaştırılması. Hemşirelikte Eğitim ve Araştırma Dergisi, 12,3, 204-209.
  • Yang J, He Y, Jiang L, Li K. (2020). Colorectal patients’ readiness for hospital discharge following management of enhanced recovery after surgery pathway. Medicine, 99, 8, 1-6. 10.1097/md.0000000000019219
  • Yılmaz E, Özkan S. (2015). Cerrahi hastaların öğrenim gereksinimleri. Anadolu Hemşirelik ve Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, 18,2, 107-115.
  • Zhao H, Feng X, Yu R, Gu D, Ji X. (2016). Validation of the Chinese version of the Readiness for Hospital Discharge Scale on patients who have undergone laryngectomy. Journal of Nursing Research, 24,4, 321-328. doi:10.1097/JNR.0000000000000126
There are 34 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Nursing
Journal Section Araştırma

Keziban Öztürk 0000-0001-9778-7759

Melike Durmaz 0000-0002-6028-5592

Şerife Kurşun 0000-0003-1960-3955

Project Number Yok
Early Pub Date April 17, 2023
Publication Date April 17, 2023
Submission Date November 1, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2023 Volume: 6 Issue: 1


APA Öztürk, K., Durmaz, M., & Kurşun, Ş. (2023). Lomber Disk Hernisi Ameliyatı Geçiren Hastaların Sağlık Okuryazarlık Düzeyinin Taburcu Olmaya Hazır Olma Durumuna Etkisi. Ordu Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Çalışmaları Dergisi, 6(1), 35-44.