Research Article
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The Rising Geopolitics of the Cold Waters: Russia’s Arctic Policy

Year 2024, Volume: 13 Issue: Özel Sayı, 11 - 27, 10.10.2024


The Arctic Region is gaining increasing geopolitical significance as a result of melting glaciers due to factors such as global warming and climate change. The opening of new sea routes and the discovery of rich natural resources have made the Arctic a center of international competition. This vast geography is surrounded by states such as Canada, Denmark (Greenland), Iceland, Norway, Russia, Sweden, Finland, and the USA (Alaska). Among these states, Russia is particularly noteworthy. Russia’s Arctic policy focuses on the utilization of energy and mineral resources, control of new sea routes, and ensuring regional security. Russia considers the rich oil and natural gas reserves in the Barents and Laptev Seas critical for its economy and energy independence. Defining NATO as the primary national security threat in the Arctic, Russia tends to increase its military presence in the region. Through this, it aims to gain a strategic advantage. This study analyzes the geopolitical structure of the Arctic and Russia’s Arctic policy through elements such as energy, military presence, and regional roles. Prepared with qualitative research methods, this study reveals that the strategic and economic importance of the Arctic Region is increasing and that Russia balances the use of energy resources, its military presence, and efforts for international cooperation to protect its interests in the region.

Ethical Statement

It is declared that scientific and ethical principles have been followed while carrying out and writing this study and that all the sources used have been properly cited.


  • Aleksushin, G. V. (2023). The nuclear icebreaker fleet and its role in the economic development of the Northern Sea Route. Arctic and North, 53, 26-32.
  • Arctic Centre (2024). Arctic indigenous peoples. University of Lapland.
  • Arctic Portal (2016). Arctic definitions combined.
  • Arctic Portal (2023). Shipping routes in a global context.
  • Babahanoğlu, V. & Yacızı, E. M. (2024). Policies of Denmark towards the Arctic region. F. Güçyetmez & Dmello, J. R. (Eds.), Arctic 8 policy: Reassessing international relations içinde (s. 235-263). United Kingdom: Transnational Press London.
  • Baev, P. (2012). Russia’s Arctic policy and the northern fleet modernization. IFRI Russia/NIS Center,
  • Bohn, D. & Varnajot, A. (2021). A geopolitical outlook on Arctification in Northern Europe: Insights from tourism, regional branding, and higher education institutions. L. Heininen, H. Exner-Pirot & J. Barnes (Eds.), Arctic yearbook 2021: Defining and mapping the Arctic: Sovereignties, policies and perceptions içinde (s.. 279-292). Akureyri, Iceland: Arctic Portal.
  • Bruun, J. M. & Medby, I. A. (2014). Theorising the thaw: Geopolitics in a changing Arctic. Geography Compass, 8(12), 915-929.
  • Closson, S. (2017). Russian foreign policy in the Arctic: Balancing cooperation and competition. Kennan Cable No: 24,
  • Cohen, A. (2011). Russia in the Arctic: Challenges to U.S. energy and geopolitics in the high north. S. J. Blank (Ed.), Russia in the Arctic içinde (s. 1-42). Carlisle: US Army War College Press.
  • Coninsx, M. A., Arnauts, F., & Mattelaer, A. (2022). The future of the Arctic region: what is at stake for Belgium?. Egmont Royal Institute for International Relations, Egmont Institute European Policy Brife, 74, 1-6. CSIS Research and Analysis (2023). CSIS Europe, Russia, & Eurasia Program,
  • Dittmer, J., Moisio, S., Ingram, A. & Dodds, K. (2011). Have you heard the one about the disappearing ice? Recasting Arctic geopolitics. Political Geography, 30(4), 202-214.
  • Dodds, K. (2013). The ilulissat declaration (2008): The Arctic states, “law of the sea,” and Arctic Ocean. SAIS Review of International Affairs, 33(2), 45-55.
  • Dodds, K., Kuus, M. & Sharp, J. (2013). Introduction: Geopolitics and its critics. K. Dodds, M. Kuus, & J. Sharp (Eds.), The Ashgate research companion to critical geopolitics içinde (s. 1-18). Farnham: Ashgate.
  • Drewniak, M., Dalaklis, D., Kitada, M., Ölçer, A., & Ballini, F. (2018). Geopolitics of Arctic shipping: The state of icebreakers and future needs. Polar Geography, 41(2), 107-125.
  • Evengård, B., Paasche, Ø, & Larsen, J. N. (2015). Paths to the new Arctic. B. Evengård, J. N. Larsen & Ø. Paasche (Eds.), The new Arctic içinde (pp. 1-6). Switzerland: Springer International Publishing.
  • Furuichi, M. & Otsuka, N. (2012). Effects of the Arctic Sea routes (NSR and NWP) navigability on port industry. Port Planning and Development Committee (PPDC) & International Association of Ports and Harbors (IAPH), content/uploads/2020/11/20130530_IAPH_NSR_Report1.pdf.
  • Gautier, D. L., Bird, K. J., Charpentier, R. R., Grantz, A., Houseknecht, D. W., Klett, T. R., Moore, T. E., Pitman, J. K., Schenk, C. J., Schuenemeyer, J. H., Sørensen, K., Tennyson, M. E., Valin, Z. C. & Wandrey, C. Z. (2009). Assessment of Undiscovered Oil and Gas in the Arctic. Science, 324(5931), 1175–1179.
  • Geber, N. (2015). Russia’s Arctic policy: Objectives and prospects. The Journal of Public and International Affairs (JPIA), 1, 27-43.
  • Heininen, L. (2018) Arctic Geopolitics from classical to critical approach - importance of immaterial factors. Geography, Environment, Sustainability, 11(1), 171-186.
  • Heininen, L., Sergunin, A. & Yarovoy, G. (2014). Russian strategies in the Arctic: Avoiding a new cold war. Moscow: Valdai Discussion Club.
  • Helle, I., Mäkinen, J., Nevalainen, M., Afenyo, M. & Vanhatalo, J. (2020). Impacts of oil spills on Arctic marine ecosystems: A quantitative and probabilistic risk assessment perspective. Environmental Science & Technology, 54(4), 2112-2121.
  • Klimenko, E. (2016). Russia’s Arctic Security Policy: Still Quiet in the High North?. SIPRI Policy Paper No. 45,
  • Klimenko, E. (2019). The geopolitics of a changing Arctic. SIPRI Background Paper,
  • Koshkin, V. A. (2022). Delimitation of the continental shelf in the central Arctic Ocean: Is it possible nowadays?. Arctic Review on Law and Politics, 13, 393-406.
  • Kullerud, L. & Liss, P. (2015). Foreword. B. Evengård, J. N. Larsen & Ø. Paasche (Eds.), The new Arctic içinde (s. v-vi). Switzerland: Springer International Publishing.
  • Meade, J. R. (2020). Russia’s new Arctic policy 2035: Implications for great power tension over the Northern Sea Route. INSIGHT Sharing Academic Research,
  • Mushtaq, S., Sharif, U. & Fatima, R. (2023). Strategic opportunity, security dilemma and the interplay of interests: Russia, China and the US in the Arctic region since 2014. Margalla Papers, 27(1), 67-81.
  • Paul, M., & Swistek, G. (2022). Russia in the Arctic: Development plans, military potential, and conflict prevention. SWP Research Paper 3. Berlin: Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik German Institute for International and Security Affairs.
  • Peimani, H. (2013). Introduction. H. Peimani (Ed.), Energy, security and geopolitics in the arctic: Challenges and opportunities in the 21st century içinde (s. 1-22). London: World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. President of Russia (2023). Changes to basic principles of state policy in the Arctic until 2035.
  • Raikov, Y.A. (2022). Russia and the United States in the Arctic: From competition to confrontation. Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 92(2), 148-154.
  • Raimondi, P. P. (2024). The role of the Arctic in Russia’s energy strategy. Rome: Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI).
  • Sacks, B. J. & Abel, K. V. (2022). How the Russian invasion of Ukraine may impact the Arctic. RAND Corporation,
  • Sheehan, M. (2005). International security, an analytical survey. Boulder: Lynne Rienner.
  • Spence, J., Alexander, E., Rødven, R. & Harriger, S. (2023). What makes the Arctic and its governance exceptional? Stories of geopolitics, environments and homelands. L. Heininen, J. Barnes & H. Exner-Pirot (Eds.), Arctic yearbook 2023: Arctic indigenous peoples: Climate, science, knowledge and governance içinde (s. 387-403). Akureyri, Iceland: Arctic Portal.
  • USGS (2008). Circum-Arctic resource appraisal: Estimates of undiscovered oil and gas north of the Arctic circle. U.S. Geological Survey,
  • Vázquez, G. (2023). 2022 Russian maritime doctrine: Implications for NATO & the Future of great power competition in the Arctic. The Arctic Institute,
  • Wall, C. & Wegge, N. (2023). The Russian Arctic threat: Consequences of the Ukraine war. CSIS Brief,
  • Wegge, N., & Keil, K. (2018). Between classical and critical geopolitics in a changing Arctic. Polar Geography, 41(2), 87-106.
  • Wezeman, S. T. (2016). Military capabilities in the arctic: A new cold war in the high north?. SIPRI Background Paper,
  • Young, O. R. (1992). Arctic politics: Conflict and cooperation in the circumpolar North. Dartmouth College: University Press of New England.

Soğuk Suların Yükselen Jeopolitiği: Rusya’nın Arktik Politikası

Year 2024, Volume: 13 Issue: Özel Sayı, 11 - 27, 10.10.2024


Arktik Bölgesi, küresel ısınma ve iklim değişikliği gibi faktörler nedeniyle buzulların erimesi sonucunda giderek artan bir jeopolitik öneme sahip olmaktadır. Yeni deniz yollarının açılması ve zengin doğal kaynakların keşfi, Arktik’i uluslararası rekabetin merkezi haline getirmiştir. Bu geniş coğrafya Kanada, Danimarka (Grönland), İzlanda, Norveç, Rusya, İsveç, Finlandiya ve ABD (Alaska) gibi devletler tarafından çevrelenmektedir. Bu devletler arasında dikkat çekenlerden biri de Rusya’dır. Rusya’nın Arktik politikası enerji ve maden kaynaklarının kullanımına, yeni deniz yollarının kontrolüne ve bölgesel güvenliğin sağlanmasına odaklanmaktadır. Rusya, Barents ve Laptev Denizleri’ndeki zengin petrol ve doğalgaz rezervlerini ekonomisi ve enerji bağımsızlığı açısından kritik görmektedir. NATO’yu Arktik’teki başlıca ulusal güvenlik tehdidi olarak tanımlayan Rusya, bölgedeki askeri varlığını artırma eğilimindedir. Bu sayede stratejik avantaj elde etmeyi amaçlamaktadır. Bu çalışma, Arktik’in jeopolitik yapısını ve Rusya’nın Arktik politikasını enerji, askeri varlık ve bölgesel roller gibi unsurlar üzerinden analiz etmektedir. Nitel araştırma yöntemleriyle hazırlanan bu çalışma, Arktik Bölgesi’nin stratejik ve ekonomik öneminin arttığını ve Rusya’nın bölgedeki çıkarlarını korumak için enerji kaynakları kullanımını, askeri varlığını ve uluslararası işbirliği çabalarını dengelediğini ortaya koymaktadır.

Ethical Statement

Bu çalışmanın hazırlanma sürecinde bilimsel ve etik ilkelere uyulduğu ve yararlanılan tüm çalışmaların kaynakçada belirtildiği beyan olunur.


Değerli Editör ekibibe ve hakem hocalara katkılarından ötürü teşekkür ederim.


  • Aleksushin, G. V. (2023). The nuclear icebreaker fleet and its role in the economic development of the Northern Sea Route. Arctic and North, 53, 26-32.
  • Arctic Centre (2024). Arctic indigenous peoples. University of Lapland.
  • Arctic Portal (2016). Arctic definitions combined.
  • Arctic Portal (2023). Shipping routes in a global context.
  • Babahanoğlu, V. & Yacızı, E. M. (2024). Policies of Denmark towards the Arctic region. F. Güçyetmez & Dmello, J. R. (Eds.), Arctic 8 policy: Reassessing international relations içinde (s. 235-263). United Kingdom: Transnational Press London.
  • Baev, P. (2012). Russia’s Arctic policy and the northern fleet modernization. IFRI Russia/NIS Center,
  • Bohn, D. & Varnajot, A. (2021). A geopolitical outlook on Arctification in Northern Europe: Insights from tourism, regional branding, and higher education institutions. L. Heininen, H. Exner-Pirot & J. Barnes (Eds.), Arctic yearbook 2021: Defining and mapping the Arctic: Sovereignties, policies and perceptions içinde (s.. 279-292). Akureyri, Iceland: Arctic Portal.
  • Bruun, J. M. & Medby, I. A. (2014). Theorising the thaw: Geopolitics in a changing Arctic. Geography Compass, 8(12), 915-929.
  • Closson, S. (2017). Russian foreign policy in the Arctic: Balancing cooperation and competition. Kennan Cable No: 24,
  • Cohen, A. (2011). Russia in the Arctic: Challenges to U.S. energy and geopolitics in the high north. S. J. Blank (Ed.), Russia in the Arctic içinde (s. 1-42). Carlisle: US Army War College Press.
  • Coninsx, M. A., Arnauts, F., & Mattelaer, A. (2022). The future of the Arctic region: what is at stake for Belgium?. Egmont Royal Institute for International Relations, Egmont Institute European Policy Brife, 74, 1-6. CSIS Research and Analysis (2023). CSIS Europe, Russia, & Eurasia Program,
  • Dittmer, J., Moisio, S., Ingram, A. & Dodds, K. (2011). Have you heard the one about the disappearing ice? Recasting Arctic geopolitics. Political Geography, 30(4), 202-214.
  • Dodds, K. (2013). The ilulissat declaration (2008): The Arctic states, “law of the sea,” and Arctic Ocean. SAIS Review of International Affairs, 33(2), 45-55.
  • Dodds, K., Kuus, M. & Sharp, J. (2013). Introduction: Geopolitics and its critics. K. Dodds, M. Kuus, & J. Sharp (Eds.), The Ashgate research companion to critical geopolitics içinde (s. 1-18). Farnham: Ashgate.
  • Drewniak, M., Dalaklis, D., Kitada, M., Ölçer, A., & Ballini, F. (2018). Geopolitics of Arctic shipping: The state of icebreakers and future needs. Polar Geography, 41(2), 107-125.
  • Evengård, B., Paasche, Ø, & Larsen, J. N. (2015). Paths to the new Arctic. B. Evengård, J. N. Larsen & Ø. Paasche (Eds.), The new Arctic içinde (pp. 1-6). Switzerland: Springer International Publishing.
  • Furuichi, M. & Otsuka, N. (2012). Effects of the Arctic Sea routes (NSR and NWP) navigability on port industry. Port Planning and Development Committee (PPDC) & International Association of Ports and Harbors (IAPH), content/uploads/2020/11/20130530_IAPH_NSR_Report1.pdf.
  • Gautier, D. L., Bird, K. J., Charpentier, R. R., Grantz, A., Houseknecht, D. W., Klett, T. R., Moore, T. E., Pitman, J. K., Schenk, C. J., Schuenemeyer, J. H., Sørensen, K., Tennyson, M. E., Valin, Z. C. & Wandrey, C. Z. (2009). Assessment of Undiscovered Oil and Gas in the Arctic. Science, 324(5931), 1175–1179.
  • Geber, N. (2015). Russia’s Arctic policy: Objectives and prospects. The Journal of Public and International Affairs (JPIA), 1, 27-43.
  • Heininen, L. (2018) Arctic Geopolitics from classical to critical approach - importance of immaterial factors. Geography, Environment, Sustainability, 11(1), 171-186.
  • Heininen, L., Sergunin, A. & Yarovoy, G. (2014). Russian strategies in the Arctic: Avoiding a new cold war. Moscow: Valdai Discussion Club.
  • Helle, I., Mäkinen, J., Nevalainen, M., Afenyo, M. & Vanhatalo, J. (2020). Impacts of oil spills on Arctic marine ecosystems: A quantitative and probabilistic risk assessment perspective. Environmental Science & Technology, 54(4), 2112-2121.
  • Klimenko, E. (2016). Russia’s Arctic Security Policy: Still Quiet in the High North?. SIPRI Policy Paper No. 45,
  • Klimenko, E. (2019). The geopolitics of a changing Arctic. SIPRI Background Paper,
  • Koshkin, V. A. (2022). Delimitation of the continental shelf in the central Arctic Ocean: Is it possible nowadays?. Arctic Review on Law and Politics, 13, 393-406.
  • Kullerud, L. & Liss, P. (2015). Foreword. B. Evengård, J. N. Larsen & Ø. Paasche (Eds.), The new Arctic içinde (s. v-vi). Switzerland: Springer International Publishing.
  • Meade, J. R. (2020). Russia’s new Arctic policy 2035: Implications for great power tension over the Northern Sea Route. INSIGHT Sharing Academic Research,
  • Mushtaq, S., Sharif, U. & Fatima, R. (2023). Strategic opportunity, security dilemma and the interplay of interests: Russia, China and the US in the Arctic region since 2014. Margalla Papers, 27(1), 67-81.
  • Paul, M., & Swistek, G. (2022). Russia in the Arctic: Development plans, military potential, and conflict prevention. SWP Research Paper 3. Berlin: Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik German Institute for International and Security Affairs.
  • Peimani, H. (2013). Introduction. H. Peimani (Ed.), Energy, security and geopolitics in the arctic: Challenges and opportunities in the 21st century içinde (s. 1-22). London: World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. President of Russia (2023). Changes to basic principles of state policy in the Arctic until 2035.
  • Raikov, Y.A. (2022). Russia and the United States in the Arctic: From competition to confrontation. Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 92(2), 148-154.
  • Raimondi, P. P. (2024). The role of the Arctic in Russia’s energy strategy. Rome: Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI).
  • Sacks, B. J. & Abel, K. V. (2022). How the Russian invasion of Ukraine may impact the Arctic. RAND Corporation,
  • Sheehan, M. (2005). International security, an analytical survey. Boulder: Lynne Rienner.
  • Spence, J., Alexander, E., Rødven, R. & Harriger, S. (2023). What makes the Arctic and its governance exceptional? Stories of geopolitics, environments and homelands. L. Heininen, J. Barnes & H. Exner-Pirot (Eds.), Arctic yearbook 2023: Arctic indigenous peoples: Climate, science, knowledge and governance içinde (s. 387-403). Akureyri, Iceland: Arctic Portal.
  • USGS (2008). Circum-Arctic resource appraisal: Estimates of undiscovered oil and gas north of the Arctic circle. U.S. Geological Survey,
  • Vázquez, G. (2023). 2022 Russian maritime doctrine: Implications for NATO & the Future of great power competition in the Arctic. The Arctic Institute,
  • Wall, C. & Wegge, N. (2023). The Russian Arctic threat: Consequences of the Ukraine war. CSIS Brief,
  • Wegge, N., & Keil, K. (2018). Between classical and critical geopolitics in a changing Arctic. Polar Geography, 41(2), 87-106.
  • Wezeman, S. T. (2016). Military capabilities in the arctic: A new cold war in the high north?. SIPRI Background Paper,
  • Young, O. R. (1992). Arctic politics: Conflict and cooperation in the circumpolar North. Dartmouth College: University Press of New England.
There are 41 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Regional Studies, International Relations (Other)
Journal Section Research Articles

Veysel Babahanoğlu 0000-0003-3734-7430

Early Pub Date September 26, 2024
Publication Date October 10, 2024
Submission Date August 2, 2024
Acceptance Date September 20, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 13 Issue: Özel Sayı


APA Babahanoğlu, V. (2024). Soğuk Suların Yükselen Jeopolitiği: Rusya’nın Arktik Politikası. Paradigma: İktisadi Ve İdari Araştırmalar Dergisi, 13(Özel Sayı), 11-27.