Case Report
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Proximal Left Anterior Descending Coronary Artery Thrombosis and Acute Anterior Myocardial Infarction Due to Energy Drink

Year 2019, Volume: 12 Issue: 1, 185 - 188, 18.01.2019


Energy drinks (EDs) are commonly
consumed by youth. They are often used as a source of energy in order to
enhance physical and mental performance. Case reports, observational studies,
and meta-analyses have been reported in order to determine the effects of EDs
on cardiovascular changes. The detrimental effects of EDs are cardiac
arrhythmias, myocardial infarction, prolonged QT interval, aortic dissection,
and death. A case with proximal left anterior descending coronary artery
thrombosis and anterior myocardial infarction is reported in this paper.


  • 1. Mangi MA, Rehman, H., Rafique, M., Illovsky, M. Energy Drinks and the Risk of Cardiovascular Disease: A Review of Current Literature. Cureus. 2017;9:1322.
  • 2. Fulgoni VL, 3rd, Keast, D. R., Lieberman, H. R. Trends in intake and sources of caffeine in the diets of US adults: 2001-2010. The American journal of clinical nutrition. 2015;101:1081-1087.
  • 3. Pommerening MJ, Cardenas, J. C., Radwan, Z. A., Wade, C. E., Holcomb, J. B., Cotton, B. A. Hypercoagulability after energy drink consumption. The Journal of surgical research. 2015;199:635-640.
  • 4. Berger AJ, Alford, K. Cardiac arrest in a young man following excess consumption of caffeinated "energy drinks". The Medical journal of Australia. 2009;190:41-43.
  • 5. Di Rocco JR, During, A., Morelli, P. J., Heyden, M., Biancaniello, T. A. Atrial fibrillation in healthy adolescents after highly caffeinated beverage consumption: two case reports. Journal of medical case reports. 2011;5:18.
  • 6. Scott MJ, El-Hassan, M., Khan, A. A. Myocardial infarction in a young adult following the consumption of a caffeinated energy drink. BMJ case reports. 2011;2011.
  • 7. Lippi G, Cervellin, G., Sanchis-Gomar, F. Energy Drinks and Myocardial Ischemia: A Review of Case Reports. Cardiovascular toxicology. 2016;16:207-212.
  • 8. Seifert SM, Schaechter, J.L., Hershorin, E.R., Lipshultz, S.E. Health effects of energy drinks on children, adolescents, and young adults. Pediatrics. 2011;127:511-528.
  • 9. Cappelletti S, Piacentino, D, Fineschi, V., Frati, P., Cipolloni, L., Aromatario, M. Caffeine-Related Deaths: Manner of Deaths and Categories at Risk. Nutrients. 2018;10.
  • 10. Higgins JP, Tuttle, T.D., Higgins, C.L. Energy beverages: content and safety. Mayo Clinic proceedings. 2010;85:1033-1041.
  • 11. Worthley MI, Prabhu, A., De Sciscio, P., Schultz, C., Sanders, P., Willoughby, S.R. Detrimental effects of energy drink consumption on platelet and endothelial function. The American journal of medicine. 2010;123:184-187.
  • 12. Svatikova A, Covassin, N., Somers, K. R., Somers, K. V., Soucek, F., Kara, T. et al, Bukartyk J. A Randomized Trial of Cardiovascular Responses to Energy Drink Consumption in Healthy Adults. Jama. 2015;314:2079-2082.

Enerji İçeceğine Bağlı Proksimal Sol Ön Inen Arter Trombozu Ve Akut Ön Yüz Myokard Infarktüsü

Year 2019, Volume: 12 Issue: 1, 185 - 188, 18.01.2019


içecekleri (ED'ler) genellikle genç insanlar tarafından tüketilmektedir.
Fiziksel ve zihinsel performansı arttırmak için sıklıkla bir enerji kaynağı
olarak kullanılırlar. ED'lerin kardiyovasküler değişiklikler üzerindeki etkilerini
belirlemek için olgu sunumları, gözlemsel çalışmalar ve meta analizler
bildirilmiştir. ED'lerin zararlı etkileri kardiyak aritmiler, miyokard
enfarktüsü, uzamış QT aralığı, aort diseksiyonu ve ölümdür. Bu yazıda proksimal
sol ön inen koroner arter trombozu ve anterior miyokard infarktüsü olan bir
olgu bildirilmiştir.


  • 1. Mangi MA, Rehman, H., Rafique, M., Illovsky, M. Energy Drinks and the Risk of Cardiovascular Disease: A Review of Current Literature. Cureus. 2017;9:1322.
  • 2. Fulgoni VL, 3rd, Keast, D. R., Lieberman, H. R. Trends in intake and sources of caffeine in the diets of US adults: 2001-2010. The American journal of clinical nutrition. 2015;101:1081-1087.
  • 3. Pommerening MJ, Cardenas, J. C., Radwan, Z. A., Wade, C. E., Holcomb, J. B., Cotton, B. A. Hypercoagulability after energy drink consumption. The Journal of surgical research. 2015;199:635-640.
  • 4. Berger AJ, Alford, K. Cardiac arrest in a young man following excess consumption of caffeinated "energy drinks". The Medical journal of Australia. 2009;190:41-43.
  • 5. Di Rocco JR, During, A., Morelli, P. J., Heyden, M., Biancaniello, T. A. Atrial fibrillation in healthy adolescents after highly caffeinated beverage consumption: two case reports. Journal of medical case reports. 2011;5:18.
  • 6. Scott MJ, El-Hassan, M., Khan, A. A. Myocardial infarction in a young adult following the consumption of a caffeinated energy drink. BMJ case reports. 2011;2011.
  • 7. Lippi G, Cervellin, G., Sanchis-Gomar, F. Energy Drinks and Myocardial Ischemia: A Review of Case Reports. Cardiovascular toxicology. 2016;16:207-212.
  • 8. Seifert SM, Schaechter, J.L., Hershorin, E.R., Lipshultz, S.E. Health effects of energy drinks on children, adolescents, and young adults. Pediatrics. 2011;127:511-528.
  • 9. Cappelletti S, Piacentino, D, Fineschi, V., Frati, P., Cipolloni, L., Aromatario, M. Caffeine-Related Deaths: Manner of Deaths and Categories at Risk. Nutrients. 2018;10.
  • 10. Higgins JP, Tuttle, T.D., Higgins, C.L. Energy beverages: content and safety. Mayo Clinic proceedings. 2010;85:1033-1041.
  • 11. Worthley MI, Prabhu, A., De Sciscio, P., Schultz, C., Sanders, P., Willoughby, S.R. Detrimental effects of energy drink consumption on platelet and endothelial function. The American journal of medicine. 2010;123:184-187.
  • 12. Svatikova A, Covassin, N., Somers, K. R., Somers, K. V., Soucek, F., Kara, T. et al, Bukartyk J. A Randomized Trial of Cardiovascular Responses to Energy Drink Consumption in Healthy Adults. Jama. 2015;314:2079-2082.
There are 12 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Clinical Sciences
Journal Section Case Report

Mehmet Koray Adalı 0000-0002-0054-6252

Samet Yılmaz 0000-0002-8445-1911

Oğuz Kılıç 0000-0002-5126-0959

Dursun Dursunoğlu 0000-0002-5232-7078

Publication Date January 18, 2019
Submission Date October 12, 2018
Acceptance Date November 9, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2019 Volume: 12 Issue: 1


AMA Adalı MK, Yılmaz S, Kılıç O, Dursunoğlu D. Proximal Left Anterior Descending Coronary Artery Thrombosis and Acute Anterior Myocardial Infarction Due to Energy Drink. Pam Med J. January 2019;12(1):185-188. doi:10.31362/patd.470133

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