Research Article
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Teacher Roles in Primary School Mathematics Curricula of the Republican Period

Year 2016, Volume: 3 Issue: 3, 1 - 19, 01.10.2016


This study aims to examine the teacher roles in primary school mathematics curricula employed during the Republican period. We identified ten official primary school mathematics curricula documents issued between the period of 1924 and 2015. All the documents are put to examination through the content analysis method in order to identify the roles assigned to the teachers. For the analysis of the data, reliability study was performed. The analysis revealed ten different categories of roles defined for teachers. These categories are related to the development of (mathematical) thinking skills, remediation of student deficiencies, supporting affective qualities, creating effective teaching environments and to the issue of equity. Our analysis suggests an historical perspective to understand the teacher roles that have and/or have not changed during the Republican period. Hence this study provides an opportunity to evaluate the teacher roles assumed in the official curricula documents for teaching mathematics during the Republican Period from a historical perspective.


We would like to thank GülayAgaç for her contributions during the analysis of the official curricula documents


  • Akkoç, H. (2015). İlkokulmatematiköğretimprogramlarınınbilgiveiletişimteknolojileribağlamındaincelenmesi [An investigation of primary school mathematics curriculum within the context of information and communication technology]. In M. F. Özmantar, A. Öztürk& E, Bay (Eds.), Reform vedeğişimbağlamındailkokulmatematiköğretimprogramları [Primary school mathematics curriculum within context of reform and change] (p. 407-424). Ankara: PegemAkademi Publication.
  • Altun, M. (2010).İlköğretim 2.kademe (6., 7., 8. Sınıflarda) matematiköğretimi [Teaching of Mathematics in 6th-8th Grades]. Bursa: Alfa AktüelAkademi.
  • Bingölbali, E., &Özmantar, M. F. (2009).Matematikselzorluklarveçözümönerileri [Mathematical challenges and solution proposals]. Ankara: PegemAkademi Publication.
  • Bozkurt, A., &Esendemir, O. (2015).Duyuşsalözelliklerbağlamındailkokulmatematikdersiöğretimprogramlarınınincelenmesi [An investigation of primary school mathematics curriculum within the context of affective characteristics]. In M. F. Özmantar, A. Öztürk& E, Bay (Eds.), Reform vedeğişimbağlamındailkokulmatematiköğretimprogramları [Primary school mathematics curriculum within context of reform and change] (p. 407-424). Ankara: PegemAkademi Publication.
  • Brodie, K. (2010). Teaching mathematical reasoning in secondary school classrooms.London: Springer.
  • Caulfield, R., Smith, P. E., & McCormick, K. (2005). The spread sheet: A vehicle for connecting proportional reasoning to the real world in a middle school classroom. In W. Masalskiand& P. Elliott (Eds.), Technology-supported mathematics learning environments: Sixty seventh year book. Reston, VA: National Council of Teachers of
  • Mathematics. Cooke, B. D., & Buchholz, D. (2005). Mathematical communication in the classroom: A teacher makes a difference. Early Childhood Education Journal, 32(6), 365-369.
  • Darling-Hammond, L. (1998). Teachers and teaching: Testing policy hypotheses from a national commission report. Educational Researcher, 27(1), 5-15.
  • Demirel, O. (1999). Kuramdanuygulamayaeğitimde program geliştirme.[Curriculum development in education from theory to practice]. Ankara: PegemAkademi Publication.
  • Demirel, O. (2006). Eğitimde program geliştirme [Curriculum development in education]. Ankara: PegemAkademi Publication.
  • Dreyfus, T., &Tsamir, P. (2004). Ben’s consolidation of knowledge structures about infinite sets. Journal of Mathematical Behaviour, 23(3), 271-300.
  • Ergün, M. (2009).Eğitimfelsefesi [Philosophy of education]. Ankara: PegemAkademi Publication.
  • Ergün, M., Özmantar, M. F., Bay, E., &Agaç, G. (2015). Cumhuriyetinilanindangünümüzeeğitimde, program geliştirmedevematematikprogramlarındayaşanandeğişimvegelişimler [From the declaration of the Republic to today, changes and developments in education, curriculum development and mathematics programs]. In M. F. Özmantar, A. Öztürk& E, Bay (Eds.), Reform vedeğişimbağlamındailkokulmatematiköğretimprogramları [Primary school mathematics curriculum within context of reform and change] (p. 407-424). Ankara: PegemAkademi Publication.
  • Gözütok, F. D. (2003). Türkiye’de program geliştirmeçalışmaları [Curriculum Development studies in Turkey].MilliEğitimDergisi [Journal of National Education], 160.
  • Gündoğdu, H. M. (2007). Bağlantıkuramı [Attachment theory]. A. Kaya (Ed.), Eğitimpsikolojisi [Educational psychology]. Ankara: PegemAkademi Publication.
  • Hagger, M. S., Sultan, S., Hardcastle, S. J., &Chatzisarantis, N. L. (2015). Perceived autonomy support and autonomous motivation toward mathematics activities in educational and out-of-school contexts is related to mathematics homework behaviour and attainment. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 41, 111-123.
  • Han, C. (2013). Teachers’ functional paradigms and educational reform.Trakya University Journal of Education, 3(1), 59-79.
  • Henson, K. T. (2006). Curriculum planning: Integrating multiculturalism, constructivism, and education reform. Long Grove IL: Waveland Press. Hiebert, J. (Ed.) (2013). Conceptual and procedural knowledge: The case of mathematics. New York: Routledge.
  • Karakaya, S. (2004).Eğitimde program geliştirmeçalışmalarıveyeniyönelimler [Curriculum development studies and new trends in education]. Ankara: Asil Release Distribution.
  • Kilpatrick, J., Swafford, J. O., &Findell, B. (2001).Adding it up: Helping children learn mathematics. Washington, DC: National Academy Press.
  • Klapper, M. H., Berlin, D. F., & White, A. L. (1994). Professional development: Starting point for systemic reform. Cognosos, 3(3), 1-5.
  • Lappan, G.,Fey, J. T., Fitzgerald, W. N., Friel, S. N., & Phillips, E. D. (2002). Getting to know connected mathematics: An implementation guide.Glenview, IL: PrenticeHall.
  • Leikin, R., & Pitta-Pantazi, D. (2013). Creativity and mathematics education: The state of the art. ZDM, 45(2), 159-166.
  • Mayer, R. (2002). The promise of educational psychology, Volume II: Teaching for meaningful learning. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. McKeough,
  • A., Lee, J., & Marini, A. (Eds.) (2013).Teaching for transfer: Fostering generalization in learning. New York: Routledge.
  • MilliEğitimBakanlığıTalimveTerbiyeKuruluBaşkanlığı (MEB-TTKB) [Ministry of National Education-Head Council of Education and Morality] (1990).İlköğretimmatematikdersiprogramı [Primary school mathematics curriculum]. Ankara: MEB [Ministry of National Education].
  • MilliEğitimBakanlığıTalimveTerbiyeKuruluBaşkanlığı (MEB-TTKB) [Ministry of National Education-Head Council of Education and Morality] (1998).İlköğretimokulumatematikdersiöğretimprogramı [Primary school mathematics curriculum]. Ankara: MEB [Ministry of National Education].
  • MilliEğitimBakanlığıTalimveTerbiyeKuruluBaşkanlığı (MEB-TTKB) [Ministry of National Education-Head Council of Education and Morality] (2005).İlköğretimmatematik program [Primary school mathematics curriculum]. Ankara: MEB [Ministry of National Education].
  • MilliEğitimBakanlığıTalimveTerbiyeKuruluBaşkanlığı (MEB-TTKB) [Ministry of National Education-Head Council of Education and Morality] (2015).İlköğretimmatematikdersi (1, 2, 3 ve 4.Sınıflar) öğretimprogramı [Primary school mathematics curriculum (1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th Grades)]. Ankara: MEB [Ministry of National Education].
  • MilliEğitimBakanlığı (MEB) [Ministry of National Education] (1948).İlkokulprogramı [Primary school curriculum]. Istanbul: MilliEğitimBasımevi [National Education Printing House].
  • MilliEğitimGençlikveSporBakanlığı (MEB) [Ministry of National Education, Youth and Sports] (1968).İlkokulmatematikprogramı [Primary school mathematics curriculum]. Ankara: MEB [Ministry of National Education].
  • MilliEğitimGençlikveSporBakanlığı (MEB) [Ministry of National Education, Youth and Sports] (1983).İlkokulmatematikprogramı [Primary school mathematics curriculum]. Ankara: MEB [Ministry of National Education].
  • Monaghan, J.,&Ozmantar, M. F. (2006). Abstraction and consolidation.Educational studies in mathematics, 62, 233-258.
  • Mosvold, R. (2008). Real-life connections in Japan and the Netherlands: National teaching patterns and cultural beliefs. International Journal for Mathematics Teaching and Learning.Retrieved from
  • National Council for Curriculum and Assessment (NCCA). (1999). Mathematics: Primary school curriculum (Dublin: Stationery Office). Retrieved from
  • National Council of Teacher of Mathematics (NCTM).(2000). Principles and standarts for school mathematics.Reston, VA: NCTM.
  • National Council of Teacher of Mathematics (NCTM). (2014). National curriculum in England: Mathematics programmes of study. Retrieved from
  • Ormrod, J. E. (2003). Educational psychology: Developing learners (4th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Merrill Prentice Hall.
  • Ornstein, A. C., &Hunkins, F. P. (2004).Curriculum: Foundations, principals and issues (4th ed.). Boston: Allyn& Bacon.
  • Plass, J. L., O’Keefe, P. A., Homer, B. D., Case, J., Hayward, E. O., Stein, M., &Perlin, K. (2013). The impact of individual, competitive, and collaborative mathematics game play on learning, performance and motivation.Journal of Educational Psychology, 105(4), 1050-1066.
  • Rosli, R., Capraro, M. M., &Capraro, R. M. (2014). The effects of problem posing on student mathematical learning: A meta-analysis. International Education Studies, 7(13).
  • Schultz-Ferrell, K., Hammond, B., & Robles, J. (2007).Introduction to reasoning and proof grades prek-2. (The math process standards series, Ed. Susan O’connell) Portsmouth: Heinemann.
  • Schunk, D. H. (1996). Learning theories. PrinticeHallInc., New Jersey.
  • Senemoğlu, N. (2005). Gelişimöğrenmeveöğretim: Kuramdanuygulamaya (12. Baskı) [Development, learning and teaching: Theory into practice]. Ankara: Gazi Bookstore.
  • Sönmez, V. (2002).Eğitimfelsefesi [Philosophy of Education]. Ankara: Anı Publication.
  • Star, J. R., &Stylianides, G. J. (2013). Procedural and conceptual knowledge: Exploring the gap between knowledge type and knowledge quality. Canadian Journal of Science, Mathematics, and Technology Education, 13(2), 169-181.
  • Strauss, A., & Corbin, J. (1990).Basic of qualitative research: Grounded theory procedures and techniques. Newbury Park and London: Sage.
  • Tabach, M., Hershkowitz, R., & Schwarz, B. B. (2006). Constructing and consolidating of algebraic knowledge with in dyadic processes: A case study. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 63, 235-258.
  • TürkiyeCumhuriyetiMaarifVekaleti. [Republic of Turkey Ministry of National Education] (1930). İlk mektepmüfredatprogramı [Primary school mathematics curriculum].İstanbul: DevletMatbaası [Istanbul: Government Printing Office].
  • TürkiyeCumhuriyetiKültürBakanlığı [Republic of Turkey Ministry of Culture] (1936).İlkokulprogramı [Primary school curriculum].İstanbul: DevletBasımevi [Istanbul: Government Printing Office].
  • Ulutaş, S., &Erman, E. (2012). Measurement and Evaluation in the Curriculums of High School Education Applied in Turkey from the Establishment of the Republic Onward. Turkish Journal of Education, 1(1).
  • Umay, A. (2003). Mathematical reasoning skill. Hacettepe University Faculty of Education Journal, 24, 234-243.
  • Ünlü, M., &Aydıntan, S. (2011). The Effect of Cooperative Learning Method on the Student’s Success and Recall Levels of the 8 th Grade Students Learning in Permutation and Probability Subject. Journal of Kırşehir Education Faculty, 12(3), 1-16.
  • Van de Walle, J., Karp, K. S., & Bay-Williams, J. M. (2010).Elementary and middle school mathematics: teaching developmentally (7th ed.). Boston: Allyn& Bacon.
  • Walmsley-Angela L. E. (2003). A history of the new mathematics movement: Its relationship with current mathematical reform. Lanham, MD: University Press of America.
  • Wells, G. (1999). Dialogic inquiry: Towards a sociocultural practice and theory of education. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Year 2016, Volume: 3 Issue: 3, 1 - 19, 01.10.2016



  • Akkoç, H. (2015). İlkokulmatematiköğretimprogramlarınınbilgiveiletişimteknolojileribağlamındaincelenmesi [An investigation of primary school mathematics curriculum within the context of information and communication technology]. In M. F. Özmantar, A. Öztürk& E, Bay (Eds.), Reform vedeğişimbağlamındailkokulmatematiköğretimprogramları [Primary school mathematics curriculum within context of reform and change] (p. 407-424). Ankara: PegemAkademi Publication.
  • Altun, M. (2010).İlköğretim 2.kademe (6., 7., 8. Sınıflarda) matematiköğretimi [Teaching of Mathematics in 6th-8th Grades]. Bursa: Alfa AktüelAkademi.
  • Bingölbali, E., &Özmantar, M. F. (2009).Matematikselzorluklarveçözümönerileri [Mathematical challenges and solution proposals]. Ankara: PegemAkademi Publication.
  • Bozkurt, A., &Esendemir, O. (2015).Duyuşsalözelliklerbağlamındailkokulmatematikdersiöğretimprogramlarınınincelenmesi [An investigation of primary school mathematics curriculum within the context of affective characteristics]. In M. F. Özmantar, A. Öztürk& E, Bay (Eds.), Reform vedeğişimbağlamındailkokulmatematiköğretimprogramları [Primary school mathematics curriculum within context of reform and change] (p. 407-424). Ankara: PegemAkademi Publication.
  • Brodie, K. (2010). Teaching mathematical reasoning in secondary school classrooms.London: Springer.
  • Caulfield, R., Smith, P. E., & McCormick, K. (2005). The spread sheet: A vehicle for connecting proportional reasoning to the real world in a middle school classroom. In W. Masalskiand& P. Elliott (Eds.), Technology-supported mathematics learning environments: Sixty seventh year book. Reston, VA: National Council of Teachers of
  • Mathematics. Cooke, B. D., & Buchholz, D. (2005). Mathematical communication in the classroom: A teacher makes a difference. Early Childhood Education Journal, 32(6), 365-369.
  • Darling-Hammond, L. (1998). Teachers and teaching: Testing policy hypotheses from a national commission report. Educational Researcher, 27(1), 5-15.
  • Demirel, O. (1999). Kuramdanuygulamayaeğitimde program geliştirme.[Curriculum development in education from theory to practice]. Ankara: PegemAkademi Publication.
  • Demirel, O. (2006). Eğitimde program geliştirme [Curriculum development in education]. Ankara: PegemAkademi Publication.
  • Dreyfus, T., &Tsamir, P. (2004). Ben’s consolidation of knowledge structures about infinite sets. Journal of Mathematical Behaviour, 23(3), 271-300.
  • Ergün, M. (2009).Eğitimfelsefesi [Philosophy of education]. Ankara: PegemAkademi Publication.
  • Ergün, M., Özmantar, M. F., Bay, E., &Agaç, G. (2015). Cumhuriyetinilanindangünümüzeeğitimde, program geliştirmedevematematikprogramlarındayaşanandeğişimvegelişimler [From the declaration of the Republic to today, changes and developments in education, curriculum development and mathematics programs]. In M. F. Özmantar, A. Öztürk& E, Bay (Eds.), Reform vedeğişimbağlamındailkokulmatematiköğretimprogramları [Primary school mathematics curriculum within context of reform and change] (p. 407-424). Ankara: PegemAkademi Publication.
  • Gözütok, F. D. (2003). Türkiye’de program geliştirmeçalışmaları [Curriculum Development studies in Turkey].MilliEğitimDergisi [Journal of National Education], 160.
  • Gündoğdu, H. M. (2007). Bağlantıkuramı [Attachment theory]. A. Kaya (Ed.), Eğitimpsikolojisi [Educational psychology]. Ankara: PegemAkademi Publication.
  • Hagger, M. S., Sultan, S., Hardcastle, S. J., &Chatzisarantis, N. L. (2015). Perceived autonomy support and autonomous motivation toward mathematics activities in educational and out-of-school contexts is related to mathematics homework behaviour and attainment. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 41, 111-123.
  • Han, C. (2013). Teachers’ functional paradigms and educational reform.Trakya University Journal of Education, 3(1), 59-79.
  • Henson, K. T. (2006). Curriculum planning: Integrating multiculturalism, constructivism, and education reform. Long Grove IL: Waveland Press. Hiebert, J. (Ed.) (2013). Conceptual and procedural knowledge: The case of mathematics. New York: Routledge.
  • Karakaya, S. (2004).Eğitimde program geliştirmeçalışmalarıveyeniyönelimler [Curriculum development studies and new trends in education]. Ankara: Asil Release Distribution.
  • Kilpatrick, J., Swafford, J. O., &Findell, B. (2001).Adding it up: Helping children learn mathematics. Washington, DC: National Academy Press.
  • Klapper, M. H., Berlin, D. F., & White, A. L. (1994). Professional development: Starting point for systemic reform. Cognosos, 3(3), 1-5.
  • Lappan, G.,Fey, J. T., Fitzgerald, W. N., Friel, S. N., & Phillips, E. D. (2002). Getting to know connected mathematics: An implementation guide.Glenview, IL: PrenticeHall.
  • Leikin, R., & Pitta-Pantazi, D. (2013). Creativity and mathematics education: The state of the art. ZDM, 45(2), 159-166.
  • Mayer, R. (2002). The promise of educational psychology, Volume II: Teaching for meaningful learning. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. McKeough,
  • A., Lee, J., & Marini, A. (Eds.) (2013).Teaching for transfer: Fostering generalization in learning. New York: Routledge.
  • MilliEğitimBakanlığıTalimveTerbiyeKuruluBaşkanlığı (MEB-TTKB) [Ministry of National Education-Head Council of Education and Morality] (1990).İlköğretimmatematikdersiprogramı [Primary school mathematics curriculum]. Ankara: MEB [Ministry of National Education].
  • MilliEğitimBakanlığıTalimveTerbiyeKuruluBaşkanlığı (MEB-TTKB) [Ministry of National Education-Head Council of Education and Morality] (1998).İlköğretimokulumatematikdersiöğretimprogramı [Primary school mathematics curriculum]. Ankara: MEB [Ministry of National Education].
  • MilliEğitimBakanlığıTalimveTerbiyeKuruluBaşkanlığı (MEB-TTKB) [Ministry of National Education-Head Council of Education and Morality] (2005).İlköğretimmatematik program [Primary school mathematics curriculum]. Ankara: MEB [Ministry of National Education].
  • MilliEğitimBakanlığıTalimveTerbiyeKuruluBaşkanlığı (MEB-TTKB) [Ministry of National Education-Head Council of Education and Morality] (2015).İlköğretimmatematikdersi (1, 2, 3 ve 4.Sınıflar) öğretimprogramı [Primary school mathematics curriculum (1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th Grades)]. Ankara: MEB [Ministry of National Education].
  • MilliEğitimBakanlığı (MEB) [Ministry of National Education] (1948).İlkokulprogramı [Primary school curriculum]. Istanbul: MilliEğitimBasımevi [National Education Printing House].
  • MilliEğitimGençlikveSporBakanlığı (MEB) [Ministry of National Education, Youth and Sports] (1968).İlkokulmatematikprogramı [Primary school mathematics curriculum]. Ankara: MEB [Ministry of National Education].
  • MilliEğitimGençlikveSporBakanlığı (MEB) [Ministry of National Education, Youth and Sports] (1983).İlkokulmatematikprogramı [Primary school mathematics curriculum]. Ankara: MEB [Ministry of National Education].
  • Monaghan, J.,&Ozmantar, M. F. (2006). Abstraction and consolidation.Educational studies in mathematics, 62, 233-258.
  • Mosvold, R. (2008). Real-life connections in Japan and the Netherlands: National teaching patterns and cultural beliefs. International Journal for Mathematics Teaching and Learning.Retrieved from
  • National Council for Curriculum and Assessment (NCCA). (1999). Mathematics: Primary school curriculum (Dublin: Stationery Office). Retrieved from
  • National Council of Teacher of Mathematics (NCTM).(2000). Principles and standarts for school mathematics.Reston, VA: NCTM.
  • National Council of Teacher of Mathematics (NCTM). (2014). National curriculum in England: Mathematics programmes of study. Retrieved from
  • Ormrod, J. E. (2003). Educational psychology: Developing learners (4th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Merrill Prentice Hall.
  • Ornstein, A. C., &Hunkins, F. P. (2004).Curriculum: Foundations, principals and issues (4th ed.). Boston: Allyn& Bacon.
  • Plass, J. L., O’Keefe, P. A., Homer, B. D., Case, J., Hayward, E. O., Stein, M., &Perlin, K. (2013). The impact of individual, competitive, and collaborative mathematics game play on learning, performance and motivation.Journal of Educational Psychology, 105(4), 1050-1066.
  • Rosli, R., Capraro, M. M., &Capraro, R. M. (2014). The effects of problem posing on student mathematical learning: A meta-analysis. International Education Studies, 7(13).
  • Schultz-Ferrell, K., Hammond, B., & Robles, J. (2007).Introduction to reasoning and proof grades prek-2. (The math process standards series, Ed. Susan O’connell) Portsmouth: Heinemann.
  • Schunk, D. H. (1996). Learning theories. PrinticeHallInc., New Jersey.
  • Senemoğlu, N. (2005). Gelişimöğrenmeveöğretim: Kuramdanuygulamaya (12. Baskı) [Development, learning and teaching: Theory into practice]. Ankara: Gazi Bookstore.
  • Sönmez, V. (2002).Eğitimfelsefesi [Philosophy of Education]. Ankara: Anı Publication.
  • Star, J. R., &Stylianides, G. J. (2013). Procedural and conceptual knowledge: Exploring the gap between knowledge type and knowledge quality. Canadian Journal of Science, Mathematics, and Technology Education, 13(2), 169-181.
  • Strauss, A., & Corbin, J. (1990).Basic of qualitative research: Grounded theory procedures and techniques. Newbury Park and London: Sage.
  • Tabach, M., Hershkowitz, R., & Schwarz, B. B. (2006). Constructing and consolidating of algebraic knowledge with in dyadic processes: A case study. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 63, 235-258.
  • TürkiyeCumhuriyetiMaarifVekaleti. [Republic of Turkey Ministry of National Education] (1930). İlk mektepmüfredatprogramı [Primary school mathematics curriculum].İstanbul: DevletMatbaası [Istanbul: Government Printing Office].
  • TürkiyeCumhuriyetiKültürBakanlığı [Republic of Turkey Ministry of Culture] (1936).İlkokulprogramı [Primary school curriculum].İstanbul: DevletBasımevi [Istanbul: Government Printing Office].
  • Ulutaş, S., &Erman, E. (2012). Measurement and Evaluation in the Curriculums of High School Education Applied in Turkey from the Establishment of the Republic Onward. Turkish Journal of Education, 1(1).
  • Umay, A. (2003). Mathematical reasoning skill. Hacettepe University Faculty of Education Journal, 24, 234-243.
  • Ünlü, M., &Aydıntan, S. (2011). The Effect of Cooperative Learning Method on the Student’s Success and Recall Levels of the 8 th Grade Students Learning in Permutation and Probability Subject. Journal of Kırşehir Education Faculty, 12(3), 1-16.
  • Van de Walle, J., Karp, K. S., & Bay-Williams, J. M. (2010).Elementary and middle school mathematics: teaching developmentally (7th ed.). Boston: Allyn& Bacon.
  • Walmsley-Angela L. E. (2003). A history of the new mathematics movement: Its relationship with current mathematical reform. Lanham, MD: University Press of America.
  • Wells, G. (1999). Dialogic inquiry: Towards a sociocultural practice and theory of education. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
There are 56 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Studies on Education
Journal Section Research Articles

Ayşe Öztürk This is me

Mehmet Fatih Özmantar

Publication Date October 1, 2016
Acceptance Date September 20, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2016 Volume: 3 Issue: 3


APA Öztürk, A., & Özmantar, M. F. (2016). Teacher Roles in Primary School Mathematics Curricula of the Republican Period. Participatory Educational Research, 3(3), 1-19.