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Sosyal Ağ İlişkilerinde Çok Yönlü Bağlar Ve Kişilik Arasındaki İlişkiler: Hastane Yöneticileri Üzerine Bir Araştırma

Yıl 2017, Cilt: 3 Sayı: 4, 104 - 118, 01.12.2017


Sosyal sermayeyi sosyal ağlarda saklı olan ve sosyal ağlar sayesinde harekete geçen bir varlık olarak değerlendirmek mümkündür. Bu çalışma ile sosyal ağ ilişkilerine dair güçlü ve zayıf bağ sınıflandırmalarına eklenen ve yeni bir kavramsallaştırma olan çok yönlü bağlara vurgu yapılarak hastane yöneticilerinin kişilik özellikleri ile olan ilişkileri araştırılmıştır. Sosyal ağ ilişkileri geliştirmek bireylerin kişilik özellikleri ile yakından ilişkilidir. Hem güçlü hem zayıf bağların karışımı ya da başka bir ifadeyle toplamından oluşan çok yönlü bağların oluşmasında kişilik özelliklerinin önemli rolü bulunmaktadır. Araştırmada Ankara’da faaliyet gösteren özel bir hastanede çalışan 69 yöneticinin sosyal ağ ilişkilerine ve kişilik özelliklerine odaklanılmıştır. UCINET sosyal ağ analizi programı kullanılarak her bir yöneticinin sahip olduğu çok yönlülük değerleri (Multiplexity Ties) hesaplanmış, hastane yöneticilerinin ağ düzeneğindeki konumları belirlenmiştir. Hastane yöneticilerinin kişilik özelliklerini belirlemek amacıyla beş faktör kişilik envanteri ölçeği boyutlarına göre kişilik özellikleri puanlanmıştır. Araştırmanın sonucunda yöneticilerin çok yönlü bağ değerleri ile kişilik özellikleri arasında özellikle dışadönüklük, uyumluluk ve açıklık kişilik özellikleri ile olumlu yönde ilişkili olduğu belirlenmiştir.


  • Adler, P.S ve S.-W. Kwon, (2002). Social capital: prospects for a new concept. Academy of Management Review. 27: 17-40. Albrecht, T.L., ve Ropp, V.A. (1984). Communicating about innovation in network of three U.S. organizations. Journal of Communication, 17, 78-91. Barrick, M.R. ve A.M. Ryan, (2003). Personality and work: Reconsidering the role of personality in organizations. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Beckman, C. M., ve Haunschild, P. R. (2002). Network learning: The effects of partners’ heterogeneity of experience on corporate acquisitions. Administrative Science Quarterly, 47: 92–124. Beckman, C. M., Haunschild, P. R., ve Phillips, D. J. (2004). Friends or strangers? Firm-specific uncertainty, market uncertainty, and network partner selection. Organization Science, 15: 259–275. Brass, D.J., K. D. Butterfield ve B.C. Skaggs, (1998). Relationships and unethical behavior: a social network perspective. Academy of Management Review 23: 14-31. Bratkovic, T., Antoncic, B., ve Ruzzier, M. (2009). Strategic utilization of entrepreneur’s resource-based social capital and small firm growth. Journal of Management and Organization, 15(4), 486-499. Bruck, C.S., ve Allen, T.D. (2003). The relationship between Big Five personality traits, negative affectivity, Type A behavior, and work-family conflict. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 63, 457-472. Burt, Roland (1992). Structural Holes: The Social Structure of Competition. Boston: Harvard University Press. Cabrera, S. F., ve Thomas-Hunt, M. C. (2006). Risky business: A theoretical framework for the advancement of executive women. Manuscript in preparation. Campbell, K. E. (1988). Gender differences in job-related networks. Work and Occupations, 15(2), 179–200. Carrington, Peter J., Scott, J. ve Wasserman, S. (2005). Models and Methods in Social Network Analysis. New York: Cambridge University Press. Charles T. Morris (2002). Psikolojiyi Anlamak, Ankara, Türk Psikologlar Derneği Yayını No:23, 470. Claro D.P., Gonzalez, Claro, P.B.O. (2012). Network Centrality and Multiplexity: a Study of Sales Performance, Journal on Chain and Network Science, 12(1): 85-9 Coleman, J. 1988. Social capital in the creation of human capital. American Journal of Sociology Supplement, 94:93–120. Costa, P. T., Jr., ve McCrae, R. R. (1985). The NEO Personality Inventory manual. Odessa, FL: Psychological Assessment Resources Cross, R. ve L. Prusak, (2002). The people who make organizations go or stop. Harvard Business Review, 80: 104-112. Davidsson,P. and Honig,B., (2003). The Role of Social and Human Capital Among Nascent Entrepreneurs, Journal of Business Venturing, Vol. 18 (3), pp 301-331. Dhanaraj, C., ve Parkhe, A. (2006). Orchestrating innovation networks. Academy of Management Review, 31: 659–669. Dhar, Ravi, Anil Menon, and Bryan Maach (2004). Toward Extending the Compromise Effect to Complex Buying Contexts, Journal of Marketing Research, 41 (August), 258–61. Dyer, Jeffrey ve Harbir Singh (1998). The Relational View: Cooperative Strategy and Sources of Interorganizational Competitive Advantage, Academy of Management Review, 23 (4), 660–79. Ferriani, S., Fonti, F., ve Corrado, R. (2013). The social and economic bases of network multiplexity: Exploring the emergence of multiplex ties. Strategic Organization, 11(1), 7-34. doi:10.1177/1476127012461576 Freeman, L. (1979). Centrality in Social Networks: Conceptual Clarification, Social Networks, 1:215-239 Gimeno, J., ve Woo, C. Y. (1996). Economic multiplexity: The structural embeddedness of cooperation in multiple relations of interdependence. Advances inStrategic Management, 13: 323–361. Granovetter, M. (1973). The strength of weak ties. AmericanJournal of Sociology, 78: 1360– 1380. Goldberg, L.R. (1981). Language and individual differences: The search for university in personality lexicons. In L. Wheeler (Ed.). Review of Personality and Social Psychology: Vol. 2 (pp. 141-165). Beverly Hills, CA: Sage Granovetter, M. (1983). The strength of weak ties: A network theory revisited, Sociological Theory, 1: 201-233. Gulati, R. (1999). Network location and learning: The influence of network resources and firm capabilities on alliance formation. Strategic Management Journal, 20(5), 397–420. Hansen, M., Mors, M. L. ve Løvås, B. (2005). Knowledge sharing in organizations: Multiple networks, multiple phases. Academy of Management Journal, 48(5): 776-793. Haythornthwaite, C. (2001). Exploring multiplexity: social network structures in a computersupported distance learning class. The Information Society, 17(3), pp. 211-226. Hough, L.M. ve Ones, D.S. (2001). The Structure, Measurement, Validty And Use Of Personality Variables in İndustrial Work And Organizational Psychology, Handbook Of Industrial Work And Organziational Psychology, (Vol.1; P.233-277). London, Sage Publication. Hite, J.M., Williams, E.J. ve Baugh, S. C. (2005). Multiple networks of public school administrator: an analysis of network content and structure, International Journal Leadership in Education, 8 (2): 91-122. Ibarra, H. (1992). Structural alignments, individual strategies, and managerial action: Elements toward a network theory of getting things done. In N. Nohria & R. G. Eccles (Eds.), Networks and organizations: Structure, form, and action: 165–188. Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Press. Ibarra, H. 1993. Personal Networks of Women and Minorities in Management: A Conceptual Framework. Academy of Management Review, 18(1):56-87. Ittner, Christopher D. ve David F. Larcker (1998). Are Nonfinancial Measures Leading Indicators of Financial Performance? An Analysis of Customer Satisfaction, Journal of Accounting Research, 36 (3), 1–35. Jap, Sandy D. (1999). Pie-Expansion Efforts: Collaboration Processes in Buyer–Supplier Relationships, Journal of Marketing Research, 36 (November), 461–75. Judge, T. A., ve Bono, J. E. (2000). Five-factor model of personality and transformational leadership. Journal of Applied Psychology, 85, 751– 765. Kapferer, B. (1969). Norms and the manipulation of relationships in a work context. In J. Mitchell (Ed.), Social networks in urban situations. Manchester, U.K.: Manchester University Press. Kapil, R. Tuli, Sundar G. Bharadwaj ve Ajay, K. Kohli, (2010). Ties That Bind: The Impact of Multiple Types of Ties with a Customer on Sales Growth and SalesVolatility, Journal of Marketing Research, Vol. XLVII (February 2010), 36-50. Kenis, P., ve Knoke, D. (2002). How organizational field networks shape interorganizational tie formation rates. Academy of Management Review, 27: 275– 293. Kenneth, Leithwood ve Azah, Vera Ndifor, (2016). Characteristics of effective leadership networks, Journal of Educational Administration, Vol. 54 Iss 4 pp. 409 – 433 Kern, H. (1998). Lack of trust, surfeit of trust: Some causes of the innovation crisis in German industry. In C. Lane & R. Bachmann (Eds.), Trust within and between organizations: Conceptual issues and empirical applications (pp. 203–213). New York, NY: Oxford University press. Kilduff, Martin ve Wenpin Tsai (2003), Social Networks and Organizations. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. Krackhardt, D., (1990). Assessing the political landscape: structure, cognition and power in organizations. Administrative Science Quarterly, 35: 342-69. Krackhardt, D. (1998). Simmelian tie: Super strong and sticky. In R. Kramer & M. Neale (Eds.), Power and influence in organizations: 21–38. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Krohn, Marvin D. (1986). The Web of Confirmity: A Network Approach to the Explanation of Delinquent Behavior, Social Problems, Vol. 33. No.6 Kuwabara, K., Luo, J., ve Sheldon, O. (2010). Multiplex exchange relations. In S. R. Thye & E. J. Lawler (Eds.). Advances in Group Processes, 27: 239–268. Lazega, E. ve P. E. Pattison, (1999). Multiplexity, genaralized exchange and cooperation in organizations: a case study. Social Networks, 21: 67-90. Marsden, P.V. (2005). Recent Development in Network Measurement In Models and Methods in Social Network Analysis, ed. P. J. Carrington, J. Scott, S. Wesserman, UK, 8-31. New York, Cambridge University Press Narus, James A. and James C. Anderson (1996). Rethinking Distribution: Adaptive Channels, Harvard Business Review, 74 (4), 112–20. Newness, K. (2012). Effects of Personality on Social Network Disclosure: Do Emotionally Intelligent Individuals Post Inappropriate Content?, Psychological Topics, 21 (3): 473- 486 Owen-Smith ve Powell (2004). Knowledge Networks as Channels and Conduits: The Effect of Formal Structure in the Boston Biotechnology Community. Organization Science 15 (1): 5-21. Palmatier, Robert, Rajiv P. Dant, ve Dhruv A. Grewal (2007). Comparative Longitudinal Analysis of Theoretical Perspectives of Interorganizational Relationship Performance, Journal of Marketing, 71 (October), 172–94. Palmatier, Robert (2007). What Drives Customer Relationship Value in Business-to-Business Exchanges? MSI Working Paper Series No. 07-118. Powell, Walter W., Kenneth W. Koput, ve Laurel Smith-Doerr. (1996). Interorganizational Collaboration and the Locus of Innovation: Networks of Learning in Biotechnology. Administrative Science Quarterly 41: 116-45. Powell, W. W., Packalen, K., Whıttıngton, K. (2012). Organizational and institutional genesis: The emergence of high-tech clusters in the life sciences, 434-465. In: Padgett, J., & Powell, W. W. (eds.) The Emergence of Organization and Markets. Princeton: Princeton University Press. Provan, Keith G., Amy Fish, and Joerg Sydow. 2007. Interorganizational networks at the network level: A review of the empirical literature on whole networks. Journal of Management, 33:479–516. Ross, William ve Diana Robertson (2007). Compound Relationships Between Firms, Journal of Marketing, 71 (July), 108–123. Rowley, T., Behrens, D., ve Krackhardt, D. (2000). Redundant governance structures: An analysis of structural and relational embeddedness in the steel and semiconductor industries. Strategic Management Journal, 21, 369–386. Salgado, J.F., Viswesvaran, C. ve Ones, D.S. (2001). Predictors Used For Personnel Selection: An Overwiev Of Constructs, Methods And Techniques, Handbook Of Industrial Work And Organziational Psychology (Vol.1; P.165-199). London, Sage Publication. Srivastava, Rajendra, Tasadduq Shervani, ve Liam Fahey (1998). Market-Based Assets and Shareholder Value: A Framework for Analysis, Journal of Marketing, 62 (January), 2– 18. Tınar, M.Y. (1999). Çalışma Yaşamı Ve Kişilik, Mercek Dergisi, Sayı 14, Mess Yayınları Tuli, Kapil, Ajay K. Kohli, ve Sundar G. Bharadwaj (2007). Rethinking Customer Solutions: From Product Bundles to Relational Processes, Journal of Marketing, 70 (July), 1–17. Uzzi, Brian (1997). Social Structure and Competition in Interfirm Networks: The Paradox of Embeddedness, Administration Science Quarterly, 42 (1), 37–69. Uzzi, B., ve Gillespie, J. J. (1999). Corporate social capital and the cost of financial capital: An embeddedness approach. In R. Th. A. J. Leenders & S. M. Gabbay (Eds.), Corporate social capital and liability: 446– 459. Boston, MA: Kluwer. Uzzi, B., ve Gillespie, J. J. (2002). Knowledge spillover in corporate financing networks: Embeddedness and the firm’s debt performance. Strategic Management Journal, 23: 595–618. Verbrugge, L. M. (1979). Multiplexity in adult friendships. Social Forces, 57(4), 1286-1309. Wasserman, S., ve Faust, K. (1994). Social network analysis: Methods and applications. Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge University Press. Watts, D. J. (1999). Networks, dynamics, and the small-world phenomenon. American Journal of Sociology, 105(2), 493–527.
Yıl 2017, Cilt: 3 Sayı: 4, 104 - 118, 01.12.2017



  • Adler, P.S ve S.-W. Kwon, (2002). Social capital: prospects for a new concept. Academy of Management Review. 27: 17-40. Albrecht, T.L., ve Ropp, V.A. (1984). Communicating about innovation in network of three U.S. organizations. Journal of Communication, 17, 78-91. Barrick, M.R. ve A.M. Ryan, (2003). Personality and work: Reconsidering the role of personality in organizations. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Beckman, C. M., ve Haunschild, P. R. (2002). Network learning: The effects of partners’ heterogeneity of experience on corporate acquisitions. Administrative Science Quarterly, 47: 92–124. Beckman, C. M., Haunschild, P. R., ve Phillips, D. J. (2004). Friends or strangers? Firm-specific uncertainty, market uncertainty, and network partner selection. Organization Science, 15: 259–275. Brass, D.J., K. D. Butterfield ve B.C. Skaggs, (1998). Relationships and unethical behavior: a social network perspective. Academy of Management Review 23: 14-31. Bratkovic, T., Antoncic, B., ve Ruzzier, M. (2009). Strategic utilization of entrepreneur’s resource-based social capital and small firm growth. Journal of Management and Organization, 15(4), 486-499. Bruck, C.S., ve Allen, T.D. (2003). The relationship between Big Five personality traits, negative affectivity, Type A behavior, and work-family conflict. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 63, 457-472. Burt, Roland (1992). Structural Holes: The Social Structure of Competition. Boston: Harvard University Press. Cabrera, S. F., ve Thomas-Hunt, M. C. (2006). Risky business: A theoretical framework for the advancement of executive women. Manuscript in preparation. Campbell, K. E. (1988). Gender differences in job-related networks. Work and Occupations, 15(2), 179–200. Carrington, Peter J., Scott, J. ve Wasserman, S. (2005). Models and Methods in Social Network Analysis. New York: Cambridge University Press. Charles T. Morris (2002). Psikolojiyi Anlamak, Ankara, Türk Psikologlar Derneği Yayını No:23, 470. Claro D.P., Gonzalez, Claro, P.B.O. (2012). Network Centrality and Multiplexity: a Study of Sales Performance, Journal on Chain and Network Science, 12(1): 85-9 Coleman, J. 1988. Social capital in the creation of human capital. American Journal of Sociology Supplement, 94:93–120. Costa, P. T., Jr., ve McCrae, R. R. (1985). The NEO Personality Inventory manual. Odessa, FL: Psychological Assessment Resources Cross, R. ve L. Prusak, (2002). The people who make organizations go or stop. Harvard Business Review, 80: 104-112. Davidsson,P. and Honig,B., (2003). The Role of Social and Human Capital Among Nascent Entrepreneurs, Journal of Business Venturing, Vol. 18 (3), pp 301-331. Dhanaraj, C., ve Parkhe, A. (2006). Orchestrating innovation networks. Academy of Management Review, 31: 659–669. Dhar, Ravi, Anil Menon, and Bryan Maach (2004). Toward Extending the Compromise Effect to Complex Buying Contexts, Journal of Marketing Research, 41 (August), 258–61. Dyer, Jeffrey ve Harbir Singh (1998). The Relational View: Cooperative Strategy and Sources of Interorganizational Competitive Advantage, Academy of Management Review, 23 (4), 660–79. Ferriani, S., Fonti, F., ve Corrado, R. (2013). The social and economic bases of network multiplexity: Exploring the emergence of multiplex ties. Strategic Organization, 11(1), 7-34. doi:10.1177/1476127012461576 Freeman, L. (1979). Centrality in Social Networks: Conceptual Clarification, Social Networks, 1:215-239 Gimeno, J., ve Woo, C. Y. (1996). Economic multiplexity: The structural embeddedness of cooperation in multiple relations of interdependence. Advances inStrategic Management, 13: 323–361. Granovetter, M. (1973). The strength of weak ties. AmericanJournal of Sociology, 78: 1360– 1380. Goldberg, L.R. (1981). Language and individual differences: The search for university in personality lexicons. In L. Wheeler (Ed.). Review of Personality and Social Psychology: Vol. 2 (pp. 141-165). Beverly Hills, CA: Sage Granovetter, M. (1983). The strength of weak ties: A network theory revisited, Sociological Theory, 1: 201-233. Gulati, R. (1999). Network location and learning: The influence of network resources and firm capabilities on alliance formation. Strategic Management Journal, 20(5), 397–420. Hansen, M., Mors, M. L. ve Løvås, B. (2005). Knowledge sharing in organizations: Multiple networks, multiple phases. Academy of Management Journal, 48(5): 776-793. Haythornthwaite, C. (2001). Exploring multiplexity: social network structures in a computersupported distance learning class. The Information Society, 17(3), pp. 211-226. Hough, L.M. ve Ones, D.S. (2001). The Structure, Measurement, Validty And Use Of Personality Variables in İndustrial Work And Organizational Psychology, Handbook Of Industrial Work And Organziational Psychology, (Vol.1; P.233-277). London, Sage Publication. Hite, J.M., Williams, E.J. ve Baugh, S. C. (2005). Multiple networks of public school administrator: an analysis of network content and structure, International Journal Leadership in Education, 8 (2): 91-122. Ibarra, H. (1992). Structural alignments, individual strategies, and managerial action: Elements toward a network theory of getting things done. In N. Nohria & R. G. Eccles (Eds.), Networks and organizations: Structure, form, and action: 165–188. Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Press. Ibarra, H. 1993. Personal Networks of Women and Minorities in Management: A Conceptual Framework. Academy of Management Review, 18(1):56-87. Ittner, Christopher D. ve David F. Larcker (1998). Are Nonfinancial Measures Leading Indicators of Financial Performance? An Analysis of Customer Satisfaction, Journal of Accounting Research, 36 (3), 1–35. Jap, Sandy D. (1999). Pie-Expansion Efforts: Collaboration Processes in Buyer–Supplier Relationships, Journal of Marketing Research, 36 (November), 461–75. Judge, T. A., ve Bono, J. E. (2000). Five-factor model of personality and transformational leadership. Journal of Applied Psychology, 85, 751– 765. Kapferer, B. (1969). Norms and the manipulation of relationships in a work context. In J. Mitchell (Ed.), Social networks in urban situations. Manchester, U.K.: Manchester University Press. Kapil, R. Tuli, Sundar G. Bharadwaj ve Ajay, K. Kohli, (2010). Ties That Bind: The Impact of Multiple Types of Ties with a Customer on Sales Growth and SalesVolatility, Journal of Marketing Research, Vol. XLVII (February 2010), 36-50. Kenis, P., ve Knoke, D. (2002). How organizational field networks shape interorganizational tie formation rates. Academy of Management Review, 27: 275– 293. Kenneth, Leithwood ve Azah, Vera Ndifor, (2016). Characteristics of effective leadership networks, Journal of Educational Administration, Vol. 54 Iss 4 pp. 409 – 433 Kern, H. (1998). Lack of trust, surfeit of trust: Some causes of the innovation crisis in German industry. In C. Lane & R. Bachmann (Eds.), Trust within and between organizations: Conceptual issues and empirical applications (pp. 203–213). New York, NY: Oxford University press. Kilduff, Martin ve Wenpin Tsai (2003), Social Networks and Organizations. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. Krackhardt, D., (1990). Assessing the political landscape: structure, cognition and power in organizations. Administrative Science Quarterly, 35: 342-69. Krackhardt, D. (1998). Simmelian tie: Super strong and sticky. In R. Kramer & M. Neale (Eds.), Power and influence in organizations: 21–38. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Krohn, Marvin D. (1986). The Web of Confirmity: A Network Approach to the Explanation of Delinquent Behavior, Social Problems, Vol. 33. No.6 Kuwabara, K., Luo, J., ve Sheldon, O. (2010). Multiplex exchange relations. In S. R. Thye & E. J. Lawler (Eds.). Advances in Group Processes, 27: 239–268. Lazega, E. ve P. E. Pattison, (1999). Multiplexity, genaralized exchange and cooperation in organizations: a case study. Social Networks, 21: 67-90. Marsden, P.V. (2005). Recent Development in Network Measurement In Models and Methods in Social Network Analysis, ed. P. J. Carrington, J. Scott, S. Wesserman, UK, 8-31. New York, Cambridge University Press Narus, James A. and James C. Anderson (1996). Rethinking Distribution: Adaptive Channels, Harvard Business Review, 74 (4), 112–20. Newness, K. (2012). Effects of Personality on Social Network Disclosure: Do Emotionally Intelligent Individuals Post Inappropriate Content?, Psychological Topics, 21 (3): 473- 486 Owen-Smith ve Powell (2004). Knowledge Networks as Channels and Conduits: The Effect of Formal Structure in the Boston Biotechnology Community. Organization Science 15 (1): 5-21. Palmatier, Robert, Rajiv P. Dant, ve Dhruv A. Grewal (2007). Comparative Longitudinal Analysis of Theoretical Perspectives of Interorganizational Relationship Performance, Journal of Marketing, 71 (October), 172–94. Palmatier, Robert (2007). What Drives Customer Relationship Value in Business-to-Business Exchanges? MSI Working Paper Series No. 07-118. Powell, Walter W., Kenneth W. Koput, ve Laurel Smith-Doerr. (1996). Interorganizational Collaboration and the Locus of Innovation: Networks of Learning in Biotechnology. Administrative Science Quarterly 41: 116-45. Powell, W. W., Packalen, K., Whıttıngton, K. (2012). Organizational and institutional genesis: The emergence of high-tech clusters in the life sciences, 434-465. In: Padgett, J., & Powell, W. W. (eds.) The Emergence of Organization and Markets. Princeton: Princeton University Press. Provan, Keith G., Amy Fish, and Joerg Sydow. 2007. Interorganizational networks at the network level: A review of the empirical literature on whole networks. Journal of Management, 33:479–516. Ross, William ve Diana Robertson (2007). Compound Relationships Between Firms, Journal of Marketing, 71 (July), 108–123. Rowley, T., Behrens, D., ve Krackhardt, D. (2000). Redundant governance structures: An analysis of structural and relational embeddedness in the steel and semiconductor industries. Strategic Management Journal, 21, 369–386. Salgado, J.F., Viswesvaran, C. ve Ones, D.S. (2001). Predictors Used For Personnel Selection: An Overwiev Of Constructs, Methods And Techniques, Handbook Of Industrial Work And Organziational Psychology (Vol.1; P.165-199). London, Sage Publication. Srivastava, Rajendra, Tasadduq Shervani, ve Liam Fahey (1998). Market-Based Assets and Shareholder Value: A Framework for Analysis, Journal of Marketing, 62 (January), 2– 18. Tınar, M.Y. (1999). Çalışma Yaşamı Ve Kişilik, Mercek Dergisi, Sayı 14, Mess Yayınları Tuli, Kapil, Ajay K. Kohli, ve Sundar G. Bharadwaj (2007). Rethinking Customer Solutions: From Product Bundles to Relational Processes, Journal of Marketing, 70 (July), 1–17. Uzzi, Brian (1997). Social Structure and Competition in Interfirm Networks: The Paradox of Embeddedness, Administration Science Quarterly, 42 (1), 37–69. Uzzi, B., ve Gillespie, J. J. (1999). Corporate social capital and the cost of financial capital: An embeddedness approach. In R. Th. A. J. Leenders & S. M. Gabbay (Eds.), Corporate social capital and liability: 446– 459. Boston, MA: Kluwer. Uzzi, B., ve Gillespie, J. J. (2002). Knowledge spillover in corporate financing networks: Embeddedness and the firm’s debt performance. Strategic Management Journal, 23: 595–618. Verbrugge, L. M. (1979). Multiplexity in adult friendships. Social Forces, 57(4), 1286-1309. Wasserman, S., ve Faust, K. (1994). Social network analysis: Methods and applications. Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge University Press. Watts, D. J. (1999). Networks, dynamics, and the small-world phenomenon. American Journal of Sociology, 105(2), 493–527.
Toplam 1 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Makaleler

Hale Alan Bu kişi benim

Fatma Korkmaz

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Aralık 2017
Gönderilme Tarihi 21 Ağustos 2017
Kabul Tarihi 17 Eylül 2017
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2017 Cilt: 3 Sayı: 4

Kaynak Göster

APA Alan, H., & Korkmaz, F. (2017). Sosyal Ağ İlişkilerinde Çok Yönlü Bağlar Ve Kişilik Arasındaki İlişkiler: Hastane Yöneticileri Üzerine Bir Araştırma. PESA Uluslararası Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, 3(4), 104-118.



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