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Year 2024, , 86 - 95, 31.12.2024


Cities are experiencing processes that lead to deterioration and even extinction due to human effects such as climate change, accidents, disasters, increasing population pressure, different sectoral demands, and building developments. Recent studies by scientists have revealed effects such as temperature increase in urban areas, decrease in water resources, loss of green corridors that serve as corridors between rural and urban landscapes, pollution in basins close to urban areas, and decrease in wildlife and biodiversity due to climate change. In order to reduce these problems, cities need to have a management approach where natural elements are protected, sustainability is ensured, and the balance between protection and use is maintained. This study aims to evaluate the contribution of nature-based solutions of urban problems to urban sustainability and urban resilience. Urban resilience is defined as the capacity of the city to come back into balance as a result of an effect exposed from the outside depending on its tolerance capacity. It has been revealed that an important evaluation should be made regarding the establishment of future cities that support the ecosystem and maintain the balance between protection and use in the urban fabric by replacing grey solutions with green and blue solutions that support natural elements in cities.


  • Balian E, Berhault A, Eggermont H, Lemaître F, von Korff,Y, Young J C (2016). Social innovation and nature-based solutions. EKLIPSE, Brussels.
  • Baud I S A, Hordijk M A (2009) Dealing with risks in urban governance: What can we learn from ‘resilience thinking’. In 4th International Conference of the International Forum on Urbanism (IFoU), Amsterdam/Delft.
  • Bolund P, Hunhammar S (1999). Ecosystem services in urban areas. Ecological Economics, 29(2), 293–301.
  • Brink E, Aalders T, Ádám D, Feller R, Henselek Y, Hoffmann A, Wamsler C (2016). Cascades of green: A review of ecosystem-based adaptation in urban areas. Global environmental change, 36, 111-123.
  • Bush J, Doyon A (2019) Building urban resilience with nature-based solutions: How can urban planning contribute?. Cities, 95, 102483.
  • Byungsuk K, Gil-Sang L , Minjun K , Who-Seung L, Hee-Sun C (2023) Developing and Applying an Urban Resilience Index for the Evaluation of Declining Areas: A Case Study of South Korea’s Urban Regeneration Sites. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health. ijerph20043653
  • Childers, D L, Steward T A P, Morgan G, Laura O, (2014) Advancing urban sustainability theory and action: Challenges and opportunities. Landscape Urban Plan.
  • Cohen-Shacham E, Walters G, Janzen C, Maginnis S (2016) Nature-based solutions to address global societal challenges. IUCN: Gland, Switzerland, 97, 2016-2036.
  • Coşkun Hepcan Ç. (2022) Doğa temelli çözümler ve kentsel dirençlilik. Çevre, Şehir ve İklim Dergisi. Yıl: 1. Sayı: 2. ss. 19-40.
  • Daniel L C, Steward TA.P, J. Morgan G, Laura O, Alison W (2014). Urban sustainability theory and action. Challenges and opportunities. Landscape Urban Plan.
  • Ersavaş Kavanoz S (2020) “Kentsel direnç” kavramı üzerine. Kent ve Çevre Araştırmaları Dergisi, 2(1), 5-24.
  • Heymans A, Breadsell J, Morrison G M, Byrne J J, Eon C (2019). Ecological urban planning and design: A systematic literature review. Sustainability, 11(13), 3723.
  • Hordijk M, Baud I S A (2011) Inclusive adaptation: Linking participatory learning and knowledge management to urban resilience. In Resilient Cities: Cities and Adaptation to Climate Change-Proceedings of the Global Forum 2010 (s. 111-121). Springer Netherlands.
  • IUCN (2020) IUCN Global standard for nature-based solutions: A user-friendly framework for the verification, design and scaling up of NBS. International Union for Conservation of Nature, Gland, Switzerland.
  • Kabisch N, Frantzeskaki N, Hansen R (2022). Principles for urban nature-based solutions. Ambio, 51(6), 1388-1401.
  • Lafortezza R, Chen J, Van Den Bosch C K, Randrup T B (2018) Nature-based solutions for resilient landscapes and cities. Environmental research, 165, 431-441.
  • Leichenko R (2011) Climate change and urban resilience. Current Opnion in Environmental Sustainability, 3 (2011), 164-168.
  • Maes J, Jacobs S (2017). Nature‐based solutions for Europe's sustainable development. Conservation letters, 10(1), 121-124.
  • Meerow S, Newell J P, Stults M (2016) Defining urban resilience: A review. Landscape and urban planning, 147, 38-49.
  • McGranahan D A, Sullivan P (2005). Farm programs, natural amenities, and rural development. Amber waves: the economics of food, farming, natural resources, and rural America, 28-35.
  • Norris F H, Stevens S P, Pfefferbaum B, Wyche K F, Pfefferbaum R L (2008) Community resilience as a metaphor, theory, set of capacities, and strategy for disaster readiness. American Journal of Community Psychology. 41, 127-150.
  • Raymond C M, Frantzeskaki N, Kabisch N, Berry P, Breile M, Nita M R, Geneletti D, Calfapietra C (2017) A framework for assessing and implementing the co-benefits of nature-based solutions in urban areas. Environ. Sci. Policy 77, 15–24.
  • Ribeiro P J G, Gonçalves L A P J (2019) Urban resilience: A conceptual framework. Sustainable Cities and Society, 50, 101625.
  • Rivero-Villar A, Vieyra Medrano A (2022) Governance for urban resilience in popular settlements in developing countries: a case-study review. Climate and Development, 14(3), 208-221.
  • Rodríguez-Izquierdo E, Cid A, García-Meneses P M, Peña-Sanabria K A, Lerner A M, Matus-Kramer A, Escalante A E (2022) From resilience attributes to city resilience. Landscape and Urban Planning, 226, 104485.
  • Orhan E (2016) reading vulnerabilities through urban planning history: an earthquake-prone city, Adapazarı case from Turkey. METU Journal of the Faculty of Architecture, 33(2) 239-259.
  • Özer Y E (2018) Risk azaltma yaklaşımı çerçevesinde dirençli kentler. Bursa: Ekin Yayınları.
  • Pauleit S, Zölch T, Hansen R, Randrup T B, Bosch C K (2017) Nature-Based solutions and climate change – four shades of green. Theory and Practice of Urban Sustainability Transitions, Chapter 3, page 29.
  • Uzuner E, Akıncıtürk N (2020) Deprem sonrası kentsel yayılma sürecine dair bir değerlendirme: Kocaeli/ Gölcük örneği. Resilience, 65-75.
  • Wagenaar H, Wilkinson C (2015) Enacting resilience: A performative account of governing for urban resilience. Urban studies, 52(7), 1265-1284.
  • Webb R, O’Donnell T, Auty K, Bai X, Barnett G, Costanza R, Stafford Smith M (2023). Enabling urban systems transformations: co-developing national and local strategies. Urban transformations, 5(1), 5.
  • Zeng X, Yu, Yang S, Lv Y, Sarker M N I (2022) Urban resilience for urban sustainability: Concepts, dimensions, and perspectives. Sustainability, 14(5), 2481.


Year 2024, , 86 - 95, 31.12.2024


İklim değişimi, kaza ve afetler, artan nüfus baskısı, farklı sektörel talepler, yapılaşma gibi insan faktörlü kültürel etkiler nedeni ile kentler bozulma ve hatta yok olmaya varan süreçler yaşamaktadır. Son zamanlarda bilim insanlarının yaptığı çalışmalar iklim değişimine bağlı olarak kentsel alanlarda sıcaklık artışı, su kaynaklarının azalması, kırsal peyzajların ve kentsel peyzajlar arasında koridor görevi gören yeşil koridorların kaybı, kentsel alanlara yakın havzalarda kirlenme, yaban hayatının ve biyoçeşitliliğin azalması gibi etkileri olduğunu ortaya koymaktadır. Bu soruların azaltılması için kentlerin doğal unsurlarının gözetildiği ve sürdürülebilirliğinin sağlandığı koruma kullanma dengesinin gözetildiği yönetim anlayışına sahip olması gerekmektedir. Bu çalışmada kentsel sorunların doğa temelli çözümünün kentsel sürdürülebilirlik ve kent dirençliliğine katkısının değerlendirilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Kentsel dirençlilik dışarıdan maruz kalının bir etki sonucunda kentin tolere etme kapasitesine bağlı olarak tekrar dengeye gelme kapasitesi olarak tanımlanmıştır. Kentlerde gri çözümlerin yerini doğal unsurları destekleyen yeşil ve mavi çözümlerin getirilmesi ile ekosistemin desteklendiği, kent dokusunda koruma kullanma dengesini gözeten geleceğin kentlerinin kurulması konusunda önemli bir değerlendirme yapılması gerekliliği ortaya koyulmuştur.

Ethical Statement

Çalışma kapsamında etik beyanına grek duyulmamaktadır.


  • Balian E, Berhault A, Eggermont H, Lemaître F, von Korff,Y, Young J C (2016). Social innovation and nature-based solutions. EKLIPSE, Brussels.
  • Baud I S A, Hordijk M A (2009) Dealing with risks in urban governance: What can we learn from ‘resilience thinking’. In 4th International Conference of the International Forum on Urbanism (IFoU), Amsterdam/Delft.
  • Bolund P, Hunhammar S (1999). Ecosystem services in urban areas. Ecological Economics, 29(2), 293–301.
  • Brink E, Aalders T, Ádám D, Feller R, Henselek Y, Hoffmann A, Wamsler C (2016). Cascades of green: A review of ecosystem-based adaptation in urban areas. Global environmental change, 36, 111-123.
  • Bush J, Doyon A (2019) Building urban resilience with nature-based solutions: How can urban planning contribute?. Cities, 95, 102483.
  • Byungsuk K, Gil-Sang L , Minjun K , Who-Seung L, Hee-Sun C (2023) Developing and Applying an Urban Resilience Index for the Evaluation of Declining Areas: A Case Study of South Korea’s Urban Regeneration Sites. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health. ijerph20043653
  • Childers, D L, Steward T A P, Morgan G, Laura O, (2014) Advancing urban sustainability theory and action: Challenges and opportunities. Landscape Urban Plan.
  • Cohen-Shacham E, Walters G, Janzen C, Maginnis S (2016) Nature-based solutions to address global societal challenges. IUCN: Gland, Switzerland, 97, 2016-2036.
  • Coşkun Hepcan Ç. (2022) Doğa temelli çözümler ve kentsel dirençlilik. Çevre, Şehir ve İklim Dergisi. Yıl: 1. Sayı: 2. ss. 19-40.
  • Daniel L C, Steward TA.P, J. Morgan G, Laura O, Alison W (2014). Urban sustainability theory and action. Challenges and opportunities. Landscape Urban Plan.
  • Ersavaş Kavanoz S (2020) “Kentsel direnç” kavramı üzerine. Kent ve Çevre Araştırmaları Dergisi, 2(1), 5-24.
  • Heymans A, Breadsell J, Morrison G M, Byrne J J, Eon C (2019). Ecological urban planning and design: A systematic literature review. Sustainability, 11(13), 3723.
  • Hordijk M, Baud I S A (2011) Inclusive adaptation: Linking participatory learning and knowledge management to urban resilience. In Resilient Cities: Cities and Adaptation to Climate Change-Proceedings of the Global Forum 2010 (s. 111-121). Springer Netherlands.
  • IUCN (2020) IUCN Global standard for nature-based solutions: A user-friendly framework for the verification, design and scaling up of NBS. International Union for Conservation of Nature, Gland, Switzerland.
  • Kabisch N, Frantzeskaki N, Hansen R (2022). Principles for urban nature-based solutions. Ambio, 51(6), 1388-1401.
  • Lafortezza R, Chen J, Van Den Bosch C K, Randrup T B (2018) Nature-based solutions for resilient landscapes and cities. Environmental research, 165, 431-441.
  • Leichenko R (2011) Climate change and urban resilience. Current Opnion in Environmental Sustainability, 3 (2011), 164-168.
  • Maes J, Jacobs S (2017). Nature‐based solutions for Europe's sustainable development. Conservation letters, 10(1), 121-124.
  • Meerow S, Newell J P, Stults M (2016) Defining urban resilience: A review. Landscape and urban planning, 147, 38-49.
  • McGranahan D A, Sullivan P (2005). Farm programs, natural amenities, and rural development. Amber waves: the economics of food, farming, natural resources, and rural America, 28-35.
  • Norris F H, Stevens S P, Pfefferbaum B, Wyche K F, Pfefferbaum R L (2008) Community resilience as a metaphor, theory, set of capacities, and strategy for disaster readiness. American Journal of Community Psychology. 41, 127-150.
  • Raymond C M, Frantzeskaki N, Kabisch N, Berry P, Breile M, Nita M R, Geneletti D, Calfapietra C (2017) A framework for assessing and implementing the co-benefits of nature-based solutions in urban areas. Environ. Sci. Policy 77, 15–24.
  • Ribeiro P J G, Gonçalves L A P J (2019) Urban resilience: A conceptual framework. Sustainable Cities and Society, 50, 101625.
  • Rivero-Villar A, Vieyra Medrano A (2022) Governance for urban resilience in popular settlements in developing countries: a case-study review. Climate and Development, 14(3), 208-221.
  • Rodríguez-Izquierdo E, Cid A, García-Meneses P M, Peña-Sanabria K A, Lerner A M, Matus-Kramer A, Escalante A E (2022) From resilience attributes to city resilience. Landscape and Urban Planning, 226, 104485.
  • Orhan E (2016) reading vulnerabilities through urban planning history: an earthquake-prone city, Adapazarı case from Turkey. METU Journal of the Faculty of Architecture, 33(2) 239-259.
  • Özer Y E (2018) Risk azaltma yaklaşımı çerçevesinde dirençli kentler. Bursa: Ekin Yayınları.
  • Pauleit S, Zölch T, Hansen R, Randrup T B, Bosch C K (2017) Nature-Based solutions and climate change – four shades of green. Theory and Practice of Urban Sustainability Transitions, Chapter 3, page 29.
  • Uzuner E, Akıncıtürk N (2020) Deprem sonrası kentsel yayılma sürecine dair bir değerlendirme: Kocaeli/ Gölcük örneği. Resilience, 65-75.
  • Wagenaar H, Wilkinson C (2015) Enacting resilience: A performative account of governing for urban resilience. Urban studies, 52(7), 1265-1284.
  • Webb R, O’Donnell T, Auty K, Bai X, Barnett G, Costanza R, Stafford Smith M (2023). Enabling urban systems transformations: co-developing national and local strategies. Urban transformations, 5(1), 5.
  • Zeng X, Yu, Yang S, Lv Y, Sarker M N I (2022) Urban resilience for urban sustainability: Concepts, dimensions, and perspectives. Sustainability, 14(5), 2481.
There are 32 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Urban Field Management
Journal Section Articles

Fizyon Sönmez Erdoğan 0000-0002-8648-0687

Publication Date December 31, 2024
Submission Date June 28, 2024
Acceptance Date October 10, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024
