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Effect of Motivational Interviewing on Medication Adherence in Patients with Bipolar Disorder: Systematic Review

Year 2025, Volume: 17 Issue: 3, 481 - 492, 30.09.2025


This systematic review was conducted to examine the effect of motivational interviewing method on compliance with medication treatment in individuals diagnosed with bipolar disorder. In this systematic review, the literature was searched in the databases of ''Cochrane, SpringerLink, Ovid, Science Direct, PubMed, ProQuest, Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (NDLTD), ULAKBIM, YÖKTEZ'', published in the last 5 years, in English language, using the keywords and combinations of ''motivational interviewing'', ''bipolar disorder'', ''adherence''. The titles and abstracts of the studies were reviewed and 6 studies, including 4 randomized controlled trials and 2 nonrandomized studies, that met the inclusion criteria were included in the systematic review. As a result of this systematic review, it was determined that the motivational interviewing method was effective in increasing medication compliance in patients diagnosed with bipolar disorder. In the studies, it was determined that motivational interviewing was applied alone, with medication reminder system or with an educational program. It was determined that motivational interviewing was applied twice a week or twice a month, between 20-60 minutes and between 3-6 sessions. Subjective and objective measurement tools assessing medication adherence and symptoms were used to evaluate the effect of motivational interviewing. It is recommended to increase randomized controlled experimental research examining the effect of motivational interviewing method on medication adherence in patients diagnosed with bipolar disorder and to use motivational interviewing techniques and skills by mental health professionals to increase patients' medication adherence.


  • Abaatyo J, Kaggwa MM, Favina A, Olagunju AT (2023) Readmission and associated clinical factors among individuals admitted with bipolar affective disorder at a psychiatry facility in Uganda. BMC Psychiatry, 23:474.
  • ABS (2023) Australian Bureau of Statistics (2020-2022) National Study of Mental Health and Wellbeing. (Accessed 09.09.2024).
  • APA (2013) Dıagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders Fıfth Edition DSM-5. Washington, American Psychiatric Association.
  • Arkowitz H, Miller WR, Rollnick S (2015) Motivational Interviewing in the Treatment of Psychological Problems (2nd Ed). New York, The Guilford Press.
  • Arkowitz H, Burke BL (2008) Motivational Interviewing as an integrative framework for the treatment of depression. In Motivational Interviewing in the Treatment of Psychological Problems, (Eds H Arkowitz, HA Westra, WR Miller, S Rollnick):145-272. New York, Guilford Press.
  • Aviram A, Westra HA (2011) The impact of motivational interviewing on resistance in cognitive behavioural therapy for generalized anxiety disorder. Psychother Res, 21:698-708.
  • Bal NB, Özsan HH (2023) Tip 1 bipolar bozuklukta tedavi uyumunu etkileyen faktörler. Osmangazi Tıp Dergisi, 45:696-708.
  • Bischof G, Bischof A, Rumpf HJ (2021) Motivational interviewing: an evidence-based approach for use in medical practice. Dtsch Arztebl Int, 118:109-115.
  • Chakrabarti S (2017) Medication non-adherence in bipolar disorder: review of rates, demographic and clinical predictors. World J Metaanal, 5:103-123.
  • Ceylan Ç, Törüner EK (2020) Adölesanlarda sağlık davranışı değişikliğinde motivasyonel görüşmenin kullanılması: sistematik derleme. Halk Sağlığı Hemşireliği Dergisi, 2:39-51.
  • Çelik Örücü M (2020) Değişime hız kazandıracak bir yöntem: motivasyonel görüşme. Dicle Üniversitesi Ziya Gökalp Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 1:20-34.
  • Davarinejad O, Majd TM, Golmohammadi F, Mohamadi P, Radmehr F, Nazari S et al. (2021) Factors influencing the number of relapse in patients with bipolar I disorder. Shiraz E Med J, 22:e107144.
  • Dicle AN (2017) Motivasyonel görüşme: öğeler, ilke ve yöntemler. International Journal of Social Humanities Sciences Research, 4:2043-2053.
  • Ervatan SÖ, Özel A, Türkçapar H, Atasoy N (2003) Depresif hastalarda tedaviye uyum: doğal izlem çalışması. Klinik Psikiyatri Dergisi, 6:5-11.
  • Goldstein TR, Krantz ML, Fersch-Podrat RK, Hotkowski NJ, Merranko J, Sobel L et al. (2020) A brief motivational intervention for enhancing medication adherence for adolescents with bipolar disorder: a pilot randomized trial. J Affect Disord, 265:1-9.
  • Gülcü ZG, Kelleci M (2022) The effect of motivational interviewing and telepsychiatric follow-up on medication adherence of patients with bipolar disorder: a randomized controlled trial. Psikiyatri Hemşireliği Dergisi, 13:101-107.
  • Harmancı P, Yıldız E (2023) The effects of psychoeducation and motivational interviewing on treatment adherence and functionality in individuals with bipolar disorder. Arch Psychiatr Nurs, 45:89-100.
  • Higgins J, Thomas J, Chandler J, Cumpston M, Li T, Page M et al. (2023) Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Interventions, Version 6.4. (Accessed 18.04.2024).
  • Higgins JPT, Altman D, Sterne J (2017) Assessing risk of bias in included studies. In: Higgins J, Churchill R, Chandler J, Cumpston M, eds. Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Interventions (updated June 2017). (Accessed 18.04.2024).
  • Hsieh MY, Ponsford J, Wong D, Schonberger M, Taffe J, McKay A (2012) Motivational interviewing and cognitive behavior therapy for anxiety following traumatic brain injury: a pilot randomised controlled trial. Neuropsychol Rehabil, 22:585-608.
  • IHME (2024) Global Burden of Disease 2021. (Accessed 08.09.2024).
  • Karaytuğ MO, Tamam L, Demirkol ME, Namlı Z (2022) Bipolar bozukluk tanılı hastalarda tedaviye uyum ve ilişkili faktörler. Arşiv Kaynak Tarama Dergisi, 31:21-27.
  • Kora K, Saylan M, Akkaya C, Karamustafalıoğlu N, Tomruk N, Yasan A et al. (2008) Predictive factors for time to remission and recurrence in patients treated for acute mania: health outcomes of manic episodes (HOME) study. Prim Care Companion J Clin Psychiatry, 10:114-119.
  • Laakso LJ (2011) Motivational interviewing: addressing ambivalence to improve medication adherence in patients with bipolar disorder. Issues Ment Health Nurs, 33:8-14.
  • Lintunen J, Lähteenvuo M, Tanskanen A, Tiihonen J, Taipale H (2023) Non-adherence to mood stabilizers and antipsychotics among persons with bipolar disorder–a nationwide cohort study. J Affect Disord, 333:403-408.
  • Manhas RS, Manhas GS, Manhas A, Sharma R, Thappa JR, Akhter R (2019) Prevalence of non-adherence to treatment among patients of bipolar affective disorder. J Med Sci Clin Res, 7:623-628.
  • McKenzie K, Chang YP (2015) The effect of nurse‐led motivational interviewing on medication adherence in patients with bipolar disorder. Perspect Psychiatr Care, 51:36-44.
  • Miller WR (2023) The evolution of motivational interviewing. Behav Cogn Psychother, 51:616-632.
  • Miller WR, Rollnick S (2013) Motivational Interviewing: Helping People Change, 3rd ed. New York: Guilford Press.
  • Miller WR, Rollnick S (2009) Motivasyonel Görüşme. (Çeviri Eds F Karadağ, K Ögel, AE Özcan). Ankara, HYB Basım Yayın.
  • Miller WR, Rollnick S (2002a) Motivational interviewing, preparing people to change addictive behavior phase 1: building motivation for change. New York, Guilford Press.
  • Miller WR, Rollnick S (2002b) Motivational interviewing, preparing people to change addictive behavior. What Is Motivational Interviewing? New York, Guilford Press.
  • Nkeze R (2020) Development and evaluation of a nurse practictioner-directed motivational interviewing and medication adherence program for adults with bipolar disorder in an outpatient mental health office (Doctoral thesis). Delaware, Wilmington University.
  • Ögel K (2006) Madde Bağımlılarına Yaklaşım ve Tedavi. İstanbul, IQ Kültür Sanat Yayıncılık.
  • Özdemir H, Taşcı S (2013) Motivasyonel görüşme tekniği ve hemşirelikte kullanımı-The application of motivational interviewing technique in nursing. ERÜ Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi Dergisi, 1:41-47.
  • Page MJ, McKenzie JE, Bossuyt PM, Boutron I, Hoffmann TC, Mulrow CD et al. (2021) The PRISMA 2020 statement: an updated guideline for reporting systematic reviews. BMJ, 372:71.
  • Perlis RH, Ostacher MJ, Miklowitz DJ, Hay A, Nierenberg AA, Thase ME et al. (2010) Clinical features associated with poor pharmacologic adherence in bipolar disorder: results from the STEP-BD study. J Clin Psychiatry, 71:296-303.
  • Rollnick S, Miller WR, Butler CC (2008) Motivational Interviewing in Health Care: Helping Patients Change Behavior. New York, Guilford Press.
  • Rubak S, Sandbæk A, Lauritzen T, Christensen B (2005) Motivational interviewing: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Br J Gen Pract, 55:305-312.
  • Tabas MY, Momeni F, Bakhshani NM, Pourshahbaz A, Rezaei O (2023) Psychological Intervention for bipolar disorder in Iran: a systematic review. Entomology and Applied Science Letters, 10:53-64.
  • Tahghighi H, Mortazavi H, Manteghi AA, Armat MR (2023) The effect of comprehensive individual motivational-educational program on medication adherence in elderly patients with bipolar disorders: an experimental study. J Educ Health Promot, 12:70.
  • Tufanaru C, Munn Z, Aromataris E, Campbell J, Hopp L (2017) Systematic reviews of effectiveness. In JBI Manual for Evidence Synthesis (Eds E Aromataris, Z Munn). Adelaide, Australia, Joanna Briggs Institute.
  • Uzun S, Gürhan N (2021) Şizofreni tanılı bireylerde motivasyonel görüşme yönteminin ilaç uyumuna etkisi: bir meta-analiz çalışması. Euroasia Journal of Mathematics, Engineering, Natural & Medical Sciences, 8:30-43.
  • Yılmaz H (2024) Bipolar bozukluk tanılı hastalarda motivasyonel görüşmenin baş etme, işlevsellik, tedaviye uyum ve yaşam kalitesine etkisi (Doktora tezi). Denizli, Pamukkale Üniversitesi.

Bipolar Bozukluk Hastalarında Motivasyonel Görüşmenin İlaç Uyumuna Etkisi: Sistematik Derleme

Year 2025, Volume: 17 Issue: 3, 481 - 492, 30.09.2025


Bu sistematik derleme bipolar bozukluk tanılı bireylerde motivasyonel görüşme yönteminin ilaç tedavisine uyum üzerine etkisini incelemek amacıyla yapılmıştır. Bu sistematik derlemede literatür taraması ’Cochrane, SpringerLink, Ovid, Science Direct, PubMed, ProQuest, Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (NDLTD), ULAKBİM, YÖKTEZ’’ veri tabanlarında, son 5 yılda yayınlanmış, İngilizce dilinde, ‘’motivational interviewing’’, ‘’bipolar disorder’’, ‘’adherence’’ anahtar kelimeleri ve kombinasyonları kullanılarak yapılmıştır. Araştırmaların başlık ve özetleri gözden geçirilmiş ve dahil etme kriterlerini karşılayan 4’ü randomize kontrollü ve 2’si nonrandomize çalışma olmak üzere 6 çalışma sistematik derlemeye dahil edilmiştir. Bu sistematik derlemenin sonucunda motivasyonel görüşme yönteminin bipolar bozukluk tanılı hastalarda ilaç uyumunu arttırmada etkili olduğu belirlenmiştir. Çalışmalarda motivasyonel görüşmelerin tek başına, ilaç hatırlatma sistemi ile ya da eğitim programı ile birlikte uygulandığı tespit edilmiştir. Motivasyonel görüşmelerin haftada veya ayda 2 kez, 20-60 dk arasında ve 3-6 seans arasında uygulandığı belirlenmiştir. Motivasyonel görüşme yönteminin etkisini değerlendirmek için ilaç uyumunu ve semptomları değerlendiren subjektif ve objektif ölçüm araçlarının kullanıldığı görülmüştür. Motivasyonel görüşme yönteminin bipolar bozukluk tanılı hastalarda ilaç uyumuna etkisini inceleyen randomize kontrollü deneysel araştırmaların arttırılması ve ruh sağlığı profesyonelleri tarafından hastaların ilaç uyumunu arttırmak için motivasyonel görüşme teknik ve becerilerinin kullanılması önerilmektedir.


  • Abaatyo J, Kaggwa MM, Favina A, Olagunju AT (2023) Readmission and associated clinical factors among individuals admitted with bipolar affective disorder at a psychiatry facility in Uganda. BMC Psychiatry, 23:474.
  • ABS (2023) Australian Bureau of Statistics (2020-2022) National Study of Mental Health and Wellbeing. (Accessed 09.09.2024).
  • APA (2013) Dıagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders Fıfth Edition DSM-5. Washington, American Psychiatric Association.
  • Arkowitz H, Miller WR, Rollnick S (2015) Motivational Interviewing in the Treatment of Psychological Problems (2nd Ed). New York, The Guilford Press.
  • Arkowitz H, Burke BL (2008) Motivational Interviewing as an integrative framework for the treatment of depression. In Motivational Interviewing in the Treatment of Psychological Problems, (Eds H Arkowitz, HA Westra, WR Miller, S Rollnick):145-272. New York, Guilford Press.
  • Aviram A, Westra HA (2011) The impact of motivational interviewing on resistance in cognitive behavioural therapy for generalized anxiety disorder. Psychother Res, 21:698-708.
  • Bal NB, Özsan HH (2023) Tip 1 bipolar bozuklukta tedavi uyumunu etkileyen faktörler. Osmangazi Tıp Dergisi, 45:696-708.
  • Bischof G, Bischof A, Rumpf HJ (2021) Motivational interviewing: an evidence-based approach for use in medical practice. Dtsch Arztebl Int, 118:109-115.
  • Chakrabarti S (2017) Medication non-adherence in bipolar disorder: review of rates, demographic and clinical predictors. World J Metaanal, 5:103-123.
  • Ceylan Ç, Törüner EK (2020) Adölesanlarda sağlık davranışı değişikliğinde motivasyonel görüşmenin kullanılması: sistematik derleme. Halk Sağlığı Hemşireliği Dergisi, 2:39-51.
  • Çelik Örücü M (2020) Değişime hız kazandıracak bir yöntem: motivasyonel görüşme. Dicle Üniversitesi Ziya Gökalp Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 1:20-34.
  • Davarinejad O, Majd TM, Golmohammadi F, Mohamadi P, Radmehr F, Nazari S et al. (2021) Factors influencing the number of relapse in patients with bipolar I disorder. Shiraz E Med J, 22:e107144.
  • Dicle AN (2017) Motivasyonel görüşme: öğeler, ilke ve yöntemler. International Journal of Social Humanities Sciences Research, 4:2043-2053.
  • Ervatan SÖ, Özel A, Türkçapar H, Atasoy N (2003) Depresif hastalarda tedaviye uyum: doğal izlem çalışması. Klinik Psikiyatri Dergisi, 6:5-11.
  • Goldstein TR, Krantz ML, Fersch-Podrat RK, Hotkowski NJ, Merranko J, Sobel L et al. (2020) A brief motivational intervention for enhancing medication adherence for adolescents with bipolar disorder: a pilot randomized trial. J Affect Disord, 265:1-9.
  • Gülcü ZG, Kelleci M (2022) The effect of motivational interviewing and telepsychiatric follow-up on medication adherence of patients with bipolar disorder: a randomized controlled trial. Psikiyatri Hemşireliği Dergisi, 13:101-107.
  • Harmancı P, Yıldız E (2023) The effects of psychoeducation and motivational interviewing on treatment adherence and functionality in individuals with bipolar disorder. Arch Psychiatr Nurs, 45:89-100.
  • Higgins J, Thomas J, Chandler J, Cumpston M, Li T, Page M et al. (2023) Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Interventions, Version 6.4. (Accessed 18.04.2024).
  • Higgins JPT, Altman D, Sterne J (2017) Assessing risk of bias in included studies. In: Higgins J, Churchill R, Chandler J, Cumpston M, eds. Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Interventions (updated June 2017). (Accessed 18.04.2024).
  • Hsieh MY, Ponsford J, Wong D, Schonberger M, Taffe J, McKay A (2012) Motivational interviewing and cognitive behavior therapy for anxiety following traumatic brain injury: a pilot randomised controlled trial. Neuropsychol Rehabil, 22:585-608.
  • IHME (2024) Global Burden of Disease 2021. (Accessed 08.09.2024).
  • Karaytuğ MO, Tamam L, Demirkol ME, Namlı Z (2022) Bipolar bozukluk tanılı hastalarda tedaviye uyum ve ilişkili faktörler. Arşiv Kaynak Tarama Dergisi, 31:21-27.
  • Kora K, Saylan M, Akkaya C, Karamustafalıoğlu N, Tomruk N, Yasan A et al. (2008) Predictive factors for time to remission and recurrence in patients treated for acute mania: health outcomes of manic episodes (HOME) study. Prim Care Companion J Clin Psychiatry, 10:114-119.
  • Laakso LJ (2011) Motivational interviewing: addressing ambivalence to improve medication adherence in patients with bipolar disorder. Issues Ment Health Nurs, 33:8-14.
  • Lintunen J, Lähteenvuo M, Tanskanen A, Tiihonen J, Taipale H (2023) Non-adherence to mood stabilizers and antipsychotics among persons with bipolar disorder–a nationwide cohort study. J Affect Disord, 333:403-408.
  • Manhas RS, Manhas GS, Manhas A, Sharma R, Thappa JR, Akhter R (2019) Prevalence of non-adherence to treatment among patients of bipolar affective disorder. J Med Sci Clin Res, 7:623-628.
  • McKenzie K, Chang YP (2015) The effect of nurse‐led motivational interviewing on medication adherence in patients with bipolar disorder. Perspect Psychiatr Care, 51:36-44.
  • Miller WR (2023) The evolution of motivational interviewing. Behav Cogn Psychother, 51:616-632.
  • Miller WR, Rollnick S (2013) Motivational Interviewing: Helping People Change, 3rd ed. New York: Guilford Press.
  • Miller WR, Rollnick S (2009) Motivasyonel Görüşme. (Çeviri Eds F Karadağ, K Ögel, AE Özcan). Ankara, HYB Basım Yayın.
  • Miller WR, Rollnick S (2002a) Motivational interviewing, preparing people to change addictive behavior phase 1: building motivation for change. New York, Guilford Press.
  • Miller WR, Rollnick S (2002b) Motivational interviewing, preparing people to change addictive behavior. What Is Motivational Interviewing? New York, Guilford Press.
  • Nkeze R (2020) Development and evaluation of a nurse practictioner-directed motivational interviewing and medication adherence program for adults with bipolar disorder in an outpatient mental health office (Doctoral thesis). Delaware, Wilmington University.
  • Ögel K (2006) Madde Bağımlılarına Yaklaşım ve Tedavi. İstanbul, IQ Kültür Sanat Yayıncılık.
  • Özdemir H, Taşcı S (2013) Motivasyonel görüşme tekniği ve hemşirelikte kullanımı-The application of motivational interviewing technique in nursing. ERÜ Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi Dergisi, 1:41-47.
  • Page MJ, McKenzie JE, Bossuyt PM, Boutron I, Hoffmann TC, Mulrow CD et al. (2021) The PRISMA 2020 statement: an updated guideline for reporting systematic reviews. BMJ, 372:71.
  • Perlis RH, Ostacher MJ, Miklowitz DJ, Hay A, Nierenberg AA, Thase ME et al. (2010) Clinical features associated with poor pharmacologic adherence in bipolar disorder: results from the STEP-BD study. J Clin Psychiatry, 71:296-303.
  • Rollnick S, Miller WR, Butler CC (2008) Motivational Interviewing in Health Care: Helping Patients Change Behavior. New York, Guilford Press.
  • Rubak S, Sandbæk A, Lauritzen T, Christensen B (2005) Motivational interviewing: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Br J Gen Pract, 55:305-312.
  • Tabas MY, Momeni F, Bakhshani NM, Pourshahbaz A, Rezaei O (2023) Psychological Intervention for bipolar disorder in Iran: a systematic review. Entomology and Applied Science Letters, 10:53-64.
  • Tahghighi H, Mortazavi H, Manteghi AA, Armat MR (2023) The effect of comprehensive individual motivational-educational program on medication adherence in elderly patients with bipolar disorders: an experimental study. J Educ Health Promot, 12:70.
  • Tufanaru C, Munn Z, Aromataris E, Campbell J, Hopp L (2017) Systematic reviews of effectiveness. In JBI Manual for Evidence Synthesis (Eds E Aromataris, Z Munn). Adelaide, Australia, Joanna Briggs Institute.
  • Uzun S, Gürhan N (2021) Şizofreni tanılı bireylerde motivasyonel görüşme yönteminin ilaç uyumuna etkisi: bir meta-analiz çalışması. Euroasia Journal of Mathematics, Engineering, Natural & Medical Sciences, 8:30-43.
  • Yılmaz H (2024) Bipolar bozukluk tanılı hastalarda motivasyonel görüşmenin baş etme, işlevsellik, tedaviye uyum ve yaşam kalitesine etkisi (Doktora tezi). Denizli, Pamukkale Üniversitesi.
There are 44 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Mental Health Nursing
Journal Section Review

Şeyma Erkuş 0000-0001-9775-3890

Elçin Babaoğlu 0000-0002-0952-2652

Early Pub Date December 22, 2024
Publication Date September 30, 2025
Submission Date June 29, 2024
Acceptance Date October 28, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2025 Volume: 17 Issue: 3


AMA Erkuş Ş, Babaoğlu E. Effect of Motivational Interviewing on Medication Adherence in Patients with Bipolar Disorder: Systematic Review. Psikiyatride Güncel Yaklaşımlar - Current Approaches in Psychiatry. September 2025;17(3):481-492. doi:10.18863/pgy.1507249

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Psikiyatride Güncel Yaklaşımlar - Current Approaches in Psychiatry is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.