Research Article
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Popülist retorik, aşırı sağın yükselişi ve Türkiye örneği

Year 2024, Volume: 11 Issue: 2, 95 - 111, 31.12.2024


Bu makale, Almanya, Hollanda, Fransa, Belçika, İsveç, Danimarka, Finlandiya, İtalya ve Avusturya’ya odaklanarak popülist liderlerin, partilerin ve hareketlerin Avrupa’daki demokratik rejimlerin istikrarı üzerindeki uzun vadeli etkilerini incelemektedir. Makalede göçle ilgili popülist anlatıların milliyetçiliği ve aşırı sağ ideolojileri nasıl körüklediği ve popülist partilerin önemli seçim kazanımlarına odaklanılmaktadır. Bu gelişmeler, azınlık haklarının erozyona uğraması, demokratik sistemlerde dalgalanmaların ortaya çıkması ve yabancı düşmanı söylemin yaygınlaşmasıyla ilgili endişeleri arttırmaktadır. Tartışma, 2011’den bu yana Suriye’den kitlesel göçün benzer popülist duyguları beslediği Türkiye’yi de kapsamakta olup Prof. Dr. Ümit Özdağ’ın Zafer Partisi’nin 2021’deki yükselişiyle örneklenen söylemler irdelenmektedir. Makalede, uzun süredir devam eden kapsamlı akademik araştırmalara acil ihtiyaç vurgulanmaktadır. Popülist söylemin sosyal uyum ve siyasi istikrar açısından sonuçları. Türkiye gibi yeni ve farklı göç dinamiklerine sahip ülkelerde bu tür çalışmaların eksikliği, popülist tehditlerin gelecekte ortaya çıkaracağı zorlukların nasıl ele alınacağı literatürde ve politikadaki önemli konu başlıkları olarak öne çıkmaktadır.

Ethical Statement

Etik beyan gerektiren bir çalışma değildir, ancak alan araştırmasıdır. İnternette açık kaynak olan önemli bir siyasetçinin söylemleri ile internette kolayca ulaşılabilir Avrupa'daki ilgili ülkelerin seçim sonuçları kullanılmaktadır. Makalenin methodology başlığında da belirtildiği üzere "a semantic analysis" gerçekleştirilmiştir.

Supporting Institution

Bulunmamaktadır. Self-financing, açık kodlar ve düşük maliyet


  • Aslanidis, P. (2018). Measuring populist discourse with semantic text analysis: An application on grassroots populist mobilization. Quality & Quantity, 52(3), 1241–1263.
  • Aylott, N., & Bolin, N. (2023). A new right: The Swedish parliamentary election of September 2022. West European Politics, 46(5), 1049–1062.
  • Bornschier, S. (2011). National political conflict and identity formation: The diverse nature of the threat from the extreme left and extreme populist right. Cultural Diversity, European Identity and the Legitimacy of the EU, 171–200.
  • Brubaker, R. (2017). Why populism? Theory and Society, 46(5), 357–385.
  • Cajka, P., Jaroszewicz, M., & Strielkowski, W. (2014). Migration incentives and flows between Belarus, Moldova, Ukraine and the European Union: A forecasting model. Economics & Sociology, 7(4), 11.
  • Calhoun, C. (1988). Populist politics, communications media and large scale societal integration. Sociological Theory, 219–241.
  • Cameron, F. (2010). The European Union as a model for regional integration. Council on Foreign Relations.
  • Canovan, M. (2002). Taking politics to the people: Populism as the ideology of democracy. In Democracies and the populist challenge (pp. 25–44). Springer.
  • Curtin, P. (1966). Nationalism in Africa, 1945-1965. 28(2), 143–153.
  • De Giorgi, E., Cavalieri, A., & Feo, F. (2023). From Opposition Leader to Prime Minister: Giorgia Meloni and Women’s Issues in the Italian Radical Right. Politics and Governance, 11(1), 108–118.
  • De la Torre, C. (2021). What do we mean by populism? In The Routledge companion to media disinformation and populism (pp. 29–37). Routledge.
  • Gökçekuyu E., Özgür H. Populist Rhetoric, Rise of Far-Right, and the Turkish Case PJESS’2024 / 11(2)
  • Desai, S. (2022, April 4). Far-right presidential candidate wants total ban on Muslim headscarf in France [Newspaper]. Anadolu Ajans. candidate-wants-total-ban-on-muslim-headscarf-in-france/2554988
  • Eatwell, R., & Mudde, C. (2004). Western democracies and the new extreme right challenge. Routledge London.
  • Ellermann, A. (2021). The Comparative Politics of Immigration: Policy Choicesin Germany, Canada, Switzerland, and the United States (1st ed.). Cambridge University Press.
  • Esen, B., Gumuscu, S., & Yavuzyılmaz, H. (2023). Competitive yet unfair: May 2023 elections and authoritarian resilience in Turkey. South European Society and Politics, 28(3), 359– 387.
  • Fichter, J. R. (2019). British and French colonialism in Africa, Asia and the Middle East: Connected empires across the eighteenth to the twentieth centuries. Springer.
  • Gabon, A. (2022, November 7). Meloni’s victory in Italy signals the rise of a global anti-Muslim alliance [Newspaper]. Middle East Eye. meloni-victory-islamophobia-global-rise-how
  • Gandesha, S. (2018). Understanding right and left populism. Critical Theory and Authoritarian Populism, 9, 49–70.
  • Halikiopoulou, D., & Vlandas, T. (2019). What is new and what is nationalist about Europe’s new nationalism? Explaining the rise of the far right in Europe. Nations and Nationalism, 25(2), 409–434.
  • Jack, V. (2022, January 15). Marine Le Pen Kendi Ağzından (Marine Le Pen in her own words) [Newspaper]. POLITICO. election- france-in-her-own-words-macron/
  • Jones, E., Daniel Kelemen, R., & Meunier, S. (2021). Failing forward? Crises and patterns of European integration. Journal of European Public Policy, 28(10), 1519–1536.
  • Joppke, C. (2023). Explaining the Populist Right in the Neoliberal West. Societies, 13(5), 110.
  • Karapin, R. (2002). Far-right parties and the construction of immigration issues in Germany. In Shadows over Europe: The development and impact of the extreme right in Western Europe (pp. 187–219). Springer.
  • Lasch, C. (1996). The Revolt of the Elites and the Betrayal of Democracy. WW Norton & Company.
  • Lucardie, A. (2000). Right-Wing Extremism in the Netherlands: Why it is still a marginal phenomenon. Symposium Right-Wing Extremism in Europe.
  • Gökçekuyu E., Özgür H. Populist Rhetoric, Rise of Far-Right, and the Turkish Case PJESS’2024 / 11(2)
  • Moffitt, B. (2015). How to perform crisis: A model for understanding the key role of crisis in contemporary populism. Government and Opposition, 50(2), 189–217.
  • Mosse, G. L. (1987). Masses and man: Nationalist and fascist perceptions of reality.
  • Mudde, C. (2004). The populist zeitgeist. Government and Opposition, 39(4), 541–563.
  • Mudde, C., & Kaltwasser, C. R. (2011). Voices of the peoples: Populism in Europe and Latin America compared. Citeseer.
  • Mudde, C., & Rovira Kaltwasser, C. (2018). Studying populism in comparative perspective: Reflections on the contemporary and future research agenda. Comparative Political Studies, 51(13), 1667–1693.
  • Noury, A., & Roland, G. (2020). Identity politics and populism in Europe. Annual Review of Political Science, 23, 421–439.
  • Ostiguy, P. (2009). The high and the low in politics: A two-dimensional political space for comparative analysis and electoral studies.
  • Oudenampsen, M. (2023a). From Clashing Civilizations to the Replacement of Populations: The Transformation of Dutch Anti-Immigration Discourse. In The Politics of Replacement (pp. 180–191). Routledge.
  • Oudenampsen, M. (2023b). Neoliberal Populism: The Case of Pim Fortuyn. Political Studies, 00323217231185211.
  • Pronk, M. E. (2020). Panic and the Perpetuum Mobile of Populist Right-Wing Propaganda: An Ontological Perspective of Political Security Communication.
  • REUTERS. (2016, May 23). Debate between AfD and Muslim Council ends with scandal [Newspaper]. Reuters. id- DEKCN0YE1B4
  • Tekiner, U. (2020). The ‘European (Union) Identity’: An Overview. E-International Relations, 15.
  • Thorleifsson, C. (2021). In pursuit of purity: Populist nationalism and the racialization of difference. Identities, 28(2), 186–202.
  • Visser, M. (2021, July 6). Daha Az Faslı Söylemlerinden Dolayı Wilders ile alakalı Mahkeme Kararı Kesinleşti (Veroordeling Wilders ‘minder Marokkanen’-uitspraak definitief) [Newspaper]. Trouw. definitief~b61d7a5b/
  • Gökçekuyu E., Özgür H. Populist Rhetoric, Rise of Far-Right, and the Turkish Case PJESS’2024 / 11(2)
  • Vossen, K. (2010). Populism in the Netherlands after Fortuyn: Rita Verdonk and Geert Wilders Compared. Perspectives on European Politics and Society, 11(1), 22–38.
  • Vossen, K. (2016). The power of populism: Geert Wilders and the Party for Freedom in the Netherlands. Routledge.
  • Trouw. Widers Kuranı Yasaklamak İstiyor (Wilders wil verbod op Koran). (2007, August 8). koran~b192e29c/?referrer= turns into the anti-Islam party. (2016, April 17). [Newspaper]. WELT. AfD-verwandelt-sich-in-die-Anti- Islam-Partei.html

Populist Rhetoric, Rise of Far-Right and the Turkish Case

Year 2024, Volume: 11 Issue: 2, 95 - 111, 31.12.2024


This article examines the long-term impacts of populist leaders, parties and movements on the stability of democratic regimes in Europe, focusing on Germany, the Netherlands, France, Belgium, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Italy, and Austria. It highlights how populist narratives, particularly around immigration, have stoked nationalism and far-right ideologies, leading to significant electoral gains for populist parties. These developments raise concerns about the erosion of minority rights, the introduction of volatility into democratic systems, and the mainstreaming of xenophobic rhetoric. The discussion also extends to Türkiye, where mass immigration from Syria since 2011 has fostered similar populist sentiments, exemplified by the rise of Prof. Dr. Ümit Özdağ’s Victory Party in 2021. The article stresses the urgent need for comprehensive academic research on the long-term implications of populist rhetoric for social cohesion and political stability. The lack of such studies, especially in countries with new immigration dynamics like Turkey, represents a significant gap in our understanding of how to address future challenges posed by populist threats.


  • Aslanidis, P. (2018). Measuring populist discourse with semantic text analysis: An application on grassroots populist mobilization. Quality & Quantity, 52(3), 1241–1263.
  • Aylott, N., & Bolin, N. (2023). A new right: The Swedish parliamentary election of September 2022. West European Politics, 46(5), 1049–1062.
  • Bornschier, S. (2011). National political conflict and identity formation: The diverse nature of the threat from the extreme left and extreme populist right. Cultural Diversity, European Identity and the Legitimacy of the EU, 171–200.
  • Brubaker, R. (2017). Why populism? Theory and Society, 46(5), 357–385.
  • Cajka, P., Jaroszewicz, M., & Strielkowski, W. (2014). Migration incentives and flows between Belarus, Moldova, Ukraine and the European Union: A forecasting model. Economics & Sociology, 7(4), 11.
  • Calhoun, C. (1988). Populist politics, communications media and large scale societal integration. Sociological Theory, 219–241.
  • Cameron, F. (2010). The European Union as a model for regional integration. Council on Foreign Relations.
  • Canovan, M. (2002). Taking politics to the people: Populism as the ideology of democracy. In Democracies and the populist challenge (pp. 25–44). Springer.
  • Curtin, P. (1966). Nationalism in Africa, 1945-1965. 28(2), 143–153.
  • De Giorgi, E., Cavalieri, A., & Feo, F. (2023). From Opposition Leader to Prime Minister: Giorgia Meloni and Women’s Issues in the Italian Radical Right. Politics and Governance, 11(1), 108–118.
  • De la Torre, C. (2021). What do we mean by populism? In The Routledge companion to media disinformation and populism (pp. 29–37). Routledge.
  • Gökçekuyu E., Özgür H. Populist Rhetoric, Rise of Far-Right, and the Turkish Case PJESS’2024 / 11(2)
  • Desai, S. (2022, April 4). Far-right presidential candidate wants total ban on Muslim headscarf in France [Newspaper]. Anadolu Ajans. candidate-wants-total-ban-on-muslim-headscarf-in-france/2554988
  • Eatwell, R., & Mudde, C. (2004). Western democracies and the new extreme right challenge. Routledge London.
  • Ellermann, A. (2021). The Comparative Politics of Immigration: Policy Choicesin Germany, Canada, Switzerland, and the United States (1st ed.). Cambridge University Press.
  • Esen, B., Gumuscu, S., & Yavuzyılmaz, H. (2023). Competitive yet unfair: May 2023 elections and authoritarian resilience in Turkey. South European Society and Politics, 28(3), 359– 387.
  • Fichter, J. R. (2019). British and French colonialism in Africa, Asia and the Middle East: Connected empires across the eighteenth to the twentieth centuries. Springer.
  • Gabon, A. (2022, November 7). Meloni’s victory in Italy signals the rise of a global anti-Muslim alliance [Newspaper]. Middle East Eye. meloni-victory-islamophobia-global-rise-how
  • Gandesha, S. (2018). Understanding right and left populism. Critical Theory and Authoritarian Populism, 9, 49–70.
  • Halikiopoulou, D., & Vlandas, T. (2019). What is new and what is nationalist about Europe’s new nationalism? Explaining the rise of the far right in Europe. Nations and Nationalism, 25(2), 409–434.
  • Jack, V. (2022, January 15). Marine Le Pen Kendi Ağzından (Marine Le Pen in her own words) [Newspaper]. POLITICO. election- france-in-her-own-words-macron/
  • Jones, E., Daniel Kelemen, R., & Meunier, S. (2021). Failing forward? Crises and patterns of European integration. Journal of European Public Policy, 28(10), 1519–1536.
  • Joppke, C. (2023). Explaining the Populist Right in the Neoliberal West. Societies, 13(5), 110.
  • Karapin, R. (2002). Far-right parties and the construction of immigration issues in Germany. In Shadows over Europe: The development and impact of the extreme right in Western Europe (pp. 187–219). Springer.
  • Lasch, C. (1996). The Revolt of the Elites and the Betrayal of Democracy. WW Norton & Company.
  • Lucardie, A. (2000). Right-Wing Extremism in the Netherlands: Why it is still a marginal phenomenon. Symposium Right-Wing Extremism in Europe.
  • Gökçekuyu E., Özgür H. Populist Rhetoric, Rise of Far-Right, and the Turkish Case PJESS’2024 / 11(2)
  • Moffitt, B. (2015). How to perform crisis: A model for understanding the key role of crisis in contemporary populism. Government and Opposition, 50(2), 189–217.
  • Mosse, G. L. (1987). Masses and man: Nationalist and fascist perceptions of reality.
  • Mudde, C. (2004). The populist zeitgeist. Government and Opposition, 39(4), 541–563.
  • Mudde, C., & Kaltwasser, C. R. (2011). Voices of the peoples: Populism in Europe and Latin America compared. Citeseer.
  • Mudde, C., & Rovira Kaltwasser, C. (2018). Studying populism in comparative perspective: Reflections on the contemporary and future research agenda. Comparative Political Studies, 51(13), 1667–1693.
  • Noury, A., & Roland, G. (2020). Identity politics and populism in Europe. Annual Review of Political Science, 23, 421–439.
  • Ostiguy, P. (2009). The high and the low in politics: A two-dimensional political space for comparative analysis and electoral studies.
  • Oudenampsen, M. (2023a). From Clashing Civilizations to the Replacement of Populations: The Transformation of Dutch Anti-Immigration Discourse. In The Politics of Replacement (pp. 180–191). Routledge.
  • Oudenampsen, M. (2023b). Neoliberal Populism: The Case of Pim Fortuyn. Political Studies, 00323217231185211.
  • Pronk, M. E. (2020). Panic and the Perpetuum Mobile of Populist Right-Wing Propaganda: An Ontological Perspective of Political Security Communication.
  • REUTERS. (2016, May 23). Debate between AfD and Muslim Council ends with scandal [Newspaper]. Reuters. id- DEKCN0YE1B4
  • Tekiner, U. (2020). The ‘European (Union) Identity’: An Overview. E-International Relations, 15.
  • Thorleifsson, C. (2021). In pursuit of purity: Populist nationalism and the racialization of difference. Identities, 28(2), 186–202.
  • Visser, M. (2021, July 6). Daha Az Faslı Söylemlerinden Dolayı Wilders ile alakalı Mahkeme Kararı Kesinleşti (Veroordeling Wilders ‘minder Marokkanen’-uitspraak definitief) [Newspaper]. Trouw. definitief~b61d7a5b/
  • Gökçekuyu E., Özgür H. Populist Rhetoric, Rise of Far-Right, and the Turkish Case PJESS’2024 / 11(2)
  • Vossen, K. (2010). Populism in the Netherlands after Fortuyn: Rita Verdonk and Geert Wilders Compared. Perspectives on European Politics and Society, 11(1), 22–38.
  • Vossen, K. (2016). The power of populism: Geert Wilders and the Party for Freedom in the Netherlands. Routledge.
  • Trouw. Widers Kuranı Yasaklamak İstiyor (Wilders wil verbod op Koran). (2007, August 8). koran~b192e29c/?referrer= turns into the anti-Islam party. (2016, April 17). [Newspaper]. WELT. AfD-verwandelt-sich-in-die-Anti- Islam-Partei.html
There are 45 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Policy and Administration (Other)
Journal Section Research Article

Ertuğrul Gökçekuyu 0000-0001-5037-499X

Hüseyin Özgür 0000-0003-1219-1273

Publication Date December 31, 2024
Submission Date October 13, 2024
Acceptance Date December 14, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 11 Issue: 2


APA Gökçekuyu, E., & Özgür, H. (2024). Populist Rhetoric, Rise of Far-Right and the Turkish Case. Pamukkale Journal of Eurasian Socioeconomic Studies, 11(2), 95-111.
AMA Gökçekuyu E, Özgür H. Populist Rhetoric, Rise of Far-Right and the Turkish Case. pjess. December 2024;11(2):95-111. doi:10.34232/pjess.1565469
Chicago Gökçekuyu, Ertuğrul, and Hüseyin Özgür. “Populist Rhetoric, Rise of Far-Right and the Turkish Case”. Pamukkale Journal of Eurasian Socioeconomic Studies 11, no. 2 (December 2024): 95-111.
EndNote Gökçekuyu E, Özgür H (December 1, 2024) Populist Rhetoric, Rise of Far-Right and the Turkish Case. Pamukkale Journal of Eurasian Socioeconomic Studies 11 2 95–111.
IEEE E. Gökçekuyu and H. Özgür, “Populist Rhetoric, Rise of Far-Right and the Turkish Case”, pjess, vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 95–111, 2024, doi: 10.34232/pjess.1565469.
ISNAD Gökçekuyu, Ertuğrul - Özgür, Hüseyin. “Populist Rhetoric, Rise of Far-Right and the Turkish Case”. Pamukkale Journal of Eurasian Socioeconomic Studies 11/2 (December 2024), 95-111.
JAMA Gökçekuyu E, Özgür H. Populist Rhetoric, Rise of Far-Right and the Turkish Case. pjess. 2024;11:95–111.
MLA Gökçekuyu, Ertuğrul and Hüseyin Özgür. “Populist Rhetoric, Rise of Far-Right and the Turkish Case”. Pamukkale Journal of Eurasian Socioeconomic Studies, vol. 11, no. 2, 2024, pp. 95-111, doi:10.34232/pjess.1565469.
Vancouver Gökçekuyu E, Özgür H. Populist Rhetoric, Rise of Far-Right and the Turkish Case. pjess. 2024;11(2):95-111.

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