Research Article
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A Deleuzian Perspective on Design Thinking: Rhizomatic Representation of ‘SANAA’ Architecture Beyond Cartesian Thought

Year 2025, Volume: 9 Issue: 1, 145 - 160, 15.03.2025


This study aims to reveal the transformation of the grid system that has developed from the past to the present within the framework of Descartes' Cartesian habits, in architecture. The theoretical framework of the research was formed by the thought of Deleuze, one of the thinkers of the 20th century, who criticized classical Western thought and proposed an alternative thought with creative concepts. The study consists of two articulated phases. In the first stage, the design idea based on the conventional grid idea from the past is analyzed through the leading examples of the period. At this point, systematic classification method based on comparative analysis was used in sample selection and the findings were tabulated. The results are criticized for the Deleuze tree model, which defines thought on the basis of a hierarchy; the alternative points to the rhizomatic method of thought proposed by Deleuze. In the second part, it is discussed whether a different approach than the idea of orthogonal design based on the grid system is possible, together with Deleuze's creative and immanent concepts. At this point, three sample buildings of the Pritzker Prize-winning Japanese architecture firm SANAA (Sejima and Nishizawa), which are similar in scale but each with different indicators and designed away from the grid system, were analyzed. The key findings obtained at the end of the research are compiled in a table again, and a rhizomatic approach is presented that will produce an alternative to the traditional thought based on the grid plane.


  • Agrest, D. ([1976] 1998). Design versus Non-Design. In K. Michael Hays (ed.), Architecture Theory since 1968 (pp. 198-213). Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press.
  • Barletta, B. A. (2011). Greek architecture. American Journal of Archaeology, 115(4), 495-645.
  • Bauer, S. (2017, Jun. 28). Villa Capra Rotonda., retrieved from (last access: 02.03.2025).
  • Beard, M. (2003). The Parthenon. Cantabrigiae: Harvard University Press.ISBN 067401085X. (Anglice).
  • Brüggemann, V., Bludau, M.-J., & Dörk, M. (2020). The fold: Rethinking interactivity in data visualization. Digital Humanities Quarterly, 14(3).
  • Colebrook, C. (2006). Deleuze: A Guide for the Perplexed. Continuum.
  • Coşkun, S. T. (2020). Drawing Orders: Lines with/out Bodies. Grid, 3(1), 51-73.
  • DeLanda, M. (2006). A New Philosophy of Society: Assemblage Theory and Social Complexity. Continuum.
  • Deleuze, G. (1986). Foucault. University of Minnesota Press.
  • Deleuze, G. (1993). The Fold: Leibniz and the Baroque (T. Conley, Trans.). Continuum.
  • Deleuze, G. (1994). Difference and Repetition. Translated by P. Patton. Columbia University Press.
  • Deleuze, G. (2006). Kıvrım Leibniz ve Barok (çev. Hakan Yücefer), Ankara: Bağlam Yayıncılık.
  • Deleuze, G. & Guattari, F. (1987). A Thousand Plateaus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia (B. Massumi, Trans.). University of Minnesota Press.
  • Deleuze, G. & Guattari, F. (1993). Felsefe Nedir? (Çev. Turhan Ilgaz), İstanbul: Yapı Kredi.
  • Deleuze, G. & Guittari, F. (2000). Kafka, minör bir edebiyat için. (Ö. Uçkan, I. Ergüden Çev.). YKY: İstanbul
  • Duff, S. (2009). The role of mathematics in Deleuze’s critical engagement with Hegel. International Journal of Philosophical Studies, 17(4), 463–482.
  • Durand, J.N.L. (2000). Précis of the Lectures on Architecture: With Graphic Portion of the Lectures on Architecture (A. Picon, Ed. & Intro.; D. Britt, Trans.). Getty Research Institute.
  • Dündaralp, B. (Summer, 2010). Pritzker Yürüyüşü. Betonart: Concrete and Architecture, 1304-4931.
  • Eilouti, B. H. (2008). A Formal Language for Palladian Palazzo Façades Represented by a String Recognition Device. Nexus Network Journal, 10(2), 245-268.
  • EPFL. (2025). About., retrieved from [] (last access: 02.03.2025).
  • Erkan, Ü. (2023). Gilles Deleuze Felsefesinde Temel Kavramlar ve Yeni Toplumsal Hareketler. OPUS Uluslararası Toplum Araştırmaları Dergisi, 15(2). 10.26466/opus.589030
  • Giovannini, J. (2016, Mar. 7). River building at Grace Farms in Connecticut, USA, by SANAA.
  • Glancey, J. (2010, Mar. 2010). From Tokyo to Hyde Park: seven years of Sanaa architecture.
  • Goudeau, J. J. W. (2015). The Matrix Regained: Reflections on the Use of the Grid in the Architectural Theories of Nikolaus Goldmann and Jean-Nicolas-Louis Durand. Architectural Histories, 3(1), 1-17.
  • Gracefarm (2021, Jul. 21). Grace Farms to Reopen September 8 With a New Visitor Experience., retrieved from (last access: 02.03.2025).
  • Grohmann, M.; Bollinger, K.; Weilandt, A.; Wagner, M. (2009). Form finding of shell structures of the ROLEX LEARNING CENTER in Lausanne. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València.
  • IwanBaan (1996-2025). Photography., retrieved from (last access: 02.03.2025).
  • Le Corbusier (1986). Towards a New Architecture. New York: Dover Publications.
  • Lloyd J.U. & Lloyd C.G. (1931). Bulletin of the Lloyd Library of Botany, Pharmacy and Materia Medica. Bulletin #30. Reproduction Series No. 9, Pt. 2. Cincinnati, OH.
  • Marino, M. (2023). The Working Method of Andrea Palladio: Palaces, Vicenza and the World.
  • Melcher, H. (2015, May 29). SANAA selected to design a daylight-filled modern wing for this revered Australian art museum. Archpaper. retrieved from access: 02.03.2025).
  • Nowak, A. (2020). Architectural and structural optimization research of structural forms topologically transformed. Procedia Manufacturing, 44, 394-401.
  • Ottenheym, K (2014). Proportional Design Systems in Seventeenth-Century Holland. Architectural Histories, 2(1), p.Art. 10.
  • Özsavas Uluçay, N. (2020). A method proposal for interior design analysis via Villa Savoye. J. Art Arch. Stud.
  • Palladio, A. (1997). The Four Books of Architecture. Translated by R. Tavernor and R. Schofield. MIT Press.
  • Pati, D. ve Lorusso, L. N. (2017). How to write a systematic review of the literature. HERD: Health Environments Research & Design Journal, 11(1), 15-3.
  • Priest, E. (2023). Boring formless nonsense: Experimental music and the aesthetics of failure. Experimental Publications.
  • Rodrigues, T. (2018, April 24). The Rolex Learning Center structure [Video]. YouTube.
  • Sbriglio, J. (1999). Le Corbusier: La villa Savoye = the villa Savoye. Paris: Basel; Boston: Fondation Le Corbusier; Birkhäuser.
  • Tessmann, O., Bollinger, K., & Grohmann, M. (2009). On Shells, Structural Landscapes and Performative Geometry. eCAADe 2009: Computation: The New Realm of Architectural Design.
  • Theolinstudio (2025, Jan. 25). Featured-projects, retrieved from (last access: 02.03.2025).
  • Webster, J. & Watson, R. T. (2002). Analyzing the Past to Prepare for the Future: Writing a Literature Review. MIS Quarterly, 26(2), xiii–xxiii., retrieved from:
  • Williamson, J. H. (1986). The Grid: History, Use, and Meaning. Design Issues, 3(2), 15–30.
  • Yao, C. (2022, Nov. 29). SANAA designs Sydney Modern to be "harmonious with its surroundings" Dezeen., retrieved from access: 02.03.2025).

Tasarım Odaklı Düşünceye Deleuzeyen Bir Bakış: Kartezyen Düşüncenin Ötesinde ‘SANAA’ Mimarlığının Rizomatik Temsili

Year 2025, Volume: 9 Issue: 1, 145 - 160, 15.03.2025


Bu çalışma, mimarlık ve mekan üretimi adına geçmişten bugüne Dekartçı Kartezyen alışkanlıklar çerçevesinde gelişen grid(ızgara) sistemine dayalı tasarım düşüncesinin günümüzde geçirdiği dönüşümü ortaya koymayı amaçlamaktadır. Araştırmanın teorik çerçevesini 20. yüzyılın önde gelen düşünürü Deleuze’ün klasik Batı düşüncesini kritik eden ve buna karşın bir dizi yaratıcı kavram beraberinde alternatif bir düşünce yöntemine işaret eden bakış açısı oluşturmaktadır. Çalışma birbirine artiküle iki basamakta üretilmiştir. Çalışmanın birinci evresinde geçmişten bugüne ızgara sistemiyle düşünmeye alışmış tasarımcı düşünce dönemin önde gelen örnekleri üzerinden analiz edilmektedir. Bu noktada örneklemlerin seçiminde karşılaştırmalı analize dayalı sistematik sınıflandırma yönteminden faydalanılmış ve söz konusu örneklerden elde edilen anahtar bulgular tablolaştırılmıştır. Bu tablolardan elde edilen veriler Deleuzeyen düşüncenin hiyerarşiye dayalı düşünce modelini tasvirleyen ağaç modeli düşüncesiyle kritik edilirken; buna alternatif olarak Deleuze’ün yeni bir düşünme düzlemi olarak önerdiği rizomatik düşünce yöntemi ise araştırmanın ikinci bölümüne işaret etmektedir. İkinci bölümde Deleuze’ün birbirine içkin ve artiküle okunaklı yaratıcı kavramları üzerinden gridal sisteme dayalı ortogonal tasarım düşüncesi dışında bir yaklaşımın mümkün olup olmadığı tartışılır. Bu noktada Pritzker ödüllü Japon mimarlık firması SANAA’nın (Sejima ve Nishizawa) birbirine yakın ölçekli ancak her biri farklı göstergeler taşıyan yapıları üzerinden gridal sistemden uzaklaşarak tasarlanmış 3 örnek yapısı analiz edilmektedir. Araştırma sonunda elde edilen anahtar bulgular yine bir tablo ile derlenmiş, gridal düzleme dayalı alışılagelmiş düşünceye alternatif üretecek nitelikte rizomatik bir yaklaşım ortaya koyulmaktadır.


  • Agrest, D. ([1976] 1998). Design versus Non-Design. In K. Michael Hays (ed.), Architecture Theory since 1968 (pp. 198-213). Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press.
  • Barletta, B. A. (2011). Greek architecture. American Journal of Archaeology, 115(4), 495-645.
  • Bauer, S. (2017, Jun. 28). Villa Capra Rotonda., retrieved from (last access: 02.03.2025).
  • Beard, M. (2003). The Parthenon. Cantabrigiae: Harvard University Press.ISBN 067401085X. (Anglice).
  • Brüggemann, V., Bludau, M.-J., & Dörk, M. (2020). The fold: Rethinking interactivity in data visualization. Digital Humanities Quarterly, 14(3).
  • Colebrook, C. (2006). Deleuze: A Guide for the Perplexed. Continuum.
  • Coşkun, S. T. (2020). Drawing Orders: Lines with/out Bodies. Grid, 3(1), 51-73.
  • DeLanda, M. (2006). A New Philosophy of Society: Assemblage Theory and Social Complexity. Continuum.
  • Deleuze, G. (1986). Foucault. University of Minnesota Press.
  • Deleuze, G. (1993). The Fold: Leibniz and the Baroque (T. Conley, Trans.). Continuum.
  • Deleuze, G. (1994). Difference and Repetition. Translated by P. Patton. Columbia University Press.
  • Deleuze, G. (2006). Kıvrım Leibniz ve Barok (çev. Hakan Yücefer), Ankara: Bağlam Yayıncılık.
  • Deleuze, G. & Guattari, F. (1987). A Thousand Plateaus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia (B. Massumi, Trans.). University of Minnesota Press.
  • Deleuze, G. & Guattari, F. (1993). Felsefe Nedir? (Çev. Turhan Ilgaz), İstanbul: Yapı Kredi.
  • Deleuze, G. & Guittari, F. (2000). Kafka, minör bir edebiyat için. (Ö. Uçkan, I. Ergüden Çev.). YKY: İstanbul
  • Duff, S. (2009). The role of mathematics in Deleuze’s critical engagement with Hegel. International Journal of Philosophical Studies, 17(4), 463–482.
  • Durand, J.N.L. (2000). Précis of the Lectures on Architecture: With Graphic Portion of the Lectures on Architecture (A. Picon, Ed. & Intro.; D. Britt, Trans.). Getty Research Institute.
  • Dündaralp, B. (Summer, 2010). Pritzker Yürüyüşü. Betonart: Concrete and Architecture, 1304-4931.
  • Eilouti, B. H. (2008). A Formal Language for Palladian Palazzo Façades Represented by a String Recognition Device. Nexus Network Journal, 10(2), 245-268.
  • EPFL. (2025). About., retrieved from [] (last access: 02.03.2025).
  • Erkan, Ü. (2023). Gilles Deleuze Felsefesinde Temel Kavramlar ve Yeni Toplumsal Hareketler. OPUS Uluslararası Toplum Araştırmaları Dergisi, 15(2). 10.26466/opus.589030
  • Giovannini, J. (2016, Mar. 7). River building at Grace Farms in Connecticut, USA, by SANAA.
  • Glancey, J. (2010, Mar. 2010). From Tokyo to Hyde Park: seven years of Sanaa architecture.
  • Goudeau, J. J. W. (2015). The Matrix Regained: Reflections on the Use of the Grid in the Architectural Theories of Nikolaus Goldmann and Jean-Nicolas-Louis Durand. Architectural Histories, 3(1), 1-17.
  • Gracefarm (2021, Jul. 21). Grace Farms to Reopen September 8 With a New Visitor Experience., retrieved from (last access: 02.03.2025).
  • Grohmann, M.; Bollinger, K.; Weilandt, A.; Wagner, M. (2009). Form finding of shell structures of the ROLEX LEARNING CENTER in Lausanne. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València.
  • IwanBaan (1996-2025). Photography., retrieved from (last access: 02.03.2025).
  • Le Corbusier (1986). Towards a New Architecture. New York: Dover Publications.
  • Lloyd J.U. & Lloyd C.G. (1931). Bulletin of the Lloyd Library of Botany, Pharmacy and Materia Medica. Bulletin #30. Reproduction Series No. 9, Pt. 2. Cincinnati, OH.
  • Marino, M. (2023). The Working Method of Andrea Palladio: Palaces, Vicenza and the World.
  • Melcher, H. (2015, May 29). SANAA selected to design a daylight-filled modern wing for this revered Australian art museum. Archpaper. retrieved from access: 02.03.2025).
  • Nowak, A. (2020). Architectural and structural optimization research of structural forms topologically transformed. Procedia Manufacturing, 44, 394-401.
  • Ottenheym, K (2014). Proportional Design Systems in Seventeenth-Century Holland. Architectural Histories, 2(1), p.Art. 10.
  • Özsavas Uluçay, N. (2020). A method proposal for interior design analysis via Villa Savoye. J. Art Arch. Stud.
  • Palladio, A. (1997). The Four Books of Architecture. Translated by R. Tavernor and R. Schofield. MIT Press.
  • Pati, D. ve Lorusso, L. N. (2017). How to write a systematic review of the literature. HERD: Health Environments Research & Design Journal, 11(1), 15-3.
  • Priest, E. (2023). Boring formless nonsense: Experimental music and the aesthetics of failure. Experimental Publications.
  • Rodrigues, T. (2018, April 24). The Rolex Learning Center structure [Video]. YouTube.
  • Sbriglio, J. (1999). Le Corbusier: La villa Savoye = the villa Savoye. Paris: Basel; Boston: Fondation Le Corbusier; Birkhäuser.
  • Tessmann, O., Bollinger, K., & Grohmann, M. (2009). On Shells, Structural Landscapes and Performative Geometry. eCAADe 2009: Computation: The New Realm of Architectural Design.
  • Theolinstudio (2025, Jan. 25). Featured-projects, retrieved from (last access: 02.03.2025).
  • Webster, J. & Watson, R. T. (2002). Analyzing the Past to Prepare for the Future: Writing a Literature Review. MIS Quarterly, 26(2), xiii–xxiii., retrieved from:
  • Williamson, J. H. (1986). The Grid: History, Use, and Meaning. Design Issues, 3(2), 15–30.
  • Yao, C. (2022, Nov. 29). SANAA designs Sydney Modern to be "harmonious with its surroundings" Dezeen., retrieved from access: 02.03.2025).
There are 44 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Interior Architecture , Architectural Design
Journal Section Research Articles

Engin Demirok 0000-0002-8069-8669

Gülru Mutlu Tunca 0000-0003-4945-8242

Early Pub Date March 16, 2025
Publication Date March 15, 2025
Submission Date February 4, 2025
Acceptance Date March 8, 2025
Published in Issue Year 2025 Volume: 9 Issue: 1


APA Demirok, E., & Mutlu Tunca, G. (2025). Tasarım Odaklı Düşünceye Deleuzeyen Bir Bakış: Kartezyen Düşüncenin Ötesinde ‘SANAA’ Mimarlığının Rizomatik Temsili. PLANARCH - Design and Planning Research, 9(1), 145-160.

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