Endüstri 4.0’a Uyum Sürecinde Beyaz Eşya Sektöründe Karşılaşılan Zorlukların hibrit bir ÇKKV Modeli ile Değerlendirilmesi
Year 2024,
Volume: 27 Issue: 3, 1197 - 1212, 25.07.2024
Gulsen Akman
Ali İhsan Boyacı
Bu çalışmanın amacı, Türkiye'de beyaz eşya sektöründe I4.0'ın benimsenmesindeki zorlukları tanımlamak ve analiz etmektir. Öncelikle literatür incelenerek I4.0'ın benimsenmesinin zorlukları belirlenir ve sonuçlandırılır. Daha sonra ilişkileri değerlendirmek için Bulanık Karar Verme Deneme ve Değerlendirme Laboratuvarı (F-DEMATEL) yöntemi, Maksimum Ortalama De-Entropi (MMDE) tekniği, yorumlayıcı yapısal modelleme (ISM) tekniği ve MICMAC analizinden oluşan hibrit bir MCDM yaklaşımı kullanılarak zorluklar arasındaki etkileşimler incelenmiştir. Bulgular, “İnternet destekli ağların ve teknolojik altyapının olmaması” ile “Veri ve teknoloji platformlarının entegrasyonunun olmaması”nın en güçlü itici güce sahip zorluklar olduğunu ve diğer zorluklar üzerinde doğrudan veya dolaylı etkileri olduğunu göstermektedir. Bunlar, beyaz eşya üretim endüstrisinde Endüstri 4.0'ın benimsenmesinin ana zorluklarıdır. Öte yandan, “Tedarik zinciri katılımcıları arasında etkin olmayan iletişim ve işbirliği”, diğer zorluklardan doğrudan veya dolaylı olarak en çok etkilenen zorluk olarak bulunmuştur.
- [1] Muller J.M., “Assessing the challenges to I4.0 implementation from a workers’ perspective”, IFAC-Papers OnLine, 52(13): 2189-2194, (2019).
- [2] Vogelsang K., Liere-Netheler K., Packmohr S. and Hoppe U., “Challenges to digital transformation in manufacturing: development of a research agenda”, 52. Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Hawaii, USA, 4937-4946, (2019).
- [3] Masood T. and Sonntag P., “Industry 4.0: Adoption challenges and benefits for SMEs”, Computers in Industry, 121: 103261, (2020).
- [4] Mogos F.M., Eleftheriadis R.J. and Myklebust, O., “Enablers and inhibitors of I4.0: results from a survey of industrial companies in Norway”, Procedia CIRP, 81: 624-629, (2019).
- [5] Prause M., “Challenges of I4.0 technology adoption for SMEs: the case of Japan”, Sustainability, 11(20): 5807, (2019).
- [6] Doğru B. and Meçik, O., “Türkiye’de endüstri 4.0’ın işgücü piyasasına etkileri: firma beklentiler”, Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi - Endüstri 4.0 ve Örgütsel Değişim Özel Sayısı, 1581-1606, (2018).
- [7] Jankowska B., Mińska-Struzik E., Bartosik-Purgat M., Götz M. and Olejnik, I., “Industry 4.0 technologies adoption: challenges and their impact on Polish companies’ innovation performance”, European Planning Studies, 1: 1-21, (2022).
- [8] Roodt J.H. and Koen, H., “A Review of Hurdles to Adopting I4.0 in Developing Countries”, INCOSE International Symposium, Cape Town, South Africa, 30(1): 1079-1092, (2020).
- [9] Kim J., Torneo A.R. and Yang, S.B., “Philippine Readiness for the 4th Industrial Revolution: A Case Study”, Asia-Pacific Social Science Review, 19(1): 139-153, (2019).
- [10] Moktadir M.A., Ali S.M., Kusi-Sarpong S. and Shaikh M.A.A., “Assessing challenges for implementing I4.0: Implications for process safety and environmental protection”, Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 117: 730-741, (2018).
- [11] Wankhede V.A. and Vinodh S., “Analysis of I4.0 challenges using best worst method: A case study”, Computers and Industrial Engineering, 159: 107487, (2021).
- [12] Kumar P., Bhamu J. and Sangwan K.S., “Analysis of Challenges to Industry 4.0 adoption in Manufacturing Organizations: an ISM Approach”, Procedia CIRP, 98: 85-90, (2021c).
- [13] Muller J.M., “Assessing the challenges to I4.0 implementation from a workers’ perspective”, IFAC-Papers OnLine, 52(13): 2189-2194, (2019).
- [14] Kiel D., Müller J.M., Arnold C. and Voıgt K.I., “Sustainable industrial value creation: benefits and challenges of I4.0”, International Journal of Innovation Management, 21: 1740015, (2017).
- [15] Schneider P., “Managerial challenges of I4.0: an empirically backed research agenda for a nascent field”, Review Management Science, 12: 803–848, (2018).
- [16] Glass R., Meissner A., Gebauer C., Sturmer S. and Metternich J., “Identifying the challenges to industrie 4.0”, Procedia CIRP, 72(1): 985-988, (2018).
- [17] Stentoft J., Wickstrøm K., Kristian J. and Haug P.A., “Drivers and challenges for I4.0 readiness and practice: a SME perspective with empirical evidence”, Proceedings of the 52nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Hawaii, USA, 5155-5164, (2019).
- [18] Rauch E., Dallasega P. and Unterhofer M., “Requirements and challenges for introducing smart manufacturing in small and medium-sized enterprises”, IEEE Engineering Management Review, 47(3): 87-94, (2019).
- [19] Orzes G., Rauch E., Bednar S. and Poklemba R., “Industry 4.0 Implementation Challenges in Small and Medium Sized Enterprises: A Focus Group Study”. 2018 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM), Bangkok, Thailand, 1348-1352, (2018).
- [20] Türkeş M.C., Oncioiu I., Aslam H.D., Pantelescu A.M., Topor D.I., and Căpusneanu S., “Drivers and challenges in using I4.0: a perspective of SMEs in Romania”, Processes, 7(153): 1-20, (2019).
- [21] Keller M., Rosenberg M., Brettel M. and Friederichsen N., “How virtualization, decentrazliation, and network building change the manufacturing lands cape: An Industry 4.0 perspective”, International Journal of Mechanical, Aerospace, Industrial, Mechatronic and Manufacturing Engineering, 8: 37–44, (2014).
- [22] Kamble S.S., Gunasekaran A. and Sharma, R., “Analysis of the driving and dependence power of challenges to adopt I4.0 in Indian manufacturing industry”, Computers in Industry, 101: 107-119, (2018).
- [23] Rajput S. and Singh S.P., “Industry 4.0 − challenges to implement circular economy”, Benchmarking: An International Journal, 28(5): 1717-1739, (2019).
- [24] Vigneshvaran R. and Vinodh S., “Development of a structural model based on ISM for analysis of challenges to integration of lean with I4.0”, The TQM Journal, 33(6): 1201-1221, (2021).
- [25] Kumar S., Suhaib M. and Asjad M., “Analyzing the challenges to I4.0 through best worst method”, International Journal of Performability Engineering, 16(1): 27-36, (2020a).
- [26] Majumdar A., Sinha S.K., Shaw M. and Mathiyazhagan K., “Analysing the vulnerability of green clothing supply chains in South and Southeast Asia using fuzzy analytic hierarchy process”, International Journal of Production Research, 59(3): 752-771, (2021).
- [27] Aygün D. and Satı Z.E., “Evaluation of Industry 4.0 Transformation Challenges for SMEs in Turkey”, Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi, 17(1): 239-255, (2022).
- [28] Sevinç A., Gür Ş. and Eren T., “Analysis of the difficulties of SMES in I4.0 applications by analytical hierarchy process and analytical network process”, Processes, 6(12): 264, (2018).
- [29] Kumar R., Singh R.K. and Dwivedi Y.K., “Application of I4.0 technologies in SMEs for ethical and sustainable operations: Analysis of challenges”, Journal of Cleaner Production, 275: 124063, (2020b).
- [30] Bakhtari A.R., Kumar V., Waris M.M., Sanin C. and Szczerbicki E., “I4.0 implementation challenges in manufacturing industries: An interpretive structural modelling approach”, Procedia Computer Science, 176(1): 2384-2393, (2020).
- [31] Kumar S., Suhaib M. and Asjad M., “A Framework for Transforming Indian Sports Goods Manufacturing Industry”, South Asian Journal of Business and Management Cases, 10(3): 313–326, (2021a).
- [32] Abdul-Hamid A.Q., Ali M.H., Tseng M.L., Lan S. and Kumar M., “Impeding challenges on I4.0 in circular economy: Palm oil industry in Malaysia”, Computers and Operations Research, 123(1): 105052, (2020).
- [33] Kumar S., Raut R.D., Nayal K., Kraus S., Yadav V.S. and Narkhede B.E. “To identify industry 4.0 and circular economy adoption challenges in the agriculture supply chain by using ISM-ANP”, Journal of Cleaner Production, 293: 6526, (2021d).
- [34] Ajmera P. and Jain V., “Modelling the challenges of Health 4.0–the fourth healthcare industrial revolution in India by TISM”, Operation Management Research, 12: 129–145, (2019).
- [35] Raj A., Dwivedi G., Sharma A., Jabbour A.B.L.S. and Rajak S. “Challenges to the adoption of I4.0 technologies in the manufacturing sector: An inter-country comparative perspective”, International Journal of Production Economics, 224: 107546, (2020).
- [36] Kumar S., Suhaib M. and Asjad M., “Narrowing the challenges to I4.0 practices through PCA-Fuzzy AHP-K means”, Journal of Advances in Management Research, 18(2): 200-226, (2021b).
- [37] Nimawat D. and Gidwani B.D., “Identification of cause and effect relationships among challenges of Industry 4.0 using decision-making trial and evaluation laboratory method”, Benchmarking: An International Journal, 28(8): 2407-2431, (2021).
- [38] Chauhan C., Singh A. and Luthra S., “Challenges to I4.0 adoption and its performance implications: An empirical investigation of emerging economy”, Journal of Cleaner Production, 285(1): 124809, (2021).
- [39] Vogelsang K., Liere-Netheler K., Packmohr S. and Hoppe U., “Challenges to digital transformation in manufacturing: development of a research agenda”, Proceedings of the 52nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Hawaii, USA, 4937-4946, (2019).
- [40] Contador J.C., Satyro W.C., Contador J.L. and Spinola M.D.M., “Flexibility in the Brazilian industry 4.0: Challenges and opportunities”, Global Journal of Flexible Systems Management, 21(1): 15-31, (2020).
- [41] Macurova P., Ludvık L. and Zwakova M., “The driving factors, risks and challenges of the I4.0 concept”, Journal of Applied Economic Sciences, 12(7): 2003-2011, (2017).
- [42] Luthra S. and Mangla S.K., “Evaluating challenges to I4.0 initiatives for supply chain sustainability in emerging economies”, Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 117: 168-179, (2018).
- [43] Horváth D. and Szabó R.Z., “Driving forces and challenges of Industry 4.0: Do multinational and small and medium-sized companies have equal opportunities?”, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 146: 119-132, (2019).
- [44] Karadayi-Usta S., “An interpretive structural analysis for I4.0 adoption challenges”, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 67(3): 973-978, (2020).
- [45] Senna P.P., Ferreira L.M.D.F., Barros A.C., Roca J.B. and Magalhães V., “Prioritizing barriers for the adoption of Industry 4.0 technologies”, Computers & Industrial Engineering, 171: 108428, (2022).
- [46] Surange V.G., Bokade S.U., Singh A.H. and Teli S.N., “Prioritization of roadblocks to adoption of industry 4.0 technologies in manufacturing industries using VIKOR”, Materials Today: Proceedings, 50(5): 2194-2200, (2021).
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Evaluating the Challenges Encountered in the White Goods Industry in the Adaptation Process to Industry 4.0 via a Hybrid MCDM Model
Year 2024,
Volume: 27 Issue: 3, 1197 - 1212, 25.07.2024
Gulsen Akman
Ali İhsan Boyacı
The aim of this study to define and analyze the difficulties for the adoption of I4.0 in the white goods sector in Turkey. Firstly, difficulties of I4.0 adoption are determined and finalized by examining the literature. Then a hybrid MCDM approach consisting of the Fuzzy Decision Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory (F-DEMATEL) method, the Maximum Mean De-Entropy (MMDE) technique, the interpretive structural modelling (ISM) technique and MICMAC analysis is used to evaluate relationships and interactions between difficulties. Findings show that “Lack of technological infrastructure and networks powered by the internet” and “Lack of integration of data and technology platforms” are the difficulties that have the strongest driving power, and they have direct or indirect effects on other difficulties. These are the main difficulties for Industry 4.0 adoption in white good production industry. On the other hand, “Ineffective communication and cooperation amongst supply chain participants” is found out the most affected difficulty directly or indirectly from other difficulties.
- [1] Muller J.M., “Assessing the challenges to I4.0 implementation from a workers’ perspective”, IFAC-Papers OnLine, 52(13): 2189-2194, (2019).
- [2] Vogelsang K., Liere-Netheler K., Packmohr S. and Hoppe U., “Challenges to digital transformation in manufacturing: development of a research agenda”, 52. Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Hawaii, USA, 4937-4946, (2019).
- [3] Masood T. and Sonntag P., “Industry 4.0: Adoption challenges and benefits for SMEs”, Computers in Industry, 121: 103261, (2020).
- [4] Mogos F.M., Eleftheriadis R.J. and Myklebust, O., “Enablers and inhibitors of I4.0: results from a survey of industrial companies in Norway”, Procedia CIRP, 81: 624-629, (2019).
- [5] Prause M., “Challenges of I4.0 technology adoption for SMEs: the case of Japan”, Sustainability, 11(20): 5807, (2019).
- [6] Doğru B. and Meçik, O., “Türkiye’de endüstri 4.0’ın işgücü piyasasına etkileri: firma beklentiler”, Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi - Endüstri 4.0 ve Örgütsel Değişim Özel Sayısı, 1581-1606, (2018).
- [7] Jankowska B., Mińska-Struzik E., Bartosik-Purgat M., Götz M. and Olejnik, I., “Industry 4.0 technologies adoption: challenges and their impact on Polish companies’ innovation performance”, European Planning Studies, 1: 1-21, (2022).
- [8] Roodt J.H. and Koen, H., “A Review of Hurdles to Adopting I4.0 in Developing Countries”, INCOSE International Symposium, Cape Town, South Africa, 30(1): 1079-1092, (2020).
- [9] Kim J., Torneo A.R. and Yang, S.B., “Philippine Readiness for the 4th Industrial Revolution: A Case Study”, Asia-Pacific Social Science Review, 19(1): 139-153, (2019).
- [10] Moktadir M.A., Ali S.M., Kusi-Sarpong S. and Shaikh M.A.A., “Assessing challenges for implementing I4.0: Implications for process safety and environmental protection”, Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 117: 730-741, (2018).
- [11] Wankhede V.A. and Vinodh S., “Analysis of I4.0 challenges using best worst method: A case study”, Computers and Industrial Engineering, 159: 107487, (2021).
- [12] Kumar P., Bhamu J. and Sangwan K.S., “Analysis of Challenges to Industry 4.0 adoption in Manufacturing Organizations: an ISM Approach”, Procedia CIRP, 98: 85-90, (2021c).
- [13] Muller J.M., “Assessing the challenges to I4.0 implementation from a workers’ perspective”, IFAC-Papers OnLine, 52(13): 2189-2194, (2019).
- [14] Kiel D., Müller J.M., Arnold C. and Voıgt K.I., “Sustainable industrial value creation: benefits and challenges of I4.0”, International Journal of Innovation Management, 21: 1740015, (2017).
- [15] Schneider P., “Managerial challenges of I4.0: an empirically backed research agenda for a nascent field”, Review Management Science, 12: 803–848, (2018).
- [16] Glass R., Meissner A., Gebauer C., Sturmer S. and Metternich J., “Identifying the challenges to industrie 4.0”, Procedia CIRP, 72(1): 985-988, (2018).
- [17] Stentoft J., Wickstrøm K., Kristian J. and Haug P.A., “Drivers and challenges for I4.0 readiness and practice: a SME perspective with empirical evidence”, Proceedings of the 52nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Hawaii, USA, 5155-5164, (2019).
- [18] Rauch E., Dallasega P. and Unterhofer M., “Requirements and challenges for introducing smart manufacturing in small and medium-sized enterprises”, IEEE Engineering Management Review, 47(3): 87-94, (2019).
- [19] Orzes G., Rauch E., Bednar S. and Poklemba R., “Industry 4.0 Implementation Challenges in Small and Medium Sized Enterprises: A Focus Group Study”. 2018 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM), Bangkok, Thailand, 1348-1352, (2018).
- [20] Türkeş M.C., Oncioiu I., Aslam H.D., Pantelescu A.M., Topor D.I., and Căpusneanu S., “Drivers and challenges in using I4.0: a perspective of SMEs in Romania”, Processes, 7(153): 1-20, (2019).
- [21] Keller M., Rosenberg M., Brettel M. and Friederichsen N., “How virtualization, decentrazliation, and network building change the manufacturing lands cape: An Industry 4.0 perspective”, International Journal of Mechanical, Aerospace, Industrial, Mechatronic and Manufacturing Engineering, 8: 37–44, (2014).
- [22] Kamble S.S., Gunasekaran A. and Sharma, R., “Analysis of the driving and dependence power of challenges to adopt I4.0 in Indian manufacturing industry”, Computers in Industry, 101: 107-119, (2018).
- [23] Rajput S. and Singh S.P., “Industry 4.0 − challenges to implement circular economy”, Benchmarking: An International Journal, 28(5): 1717-1739, (2019).
- [24] Vigneshvaran R. and Vinodh S., “Development of a structural model based on ISM for analysis of challenges to integration of lean with I4.0”, The TQM Journal, 33(6): 1201-1221, (2021).
- [25] Kumar S., Suhaib M. and Asjad M., “Analyzing the challenges to I4.0 through best worst method”, International Journal of Performability Engineering, 16(1): 27-36, (2020a).
- [26] Majumdar A., Sinha S.K., Shaw M. and Mathiyazhagan K., “Analysing the vulnerability of green clothing supply chains in South and Southeast Asia using fuzzy analytic hierarchy process”, International Journal of Production Research, 59(3): 752-771, (2021).
- [27] Aygün D. and Satı Z.E., “Evaluation of Industry 4.0 Transformation Challenges for SMEs in Turkey”, Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi, 17(1): 239-255, (2022).
- [28] Sevinç A., Gür Ş. and Eren T., “Analysis of the difficulties of SMES in I4.0 applications by analytical hierarchy process and analytical network process”, Processes, 6(12): 264, (2018).
- [29] Kumar R., Singh R.K. and Dwivedi Y.K., “Application of I4.0 technologies in SMEs for ethical and sustainable operations: Analysis of challenges”, Journal of Cleaner Production, 275: 124063, (2020b).
- [30] Bakhtari A.R., Kumar V., Waris M.M., Sanin C. and Szczerbicki E., “I4.0 implementation challenges in manufacturing industries: An interpretive structural modelling approach”, Procedia Computer Science, 176(1): 2384-2393, (2020).
- [31] Kumar S., Suhaib M. and Asjad M., “A Framework for Transforming Indian Sports Goods Manufacturing Industry”, South Asian Journal of Business and Management Cases, 10(3): 313–326, (2021a).
- [32] Abdul-Hamid A.Q., Ali M.H., Tseng M.L., Lan S. and Kumar M., “Impeding challenges on I4.0 in circular economy: Palm oil industry in Malaysia”, Computers and Operations Research, 123(1): 105052, (2020).
- [33] Kumar S., Raut R.D., Nayal K., Kraus S., Yadav V.S. and Narkhede B.E. “To identify industry 4.0 and circular economy adoption challenges in the agriculture supply chain by using ISM-ANP”, Journal of Cleaner Production, 293: 6526, (2021d).
- [34] Ajmera P. and Jain V., “Modelling the challenges of Health 4.0–the fourth healthcare industrial revolution in India by TISM”, Operation Management Research, 12: 129–145, (2019).
- [35] Raj A., Dwivedi G., Sharma A., Jabbour A.B.L.S. and Rajak S. “Challenges to the adoption of I4.0 technologies in the manufacturing sector: An inter-country comparative perspective”, International Journal of Production Economics, 224: 107546, (2020).
- [36] Kumar S., Suhaib M. and Asjad M., “Narrowing the challenges to I4.0 practices through PCA-Fuzzy AHP-K means”, Journal of Advances in Management Research, 18(2): 200-226, (2021b).
- [37] Nimawat D. and Gidwani B.D., “Identification of cause and effect relationships among challenges of Industry 4.0 using decision-making trial and evaluation laboratory method”, Benchmarking: An International Journal, 28(8): 2407-2431, (2021).
- [38] Chauhan C., Singh A. and Luthra S., “Challenges to I4.0 adoption and its performance implications: An empirical investigation of emerging economy”, Journal of Cleaner Production, 285(1): 124809, (2021).
- [39] Vogelsang K., Liere-Netheler K., Packmohr S. and Hoppe U., “Challenges to digital transformation in manufacturing: development of a research agenda”, Proceedings of the 52nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Hawaii, USA, 4937-4946, (2019).
- [40] Contador J.C., Satyro W.C., Contador J.L. and Spinola M.D.M., “Flexibility in the Brazilian industry 4.0: Challenges and opportunities”, Global Journal of Flexible Systems Management, 21(1): 15-31, (2020).
- [41] Macurova P., Ludvık L. and Zwakova M., “The driving factors, risks and challenges of the I4.0 concept”, Journal of Applied Economic Sciences, 12(7): 2003-2011, (2017).
- [42] Luthra S. and Mangla S.K., “Evaluating challenges to I4.0 initiatives for supply chain sustainability in emerging economies”, Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 117: 168-179, (2018).
- [43] Horváth D. and Szabó R.Z., “Driving forces and challenges of Industry 4.0: Do multinational and small and medium-sized companies have equal opportunities?”, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 146: 119-132, (2019).
- [44] Karadayi-Usta S., “An interpretive structural analysis for I4.0 adoption challenges”, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 67(3): 973-978, (2020).
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