Research Article
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Kil Çekirdekli Dolgu Barajlarda Kararlı Durum Sızmasının Olasılıksal Analizi

Year 2025, Volume: 28 Issue: 1, 167 - 176, 24.01.2025


Dolgu barajlarda suyun barajın memba kısmından mansap kısmına doğru sürekli ve engellenemeyen hareketi sızma olarak tanımlanır. Tasarım aşamasında bu hareketin belirli bir mertebenin altında tutulması hedeflenir. Bu hedef doğrultusunda sızmanın doğru tahmin edilebilmesi için konu üzerinde çok sayıda deneysel ve sayısal çalışma yapılmıştır. Son yıllarda hesaplardaki belirsizliklerin azaltılması amacı ile zemindeki değişkenliklerin de dikkate alındığı ve sonlu elemanlar yönteminin sıklıkla kullanıldığı olasılıksal analizler de gerçekleştirilmeye başlanmıştır. Bu kapsamda, mevcut çalışmada kil çekirdek malzemesinin permeabilite değerindeki belirsizlikler göz önünde bulundurularak sonlu elemanlar yöntemi ile gerçekleştirilen olasılıksal sızma analizlerinin, farklı çekirdek şev eğimlerine sahip iki adet kil çekirdekli dolgu baraj üzerinde bir uygulamasına ait sonuçlar sunulmaktadır. Öncelikle, kil çekirdeği oluşturan zemine ait permeabilite değerlerinin istatistiksel parametreleri belirlenmiş, Monte Carlo simülasyonları ile üretilen permeabiliteler PLAXIS 2D programında yapılan sızma analizlerinin girdileri olarak olarak kullanılmıştır. Aynı ortalama değerinde elde edilen iki modele ait sonuçlar birbirleriyle ve deterministik olarak elde edilen sonuçlarla kıyaslanmıştır. Analiz sonuçları, olasılıksal analizle deterministik yönteme daha düşük sızma değerleri elde edildiğini ortaya koymaktadır. Ayrıca zemin parametrelerine ait kabul edilen olasılıksal dağılım özelliklerinin sonuçlar üzerindeki etkisi açıkça görülmektedir.

Ethical Statement

Bu makalenin yazar(lar)ı çalışmalarında kullandıkları materyal ve yöntemlerin etik kurul izni ve/veya yasal-özel bir izin gerektirmediğini beyan ederler.


  • [1] Çalamak M. “Uncertainty based analysis of seepage through earth-fill dams”, Doktora Tezi, Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Ankara, (2014).
  • [2] Polater Ö. “Dolgu barajların farklı geçirimsiz malzemeler kullanılarak sızma analizi”, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Bitlis Eren Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Bitlis, (2021).
  • [3] Fenton G. and Griffiths D. “Statistics of free surface flow through stochastic earth dam”, Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, (ASCE), 122(6): 410– 427, (1996).
  • [4] Ahmed A. A. “Stochastic analysis of free surface flow through earth dams", Computers and Geotechnics, 36(7): 1186-1190, (2009).
  • [5] Srivastava A., Babu G. L. S., and Haldar S. “Influence of spatial variability of permeability property on steady state seepage flow and slope stability analysis”, Engineering Geology, 110(3-4): 93–101. doi:10.1016/j.enggeo.2009.11.006, (2010).
  • [6] Cho S.E. “Probabilistic analysis of seepage that considers the spatial variability of permeability for an embankment on soil foundation”, Engineering Geology, 133–134:30–39, (2012).
  • [7] Le T. M. H., Gallipoli D., Sanchez M. and Wheeler S. J. “Stochastic analysis of unsaturated seepage through randomly heterogeneous earth embankments”, International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 36(8): 1056-1076, (2012).
  • [8] Tan X., Wang, X., Khoshnevisan S., Hou X., and Zha F. “Seepage analysis of earth dams considering spatial variability of hydraulic parameters”, Engineering Geology, 228: 260–269, (2017).
  • [9] Mouyeaux A., Carvajal C., Bressolette P, Peyras L, Breul P, Bacconnet C Probabilistic analysis of pore water pressures of an earth dam using a random fnite element approach based on feld data. Eng Geol. 259: 105190, (2019).
  • [10] Siacara A. T., Beck A. T., and Futai M. M. “Reliability analysis of rapid drawdown of an earth dam using direct coupling”, Computers and Geotechnics, 118: 103336, (2019).
  • [11] Salmasi F., Norouzi R., Abraham J., Nourani B., Samadi S. “Effect of inclined clay core on embankment dam seepage and stability through LEM and FEM”, Geotechnical and Geological Engineering, 38: 6571-6586, (2020).
  • [12] Kalateh F., and Kheiry M. “A review of stochastic analysis of the seepage through earth dams with a focus on the application of monte carlo simulation”, Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering, 1-26, (2023).
  • [13] “United States Bureau of Reclamation (USBR) Design of Small Dams”, (1987).
  • [14] PLAXIS 2D (Software). (2022). PLAXIS BV. Delft, The Netherlands: P.O. Box 572, 2600 AN.
  • [15] Tekin H. O., Manici T., Sıngh V. P. “An investigation on shielding effect of bismuth on lung CT scan using Monte Carlo simulation”, Politeknik Dergisi, 19(4): 617-622 (2016).
  • [16] Yanik A., Higgins C. “A monte-carlo simulation for the estimation of side-by-side loading events on oregon bridges”, Politeknik Dergisi, (2020).
  • [17] Python Software Foundation. Python Language Reference, version 3.10.4. Available at
  • [18] Üçdemir G., and Akbaş S. “Effect of wall stiffness on excavation-induced horizontal deformations in stiff-hard clays”, Gazi University Journal of Science Part A: Engineering and Innovation, 113-130, (2023).
  • [19] Korkut D. E., and Akbaş S. O. “The effect of incorporating vertical spatial variability on the probabilistic analysis of a deep excavation: a case study”, Politeknik Dergisi, 1:-1, (2023).
  • [20] Law J. “A statistical approach to the interstitial heterogeneity of sand reservoirs”, Transactions of the AIME, Soc. of Petroleum Eng., 155(1): 202-222, (1944).
  • [21] Warren J. E., Price H. S. “Flow in heterogeneous porous media”, Society. of Petroleum Engineer, SPE J., 1(3): 153-169, (1961).
  • [22] Bennion D. W., Griffiths J. C. “A stochastic model for predicting variations in reservoir rock properties”, Society. of Petroleum Engineer, SPE J., 6(1): 9-16. (1966).
  • [23] Bulnes A. C. “An application of statistical methods to core analysis data of dolomitic limestone”, Transactions of the AIME, Society. of Petroleum Engineer, SPE J., 165(1): 223-240. (1946).
  • [24] Kenanoğlu M. B., Toker N. K. A formulation for scanning soil-water characteristic curves. Politeknik Dergisi, 21(4): 901-906, (2018).
  • [25] Carsel R. F. and Parrish R. S. “Developing joint probability distributions of soil water retention characteristics”, Water Resources Research, 24(5): 755-769. (1988).
  • [26] Casagrande A. “Notes on soil mechanics-first semester”, Harvard University (unpublished), 129 p., (1938).
  • [27] Baecher G. B., Christian J. T. “Reliability and statistics in geotechnical engineering”, John Wiley & Sons. (2005).
  • [28] Wang F., Huang H., Yin, Z., Huang Q. “Probabilistic characteristics analysis for the time-dependent deformation of clay soils due to spatial variability”, European Journal. of Environmental. and Civil. Engineering, 26(12): 6096-6114, (2022).
  • [29] Ang A. H. S., and Tang W. H. “Probability concepts in engineering planning and design vol. 1: basic principles”, John Wiley & Sons, New York. (1975).
  • [30] Box G. E. P., Muller M. E. A. “Note on the generation of random normal deviates”, The Annals of Mathematical Statistics, 29(2): 610-611, (1958).
  • [31] Günay A. “Kil çekirdekli dolgu barajlarda sızmanın belirsizlik temelli incelenmesi”, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Gazi Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Ankara, (2023).

Probabilistic steady-state seepage analysis of clay core embankment dams

Year 2025, Volume: 28 Issue: 1, 167 - 176, 24.01.2025


Seepage in embankment dams is defined as the continuous and uncontrollable movement of water from the upstream to the downstream side of the dam. During design phase, it is aimed to keep this movement below a certain threshold. For this aim, numerous experimental and numerical studies have been conducted to accurately predict seepage. In recent years, probabilistic analyses incorporating variations in soil properties have been increasingly employed, particularly with the aim of reducing uncertainties in calculations. Finite element methods are frequently employed in these probabilistic analyses. In this study, probabilistic seepage analyses were conducted using the finite element method, considering uncertainties in the permeability values of the core material. Two hypothetical embankment dams with different core slopes were designed for the study. Initially, the statistical parameters of permeability values for the clay core were determined, and permeabilities generated through Monte Carlo simulations were employed as inputs for PLAXIS 2D analyses. Results from both models with the same mean permeability were compared with each other and with the deterministically obtained results. Generally, the study reveals lower seepage values through probabilistic analysis compared to those obtained with deterministic methods. Furthermore, the impact of the assumed probabilistic distribution parameters of the soil variability on the final outcome was explicitly illustrated.

Ethical Statement

The author(s) of this article declare that the materials and methods used in this study do not require ethical committee permission and/or legal-special permission.


  • [1] Çalamak M. “Uncertainty based analysis of seepage through earth-fill dams”, Doktora Tezi, Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Ankara, (2014).
  • [2] Polater Ö. “Dolgu barajların farklı geçirimsiz malzemeler kullanılarak sızma analizi”, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Bitlis Eren Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Bitlis, (2021).
  • [3] Fenton G. and Griffiths D. “Statistics of free surface flow through stochastic earth dam”, Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, (ASCE), 122(6): 410– 427, (1996).
  • [4] Ahmed A. A. “Stochastic analysis of free surface flow through earth dams", Computers and Geotechnics, 36(7): 1186-1190, (2009).
  • [5] Srivastava A., Babu G. L. S., and Haldar S. “Influence of spatial variability of permeability property on steady state seepage flow and slope stability analysis”, Engineering Geology, 110(3-4): 93–101. doi:10.1016/j.enggeo.2009.11.006, (2010).
  • [6] Cho S.E. “Probabilistic analysis of seepage that considers the spatial variability of permeability for an embankment on soil foundation”, Engineering Geology, 133–134:30–39, (2012).
  • [7] Le T. M. H., Gallipoli D., Sanchez M. and Wheeler S. J. “Stochastic analysis of unsaturated seepage through randomly heterogeneous earth embankments”, International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 36(8): 1056-1076, (2012).
  • [8] Tan X., Wang, X., Khoshnevisan S., Hou X., and Zha F. “Seepage analysis of earth dams considering spatial variability of hydraulic parameters”, Engineering Geology, 228: 260–269, (2017).
  • [9] Mouyeaux A., Carvajal C., Bressolette P, Peyras L, Breul P, Bacconnet C Probabilistic analysis of pore water pressures of an earth dam using a random fnite element approach based on feld data. Eng Geol. 259: 105190, (2019).
  • [10] Siacara A. T., Beck A. T., and Futai M. M. “Reliability analysis of rapid drawdown of an earth dam using direct coupling”, Computers and Geotechnics, 118: 103336, (2019).
  • [11] Salmasi F., Norouzi R., Abraham J., Nourani B., Samadi S. “Effect of inclined clay core on embankment dam seepage and stability through LEM and FEM”, Geotechnical and Geological Engineering, 38: 6571-6586, (2020).
  • [12] Kalateh F., and Kheiry M. “A review of stochastic analysis of the seepage through earth dams with a focus on the application of monte carlo simulation”, Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering, 1-26, (2023).
  • [13] “United States Bureau of Reclamation (USBR) Design of Small Dams”, (1987).
  • [14] PLAXIS 2D (Software). (2022). PLAXIS BV. Delft, The Netherlands: P.O. Box 572, 2600 AN.
  • [15] Tekin H. O., Manici T., Sıngh V. P. “An investigation on shielding effect of bismuth on lung CT scan using Monte Carlo simulation”, Politeknik Dergisi, 19(4): 617-622 (2016).
  • [16] Yanik A., Higgins C. “A monte-carlo simulation for the estimation of side-by-side loading events on oregon bridges”, Politeknik Dergisi, (2020).
  • [17] Python Software Foundation. Python Language Reference, version 3.10.4. Available at
  • [18] Üçdemir G., and Akbaş S. “Effect of wall stiffness on excavation-induced horizontal deformations in stiff-hard clays”, Gazi University Journal of Science Part A: Engineering and Innovation, 113-130, (2023).
  • [19] Korkut D. E., and Akbaş S. O. “The effect of incorporating vertical spatial variability on the probabilistic analysis of a deep excavation: a case study”, Politeknik Dergisi, 1:-1, (2023).
  • [20] Law J. “A statistical approach to the interstitial heterogeneity of sand reservoirs”, Transactions of the AIME, Soc. of Petroleum Eng., 155(1): 202-222, (1944).
  • [21] Warren J. E., Price H. S. “Flow in heterogeneous porous media”, Society. of Petroleum Engineer, SPE J., 1(3): 153-169, (1961).
  • [22] Bennion D. W., Griffiths J. C. “A stochastic model for predicting variations in reservoir rock properties”, Society. of Petroleum Engineer, SPE J., 6(1): 9-16. (1966).
  • [23] Bulnes A. C. “An application of statistical methods to core analysis data of dolomitic limestone”, Transactions of the AIME, Society. of Petroleum Engineer, SPE J., 165(1): 223-240. (1946).
  • [24] Kenanoğlu M. B., Toker N. K. A formulation for scanning soil-water characteristic curves. Politeknik Dergisi, 21(4): 901-906, (2018).
  • [25] Carsel R. F. and Parrish R. S. “Developing joint probability distributions of soil water retention characteristics”, Water Resources Research, 24(5): 755-769. (1988).
  • [26] Casagrande A. “Notes on soil mechanics-first semester”, Harvard University (unpublished), 129 p., (1938).
  • [27] Baecher G. B., Christian J. T. “Reliability and statistics in geotechnical engineering”, John Wiley & Sons. (2005).
  • [28] Wang F., Huang H., Yin, Z., Huang Q. “Probabilistic characteristics analysis for the time-dependent deformation of clay soils due to spatial variability”, European Journal. of Environmental. and Civil. Engineering, 26(12): 6096-6114, (2022).
  • [29] Ang A. H. S., and Tang W. H. “Probability concepts in engineering planning and design vol. 1: basic principles”, John Wiley & Sons, New York. (1975).
  • [30] Box G. E. P., Muller M. E. A. “Note on the generation of random normal deviates”, The Annals of Mathematical Statistics, 29(2): 610-611, (1958).
  • [31] Günay A. “Kil çekirdekli dolgu barajlarda sızmanın belirsizlik temelli incelenmesi”, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Gazi Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Ankara, (2023).
There are 31 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Civil Geotechnical Engineering, Numerical Modelization in Civil Engineering
Journal Section Research Article

Arife Günay 0000-0002-3116-0408

Sami Oğuzhan Akbaş 0000-0002-7872-1604

Early Pub Date June 27, 2024
Publication Date January 24, 2025
Submission Date January 12, 2024
Acceptance Date May 31, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2025 Volume: 28 Issue: 1


APA Günay, A., & Akbaş, S. O. (2025). Kil Çekirdekli Dolgu Barajlarda Kararlı Durum Sızmasının Olasılıksal Analizi. Politeknik Dergisi, 28(1), 167-176.
AMA Günay A, Akbaş SO. Kil Çekirdekli Dolgu Barajlarda Kararlı Durum Sızmasının Olasılıksal Analizi. Politeknik Dergisi. January 2025;28(1):167-176. doi:10.2339/politeknik.1418676
Chicago Günay, Arife, and Sami Oğuzhan Akbaş. “Kil Çekirdekli Dolgu Barajlarda Kararlı Durum Sızmasının Olasılıksal Analizi”. Politeknik Dergisi 28, no. 1 (January 2025): 167-76.
EndNote Günay A, Akbaş SO (January 1, 2025) Kil Çekirdekli Dolgu Barajlarda Kararlı Durum Sızmasının Olasılıksal Analizi. Politeknik Dergisi 28 1 167–176.
IEEE A. Günay and S. O. Akbaş, “Kil Çekirdekli Dolgu Barajlarda Kararlı Durum Sızmasının Olasılıksal Analizi”, Politeknik Dergisi, vol. 28, no. 1, pp. 167–176, 2025, doi: 10.2339/politeknik.1418676.
ISNAD Günay, Arife - Akbaş, Sami Oğuzhan. “Kil Çekirdekli Dolgu Barajlarda Kararlı Durum Sızmasının Olasılıksal Analizi”. Politeknik Dergisi 28/1 (January 2025), 167-176.
JAMA Günay A, Akbaş SO. Kil Çekirdekli Dolgu Barajlarda Kararlı Durum Sızmasının Olasılıksal Analizi. Politeknik Dergisi. 2025;28:167–176.
MLA Günay, Arife and Sami Oğuzhan Akbaş. “Kil Çekirdekli Dolgu Barajlarda Kararlı Durum Sızmasının Olasılıksal Analizi”. Politeknik Dergisi, vol. 28, no. 1, 2025, pp. 167-76, doi:10.2339/politeknik.1418676.
Vancouver Günay A, Akbaş SO. Kil Çekirdekli Dolgu Barajlarda Kararlı Durum Sızmasının Olasılıksal Analizi. Politeknik Dergisi. 2025;28(1):167-76.