Year 2023,
Volume: 16 Issue: 1, 61 - 82, 31.01.2023
Ali Emre Aydın
Volkan Dogan
Bu çalışmanın amacı, mahremiyet endişesi ve özerkliğe verilen önemin kalma niyetiyle ilişkisinde tüketici ataletinin rolünü incelemektir. Bu amaç doğrultusunda çevrim içi anket aracılığıyla toplanan 250 veri kapsamında analizler yapılmıştır. Yapısal eşitlik modeli yardımıyla gerçekleştirilen analizler sonucunda özerkliğe verilen önem ile kalma niyeti arasında negatif bir ilişki olduğu belirlenmiştir. Buna ek olarak, tüketici ataletinin mahremiyet endişesi ile kalma niyeti arasındaki ilişkiye tam aracılık, özerkliğe verilen önem ile kalma niyeti arasındaki ilişkiye ise kısmi aracılık ettiği ortaya konmuştur. Çalışmanın bulguları ataletin, kriz anlarındaki olumsuz tüketici deneyimlerine karşın kalma niyeti için belirleyici bir role sahip olduğuna işaret etmektedir. Bu bağlamda çalışma, tüketici ataletine ilişkin tartışma zeminini derinleştirerek gelecek araştırmalara katkı sağlamayı hedeflemektedir.
- Akgün, A. C., Paltun, D. & Abanoz, M. (2021). Süperpanoptik iktidar: Whatsapp Türkiye gizlilik ilkesi uygulaması örneği özelinde bir inceleme. Ege Üniversitesi İletişim Fakültesi Yeni Düşünceler Hakemli E-Dergisi, 15, 78-95.
- Anderson, R. E., & Swaminathan, S. (2011). Customer satisfaction and loyalty in e-markets: A PLS path modeling approach. Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, 19(2), 221-234.
- André, Q., Carmon, Z., Wertenbroch, K., Crum, A., Frank, D., Goldstein, W., ... & Yang, H. (2018). Consumer choice and autonomy in the age of artificial intelligence and big data. Customer Needs and Solutions, 5(1), 28-37.
- Bagozzi, R. P. & Yi, Y. (2012). Specification, evaluation, and interpretation of structural equation models. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 40(1), 8-34.
- Bhattacharjee, A., Berger, J. & Menon, G. (2014). When identity marketing backfires: Consumer agency in identity expression. Journal of Consumer Research, 41(2), 294-309.
- Bendapudi, N. & Berry, L. L. (1997). Customers' motivations for maintaining relationships with service providers. Journal of Retailing, 73(1), 15-37.
- Bleier, A. & Eisenbeiss, M. (2015). The importance of trust for personalized online advertising. Journal of Retailing, 91(3), 390-409.
- Bozzo, C. (2002). Understanding inertia in an industrial context. Journal of Customer Behaviour, 1(3), 335-355.
- Brehm, W. J. (1989). Psychological reactance: Theory and applications. T. K. Srull (Ed.). NA - Advances in Consumer Research Volume 16, (s. 72-75). Association for Consumer Research.
- Burnham, T. A., Frels, J. K. & Mahajan, V. (2003). Consumer switching costs: A typology, antecedents, and consequences. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 31(2), 109-126.
- Business Insider Intelligence (2016). The messaging apps report: Messaging apps are now bigger than social networks., (30.04.2022).
- Cao, L., Manthiou, A. & Ayadi, K. (2022). Extension and customer reaction on sharing economy platforms: The role of customer inertia. Journal of Business Research, 144, 513-522.
- Carter, L., Gray, D., D'Alessandro, S. & Johnson, L. (2016). The “i love to hate them” relationship with cell phone service providers: The role of customer inertia and anger. Services Marketing Quarterly, 37(4), 225-240.
- Colgate, M. & Lang, B. (2001). Switching barriers in consumer markets: An investigation of the financial services industry. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 18(4), 332-347.
- Colgate, M., Tong, V. T. U., Lee, C. K. C. & Farley, J. U. (2007). Back from the brink: Why customers stay. Journal of Service Research, 9(3), 211-228.
- Cui, R., Xin, S. & Li, Z. (2021). Interrogating and redefining the concept of consumer inertia. Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 20(1), 21-31.
- Dinev, T. & Hart, P. (2004). Internet privacy concerns and their antecedents-measurement validity and a regression model. Behaviour & Information Technology, 23(6), 413-422.
- Gray, D. M., D’Alessandro, S., Johnson, L. W. & Carter, L. (2017). Inertia in services: Causes and consequences for switching. Journal of Services Marketing, 31(6), 485-498.
- Han, H., Kim, Y. & Kim, E. K. (2011). Cognitive, affective, conative, and action loyalty: Testing the impact of inertia. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 30(4), 1008-1019.
- Henderson, C. M., Steinhoff, L., Harmeling, C. M. & Palmatier, R. W. (2021). Customer inertia marketing. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 49(2), 350-373.
- Hern, A. (2021). Whatsapp loses millions of users after terms update., (01.05.2022).
- Huang, M. H., & Yu, S. (1999). Are consumers inherently or situationally brand loyal?—A set intercorrelation account for conscious brand loyalty and nonconscious inertia. Psychology & Marketing, 16(6), 523-544.
- Jones, M. A., Mothersbaugh, D. L. & Beatty, S. E. (2002). Why customers stay: Measuring the underlying dimensions of services switching costs and managing their differential strategic outcomes. Journal of Business Research, 55(6), 441-450.
- Kim, H. (2013). How variety-seeking versus inertial tendency influences the effectiveness of immediate versus delayed promotions. Journal of Marketing Research, 50(3), 416-426.
- Kleinman, Z. (2021). Whatsapp users flock to rival message platforms., (01.05.2022).
- Lee, R. & Neale, L. (2012). Interactions and consequences of inertia and switching costs. Journal of Services Marketing, 26(5), 365-374.
- Lucia-Palacios, L., Pérez-López, R., & Polo-Redondo, Y. (2016). Enemies of cloud services usage: inertia and switching costs. Service Business, 10(2), 447-467.
- Lwin, M., Wirtz, J. & Williams, J. D. (2007). Consumer online privacy concerns and responses: A power–responsibility equilibrium perspective. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 35(4), 572-585.
- Mahmoud, M. A., Hinson, R. E. & Adika, M. K. (2018). The effect of trust, commitment, and conflict handling on customer retention: The mediating role of customer satisfaction. Journal of Relationship Marketing, 17(4), 257-276.
- Phelps, J. E., D'Souza, G. & Nowak, G. J. (2001). Antecedents and consequences of consumer privacy concerns: an empirical investigation. Journal of Interactive Marketing, 15(4), 2-17.
- Pitta, D., Franzak, F., & Fowler, D. (2006). A strategic approach to building online customer loyalty: Integrating customer profitability tiers. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 421, 429.
- Porter, J. (2021). Whatsapp relaxes deadline for accepting its new privacy policy., (30.04.2022).
- Sheehan, K. B. & Hoy, M. G. (1999). Flaming, complaining, abstaining: How online users respond to privacy concerns. Journal of Advertising, 28(3), 37-51.
- Statista, (2022). Most popular global mobile messenger apps as of january 2022, based on number of monthly active users., (30.04.2022).
- Wang, L., Luo, X. R., Yang, X., & Qiao, Z. (2019). Easy come or easy go? Empirical evidence on switching behaviors in mobile payment applications. Information & Management, 56(7), 103150.
- Wendlandt, M. & Schrader, U. (2007). Consumer reactance against loyalty programs. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 24(5), 293-304.
- Wertenbroch, K., Schrift, R. Y., Alba, J. W., Barasch, A., Bhattacharjee, A., Giesler, M., ... & Zwebner, Y. (2020). Autonomy in consumer choice. Marketing Letters, 31(4), 429-439.
- Westin, A. F. (2003). Social and political dimensions of privacy. Journal of Social Issues, 59(2), 431-453.
- WhatsApp, (2021)., (30.04.2022).
- White, L. & Yanamandram, V. (2004). Why customers stay: Reasons and consequences of inertia in financial services. Managing Service Quality, 14(2-3), 183-194.
- Wu, L. W. (2011). Satisfaction, inertia, and customer loyalty in the varying levels of the zone of tolerance and alternative attractiveness. Journal of Services Marketing, 25(5), 310-322.
- Yanamandram, V. & White, L. (2006). Switching barriers in business-to-business services: A qualitative study. International Journal of Service Industry Management, 17(2), 158-192.
- Yanamandram, V. & White, L. (2010). Are inertia and calculative commitment distinct constructs?: An empirical study in the financial services sector. The International Journal of Bank Marketing, 28(7), 569-584.
- Zeelenberg, M. & Pieters, R. (2004). Beyond valence in customer dissatisfaction: A review and new findings on behavioral responses to regret and disappointment in failed services. Journal of Business Research, 57(4), 445-455.
Year 2023,
Volume: 16 Issue: 1, 61 - 82, 31.01.2023
Ali Emre Aydın
Volkan Dogan
This study aims to reveal the relationship between inertia and the intention to stay with the service provider in the face of regulations that create privacy concerns and restriction by businesses. For this purpose, 250 survey data, collected via an online platform, were analyzed. Structural equation modeling results indicate that intention to stay has a negative relationship with the importance of autonomy. Furthermore, we also demonstrate that consumer inertia fully mediates the relationship between privacy concerns and intention to stay, and partially mediates the relationship between importance of autonomy and intention to stay. The findings indicate that inertia has a decisive role in the intention to stay despite negative consumer experiences in times of crisis. In this context, the study aims to contribute to future research by deepening the discussion ground on consumer inertia.
- Akgün, A. C., Paltun, D. & Abanoz, M. (2021). Süperpanoptik iktidar: Whatsapp Türkiye gizlilik ilkesi uygulaması örneği özelinde bir inceleme. Ege Üniversitesi İletişim Fakültesi Yeni Düşünceler Hakemli E-Dergisi, 15, 78-95.
- Anderson, R. E., & Swaminathan, S. (2011). Customer satisfaction and loyalty in e-markets: A PLS path modeling approach. Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, 19(2), 221-234.
- André, Q., Carmon, Z., Wertenbroch, K., Crum, A., Frank, D., Goldstein, W., ... & Yang, H. (2018). Consumer choice and autonomy in the age of artificial intelligence and big data. Customer Needs and Solutions, 5(1), 28-37.
- Bagozzi, R. P. & Yi, Y. (2012). Specification, evaluation, and interpretation of structural equation models. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 40(1), 8-34.
- Bhattacharjee, A., Berger, J. & Menon, G. (2014). When identity marketing backfires: Consumer agency in identity expression. Journal of Consumer Research, 41(2), 294-309.
- Bendapudi, N. & Berry, L. L. (1997). Customers' motivations for maintaining relationships with service providers. Journal of Retailing, 73(1), 15-37.
- Bleier, A. & Eisenbeiss, M. (2015). The importance of trust for personalized online advertising. Journal of Retailing, 91(3), 390-409.
- Bozzo, C. (2002). Understanding inertia in an industrial context. Journal of Customer Behaviour, 1(3), 335-355.
- Brehm, W. J. (1989). Psychological reactance: Theory and applications. T. K. Srull (Ed.). NA - Advances in Consumer Research Volume 16, (s. 72-75). Association for Consumer Research.
- Burnham, T. A., Frels, J. K. & Mahajan, V. (2003). Consumer switching costs: A typology, antecedents, and consequences. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 31(2), 109-126.
- Business Insider Intelligence (2016). The messaging apps report: Messaging apps are now bigger than social networks., (30.04.2022).
- Cao, L., Manthiou, A. & Ayadi, K. (2022). Extension and customer reaction on sharing economy platforms: The role of customer inertia. Journal of Business Research, 144, 513-522.
- Carter, L., Gray, D., D'Alessandro, S. & Johnson, L. (2016). The “i love to hate them” relationship with cell phone service providers: The role of customer inertia and anger. Services Marketing Quarterly, 37(4), 225-240.
- Colgate, M. & Lang, B. (2001). Switching barriers in consumer markets: An investigation of the financial services industry. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 18(4), 332-347.
- Colgate, M., Tong, V. T. U., Lee, C. K. C. & Farley, J. U. (2007). Back from the brink: Why customers stay. Journal of Service Research, 9(3), 211-228.
- Cui, R., Xin, S. & Li, Z. (2021). Interrogating and redefining the concept of consumer inertia. Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 20(1), 21-31.
- Dinev, T. & Hart, P. (2004). Internet privacy concerns and their antecedents-measurement validity and a regression model. Behaviour & Information Technology, 23(6), 413-422.
- Gray, D. M., D’Alessandro, S., Johnson, L. W. & Carter, L. (2017). Inertia in services: Causes and consequences for switching. Journal of Services Marketing, 31(6), 485-498.
- Han, H., Kim, Y. & Kim, E. K. (2011). Cognitive, affective, conative, and action loyalty: Testing the impact of inertia. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 30(4), 1008-1019.
- Henderson, C. M., Steinhoff, L., Harmeling, C. M. & Palmatier, R. W. (2021). Customer inertia marketing. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 49(2), 350-373.
- Hern, A. (2021). Whatsapp loses millions of users after terms update., (01.05.2022).
- Huang, M. H., & Yu, S. (1999). Are consumers inherently or situationally brand loyal?—A set intercorrelation account for conscious brand loyalty and nonconscious inertia. Psychology & Marketing, 16(6), 523-544.
- Jones, M. A., Mothersbaugh, D. L. & Beatty, S. E. (2002). Why customers stay: Measuring the underlying dimensions of services switching costs and managing their differential strategic outcomes. Journal of Business Research, 55(6), 441-450.
- Kim, H. (2013). How variety-seeking versus inertial tendency influences the effectiveness of immediate versus delayed promotions. Journal of Marketing Research, 50(3), 416-426.
- Kleinman, Z. (2021). Whatsapp users flock to rival message platforms., (01.05.2022).
- Lee, R. & Neale, L. (2012). Interactions and consequences of inertia and switching costs. Journal of Services Marketing, 26(5), 365-374.
- Lucia-Palacios, L., Pérez-López, R., & Polo-Redondo, Y. (2016). Enemies of cloud services usage: inertia and switching costs. Service Business, 10(2), 447-467.
- Lwin, M., Wirtz, J. & Williams, J. D. (2007). Consumer online privacy concerns and responses: A power–responsibility equilibrium perspective. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 35(4), 572-585.
- Mahmoud, M. A., Hinson, R. E. & Adika, M. K. (2018). The effect of trust, commitment, and conflict handling on customer retention: The mediating role of customer satisfaction. Journal of Relationship Marketing, 17(4), 257-276.
- Phelps, J. E., D'Souza, G. & Nowak, G. J. (2001). Antecedents and consequences of consumer privacy concerns: an empirical investigation. Journal of Interactive Marketing, 15(4), 2-17.
- Pitta, D., Franzak, F., & Fowler, D. (2006). A strategic approach to building online customer loyalty: Integrating customer profitability tiers. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 421, 429.
- Porter, J. (2021). Whatsapp relaxes deadline for accepting its new privacy policy., (30.04.2022).
- Sheehan, K. B. & Hoy, M. G. (1999). Flaming, complaining, abstaining: How online users respond to privacy concerns. Journal of Advertising, 28(3), 37-51.
- Statista, (2022). Most popular global mobile messenger apps as of january 2022, based on number of monthly active users., (30.04.2022).
- Wang, L., Luo, X. R., Yang, X., & Qiao, Z. (2019). Easy come or easy go? Empirical evidence on switching behaviors in mobile payment applications. Information & Management, 56(7), 103150.
- Wendlandt, M. & Schrader, U. (2007). Consumer reactance against loyalty programs. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 24(5), 293-304.
- Wertenbroch, K., Schrift, R. Y., Alba, J. W., Barasch, A., Bhattacharjee, A., Giesler, M., ... & Zwebner, Y. (2020). Autonomy in consumer choice. Marketing Letters, 31(4), 429-439.
- Westin, A. F. (2003). Social and political dimensions of privacy. Journal of Social Issues, 59(2), 431-453.
- WhatsApp, (2021)., (30.04.2022).
- White, L. & Yanamandram, V. (2004). Why customers stay: Reasons and consequences of inertia in financial services. Managing Service Quality, 14(2-3), 183-194.
- Wu, L. W. (2011). Satisfaction, inertia, and customer loyalty in the varying levels of the zone of tolerance and alternative attractiveness. Journal of Services Marketing, 25(5), 310-322.
- Yanamandram, V. & White, L. (2006). Switching barriers in business-to-business services: A qualitative study. International Journal of Service Industry Management, 17(2), 158-192.
- Yanamandram, V. & White, L. (2010). Are inertia and calculative commitment distinct constructs?: An empirical study in the financial services sector. The International Journal of Bank Marketing, 28(7), 569-584.
- Zeelenberg, M. & Pieters, R. (2004). Beyond valence in customer dissatisfaction: A review and new findings on behavioral responses to regret and disappointment in failed services. Journal of Business Research, 57(4), 445-455.