Research Article
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Narrative observation about music institutionalization through music educational institutions in Kosovo (1948-2020)

Year 2023, , 529 - 547, 30.12.2023


The institutionalization of music in Kosovo emerged as a necessary process, playing a pivotal role in fostering sustainable cultural and social development. Its profound effectiveness became evident in the musical trajectory of cultural advancements from the 1950s and 60s onwards. Music schools stood as the primary catalysts, generating a cadre of music professionals involved in various facets of musical productivity. They provided comprehensive professional training to the entire musical community, encompassing composers, conductors, instrumentalists, and pedagogues, who actively contributed to the vibrant musical activities. The year 1948 marked a significant milestone with the establishment of the first music school, initially named ‘Josip Slavenski’ and now known as ‘Lorenc Antoni,’ in Prizren. This was followed by the inception of the music school ‘Stevan Mokranjac,’ later renamed ‘Prenk Jakova,’ in Prishtina in 1949. These institutions served as foundational pillars, laying the groundwork for the subsequent development of a multidimensional music landscape. Notably, the establishment of the Higher Pedagogical School (Branch of Music Education) in 1963 and the Music Academy in 1975 represented crucial milestones, marking the expansion and enrichment of the music sector. The period between 1990 and 1999, characterized by a tumultuous socio-political landscape, posed significant challenges to music education. In the years following 2000, music education in Kosovo continued to adapt and evolve, reflecting to the changing socio-political and cultural landscape. This era witnessed new processes of the established institutional forms and typologies, prompting the adoption of new curricula and a re- evaluation of music education within the context of the evolving social reality and market demands. Furthermore, the demand for music education continued to grow, leading to the establishment of more music schools and programs throughout the country. In general, since 1948, music education in Kosovo represents an unstoppable process that in terms of historical importance, it represents the cornerstone of all professional musical developments in Kosovo..


  • ***. (1949). Nga garat e seksioneve dramatike të SHKA-ve të Krahinës Sonë [From the Competitions of the Dramatic Sections of the SHKA of our Region]. Rilindja, 8.
  • Antoni, L. (1968). Njëzet vjet të shkollës së muzikës “Josip Slavenski” Prizren [Twenty years of music school “Josip Slavenski” ]. Prizren: Ramiz Sadiku.
  • Berisha, E. (2004). Studime dhe vështrime për muzikën [Studies and Observations on Music] Prishtinë: Academy of Sciences and Arts of Kosovo.
  • Dema, A. (1961). Po shtohet nevoja për kuadrin e kualifikuem të muzikës (The need for qualified music staff is increasing]. Rilindja, 9.
  • Gashi, Z. (2017). Shtëpitë shkolla në fotografi [Home-Schools in photographs]. Prishtinë: Libri shkollor.
  • Halimi, D. (2005). Booklet, University of Prishtina 1970-2005. Prishtinë, University of Prishtina.
  • Hasani, S. (1960). Jeta kulturore kontribuon në zhvillimin e karakteristikës pozitive nacionale të të gjithë popujve të Krahinës [Cultural Life contributes to the Development of the Positive National Characteristics of all the Peoples of the Procvince]. Rilindja, 9.
  • Kovačević, K. (1984). Leksikon jugoslavenske muzike 2 Me-Ž (Svez. 2) (Lexicon of Yugoslav music 2 Me-Ž (Svez. 2)]. Zagreb: Jugoslavenski leksikografski zavod “Miroslav Krleža.
  • Luzha, B. (2015). Music education in post war Kosovo, Generalist and Specialist teacher’, identities, beliefs and practices. Doctoral Thesis. London: UCL Institute of Education.
  • Munishi, R. (2001). Identiteti muzikor [Music Identit]. Prishtinë: GME.
  • Music School in Prishtina. (1979). 30 vite të shkollës së muzikës ‘Stevan Mokranjac’ 1949- 1979 [30 years of the music school “Stevan Mokranjac” 1949-1979]. Prishtina: Rilindja.
  • Music School in Prishtina. (2019). Booklet, 70 Vjet Edukim [70 Years of Education]. Prishtina: Prenk Jakova.
  • Music School Prizren. (1978). 30 vite të shkollës së muzikës ‘Josip Slavenski’ 1948-1978 (30 Yeras of music school ‘Josip Slavenski’ 1948- 1978]. Prizren .
  • Osmanaj, S. (28. April 1972). Të kemi një kuadër të lartë muzikantësh [To have a high cadre of musicians]. Rilindja, 11.
  • Posa, C. (1998). The roots of contemporary Serbian nationalism. Ballkanistica No.11, page 70. (this is article)
  • Ramadani, M. (1972). Akademi e Arteve, por vetëm me dy grupe (Arts Academy only with two gropus). Rilindja, 6.
  • Rudi, R. (24. December 2020). Një foto dhe shumë kujtime, nëntë vjet punë të Fakultetit të Arteve. [A photopgraphs with many memories] Webpage: KultPlus https://www. te-kosoves/
  • Rudi, R. (October 2020). Një foto me shumë kujtime [A photo with many memories]. Dohvaćeno iz https:// shume-kujtime/
  • Shahini, B. (14. October 2016). Mësime në Rezistencë; Sistemi Paralel i Arsimit në Kosovë në Vitet ’90 [Lessons in Resistance; The Parallel Education System in Kosovo in the 90s]. Gazeta JNK: https://kallxo. com/rrefim/mesime-ne-rezistence-sistemi- paralel-arsimit-ne-kosove-ne-vitet-90/
  • Shatri, B. (2019). Arsimi dhe shkollat e mesme në Kosovë në shekullin XX [Education and secondary schools in Kosovo in the 20th century]. Prishtinë: Libri Shkollor.
  • Syla, S. (February 2, 2022). Kur Kosova kërkonte pavarësi! Qëndrimi i faktorit ndërkombëtar ndaj kërkesave të shqiptarëve të Kosovës për pavarësi 1990-1999 (1) (When Kosovo sought independence! The position of the international factor towards the demands of Kosovo Albanians for independence 1990-1999 (1)]. https://www. qendrimi-i-faktorit-nderkombetar-ndaj- kerkesave-te-shqiptareve-te-kosoves-per- pavaresi-1990-1999-1/
  • Togay S. & Birbudak, B. A. (2013). Education life in the Kosovo province in the early part of 20th century. International Journal of Academic Research, (Part B), Vol. 5 No.4, 255-260.
  • Tole, V. S. (2004). Cluster Muzikologji & Kompozicion [Cluster, Musicology & Composition]. Tiranë: Uegen.
  • Zaimi, B. (1968). Dhjetë vitet e punës së shkollës së lartë pedagogjike (1958-68) [Ten years of work at the higher pedagogical school]. Mitrovica: Progres.

Narrative observation about music institutionalization through music educational institutions in Kosovo (1948-2020)

Year 2023, , 529 - 547, 30.12.2023


The institutionalization of music in Kosovo emerged as a necessary process, playing a pivotal role in fostering sustainable cultural and social development. Its profound effectiveness became evident in the musical trajectory of cultural advancements from the 1950s and 60s onwards. Music schools stood as the primary catalysts, generating a cadre of music professionals involved in various facets of musical productivity. They provided comprehensive professional training to the entire musical community, encompassing composers, conductors, instrumentalists, and pedagogues, who actively contributed to the vibrant musical activities. The year 1948 marked a significant milestone with the establishment of the first music school, initially named ‘Josip Slavenski’ and now known as ‘Lorenc Antoni,’ in Prizren. This was followed by the inception of the music school ‘Stevan Mokranjac,’ later renamed ‘Prenk Jakova,’ in Prishtina in 1949. These institutions served as foundational pillars, laying the groundwork for the subsequent development of a multidimensional music landscape. Notably, the establishment of the Higher Pedagogical School (Branch of Music Education) in 1963 and the Music Academy in 1975 represented crucial milestones, marking the expansion and enrichment of the music sector. The period between 1990 and 1999, characterized by a tumultuous socio-political landscape, posed significant challenges to music education. In the years following 2000, music education in Kosovo continued to adapt and evolve, reflecting to the changing socio-political and cultural landscape. This era witnessed new processes of the established institutional forms and typologies, prompting the adoption of new curricula and a re- evaluation of music education within the context of the evolving social reality and market demands. Furthermore, the demand for music education continued to grow, leading to the establishment of more music schools and programs throughout the country. In general, since 1948, music education in Kosovo represents an unstoppable process that in terms of historical importance, it represents the cornerstone of all professional musical developments in Kosovo.


  • ***. (1949). Nga garat e seksioneve dramatike të SHKA-ve të Krahinës Sonë [From the Competitions of the Dramatic Sections of the SHKA of our Region]. Rilindja, 8.
  • Antoni, L. (1968). Njëzet vjet të shkollës së muzikës “Josip Slavenski” Prizren [Twenty years of music school “Josip Slavenski” ]. Prizren: Ramiz Sadiku.
  • Berisha, E. (2004). Studime dhe vështrime për muzikën [Studies and Observations on Music] Prishtinë: Academy of Sciences and Arts of Kosovo.
  • Dema, A. (1961). Po shtohet nevoja për kuadrin e kualifikuem të muzikës (The need for qualified music staff is increasing]. Rilindja, 9.
  • Gashi, Z. (2017). Shtëpitë shkolla në fotografi [Home-Schools in photographs]. Prishtinë: Libri shkollor.
  • Halimi, D. (2005). Booklet, University of Prishtina 1970-2005. Prishtinë, University of Prishtina.
  • Hasani, S. (1960). Jeta kulturore kontribuon në zhvillimin e karakteristikës pozitive nacionale të të gjithë popujve të Krahinës [Cultural Life contributes to the Development of the Positive National Characteristics of all the Peoples of the Procvince]. Rilindja, 9.
  • Kovačević, K. (1984). Leksikon jugoslavenske muzike 2 Me-Ž (Svez. 2) (Lexicon of Yugoslav music 2 Me-Ž (Svez. 2)]. Zagreb: Jugoslavenski leksikografski zavod “Miroslav Krleža.
  • Luzha, B. (2015). Music education in post war Kosovo, Generalist and Specialist teacher’, identities, beliefs and practices. Doctoral Thesis. London: UCL Institute of Education.
  • Munishi, R. (2001). Identiteti muzikor [Music Identit]. Prishtinë: GME.
  • Music School in Prishtina. (1979). 30 vite të shkollës së muzikës ‘Stevan Mokranjac’ 1949- 1979 [30 years of the music school “Stevan Mokranjac” 1949-1979]. Prishtina: Rilindja.
  • Music School in Prishtina. (2019). Booklet, 70 Vjet Edukim [70 Years of Education]. Prishtina: Prenk Jakova.
  • Music School Prizren. (1978). 30 vite të shkollës së muzikës ‘Josip Slavenski’ 1948-1978 (30 Yeras of music school ‘Josip Slavenski’ 1948- 1978]. Prizren .
  • Osmanaj, S. (28. April 1972). Të kemi një kuadër të lartë muzikantësh [To have a high cadre of musicians]. Rilindja, 11.
  • Posa, C. (1998). The roots of contemporary Serbian nationalism. Ballkanistica No.11, page 70. (this is article)
  • Ramadani, M. (1972). Akademi e Arteve, por vetëm me dy grupe (Arts Academy only with two gropus). Rilindja, 6.
  • Rudi, R. (24. December 2020). Një foto dhe shumë kujtime, nëntë vjet punë të Fakultetit të Arteve. [A photopgraphs with many memories] Webpage: KultPlus https://www. te-kosoves/
  • Rudi, R. (October 2020). Një foto me shumë kujtime [A photo with many memories]. Dohvaćeno iz https:// shume-kujtime/
  • Shahini, B. (14. October 2016). Mësime në Rezistencë; Sistemi Paralel i Arsimit në Kosovë në Vitet ’90 [Lessons in Resistance; The Parallel Education System in Kosovo in the 90s]. Gazeta JNK: https://kallxo. com/rrefim/mesime-ne-rezistence-sistemi- paralel-arsimit-ne-kosove-ne-vitet-90/
  • Shatri, B. (2019). Arsimi dhe shkollat e mesme në Kosovë në shekullin XX [Education and secondary schools in Kosovo in the 20th century]. Prishtinë: Libri Shkollor.
  • Syla, S. (February 2, 2022). Kur Kosova kërkonte pavarësi! Qëndrimi i faktorit ndërkombëtar ndaj kërkesave të shqiptarëve të Kosovës për pavarësi 1990-1999 (1) (When Kosovo sought independence! The position of the international factor towards the demands of Kosovo Albanians for independence 1990-1999 (1)]. https://www. qendrimi-i-faktorit-nderkombetar-ndaj- kerkesave-te-shqiptareve-te-kosoves-per- pavaresi-1990-1999-1/
  • Togay S. & Birbudak, B. A. (2013). Education life in the Kosovo province in the early part of 20th century. International Journal of Academic Research, (Part B), Vol. 5 No.4, 255-260.
  • Tole, V. S. (2004). Cluster Muzikologji & Kompozicion [Cluster, Musicology & Composition]. Tiranë: Uegen.
  • Zaimi, B. (1968). Dhjetë vitet e punës së shkollës së lartë pedagogjike (1958-68) [Ten years of work at the higher pedagogical school]. Mitrovica: Progres.
There are 24 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Music Education, Musicology and Ethnomusicology
Journal Section Original research

Kristina Perkola 0000-0002-3566-0522

Publication Date December 30, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023


APA Perkola, K. (2023). Narrative observation about music institutionalization through music educational institutions in Kosovo (1948-2020). Rast Musicology Journal, 11(4), 529-547.

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