Especially special school in the Ottoman Palace Janissary Band, lodge used bymevlevi dervishes and harmonica imperial are the institutions, in which music education isgiven in Ottoman Empire. schools connected to education take place between thesemevlevi dervishes and harmonica imperial are the institutions, in which music education isgiven in Ottoman Empire. schools connected to education take place between theseinstitutions after the political reforms made in the ottoman state in 1839. Ottomanelementary –primary school, ottoman junior high school, high school and sultânîc and highereducation schools started to give musical education towards the end of the 19th century.Music teachers educated in the new education system trained, the musical educationdependent practice system, according to the logics of age plans ,programs and exam systemanymore. So, ıt appears new lesson equipments, sources and educational models. The purpose of this study is analyzing the musical politics of ottoman educationorganization and surveying as a summary musical education continued throughout 6thcentury. The modern education perceptive started to take place in schooling after thepolitical reforms made in the ottoman state in 1839 place emphasis on art lessons and musicmore than older time. The accessible archive records belonging to that time give importantinformations about musical education of age. So we try to narrate the adventure of music inottoman education system with documents based on exam, curriculums, school programs,teachers assignment and payments and musical equipments and materials
Başta Enderûn olmak üzere Mehter, Mevlevîhâneler ve Mızıkâyı Hümâyûn Başta Enderûn olmak üzere Mehter, Mevlevîhâneler ve Mızıkâyı Hümâyûn Osmanlı’da mûsikî eğitiminin verildiği resmi kurumlardır. arasına maârife bağlı okulların da girdiği görülmektedir. Sıbyan mektepleri, rüşdiye, idâdî, sultânî ve yüksek öğrenim mekteplerindeXIX. asrın sonlarına doğru mûsikî eğitimi arasına maârife bağlı okulların da girdiği görülmektedir. Sıbyan mektepleri, rüşdiye, idâdî, Osmanlı’da mûsikî eğitiminin verildiği resmi kurumlardır. Tanzimat’tan sonra bu kurumlar
Primary Language | Turkish |
Journal Section | Review article |
Authors | |
Publication Date | June 1, 2014 |
Published in Issue | Year 2014 |
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