Research Article
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Persian perspectives: Chardin, De la Borde, Kaempfer

Year 2019, , 2050 - 2083, 19.11.2019


Less well explored than the material supplied by European observers of Ottoman musical practice, that relating to the Safavid realm is nevertheless instructive, both for the glimpses it gives of music as a social activity, especially in Isfahan, of the instruments used, and for what it reveals about the attitudes of the observers. The contributions of two of the most perceptive seventeenth-century European commentators are surveyed here, together with the attempts of an eighteenth-century encyclopaedist to grapple with a Persian theoretical text, reflecting a nascent concern with indigenous theory as Enlightenment thinkers develop an interest in exploring the music of other cultures while at the same time becoming more self-confident in their assumptions of European musical superiority.


  • Thérèse B. Antar, ‘Traduction et commentaire d’un traité de musique arabe; livre de la connaissance des tons et leur explication de l’auteur Shams al-Dîn Muhammad al-Saydâwî al-Dimashqî’, thèse de doctorat, Université de Paris Sorbonne, 1979.
  • Cem Behar, 18. yüzyılda türk müziği: Charles Fonton, Istanbul: Pan Yayıncılık, 1987.
  • Ambrogio Bembo, Viaggio e giornale per parte dell’Asia di quattro anni incirca fatto da me Ambrogio Bembo nobile Veneto, ed. Antonio Invernizzi, Turin: CESMEO, 2005. [Charles-Henri] De Blainville, Histoire générale, critique et philologique de la musique, Paris: Pissot, 1767.
  • Philip V. Bohlman, ‘The European discovery of music in the Islamic World and the “Non-Western” in 19th-century music history’, The Journal of Musicology 5/2, 1987: 147-163.
  • Jean-Benjamin de la Borde, Essai sur la musique ancienne et moderne (Vol. 1, ch. XX ‘De la musique des Persans et des Turcs’), Paris: Ph.-D. Pierres, 1780.
  • Sonja Brentjes, ‘Early modern Western European travellers in the Middle East and their reports about the sciences’, Sciences, techniques et instruments dans le monde iranien (Xe-XIXe siècle) (Actes du colloque tenu à l’Université de Téhéran, 7-9 Juin 1998), Tehran, 2004, pp. 379-420.
  • Katherine Brown [Schofield], ‘Reading Indian music: the interpretation of seventeenth-century European travel-writing in the (re)construction of Indian music history’, British Journal of Ethnomusicology 9/2, 2000: 1-34.
  • Cornelius le Brun, Voyages de Corneille le Brun par la Moscovie, en Perse, et aux Indes Orientales, Amsterdam: Freres Wetstein, 1718.
  • Demetrius Cantemir, The collection of notations, i: text. Transcribed and annotated by O. Wright (SOAS Musicology Series, 1), London: School of Oriental and African Studies, 1992.
  • Jean Chardin, Voyages du chevalier Chardin en Perse et autres lieux de l’orient ... : enrichi d’un grand nombre de belles figures .. , Amsterdam: Jean Louis de Lorme, 1711; Paris: Le Normant, 1811.
  • Jeanne Chaybany, Les voyages en Perse et la pensée française au XVIIIe siècle, Tehran: Ministère de l’information, 1971. Martin Clayton and Bennett Zon (eds), Music and Orientalism in the British Empire, 1790s–1940s: portrayal of the East (Aldershot: Ashgate, 2009).
  • Costumes turcs, I, School of Oriental and African Studies MS 60368.
  • Mehmet Uğur Ekinci, ‘Not just any usul: semai in pre-nineteenth-century performance practice’, in Rachel Harris and Martin Stokes (eds), Theory and practice in the music of the Islamic world, London and New York: Routledge, 2018, pp. 42-72.
  • Walter Feldman, Music of the Ottoman court: makam, composition and the early Ottoman instrumental repertoire (Intercultural Music Studies, 10), Berlin: VWB - Verlag für Wissenschaft und Bildung, 1996.
  • Marchese Febvre [da Novì], Teatro della Turchia, Venice: Steffano Curti, 1684. Matthew Head, ‘Musicology on safari: Orientalism and the spectre of postcolonial theory’, Music Analysis 22/1-2, 2003: 211-230.
  • Gholamali Homayoun, ‘Iran in europäischen Bildzeugnissen vom Ausgang des Mittelalters bis ins achtzehnte Jahrhundert’, doctoral dissertation, Cologne University, 1967.
  • Angelika Jung, Quellen der traditionellen Kunstmusik der Usbeken und Tadschiken Mittelasiens (Beiträge zur Ethnomusikologie 23), Hamburg: Verlag der Musikalienhandlung Karl Dieter Wagner, 1989.
  • Engelbert Kaempfer, Amoenitatum exoticarum politico-physico-medicarum Fasciculi V, Quibus continentur Variae Relationes, Observationes et Descriptiones Rerum persicarum & ulterioris Asiae, multâ attentione, in peregrinationibus per universum Orientum, collectae, ab Auctore Engelberto Kaempfero, D. Lemgoviae [= Lemgo], Typis & Impensis Henrici Wilhelmi Meyeri, Aulae Lippiacae Typographi, 1712.
  • ——— Am Hofe des persischen Großkönigs 1684-1685, hrsg. Walter Hinz, Tübingen, Basel: Horst Erdmann Verlag, 1977.
  • ——— Exotic attractions in Persia, 1684-1688. Travels and observations, translated and annotated by Willem Floor & Colette Ouahes, Washington DC: Mage Publishers, 2018.
  • Raphael Georg Kiesewetter, Die Musik der Araber nach Originalquellen dargestellt, Leipzig: Breitkopf und Härtel, 1842, repr. in facsimile, Wiesbaden: Dr. Martin Sändig oHG, 1968.
  • Sebastian Klotz, ‘Tartini the Indian: perspectives on world music in the Enlightenment’, in Philip V. Bohlman (ed.), The Cambridge history of world music, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013, pp. 277-97.
  • T.C. Levin, ‘Music in modern Uzbekistan: the convergence of Marxist aesthetics and Central Asian tradition’, Asian Music 12/1, 1979: 149-63.
  • Ciro Lo Muzio, ‘The Persian ‘snap’: Iranian dancers in Gandhāra’, in Reinhard Strohm (ed.), The music road. Coherence and diversity in music from the Mediterranean to India (Proceedings of the British Academy 233), Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2019, pp. 71-86.
  • Marāġi, jāmi‘ al-alhān, ed. Bābak Ḫażrā’i, Tehran: farhangestān-e honar-e jomhuri-ye eslāmi-ye Irān, 1387/2009.
  • Michele Membré, Relazione di Persia (1542): Ms. Inedito dell’Archivio di Stato di Venezia/pubblicato da Giogio R. Cardona, Naples: Instituto universitario orientale, 1969.
  • Eckhard Neubauer, ‘Der Essai sur la Musique Orientale von Charles Fonton mit Zeichnungen von Adanson’, Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Arabisch-Islamischen Wissenschaften, 2, 1985: 277-324; 3, 1986: 335-76.
  • M.R. Obelkevich, ‘Turkish affect in the land of the Sun King’, The Musical Quarterly, 63/3, 1977: 367-389.
  • Adam Olearius, Vermehrte Newe Beschreibung Der Muscowitischen und Persischen Reyse. Schleswig, 1656, Neudruck Tübingen: Max Niemeyer Verlag, 1971.
  • Charles Perrault, Parallèle des Anciens et des Modernes en ce qui regarde les arts et les sciences…, Paris, 1688.
  • C.D. Rouillard, The Turk in French history, thought, and literature (1520-1660), Paris: Boivin, 1938.
  • al-Ṣaydāwī, kitāb fī ma‘rifat al-anġām wašarḥihā → Antar.
  • S. Schuster-Walser, Das Safavidische Persien im Spiegel europäischer Reiseberichte (1502-1722), Baden-Baden: Grimm; Hamburg, Buske in Komm, 1970.
  • Bertold Spuler, ‘Fremde Augen: Überlegungen zu Engelbert Kämpfers Reisebeschreibung’, Materialia Turcica 7/8, 1981-2: 325-35.
  • Martin Stokes, ‘The Middle East in music history: an ethnomusicological perspective’, in Reinhard Strohm (ed.), The music road. Coherence and diversity in music from the Mediterranean to India (Proceedings of the British Academy 233), Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2019, pp. 21-38. William Sumits, ‘The evolution of the maqām tradition in Central Asia: from the theory of 12 maqām to the practice of shashmaqām’, London University PhD thesis, 2011.
  • Julien Tiersot, Notes d’ethnographie musicale, Paris: Librairie Fischbacher, 1905.
  • al-Urmawī, kitāb al-adwār, ed. Hāšim Muḥammad al-Rajab, Baghdad: manšūrāt wazārat al-ṯaqāfa wa-’l-’i‘lām, 1980.
  • Pietro della Valle, Viaggi di Pietro della Valle e il pellegrinaggio descritti da lui medesimo in lettere familiari all’erudito suo amico Mario Schipano divisi in tre parte cioè: la Turchia, la Persia e l’India, vol. 1, Brighton: Garcia, 1843.
  • Guillaume André Villoteau, De l’état actuel de l’art musicale en Égypte, ou relation historique et descriptive des recherches et observations faites sur la musique en ce pays, Paris: Panckoucke, 1826.
  • Owen Wright, Demetrius Cantemir, The collection of notations, ii: commentary. (SOAS Musicology Series), Aldershot: Ashgate, 2000.
  • ——— ‘Turning a deaf ear’, in Anna Contadini and Claire Norton (eds), The Renaissance and the Ottoman world, Farnham: Ashgate, 2013, pp. 143-65.
  • Rauf Yekta Bey, ‘La musique turque’, in Encyclopédie de la musique (Lavignac), vol. I, Paris: C. Delagrave, 1922.

Persian perspectives: Chardin, De la Borde, Kaempfer

Year 2019, , 2050 - 2083, 19.11.2019


Less well explored than the material supplied by European observers of Ottoman musical practice, that relating to the Safavid realm is nevertheless instructive, both for the glimpses it gives of music as a social activity, especially in Isfahan, of the instruments used, and for what it reveals about the attitudes of the observers. The contributions of two of the most perceptive seventeenth-century European commentators are surveyed here, together with the attempts of an eighteenth-century encyclopaedist to grapple with a Persian theoretical text, reflecting a nascent concern with indigenous theory as Enlightenment thinkers develop an interest in exploring the music of other cultures while at the same time becoming more self-confident in their assumptions of European musical superiority.


  • Thérèse B. Antar, ‘Traduction et commentaire d’un traité de musique arabe; livre de la connaissance des tons et leur explication de l’auteur Shams al-Dîn Muhammad al-Saydâwî al-Dimashqî’, thèse de doctorat, Université de Paris Sorbonne, 1979.
  • Cem Behar, 18. yüzyılda türk müziği: Charles Fonton, Istanbul: Pan Yayıncılık, 1987.
  • Ambrogio Bembo, Viaggio e giornale per parte dell’Asia di quattro anni incirca fatto da me Ambrogio Bembo nobile Veneto, ed. Antonio Invernizzi, Turin: CESMEO, 2005. [Charles-Henri] De Blainville, Histoire générale, critique et philologique de la musique, Paris: Pissot, 1767.
  • Philip V. Bohlman, ‘The European discovery of music in the Islamic World and the “Non-Western” in 19th-century music history’, The Journal of Musicology 5/2, 1987: 147-163.
  • Jean-Benjamin de la Borde, Essai sur la musique ancienne et moderne (Vol. 1, ch. XX ‘De la musique des Persans et des Turcs’), Paris: Ph.-D. Pierres, 1780.
  • Sonja Brentjes, ‘Early modern Western European travellers in the Middle East and their reports about the sciences’, Sciences, techniques et instruments dans le monde iranien (Xe-XIXe siècle) (Actes du colloque tenu à l’Université de Téhéran, 7-9 Juin 1998), Tehran, 2004, pp. 379-420.
  • Katherine Brown [Schofield], ‘Reading Indian music: the interpretation of seventeenth-century European travel-writing in the (re)construction of Indian music history’, British Journal of Ethnomusicology 9/2, 2000: 1-34.
  • Cornelius le Brun, Voyages de Corneille le Brun par la Moscovie, en Perse, et aux Indes Orientales, Amsterdam: Freres Wetstein, 1718.
  • Demetrius Cantemir, The collection of notations, i: text. Transcribed and annotated by O. Wright (SOAS Musicology Series, 1), London: School of Oriental and African Studies, 1992.
  • Jean Chardin, Voyages du chevalier Chardin en Perse et autres lieux de l’orient ... : enrichi d’un grand nombre de belles figures .. , Amsterdam: Jean Louis de Lorme, 1711; Paris: Le Normant, 1811.
  • Jeanne Chaybany, Les voyages en Perse et la pensée française au XVIIIe siècle, Tehran: Ministère de l’information, 1971. Martin Clayton and Bennett Zon (eds), Music and Orientalism in the British Empire, 1790s–1940s: portrayal of the East (Aldershot: Ashgate, 2009).
  • Costumes turcs, I, School of Oriental and African Studies MS 60368.
  • Mehmet Uğur Ekinci, ‘Not just any usul: semai in pre-nineteenth-century performance practice’, in Rachel Harris and Martin Stokes (eds), Theory and practice in the music of the Islamic world, London and New York: Routledge, 2018, pp. 42-72.
  • Walter Feldman, Music of the Ottoman court: makam, composition and the early Ottoman instrumental repertoire (Intercultural Music Studies, 10), Berlin: VWB - Verlag für Wissenschaft und Bildung, 1996.
  • Marchese Febvre [da Novì], Teatro della Turchia, Venice: Steffano Curti, 1684. Matthew Head, ‘Musicology on safari: Orientalism and the spectre of postcolonial theory’, Music Analysis 22/1-2, 2003: 211-230.
  • Gholamali Homayoun, ‘Iran in europäischen Bildzeugnissen vom Ausgang des Mittelalters bis ins achtzehnte Jahrhundert’, doctoral dissertation, Cologne University, 1967.
  • Angelika Jung, Quellen der traditionellen Kunstmusik der Usbeken und Tadschiken Mittelasiens (Beiträge zur Ethnomusikologie 23), Hamburg: Verlag der Musikalienhandlung Karl Dieter Wagner, 1989.
  • Engelbert Kaempfer, Amoenitatum exoticarum politico-physico-medicarum Fasciculi V, Quibus continentur Variae Relationes, Observationes et Descriptiones Rerum persicarum & ulterioris Asiae, multâ attentione, in peregrinationibus per universum Orientum, collectae, ab Auctore Engelberto Kaempfero, D. Lemgoviae [= Lemgo], Typis & Impensis Henrici Wilhelmi Meyeri, Aulae Lippiacae Typographi, 1712.
  • ——— Am Hofe des persischen Großkönigs 1684-1685, hrsg. Walter Hinz, Tübingen, Basel: Horst Erdmann Verlag, 1977.
  • ——— Exotic attractions in Persia, 1684-1688. Travels and observations, translated and annotated by Willem Floor & Colette Ouahes, Washington DC: Mage Publishers, 2018.
  • Raphael Georg Kiesewetter, Die Musik der Araber nach Originalquellen dargestellt, Leipzig: Breitkopf und Härtel, 1842, repr. in facsimile, Wiesbaden: Dr. Martin Sändig oHG, 1968.
  • Sebastian Klotz, ‘Tartini the Indian: perspectives on world music in the Enlightenment’, in Philip V. Bohlman (ed.), The Cambridge history of world music, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013, pp. 277-97.
  • T.C. Levin, ‘Music in modern Uzbekistan: the convergence of Marxist aesthetics and Central Asian tradition’, Asian Music 12/1, 1979: 149-63.
  • Ciro Lo Muzio, ‘The Persian ‘snap’: Iranian dancers in Gandhāra’, in Reinhard Strohm (ed.), The music road. Coherence and diversity in music from the Mediterranean to India (Proceedings of the British Academy 233), Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2019, pp. 71-86.
  • Marāġi, jāmi‘ al-alhān, ed. Bābak Ḫażrā’i, Tehran: farhangestān-e honar-e jomhuri-ye eslāmi-ye Irān, 1387/2009.
  • Michele Membré, Relazione di Persia (1542): Ms. Inedito dell’Archivio di Stato di Venezia/pubblicato da Giogio R. Cardona, Naples: Instituto universitario orientale, 1969.
  • Eckhard Neubauer, ‘Der Essai sur la Musique Orientale von Charles Fonton mit Zeichnungen von Adanson’, Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Arabisch-Islamischen Wissenschaften, 2, 1985: 277-324; 3, 1986: 335-76.
  • M.R. Obelkevich, ‘Turkish affect in the land of the Sun King’, The Musical Quarterly, 63/3, 1977: 367-389.
  • Adam Olearius, Vermehrte Newe Beschreibung Der Muscowitischen und Persischen Reyse. Schleswig, 1656, Neudruck Tübingen: Max Niemeyer Verlag, 1971.
  • Charles Perrault, Parallèle des Anciens et des Modernes en ce qui regarde les arts et les sciences…, Paris, 1688.
  • C.D. Rouillard, The Turk in French history, thought, and literature (1520-1660), Paris: Boivin, 1938.
  • al-Ṣaydāwī, kitāb fī ma‘rifat al-anġām wašarḥihā → Antar.
  • S. Schuster-Walser, Das Safavidische Persien im Spiegel europäischer Reiseberichte (1502-1722), Baden-Baden: Grimm; Hamburg, Buske in Komm, 1970.
  • Bertold Spuler, ‘Fremde Augen: Überlegungen zu Engelbert Kämpfers Reisebeschreibung’, Materialia Turcica 7/8, 1981-2: 325-35.
  • Martin Stokes, ‘The Middle East in music history: an ethnomusicological perspective’, in Reinhard Strohm (ed.), The music road. Coherence and diversity in music from the Mediterranean to India (Proceedings of the British Academy 233), Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2019, pp. 21-38. William Sumits, ‘The evolution of the maqām tradition in Central Asia: from the theory of 12 maqām to the practice of shashmaqām’, London University PhD thesis, 2011.
  • Julien Tiersot, Notes d’ethnographie musicale, Paris: Librairie Fischbacher, 1905.
  • al-Urmawī, kitāb al-adwār, ed. Hāšim Muḥammad al-Rajab, Baghdad: manšūrāt wazārat al-ṯaqāfa wa-’l-’i‘lām, 1980.
  • Pietro della Valle, Viaggi di Pietro della Valle e il pellegrinaggio descritti da lui medesimo in lettere familiari all’erudito suo amico Mario Schipano divisi in tre parte cioè: la Turchia, la Persia e l’India, vol. 1, Brighton: Garcia, 1843.
  • Guillaume André Villoteau, De l’état actuel de l’art musicale en Égypte, ou relation historique et descriptive des recherches et observations faites sur la musique en ce pays, Paris: Panckoucke, 1826.
  • Owen Wright, Demetrius Cantemir, The collection of notations, ii: commentary. (SOAS Musicology Series), Aldershot: Ashgate, 2000.
  • ——— ‘Turning a deaf ear’, in Anna Contadini and Claire Norton (eds), The Renaissance and the Ottoman world, Farnham: Ashgate, 2013, pp. 143-65.
  • Rauf Yekta Bey, ‘La musique turque’, in Encyclopédie de la musique (Lavignac), vol. I, Paris: C. Delagrave, 1922.
There are 42 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Original research

Owen Wrıght This is me

Publication Date November 19, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019


APA Wrıght, O. (2019). Persian perspectives: Chardin, De la Borde, Kaempfer. Rast Musicology Journal, 7(2), 2050-2083.

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